Beispiel #1
long Convert_UTM_To_OSSIM_MGRS (long Zone,
                          char Hemisphere,
                          double Easting,
                          double Northing,
                          long Precision,
                          char* OSSIM_MGRS)
 * The function Convert_UTM_To_OSSIM_MGRS converts UTM (zone, easting, and
 * northing) coordinates to an OSSIM_MGRS coordinate string, according to the 
 * current ellipsoid parameters.  If any errors occur, the error code(s) 
 * are returned by the  function, otherwise OSSIM_MGRS_NO_ERROR is returned.
 *    Zone       : UTM zone                         (input)
 *    Hemisphere : North or South hemisphere        (input)
 *    Easting    : Easting (X) in meters            (input)
 *    Northing   : Northing (Y) in meters           (input)
 *    Precision  : Precision level of OSSIM_MGRS string   (input)
 *    OSSIM_MGRS       : OSSIM_MGRS coordinate string           (output)
{ /* Convert_UTM_To_OSSIM_MGRS */
  long error_code = OSSIM_MGRS_NO_ERROR;
  long temp_error = OSSIM_MGRS_NO_ERROR;
  long Letters[OSSIM_MGRS_LETTERS]; /* Number location of 3 letters in alphabet   */
  double Latitude;           /* Latitude of UTM point */
  double Longitude;          /* Longitude of UTM point */
  double divisor;
  if ((Zone < 1) || (Zone > 60))
    error_code |= OSSIM_MGRS_ZONE_ERROR;
  if ((Hemisphere != 'S') && (Hemisphere != 'N'))
  if ((Easting < MIN_EASTING) || (Easting > MAX_EASTING))
    error_code |= OSSIM_MGRS_EASTING_ERROR;
  if ((Northing < MIN_NORTHING) || (Northing > MAX_NORTHING))
    error_code |= OSSIM_MGRS_NORTHING_ERROR;
  if ((Precision < 0) || (Precision > MAX_PRECISION))
  if (!error_code)
    Set_UTM_Parameters (OSSIM_MGRS_a, OSSIM_MGRS_f,0);
    temp_error = Convert_UTM_To_Geodetic (Zone, Hemisphere, Easting, Northing, &Latitude, &Longitude);
	if (temp_error & UTM_NORTHING_ERROR)
	  /* Round easting and northing values */
	  divisor = pow (10.0, (5 - Precision));
	  Easting = Round_OSSIM_MGRS (Easting/divisor) * divisor;
	  Northing = Round_OSSIM_MGRS (Northing/divisor) * divisor;
	  UTMOSSIM_MGRS (Zone, Letters, Latitude, Easting, Northing);
	  /* UTM checks - these should be done in UTMOSSIM_MGRS */
	  if ((Zone == 31) && (Letters[0] == LETTER_V))
	    if (Easting > 500000)
		  Easting = 500000;
	  if (Northing > 10000000)
	    Northing = 10000000;
	  Make_OSSIM_MGRS_String (OSSIM_MGRS, Zone, Letters, Easting, Northing, Precision);
  return (error_code);
} /* Convert_UTM_To_OSSIM_MGRS */
Beispiel #2
long Convert_OSSIM_MGRS_To_Geodetic (const char* OSSIM_MGRS, 
                               double *Latitude, 
                               double *Longitude)
 *    OSSIM_MGRS       : OSSIM_MGRS coordinate string           (output)
 *    Latitude   : Latitude in radians              (input)
 *    Longitude  : Longitude in radians             (input)
{ /* Convert_OSSIM_MGRS_To_Geodetic */
  long error_code = OSSIM_MGRS_NO_ERROR;
  long Zone;
  long Letters[OSSIM_MGRS_LETTERS];
  char Hemisphere;
  double Easting;
  double Northing;
  long In_Precision;
  error_code = Break_OSSIM_MGRS_String (OSSIM_MGRS, &Zone, Letters, &Easting, &Northing, &In_Precision);
  if (!error_code)
     if (Zone)
        error_code |= Convert_OSSIM_MGRS_To_UTM (OSSIM_MGRS, &Zone, &Hemisphere, &Easting, &Northing);
        Set_UTM_Parameters (OSSIM_MGRS_a, OSSIM_MGRS_f, 0);
        error_code |= Convert_UTM_To_Geodetic (Zone, Hemisphere, Easting, Northing, Latitude, Longitude);
        error_code |= Convert_OSSIM_MGRS_To_UPS (OSSIM_MGRS, &Hemisphere, &Easting, &Northing);
        Set_UPS_Parameters (OSSIM_MGRS_a, OSSIM_MGRS_f);
        error_code |= Convert_UPS_To_Geodetic (Hemisphere, Easting, Northing, Latitude, Longitude);
  return (error_code);
} /* END OF Convert_OSSIM_MGRS_To_Geodetic */
Beispiel #3
long Convert_UTM_To_MGRS (long Zone,
                          char Hemisphere,
                          double Easting,
                          double Northing,
                          long Precision,
                          char* MGRS)
 * The function Convert_UTM_To_MGRS converts UTM (zone, easting, and
 * northing) coordinates to an MGRS coordinate string, according to the
 * current ellipsoid parameters.  If any errors occur, the error code(s)
 * are returned by the function, otherwise MGRS_NO_ERROR is returned.
 *    Zone       : UTM zone                         (input)
 *    Hemisphere : North or South hemisphere        (input)
 *    Easting    : Easting (X) in meters            (input)
 *    Northing   : Northing (Y) in meters           (input)
 *    Precision  : Precision level of MGRS string   (input)
 *    MGRS       : MGRS coordinate string           (output)
{ /* Convert_UTM_To_MGRS */
  double latitude;           /* Latitude of UTM point */
  double longitude;          /* Longitude of UTM point */
  long utm_error_code = MGRS_NO_ERROR;
  long error_code = MGRS_NO_ERROR;

  if ((Zone < 1) || (Zone > 60))
    error_code |= MGRS_ZONE_ERROR;
  if ((Hemisphere != 'S') && (Hemisphere != 'N'))
    error_code |= MGRS_HEMISPHERE_ERROR;
  if ((Easting < MIN_EASTING) || (Easting > MAX_EASTING))
    error_code |= MGRS_EASTING_ERROR;
  if ((Northing < MIN_NORTHING) || (Northing > MAX_NORTHING))
    error_code |= MGRS_NORTHING_ERROR;
  if ((Precision < 0) || (Precision > MAX_PRECISION))
    error_code |= MGRS_PRECISION_ERROR;
  if (!error_code)
    Set_UTM_Parameters (MGRS_a, MGRS_f, 0);
    utm_error_code = Convert_UTM_To_Geodetic (Zone, Hemisphere, Easting, Northing, &latitude, &longitude);
      if((utm_error_code & UTM_ZONE_ERROR) || (utm_error_code & UTM_HEMISPHERE_ERROR))
        error_code |= MGRS_STRING_ERROR;
      if(utm_error_code & UTM_EASTING_ERROR)
        error_code |= MGRS_EASTING_ERROR;
      if(utm_error_code & UTM_NORTHING_ERROR)
        error_code |= MGRS_NORTHING_ERROR;

	  error_code = UTM_To_MGRS (Zone, Hemisphere, longitude, latitude, Easting, Northing, Precision, MGRS);
  return (error_code);
} /* Convert_UTM_To_MGRS */
Beispiel #4
long Convert_Geodetic_To_OSSIM_MGRS (double Latitude,
                               double Longitude,
                               long Precision,
                               char* OSSIM_MGRS)
 *    Latitude   : Latitude in radians              (input)
 *    Longitude  : Longitude in radians             (input)
 *    OSSIM_MGRS       : OSSIM_MGRS coordinate string           (output)
{ /* Convert_Geodetic_To_OSSIM_MGRS */
  long error_code = OSSIM_MGRS_NO_ERROR;
  long zone;
  char hemisphere;
  double easting;
  double northing;
  if ((Latitude < -PI_OVER_2) || (Latitude > PI_OVER_2))
  { /* Latitude out of range */
    error_code |= OSSIM_MGRS_LAT_ERROR;
  if ((Longitude < -PI) || (Longitude > (2*PI)))
  { /* Longitude out of range */
    error_code |= OSSIM_MGRS_LON_ERROR;
  if ((Precision < 0) || (Precision > MAX_PRECISION))
  if (!error_code)
    if ((Latitude < MIN_UTM_LAT) || (Latitude > MAX_UTM_LAT))
      Set_UPS_Parameters (OSSIM_MGRS_a, OSSIM_MGRS_f);
      error_code |= Convert_Geodetic_To_UPS (Latitude, Longitude, &hemisphere, &easting, &northing);
      error_code |= Convert_UPS_To_OSSIM_MGRS (hemisphere, easting, northing, Precision, OSSIM_MGRS);
      Set_UTM_Parameters (OSSIM_MGRS_a, OSSIM_MGRS_f, 0);
      error_code |= Convert_Geodetic_To_UTM (Latitude, Longitude, &zone, &hemisphere, &easting, &northing);
      error_code |= Convert_UTM_To_OSSIM_MGRS (zone, hemisphere, easting, northing, Precision, OSSIM_MGRS);
  return (error_code);
} /* Convert_Geodetic_To_OSSIM_MGRS */
Beispiel #5
long Convert_MGRS_To_UTM (char   *MGRS,
                          long   *Zone,
                          char   *Hemisphere,
                          double *Easting,
                          double *Northing)
 * The function Convert_MGRS_To_UTM converts an MGRS coordinate string
 * to UTM projection (zone, hemisphere, easting and northing) coordinates
 * according to the current ellipsoid parameters.  If any errors occur,
 * the error code(s) are returned by the function, otherwise UTM_NO_ERROR
 * is returned.
 *    MGRS       : MGRS coordinate string           (input)
 *    Zone       : UTM zone                         (output)
 *    Hemisphere : North or South hemisphere        (output)
 *    Easting    : Easting (X) in meters            (output)
 *    Northing   : Northing (Y) in meters           (output)
{ /* Convert_MGRS_To_UTM */
  double min_northing;
  double northing_offset;
  long ltr2_low_value;
  long ltr2_high_value;
  double pattern_offset;
  double upper_lat_limit;     /* North latitude limits based on 1st letter  */
  double lower_lat_limit;     /* South latitude limits based on 1st letter  */
  double grid_easting;        /* Easting for 100,000 meter grid square      */
  double grid_northing;       /* Northing for 100,000 meter grid square     */
  long letters[MGRS_LETTERS];
  long in_precision;
  double latitude = 0.0;
  double longitude = 0.0;
  double divisor = 1.0;
  long utm_error_code = MGRS_NO_ERROR;
  long error_code = MGRS_NO_ERROR;

  error_code = Break_MGRS_String (MGRS, Zone, letters, Easting, Northing, &in_precision);
  if (!*Zone)
    error_code |= MGRS_STRING_ERROR;
    if (!error_code)
      if ((letters[0] == LETTER_X) && ((*Zone == 32) || (*Zone == 34) || (*Zone == 36)))
        error_code |= MGRS_STRING_ERROR;
        if (letters[0] < LETTER_N)
          *Hemisphere = 'S';
          *Hemisphere = 'N';

        Get_Grid_Values(*Zone, &ltr2_low_value, &ltr2_high_value, &pattern_offset);

        /* Check that the second letter of the MGRS string is within
         * the range of valid second letter values
         * Also check that the third letter is valid */
        if ((letters[1] < ltr2_low_value) || (letters[1] > ltr2_high_value) || (letters[2] > LETTER_V))
          error_code |= MGRS_STRING_ERROR;

        if (!error_code)
          double row_letter_northing = (double)(letters[2]) * ONEHT;
          grid_easting = (double)((letters[1]) - ltr2_low_value + 1) * ONEHT;
          if ((ltr2_low_value == LETTER_J) && (letters[1] > LETTER_O))
            grid_easting = grid_easting - ONEHT;

          if (letters[2] > LETTER_O)
            row_letter_northing = row_letter_northing - ONEHT;

          if (letters[2] > LETTER_I)
            row_letter_northing = row_letter_northing - ONEHT;

          if (row_letter_northing >= TWOMIL)
            row_letter_northing = row_letter_northing - TWOMIL;

          error_code = Get_Latitude_Band_Min_Northing(letters[0], &min_northing, &northing_offset);
          if (!error_code)
            grid_northing = row_letter_northing - pattern_offset;
            if(grid_northing < 0)
              grid_northing += TWOMIL;

            grid_northing += northing_offset;

            if(grid_northing < min_northing)
              grid_northing += TWOMIL;

            *Easting = grid_easting + *Easting;
            *Northing = grid_northing + *Northing;

            /* check that point is within Zone Letter bounds */
            utm_error_code = Set_UTM_Parameters(MGRS_a,MGRS_f,0);
            if (!utm_error_code)
              utm_error_code = Convert_UTM_To_Geodetic(*Zone,*Hemisphere,*Easting,*Northing,&latitude,&longitude);
              if (!utm_error_code)
                divisor = pow (10.0, in_precision);
                error_code = Get_Latitude_Range(letters[0], &upper_lat_limit, &lower_lat_limit);
                if (!error_code)
                  if (!(((lower_lat_limit - DEG_TO_RAD/divisor) <= latitude) && (latitude <= (upper_lat_limit + DEG_TO_RAD/divisor))))
                    error_code |= MGRS_LAT_WARNING;
                if((utm_error_code & UTM_ZONE_ERROR) || (utm_error_code & UTM_HEMISPHERE_ERROR))
                  error_code |= MGRS_STRING_ERROR;
                if(utm_error_code & UTM_EASTING_ERROR)
                  error_code |= MGRS_EASTING_ERROR;
                if(utm_error_code & UTM_NORTHING_ERROR)
                  error_code |= MGRS_NORTHING_ERROR;
              if(utm_error_code & UTM_A_ERROR)
                error_code |= MGRS_A_ERROR;
              if(utm_error_code & UTM_INV_F_ERROR)
                error_code |= MGRS_INV_F_ERROR;
              if(utm_error_code & UTM_ZONE_OVERRIDE_ERROR)
                error_code |= MGRS_ZONE_ERROR;
  return (error_code);
} /* Convert_MGRS_To_UTM */
Beispiel #6
long Convert_MGRS_To_Geodetic (char* MGRS,
                               double *Latitude,
                               double *Longitude)
 * The function Convert_MGRS_To_Geodetic converts an MGRS coordinate string
 * to Geodetic (latitude and longitude) coordinates
 * according to the current ellipsoid parameters.  If any errors occur,
 * the error code(s) are returned by the function, otherwise UTM_NO_ERROR
 * is returned.
 *    MGRS       : MGRS coordinate string           (input)
 *    Latitude   : Latitude in radians              (output)
 *    Longitude  : Longitude in radians             (output)
{ /* Convert_MGRS_To_Geodetic */
  long zone;
  char hemisphere;
  double easting;
  double northing;
  long zone_exists;
  long temp_error_code = MGRS_NO_ERROR;
  long error_code = MGRS_NO_ERROR;

  error_code = Check_Zone(MGRS, &zone_exists);
  if (!error_code)
    if (zone_exists)
      error_code |= Convert_MGRS_To_UTM (MGRS, &zone, &hemisphere, &easting, &northing);
      if(!error_code || (error_code & MGRS_LAT_WARNING))
        temp_error_code = Set_UTM_Parameters (MGRS_a, MGRS_f, 0);
          temp_error_code = Convert_UTM_To_Geodetic (zone, hemisphere, easting, northing, Latitude, Longitude);
            if((temp_error_code & UTM_ZONE_ERROR) || (temp_error_code & UTM_HEMISPHERE_ERROR))
              error_code |= MGRS_STRING_ERROR;
            if(temp_error_code & UTM_EASTING_ERROR)
              error_code |= MGRS_EASTING_ERROR;
            if(temp_error_code & UTM_NORTHING_ERROR)
              error_code |= MGRS_NORTHING_ERROR;
          if(temp_error_code & UTM_A_ERROR)
            error_code |= MGRS_A_ERROR;
          if(temp_error_code & UTM_INV_F_ERROR)
            error_code |= MGRS_INV_F_ERROR;
          if(temp_error_code & UTM_ZONE_OVERRIDE_ERROR)
            error_code |= MGRS_ZONE_ERROR;
      error_code |= Convert_MGRS_To_UPS (MGRS, &hemisphere, &easting, &northing);
        temp_error_code = Set_UPS_Parameters (MGRS_a, MGRS_f);
          temp_error_code = Convert_UPS_To_Geodetic (hemisphere, easting, northing, Latitude, Longitude);
            if(temp_error_code & UPS_HEMISPHERE_ERROR)
              error_code |= MGRS_STRING_ERROR;
            if(temp_error_code & UPS_EASTING_ERROR)
              error_code |= MGRS_EASTING_ERROR;
            if(temp_error_code & UPS_LAT_ERROR)
              error_code |= MGRS_NORTHING_ERROR;
          if(temp_error_code & UPS_A_ERROR)
            error_code |= MGRS_A_ERROR;
          if(temp_error_code & UPS_INV_F_ERROR)
            error_code |= MGRS_INV_F_ERROR;
  return (error_code);
} /* END OF Convert_MGRS_To_Geodetic */
Beispiel #7
long Convert_Geodetic_To_MGRS (double Latitude,
                               double Longitude,
                               long Precision,
                               char* MGRS)
 * The function Convert_Geodetic_To_MGRS converts Geodetic (latitude and
 * longitude) coordinates to an MGRS coordinate string, according to the
 * current ellipsoid parameters.  If any errors occur, the error code(s)
 * are returned by the function, otherwise MGRS_NO_ERROR is returned.
 *    Latitude   : Latitude in radians              (input)
 *    Longitude  : Longitude in radians             (input)
 *    Precision  : Precision level of MGRS string   (input)
 *    MGRS       : MGRS coordinate string           (output)
{ /* Convert_Geodetic_To_MGRS */
  long zone;
  char hemisphere;
  double easting;
  double northing;
  long temp_error_code = MGRS_NO_ERROR;
  long error_code = MGRS_NO_ERROR;

  if ((Latitude < -PI_OVER_2) || (Latitude > PI_OVER_2))
  { /* Latitude out of range */
    error_code |= MGRS_LAT_ERROR;
  if ((Longitude < -PI) || (Longitude > (2*PI)))
  { /* Longitude out of range */
    error_code |= MGRS_LON_ERROR;
  if ((Precision < 0) || (Precision > MAX_PRECISION))
    error_code |= MGRS_PRECISION_ERROR;
  if (!error_code)
    if ((Latitude < MIN_UTM_LAT) || (Latitude > MAX_UTM_LAT))
      temp_error_code = Set_UPS_Parameters (MGRS_a, MGRS_f);
        temp_error_code = Convert_Geodetic_To_UPS (Latitude, Longitude, &hemisphere, &easting, &northing);
          error_code |= Convert_UPS_To_MGRS (hemisphere, easting, northing, Precision, MGRS);
          if(temp_error_code & UPS_LAT_ERROR)
            error_code |= MGRS_LAT_ERROR;
          if(temp_error_code & UPS_LON_ERROR)
            error_code |= MGRS_LON_ERROR;
        if(temp_error_code & UPS_A_ERROR)
          error_code |= MGRS_A_ERROR;
        if(temp_error_code & UPS_INV_F_ERROR)
          error_code |= MGRS_INV_F_ERROR;
      temp_error_code = Set_UTM_Parameters (MGRS_a, MGRS_f, 0);
        temp_error_code = Convert_Geodetic_To_UTM (Latitude, Longitude, &zone, &hemisphere, &easting, &northing);
          error_code |= UTM_To_MGRS (zone, hemisphere, Longitude, Latitude, easting, northing, Precision, MGRS);
          if(temp_error_code & UTM_LAT_ERROR)
            error_code |= MGRS_LAT_ERROR;
          if(temp_error_code & UTM_LON_ERROR)
            error_code |= MGRS_LON_ERROR;
          if(temp_error_code & UTM_ZONE_OVERRIDE_ERROR)
            error_code |= MGRS_ZONE_ERROR;
          if(temp_error_code & UTM_EASTING_ERROR)
            error_code |= MGRS_EASTING_ERROR;
          if(temp_error_code & UTM_NORTHING_ERROR)
            error_code |= MGRS_NORTHING_ERROR;
        if(temp_error_code & UTM_A_ERROR)
          error_code |= MGRS_A_ERROR;
        if(temp_error_code & UTM_INV_F_ERROR)
          error_code |= MGRS_INV_F_ERROR;
        if(temp_error_code & UTM_ZONE_OVERRIDE_ERROR)
          error_code |= MGRS_ZONE_ERROR;
  return (error_code);
} /* Convert_Geodetic_To_MGRS */
Beispiel #8
long UTM_To_MGRS (long Zone,
                  char Hemisphere,
                  double Longitude,
                  double Latitude,
                  double Easting,
                  double Northing,
                  long Precision,
                  char *MGRS)
 * The function UTM_To_MGRS calculates an MGRS coordinate string
 * based on the zone, latitude, easting and northing.
 *    Zone      : Zone number             (input)
 *    Hemisphere: Hemisphere              (input)
 *    Longitude : Longitude in radians    (input)
 *    Latitude  : Latitude in radians     (input)
 *    Easting   : Easting                 (input)
 *    Northing  : Northing                (input)
 *    Precision : Precision               (input)
 *    MGRS      : MGRS coordinate string  (output)
  double pattern_offset;      /* Northing offset for 3rd letter               */
  double grid_easting;        /* Easting used to derive 2nd letter of MGRS   */
  double grid_northing;       /* Northing used to derive 3rd letter of MGRS  */
  long ltr2_low_value;        /* 2nd letter range - low number               */
  long ltr2_high_value;       /* 2nd letter range - high number              */
  int letters[MGRS_LETTERS];  /* Number location of 3 letters in alphabet    */
  double divisor;
  double rounded_easting;
  long temp_error_code = MGRS_NO_ERROR;
  long error_code = MGRS_NO_ERROR;

	divisor = pow (10.0, (5 - Precision));
	rounded_easting = Round_MGRS (Easting/divisor) * divisor;

	/* Special check for rounding to (truncated) eastern edge of zone 31V */
	if ((Zone == 31) && (((Latitude >= 56.0 * DEG_TO_RAD) && (Latitude < 64.0 * DEG_TO_RAD)) && ((Longitude >= 3.0 * DEG_TO_RAD) || (rounded_easting >= 500000.0))))
	{ /* Reconvert to UTM zone 32 */
    Set_UTM_Parameters (MGRS_a, MGRS_f, 32);
    temp_error_code = Convert_Geodetic_To_UTM (Latitude, Longitude, &Zone, &Hemisphere, &Easting, &Northing);
      if(temp_error_code & UTM_LAT_ERROR)
        error_code |= MGRS_LAT_ERROR;
      if(temp_error_code & UTM_LON_ERROR)
        error_code |= MGRS_LON_ERROR;
      if(temp_error_code & UTM_ZONE_OVERRIDE_ERROR)
        error_code |= MGRS_ZONE_ERROR;
      if(temp_error_code & UTM_EASTING_ERROR)
        error_code |= MGRS_EASTING_ERROR;
      if(temp_error_code & UTM_NORTHING_ERROR)
        error_code |= MGRS_NORTHING_ERROR;

      return error_code;
	    /* Round easting value using new easting */
	    Easting = Round_MGRS (Easting/divisor) * divisor;
	  Easting = rounded_easting;

	/* Round northing values */
	Northing = Round_MGRS (Northing/divisor) * divisor;

  if( Latitude <= 0.0 && Northing == 1.0e7)
    Latitude = 0.0;
    Northing = 0.0;

  Get_Grid_Values(Zone, &ltr2_low_value, &ltr2_high_value, &pattern_offset);

  error_code = Get_Latitude_Letter(Latitude, &letters[0]);

  if (!error_code)
    grid_northing = Northing;

    while (grid_northing >= TWOMIL)
      grid_northing = grid_northing - TWOMIL;
    grid_northing = grid_northing + pattern_offset;
    if(grid_northing >= TWOMIL)
      grid_northing = grid_northing - TWOMIL;

    letters[2] = (long)(grid_northing / ONEHT);
    if (letters[2] > LETTER_H)
      letters[2] = letters[2] + 1;

    if (letters[2] > LETTER_N)
      letters[2] = letters[2] + 1;

    grid_easting = Easting;
    if (((letters[0] == LETTER_V) && (Zone == 31)) && (grid_easting == 500000.0))
      grid_easting = grid_easting - 1.0; /* SUBTRACT 1 METER */

    letters[1] = ltr2_low_value + ((long)(grid_easting / ONEHT) -1);
    if ((ltr2_low_value == LETTER_J) && (letters[1] > LETTER_N))
      letters[1] = letters[1] + 1;

    Make_MGRS_String (MGRS, Zone, letters, grid_easting, Northing, Precision);
  return error_code;
} /* END UTM_To_MGRS */
Beispiel #9
void GRID_UTM (long   *Zone,
               long   *Letters,
               char   *Hemisphere,
               double *Easting,
               double *Northing,
               long   In_Precision,
               long   *Error)
  double fnltr;               /* False northing for 3rd letter              */
  long ltrhi;                 /* 2nd letter range - High number             */
  long ltrlow;                /* 2nd letter range - Low number              */
  long number;                /* Value of ltrnum[0] + 1                     */
/*  double slam;*/
  double slcm;                /* Central meridian                           */
  double sleast;              /* Longitude east limit - UTM                 */
  double slwest;              /* Longitude west limit -UTM                  */
  double sphi;                /* Latitude (needed by UTMLIM)                */
  double spnor;               /* North latitude limits based on 1st letter  */
  double spsou;               /* South latitude limits based on 1st letter  */
  double xltr;                /* Easting for 100,000 meter grid square      */
  double ylow;                /* Lowest northing of area to nearest 100,000 */
  double yltr;                /* Northing for 100,000 meter grid square     */
  double yslow;               /* Northing scaled down to less than 2 million*/
  double Latitude = 0.0;
  double Longitude = 0.0;
  double divisor = 1.0;
  if ((*Zone == 32) && (Letters[0] == LETTER_X))
    *Error = TRUE;
  if ((*Zone == 34) && (Letters[0] == LETTER_X))
    *Error = TRUE;
  if ((*Zone == 36) && (Letters[0] == LETTER_X))
    *Error = TRUE;
  number = Letters[0] + 1;
  sphi = 0.0;
  slcm = (double)(*Zone * 6 - 183) * DEGRAD; 
  ylow = ((double)((long)((double)((long)(yltr / ONEHT)) * ONEHT)));
  yslow = ylow;
  while (yslow >= TWOMIL)
    yslow = yslow - TWOMIL;
  yslow = ((double)((long)(yslow)));
  UTMSET(*Zone, &ltrlow, &ltrhi, &fnltr);
  LTR2UTM(Letters, ltrlow, ltrhi, Error, &xltr, &yltr, fnltr, yslow, ylow);
  *Easting = xltr + *Easting;
  *Northing = yltr + *Northing;
  /* check that point is within Zone Letter bounds */
  divisor = pow (10.0, In_Precision);
  if (((spsou - DEGRAD/divisor) <= Latitude) && (Latitude <= (spnor + DEGRAD/divisor)))
    *Error = TRUE;
Beispiel #10
void UTMOSSIM_MGRS (long izone,
              long* ltrnum,
              double sphi,
              double x,
              double y)
   *    izone      : Zone number.
   *    ltrnum     : Values of letters in the MGRS coordinate.
   *    sphi       : Latitude in radians.
   *    x          : Easting.
   *    y          : Northing.
   *    GPTUTM
   *    UTMLIM
   *    UTMSET
  double fnltr;       /* False northing for 3rd letter                     */
  double slcm;        /* Central meridian - longitude of origin            */
  double sleast;      /* Longitude east limit - UTM                        */
  double slwest;      /* Longitude west limit -UTM                         */
  double spnor;       /* MGRS north latitude limits based on 1st letter    */
  double spsou;       /* MGRS south latitude limits based on 1st letter    */
  double xltr;        /* Easting used to derive 2nd letter of MGRS         */
  double yltr;        /* Northing used to derive 3rd letter of MGRS        */
  long ltrlow;        /* 2nd letter range - low number                     */
  long ltrhi;         /* 2nd letter range - high number                    */
  char hemisphere;

  UTMSET(izone, &ltrlow, &ltrhi, &fnltr);
  ltrnum[0] = LETTER_A;
  UTMLIM(&ltrnum[0], sphi, izone, &spsou, &spnor, &sleast, &slwest);
  slcm = (double)(izone * 6 - 183) * DEGRAD;
    GPTUTM(a, recf, spsou, slcm, &izone, &yltr, &xltr, (long)1);

  yltr = (double)((long)(y + RND5));
  if (((double)((long)(yltr + RND5))) == ((double)((long)(1.e7 + RND5))))
    yltr = (double)((long)(yltr - 1.e0 + RND5)); 
  while (yltr >= TWOMIL)
    yltr = yltr - TWOMIL; 
  yltr = yltr - fnltr;
  if (yltr < ZERO)
    yltr = yltr + TWOMIL;
  ltrnum[2] = (long)((yltr + RND1) / ONEHT); 
  if (ltrnum[2] > LETTER_H)
    ltrnum[2] = ltrnum[2] + 1;
  if (ltrnum[2] > LETTER_N)
    ltrnum[2] = ltrnum[2] + 1;
  xltr = (double)((long)(x));
  if (((ltrnum[0] == LETTER_V) && (izone == 31)) && 
      (((double)((long)(xltr + RND5))) == ((double)((long)(5.e5 + RND5)))))
    xltr = (double)((long)(xltr - 1.e0 + RND5)); /* SUBTRACT 1 METER */
  ltrnum[1] = ltrlow + ((long)((xltr + RND1) / ONEHT) -1); 
  if ((ltrlow == LETTER_J) && (ltrnum[1] > LETTER_N))
    ltrnum[1] = ltrnum[1] + 1;