Beispiel #1
void init(){

  bool c_arg = pa("-c");

  gui << Draw().handle("draw").label("input image")
      << Image().handle("cropped").label("cropped")
      << ( VBox().maxSize(c_arg ? 0 : 12,99).minSize(c_arg ? 0 : 12,1)
           << Button("save as ..").handle("saveAs")
           << Button("overwrite input").handle("overwrite")
           << Combo("0,90,180,270").handle("rot").label("rotation")
           << CheckBox("rectangular",!pa("-r")).handle("rect")
           << Button("Batch crop...").handle("batch")
           << ( HBox().label("rectification size")
                << Spinner(1,4096,640).handle("s1")
                << Label(":")
                << Spinner(1,4096,480).handle("s2")
           << (HBox() 
               << Fps().handle("fps")
               << CamCfg()
      << Show();

  const ImgBase *image = grabber.grab();
    mouse_1 = new Mouse1(image->getSize());
  mouse_2 = new Mouse2(image->getSize());
  DrawHandle draw = gui["draw"];
    if(*pa("-i",0) != "file" || FileList(*pa("-i",1)).size() != 1){

Beispiel #2
void MainMenu()
  func = -1;

  while (!stop_button())
    funcLast = func;
    func = ScaleKnob(1, 27);

    if (FDispMenu(1, "Calibrate Lookdown")) CalibrateLookdown();
    if (FDispMenu(2, "Compete!")) Compete();
    if (FDispMenu(3, "Placebo")) Placebo();
    if (FDispMenu(4, "Dance!")) Chop(10);
    if (FDispMenu(5, "Calibrate Soft")) CalibrateSoft();
    if (FDispMenu(6, "Calibrate Hard")) CalibrateHard();
    if (FDispMenu(7, "Speed Calibration")) CalibrateSpeed();

    if (FDispMenu(8, "Lookdown Test")) LookdownTest();
    if (FDispMenu(9, "Orientation")) Orient();
    if (FDispMenu(10, "Straight 1000")) Move(1000,1000);
    if (FDispMenu(11, "Left 90 Soft")) Soft(90, 1);
    if (FDispMenu(12, "Left 90 Hard")) Hard(90);

    if (FDispMenu(13, "Find Line")) FindLine();
    if (FDispMenu(14, "Line Follow")) LineFollower();

    if (FDispMenu(15, "Record"))
      RecordMove(WSetting("Record move", 0, 9));
    if (FDispMenu(16, "Playback"))
      PlayMove(WSetting("Play move", 0, 9));

    /* hbtest.c functions */

    if (FDispMenu(17, "Servo Test")) ServoTest();
    if (FDispMenu(18, "Calibrate Gate")) CalibrateGate();
    if (FDispMenu(19, "Soft Turn Test")) SoftTest();
    if (FDispMenu(20, "Hard Turn Test")) HardTest();
    if (FDispMenu(21, "Spin Test!")) Spinner();
    if (FDispMenu(22, "Shake Test!")) Shaker();
    if (FDispMenu(23, "Bump Test")) BumpTest();

    if (FDispMenu(24, "Test Motors")) testmotors();
    if (FDispMenu(25, "Test Digitals")) testdigitals();
    if (FDispMenu(26, "Test Analogs")) testanalogs();
    if (FDispMenu(27, "Assert Enable")) AssertEnable();
void CL_PingPong::Start(unsigned int num_runs, const std::vector<int> options) {
  int ret = 0;
  int wg = 256;
  auto tid = this_thread::get_id();
  std::cout << DASH50 << "\n Ping Pong Test\n";

  // decode options
  uint16_t power;
  if (options.size() > 0) {
    power = options[0];
  } else {
    cout << "Power of numbers to swap?: (0 for default)" << std::endl;
    power = promptValidated<int, int>("Power: ", [](int i) { return (i >= 0 && i <= 256); });
  if (power == 0) {
    power = DEFAULTPOWER;

  // load a pointelss kernel
  auto prog = cl::load_program("", ctx, CtxDevices);
  cl_kernel kernel = clCreateKernel(prog, "pointless", &ret);
  assert(ret == CL_SUCCESS);

  /* Create  Random Numbers */
  cl_uint maxN = 1 << power;
  size_t szPC = maxN * sizeof(cl_uint);
  cl_uint *rndData = new cl_uint[maxN];

  // create buffers
  cl_mem buf1 = clCreateBuffer(ctx, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, szPC, NULL, &ret);
  cl_mem buf2 = clCreateBuffer(ctx, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, szPC, NULL, &ret);

  // try to place on correct gpus, broken AF
  // clEnqueueMigrateMemObjects(cq[0], 1, &buf1, CL_MIGRATE_MEM_OBJECT_CONTENT_UNDEFINED, NULL,
  // NULL, NULL);
  // clEnqueueMigrateMemObjects(cq[1], 1, &buf2, CL_MIGRATE_MEM_OBJECT_CONTENT_UNDEFINED, NULL,
  // NULL, NULL);

  // send data to buf 1
  ret = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(cq[0], buf1, CL_TRUE, 0, szPC, &rndData[0], 0, NULL, NULL); // blocking
  ret = clFinish(cq[0]); // Wait untill all commands executed.
  assert(ret == CL_SUCCESS);

  unsigned int runs = 0;
  running = true;
  should_run = true;
  ResultFile r; = "CLPingPong" + to_string(maxN);
  r.headdings = {"A to B", "B to A"};

  while (ShouldRun() && runs < num_runs) {
    vector<unsigned long long> times;
    unsigned int percentDone = (unsigned int)(floor(((float)runs / (float)num_runs) * 100.0f));
    cout << "\r" << Spinner(runs) << "\t" << runs << "\tPercent Done: " << percentDone << "%"
         << std::flush;

    // make new numbers
    for (cl_uint i = 0; i < maxN; i++) {
      cl_uint x = (cl_uint)0;
      rndData[i] = (x << 14) | ((cl_uint)rand() & 0x3FFF);
      rndData[i] = (x << 14) | ((cl_uint)rand() & 0x3FFF);

    Timer time_swap_a;
    ret = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(cq[1], buf2, CL_TRUE, 0, szPC, buf1, 0, NULL, NULL); // blocking
    for (auto q : cq) {
      ret = clFinish(q); // Wait untill all commands executed.
      assert(ret == CL_SUCCESS);

    ret = clSetKernelArg(kernel, 0, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)(&buf2));
    assert(ret == CL_SUCCESS);

    size_t global_work_size[1] = {maxN};
    ret = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(cq[1], kernel,
                                 1,                // work_dim
                                 0,                // global_work_offset
                                 global_work_size, // global_work_size
                                 NULL,             // local_work_size
                                 0,                // num_events_in_wait_list
                                 NULL,             // event_wait_list
                                 NULL              // event
    for (auto q : cq) {
      ret = clFinish(q); // Wait untill all commands executed.
      assert(ret == CL_SUCCESS);


    Timer time_swap_b;

    ret = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(cq[0], buf1, CL_TRUE, 0, szPC, buf2, 0, NULL, NULL); // blocking
    for (auto q : cq) {
      ret = clFinish(q); // Wait untill all commands executed.
      assert(ret == CL_SUCCESS);

    ret = clSetKernelArg(kernel, 0, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)(&buf1));
    assert(ret == CL_SUCCESS);

    ret = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(cq[0], kernel,
                                 1,                // work_dim
                                 0,                // global_work_offset
                                 global_work_size, // global_work_size
                                 NULL,             // local_work_size
                                 0,                // num_events_in_wait_list
                                 NULL,             // event_wait_list
                                 NULL              // event

    for (auto q : cq) {
      ret = clFinish(q); // Wait untill all commands executed.
      assert(ret == CL_SUCCESS);


  delete[] rndData;
  cout << "\n PingPong finished\n";
  running = false;