Beispiel #1
double FindRoot(Ffuncclbc *f, double x1, double x2, double prec)
    double x = -f(x1)*(x2-x1) / (f(x2)-f(x1)) + x1;
    if (Abs(f(x))<prec) return x; else
        if (Sgn(x)==Sgn(x1)) return FindRoot(f, x, x2, prec); else
                             return FindRoot(f, x, x1, prec);
    return 0;
Beispiel #2
void Vector::Angle(float& u, float& v)
	Vector n = Unit();

	u = asin(n.y);

	if(IsZero(n.z)) v = PI/2 * Sgn(n.x);
	else if(n.z > 0) v = atan(n.x / n.z);
	else if(n.z < 0) v = IsZero(n.x) ? PI : (PI * Sgn(n.x) + atan(n.x / n.z));
Beispiel #3
void BSPVertexContainer<Type, iDimensions>::Initialize(const Vector<Type, iDimensions> &vDirection)
  bvc_vDirection = vDirection;

  // init array of vertices

  // find largest axis of direction vector
  INDEX iMaxAxis = 0;
  Type tMaxAxis = (Type)0;//vDirection(1);
  for( INDEX iAxis=1; iAxis<=iDimensions; iAxis++) {
    if( Abs(vDirection(iAxis)) > Abs(tMaxAxis) ) {
      tMaxAxis = vDirection(iAxis);
      iMaxAxis = iAxis;

/* This assert would seem natural here, but it is not possible because of parallel planes!
    // must be greater or equal than minimal max axis of any normalized vector in that space
    ASSERT( Abs(tMaxAxis) > (1.0/sqrt(double(iDimensions))-0.01) );

  // remember that axis index and sign for sorting
  bvc_iMaxAxis = iMaxAxis;
  bvc_tMaxAxisSign = Sgn(tMaxAxis);
Beispiel #4
// Calculate business days forward or back depending on a 5-day week.
// Send a negative bdaysaway to calculate days back.
Date GetDateFromDateBDays(Date startDate, int bdaysaway, UrpCountry country) {
	Date fromdate = startDate; // Make working colpy
	int dayofweek = DayOfWeek(fromdate);
	if (dayofweek == 6 /* Sat */) fromdate+= 1; // Shift to sunday so week calc works
	int bdaysleftinweek = 5 - DayOfWeek(fromdate); // Calculate days left in week (backwards)
	int weeksinbetween = (bdaysaway - bdaysleftinweek + (bdaysaway > 0? 4 : 0)) / 5; // Substract current week if going forward
	bdaysaway = bdaysaway + (weeksinbetween * 2); // 2 days skipped per week

	// Holiday general calculator:
	// 1 + (Q-1)*7 + (N - DoW(Year,Month,1))%7
	// where N is the day of week, Q is what occurence (th) that we want DoW = Day of week for a date
	Date edate;
	edate = fromdate + bdaysaway;
	if (holidays.GetCount() == 0) {
	// If this is a holiday, skip ahead or back a working day (business day)
	if (holidays.At((int)country).Find(edate) != -1) {
		return GetDateFromDateBDays(edate, Sgn(bdaysaway), country);
	} else {
		// If the previous day is sunday and it was a holiday, since we only have official
		// non-working holidays in the database, then we calculate the observed holiday
		// as being Monday.  
		// Federal law (5 U.S.C. 6103) establishes the following public holidays for Federal employees. Please note that most Federal employees work on a Monday through Friday schedule. For these employees, when a holiday falls on a nonworkday -- Saturday or Sunday -- the holiday usually is observed on Monday (if the holiday falls on Sunday) or Friday (if the holiday falls on Saturday).
		// January 1, 2011 (the legal public holiday for New Year’s Day), falls on a Saturday. For most Federal employees, Friday, December 31, 2010, will be treated as a holiday for pay and leave purposes. (See 5 U.S.C. 6103(b).)
		// TODO: Does this work regardless of country?
		Date prevfrom_edate = edate - 1;
		if (DayOfWeek(prevfrom_edate) == SUNDAY && holidays.At((int)country).Find(prevfrom_edate) != -1) {
			return GetDateFromDateBDays(edate, Sgn(bdaysaway), country);
		// Check if tomorrow is a saturday and a holiday.
		Date nextafter_edate = edate + 1;
		if (DayOfWeek(nextafter_edate) == SATURDAY && holidays.At((int)country).Find(nextafter_edate) != -1) {
			return GetDateFromDateBDays(edate, Sgn(bdaysaway), country);

	return edate;
Beispiel #5
int Roots(Ffuncclbc *f, int max_roots, double res, double prec, double x_min, double x_max, double roots[])
   int fnd = 0;                 // finded roots
   for (double x = x_min; x<=x_max-res; x += res)
       int sgn1 = Sgn(f(x));
       int sgn2 = Sgn(f(x+res));
       if (sgn1 == 0) continue;     // this root has already been calculated
       if (sgn1 != sgn2)
           if (sgn2 == 0)  roots[fnd++] = x+res; else
                           roots[fnd++] = FindRoot(f, x, x+res, prec);
           if (fnd == max_roots) goto end;
   roots[fnd] = 0;
   return fnd;
Beispiel #6
  @par Revision history:
  - 18.12.2003, c
int32 geme_eig3x3( float64 *out, FMField *mtx )
  int32 il, dim;
  float64 *j, *val;

  dim = mtx->nRow;
  for (il = 0; il < mtx->nLev; il++) {
    j = mtx->val + dim*dim*il;
    val = out + dim*il;
    switch (dim) {
    case 1:
      val[0] = j[0];
    case 2: {
      // See Numerical Recipes.
      float64 b, c, q;

      b = -j[0] - j[2];
      c = j[0] * j[2] - j[1] * j[3];
      q = - 0.5 * (b + Sgn(b) * sqrt( b * b - 4.0 * c ));

      val[0] = q;
      val[1] = c / q;
    } break;
    case 3: {
      // See Numerical Recipes.
      float64 a, b, c, q, r, t;

      a = -(j[0] + j[4] + j[8]);
      b = j[0] * j[4] + j[0] * j[8] + j[4] * j[8]
	- j[3] * j[1] - j[6] * j[2] - j[7] * j[5]; 
      c = j[0] * j[5] * j[7] + j[4] * j[6] * j[2] + j[8] * j[1] * j[3]
	- j[6] * j[1] * j[5] - j[0] * j[4] * j[8] - j[3] * j[2] * j[7];

      q = (a * a - 3.0 * b) / 9.0;
      r = (2.0 * a * a * a - 9.0 * a * b + 27.0 * c) / 54.0;

      if (((q * q * q) - (r * r)) > MachEps) {
	t = acos( r / sqrt( q * q * q ) );
      } else {
	t = Pi;
/*       output( "%e %e %e\n", r * r, q * q * q, t ); */
      val[0] = -2.0 * sqrt( q ) * cos( (t) / 3.0 ) - a / 3.0;
      val[1] = -2.0 * sqrt( q ) * cos( (t+2.0*Pi) / 3.0 ) - a / 3.0;
      val[2] = -2.0 * sqrt( q ) * cos( (t-2.0*Pi) / 3.0 ) - a / 3.0;
    } break;
      errput( ErrHead "ERR_Switch\n" );
  return( RET_OK );
Beispiel #7
inline void renderLine( void *buf,
			int byteStride,
			int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
			PIX color )
  PIX *pix = (PIX*)((char*)buf+byteStride*y1) + x1;
  int lg_delta, sh_delta, cycle, lg_step, sh_step;
  int alpha, alpha_step, alpha_reset;
  int pixStride = byteStride/sizeof(PIX);
  AlphaBrush<PIX,THICK> brush( color );

  lg_delta = x2 - x1;
  sh_delta = y2 - y1;
  lg_step = Sgn(lg_delta);
  lg_delta = Abs(lg_delta);
  sh_step = Sgn(sh_delta);
  sh_delta = Abs(sh_delta);
  if ( sh_step < 0 )  pixStride = -pixStride;

  // in theory should be able to do this with just a single step
  // variable - ie: combine cycle and alpha as in wu algorithm
  if (sh_delta < lg_delta) {
    cycle = lg_delta >> 1;
    alpha = ALPHA_MAX >> 1;
    alpha_step = -(ALPHA_MAX * sh_delta/(lg_delta+1));
    alpha_reset = alpha_step < 0 ? ALPHA_MAX : 0;
    int count = lg_step>0 ? x2-x1 : x1-x2;
    while ( count-- ) { pix, pixStride, alpha );
      cycle += sh_delta;
      alpha += alpha_step;
      pix += lg_step;
      if (cycle > lg_delta) {
	cycle -= lg_delta;
	alpha = alpha_reset;
	pix += pixStride;
  } else {
Beispiel #8
Datei: math.hpp Projekt: M0M0/mfl
  int LeviCivitaSymbol_Vargs(int nargs,...){
    va_list args;
    int* permutation = new int[nargs];
    va_start( args, nargs );
    for (int i=0;i<nargs;++i) permutation[i] = va_arg(args,int);
    va_end( args );
    int prod=1;
    for (int i = 0;i < nargs-1; ++i)
      for (int j = i+1;j < nargs; ++j)
	prod * = permutation[j] - permutation[i];
    delete[] permutation;
    return Sgn(prod);
void HermitianSVD
( UpperOrLower uplo, AbstractDistMatrix<F>& A, AbstractDistMatrix<Base<F>>& s, 
  AbstractDistMatrix<F>& U, AbstractDistMatrix<F>& V )
    DEBUG_ONLY(CallStackEntry cse("HermitianSVD"))

    // Grab an eigenvalue decomposition of A
    HermitianEig( uplo, A, s, V );

    // Copy V into U (flipping the sign as necessary)
    Copy( U, V );
    typedef Base<F> Real;
    DistMatrix<Real,VR,STAR> sSgn( s );
    auto sgnLambda = []( Real sigma ) { return Sgn(sigma,false); };
    EntrywiseMap( sSgn, function<Real(Real)>(sgnLambda) );
    DiagonalScale( RIGHT, NORMAL, sSgn, U );

    // Set the singular values to the absolute value of the eigenvalues
    auto absLambda = []( Real sigma ) { return Abs(sigma); };
    EntrywiseMap( s, function<Real(Real)>(absLambda) );

    // TODO: Descending sort of triplets
Beispiel #10
Convert a vectray of time/points to a piecewise parabolic function.
Time in the first value;
Time values must be monotonically increasing. Results are otherwize undefined.
pararray_vn* vr2pararray(vectray* vr,btreal acceleration)
   pararray_vn* pavn;
   parabolic pa;
   int cnt,idx;
   btreal t1,t2,t3,x1,x2,x3;
   btreal v1,v2,v3,tacc,t1p2,t2p3,tmax;
   btreal tf,a,s0,sf;
   btreal sv0,svf,sa0,saf,sa0_last,v1_last,saf_last;
   btreal s0_prev,tf_prev;
   btreal acc,min_acc;
   btreal dt,dx,t_last;

   vect_n *p0, *pf; //store first and last points of vr

   p0 = new_vn(numelements_vr(vr)); // numelements_vr() returns vr->n (columns)
   pf = new_vn(numelements_vr(vr));

   set_vn(p0, idx_vr(vr, 0));
   set_vn(pf, idx_vr(vr, numrows_vr(vr)-1));

   //new pararray of size (Viapoints - 1)*2 + 1
   pavn = new_pavn(2*numrows_vr(vr) -1 +5, numelements_vr(vr)-1);

   tmax = 0;
   // For each column of pavn
   for (cnt = 0; cnt < pavn->elements; cnt ++) {
      acc = fabs(acceleration);

      /* First acceleration segment calcs*/
      t1 = getval_vn(idx_vr(vr,0),0);
      t2 = getval_vn(idx_vr(vr,1),0);
      x1 = getval_vn(idx_vr(vr,0),cnt+1);
      x2 = getval_vn(idx_vr(vr,1),cnt+1);

      dt = t2-t1;
      dx = x2-x1;
      v1 = 0.0;
      if(dt == 0.0)
         syslog(LOG_ERR, "vr2pararray(): about to divide by dt = 0.0");
      v2 = dx/dt;

      min_acc = 8.0 * fabs(dx) / (3.0 * dt*dt);
         syslog(LOG_ERR, "vr2pararray(): min_acc is NaN (bad)");
      //Make sure initial acceleration is fast enough
      if (acc < min_acc) {
         //syslog(LOG_ERR,"vr2pararray: Boosting initial acc (%f) to %f", acc, min_acc);
         acc = min_acc;
      tacc = dt - sqrt(dt*dt - 2*fabs(dx)/acc);

      saf = x1 + 0.5*acc*tacc*tacc*Sgn(dx); //Final x
      v2 = (x2-saf)/(dt-tacc); //final velocity
         syslog(LOG_ERR, "vr2pararray: v2 is NaN (bad)");
      sa0 = x1;

      tf_prev = s0sfspftf_pb(&pa, 0.0, sa0, saf, v2, tacc);  //acc seg starting at time 0.0

      idx = numrows_vr(vr)-1;

      /* Last velocity and acceleration segment calcs */
      acc = fabs(acceleration);
      t1 = getval_vn(idx_vr(vr,idx-1),0);
      t2 = getval_vn(idx_vr(vr,idx),0);
      x1 = getval_vn(idx_vr(vr,idx-1),cnt+1);
      x2 = getval_vn(idx_vr(vr,idx),cnt+1);

      dt = t2-t1;
      dx = x2-x1;
      v1 = dx/dt;
      v2 = 0.0;

      min_acc = 8.0*fabs(dx)/(3.0*dt*dt);
      //Make sure final acceleration is fast enough
      if (acc < min_acc) {
         acc = min_acc;
         //syslog(LOG_ERR,"vr2pararray: Boosting final acc to %f",acc);
      tacc = dt - sqrt(dt*dt - 2*fabs(dx)/acc);
      sa0_last = x2 - 0.5*acc*tacc*tacc*Sgn(dx); //Final x
      v1_last = (sa0_last-x1)/(dt-tacc); //final velocity
      saf_last = x2;
      t_last = tacc;

      /*Internal (remaining) segments calcs*/
      acc = fabs(acceleration);
      for(idx = 1; idx < numrows_vr(vr)-1; idx++) {

         /* Extract info */
         t1 = getval_vn(idx_vr(vr,idx-1),0);
         t2 = getval_vn(idx_vr(vr,idx),0);
         t3 = getval_vn(idx_vr(vr,idx+1),0);
         x1 = getval_vn(idx_vr(vr,idx-1),cnt+1);
         x2 = getval_vn(idx_vr(vr,idx),cnt+1);
         x3 = getval_vn(idx_vr(vr,idx+1),cnt+1);

         /* Calc some useful values */
         //if ((t2-t1) <= 0.0 || (t3-t2) <= 0.0)
            //syslog(LOG_ERR,"vr2pararray: Equal time points and unsortet times are not supported.",tacc,idx);
         v1 = (x2-x1)/(t2-t1);
         v2 = (x3-x2)/(t3-t2);
         t1p2 = (t1 + t2)/2;
         t2p3 = (t2 + t3)/2;

         /* Shrink acceleration if necessary */
         tmax = min_bt(2*(t2-t1p2),2*(t2p3-t2));

         //vf = v0 + at => t = (vf-v0)/a
         tacc = fabs(v2-v1)/acc;

         if (tmax < tacc) {
            //Need to increase acceleration to make corner
            tacc = tmax;
            //syslog(LOG_ERR,"vr2pararray: Forcing acc time decrease to %f at point %d.",tacc,idx);

         /* Calc : tf_prev & saf carry history from prev loops */
         sa0 = x2 - v1*(tacc/2); //acc start pos
         tf_prev = s0sfspftf_pb(&pa,tf_prev,saf,sa0,v1,t2-tacc/2); //velocity seg

         saf = x2 + v2*(tacc/2); //acc end pos
         tf_prev = s0sfspftf_pb(&pa,tf_prev,sa0,saf,v2,t2+tacc/2);  //acc seg

      v2 = 0.0;
      tf_prev = s0sfspftf_pb(&pa,tf_prev,saf,sa0_last,v1_last,t3-t_last); //last velocity seg

      tf_prev = s0sfspftf_pb(&pa,tf_prev,sa0_last,saf_last,v2,t3);  //acc seg ending at tf



   return pavn;
Beispiel #11
void  EdgeDetection::PassSoft()
	//CVideoFrameDoc* pDoc = (CVideoFrameDoc*)GetDocument();
	//IplImage *pImage = pDoc->GetImage();

	// 图象的高度和宽度	
	int nWidth	= pImage->width;
	int nHeight = pImage->height;
	int widthStep=pImage->widthStep;

	double Q=0,t=0;
	// 循环变量
	int i, j,k,p;
	double	*pDbTemp;

	int	W = nWidth >> Step;
	int H = nHeight >> Step;
	int N = nWidth * nHeight;			//图像象素数

	// 获取变换的最大层数
	int nMaxWLevel = Log2(nWidth);
	int nMaxHLevel = Log2(nHeight);
	int nMaxLevel;

	if (nWidth == 1<<nMaxWLevel && nHeight == 1<<nMaxHLevel)
		nMaxLevel = MIN(nMaxWLevel, nMaxHLevel);

	// 进行小波变换
	int rsl;
	rsl = DIBDWTStep(pImage,1,0);
	for(i = nHeight / 2;i < nHeight;i ++)
	//	pDbTemp = m_pDbImage + i*;						
		for(j = nWidth / 2;j < nWidth;j ++)
			Q += fabs(m_pDbImage[i]);
	Q = Q / (N / 4);
	t = 3 * Q;

	rsl = DIBDWTStep(pImage,Step - 1,0);

	for(k = 0 ;k < Step; k ++)
		if(H < nHeight)
			for(p = 0;p < H; p ++)
				pDbTemp = m_pDbImage + p*nWidth;						
					for (i = W; i < W * 2 ; i ++)
						if(fabs(pDbTemp[i]) < t)
							pDbTemp[i] = 0;
							pDbTemp[i] = Sgn(pDbTemp[i]) * (fabs(pDbTemp[i]) - t);
			for(p = H;p < H * 2; p ++)
				pDbTemp = m_pDbImage + p*nWidth;
				for (i = 0; i < W ; i ++)
					if(fabs(pDbTemp[i]) < t)
						pDbTemp[i] = 0;
						pDbTemp[i] = Sgn(pDbTemp[i]) * (fabs(pDbTemp[i]) - t);
			for(p = H;p < H * 2; p ++)
				pDbTemp = m_pDbImage + p*nWidth;
				for(i = W; i < W * 2 ; i ++)
					if(fabs(pDbTemp[i]) < t)
						pDbTemp[i] = 0;
						pDbTemp[i] = Sgn(pDbTemp[i]) * (fabs(pDbTemp[i]) - t);

			H = H * 2;
			W = W * 2;
	// 进行小波反变换
	for(Step;Step >0;Step --)
		if (!DWTStep_2D(m_pDbImage, nMaxWLevel-m_nDWTCurDepth, nMaxHLevel-m_nDWTCurDepth,
						nMaxWLevel, nMaxHLevel, 1, 1, m_nSupp))

		// 是反变换,则当前层数减1
		m_nDWTCurDepth --;

	// 然后,将数据拷贝回原CDib中,并进行相应的数据转换
	int lfw = nWidth>>m_nDWTCurDepth, lfh = nHeight>>m_nDWTCurDepth;
	for (j=0; j<nHeight; j++)
		pDbTemp = m_pDbImage + j*nWidth;
		//pBits = pDib->GetpBits() + (nHeight-1-j)*;
		for (i=0; i<nWidth; i++)
			//(pImage->imageData + pImage->widthStep*j)[i]=m_pDbImage[j*nWidth+i];
			if (j<lfh && i<lfw)
				(pImage->imageData + pImage->widthStep*j)[i] = FloatToChar(m_pDbImage[j*nWidth+i]);
				(pImage->imageData + pImage->widthStep*j)[i] = FloatToChar(m_pDbImage[j*nWidth+i]) ^ 0x80;					

	delete m_pDbImage;
	m_pDbImage = NULL;

	// 如果小波变换不成功,则直接返回
	if (!rsl)			

Beispiel #12
  see Notebook TH#6 pp146,147
\param seg_acc - Acceleration with which to blend linear segments.
\param q1 
\param q2 
\param t1 
\param t2 
\internal chk'd TH 051103 (incomplete)
void CalcSegment(Seg_int *seg,double q1, double q2, double t1, double t2, double t3, double v_prev, double v_next, double seg_acc, int end)
   double dt,dq,dtn;
   double vel,acc1,acc2,dt_vel,dt_acc1,dt_acc2;
   double min_acc,use_acc,q_acc1,q_vel,q_acc2;
   double max_acc,ac4,sqrtb;

   if (t2 <= t1) {
      syslog(LOG_ERR, "CalcSeg: Error: Times are out of order!!!! Skipping this segment");
      seg->vel = 0.0;
      seg->acc1 = 0.0;
      seg->acc2 = 0.0;
      seg->dt_vel = 0.0;
      seg->dt_acc1 = 0.0;
      seg->dt_acc2 = 0.0;

   dt = t2 - t1;
   dtn = t3 - t2;
   dq = q2 - q1;
#if 0

   syslog(LOG_ERR, "CalcSeg: in: q1: %f q2: %f  t1: %f t2: %f",q1,q2,t1,t2);
   syslog(LOG_ERR, "CalcSeg: in: vprev: %f vnext: %f  acc: %f end: %d",v_prev,v_next,seg_acc,end);

   use_acc = fabs(seg_acc); //Force to positive

   if (end == 0) {
      //Starting segment (Accelerate to the next point)
      if(dt > -EPSILON && dt < EPSILON) syslog(LOG_ERR, "btcontrol:CalcSegment:722 dt");
      min_acc = 8*fabs(dq)/(3*dt*dt);

      if (use_acc < min_acc) { //accelleration must get us to vel_mode at halfway point
         use_acc = min_acc;
         syslog(LOG_ERR, "CalcSegment: Boosted acceleration to %f to match velocity change",use_acc);
      if (use_acc != 0.0){
         if(use_acc > -EPSILON && use_acc < EPSILON) syslog(LOG_ERR, "btcontrol:CalcSegment:730 use_acc");
         dt_acc1 = dt - sqrt(dt*dt - 2*fabs(dq)/use_acc);
         dt_acc1 = 0.0;
      acc1 = Sgn(dq)*use_acc;
      q_acc1 = q1 + 0.5*acc1*dt_acc1*dt_acc1;
      //vel = (q2 - q_acc1)/(dt - dt_acc1);
      vel = acc1*dt_acc1;
      acc2 = Sgn(v_next - vel)*use_acc;
      /* Force acceleration high enough to make the corner */
      if (fabs(v_next - vel) > dtn*fabs(acc2)/2) {
         if(dtn > -EPSILON && dtn < EPSILON) syslog(LOG_ERR, "btcontrol:CalcSegment:741 dtn");
         acc2 = (v_next - vel)*2/dtn;
         syslog(LOG_ERR, "CalcSegment: Boosted next segment acceleration to %f to fit next side",acc1);
      } else if (fabs(v_next - vel) > dt*fabs(acc2)/2) {
         if(dt > -EPSILON && dt < EPSILON) syslog(LOG_ERR, "btcontrol:CalcSegment:745 dt");
         acc2 = (v_next - vel)*2/dt;
         syslog(LOG_ERR, "CalcSegment: Boosted mid segment acceleration to %f to fit this side",acc1);
      if (acc2 != 0.0) {
         if(acc2 > -EPSILON && acc2 < EPSILON) syslog(LOG_ERR, "btcontrol:CalcSegment:750 acc2");
         dt_acc2 = (v_next - vel)/acc2;
      } else {
         dt_acc2 = 0.0;
      dt_vel = dt - dt_acc1 - dt_acc2/2.0;
      if (dt_vel < 0.0) {
         dt_vel = 0.0;

         syslog(LOG_ERR, "CalcSegment: Init Acc: Not enough acceleration!");
         syslog(LOG_ERR, "CalcSegment: Init Acc: dt:%f dt_acc1:%f 0.5*dt_acc2:%f",dt,dt_acc1,dt_acc2/2.0);
   } else if (end == 1) //Middle segment
      if(dt > -EPSILON && dt < EPSILON) syslog(LOG_ERR, "btcontrol:CalcSegment:764 dt");
      vel = dq/dt;
      //acc1 = Sgn(vel - v_prev)*use_acc;
      if (fabs(vel - v_prev) > dt*fabs(acc1)/2){
        acc1 = (vel - v_prev)*2/dt;
        syslog(LOG_ERR, "CalcSegment: Boosted mid segment acceleration to %f to match velocity change",acc1);
      if (acc1 != 0.0){
        dt_acc1 = (vel - v_prev)/acc1;
      else {
        dt_acc1 = 0.0;
      q_acc1 = q1 + 0.5*acc1*dt_acc1*dt_acc1;
      acc1 = seg->acc2;
      dt_acc1 = seg->dt_acc2;

      acc2 = Sgn(v_next - vel)*use_acc;
      /* Force acceleration high enough to make the corner */
      if (fabs(v_next - vel) > dtn*fabs(acc2)/2)
         if(dtn > -EPSILON && dtn < EPSILON) syslog(LOG_ERR, "btcontrol:CalcSegment:787 dtn");
         acc2 = (v_next - vel)*2/dtn;
         syslog(LOG_ERR, "CalcSegment: Boosted next segment acceleration to %f to fit next side",acc1);
      } else if (fabs(v_next - vel) > dt*fabs(acc2)/2)
         if(dt > -EPSILON && dt < EPSILON) syslog(LOG_ERR, "btcontrol:CalcSegment:792 dt");
         acc2 = (v_next - vel)*2/dt;
         syslog(LOG_ERR, "CalcSegment: Boosted mid segment acceleration to %f to fit this side",acc1);
      if (acc2 != 0.0)
         if(acc2 > -EPSILON && acc2 < EPSILON) syslog(LOG_ERR, "btcontrol:CalcSegment:798 acc2");
         dt_acc2 = (v_next - vel)/acc2;
      } else
         dt_acc2 = 0.0;

      dt_vel = dt - dt_acc1/2 - dt_acc2/2;
      if (dt_vel < 0.0)
         dt_vel = 0.0;

         syslog(LOG_ERR, "CalcSegment: Mid segment: Not enough acceleration!");
         syslog(LOG_ERR, "CalcSegment: Init Acc: dt:%f 0.5*dt_acc1:%f 0.5*dt_acc2:%f",dt,dt_acc1/2.0,dt_acc2/2.0);
   else if (end == 2) {
      //Ending segment (decelerate)
      if(dt > -EPSILON && dt < EPSILON) syslog(LOG_ERR, "btcontrol:CalcSegment:816 dt");
      min_acc = 8.0*fabs(dq)/(3.0*dt*dt);

      if (use_acc < min_acc) { //accelleration must get us to vel_mode at halfway point
         use_acc = min_acc;
         syslog(LOG_ERR, "CalcSegment: Boosted acc:%f to match end velocity change %f %f",acc1,dq,dt);
         //syslog(LOG_ERR, "CalcSegment:  %f %f %f %f",q1,q2,t1,t2);
      if (use_acc != 0.0) {
         if(use_acc > -EPSILON && use_acc < EPSILON) syslog(LOG_ERR, "btcontrol:CalcSegment:825 use_acc");
         dt_acc2 = dt - sqrt(dt*dt - 2*fabs(dq)/use_acc);
      } else {
         dt_acc1 = 0.0;
      acc2 = -1.0*Sgn(dq)*use_acc;
      //vel = (dq - 0.5*acc2*dt_acc2*dt_acc2)/(dt - dt_acc2);
      vel = -1.0*acc2*dt_acc2;
      acc1 = Sgn((vel - v_prev))*use_acc;
      if (fabs(vel - v_prev) > dt*fabs(acc1)/2) {
         if(dt > -EPSILON && dt < EPSILON) syslog(LOG_ERR, "btcontrol:CalcSegment:835 dt");
         acc1 = (vel - v_prev)*2/dt;
         syslog(LOG_ERR, "CalcSegment: Boosted mid segment acceleration to %f to match velocity change",acc1);
      if (acc1 != 0.0) {
         if(acc1 > -EPSILON && acc1 < EPSILON) syslog(LOG_ERR, "btcontrol:CalcSegment:840 acc1");
         dt_acc1 = (vel - v_prev)/acc1;
      } else {
         dt_acc1 = 0.0;

      dt_vel = dt - dt_acc2 - dt_acc1/2;
      if (dt_vel < 0.0) {
         dt_vel = 0.0;

         syslog(LOG_ERR, "CalcSegment: Final Acc: Not enough acceleration!");
         syslog(LOG_ERR, "CalcSegment: Final Acc: dt:%f dt_acc1:%f 0.5*dt_acc2:%f",dt,dt_acc1,dt_acc2/2.0);

   } else {
      //Short Segment (accelerate and decellerate with bang bang
      if(dt > -EPSILON && dt < EPSILON) syslog(LOG_ERR, "btcontrol:CalcSegment:856 dt");
      max_acc = fabs(dq)/(0.25*dt*dt);
      if (use_acc > max_acc) {
         //accelleration must get us to vel_mode at halfway point
         use_acc = max_acc;
         syslog(LOG_ERR, "CalcSegment: Boosted acc:%f to match end velocity change %f %f",acc1,dq,dt);
         //syslog(LOG_ERR, "CalcSegment:  %f %f %f %f",q1,q2,t1,t2);
      acc2 = -1.0*Sgn(dq)*use_acc;
      if (use_acc != 0.0) {
         ac4 = acc2*dq*4;
         if (acc2*acc2*dt*dt < ac4)
            sqrtb = 0.0;
            sqrtb = sqrt(acc2*acc2*dt*dt - ac4);

         if(acc2 > -EPSILON && acc2 < EPSILON) syslog(LOG_ERR, "btcontrol:CalcSegment:872 acc2");
         dt_acc1 = acc2*dt/(2.0*acc2)+sqrtb;
      } else {
         dt_acc1 = 0.0;

      //vel = (dq - 0.5*acc2*dt_acc2*dt_acc2)/(dt - dt_acc2);
      vel = acc2*dt_acc1;
      acc1 = -1.0 * acc2;
      dt_acc2 = dt_acc1;
      dt_vel = dt - dt_acc2 - dt_acc1;
      if (dt_vel < 0.0) {
         dt_vel = 0.0;
         syslog(LOG_ERR, "CalcSegment: Final Acc: Not enough acceleration!");
         syslog(LOG_ERR, "CalcSegment: Final Acc: dt:%f dt_acc1:%f 0.5*dt_acc2:%f",dt,dt_acc1,dt_acc2/2.0);

   seg->vel = vel;
   seg->acc1 = acc1;
   seg->acc2 = acc2;
   seg->dt_vel = dt_vel;
   seg->dt_acc1 = dt_acc1;
   seg->dt_acc2 = dt_acc2;

#if 0

   syslog(LOG_ERR, "CalcSeg: Time: dt_acc1: %f dt_vel: %f dt_acc2: %f",dt_acc1,dt_vel,dt_acc2);
   syslog(LOG_ERR, "CalcSeg: val: acc1: %f vel: %f  acc2: %f",acc1,vel,acc2);
   syslog(LOG_ERR, "CalcSeg: ");

Beispiel #13
void StraightToTargetColumn(int &rnRow, int &rnColumn) {
	while (rnColumn != 1)
		Print(rnRow, rnColumn += Sgn(1 - rnColumn));
Beispiel #14
void TwoByTwoUpper
( const Real& alpha00,
  const Real& alpha01,
  const Real& alpha11,
        Real& sigmaMax,
        Real& sgnMax,
        Real& sigmaMin,
        Real& sgnMin,
        Real& cU,
        Real& sU,
        Real& cV,
        Real& sV )
    const Real alpha00Abs = Abs(alpha00);
    const Real alpha01Abs = Abs(alpha01);
    const Real alpha11Abs = Abs(alpha11);

    enum LargestEntry { ALPHA00_LARGEST, ALPHA01_LARGEST, ALPHA11_LARGEST };

    LargestEntry largest;
    const bool alpha00LargestDiag = ( alpha00Abs >= alpha11Abs );
    if( alpha00LargestDiag )
        largest =
          ( alpha01Abs > alpha00Abs ? ALPHA01_LARGEST : ALPHA00_LARGEST );
        ( alpha00Abs, alpha01Abs, alpha11Abs,
          sigmaMax, sigmaMin, cU, sU, cV, sV );
        // sgn(sV) = sgn(phi) = sgn(alpha01/alpha00)
        sV = sV*Sgn(alpha01,false)*Sgn(alpha00,false);
        cU = cU*Sgn(alpha00*cV+alpha01*sV,false);
        sU = sU*Sgn(alpha11,false)*Sgn(sV,false);
        largest =
          ( alpha01Abs > alpha11Abs ? ALPHA01_LARGEST : ALPHA11_LARGEST );
        // A decomposition of
        //   | |alpha11|, |alpha01| |
        //   |     0,     |alpha00| |
        // needs to be transposed and composed with a [0, 1; 1, 0] similarity
        // in order to provide a decomposition of
        //   | |alpha00|, |alpha01| |
        //   |     0,     |alpha11| |.
        // The transpose swaps (cU,sU) with (cV,sV) and the permutation swaps
        // cU with sU and cV with sV.
        ( alpha11Abs, alpha01Abs, alpha00Abs,
          sigmaMax, sigmaMin, sV, cV, sU, cU );
        // sgn(cU) = sgn(phi) = sgn(alpha01/alpha11)
        cU = cU*Sgn(alpha01,false)*Sgn(alpha11,false);
        sV = sV*Sgn(alpha11*sU+alpha01*cU,false);
        cV = cV*Sgn(alpha00,false)*Sgn(cU,false);

    switch( largest )
    case ALPHA00_LARGEST:
        // |alpha00| = sigmaMax cU cV + sigmaMin sU sV
        sgnMax = Sgn(cU,false)*Sgn(cV,false)*Sgn(alpha00,false);
    case ALPHA01_LARGEST:
        // |alpha01| = sigmaMax cU sV - sigmaMin sU cV
        sgnMax = Sgn(cU,false)*Sgn(sV,false)*Sgn(alpha01,false);
    case ALPHA11_LARGEST:
        // |alpha11| = sigmaMax sU sV + sigmaMin cU cV
        sgnMax = Sgn(sU,false)*Sgn(sV,false)*Sgn(alpha11,false);
    // Make use of sgnMin*sgnMax = sgn(det(A))
    sgnMin = Sgn(alpha00,false)*Sgn(alpha11,false)*sgnMax;
Beispiel #15
PUBLIC void INTRO_DoGreets(void) {
    dword page;
    int i;
    int loops, f, prevnf;
    StarGenFunc sf;
    int starsv = 1, gentime;
    int CosTb[CTABLEW*2], SinTb[CTABLEW*2];
    sint32 angle, va;
    int NDots = MAXDOTS;
    sint32 destsv = 100;
    sint32 destva = 200;

    DotPlanes[0] = NEW(MAXDOTS*sizeof(*DotPlanes[0])*4);
    if (DotPlanes[0] == NULL)
    DotPlanes[1] = DotPlanes[0] + MAXDOTS;
    DotPlanes[2] = DotPlanes[1] + MAXDOTS;
    DotPlanes[3] = DotPlanes[2] + MAXDOTS;
    AddTbl = NEW(sizeof(*AddTbl)*200);
    if (AddTbl == NULL) {
    for (i = 0; i < 200; i++)
        AddTbl[i] = 80*i;
    Stars = NEW(MAXDOTS*sizeof(*Stars));
    if (Stars == NULL) {
    InvTbl = NEW(ZRANGE*sizeof(*InvTbl));
    if (InvTbl == NULL) {
    for (i = 0; i < ZRANGE; i++)
        InvTbl[i] = (1 << 30)/(ZMIN+i);

    FONT_Load(&Font, "fontgrt.fnt");
    printf("Font height %d\n", Font.height);

    memset(VGA800x80, 0, 65536);

    for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
        VGA_PutColor(i, i*4, i*4, i*4);
    for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
        VGA_PutColor(i+16, 16+3*i, i*2, 0);
    for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
        VGA_PutColor(i+32, 0, 2*i, 16+i*2);

    sf = AddStar5;
    gentime = 4*70;

    for (i = 0; i < MAXDOTS; i++) {
        Stars[i].z = RND_GetNum() % ZRANGE + ZMIN;
        sf(Stars + i);

    prevnf = 1;
    Pos = 0;
    angle = 0;
    va = 0;
    page = 0;
    loops = 0;
    f = 0;
    LLK_LastScan = 0;
    while (LLK_LastScan != kESC) {
        int nf;

        if (LLK_Keys[kT]) VGA_SetBorder(63, 0, 0);
        if (LLK_Keys[kUARROW])
        if (LLK_Keys[kDARROW])
        if (LLK_Keys[kLARROW])
        if (LLK_Keys[kRARROW])

        if (LLK_Keys[k1] && SIZEARRAY(StarGen) > 0)
            sf = StarGen[0];
        if (LLK_Keys[k2] && SIZEARRAY(StarGen) > 1)
            sf = StarGen[1];
        if (LLK_Keys[k3] && SIZEARRAY(StarGen) > 2)
            sf = StarGen[2];
        if (LLK_Keys[k4] && SIZEARRAY(StarGen) > 3)
            sf = StarGen[3];
        if (LLK_Keys[k5] && SIZEARRAY(StarGen) > 4)
            sf = StarGen[4];

        angle += va;
        GenTables(CosTb, SinTb, angle);

        page = (page + 80*200);
        if (page >= 4*80*200)
            page = 0;

        memset(VGA800x80[0] + page, 0, 80*200);
            PStar ps;
            ps = Stars;
            for (i = 0; i < NDots; i++, ps++) {
                int x, y, c;
                sint32 z;

                z = InvTbl[ps->z-ZMIN];
                x = CTABLEW + FPMult(2*ps->x, z);
                if (x < 0 || x >= (CTABLEW*2)) {
                    if (starsv > 0) {
                        ps->z = ZMAX - RND_GetNum()%1024;
                } else {
                    y = CTABLEW + FPMult(2*ps->y, z);
                    if (y < 0 || y >= (CTABLEW*2)) {
                        if (starsv > 0) {
                            ps->z = ZMAX - RND_GetNum()%1024;
                    } else {
                        int rx, ry;
                        rx = 160 + (CosTb[x] + SinTb[y])/4;
                        ry = 100 + (CosTb[y] - SinTb[x])/4;
                        if (rx >= 0 && rx < 320 && ry >= 0 && ry < 200) {
                            if (ps->z < (ZMIN+ZRANGE/2))
                                c = 15;
                                c = 15 - (ps->z-ZMIN-ZRANGE/2)*16/(ZRANGE/2);
                            AddDot(rx, ry, c);
                ps->z -= starsv;
                if (ps->z < ZMIN) {
                    ps->z = ZMAX - RND_GetNum()%1024;
                } else if (ps->z > ZMAX) {
                    ps->z = ZMIN + RND_GetNum()%1024;
        Pos += starsv;

        if (f > 1*70) {
            Write(page, 0, 0, "Greets from Jare to", 16);
//            if (f & 128)
                Write(page, 0,  60, "All my friends and", 32);
                Write(page, 0, 100, "everyone in the scene", 32);

        if (starsv < destsv)      starsv++;
        else if (starsv > destsv) starsv--;
        else {
            destsv = RND_GetNum()%200 - 100;
            destsv = Sgn(destsv)*200 + destsv;
        if (va < destva)          va++;
        else if (va > destva)     va--;
        else {
            destva = RND_GetNum()%200 - 100;
            destva = Sgn(destva)*100 + destva;

        if (gentime-- <= 0) {
            gentime = 70 + RND_GetNum()%200;
            sf = StarGen[RND_GetNum()%SIZEARRAY(StarGen)];

        VGA_SetBorder(0, 0, 0);
        nf = VBL_VSync(1);
        if (NDots > MAXDOTS/10 && nf > 1 && prevnf > 1)
            NDots = NDots - NDots/16;
        else if (NDots < MAXDOTS && nf == 1 && prevnf == 1) {
            NDots = NDots + NDots/64;
            if (NDots > MAXDOTS)
                NDots = MAXDOTS;
        prevnf = nf;
        f += nf;


    memset(VGA800x80[0], 0, 65536);
Beispiel #16
int	GetBezierType ( TPoint2 *pt )


    double		det_012;
    double		det_123;
    double		det_013;
    double		det_023;
    int			sign_012;
    int			sign_123;
    int			sign_013;
    int			sign_023;
    double		t;
    TPoint2		pt_t;

    det_012 = Determinant ( pt [0] , pt [1] , pt [2] );
    det_123 = Determinant ( pt [1] , pt [2] , pt [3] );
    det_013 = Determinant ( pt [0] , pt [1] , pt [3] );
    det_023 = Determinant ( pt [0] , pt [2] , pt [3] );

    sign_012 = Sgn ( det_012 );
    sign_123 = Sgn ( det_123 );
    sign_013 = Sgn ( det_013 );
    sign_023 = Sgn ( det_023 );

    //	First address the cases where 3 or more consecutive control points

    //	are colinear.

    if ( sign_012 == 0 && sign_123 == 0 )

        if ( sign_013 == 0 )
            return kBezTypeStraightLine;	//	Case E : all 4 points are colinear. Could test for a single point here if necessary

            return kBezTypeArch;			//	Points 1 and 2 coincident

    else if ( sign_012 == 0 )

        //	Case F : first 3 control points are colinear

        if ( sign_013 == sign_123 )
            return kBezTypeArch;
            return kBezTypeSingleInflection;

    else if ( sign_123 == 0 )

        //	Case F : second 3 control points are colinear

        if ( sign_023 == sign_012 )
            return kBezTypeArch;
            return kBezTypeSingleInflection;

    else if ( sign_013 == 0 )

        //	Case G : points 0,1,3 are colinear

        short k = PointRelativeToLine ( pt [0] , pt [3] , pt [1] );

        if ( k == -1 )
            return kBezTypeArch;
            if ( k == 0 )
                return kBezTypeSingleInflection;
                return CuspValue ( det_012 , det_013 , det_023 );			

    else if ( sign_023 == 0 )

        //	Case G : points 0,2,3 are colinear

        short k = PointRelativeToLine ( pt [0] , pt [3] , pt [2] );

        if ( k == 1 )
            return kBezTypeArch;
            if ( k == 0 )
                return kBezTypeSingleInflection;
                return CuspValue ( det_012 , det_013 , det_023 );			


    //	OK : on to the more interesting stuff. At this point it's known that

    //	no 3 of the control points are colinear

    else if ( sign_012 != sign_123 )

        //	Case A : the control points zig-zag

        return kBezTypeSingleInflection;	
    else if ( sign_012 == sign_013 && sign_012 == sign_023 )

        //	Case B : Convex control polygon

        return kBezTypeArch;
    else if ( sign_012 != sign_013 && sign_012 != sign_023 )

        //	Case C : Self-intersecting control polygon

        return CuspValue ( det_012 , det_013 , det_023 );		

        //	Case D : Concave control polygon

        t = det_013 / ( det_013 - det_023 );

        EvaluatePt ( t , pt , &pt_t );

        if ( PointRelativeToLine ( pt [0] , pt [3] , pt_t ) == 0 )
            return CuspValue ( det_012 , det_013 , det_023 );			
            return kBezTypeArch;

