Beispiel #1
void runTask ( TString runMode, TString analysisMode,
               TString inputName,
               TString inputOptions = "",
               TString softVersions = "",
               TString analysisOptions = "",
               TString taskOptions = "" )


  // This setpus the analysis: i.e. loads needed libs, creates the manager
  SetupAnalysis(runMode,analysisMode,inputName,inputOptions,softVersions,analysisOptions, "","$ALICE_ROOT/include $ALICE_PHYSICS/include");

  Bool_t isMC = IsMC(inputOptions);

  // Add here your tasks
  AliAnalysisTaskTrigChEff* task = AddTaskMTRchamberEfficiency(isMC);

  // This starts the analysis
Beispiel #2
//ProcessOne() takes a track, transforms it to bunch of buffer-blocks,
//and executes AnalyzeData, then ProcessData, on it...
bool EffectNormalize::ProcessOne(WaveTrack * track,
                                  sampleCount start, sampleCount end)
   bool rc = true;
   sampleCount s;
   //Get the length of the buffer (as double). len is
   //used simple to calculate a progress meter, so it is easier
   //to make it a double now than it is to do it later 
   double len = (double)(end - start);

   //Initiate a processing buffer.  This buffer will (most likely)
   //be shorter than the length of the track being processed.
   float *buffer = new float[track->GetMaxBlockSize()];

   int pass;

   for(pass=0; pass<2; pass++)
      if(pass==0 && !mDC)  // we don't need an analysis pass if not doing dc removal
      if (pass==0)
         StartAnalysis();  // dc offset only.  Max/min done in Process().
      if (pass==1)

      //Go through the track one buffer at a time. s counts which
      //sample the current buffer starts at.
      s = start;
      while (s < end) {
         //Get a block of samples (smaller than the size of the buffer)
         sampleCount block = track->GetBestBlockSize(s);
         //Adjust the block size if it is the final block in the track
         if (s + block > end)
            block = end - s;
         //Get the samples from the track and put them in the buffer
         track->Get((samplePtr) buffer, floatSample, s, block);
         //Process the buffer.

         if (pass==0)
            AnalyzeData(buffer, block);

         if (pass==1) {
            ProcessData(buffer, block);
            //Copy the newly-changed samples back onto the track.
            track->Set((samplePtr) buffer, floatSample, s, block);
         //Increment s one blockfull of samples
         s += block;
         //Update the Progress meter
			if (TrackProgress(mCurTrackNum, 
									((double)(pass)*0.5) + // Approximate each pass as half.
                           ((double)(s - start) / (len*2)))) {
            rc = false; //lda .. break, not return, so that buffer is deleted
   //Clean up the buffer
   delete[] buffer;

   //Return true because the effect processing succeeded ... unless cancelled
   return rc;