bool CameraClass::CameraControl(InputClass* Input, float dtime) { static float walkTime = 0; bool walking = false; if(Input->IsKeyPressed(DIK_W)) { m_positionX += forward.x ; m_positionY += forward.y; m_positionZ += forward.z; walking = true; } if(Input->IsKeyPressed(DIK_S)) { m_positionX -= forward.x ; m_positionY -= forward.y; m_positionZ -= forward.z; walking = true; } if(Input->IsKeyPressed(DIK_D)) { m_positionX -= side.x ; m_positionY -= side.y; m_positionZ -= side.z; walking = true; } if(Input->IsKeyPressed(DIK_A)) { m_positionX += side.x ; m_positionY += side.y; m_positionZ += side.z; walking = true; } //Input->XYDifference(); float deltaX, deltaY; Input->GetMouseDelta(deltaX,deltaY); //Rotate(deltaX,deltaY,0); SetYPR(deltaX,deltaY,0); if (walking == true) { walkTime += dtime; if (walkTime>0.75f) { walkTime = 0; playSound = true; } } return true; }
void MissileClass::Init1(void) { float cl1, cl2; /* used to calculate lift curve slope */ float ubody, vbody, wbody; /* Initial velocities in Body Axes */ //float cx, cz; float cx = 0, cz = 0; // JB 010318 int i=0, j=0; mlTrig trigAlpha, trigBeta; float tmpAlpha; /*---------------------------------------*/ /* location of missile in inertial space */ /*---------------------------------------*/ SetLaunchData(); tmpAlpha = alpha; alt = -z; /*-------------------------------------*/ /* initial missile and propellant mass */ /*-------------------------------------*/ mass = weight/GRAVITY; if (!F4IsBadReadPtr(inputData, sizeof(MissileInputData))){ // JB 010304 CTD m0 = inputData->wm0/GRAVITY; mp0 = inputData->wp0/GRAVITY; } else { m0 = 0; mp0 = 0; } // JB 010304 CTD mprop = wprop/GRAVITY; /*------------------------------*/ /* lift curve slope calculation */ /*------------------------------*/ Atmosphere(); alpha = 0.0F; Trigenometry(); if (aeroData && !F4IsBadReadPtr(aeroData, sizeof(MissileAeroData))){ // JB 010318 CTD cx = Math.TwodInterp (mach, alphat, aeroData->mach, aeroData->alpha, aeroData->cx, aeroData->numMach, aeroData->numAlpha, &i, &j); cz = Math.TwodInterp (mach, alphat, aeroData->mach, aeroData->alpha, aeroData->cz, aeroData->numMach, aeroData->numAlpha, &i, &j); } if (!ifd){ return; // JB 010803 } cl1 = -cz*ifd->geomData.cosalp + cx*ifd->geomData.sinalp; alpha = 1.0F; Trigenometry(); if (aeroData && !F4IsBadReadPtr(aeroData, sizeof(MissileAeroData))) // JB 010318 CTD { cx = Math.TwodInterp (mach, alphat, aeroData->mach, aeroData->alpha, aeroData->cx, aeroData->numMach, aeroData->numAlpha, &i, &j); cz = Math.TwodInterp (mach, alphat, aeroData->mach, aeroData->alpha, aeroData->cz, aeroData->numMach, aeroData->numAlpha, &i, &j); } cl2 = -cz*ifd->geomData.cosalp + cx*ifd->geomData.sinalp; /*-------------*/ /* derivatives */ /*-------------*/ ifd->clalph = cl2 - cl1; ifd->cybeta = -ifd->clalph; /*----------------------------*/ /* missile velocity at launch */ /*----------------------------*/ alpha = tmpAlpha; mlSinCos (&trigAlpha, alpha*DTR); mlSinCos (&trigBeta, beta*DTR); ubody = vt*trigAlpha.cos* trigBeta.cos + q*initZLoc - r*initYLoc; vbody = vt*trigBeta.sin + r*initXLoc - p*initZLoc; wbody = vt*trigAlpha.sin*trigBeta.cos + p*initYLoc - q*initXLoc; vt = (ubody*ubody + wbody*wbody); alpha = (float)atan2(wbody, ubody) * RTD; beta = (float)atan2(vbody, sqrt(vt))* RTD; vt = (float)sqrt(vbody*vbody + vt); Trigenometry(); /*-----------------*/ /* rotation matrix */ /*-----------------*/ dmx[0][0] = ifd->geomData.cospsi*ifd->geomData.costhe; dmx[0][1] = ifd->geomData.sinpsi*ifd->geomData.costhe; dmx[0][2] = -ifd->geomData.sinthe; dmx[1][0] = -ifd->geomData.sinpsi*ifd->geomData.cosphi + ifd->geomData.cospsi*ifd->geomData.sinthe*ifd->geomData.sinphi; dmx[1][1] = ifd->geomData.cospsi*ifd->geomData.cosphi + ifd->geomData.sinpsi*ifd->geomData.sinthe*ifd->geomData.sinphi; dmx[1][2] = ifd->geomData.costhe*ifd->geomData.sinphi; dmx[2][0] = ifd->geomData.sinpsi*ifd->geomData.sinphi + ifd->geomData.cospsi*ifd->geomData.sinthe*ifd->geomData.cosphi; dmx[2][1] = -ifd->geomData.cospsi*ifd->geomData.sinphi + ifd->geomData.sinpsi*ifd->geomData.sinthe*ifd->geomData.cosphi; dmx[2][2] = ifd->geomData.costhe*ifd->geomData.cosphi; /*-------------------------*/ /* missile velocity vector */ /*-------------------------*/ xdot = vt*ifd->geomData.cosgam*ifd->geomData.cossig; ydot = vt*ifd->geomData.cosgam*ifd->geomData.sinsig; zdot = -vt*ifd->geomData.singam; ifd->oldx[0] = x; ifd->oldx[1] = x; ifd->oldx[2] = xdot; //0.0; // MLR 1/5/2005 - ifd->oldx[3] = xdot; //0.0; // MLR 1/5/2005 - ifd->oldy[0] = y; ifd->oldy[1] = y; ifd->oldy[2] = ydot; //0.0; // MLR 1/5/2005 - ifd->oldy[3] = ydot; //0.0; // MLR 1/5/2005 - ifd->oldz[0] = z; ifd->oldz[1] = z; ifd->oldz[2] = zdot; //0.0; // MLR 1/5/2005 - ifd->oldz[3] = zdot; //0.0; // MLR 1/5/2005 - ifd->burnIndex = 0; launchState = PreLaunch; runTime = 0.0F; guidencephase =0; GuidenceTime = 0.0f; ifd->oldalp = 0; ifd->oldalpdt = 0; ifd->oldbet = 0; ifd->oldbetdt = 0; ifd->lastmach = 0; ifd->lastalpha = 0; /*-------------------*/ /* aero coefficients */ /*-------------------*/ Aerodynamics(); /*---------------------------*/ /* initialize engine impulse */ /*---------------------------*/ ifd->oldimp[0] = 0.0; ifd->oldimp[1] = 0.0; ifd->oldimp[2] = 0.0; ifd->oldimp[3] = 0.0; /*---------------------------------------------------*/ /* delta velocity and displacement along launch rail */ /*---------------------------------------------------*/ ifd->olddx[0] = 0.0; ifd->olddx[1] = 0.0; ifd->olddx[2] = 0.0; ifd->olddx[3] = 0.0; ifd->olddu[0] = 0.0; ifd->olddu[1] = 0.0; ifd->olddu[2] = 0.0; ifd->olddu[3] = 0.0; SetDelta(xdot, ydot, zdot); SetYPR(psi, theta, phi); }
void EjectedPilotClass::InitLocalData(AircraftClass *ac, int mode, int no){ DrawableBSP *acBSP; int labelLen; _delayTime = SimLibElapsedTime + no * 2 * CampaignSeconds; // Initialize position, rotation, velocity, angular velocity. if (ac) { _pos = EP_VECTOR(ac->XPos(),ac->YPos(),ac->ZPos()); _rot[I_ROLL] = ac->Roll(); _rot[I_PITCH] = ac->Pitch(); _rot[I_YAW] = ac->Yaw(); _vel = EP_VECTOR(ac->XDelta(),ac->YDelta(),ac->ZDelta()); _aVel[I_ROLL] = ac->RollDelta(); _aVel[I_PITCH] = ac->PitchDelta(); _aVel[I_YAW] = ac->YawDelta(); } else { _pos = EP_VECTOR(XPos(),YPos(),ZPos()); _rot[I_ROLL] = Roll(); _rot[I_PITCH] = Pitch(); _rot[I_YAW] = Yaw(); _vel = EP_VECTOR(XDelta(),YDelta(),ZDelta()); _aVel[I_ROLL] = RollDelta(); _aVel[I_PITCH] = PitchDelta(); _aVel[I_YAW] = YawDelta(); } // Play with this value to change the signature of an // ejected pilot on the IR. SetPowerOutput(0); // sfr: not setters on this anymore //SetVt(0); //SetKias(0); // Initialize physical data. _pd = NULL; _stage = PD_START; // Initialize model data to NULL. _md = NULL; _model = MD_START; // Set the ejection mode. SetMode(mode); // Initialize run time and delta time. _runTime = 0.0; _deltaTime = 0.0; // We just set the type flag to "FalconSimEntity". SetTypeFlag(FalconEntity::FalconSimEntity); // Is it ourselves - Find out from the aircraft. if (ac && no == 0){ _isPlayer = (SimDriver.GetPlayerEntity() == ac) ? TRUE : FALSE; } else { _isPlayer = FALSE; } // Is it a player - Find out from the aircraft. if (ac){ _isDigital = ac->IsDigital() ? TRUE : FALSE; } else{ _isDigital = TRUE; } // Set team/country if (ac){ SetCountry (ac->GetCountry()); } _endStageTimeAdjust = ( IsDigiPilot() ? 0.0F : _pd->humanPilotEndStageTimeAdjust ); // It hasn't hit the ground yet. _hitGround = FALSE; // The chute isn't collapsed yet. _collapseChute = FALSE; _chuteCollapsedTime = 1000000.0; // No death message yet. _deathMsg = NULL; // Update shared data. SetPosition(_pos[I_X], _pos[I_Y], _pos[I_Z]); SetDelta(_vel[I_X], _vel[I_Y], _vel[I_Z]); SetYPR(_rot[I_YAW], _rot[I_PITCH], _rot[I_ROLL]); SetYPRDelta(_aVel[I_YAW], _aVel[I_PITCH], _aVel[I_ROLL]); // Update matrices for geometry. CalcTransformMatrix((SimMoverClass *)this); // Set up our label. if (ac) { acBSP = (DrawableBSP *)ac->drawPointer; if(acBSP != NULL) { strncpy(_label, acBSP->Label(), 32); labelLen = strlen(acBSP->Label()); if (no == 0){ strncat(_label, " Pilot", 32 - labelLen); } else { char crewstr[20]; sprintf (crewstr, " Crew%d", no); strncat(_label, crewstr, 32 - labelLen); } _label[31] = 0; _labelColor = acBSP->LabelColor(); } else { _label[0] = 0; _labelColor = 0; } } else { strcpy(_label, "Pilot"); labelLen = strlen(_label); _labelColor = 0;//acBSP->LabelColor(); } _execCalledFromAircraft = FALSE; // Point to the aircraft that I ejected from. if (ac) { _aircraftId = ac->Id(); _flightId = ac->GetCampaignObject()->Id(); } // Update exec transfer synching data. _lastFrameCount = 0; // _execCount = 0; // Act like a bomb, so nobody sees you // edg: yuck, we now have an eject pilot motion SetFlag(MOTION_BMB_AI); SetFlag(MOTION_EJECT_PILOT); if (IsLocal()) { SimVuDriver *drive = new SimVuDriver(this); drive->ExecDR(SimLibElapsedTime); SetDriver (drive); } }
int EjectedPilotClass::Exec() { ACMIGenPositionRecord genPos; ACMISwitchRecord acmiSwitch; SoundPos.UpdatePos(this); if (IsDead()) return TRUE; // Call superclass Exec. SimMoverClass::Exec(); if (!SimDriver.MotionOn()) return IsLocal(); if (_delayTime > SimLibElapsedTime) { // not time yet RunJettisonCanopy(); // stay with it return IsLocal(); } // Advance time AdvanceTime(); // Simulate the ejected pilot here. switch(_stage) { case PD_JETTISON_CANOPY : { RunJettisonCanopy(); break; } case PD_EJECT_SEAT : { RunEjectSeat(); break; } case PD_FREE_FALL_WITH_SEAT : { RunFreeFall(); break; } case PD_CHUTE_OPENING : { RunFreeFall(); // Here we run our little switch based animation... static const int NUM_FRAMES = 31; float percent = (_runTime - StageEndTime(_stage-1)) / (StageEndTime(_stage) - StageEndTime(_stage-1)); int frame = FloatToInt32(percent * (NUM_FRAMES-0.5f)); if ( frame < 0 ) frame = 0; else if ( frame > NUM_FRAMES ) frame = NUM_FRAMES; percent = ((_runTime - _deltaTime ) - StageEndTime(_stage-1)) / (StageEndTime(_stage) - StageEndTime(_stage-1)); int prevframe = FloatToInt32(percent * ((float)NUM_FRAMES-0.5f)); if ( prevframe < 0 ) prevframe = 0; else if ( prevframe > NUM_FRAMES ) prevframe = NUM_FRAMES; if ( gACMIRec.IsRecording() && prevframe != frame) { acmiSwitch.hdr.time = SimLibElapsedTime * MSEC_TO_SEC + OTWDriver.todOffset; = Type(); = ACMIIDTable->Add(Id(),NULL,0);//.num_; = 0; = 1<<prevframe; = 1<<frame; gACMIRec.SwitchRecord( &acmiSwitch ); } if ( drawPointer ) ((DrawableBSP*)drawPointer)->SetSwitchMask( 0, 1<<frame ); break; } case PD_FREE_FALL_WITH_OPEN_CHUTE : { RunFreeFallWithOpenChute(); break; } case PD_FREE_FALL_WITH_COLLAPSED_CHUTE : { RunFreeFall(); break; } case PD_SAFE_LANDING : { RunSafeLanding(); _stageTimer += _deltaTime; static const int NUM_FRAMES = 13; float percent = _stageTimer/2.0f; int frame = FloatToInt32(percent * ((float)NUM_FRAMES-0.5f)); if ( frame < 0 ) frame = 0; else if ( frame > NUM_FRAMES ) frame = NUM_FRAMES; if ( drawPointer ) ((DrawableBSP*)drawPointer)->SetSwitchMask( 0, 1<<frame ); break; } case PD_CRASH_LANDING : { RunCrashLanding(); _stageTimer += _deltaTime; static const int NUM_FRAMES = 12; float percent = _stageTimer/2.0f; int frame = FloatToInt32(percent * ((float)NUM_FRAMES-0.5f)); if ( frame < 0 ) frame = 0; else if ( frame > NUM_FRAMES ) frame = NUM_FRAMES; if ( drawPointer ) ((DrawableBSP*)drawPointer)->SetSwitchMask( 0, 1<<frame ); break; } default : { ShiWarning ("Bad Eject Mode"); } } // Make sure all components of orientation are in range ( 0 <= n <= TWO_PI). FixOrientationRange(); // Update shared data. SetPosition(_pos[I_X], _pos[I_Y], _pos[I_Z]); SetDelta(_vel[I_X], _vel[I_Y], _vel[I_Z]); SetYPR(_rot[I_YAW], _rot[I_PITCH], _rot[I_ROLL]); SetYPRDelta(_aVel[I_YAW], _aVel[I_PITCH], _aVel[I_ROLL]); if (gACMIRec.IsRecording() && (SimLibFrameCount & 3 ) == 0) { genPos.hdr.time = SimLibElapsedTime * MSEC_TO_SEC + OTWDriver.todOffset; = Type(); = ACMIIDTable->Add(Id(),NULL,TeamInfo[GetTeam()]->GetColor());//.num_; = XPos(); = YPos(); = ZPos(); = Roll(); = Pitch(); = Yaw(); // remove = TeamInfo[GetTeam()]->GetColor(); gACMIRec.GenPositionRecord( &genPos ); } // Update matrices for geometry. CalcTransformMatrix((SimMoverClass *)this); // See if it hit the ground. if ( _hitGround == FALSE ) _hitGround = HasHitGround(); /* ** We now do completion in the safe or crash landing stages ** (by calling HitGround() ) if (HasHitGround()) { HitGround(); } */ // Display some debug data. #if DEBUG_EJECTION_SEQUENCE SpewDebugData(); #endif // DEBUG_EJECTION_SEQUENCE return IsLocal(); }
void GroundClass::Init(SimInitDataClass* initData) { SimVehicleClass::Init(initData); float nextX, nextY; float range, velocity; float wp1X, wp1Y, wp1Z; float wp2X, wp2Y, wp2Z; int i; WayPointClass* atWaypoint; mlTrig trig; VehicleClassDataType* vc; vc = GetVehicleClassData(Type() - VU_LAST_ENTITY_TYPE); // dustTrail = new DrawableTrail(TRAIL_DUST); isFootSquad = FALSE; isEmitter = FALSE; needKeepAlive = FALSE; hasCrew = (vc->Flags & VEH_HAS_CREW) ? TRUE : FALSE; isTowed = (vc->Flags & VEH_IS_TOWED) ? TRUE : FALSE; isShip = (GetDomain() == DOMAIN_SEA) ? TRUE : FALSE; // RV - Biker radarDown = false; // check for radar emitter if ( vc->RadarType != RDR_NO_RADAR ){ isEmitter = TRUE; } // 2002-01-20 ADDED BY S.G. At time of creation, // the radar will take the mode of the battalion instead of being // off until it finds a target by itself (and can it find it if its radar is off!). // SimVehicleClass::Init created the radar so it's safe to do it here... if (isEmitter) { if (GetCampaignObject()->GetRadarMode() != FEC_RADAR_OFF) { RadarClass *radar = NULL; radar = (RadarClass*)FindSensor( this, SensorClass::Radar ); ShiAssert( radar ); radar->SetEmitting(TRUE); // 2002-04-22 MN last fix for FalconSP3 - //this was a good intention to keep a 2D target targetted by a deaggregating unit, // however - it doesn't work this way. //The campaign air target derived falconentity does not correlate with the deaggregated aircraft. // The SAM's radars would stay stuck at TRACK S1 or //TRACK S3 and won't engage. Symptom was the not changing range to the target (.label 4) // Now with this code removed, SAMs should work correctly again. //As we have large SAM bubble sizes - it doesn't really matter if we // need to go through all search states in the SIM again - //because SAM's are faster in GUIDE mode than in maximum missile range. if (g_bSAM2D3DHandover) { // 2002-03-21 ADDED BY S.G. In addition, we need to set our radar's target RFN //(right f*cking now) and run a sensor sweep on it so it's valid by the //time TargetProcessing is called. FalconEntity *campTargetEntity = ((UnitClass *)GetCampaignObject())->GetAirTarget(); if (campTargetEntity) { SetTarget( new SimObjectType(campTargetEntity) ); CalcRelAzElRangeAta(this, targetPtr); radar->SetDesiredTarget(targetPtr); radar->SetFlag(RadarClass::FirstSweep); radar->Exec(targetList); } } } } SetFlag(ON_GROUND); SetPowerOutput(1.0F); // Assume our motor is running all the time SetPosition (initData->x, initData->y, OTWDriver.GetGroundLevel(initData->x, initData->y)); SetYPR(initData->heading, 0.0F, 0.0F); SetupGNDAI (initData); if (initData->ptIndex){ // Don't move if we've got an assigned point gai->moveState = GNDAI_MOVE_HALTED; gai->moveFlags |= GNDAI_MOVE_FIXED_POSITIONS; } CalcTransformMatrix (this); strength = 100.0F; // Check for Campaign mode // we don't follow waypoints here switch (gai->moveState) { case GNDAI_MOVE_GENERAL: { waypoint = curWaypoint = NULL; numWaypoints = 0; DeleteWPList(initData->waypointList); InitFromCampaignUnit(); } break; case GNDAI_MOVE_WAYPOINT: { waypoint = initData->waypointList; numWaypoints = initData->numWaypoints; curWaypoint = waypoint; if (curWaypoint) { // Corrent initial heading/velocity // Find the waypoint to go to. atWaypoint = curWaypoint; for (i=0; i<initData->currentWaypoint; i++) { atWaypoint = curWaypoint; curWaypoint = curWaypoint->GetNextWP(); } // If current is the on we're at, set for the next one. if (curWaypoint == atWaypoint) curWaypoint = curWaypoint->GetNextWP(); atWaypoint->GetLocation (&wp1X, &wp1Y, &wp1Z); if (curWaypoint == NULL) { wp1X = initData->x; wp1Y = initData->y; curWaypoint = atWaypoint; SetDelta (0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F); SetYPRDelta (0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F); } else { curWaypoint->GetLocation (&wp2X, &wp2Y, &wp2Z); SetYPR ((float)atan2 (wp2Y - wp1Y, wp2X - wp1X), 0.0F, 0.0F); nextX = wp2X; nextY = wp2Y; range = (float)sqrt((wp1X - nextX) * (wp1X - nextX) + (wp1Y - nextY) * (wp1Y - nextY)); velocity = range / ((curWaypoint->GetWPArrivalTime() - SimLibElapsedTime) / SEC_TO_MSEC); if ((curWaypoint->GetWPArrivalTime() - SimLibElapsedTime) < 1 * SEC_TO_MSEC) velocity = 0.0F; // sfr: no need for this anymore //SetVt(velocity); //SetKias(velocity * FTPSEC_TO_KNOTS); mlSinCos (&trig, Yaw()); SetDelta (velocity * trig.cos, velocity * trig.sin, 0.0F); SetYPRDelta (0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F); } } } break; default: { SetDelta (0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F); // sfr: no need for this anymore //SetVt(0.0F); //SetKias(0.0F); SetYPRDelta (0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F); gai->moveState = GNDAI_MOVE_HALTED; waypoint = curWaypoint = NULL; numWaypoints = 0; DeleteWPList(initData->waypointList); InitFromCampaignUnit(); } break; } theInputs = new PilotInputs; // Create our SMS Sms = new SMSBaseClass (this, initData->weapon,initData->weapons); uchar dam[10] = {100}; for (i = 0; i < 10; i++){ dam[i] = 100; } Sms->SelectBestWeapon (dam, LowAir, -1); if (Sms->CurHardpoint() != -1){ isAirCapable = TRUE; } else{ isAirCapable = FALSE; } Sms->SelectBestWeapon (dam, NoMove, -1); if (Sms->CurHardpoint() != -1){ isGroundCapable = TRUE; } else { isGroundCapable = FALSE; } Sms->SetCurHardpoint(-1); if ((GetType() == TYPE_WHEELED && GetSType() == STYPE_WHEELED_AIR_DEFENSE) || (GetType() == TYPE_WHEELED && GetSType() == STYPE_WHEELED_AAA) || (GetType() == TYPE_TRACKED && GetSType() == STYPE_TRACKED_AIR_DEFENSE) || (GetType() == TYPE_TRACKED && GetSType() == STYPE_TRACKED_AAA) || (GetType() == TYPE_TOWED && GetSType() == STYPE_TOWED_AAA)) { isAirDefense = TRUE; // If we're an airdefense thingy, elevate our gun, and point in a random direction SetDOF(AIRDEF_ELEV, 60.0f * DTR); SetDOF(AIRDEF_ELEV2, 60.0f * DTR); SetDOF(AIRDEF_AZIMUTH, 180.0F*DTR - rand()/(float)RAND_MAX * 360.0F*DTR); } else{ isAirDefense = FALSE; } }