Beispiel #1
Heightfield::Heightfield(ID3D11DeviceContext *mDevcon, ID3D11Device *mDev, GeometryGenerator *geoGen) : 
	mDevcon(mDevcon), mDev(mDev)
Beispiel #2
	void RenderViewport::SetViewport(FLevelLocals *Level, RenderThread *thread, int fullWidth, int fullHeight, float trueratio)
		int virtheight, virtwidth, virtwidth2, virtheight2;

		if (!RenderingToCanvas)
		{ // Set r_viewsize cvar to reflect the current view size
			UCVarValue value;
			char temp[16];

			mysnprintf(temp, countof(temp), "%d x %d", viewwidth, viewheight);
			value.String = temp;
			r_viewsize.ForceSet(value, CVAR_String);

		fuzzviewheight = viewheight - 2;	// Maximum row the fuzzer can draw to

		CenterX = viewwindow.centerx;
		CenterY = viewwindow.centery;

		virtwidth = virtwidth2 = fullWidth;
		virtheight = virtheight2 = fullHeight;

		if (AspectTallerThanWide(trueratio))
			virtheight2 = virtheight2 * AspectMultiplier(trueratio) / 48;
			virtwidth2 = virtwidth2 * AspectMultiplier(trueratio) / 48;

		if (AspectTallerThanWide(viewwindow.WidescreenRatio))
			virtheight = virtheight * AspectMultiplier(viewwindow.WidescreenRatio) / 48;
			virtwidth = virtwidth * AspectMultiplier(viewwindow.WidescreenRatio) / 48;

		double ypixelstretch = (Level->info) ? Level->info->pixelstretch : 1.2;

		BaseYaspectMul = 320.0 * virtheight2 / (r_Yaspect * virtwidth2);
		YaspectMul = 320.0 * virtheight / (r_Yaspect * virtwidth) * ypixelstretch / 1.2;
		IYaspectMul = (double)virtwidth * r_Yaspect / 320.0 / virtheight;
		InvZtoScale = YaspectMul * CenterX;

		WallTMapScale2 = IYaspectMul / CenterX * 1.2 / ypixelstretch;

		// thing clipping
		fillshort(screenheightarray, viewwidth, (short)viewheight);


		// Reset r_*Visibility vars
		thread->Light->SetVisibility(this, r_visibility, !!(Level->flags3 & LEVEL3_NOLIGHTFADE));

Beispiel #3
GroundPlane::GroundPlane(ID3D11DeviceContext *mDevcon, ID3D11Device *mDev, GeometryGenerator *geoGen, int planeSize, int increment) : 
	mDevcon(mDevcon), mDev(mDev), size(planeSize), inc(increment)
	cb = new PostPBuff();

Beispiel #4
byte EHCIDevice::SetupAllocBuffer(EHCIQTransferDesc* pTD, unsigned uiSize)
	static const unsigned MAX_LEN = PAGE_SIZE * 4 ;

	if(uiSize > MAX_LEN)
		printf("\n EHCI QTD Buffer Size: %d greater than Limit (PAGE_SIZE * 4): %d", uiSize, MAX_LEN) ;
		return EHCIController_FAILURE ;

	unsigned uiAddress = DMM_AllocateForKernel(uiSize) ;

	return SetupBuffer(pTD, uiAddress, uiSize) ;
Beispiel #5
void DLLEXPORT V_CalcRefdef( struct ref_params_s *pparams )
	// intermission / finale rendering
	if ( pparams->intermission )
		V_CalcIntermissionRefdef ( pparams );	
	else if ( pparams->spectator || g_iUser1 )	// g_iUser true if in spectator mode
		V_CalcSpectatorRefdef ( pparams );	
	else if ( !pparams->paused )
		V_CalcNormalRefdef ( pparams );

	// Fograin92
	gSoundEngine.SetupFrame( pparams );

// Example of how to overlay the whole screen with red at 50 % alpha
#define SF_TEST
#if defined SF_TEST
		screenfade_t sf;
		gEngfuncs.pfnGetScreenFade( &sf );

		sf.fader = 255;
		sf.fadeg = 0;
		sf.fadeb = 0;
		sf.fadealpha = 128;
		sf.fadeFlags = FFADE_STAYOUT | FFADE_OUT;

		gEngfuncs.pfnSetScreenFade( &sf );
	// BUzer
	if (g_cvShadows->value)
Beispiel #6
	/// Initialize( )
	/// Sets us up the device.
	/// Input:
	///		HWND hWnd							Handle to the window
	///		LPDIRECTINPUT8 pDInput			The DirectInput object
	/// Returns:
	///		bool		true if everything set up OK.
	bool CInputKeyboard::Initialize(HWND hWnd, LPDIRECTINPUT8 pDInput)
		// Our HRESULT we'll re-use.
		HRESULT hResult = NULL;

		// Tell the base class what kind of device it is.
		eDeviceType = DEVICE_KEYBOARD;

		// Create the device.
		hResult = pDInput->CreateDevice(GUID_SysKeyboard, &pDevice, NULL);
		if (FAILED(hResult)) return false;

		// Set data format so the device knows what it is.
		hResult = pDevice->SetDataFormat(&c_dfDIKeyboard);
		if (FAILED(hResult)) return false;

		// Kill windows key?
		bKillWindowsKey = false;

		// String input.
		//cStringInput = "\0";
		//iStringInputMode = INPUT_STRING_NONE;

		// Set cooperative level.
		hResult = CooperativeLevel(hWnd, false, false);
		if (FAILED(hResult)) return false;

		// Null out the immediate input buffer.
		memset((void*)cKeyBuffer, 0, sizeof(cKeyBuffer));

		// Prepare our buffer for buffered input.

		// Acquire the device.
		hResult = pDevice->Acquire();
		if (FAILED(hResult)) return false;

		// If we get here, everything went smoothly!
		return true;
Beispiel #7
	/// Initialize( )
	/// Sets us up the device.
	/// For joysticks, make sure to call SetGuid() before Initialize, out of the EnumerateJoysticks function.
	/// Input:
	///		HWND hWnd							Handle to the window
	///		LPDIRECTINPUT8 pDInput			The DirectInput object
	/// Returns:
	///		bool		true if everything set up OK.
	bool CInputJoystick::Initialize(HWND hWnd, LPDIRECTINPUT8 pDInput)
		// Our HRESULT we'll re-use.
		HRESULT hResult = NULL;

		// Tell the base class what kind of device it is.
		eDeviceType = DEVICE_JOYSTICK;

		// Create the device.
		hResult = pDInput->CreateDevice(JoystickGUID, &pDevice, NULL);
		if (FAILED(hResult)) return false;

		// Null out feedack effects for now
		pFeedbackEffects = NULL;

		// Set data format so the device knows what it is.
		hResult = pDevice->SetDataFormat(&c_dfDIJoystick2);
		if (FAILED(hResult)) return false;

		// Set cooperative level. Joysticks will default to exclusive; how many games can you play at once?
		hResult = CooperativeLevel(hWnd, true, true);
		if (FAILED(hResult)) return false;

		// Null out the immediate input buffer.
		memset((void*)&JoystickState, 0, sizeof(JoystickState));

		// Prepare our buffer for buffered input.

		// Set up pointer
		nPointerX = 0;
		nPointerY = 0;

		// Increment the counter of joysticks we have set up

		// Check for force feedback capabilities.
		ZeroMemory(&DevCaps, sizeof(DevCaps));
		DevCaps.dwSize = sizeof(DevCaps);
		pDevice->GetCapabilities   (&DevCaps);
		bSupportsForceFeedback =  ((DevCaps.dwFlags & DIDC_FORCEFEEDBACK) == DIDC_FORCEFEEDBACK) ? true : false;

		if (bSupportsForceFeedback)
			// Kill auto-centering spring if using force feedback
			dipdw.diph.dwSize       = sizeof(DIPROPDWORD);
			dipdw.diph.dwHeaderSize = sizeof(DIPROPHEADER);
			dipdw.diph.dwObj        = 0;
			dipdw.diph.dwHow        = DIPH_DEVICE;
			dipdw.dwData            = FALSE;
			if( FAILED(pDevice->SetProperty( DIPROP_AUTOCENTER, &dipdw.diph ) ) )
				return false;

		// Acquire the device.
		hResult = pDevice->Acquire();
		if (FAILED(hResult)) return false;

		// If we get here, everything went smoothly!
		return true;
Beispiel #8
bool EHCIDevice::BulkWrite(USBulkDisk* pDisk, void* pDataBuf, unsigned uiLen)
	if(uiLen == 0)
		return true ;

	unsigned uiMaxLen = pDisk->usOutMaxPacketSize * MAX_EHCI_TD_PER_BULK_RW ;
	if(uiLen > uiMaxLen)
		printf("\n Max Bulk Transfer per Frame is %d bytes", uiMaxLen) ;
		return false ;

	int iNoOfTDs = uiLen / EHCI_MAX_BYTES_PER_TD ;
	iNoOfTDs += ((uiLen % EHCI_MAX_BYTES_PER_TD) != 0) ;

		printf("\n No. of TDs per Bulk Read/Wrtie exceeded limit %d !!", MAX_EHCI_TD_PER_BULK_RW) ;
		return false ;

  const unsigned uiMaxPacketSize = pDisk->usOutMaxPacketSize;

		_bFirstBulkWrite = false ;

		for(int i = 0; i < MAX_EHCI_TD_PER_BULK_RW; i++)
			_ppBulkWriteTDs[ i ] = EHCIDataHandler_CreateAsyncQTransferDesc() ; 

		_pBulkOutEndPt = _controller.CreateDeviceQueueHead(uiMaxPacketSize, pDisk->uiEndPointOut, _devAddr) ;
		int i ;
		for(i = 0; i < MAX_EHCI_TD_PER_BULK_RW; i++)
			memset((void*)(_ppBulkWriteTDs[i]), 0, sizeof(EHCIQTransferDesc)) ;

		EHCIDataHandler_CleanAysncQueueHead(_pBulkOutEndPt) ;

	int iIndex ;

	memcpy(pDisk->pRawAlignedBuffer, pDataBuf, uiLen) ;

	unsigned uiYetToWrite = uiLen ;
	unsigned uiCurWriteLen ;

	for(iIndex = 0; iIndex < iNoOfTDs; iIndex++)
		uiCurWriteLen = (uiYetToWrite > EHCI_MAX_BYTES_PER_TD) ? EHCI_MAX_BYTES_PER_TD : uiYetToWrite ;
		uiYetToWrite -= uiCurWriteLen ;

		EHCIQTransferDesc* pTD = _ppBulkWriteTDs[ iIndex ] ;

		pTD->uiAltpTDPointer = 1 ;
		pTD->uipTDToken = (pDisk->bEndPointOutToggle << 31) | (uiCurWriteLen << 16) | (3 << 10) | (1 << 7) ;
		unsigned toggle = uiCurWriteLen / uiMaxPacketSize ;
		if(uiCurWriteLen % uiMaxPacketSize)
			toggle++ ;
		if(toggle % 2)
			pDisk->bEndPointOutToggle ^= 1 ;

		unsigned uiBufAddr = (unsigned)(pDisk->pRawAlignedBuffer + (iIndex * EHCI_MAX_BYTES_PER_TD)) ;
		if(SetupBuffer(pTD, uiBufAddr, uiCurWriteLen) != EHCIController_SUCCESS)
			printf("\n EHCI Transfer Buffer setup failed") ;
			return false ;

		if(iIndex > 0)
			_ppBulkWriteTDs[ iIndex - 1 ]->uiNextpTDPointer = KERNEL_REAL_ADDRESS((unsigned)pTD) ;

	_ppBulkWriteTDs[ iIndex - 1 ]->uiNextpTDPointer = 1 ;
	EHCITransaction aTransaction(_pBulkOutEndPt, _ppBulkWriteTDs[ 0 ]);

		printf("\n Bulk Write Transaction Failed: ") ;
		DisplayTransactionState(_pBulkOutEndPt, _ppBulkWriteTDs[0]) ;
		_controller.DisplayStats() ;
		return false ;
	EHCIDataHandler_CleanAysncQueueHead(_pBulkOutEndPt) ;
  return true;