int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE, HINSTANCE, LPSTR, int) { ShowConsole(); ChangeWindowMode(true); SetGraphMode(288, 512, 32); SetDrawScreen(DX_SCREEN_BACK); if (DxLib_Init() == -1) { printf("DxLib起動失敗!!"); return -1; } m_pSceneManager = new SceneManager(key); m_pSceneManager->load(); m_pSceneManager->init(); while (ScreenFlip() == 0 && ProcessMessage() == 0 && getupKey() == 0) { ClearDrawScreen(); m_pSceneManager->updata(); if (key[KEY_INPUT_ESCAPE] == 1)break; } delete m_pSceneManager; return DxLib_End(); }
static INT_PTR ShowHideConsole(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (hwndConsole) ShowConsole(!IsWindowVisible(hwndConsole)); return 0; }
void clConsole::Event_ERROR( LEvent Event, const LEventArgs& Args ) { // display error message DisplayError( *( LString* )Args.FPtrArg ); ShowConsole(); }
static void Help (vlc_object_t *p_this, char const *psz_help_name) { ShowConsole(); if( psz_help_name && !strcmp( psz_help_name, "help" ) ) { printf(_(vlc_usage), "vlc"); Usage( p_this, "=core" ); print_help_on_full_help(); } else if( psz_help_name && !strcmp( psz_help_name, "longhelp" ) ) { printf(_(vlc_usage), "vlc"); Usage( p_this, NULL ); print_help_on_full_help(); } else if( psz_help_name && !strcmp( psz_help_name, "full-help" ) ) { printf(_(vlc_usage), "vlc"); Usage( p_this, NULL ); } else if( psz_help_name ) { Usage( p_this, psz_help_name ); } PauseConsole(); }
void CScriptMgr::ConfigurePath() { #ifndef TOOLWORKDIR _chdir("../../programmer/trunk/"); #endif ShowConsole(true); }
void Ide::UscFile(const String& file) { try { ParseUscFile(file); } catch(CParser::Error& e) { ShowConsole(); console << e << "\n"; } }
/***************************************************************************** * Version: print complete program version ***************************************************************************** * Print complete program version and build number. *****************************************************************************/ static void Version( void ) { ShowConsole(); printf(_("VLC version %s (%s)\n"), VERSION_MESSAGE, psz_vlc_changeset); printf(_("Compiled by %s on %s (%s)\n"), VLC_CompileBy(), VLC_CompileHost(), __DATE__" "__TIME__ ); printf(_("Compiler: %s\n"), VLC_Compiler()); fputs(LICENSE_MSG, stdout); PauseConsole(); }
void clConsole::ToggleConsoleC( const LString& Param ) { if ( FHUDVisible ) { SendCommand( "CloseConsole" ); } else { ShowConsole(); } }
void EditorPage::checkInterpreters (QString language) { Entity e = Util::MakeEntity (QUrl::fromLocalFile (Filename_), QString (), FromUserInitiated, "x-leechcraft/script-wrap-request"); QObject *object = 0; e.Additional_ ["Object"] = QVariant::fromValue<QObject**> (&object); e.Additional_ ["Language"] = FixLanguage (language); bool ch = false; emit couldHandle (e, &ch); ShowConsole (ch); }
void Ide::EndBuilding(bool ok) { console.EndGroup(); console.Wait(); Vector<String> errors = console.PickErrors(); CreateHost(false)->DeleteFile(errors); if(!errors.IsEmpty()) ok = false; PutConsole(""); PutConsole((ok ? "OK. " : "There were errors. ") + GetPrintTime(build_time)); SetIdeState(EDITING); if(GetTopWindow()->IsOpen()) { if(ok) BeepMuteInformation(); else BeepMuteExclamation(); } ShowConsole(); }
void Ide::BuildAndExecute() { if(Build()) { int time = msecs(); One<Host> h = CreateHostRunDir(); h->ChDir(Nvl(rundir, GetFileFolder(target))); String cmdline; if(!runexternal) cmdline << '\"' << h->GetHostPath(target) << "\" "; cmdline << ToSystemCharset(runarg); int exitcode; switch(runmode) { case RUN_WINDOW: HideBottom(); h->Launch(cmdline, FindIndex(SplitFlags(mainconfigparam, true), "GUI") < 0); break; case RUN_CONSOLE: ShowConsole(); PutConsole(String().Cat() << "Executing: " << cmdline); console.Sync(); exitcode = h->ExecuteWithInput(cmdline); PutConsole("Finished in " + GetPrintTime(time) + ", exit code: " + AsString(exitcode)); break; case RUN_FILE: { HideBottom(); String fn; if(IsNull(stdout_file)) fn = ForceExt(target, ".ol"); else fn = stdout_file; FileOut out(fn); if(!out) { PromptOK("Unable to open output file [* " + DeQtf(stdout_file) + "] !"); return; } if(h->Execute(cmdline, out) >= 0) { out.Close(); EditFile(fn); } } } } }
/***************************************************************************** * ListModules: list the available modules with their description ***************************************************************************** * Print a list of all available modules (builtins and plugins) and a short * description for each one. *****************************************************************************/ static void ListModules (vlc_object_t *p_this, bool b_verbose) { bool color = false; ShowConsole(); #ifndef _WIN32 if (isatty(STDOUT_FILENO)) color = var_InheritBool(p_this, "color"); #else (void) p_this; #endif /* List all modules */ size_t count; module_t **list = module_list_get (&count); /* Enumerate each module */ for (size_t j = 0; j < count; j++) { module_t *p_parser = list[j]; const char *objname = module_get_object (p_parser); printf(color ? GREEN" %-22s "WHITE"%s\n"GRAY : " %-22s %s\n", objname, module_gettext(p_parser, p_parser->psz_longname)); if( b_verbose ) { char *const *pp_shortcuts = p_parser->pp_shortcuts; for( unsigned i = 0; i < p_parser->i_shortcuts; i++ ) if( strcmp( pp_shortcuts[i], objname ) ) printf(color ? CYAN" s %s\n"GRAY : " s %s\n", pp_shortcuts[i]); if (p_parser->psz_capability != NULL) printf(color ? MAGENTA" c %s (%d)\n"GRAY : " c %s (%d)\n", p_parser->psz_capability, p_parser->i_score); } } module_list_free (list); PauseConsole(); }
void Ide::BeginBuilding(bool sync_files, bool clear_console) { SetupDefaultMethod(); HdependTimeDirty(); Renumber(); StopDebug(); ShowConsole(); SaveFile(); SaveWorkspace(); SetIdeState(BUILDING); console.Kill(); console.ClearError(); error_cache.Clear(); error.Clear(); SyncErrorsMessage(); error_count = 0; warning_count = 0; if(clear_console) console.Clear(); build_time = GetTickCount(); CreateHost(sync_files); cmdout.Clear(); }
void Csio::contextMenuEvent ( QContextMenuEvent * event ) { QMenu *menu= new QMenu(this); BuildContextMenu(menu); menu->addSeparator(); QMenu * menuConnectorType = menu->addMenu(tr("Connector Type")); menuConnectorType->addAction(tr("Sharp 11 pins")); menuConnectorType->addAction(tr("Sharp 15 pins")); menuConnectorType->addAction(tr("Canon 9 pins")); menuConnectorType->addAction(tr("DB25 Serial Connector")); menuConnectorType->addAction(tr("DIN 8 pins")); menuConnectorType->addAction(tr("Jack")); connect(menuConnectorType, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)), this, SLOT(slotConnType(QAction*))); menu->addAction(tr("Show console"),this,SLOT(ShowConsole())); menu->addAction(tr("Hide console"),this,SLOT(HideConsole())); menu->popup(event->globalPos () ); event->accept(); }
void Ide::ConsoleShow() { ShowConsole(); console.Sync(); }
static INT_PTR CALLBACK ConsoleDlgProc(HWND hwndDlg,UINT message,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { switch(message) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { TCHAR title[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR name[MAX_PATH] = {0}; TCHAR path[MAX_PATH] = {0}; hTabs = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_TABS); //TabCtrl_SetMinTabWidth(hTabs, 100); // restore position Utils_RestoreWindowPositionEx(hwndDlg,RWPF_HIDDEN,NULL,"Console","Console"); CallService(MS_DB_GETPROFILENAMET,(WPARAM)SIZEOF(name),(LPARAM)name); CallService(MS_DB_GETPROFILEPATHT,(WPARAM)SIZEOF(path),(LPARAM)path); mir_sntprintf(title, SIZEOF(title), _T("%s - %s\\%s"), TranslateT("Miranda Console"), path, name); SetWindowText(hwndDlg, title); SendMessage(hwndDlg,WM_SETICON,ICON_BIG,(LPARAM)hIcons[0]); hwndConsole = hwndDlg; SendMessage(hwndDlg, HM_ADD, 0, 0); PostMessage(hwndDlg, WM_SIZE, 0, 0); break; } case HM_DUMP: { // lParam = DUMPMSG int idx; LOGWIN *lw; LOGWIN lw2; DUMPMSG *dumpMsg = (DUMPMSG*)lParam; if (!pActive) { mir_free(dumpMsg); break; } if (!gSingleMode) { lw2.Module = dumpMsg->szModule; if (!List_GetIndex(&lModules, &lw2, &idx)) SendMessage(hwndDlg, HM_ADD, (WPARAM)idx, (LPARAM)dumpMsg->szModule); lw = (LOGWIN*)lModules.items[idx]; } else lw = pActive; if (lw->hwnd) SendMessage(lw->hwnd, HM_DUMP, wParam, lParam); else PostMessage(hwndDlg, HM_DUMP, wParam, lParam); // loop msg until window will be ready return TRUE; } case HM_ADD: { // wParam = index, lParam = module name LOGWIN *lw; COLORREF col; TCITEM tci = {0}; int idx = (int)wParam; char *str = (char*)lParam; if (!str) str = ""; // startup window lw = (LOGWIN*)mir_calloc( sizeof(LOGWIN)); lw->Module = (char*)mir_strdup(str); List_Insert(&lModules, lw, idx); if (!gSingleMode && lParam) { tci.mask = TCIF_PARAM | TCIF_TEXT; tci.lParam = (LPARAM)lw; tci.pszText = mir_a2u(lw->Module); idx = TabCtrl_InsertItem(hTabs, tabCount, &tci); mir_free(tci.pszText); tabCount++; } GetClientRect(hTabs, &rcTabs); TabCtrl_AdjustRect(hTabs, FALSE, &rcTabs); CreateDialogParam(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_LOG), hwndDlg, LogDlgProc, (LPARAM)lw); ShowWindow(lw->hwnd, (tabCount > 1)?SW_HIDE:SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE); if (pActive) { col = ListView_GetBkColor(pActive->hList); ListView_SetBkColor(lw->hList, col); ListView_SetTextBkColor(lw->hList, col); col = ListView_GetTextColor(pActive->hList); ListView_SetTextColor(lw->hList, col); if (hfLogFont) SendMessage(lw->hList, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)hfLogFont, TRUE); } // hide startup window if (tabCount == 1) { ShowWindow(pActive->hwnd, SW_HIDE); PostMessage(pActive->hwnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); pActive = lw; } if (!pActive) pActive = lw; return TRUE; } case HM_REMOVE: { // lParam = LOGWIN LOGWIN *lw = (LOGWIN*)lParam; if (!lw) break; if (lw == pActive) { int tab = TabCtrl_GetCurSel(hTabs); if (tab >= 0) { TCITEM tci={0}; TabCtrl_DeleteItem(hTabs, tab); tabCount--; if (tabCount) { tab--; if (tab < 0 ) tab = 0; TabCtrl_SetCurSel(hTabs, tab); tci.mask = TCIF_PARAM; TabCtrl_GetItem(hTabs, tab, &tci); pActive = (LOGWIN*)tci.lParam; SendMessage(pActive->hwnd, WM_SIZE, 0, 0); ScrollDown(pActive); ShowWindow(pActive->hwnd, SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE); SetFocus(pActive->hList); } else pActive = NULL; } } List_RemovePtr(&lModules, lw); mir_free(lw->Module); mir_free(lw); return TRUE; } case HM_SETFONT: { // wParam = font, lParam = font color int i; LOGWIN *lw; for ( i = 0; i < lModules.realCount; i++ ) { lw = (LOGWIN*)lModules.items[i]; ListView_SetTextColor(lw->hList, (COLORREF)lParam); if (wParam) SendMessage(lw->hList, WM_SETFONT, wParam, TRUE); } return TRUE; } case HM_SETCOLOR: { // wParam = font, lParam = background color int i; LOGWIN *lw; for ( i = 0; i < lModules.realCount; i++ ) { lw = (LOGWIN*)lModules.items[i]; ListView_SetBkColor(lw->hList, (COLORREF)lParam); ListView_SetTextBkColor(lw->hList, (COLORREF)lParam); if (wParam) SendMessage(lw->hList, WM_SETFONT, wParam, TRUE); } return TRUE; } case HM_PAUSEALL: { // lParam = 1 to pause, 0 to start int i; LOGWIN *lw; for ( i = 0; i < lModules.realCount; i++ ) { lw = (LOGWIN*)lModules.items[i]; if (lw->Paused != (int)lParam) SendMessage(lw->hwnd, WM_COMMAND, IDC_PAUSE, 0); } return TRUE; } case HM_RESTART: { if (pActive) { pActive = NULL; PostMessage(hwndDlg, HM_RESTART, 0, 0); return TRUE; } // close all tabs if (!lParam) { LOGWIN *lw; TabCtrl_DeleteAllItems(hTabs); while ( lModules.realCount ) { lw = (LOGWIN*)lModules.items[0]; SendMessage(lw->hwnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); } tabCount = 0; PostMessage(hwndDlg, HM_RESTART, 0, 1); return TRUE; } LoadSettings(); SendMessage(hwndDlg, HM_ADD, 0, 0); PostMessage(hwndDlg, WM_SIZE, 0, 0); return TRUE; } case WM_SETFOCUS: if (pActive) { SetFocus(pActive->hList); } return TRUE; case WM_NOTIFY: switch(wParam) { case IDC_TABS: { LPNMHDR lpnmhdr = (LPNMHDR)lParam; if (lpnmhdr->code == TCN_SELCHANGE) { int newTab = TabCtrl_GetCurSel(hTabs); if (newTab >= 0 ) { TCITEM tci={0}; HWND hOld = pActive->hwnd; tci.mask = TCIF_PARAM; if (!TabCtrl_GetItem(hTabs, newTab, &tci)) break; pActive = (LOGWIN*)tci.lParam; SendMessage(pActive->hwnd, WM_SIZE, 0, 0); ScrollDown(pActive); ShowWindow(hOld, SW_HIDE); ShowWindow(pActive->hwnd, SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE); SetFocus(pActive->hList); } else SendMessage(pActive->hwnd, WM_SIZE, 0, 0); } break; } } break; case WM_SIZE: { UTILRESIZEDIALOG urd={0}; urd.cbSize=sizeof(urd); urd.hInstance=hInst; urd.hwndDlg=hwndDlg; urd.lpTemplate=MAKEINTRESOURCEA(IDD_CONSOLE); urd.pfnResizer=ConsoleResize; CallService(MS_UTILS_RESIZEDIALOG,0,(LPARAM)&urd); GetClientRect(hTabs, &rcTabs); TabCtrl_AdjustRect(hTabs, FALSE, &rcTabs); if ( pActive ) SendMessage(pActive->hwnd, WM_SIZE, 0, 0); break; } case WM_GETMINMAXINFO: { MINMAXINFO *mmi=(MINMAXINFO*)lParam; mmi->ptMinTrackSize.x=400; mmi->ptMinTrackSize.y=200; break; } case WM_CLOSE: if ( lParam != 1 ) { Utils_SaveWindowPosition(hwndDlg,NULL,"Console","Console"); ShowConsole(0); return TRUE; } else DestroyWindow(hwndDlg); break; case WM_DESTROY: pActive = NULL; if (hfLogFont) DeleteObject(hfLogFont); PostQuitMessage(0); break; } return FALSE; }
void PythonScriptModule::PostInitialize() { // An error has occurred on startup. if (!pythonQtStarted_) return; // Get python main module. PythonQtObjectPtr mainModule = PythonQt::self()->getMainModule(); if (mainModule.isNull()) { LogError("PythonScriptModule::StartPythonQt(): Failed to get main module from PythonQt after init!"); return; } // Add PythonScriptModule as '_pythonscriptmodule' // and Framework as '_tundra' to python. mainModule.addObject("_pythonscriptmodule", this); mainModule.addObject("_tundra", GetFramework()); QDir pythonPlugins(Application::InstallationDirectory() + "pyplugins"); QDir pythonLibrary(pythonPlugins.absoluteFilePath("python/")); // Add Tundra python plugins source location. AddSystemPath(pythonPlugins.absolutePath()); AddSystemPath(pythonPlugins.absoluteFilePath("lib")); // Add Python Library DLL and on windows pass whole python as a archive file. /// \todo Is the 'DLLs' really needed also outside windows? AddSystemPath(pythonLibrary.absoluteFilePath("DLLs")); #ifdef _WIN32 AddSystemPath(pythonLibrary.absoluteFilePath("")); #endif // Connect to SceneAPI QObject::connect(GetFramework()->Scene(), SIGNAL(SceneAdded(const QString&)), this, SLOT(OnSceneAdded(const QString&))); // Console commands to ConsoleAPI GetFramework()->Console()->RegisterCommand("PyExec", "Execute given code in the embedded Python interpreter. Usage: PyExec(mycodestring)", this, SLOT(ConsoleRunString(const QStringList&))); GetFramework()->Console()->RegisterCommand("PyLoad", "Execute a python file. Usage: PyLoad(mypymodule)", this, SLOT(ConsoleRunFile(const QStringList&))); GetFramework()->Console()->RegisterCommand("PyRestart", "Restarts the Tundra Python ModuleManager", this, SLOT(ConsoleRestartPython(const QStringList&))); GetFramework()->Console()->RegisterCommand("PyConsole", "Creates a new Python console window.", this, SLOT(ShowConsole())); // Done in PostInitialize() so all modules/APIs are loaded and initialized. //StartPythonModuleManager(); // --p --python --pythonapitests are special command line options that on purpose not put // to the Framework program options parsing. So lets do a special parse here for there hidden variables. /// \todo See if we should return --p --python as official cmd line options back to Framework. Probably best to have modules give own params somehow, /// we should not mess python specific things to core SDK params in Framework.cpp :I namespace po = boost::program_options; po::variables_map commandLineVariables; po::options_description commandLineDescriptions; commandLineDescriptions.add_options() ("p", po::value<std::string>(), "Run a python script on startup") ("python", po::value<std::string>(), "Run a python script on startup") ("pythonapitests", "Run a python api test script on startup"); try { /// \note QApplication::argc() and QApplication::argv() are deprecated. po::store(po::command_line_parser(QApplication::argc(), QApplication::argv()).options(commandLineDescriptions).allow_unregistered().run(), commandLineVariables); } catch(std::exception &e) { LogWarning(Name() + ": " + + e.what()); } po::notify(commandLineVariables); if (commandLineVariables.count("python")) RunScript(commandLineVariables["python"].as<std::string>().c_str()); if (commandLineVariables.count("p")) RunScript(commandLineVariables["p"].as<std::string>().c_str()); LoadStartupScripts(); }
void BiosFlasher_OnSupportedPressed(GUI_Widget *widget) { dsystem("bflash -l"); ShowConsole(); }
/**** *The command grammar: (options) (paramters) -i: set the input the barcode files directory. -i "D:\images" -o: set the output result files directory. -o "D:\output" -l: set the barcode reader library(dll) path */ int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { CDbrBarcodeFileReader *barcodeFileReader = new CDbrBarcodeFileReader(); if (argc >= 3 && argc%2==1) { for (int i = 1; i < argc-1; i++) { string str = argv[i]; if (str == "-i") { string strBarcodeDir = argv[i + 1]; barcodeFileReader->LoadBarcodeFiles(strBarcodeDir.c_str()); } if (str == "-o") { string strOutputBarcodeDir = argv[i + 1]; barcodeFileReader->SetOutputFileDir(strOutputBarcodeDir.c_str()); } if (str == "-l") { string strOutputBarcodeDir = argv[i + 1]; #ifdef USE_LOAD_LIBARAY barcodeFileReader->SetDBRLibaryPath(strOutputBarcodeDir.c_str()); #endif } if (str == "-t") { string strOutputType = argv[i + 1]; if (stricmp(strOutputType.c_str(), "console") ==0) { barcodeFileReader->SetOutputType(CBarcodeFileReader::OUTPUT_CONSOLE); } else { barcodeFileReader->SetOutputType(CBarcodeFileReader::OUTPUT_FILE); } } } barcodeFileReader->Run(); std::cout << "Complete!" << std::endl; if (barcodeFileReader != NULL) { delete barcodeFileReader; } return 0; } #ifdef USE_LOAD_LIBARAY barcodeFileReader->SetDBRLibaryPath("DynamsoftBarcodeReaderx86.dll"); #endif ShowConsole(); char szBuffer[256] = { 0 }; string strGettingMessage = ""; char ichar=' ', iType=' '; while (ichar!='q') { ichar = _getche();//need press the enter. getchar():need press the enter if(ichar=='\0') ichar= _getche(); switch (ichar) { case 'i': case 'I': std::cout << "\n Please input the barcode files directory:"; memset(szBuffer, 0, sizeof(szBuffer)); strGettingMessage = gets_s(szBuffer, 256); barcodeFileReader->LoadBarcodeFiles(strGettingMessage.c_str()); break; case 'o': case 'O': { barcodeFileReader->SetOutputType(CBarcodeFileReader::OUTPUT_FILE); std::cout << "\n Please input the output directory for decoding result:"; memset(szBuffer, 0, sizeof(szBuffer)); strGettingMessage = gets_s(szBuffer, 256); barcodeFileReader->SetOutputFileDir(strGettingMessage.c_str()); } break; case 'r': case 'R': { std::cout << "\n"; barcodeFileReader->Run(); std::cout << "Complete!" << std::endl; _getche(); memset(szBuffer, 0, sizeof(szBuffer)); } break; case 'q': case 'Q': ichar = 'q'; break; case ' ': break; default: { std::cout << "\n The input commands invalid!" << std::endl; } } ShowConsoleCmd(); } if (barcodeFileReader != NULL) { delete barcodeFileReader; } return 0; }
void doSameSession() { char *arg; RESULTCODES rc; int i,j; if (progtitle) SetConsoleTitle(progtitle); if (fForegroundConsole) SelectConsole(); if (fConsoleSize) SetConsoleSize(Console.W, Console.H, colSAME); if (fFontSet) { RECTL r; LockConsoleUpdate(); SetConsoleFontSize(Font.H, Font.W); if (fResizeWindowToMax && !fExplicitSize) SetMaxConsoleSize(); // Workaround: NPS WPS does not redraw window shadow when window grows :-( GetPixelConsoleSize((int *)&r.xLeft, (int *)&r.yBottom, (int *)&r.xRight, (int *)&r.yTop); r.xRight += r.xLeft + 8; r.yTop += r.yBottom + 8; r.xLeft -= 8; r.yBottom -= 8; WinInvalidateRect(HWND_DESKTOP, &r, FALSE); UnlockConsoleUpdate(); } else if (fResizeWindowToMax && !fExplicitSize) SetMaxConsoleSize(); if (fSetBorder) SetConsoleBorderSize(Border.W, Border.H); if (fSetFlash) FlashConsole(fFlashWindow); if (fMinimizeConsole) MinimizeConsole(); else if (fMaximizeConsole) MaximizeConsole(); if (GetWindowHWND()) { if ((fExplicitPos || fExplicitSize)) SetPixelConsoleSize(ConsolePos.X, ConsolePos.Y, ConsolePos.W, ConsolePos.H, (fExplicitPos ? SWP_MOVE : 0) | (fExplicitSize ? SWP_SIZE : 0)); else if (fMaximizeConsole) SetPixelConsoleSize(ConsolePos.X, ConsolePos.Y, 0, 0, SWP_MOVE); } if (fHideConsole) ShowConsole(FALSE); else if (fShowConsole) ShowConsole(TRUE); if (fRestoreConsole) RestoreConsole(); if (!progname) return; if (!progname[0]) progname = getenv("COMSPEC"); if (progname) i = strlen(progname); else i = 0; j = i; i++; if (progargs) i+= strlen(progargs); arg = malloc(i); if (progname) strcpy(arg, progname); else arg[0] = 0; strcat(arg, "*"); if (progargs) strcat(arg, progargs); arg[j] = 0; ReleaseINI(); if (DosExecPgm(NULL, 0, EXEC_SYNC, arg, NULL, &rc, progname)) { SetColor(colLRED, colSAME); printf("Error running command %s\n", progname); if (_isterm(1)) getch(); return; } }
void ToolsPlus::OnRunTarget(wxCommandEvent& event) { int ID=event.GetId(); wxString commandstr; wxString consolename; wxString workingdir; bool windowed=false; bool console=false; if (ID>=ID_ContextMenu_0&&ID<=ID_ContextMenu_49) { m_interpnum=m_contextvec[ID-ID_ContextMenu_0]; commandstr=m_ic.interps[m_interpnum].command; consolename=m_ic.interps[m_interpnum].name; windowed=(m_ic.interps[m_interpnum].mode==_("W")); console=(m_ic.interps[m_interpnum].mode==_("C")); workingdir=m_ic.interps[m_interpnum].wdir; } else if (ID>=ID_SubMenu_0&&ID<=ID_SubMenu_49) { m_interpnum=ID-ID_SubMenu_0; commandstr=m_ic.interps[m_interpnum].command; consolename=m_ic.interps[m_interpnum].name; windowed=(m_ic.interps[m_interpnum].mode==_("W")); console=(m_ic.interps[m_interpnum].mode==_("C")); workingdir=m_ic.interps[m_interpnum].wdir; m_wildcard=m_ic.interps[m_interpnum].wildcards; if (m_ic.interps[m_interpnum].command.Find(_("$file"))>0 || m_ic.interps[m_interpnum].command.Find(_("$path"))>0) { m_RunTarget=wxEmptyString; EditorManager* edMan = Manager::Get()->GetEditorManager(); if (edMan && edMan->GetActiveEditor() && edMan->GetActiveEditor()->GetFilename()) { wxFileName activefile(edMan->GetActiveEditor()->GetFilename()); wxString filename=activefile.GetFullPath(); wxString name=activefile.GetFullName(); if (WildCardListMatch(m_ic.interps[m_interpnum].wildcards,name)) m_RunTarget=filename; } if (m_RunTarget==wxEmptyString) OnSetTarget(event); if (!wxFileName::FileExists(m_RunTarget)) { LogMessage(_("Tools Plus plugin: ")+m_RunTarget+_(" not found")); return; } } if (m_ic.interps[m_interpnum].command.Find(_("$dir"))>0) { OnSetDirTarget(event); if (!wxFileName::DirExists(m_RunTarget)) { LogMessage(_("Tools Plus plugin: ")+m_RunTarget+_(" not found")); return; } if (m_RunTarget==_T("")) return; } if (m_ic.interps[m_interpnum].command.Find(_("$mpaths"))>0) { OnSetMultiTarget(event); if (m_RunTarget==_T("")) return; } } else { LogMessage(wxString::Format(_("WARNING: Unprocessed Tools Plus Menu Message: ID %i, IDbase %i, IDend %i, num items on menu %i"),ID,ID_ContextMenu_0,ID_ContextMenu_49,(int)m_contextvec.size())); return; } m_RunTarget.Replace(_T("*"),_T(" ")); bool setdir=true; commandstr.Replace(_("$file"),wxFileName(m_RunTarget).GetShortPath()); commandstr.Replace(_("$relfile"),wxFileName(m_RunTarget).GetFullName()); commandstr.Replace(_("$fname"),wxFileName(m_RunTarget).GetName()); commandstr.Replace(_("$fext"),wxFileName(m_RunTarget).GetExt()); commandstr.Replace(_("$dir"),wxFileName(m_RunTarget).GetShortPath()); commandstr.Replace(_("$reldir"),wxFileName(m_RunTarget).GetFullName()); commandstr.Replace(_("$path"),wxFileName(m_RunTarget).GetShortPath()); commandstr.Replace(_("$relpath"),wxFileName(m_RunTarget).GetFullPath()); if (commandstr.Replace(_("$mpaths"),m_RunTarget)>0) setdir=false; // substitute user prompted values in the format: $inputstr{Enter your message} int promptind=commandstr.Find(_("$inputstr{")); wxString substitution; while (promptind>=0) { int promptend=commandstr.Mid(promptind+10).Find(_("}")); if (promptend<=0) { cbMessageBox(_("Malformed $inputstr in command line -- no closing '}' found: ")+commandstr); return; } else promptend++; wxTextEntryDialog ted(NULL,commandstr.Mid(promptind+10,promptend-1),consolename,_T(""),wxOK|wxCANCEL); if (ted.ShowModal()==wxID_OK) substitution=ted.GetValue(); else return; commandstr=commandstr.Left(promptind)+substitution+commandstr.Mid(promptind+10+promptend); int nextind=commandstr.Mid(promptind+substitution.Len()).Find(_("$inputstr")); if (nextind>=0) promptind+=nextind+substitution.Len(); else promptind=-1; } commandstr.Replace(_("$interpreter"),wxFileName(m_ic.interps[m_interpnum].command).GetShortPath()); workingdir.Replace(_("$parentdir"),wxFileName(m_RunTarget).GetPath()); if (wxFileName::DirExists(m_RunTarget)) workingdir.Replace(_("$dir"),wxFileName(m_RunTarget).GetFullPath()); if (Manager::Get()->GetMacrosManager()) { Manager::Get()->GetMacrosManager()->RecalcVars(0, 0, 0); // hack to force-update macros Manager::Get()->GetMacrosManager()->ReplaceMacros(commandstr); Manager::Get()->GetMacrosManager()->ReplaceMacros(workingdir); } wxString olddir=wxGetCwd(); if (setdir && workingdir!=_T("")) { if (!wxSetWorkingDirectory(workingdir)) { LogMessage(_("Tools Plus Plugin: Can't change to working directory to ")+workingdir); return; } } LogMessage(wxString::Format(_("Launching '%s': %s (in %s)"), consolename.c_str(), commandstr.c_str(), workingdir.c_str())); if (windowed) { wxArrayString astr; m_shellmgr->LaunchProcess(commandstr,consolename,_("Piped Process Control"),astr); ShowConsole(); } else if (console) { wxString cmdline; #ifndef __WXMSW__ // for non-win platforms, use m_ConsoleTerm to run the console app wxString term = Manager::Get()->GetConfigManager(_T("app"))->Read(_T("/console_terminal"), DEFAULT_CONSOLE_TERM); term.Replace(_T("$TITLE"), _T("'") + consolename + _T("'")); cmdline<< term << _T(" "); #define CONSOLE_RUNNER "cb_console_runner" #else #define CONSOLE_RUNNER "cb_console_runner.exe" #endif wxString baseDir = ConfigManager::GetExecutableFolder(); if (wxFileExists(baseDir + wxT("/" CONSOLE_RUNNER))) cmdline << baseDir << wxT("/" CONSOLE_RUNNER " "); cmdline<<commandstr; if (!wxExecute(cmdline)) cbMessageBox(_("Command Launch Failed: ")+commandstr); } else { if (!wxExecute(commandstr)) cbMessageBox(_("Command Launch Failed: ")+commandstr); } wxSetWorkingDirectory(olddir); }
static int OnSystemModulesLoaded(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { CreateServiceFunction(MS_CONSOLE_SHOW_HIDE, ShowHideConsole); FontIDT fid = {0}; fid.cbSize = sizeof(fid); _tcscpy(,_T("Console")); _tcscpy(,TranslateT("Text")); strcpy(fid.dbSettingsGroup,"Console"); strcpy(fid.prefix,"ConsoleFont"); _tcscpy(fid.backgroundGroup,_T("Console")); _tcscpy(fid.backgroundName,_T("Background")); fid.flags = FIDF_DEFAULTVALID; fid.deffontsettings.charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET; fid.deffontsettings.colour = RGB(0, 0, 0); fid.deffontsettings.size = 10; = 0; _tcsncpy(fid.deffontsettings.szFace, _T("Courier"), LF_FACESIZE); FontRegisterT(&fid); HookEvent(ME_FONT_RELOAD,OnFontChange); ColourIDT cid = {0}; cid.cbSize=sizeof(cid); _tcscpy(,_T("Console")); _tcscpy(,_T("Background")); strcpy(cid.dbSettingsGroup,"Console"); strcpy(cid.setting,"BgColor"); cid.defcolour = RGB(255,255,255); ColourRegisterT(&cid); HookEvent(ME_COLOUR_RELOAD, OnColourChange); HOTKEYDESC hkd = {0}; hkd.cbSize = sizeof(hkd); hkd.pszName = "Console_Show_Hide"; hkd.pszDescription = LPGEN("Show/Hide Console"); hkd.pszSection = "Main"; hkd.pszService = MS_CONSOLE_SHOW_HIDE; hkd.DefHotKey = HOTKEYCODE(HOTKEYF_EXT, 'C'); Hotkey_Register(&hkd); if (hwndConsole && IsWindow(hwndConsole)) { HookEvent(ME_TTB_MODULELOADED, OnTTBLoaded); CLISTMENUITEM mi = { sizeof(mi) }; mi.flags = CMIF_TCHAR; mi.hIcon = hIcons[0]; mi.ptszPopupName = LPGENT("&Help"); mi.popupPosition = 2000090000; mi.position = 1000000000; mi.ptszName = (IsWindowVisible(hwndConsole)) ? LPGENT("Hide Console") : LPGENT("Show Console"); mi.pszService = MS_CONSOLE_SHOW_HIDE; hMenu = Menu_AddMainMenuItem(&mi); OnFontChange(0,0); OnColourChange(0,0); if (db_get_b(NULL,"Console","ShowAtStart",0) || db_get_b(NULL,"Console","Show",1)) ShowConsole(1); else ShowConsole(0); } return 0; }