/*virtual*/ void SoundInstanceCommon::Tick3D() {

  const Sound3DListener* const pListener = Get3DListener();

  Vector DirectionToSound;
  float DistanceToSound;
  float OneOverDistanceToSound;

  const Vector SoundLocation = GetLocation();
  const Vector OffsetToSound = SoundLocation - pListener->GetLocation();
  OffsetToSound.GetNormalized(DirectionToSound, DistanceToSound,

  const float FalloffRadius = m_Sound->GetFalloffDistance();
  const float MinimumAttenuation = m_Sound->GetMinimumAttenuation();
  DEVASSERT(FalloffRadius > 0.0f);

  // Set pan based on distance and direction.
  const float PanBias = m_Sound->GetBiasedPan(DistanceToSound);
  const float PanCosTheta = pListener->GetRight().Dot(DirectionToSound);

  // This is a little bit of fakery; further attenuate sounds behind the
  // listener.
  const float Surround = pListener->GetForward().Dot(DirectionToSound);
  float RearAttenuation = Saturate((-Surround * PanBias));
  RearAttenuation = 1.0f - (RearAttenuation * m_Sound->GetRearAttenuation());

  // Set attenuation based on distance and rear attenuation
  m_Attenuation = FalloffRadius / (FalloffRadius + DistanceToSound);
  m_Attenuation *= RearAttenuation;

  if (m_Attenuation >= MinimumAttenuation) {
    pListener->ModifyAttenuation(this, m_Attenuation);

  if (m_Attenuation < MinimumAttenuation) {
    m_Attenuation = 0.0f;
  } else {
    // Don't bother setting the pan unless we'll hear it!
    const float PanPow = SignedPow(PanCosTheta, m_Sound->GetPanPower());
    const float Pan = PanPow * PanBias;
QuatT CStrafeOffset::Compute(float frameTime)
	const float STAP_MF_Front				= 1.0f;
	const float STAP_MF_Back				= 1.0f;
	const float STAP_MF_StrafeLeft			= 1.0f;
	const float STAP_MF_StrafeRight			= 1.0f;

	static const float MIN_VERT_DIR = 0.2f;
	static const float MAX_VERT_DIR = 1.0f;
	static const float MIN_HORIZ_DIR  = 0.2f;
	static const float MAX_HORIZ_DIR  = 3.0f;
	static const float runEaseFactor = 0.2f;

	const float MIN_SPEED = 0.2f;
	const float MAX_SPEED = 4.0f;

	float rotationFactor = 1.0f;
	float strafeFactor = 1.0f;

	Ang3 inputRot = m_gameParams.inputRot;
	float absInputRotHoriz = cry_fabsf(inputRot.z) * rotationFactor;

	float horizSpeed = m_gameParams.velocity.GetLength2D();
	float runFactor	= (horizSpeed - MIN_SPEED) / (MAX_SPEED - MIN_SPEED);
	const float horizRotFactor = clamp(-m_gameParams.aimDirection.z * (absInputRotHoriz - MIN_HORIZ_DIR) / (MAX_HORIZ_DIR - MIN_HORIZ_DIR), 0.0f, 1.0f);
	runFactor = max(runFactor, horizRotFactor);
	runFactor = clamp(runFactor, 0.0f, 1.0f);
	m_runFactor = ((runFactor * runEaseFactor) + (m_runFactor * (1.0f - runEaseFactor)));

	//--- Calculate movement acceleration
	const float invFrontAugmentation = m_staticParams.accelerationFrontAugmentation != 0.0 ? (1.0f / m_staticParams.accelerationFrontAugmentation) : 1.0f;
	const Vec3 inputMoveAugmented = Vec3(
		m_gameParams.inputMove.x * invFrontAugmentation,
		m_gameParams.inputMove.y * m_staticParams.accelerationFrontAugmentation,
	Interpolate(m_smoothedVelocity, inputMoveAugmented, m_staticParams.velocityLowPassFilter, frameTime);

	const Vec3 velocityDerivative = (frameTime > 0.0) ? ((m_smoothedVelocity - m_lastVelocity) / frameTime) : Vec3(ZERO);
	m_lastVelocity = m_smoothedVelocity;

	float interpFront = SignedPow(clamp(velocityDerivative.y * m_staticParams.velocityInterpolationMultiplier, -1, 1), m_staticParams.accelerationSmoothing);
	interpFront *= (float)__fsel(interpFront, STAP_MF_Front, STAP_MF_Back) * strafeFactor;
	Interpolate(m_interpFront, interpFront, m_staticParams.velocityLowPassFilter, frameTime);
	float interpSide = SignedPow(clamp(velocityDerivative.x * m_staticParams.velocityInterpolationMultiplier, -1, 1), m_staticParams.accelerationSmoothing);
	interpSide *= (float)__fsel(interpSide, STAP_MF_StrafeLeft, STAP_MF_StrafeRight) * strafeFactor;
	Interpolate(m_interpSide, interpSide, m_staticParams.velocityLowPassFilter, frameTime);

	// create offsets
	QuatT strafeOffset(IDENTITY);

	Vec3 posSize = m_staticParams.strafe_offset;
	Ang3 sideRotSize = m_staticParams.side_strafe_rot;
	Ang3 frontRotSize = m_staticParams.front_strafe_rot;

	const float cmToMeter = 1.0f / 100.0f;
	const float degreeToRadians = 3.14159f / 180.0f;

	strafeOffset.t.x -= m_interpSide * posSize.x * cmToMeter;
	strafeOffset.t.y -= m_interpFront * posSize.y * cmToMeter;
	strafeOffset.t.z -= max(std::abs(m_interpFront), std::abs(m_interpSide)) * posSize.z * cmToMeter;
	strafeOffset.q *= Quat(sideRotSize * m_interpSide * degreeToRadians);
	strafeOffset.q *= Quat(frontRotSize * m_interpFront * degreeToRadians);

	return strafeOffset;