Beispiel #1
wxNotebookPage* PreferencesWindow::CreateGeneralPage() {
	wxNotebookPage* general_page = newd wxPanel(book, wxID_ANY);

	wxSizer* sizer = newd wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
	wxStaticText* tmptext;
	sizer->Add(always_make_backup_chkbox = newd wxCheckBox(general_page, wxID_ANY, wxT("Always make map backup")));
	always_make_backup_chkbox->SetValue(settings.getInteger(Config::ALWAYS_MAKE_BACKUP) == 1);
	sizer->Add(create_on_startup_chkbox = newd wxCheckBox(general_page, wxID_ANY, wxT("Create map on startup")));
	create_on_startup_chkbox->SetValue(settings.getInteger(Config::CREATE_MAP_ON_STARTUP) == 1);

	sizer->Add(update_check_on_startup_chkbox = newd wxCheckBox(general_page, wxID_ANY, wxT("Check for updates on startup")));
	update_check_on_startup_chkbox->SetValue(settings.getInteger(Config::USE_UPDATER) == 1);

	sizer->Add(only_one_instance_chkbox = newd wxCheckBox(general_page, wxID_ANY, wxT("Open all maps in the same instance")));
	only_one_instance_chkbox->SetValue(settings.getInteger(Config::ONLY_ONE_INSTANCE) == 1);
	only_one_instance_chkbox->SetToolTip(wxT("When checked, maps opened using the shell will all be opened in the same instance."));

	wxFlexGridSizer* grid_sizer = newd wxFlexGridSizer(2, 10, 10);

	grid_sizer->Add(tmptext = newd wxStaticText(general_page, wxID_ANY, wxT("Undo queue size: ")), 0);
	undo_size_spin = newd wxSpinCtrl(general_page, wxID_ANY, i2ws(settings.getInteger(Config::UNDO_SIZE)), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxSP_ARROW_KEYS, 0, 0x10000000);
	grid_sizer->Add(undo_size_spin, 0);
	SetWindowToolTip(tmptext, undo_size_spin, wxT("How many action you can undo, be aware that a high value will increase memory usage."));

	grid_sizer->Add(tmptext = newd wxStaticText(general_page, wxID_ANY, wxT("Undo maximum memory size (MB): ")), 0);
	undo_mem_size_spin = newd wxSpinCtrl(general_page, wxID_ANY, i2ws(settings.getInteger(Config::UNDO_MEM_SIZE)), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxSP_ARROW_KEYS, 0, 4096);
	grid_sizer->Add(undo_mem_size_spin, 0);
	SetWindowToolTip(tmptext, undo_mem_size_spin, wxT("The approximite limit for the memory usage of the undo queue."));

	grid_sizer->Add(tmptext = newd wxStaticText(general_page, wxID_ANY, wxT("Worker Threads: ")), 0);
	worker_threads_spin = newd wxSpinCtrl(general_page, wxID_ANY, i2ws(settings.getInteger(Config::WORKER_THREADS)), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxSP_ARROW_KEYS, 1, 64);
	grid_sizer->Add(worker_threads_spin, 0);
	SetWindowToolTip(tmptext, worker_threads_spin, wxT("How many threads the editor will use for intensive operations. This should be equivalent to the amount of logical processors in your system."));



	return general_page;
Beispiel #2
wxNotebookPage* PreferencesWindow::CreateGeneralPage()
	wxNotebookPage* general_page = newd wxPanel(book, wxID_ANY);

	wxSizer* sizer = newd wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
	wxStaticText* tmptext;

	always_make_backup_chkbox = newd wxCheckBox(general_page, wxID_ANY, "Always make map backup");
	always_make_backup_chkbox->SetValue(g_settings.getInteger(Config::ALWAYS_MAKE_BACKUP) == 1);
	sizer->Add(always_make_backup_chkbox, 0, wxLEFT | wxTOP, 5);

	create_on_startup_chkbox = newd wxCheckBox(general_page, wxID_ANY, "Create map on startup");
	create_on_startup_chkbox->SetValue(g_settings.getInteger(Config::CREATE_MAP_ON_STARTUP) == 1);
	sizer->Add(create_on_startup_chkbox, 0, wxLEFT | wxTOP, 5);

	update_check_on_startup_chkbox = newd wxCheckBox(general_page, wxID_ANY, "Check for updates on startup");
	update_check_on_startup_chkbox->SetValue(g_settings.getInteger(Config::USE_UPDATER) == 1);
	sizer->Add(update_check_on_startup_chkbox, 0, wxLEFT | wxTOP, 5);

	only_one_instance_chkbox = newd wxCheckBox(general_page, wxID_ANY, "Open all maps in the same instance");
	only_one_instance_chkbox->SetValue(g_settings.getInteger(Config::ONLY_ONE_INSTANCE) == 1);
	only_one_instance_chkbox->SetToolTip("When checked, maps opened using the shell will all be opened in the same instance.");
	sizer->Add(only_one_instance_chkbox, 0, wxLEFT | wxTOP, 5);


	wxFlexGridSizer* grid_sizer = newd wxFlexGridSizer(2, 10, 10);

	grid_sizer->Add(tmptext = newd wxStaticText(general_page, wxID_ANY, "Undo queue size: "), 0);
	undo_size_spin = newd wxSpinCtrl(general_page, wxID_ANY, i2ws(g_settings.getInteger(Config::UNDO_SIZE)), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxSP_ARROW_KEYS, 0, 0x10000000);
	grid_sizer->Add(undo_size_spin, 0);
	SetWindowToolTip(tmptext, undo_size_spin, "How many action you can undo, be aware that a high value will increase memory usage.");

	grid_sizer->Add(tmptext = newd wxStaticText(general_page, wxID_ANY, "Undo maximum memory size (MB): "), 0);
	undo_mem_size_spin = newd wxSpinCtrl(general_page, wxID_ANY, i2ws(g_settings.getInteger(Config::UNDO_MEM_SIZE)), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxSP_ARROW_KEYS, 0, 4096);
	grid_sizer->Add(undo_mem_size_spin, 0);
	SetWindowToolTip(tmptext, undo_mem_size_spin, "The approximite limit for the memory usage of the undo queue.");

	grid_sizer->Add(tmptext = newd wxStaticText(general_page, wxID_ANY, "Worker Threads: "), 0);
	worker_threads_spin = newd wxSpinCtrl(general_page, wxID_ANY, i2ws(g_settings.getInteger(Config::WORKER_THREADS)), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxSP_ARROW_KEYS, 1, 64);
	grid_sizer->Add(worker_threads_spin, 0);
	SetWindowToolTip(tmptext, worker_threads_spin, "How many threads the editor will use for intensive operations. This should be equivalent to the amount of logical processors in your system.");

	grid_sizer->Add(tmptext = newd wxStaticText(general_page, wxID_ANY, "Replace count: "), 0);
	replace_size_spin = newd wxSpinCtrl(general_page, wxID_ANY, i2ws(g_settings.getInteger(Config::REPLACE_SIZE)), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxSP_ARROW_KEYS, 0, 100000);
	grid_sizer->Add(replace_size_spin, 0);
	SetWindowToolTip(tmptext, replace_size_spin, "How many items you can replace on the map using the Replace Item tool.");

	sizer->Add(grid_sizer, 0, wxALL, 5);

	wxString position_choices[] = { "  {x = 0, y = 0, z = 0}",
									"  {\"x\":0,\"y\":0,\"z\":0}",
									"  x, y, z",
									"  (x, y, z)",
									"  Position(x, y, z)" };
	int radio_choices = sizeof(position_choices) / sizeof(wxString);
	position_format = newd wxRadioBox(general_page, wxID_ANY, "Copy Position Format", wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, radio_choices, position_choices, 1, wxRA_SPECIFY_COLS);
	sizer->Add(position_format, 0, wxALL | wxEXPAND, 5);
	SetWindowToolTip(tmptext, position_format, "The position format when copying from the map.");


	return general_page;
Beispiel #3
wxNotebookPage* PreferencesWindow::CreateClientPage()
	wxNotebookPage* client_page = newd wxPanel(book, wxID_ANY);

	// Refresh g_settings
	ClientVersionList versions = ClientVersion::getAllVisible();

	wxSizer* topsizer = newd wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);

	wxFlexGridSizer* options_sizer = newd wxFlexGridSizer(2, 10, 10);

	// Default client version choice control
	default_version_choice = newd wxChoice(client_page, wxID_ANY);
	wxStaticText* default_client_tooltip = newd wxStaticText(client_page, wxID_ANY, "Default client version:");
	options_sizer->Add(default_client_tooltip, 0, wxLEFT | wxTOP, 5);
	options_sizer->Add(default_version_choice, 0, wxTOP, 5);
	SetWindowToolTip(default_client_tooltip, default_version_choice, "This will decide what client version will be used when new maps are created.");

	// Check file sigs checkbox
	check_sigs_chkbox = newd wxCheckBox(client_page, wxID_ANY, "Check file signatures");
	check_sigs_chkbox->SetToolTip("When this option is not checked, the editor will load any OTB/DAT/SPR combination without complaints. This may cause graphics bugs.");
	options_sizer->Add(check_sigs_chkbox, 0, wxLEFT | wxRIGHT | wxTOP, 5);

	// Add the grid sizer
	topsizer->Add(options_sizer, wxSizerFlags(0).Expand());

	wxScrolledWindow *client_list_window = newd wxScrolledWindow(client_page, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(400, 350), wxSUNKEN_BORDER);
	wxFlexGridSizer* client_list_sizer = newd wxFlexGridSizer(2, 10, 10);
	client_list_window->SetVirtualSize( 500, 1000 );

	int version_counter = 0;
	for(ClientVersionList::iterator version_iter = versions.begin(); version_iter != versions.end(); ++version_iter) {
		const ClientVersion* version = *version_iter;


		wxString searchtip;
		searchtip << "Version " << wxstr(version->getName()) << " search path";
		wxStaticText *tmp_text = newd wxStaticText(client_list_window, wxID_ANY, searchtip);
		client_list_sizer->Add(tmp_text, 0);

		wxDirPickerCtrl* dir_picker = newd wxDirPickerCtrl(client_list_window, wxID_ANY, version->getClientPath().GetFullPath());
		client_list_sizer->Add(dir_picker, 0);

		wxString tooltip;
		tooltip << "The editor will look for " << wxstr(version->getName()) << " DAT & SPR here.";

		if(version->getID() == g_settings.getInteger(Config::DEFAULT_CLIENT_VERSION))


	// Set the sizers
	client_list_window->SetScrollRate(5, 5);
	topsizer->Add(client_list_window, 0, wxALL, 5);

	return client_page;
Beispiel #4
wxNotebookPage* PreferencesWindow::CreateGraphicsPage()
	wxWindow* tmp;
	wxNotebookPage* graphics_page = newd wxPanel(book, wxID_ANY);

	wxSizer* sizer = newd wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);

	hide_items_when_zoomed_chkbox = newd wxCheckBox(graphics_page, wxID_ANY, "Hide items when zoomed out");
	sizer->Add(hide_items_when_zoomed_chkbox, 0, wxLEFT | wxTOP, 5);
	SetWindowToolTip(hide_items_when_zoomed_chkbox, "When this option is checked, \"loose\" items will be hidden when you zoom very far out.");

	icon_selection_shadow_chkbox = newd wxCheckBox(graphics_page, wxID_ANY, "Use icon selection shadow");
	sizer->Add(icon_selection_shadow_chkbox, 0, wxLEFT | wxTOP, 5);
	SetWindowToolTip(icon_selection_shadow_chkbox, "When this option is checked, selected items in the palette menu will be shaded.");

	use_memcached_chkbox = newd wxCheckBox(graphics_page, wxID_ANY, "Use memcached sprites");
	sizer->Add(use_memcached_chkbox, 0, wxLEFT | wxTOP, 5);
	SetWindowToolTip(use_memcached_chkbox, "When this is checked, sprites will be loaded into memory at startup and unpacked at runtime. This is faster but consumes more memory.\nIf it is not checked, the editor will use less memory but there will be a performance decrease due to reading sprites from the disk.");


	wxFlexGridSizer* subsizer = newd wxFlexGridSizer(2, 10, 10);

	// Icon background color
	icon_background_choice = newd wxChoice(graphics_page, wxID_ANY);
	icon_background_choice->Append("Black background");
	icon_background_choice->Append("Gray background");
	icon_background_choice->Append("White background");
	if(g_settings.getInteger(Config::ICON_BACKGROUND) == 255) {
	} else if(g_settings.getInteger(Config::ICON_BACKGROUND) == 88) {
	} else {

	subsizer->Add(tmp = newd wxStaticText(graphics_page, wxID_ANY, "Icon background color: "), 0);
	subsizer->Add(icon_background_choice, 0);
	SetWindowToolTip(icon_background_choice, tmp, "This will change the background color on icons in all windows.");

	// Cursor colors
	subsizer->Add(tmp = newd wxStaticText(graphics_page, wxID_ANY, "Cursor color: "), 0);
	subsizer->Add(cursor_color_pick = newd wxColourPickerCtrl(graphics_page, wxID_ANY, wxColor(
		)), 0);
	SetWindowToolTip(icon_background_choice, tmp, "The color of the main cursor on the map (while in drawing mode).");

	// Alternate cursor color
	subsizer->Add(tmp = newd wxStaticText(graphics_page, wxID_ANY, "Secondary cursor color: "), 0);
	subsizer->Add(cursor_alt_color_pick = newd wxColourPickerCtrl(graphics_page, wxID_ANY, wxColor(
		)), 0);
	SetWindowToolTip(icon_background_choice, tmp, "The color of the secondary cursor on the map (for houses and flags).");

	// Screenshot dir
	subsizer->Add(tmp = newd wxStaticText(graphics_page, wxID_ANY, "Screenshot directory: "), 0);
	screenshot_directory_picker = newd wxDirPickerCtrl(graphics_page, wxID_ANY);
	wxString ss = wxstr(g_settings.getString(Config::SCREENSHOT_DIRECTORY));
	SetWindowToolTip(screenshot_directory_picker, "Screenshot taken in the editor will be saved to this directory.");

	// Screenshot format
	screenshot_format_choice = newd wxChoice(graphics_page, wxID_ANY);
	if(g_settings.getString(Config::SCREENSHOT_FORMAT) == "png") {
	} else if(g_settings.getString(Config::SCREENSHOT_FORMAT) == "jpg") {
	} else if(g_settings.getString(Config::SCREENSHOT_FORMAT) == "tga") {
	} else if(g_settings.getString(Config::SCREENSHOT_FORMAT) == "bmp") {
	} else {
	subsizer->Add(tmp = newd wxStaticText(graphics_page, wxID_ANY, "Screenshot format: "), 0);
	subsizer->Add(screenshot_format_choice, 0);
	SetWindowToolTip(screenshot_format_choice, tmp, "This will affect the screenshot format used by the editor.\nTo take a screenshot, press F11.");

	sizer->Add(subsizer, 1, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 5);

	// Advanced g_settings
	wxCollapsiblePane* pane = newd wxCollapsiblePane(graphics_page, PANE_ADVANCED_GRAPHICS, "Advanced g_settings");
		wxSizer* pane_sizer = newd wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);

		pane_sizer->Add(texture_managment_chkbox = newd wxCheckBox(pane->GetPane(), wxID_ANY, "Use texture managment"));
		if(g_settings.getInteger(Config::TEXTURE_MANAGEMENT)) {

		wxFlexGridSizer* pane_grid_sizer = newd wxFlexGridSizer(2, 10, 10);

		pane_grid_sizer->Add(tmp = newd wxStaticText(pane->GetPane(), wxID_ANY, "Texture clean interval: "), 0);
		clean_interval_spin = newd wxSpinCtrl(pane->GetPane(), wxID_ANY, i2ws(g_settings.getInteger(Config::TEXTURE_CLEAN_PULSE)), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxSP_ARROW_KEYS, 0, 0x1000000);
		pane_grid_sizer->Add(clean_interval_spin, 0);
		SetWindowToolTip(clean_interval_spin, tmp, "This controls how often the editor tries to free hardware texture resources.");

		pane_grid_sizer->Add(tmp = newd wxStaticText(pane->GetPane(), wxID_ANY, "Texture longevity: "), 0);
		texture_longevity_spin = newd wxSpinCtrl(pane->GetPane(), wxID_ANY, i2ws(g_settings.getInteger(Config::TEXTURE_LONGEVITY)), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxSP_ARROW_KEYS, 0, 0x1000000);
		pane_grid_sizer->Add(texture_longevity_spin, 0);
		SetWindowToolTip(texture_longevity_spin, tmp, "This controls for how long (in seconds) that the editor will keep textures in memory before it cleans them up.");

		pane_grid_sizer->Add(tmp = newd wxStaticText(pane->GetPane(), wxID_ANY, "Texture clean threshold: "), 0);
		texture_threshold_spin = newd wxSpinCtrl(pane->GetPane(), wxID_ANY, i2ws(g_settings.getInteger(Config::TEXTURE_CLEAN_THRESHOLD)), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxSP_ARROW_KEYS, 100, 0x1000000);
		pane_grid_sizer->Add(texture_threshold_spin, 0);
		SetWindowToolTip(texture_threshold_spin, tmp, "This controls how many textures the editor will hold in memory before it attempts to clean up old textures. However, an infinite amount MIGHT be loaded.");

		pane_grid_sizer->Add(tmp = newd wxStaticText(pane->GetPane(), wxID_ANY, "Software clean threshold: "), 0);
		software_threshold_spin = newd wxSpinCtrl(pane->GetPane(), wxID_ANY, i2ws(g_settings.getInteger(Config::SOFTWARE_CLEAN_THRESHOLD)), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxSP_ARROW_KEYS, 100, 0x1000000);
		pane_grid_sizer->Add(software_threshold_spin, 0);
		SetWindowToolTip(software_threshold_spin, tmp, "This controls how many GUI sprites (icons) the editor will hold in memory at the same time.");

		pane_grid_sizer->Add(tmp = newd wxStaticText(pane->GetPane(), wxID_ANY, "Software clean amount: "), 0);
		software_clean_amount_spin = newd wxSpinCtrl(pane->GetPane(), wxID_ANY, i2ws(g_settings.getInteger(Config::SOFTWARE_CLEAN_SIZE)), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxSP_ARROW_KEYS, 1, 0x1000000);
		pane_grid_sizer->Add(software_clean_amount_spin, 0);
		SetWindowToolTip(software_clean_amount_spin, tmp, "How many sprites the editor will free at once when the limit is exceeded.");

		pane_sizer->Add(pane_grid_sizer, 0, wxEXPAND);



	sizer->Add(pane, 0);


	return graphics_page;