void XnVPointDenoiser::UpdatePointDenoise(XnPoint3D &ptToChange, const XnPoint3D &ptDontChange)
	XnV3DVector vDir = XnV3DVector(ptDontChange) - XnV3DVector(ptToChange);
	XnFloat fLen = vDir.Normalize();
	XnFloat fSoftThreshold = SoftThreshold(fLen, m_fDistanceThreshold);

	XnV3DVector vToChange = ptToChange;
	XnV3DVector vDontChange = ptDontChange;

	if (fSoftThreshold == 0)
		ptToChange = vToChange*(1-m_fCloseRatio) + vDontChange*m_fCloseRatio;
		XnV3DVector vNewPoint = XnV3DVector(ptToChange) + (fSoftThreshold) * vDir;
		ptToChange = vToChange*(1-m_fFarRatio) + vNewPoint*m_fFarRatio;
} // XnVPointDenoiser::UpdatePointDenoise
Beispiel #2
main( int argc, char* argv[] )
    El::Environment env( argc, argv );

        const El::Int m = El::Input("--m","height of matrix",100);
        const El::Int n = El::Input("--n","width of matrix",200);
        // TODO(poulson): Add options for controlling IPM
        const El::Int maxIter =
          El::Input("--maxIter","maximum # of iter's",500);
        const Real lambda = El::Input("--lambda","DS parameter",0.5);
        const bool display = El::Input("--display","display matrices?",false);
        const bool print = El::Input("--print","print matrices",false);

        El::SparseMatrix<Real> A;
        El::Matrix<Real> b, xTrue;
        El::Identity( A, m, n );
        El::Uniform( b, m, 1 );
        if( print )
            El::Print( A, "A" );
            El::Print( b, "b" );
        if( display )
            El::Display( A, "A" );

        El::lp::affine::Ctrl<Real> affineCtrl; 
        affineCtrl.mehrotraCtrl.print = true;

        El::Matrix<Real> x;
        El::Timer timer;
        if( El::mpi::Rank() == 0 )
        El::DS( A, b, lambda, x, affineCtrl );
        if( El::mpi::Rank() == 0 )
        if( print )
            El::Print( x, "x" );
        const El::Int xZeroNorm = El::ZeroNorm( x );
        if( El::mpi::Rank() == 0 )
            El::Output("Dantzig Selector time: ",timer.Total()," secs");
            El::Output("|| x ||_0 = ",xZeroNorm);
        SoftThreshold( x, El::Sqrt(El::limits::Epsilon<Real>()) );
        if( print )
            El::Print( x, "xThresh" );
        const El::Int xZeroNormThresh = El::ZeroNorm( x );
        if( El::mpi::Rank() == 0 )
            El::Output("|| xThresh ||_0 = ",xZeroNormThresh);
    catch( std::exception& e ) { El::ReportException(e); }

    return 0;
Beispiel #3
inline void ADMM
( const Matrix<F>& M, 
        Matrix<F>& L,
        Matrix<F>& S, 
  const RPCACtrl<Base<F>>& ctrl )
    typedef Base<F> Real;
    const Int m = M.Height();
    const Int n = M.Width();

    // If tau is not specified, then set it to 1/sqrt(max(m,n))
    const Base<F> tau = 
        ( ctrl.tau <= Real(0) ? Real(1)/sqrt(Real(Max(m,n))) : ctrl.tau );
    if( ctrl.beta <= Real(0) )
        LogicError("beta cannot be non-positive");
    if( ctrl.tol <= Real(0) )
        LogicError("tol cannot be non-positive");
    const Base<F> beta = ctrl.beta;
    const Base<F> tol = ctrl.tol;

    const double startTime = mpi::Time();
    Matrix<F> E, Y;
    Zeros( Y, m, n );

    const Real frobM = FrobeniusNorm( M );
    const Real maxM = MaxNorm( M );
    if( ctrl.progress )
        cout << "|| M ||_F = " << frobM << "\n"
             << "|| M ||_max = " << maxM << endl;

    Zeros( L, m, n );
    Zeros( S, m, n );

    Int numIts = 0;
    while( true )

        // ST_{tau/beta}(M - L + Y/beta)
        S = M;
        S -= L;
        Axpy( F(1)/beta, Y, S );
        SoftThreshold( S, tau/beta );
        const Int numNonzeros = ZeroNorm( S );

        // SVT_{1/beta}(M - S + Y/beta)
        L = M;
        L -= S;
        Axpy( F(1)/beta, Y, L );
        Int rank;
        if( ctrl.usePivQR )
            rank = SVT( L, Real(1)/beta, ctrl.numPivSteps );
            rank = SVT( L, Real(1)/beta );
        // E := M - (L + S)
        E = M;    
        E -= L;
        E -= S;
        const Real frobE = FrobeniusNorm( E );

        if( frobE/frobM <= tol )            
            if( ctrl.progress )
                cout << "Converged after " << numIts << " iterations "
                     << " with rank=" << rank 
                     << ", numNonzeros=" << numNonzeros << " and "
                     << "|| E ||_F / || M ||_F = " << frobE/frobM
                     << ", and " << mpi::Time()-startTime << " total secs"
                     << endl;
        else if( numIts >= ctrl.maxIts )
            if( ctrl.progress )
                cout << "Aborting after " << numIts << " iterations and "
                     << mpi::Time()-startTime << " total secs" 
                     << endl;
            if( ctrl.progress )
                cout << numIts << ": || E ||_F / || M ||_F = " 
                     << frobE/frobM << ", rank=" << rank 
                     << ", numNonzeros=" << numNonzeros 
                     << ", " << mpi::Time()-startTime << " total secs"
                     << endl;
        // Y := Y + beta E
        Axpy( beta, E, Y );
Beispiel #4
inline void ALM
( const ElementalMatrix<F>& MPre, 
        ElementalMatrix<F>& LPre,
        ElementalMatrix<F>& SPre, 
  const RPCACtrl<Base<F>>& ctrl )
      MProx( MPre );
      LProx( LPre ),
      SProx( SPre );
    auto& M = MProx.GetLocked();
    auto& L = LProx.Get();
    auto& S = SProx.Get();

    typedef Base<F> Real;
    const Int m = M.Height();
    const Int n = M.Width();
    const int commRank = mpi::Rank( M.Grid().Comm() );

    // If tau is unspecified, set it to 1/sqrt(max(m,n))
    const Base<F> tau = 
      ( ctrl.tau <= Real(0) ? Real(1) / sqrt(Real(Max(m,n))) : ctrl.tau );
    if( ctrl.tol <= Real(0) )
        LogicError("tol cannot be non-positive");
    const Base<F> tol = ctrl.tol;

    const double startTime = mpi::Time();

    DistMatrix<F> Y( M );
    NormalizeEntries( Y );
    const Real twoNorm = TwoNorm( Y );
    const Real maxNorm = MaxNorm( Y );
    const Real infNorm = maxNorm / tau; 
    const Real dualNorm = Max( twoNorm, infNorm );
    Y *= F(1)/dualNorm;

    // If beta is unspecified, set it to 1 / 2 || sign(M) ||_2
    Base<F> beta = 
      ( ctrl.beta <= Real(0) ? Real(1) / (2*twoNorm) : ctrl.beta );

    const Real frobM = FrobeniusNorm( M );
    const Real maxM = MaxNorm( M );
    if( ctrl.progress && commRank == 0 )
        cout << "|| M ||_F = " << frobM << "\n"
             << "|| M ||_max = " << maxM << endl;

    Zeros( L, m, n );
    Zeros( S, m, n );

    Int numIts=0, numPrimalIts=0;
    DistMatrix<F> LLast( M.Grid() ), SLast( M.Grid() ), E( M.Grid() );
    while( true )
        Int rank, numNonzeros;
        while( true )

            LLast = L;
            SLast = S;

            // ST_{tau/beta}(M - L + Y/beta)
            S = M;
            S -= L;
            Axpy( F(1)/beta, Y, S );
            SoftThreshold( S, tau/beta );
            numNonzeros = ZeroNorm( S );

            // SVT_{1/beta}(M - S + Y/beta)
            L = M;
            L -= S;
            Axpy( F(1)/beta, Y, L );
            if( ctrl.usePivQR )
                rank = SVT( L, Real(1)/beta, ctrl.numPivSteps );
                rank = SVT( L, Real(1)/beta );

            LLast -= L;
            SLast -= S;
            const Real frobLDiff = FrobeniusNorm( LLast );
            const Real frobSDiff = FrobeniusNorm( SLast );

            if( frobLDiff/frobM < tol && frobSDiff/frobM < tol )
                if( ctrl.progress && commRank == 0 )
                    cout << "Primal loop converged: " 
                         << mpi::Time()-startTime << " total secs" << endl;
                if( ctrl.progress && commRank == 0 )
                    cout << "  " << numPrimalIts 
                         << ": \n"
                         << "   || Delta L ||_F / || M ||_F = " 
                         << frobLDiff/frobM << "\n"
                         << "   || Delta S ||_F / || M ||_F = "
                         << frobSDiff/frobM << "\n"
                         << "   rank=" << rank
                         << ", numNonzeros=" << numNonzeros 
                         << ", " << mpi::Time()-startTime << " total secs" 
                         << endl;

        // E := M - (L + S)
        E = M;    
        E -= L;
        E -= S;
        const Real frobE = FrobeniusNorm( E );

        if( frobE/frobM <= tol )            
            if( ctrl.progress && commRank == 0 )
                cout << "Converged after " << numIts << " iterations and "
                     << numPrimalIts << " primal iterations with rank=" 
                     << rank << ", numNonzeros=" << numNonzeros << " and "
                     << "|| E ||_F / || M ||_F = " << frobE/frobM
                     << ", " << mpi::Time()-startTime << " total secs"
                     << endl;
        else if( numIts >= ctrl.maxIts )
            if( ctrl.progress && commRank == 0 )
                cout << "Aborting after " << numIts << " iterations and "
                     << mpi::Time()-startTime << " total secs" << endl;
            if( ctrl.progress && commRank == 0 )
                cout << numPrimalIts << ": || E ||_F / || M ||_F = " 
                     << frobE/frobM << ", rank=" << rank 
                     << ", numNonzeros=" << numNonzeros << ", "
                     << mpi::Time()-startTime << " total secs" 
                     << endl;
        // Y := Y + beta E
        Axpy( beta, E, Y );
        beta *= ctrl.rho;
Beispiel #5
inline void ADMM
( const AbstractDistMatrix<F>& MPre, AbstractDistMatrix<F>& LPre, 
        AbstractDistMatrix<F>& SPre, const RPCACtrl<Base<F>>& ctrl )
    auto MPtr = ReadProxy<F,MC,MR>( &MPre ); auto& M = *MPtr;
    auto LPtr = WriteProxy<F,MC,MR>( &LPre ); auto& L = *LPtr;
    auto SPtr = WriteProxy<F,MC,MR>( &SPre ); auto& S = *SPtr;

    typedef Base<F> Real;
    const Int m = M.Height();
    const Int n = M.Width();
    const Int commRank = mpi::Rank( M.Grid().Comm() );

    // If tau is not specified, then set it to 1/sqrt(max(m,n))
    const Base<F> tau = 
        ( ctrl.tau <= Real(0) ? Real(1)/sqrt(Real(Max(m,n))) : ctrl.tau );
    if( ctrl.beta <= Real(0) )
        LogicError("beta cannot be non-positive");
    if( ctrl.tol <= Real(0) )
        LogicError("tol cannot be non-positive");
    const Base<F> beta = ctrl.beta;
    const Base<F> tol = ctrl.tol;

    const double startTime = mpi::Time();
    DistMatrix<F> E( M.Grid() ), Y( M.Grid() );
    Zeros( Y, m, n );

    const Real frobM = FrobeniusNorm( M );
    const Real maxM = MaxNorm( M );
    if( ctrl.progress && commRank == 0 )
        cout << "|| M ||_F = " << frobM << "\n"
             << "|| M ||_max = " << maxM << endl;

    Zeros( L, m, n );
    Zeros( S, m, n );

    Int numIts = 0;
    while( true )

        // ST_{tau/beta}(M - L + Y/beta)
        S = M;
        Axpy( F(-1), L, S );
        Axpy( F(1)/beta, Y, S );
        SoftThreshold( S, tau/beta );
        const Int numNonzeros = ZeroNorm( S );

        // SVT_{1/beta}(M - S + Y/beta)
        L = M;
        Axpy( F(-1), S, L );
        Axpy( F(1)/beta, Y, L );
        Int rank;
        if( ctrl.usePivQR )
            rank = SVT( L, Real(1)/beta, ctrl.numPivSteps );
            rank = SVT( L, Real(1)/beta );
        // E := M - (L + S)
        E = M;    
        Axpy( F(-1), L, E );
        Axpy( F(-1), S, E );
        const Real frobE = FrobeniusNorm( E );

        if( frobE/frobM <= tol )            
            if( ctrl.progress && commRank == 0 )
                cout << "Converged after " << numIts << " iterations "
                     << " with rank=" << rank 
                     << ", numNonzeros=" << numNonzeros << " and "
                     << "|| E ||_F / || M ||_F = " << frobE/frobM
                     << ", and " << mpi::Time()-startTime << " total secs"
                     << endl;
        else if( numIts >= ctrl.maxIts )
            if( ctrl.progress && commRank == 0 )
                cout << "Aborting after " << numIts << " iterations and "
                     << mpi::Time()-startTime << " total secs" 
                     << endl;
            if( ctrl.progress && commRank == 0 )
                cout << numIts << ": || E ||_F / || M ||_F = " 
                     << frobE/frobM << ", rank=" << rank 
                     << ", numNonzeros=" << numNonzeros 
                     << ", " << mpi::Time()-startTime << " total secs"
                     << endl;
        // Y := Y + beta E
        Axpy( beta, E, Y );
Beispiel #6
main( int argc, char* argv[] )
    El::Environment env( argc, argv );

        const El::Int m = El::Input("--m","height of matrix",100);
        const El::Int n = El::Input("--n","width of matrix",200);
        const bool useIPM = El::Input("--useIPM","use Interior Point?",true);
        // TODO(poulson): Add options for controlling IPM
        const El::Int maxIter =
          El::Input("--maxIter","maximum # of iter's",500);
        const Real rho = El::Input("--rho","augmented Lagrangian param.",1.);
        const Real alpha = El::Input("--alpha","over-relaxation",1.2);
        const Real absTol = El::Input("--absTol","absolute tolerance",1e-6);
        const Real relTol = El::Input("--relTol","relative tolerance",1e-4);
        const Real pinvTol = El::Input("--pinvTol","pseudoinv tolerance",0.);
        const bool usePinv =
          El::Input("--usePinv","Directly compute pinv(A)",true);
        const bool progress = El::Input("--progress","print progress?",true);
        const bool display = El::Input("--display","display matrices?",false);
        const bool print = El::Input("--print","print matrices",false);

        El::DistMatrix<Real> A, b, xTrue;
        El::Uniform( A, m, n );
        El::Uniform( b, m, 1 );
        if( print )
            El::Print( A, "A" );
            El::Print( b, "b" );
        if( display )
            El::Display( A, "A" );

        const bool sparse = false;
        El::BPCtrl<Real> ctrl(sparse);
        ctrl.useIPM = useIPM;
        ctrl.admmCtrl.rho = rho;
        ctrl.admmCtrl.alpha = alpha;
        ctrl.admmCtrl.maxIter = maxIter;
        ctrl.admmCtrl.absTol = absTol;
        ctrl.admmCtrl.relTol = relTol;
        ctrl.admmCtrl.usePinv = usePinv;
        ctrl.admmCtrl.pinvTol = pinvTol;
        ctrl.admmCtrl.progress = progress;
        ctrl.lpIPMCtrl.mehrotraCtrl.print = true;

        El::DistMatrix<Real> x;
        El::Timer timer;
        if( El::mpi::Rank() == 0 )
        El::BP( A, b, x, ctrl );
        if( El::mpi::Rank() == 0 )
        if( print )
            El::Print( x, "x" );
        const El::Int xZeroNorm = El::ZeroNorm( x );
        if( El::mpi::Rank() == 0 )
            El::Output("Basis Pursuit time: ",timer.Total()," secs");
            El::Output("|| x ||_0 = ",xZeroNorm);
        SoftThreshold( x, El::Sqrt(El::limits::Epsilon<Real>()) );
        if( print )
            El::Print( x, "xThresh" );
        const El::Int xZeroNormThresh = El::ZeroNorm( x );
        if( El::mpi::Rank() == 0 )
            El::Output("|| xThresh ||_0 = ",xZeroNormThresh);
    catch( std::exception& e ) { El::ReportException(e); }

    return 0;