static void
SetupFallbackOrPaintColor(gfxContext *aContext, nsStyleContext *aStyleContext,
                          nsStyleSVGPaint nsStyleSVG::*aFillOrStroke,
                          float aOpacity)
  const nsStyleSVGPaint &paint = aStyleContext->GetStyleSVG()->*aFillOrStroke;
  nsStyleContext *styleIfVisited = aStyleContext->GetStyleIfVisited();
  PRBool isServer = paint.mType == eStyleSVGPaintType_Server;
  nscolor color = isServer ? paint.mFallbackColor : paint.mPaint.mColor;
  if (styleIfVisited) {
    const nsStyleSVGPaint &paintIfVisited =
    // To prevent Web content from detecting if a user has visited a URL
    // (via URL loading triggered by paint servers or performance
    // differences between paint servers or between a paint server and a
    // color), we do not allow whether links are visited to change which
    // paint server is used or switch between paint servers and simple
    // colors.  A :visited style may only override a simple color with
    // another simple color.
    if (paintIfVisited.mType == eStyleSVGPaintType_Color &&
        paint.mType == eStyleSVGPaintType_Color) {
      nscolor colorIfVisited = paintIfVisited.mPaint.mColor;
      nscolor colors[2] = { color, colorIfVisited };
      color = nsStyleContext::CombineVisitedColors(colors,

  SetupCairoColor(aContext, color, aOpacity);
static void
SetupFallbackOrPaintColor(gfxContext *aContext, nsStyleContext *aStyleContext,
                          nsStyleSVGPaint nsStyleSVG::*aFillOrStroke,
                          float aOpacity)
  nscolor color;
  nsSVGUtils::GetFallbackOrPaintColor(aContext, aStyleContext, aFillOrStroke,
                                      &aOpacity, &color);

  SetupCairoColor(aContext, color, aOpacity);