Beispiel #1
void CPROC ReadComplete( PCLIENT pc, POINTER buffer, size_t size )
    static uint64_t LastMessage; // this is safe - only ONE connection EVER
    uint64_t test;
    int ToRead = 8;
    if( !buffer )
        Log( WIDE("Initial Read issued allocated events a go.") );
        buffer = Allocate( 1024 );
        ((TEXTCHAR*)buffer)[size] = 0;
        if( !LastMessage )
            Log1( WIDE("Message is: %8.8s"), buffer );
            if( *(uint64_t*)buffer == *(uint64_t*)"USERLIST" )
                Log1( WIDE("Message is: USERLIST!!"), buffer );
                ToRead = 2;
                LastMessage = *(uint64_t*)buffer;
                Log1( WIDE("Last Message is: %8.8s"), &LastMessage );
            else if( *(uint64_t*)buffer == *(uint64_t*)"USERDEAD" )
                BasicMessageBox( WIDE("Relay Responce"), WIDE("User has been terminated!") );
                RemoveClient( pc );
            else if( *(uint64_t*)buffer == *(uint64_t*)"ALL DONE" )
                RemoveClient( pc );
            else if( *(uint64_t*)buffer == *(uint64_t*)"MESSAGE!" ||
                     *(uint64_t*)buffer == *(uint64_t*)"WINNERS:" )
                ToRead = 1;
                LastMessage = *(uint64_t*)buffer;
            else if( *(uint64_t*)buffer == *(uint64_t*)"MASTERIS" )
                LastMessage = *(uint64_t*)buffer;
                printf( WIDE("Unknown responce from relay: %8.8s"), buffer );
            Log1( WIDE("Continuing message: %8.8s"), &LastMessage );
            if( LastMessage == *(uint64_t*)"MESSAGE!" ||
                    LastMessage == *(uint64_t*)"WINNERS:" )
                Log( WIDE("(1)") );
                ToRead = *(uint8_t*)buffer;
            else if( (test = ((*(uint64_t*)"WINNERS:")+1)), (LastMessage == test) )
                PCONTROL pcList = GetControl( frame, LST_WINNERS );
                TEXTCHAR *winnerlist = (TEXTCHAR*)buffer;
                TEXTCHAR *endline, lastchar;
                ResetList( pcList );
                winnerlist[size] = 0;
                Log2( WIDE("Got %d bytes of data:%s"), size, winnerlist );
                endline = winnerlist;
                    while( endline[0] && ( endline[0] != ',' && endline[0] != ':' ) )
                        if( endline[0] == 3 )
                            endline[0] = ' '; // space fill this...
                    lastchar = endline[0];
                    //if( endline[0] )
                        endline[0] = 0;
                        AddListItem( pcList, winnerlist );
                        if( lastchar )
                            winnerlist = endline+1;
                            while( winnerlist[0] && winnerlist[0] == ' ' ) winnerlist++;
                            endline = winnerlist;
                } while( endline[0] );
                LastMessage = 0;
            else if( (test = ((*(uint64_t*)"MESSAGE!")+1)), (LastMessage == test) )
                Log( WIDE("(2)") );
                BasicMessageBox( WIDE("Relay Message"), DupCharToText( (char*)buffer ) );
                LastMessage = 0;
            else if( LastMessage == *(uint64_t*)"MASTERIS" )
                if( *(uint64_t*)buffer == *(uint64_t*)"ABSENT.." )
                    SetControlText( GetControl( frame, CHK_MASTER ), WIDE("Game Master is absent") );
                else if( *(uint64_t*)buffer == *(uint64_t*)"PRESENT!" )
                    SetControlText( GetControl( frame, CHK_MASTER ), WIDE("Game Master is PRESENT") );
                    BasicMessageBox( WIDE("Master Status"), WIDE("Unknown Responce...") );
                LastMessage = 0;
                RemoveClient( pc );
            else if( LastMessage == (*(uint64_t*)"USERLIST") )
                Log( WIDE("(3)") );
                ToRead = *(uint16_t*)buffer;
                Log1( WIDE("User list with size of %d"), ToRead );
            else if(  (test = ((*(uint64_t*)"USERLIST")+1) ), (LastMessage == test) )
                PCONTROL pcList = GetControl( frame, LST_USERS );
                TEXTCHAR *userlist = (TEXTCHAR*)buffer;
                TEXTCHAR *endline;
                //Log1( WIDE("Got %d bytes of data..."), size );
                ResetList( pcList );
                userlist[size] = 0;
                endline = userlist;
                    while( endline[0] && endline[0] != '\n' )
                        if( endline[0] == 3 )
                            endline[0] = ' '; // space fill this...
                    if( endline[0] )
                        TEXTCHAR *endname;
                        TEXTCHAR *realname;
                        PLISTITEM hli;
                        endline[0] = 0;
                        hli = AddListItem( pcList, userlist );
                        endname = userlist;
                        while( endname[0] != ' ' )
                        endname[0] = 0;
                        realname = NewArray( TEXTCHAR, ( endname - userlist ) + 1 );
                        StrCpyEx( realname, userlist, max( ( endname - userlist ), size ) );
                        SetItemData( hli, (uintptr_t)realname );
                        userlist = endline;
                } while( endline[0] );
                LastMessage = 0;
                RemoveClient( pc );
                Log1( WIDE("Unknonw Continuation state for %8.8s"), &LastMessage );
    ReadTCPMsg( pc, buffer, ToRead );
Beispiel #2
 int  ScanFilesEx ( CTEXTSTR base
           , CTEXTSTR mask
           , void **pInfo
           , void CPROC Process( uintptr_t psvUser, CTEXTSTR name, int flags )
           , int flags 
           , uintptr_t psvUser 
		   , LOGICAL begin_sub_path 
		   , struct file_system_mounted_interface *mount
	PMFD pDataCurrent = (PMFD)(pInfo);
	PMFD pData = (PMFD)(*pInfo);
	TEXTSTR tmp_base = NULL;
	int sendflags;
	int processed = 0;
#ifndef WIN32
	struct dirent *de;
	if( begin_sub_path )
		pInfo = (void**)&(pDataCurrent->current);
		pDataCurrent = NULL;

	//lprintf( "Search in %s for %s   %d %d", base?base:"(NULL)", mask?mask:"(*)", (*pInfo)?((PMFD)*pInfo)->scanning_mount:0, (*pInfo)?((PMFD)*pInfo)->single_mount:0 );
	if( !*pInfo || begin_sub_path || ((PMFD)*pInfo)->new_mount )
		TEXTCHAR findmask[256];
		pData = (PMFD)(*pInfo);
		if( !pData )
			*pInfo = Allocate( sizeof( MFD ) );
			pData = (PMFD)(*pInfo);
			if( !( pData->scanning_mount = mount ) )
				if( !winfile_local )
					SimpleRegisterAndCreateGlobal( winfile_local );

				//lprintf( "... %p", winfile_local );
				pData->single_mount = FALSE;
				pData->scanning_mount = (*winfile_local).mounted_file_systems;
				pData->single_mount = TRUE;

			if( !pData->scanning_mount )
				Deallocate( PMFD, pData );
				if( tmp_base )
					Release( tmp_base );
				return 0;
			if( pData->scanning_mount->fsi )
				//lprintf( "create cursor" );
				tmp_base = ExpandPathEx( base, pData->scanning_mount->fsi );
				pData->cursor = pData->scanning_mount->fsi->find_create_cursor( pData->scanning_mount->psvInstance, CStrDup( tmp_base ), CStrDup( mask ) );
				//lprintf( "no cursor" );
				pData->cursor = NULL;
			if( pData->new_mount )
				if( pData->scanning_mount->fsi )
					//lprintf( "create cursor (new mount)" );
					tmp_base = ExpandPathEx( base, pData->scanning_mount->fsi );
					pData->cursor = pData->scanning_mount->fsi->find_create_cursor( pData->scanning_mount->psvInstance, CStrDup( tmp_base ), CStrDup( mask ) );
					pData->cursor = NULL;
		pData->new_mount = FALSE;
		pData->current = NULL;
		pData->prior = pDataCurrent;

		if( pDataCurrent )
			pData->root_info = pDataCurrent->root_info;
			pInfo = (void**)pData->root_info;
			pData->root_info = (struct myfinddata**)pInfo;

		(*pData->root_info) = pData;
		if( base )
			TEXTSTR tmp;
			StrCpyEx( findbasename(pInfo), tmp = ExpandPathEx( base, pData->scanning_mount?pData->scanning_mount->fsi:NULL ), MAX_PATH_NAME );
			Release( tmp );
			StrCpyEx( findmask(pInfo), mask, MAX_PATH_NAME );
			CTEXTSTR p = pathrchr( mask );
			if( p )
				StrCpyEx( findbasename(pInfo), mask, p - mask + 1 );
				StrCpyEx( findmask(pInfo), p + 1, MAX_PATH_NAME );
				//mask = p + 1;
				StrCpyEx( findbasename(pInfo), WIDE(""), 2 );
				StrCpyEx( findmask(pInfo), mask, MAX_PATH_NAME );
		if( findbasename(pInfo)[0] )
			tnprintf( findmask, sizeof(findmask), WIDE("%s/*"), findbasename(pInfo) );
			tnprintf( findmask, sizeof( findmask ), WIDE( "*" ) );
		if( pData->scanning_mount?pData->scanning_mount->fsi:NULL )
			if( pData->scanning_mount->fsi->find_first( findcursor(pInfo) ) )
				findhandle(pInfo) = 0;
				findhandle(pInfo) = (HANDLECAST)-1;
#if WIN32
			findhandle(pInfo) = findfirst( findmask, finddata(pInfo) );
			//lprintf( "opendir %s", findbasename(pInfo) );
			findhandle( pInfo ) = opendir( findbasename(pInfo) );
			if( !findhandle(pInfo ) )
				findhandle(pInfo) = (HANDLECAST)-1;
				de = readdir( (DIR*)findhandle( pInfo ) );
		if( findhandle(pInfo) == (HANDLECAST)-1 )
			PMFD prior = pData->prior;
			//lprintf( "first use of cursor or first open of directoy failed..." );
			if( pData->scanning_mount && pData->scanning_mount->fsi )
				pData->scanning_mount->fsi->find_close( (struct find_cursor*)findcursor(pInfo) );
#ifdef WIN32
				findclose( findhandle(pInfo) );
				// but it failed... so ... don't close
				//closedir( findhandle( pInfo ) );
			pData->scanning_mount = NextThing( pData->scanning_mount );
			if( !pData->scanning_mount || pData->single_mount )
				(*pData->root_info) = pData->prior;
				if( !begin_sub_path ) {
					Release( pData ); pInfo[0] = NULL;
				//lprintf( WIDE( "%p %d" ), prior, processed );
				if( tmp_base )
					Release( tmp_base );
				return prior?processed:0;
			pData->new_mount = TRUE;
				if( tmp_base )
					Release( tmp_base );
			return 1;
		int r;
		//lprintf( "returning customer..." );
		if( pData->scanning_mount?pData->scanning_mount->fsi:NULL )
			r = !pData->scanning_mount->fsi->find_next( findcursor( pInfo ) );
#ifdef _WIN32
			r = findnext( findhandle(pInfo), finddata( pInfo ) );
			de = readdir( (DIR*)findhandle( pInfo ) );
			//lprintf( "using %p got %p", findhandle( pInfo ), de );
			r = (de == NULL);
		if( r )
			PMFD prior = pData->prior;
			//lprintf( "nothing left to find..." );
			if( pData->scanning_mount->fsi )
				pData->scanning_mount->fsi->find_close( findcursor(pInfo) );
#ifdef WIN32
				findclose( findhandle(pInfo) );
				closedir( (DIR*)findhandle(pInfo));
			pData->scanning_mount = NextThing( pData->scanning_mount );
			//lprintf( "Step mount... %p %d", pData->scanning_mount, pData->single_mount );
			if( !pData->scanning_mount || pData->single_mount )
				//lprintf( "done with mounts?" );
				(*pData->root_info) = pData->prior;
				Release( pData );
				if( prior )
					prior->current = NULL;
				if( !processed && !begin_sub_path )
					//pInfo = (void**)&(prior->prior->current);
					pData = prior;
					if( pData )
						goto getnext;
				if( tmp_base )
					Release( tmp_base );
				return (*pInfo)?processed:0;
			pData->new_mount = TRUE;
			if( tmp_base )
				Release( tmp_base );
			return 1;
	if( pData->scanning_mount?pData->scanning_mount->fsi:NULL )
		char * path = pData->scanning_mount->fsi->find_get_name( findcursor(pInfo) );
		//lprintf( "... %s", path );
		if( !strcmp( ".", path ) ||
		    !strcmp( "..", path ) )
		goto getnext;
#if WIN32 
		//lprintf( "... %s", finddata(pInfo)->name );
#  ifdef UNDER_CE
		if( !StrCmp( WIDE("."), finddata(pInfo)->cFileName ) ||
		    !StrCmp( WIDE(".."), finddata(pInfo)->cFileName ) )
#  else
		if( !StrCmp( WIDE("."), finddata(pInfo)->name ) ||
		    !StrCmp( WIDE(".."), finddata(pInfo)->name ) )
#  endif
		if( !StrCmp( WIDE("."), de->d_name ) ||
		    !StrCmp( WIDE(".."), de->d_name ) )
			goto getnext;
	if( !(flags & SFF_NAMEONLY) ) // if nameonly - have to rebuild the correct name.
		if( pData->scanning_mount?pData->scanning_mount->fsi:NULL )
			tnprintf( pData->file_buffer, MAX_PATH_NAME, WIDE("%s"), pData->scanning_mount->fsi->find_get_name( findcursor(pInfo) ) );
			if( findbasename( pInfo )[0] )
				tnprintf( pData->buffer, MAX_PATH_NAME, WIDE("%s/%s"), findbasename(pInfo), pData->file_buffer );
				tnprintf( pData->buffer, MAX_PATH_NAME, WIDE( "%s" ), pData->file_buffer );
#ifdef WIN32
#  ifdef UNDER_CE
			tnprintf( pData->file_buffer, MAX_PATH_NAME, WIDE( "%s" ), finddata( pInfo )->cFileName );
			tnprintf( pData->buffer, MAX_PATH_NAME, WIDE("%s/%s"), findbasename(pInfo), finddata(pInfo)->cFileName );
#  else
			tnprintf( pData->file_buffer, MAX_PATH_NAME, WIDE("%s"), finddata(pInfo)->name );
			tnprintf( pData->buffer, MAX_PATH_NAME, WIDE("%s%s%s"), findbasename(pInfo), findbasename( pInfo )[0]?"/":"", pData->file_buffer );
#  endif
			tnprintf( pData->file_buffer, MAX_PATH_NAME, WIDE("%s"), de->d_name );
			tnprintf( pData->buffer, MAX_PATH_NAME, WIDE("%s/%s"), findbasename(pInfo), de->d_name );
		if( flags & SFF_SUBCURSE )
			if( pData->scanning_mount?pData->scanning_mount->fsi:NULL )
				tnprintf( pData->buffer, MAX_PATH_NAME, WIDE("%s%s%s")
					  , pData->prior?pData->prior->buffer:WIDE( "" )
					  , pData->prior?WIDE( "/" ):WIDE( "" )
					, pData->scanning_mount->fsi->find_get_name( findcursor(pInfo) ) 
#if WIN32
#  ifdef UNDER_CE
				tnprintf( pData->buffer, MAX_PATH_NAME, WIDE("%s%s%s")
						  , pData->prior?pData->prior->buffer:WIDE( "" )
						  , pData->prior?WIDE( "/" ):WIDE( "" )
						  , finddata(pInfo)->cFileName );
#  else
				tnprintf( pData->buffer, MAX_PATH_NAME, WIDE("%s%s%s")
						  , pData->prior?pData->prior->buffer:WIDE( "" )
						  , pData->prior?WIDE( "/" ):WIDE( "" )
						  , finddata(pInfo)->name );
#  endif
				tnprintf( pData->buffer, MAX_PATH_NAME, WIDE("%s%s%s")
					  , pData->prior?pData->prior->buffer:WIDE( "" )
					  , pData->prior?WIDE( "/" ):WIDE( "" )
					  , de->d_name );
					  lprintf( "resulting is %s", pData->buffer );
			if( pData->scanning_mount?pData->scanning_mount->fsi:NULL )
				tnprintf( pData->buffer, MAX_PATH_NAME, WIDE("%s"), pData->scanning_mount->fsi->find_get_name( findcursor(pInfo) ) );
#if WIN32
#  ifdef UNDER_CE
				tnprintf( pData->buffer, MAX_PATH_NAME, WIDE("%s"), finddata(pInfo)->cFileName );
#  else
#    ifdef UNICODE
				snwprintf( pData->buffer, MAX_PATH_NAME, WIDE("%s"), finddata(pInfo)->name );
#    else
				tnprintf( pData->buffer, MAX_PATH_NAME, WIDE("%s"), finddata(pInfo)->name );
#    endif
#  endif
				tnprintf( pData->buffer, MAX_PATH_NAME, WIDE("%s"), de->d_name );
	pData->buffer[MAX_PATH_NAME-1] = 0; // force nul termination...
#ifdef UNICODE
		char *pDataBuffer = CStrDup( pData->buffer );
#  define pDataBuffer pData->buffer
	//lprintf( "Check if %s is a directory...", pData->buffer );
		&& (pData->scanning_mount && pData->scanning_mount->fsi
			&& (pData->scanning_mount->fsi->is_directory
				&& pData->scanning_mount->fsi->is_directory( pDataBuffer )))
		|| (!(pData->scanning_mount ? pData->scanning_mount->fsi : NULL)
#ifdef WIN32
#  ifdef UNDER_CE
			&& (finddata( pInfo )->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
#  else
			&& (finddata( pInfo )->attrib & _A_SUBDIR)
#  endif
			&& IsPath( pData->buffer )
			) )
#ifdef UNICODE
		Deallocate( char *, pDataBuffer );
#  undef pDataBuffer
		//lprintf( "... it is?" );
		if( flags & SFF_DIRECTORIES )
			if( Process != NULL )
				//lprintf( "Send %s", pData->buffer );
				Process( psvUser, pData->buffer, SFF_DIRECTORY );
				processed = 1;
			//return 1;
		if( flags & SFF_SUBCURSE )
			void *data = NULL;
			int ofs = 0;
			if( flags & SFF_NAMEONLY )
				// even in name only - need to have this full buffer for subcurse.
				if( pData->scanning_mount && pData->scanning_mount->fsi )
					ofs = tnprintf( tmpbuf, sizeof( tmpbuf ), WIDE( "%s/%s" ), findbasename( pInfo ), pData->scanning_mount->fsi->find_get_name( findcursor( pInfo ) ) );
#ifdef WIN32
#  ifdef UNDER_CE
					ofs = tnprintf( tmpbuf, sizeof( tmpbuf ), WIDE( "%s/%s" ), findbasename( pInfo ), finddata( pInfo )->cFileName );
#  else
#    ifdef UNICODE
					ofs = snwprintf( tmpbuf, sizeof( tmpbuf ), WIDE( "%s/%s" ), findbasename( pInfo ), finddata( pInfo )->name );
#    else
					ofs = tnprintf( tmpbuf, sizeof( tmpbuf ), WIDE( "%s/%s" ), findbasename( pInfo ), finddata( pInfo )->name );
#    endif
#  endif
					ofs = tnprintf( tmpbuf, sizeof( tmpbuf ), WIDE( "%s/%s" ), findbasename( pInfo ), de->d_name );
				//lprintf( "process sub... %s %s", tmpbuf, findmask(pInfo)  );
				processed |= ScanFilesEx( tmpbuf, findmask( pInfo ), (POINTER*)pData, Process, flags, psvUser, TRUE, pData->scanning_mount );
				//lprintf( "process sub..." );
				processed |= ScanFilesEx( pData->buffer, findmask( pInfo ), (POINTER*)pData, Process, flags, psvUser, TRUE, pData->scanning_mount );
		if( !processed )
			goto getnext;
		if( tmp_base )
			Release( tmp_base );
		return (*pInfo) ? 1 : 0;
#ifdef UNICODE
	Deallocate( char *, pDataBuffer );
#  undef pDataBuffer
	if( ( sendflags = SFF_DIRECTORY, ( ( flags & SFF_DIRECTORIES )
#ifdef WIN32
#  ifdef UNDER_CE
												 && ( finddata(pInfo)->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY )
#  else
												 && ( finddata(pInfo)->attrib & _A_SUBDIR )
#  endif
												 && ( IsPath( pData->buffer ) )

												) ) || ( sendflags = 0, CompareMask( findmask( pInfo )
#ifdef WIN32
#  ifdef UNDER_CE
																							  , finddata(pInfo)->cFileName
#  else
																							  , pData->file_buffer
#  endif
																							  , de->d_name
																								// yes this is silly - but it's correct...
																							  , (flags & SFF_IGNORECASE)?0:0 ) ) )
		//lprintf( "Send %s", pData->buffer );
		if( Process != NULL )
			Process( psvUser, pData->buffer, sendflags );
		if( tmp_base )
			Release( tmp_base );
		return (*pInfo)?1:0;
	if( tmp_base )
		Release( tmp_base );
	return (*pInfo)?1:0;