Beispiel #1
bool Str_Parse( TCHAR * pLine, TCHAR ** ppLine2, LPCTSTR pszSep )
	// Parse a list of args. Just get the next arg.
	// similar to strtok()
	// RETURN: true = the second arg is valid.

	if ( pszSep == NULL )	// default sep.
		pszSep = "=, \t";

	// skip leading white space.
	TCHAR * pNonWhite = pLine;
	if ( pNonWhite != pLine )
		memmove( pLine, pNonWhite, strlen( pNonWhite ) + 1 );

	TCHAR ch;
	bool bQuotes = false;
	for ( ; ; pLine++ )
		ch = *pLine;
		if ( ch == '"' )	// quoted argument
			bQuotes = !bQuotes;
		if ( ch == '\0' )	// no args i guess.
			if ( ppLine2 != NULL )
				*ppLine2 = pLine;
			return false;
		if ( strchr( pszSep, ch ) && (bQuotes == false))

	*pLine++ = '\0';
	if ( IsSpace( ch ))	// space separators might have other seps as well ?
		ch = *pLine;
		if ( ch && strchr( pszSep, ch ))

	// skip leading white space on args as well.
	if ( ppLine2 != NULL )
		*ppLine2 = Str_TrimWhitespace( pLine );
	return true;
Beispiel #2
bool CScript::FindKey( LPCTSTR pszName ) // Find a key in the current section
	if ( strlen( pszName ) > SCRIPT_MAX_SECTION_LEN )
		DEBUG_ERR(( "Bad script key name\n" ));
		return( false );
	Seek( m_lSectionData );
	while ( ReadKeyParse())
		if ( IsKey( pszName ))
			m_pszArg = Str_TrimWhitespace( m_pszArg );
			return true;
	return( false );
Beispiel #3
bool CClient::OnRxWebPageRequest( byte * pRequest, size_t iLen )
	// Seems to be a web browser pointing at us ? typical stuff :
	if ( GetConnectType() != CONNECT_HTTP )
		return false;

	// ensure request is null-terminated (if the request is well-formed, we are overwriting a trailing \n here)
	pRequest[iLen - 1] = '\0';

	if ( strlen(reinterpret_cast<char *>(pRequest)) > 1024 )			// too long request
		return false;

	if ( !strpbrk( reinterpret_cast<char *>(pRequest), " \t\012\015" ) )	// malformed request
		return false;

	tchar * ppLines[16];
	size_t iQtyLines = Str_ParseCmds(reinterpret_cast<char *>(pRequest), ppLines, CountOf(ppLines), "\r\n");
	if (( iQtyLines < 1 ) || ( iQtyLines >= 15 ))	// too long request
		return false;

	// Look for what they want to do with the connection.
	bool fKeepAlive = false;
	CSTime dateIfModifiedSince;
	tchar * pszReferer = NULL;
	size_t stContentLength = 0;
	for ( size_t j = 1; j < iQtyLines; j++ )
		tchar	*pszArgs = Str_TrimWhitespace(ppLines[j]);
		if ( !strnicmp(pszArgs, "Connection:", 11 ) )
			pszArgs += 11;
			if ( !strnicmp(pszArgs, "Keep-Alive", 10) )
				fKeepAlive = true;
		else if ( !strnicmp(pszArgs, "Referer:", 8) )
			pszReferer = pszArgs+8;
		else if ( !strnicmp(pszArgs, "Content-Length:", 15) )
			pszArgs += 15;
			stContentLength = strtoul(pszArgs, NULL, 10);
		else if ( ! strnicmp( pszArgs, "If-Modified-Since:", 18 ))
			// If-Modified-Since: Fri, 17 Dec 1999 14:59:20 GMT\r\n
			pszArgs += 18;

	tchar * ppRequest[4];
	size_t iQtyArgs = Str_ParseCmds(ppLines[0], ppRequest, CountOf(ppRequest), " ");
	if (( iQtyArgs < 2 ) || ( strlen(ppRequest[1]) >= _MAX_PATH ))
		return false;

	if ( strchr(ppRequest[1], '\r') || strchr(ppRequest[1], 0x0c) )
		return false;

	// if the client hasn't requested a keep alive, we must act as if they had
	// when async networking is used, otherwise data may not be completely sent
	if ( fKeepAlive == false )
		fKeepAlive = m_net->isAsyncMode();

		// must switch to a blocking socket when the connection is not being kept
		// alive, or else pending data will be lost when the socket shuts down

		if ( fKeepAlive == false )

	linger llinger;
	llinger.l_onoff = 1;
	llinger.l_linger = 500;	// in mSec
	m_net->m_socket.SetSockOpt(SO_LINGER, reinterpret_cast<char *>(&llinger), sizeof(linger));
	char nbool = true;
	m_net->m_socket.SetSockOpt(SO_KEEPALIVE, &nbool, sizeof(char));

	// disable NAGLE algorythm for data compression
	nbool = true;
	m_net->m_socket.SetSockOpt( TCP_NODELAY, &nbool, sizeof(char), IPPROTO_TCP);
	if ( memcmp(ppLines[0], "POST", 4) == 0 )
		if ( stContentLength > strlen(ppLines[iQtyLines-1]) )
			return false;

		// Referer:
		// Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
		// Host:
		// Content-Length: 29
		// T1=stuff1&B1=Submit&T2=stuff2

		g_Log.Event(LOGM_HTTP|LOGL_EVENT, "%x:HTTP Page Post '%s'\n", GetSocketID(), static_cast<lpctstr>(ppRequest[1]));

		CWebPageDef	*pWebPage = g_Cfg.FindWebPage(ppRequest[1]);
		if ( !pWebPage )
			pWebPage = g_Cfg.FindWebPage(pszReferer);
		if ( pWebPage )
			if ( pWebPage->ServPagePost(this, ppRequest[1], ppLines[iQtyLines-1], stContentLength) )
				if ( fKeepAlive )
					return true;
				return false;
			return false;
	else if ( !memcmp(ppLines[0], "GET", 3) )
		// GET /pagename.htm HTTP/1.1\r\n
		// If-Modified-Since: Fri, 17 Dec 1999 14:59:20 GMT\r\n
		// Host: localhost:2593\r\n
		// \r\n

		tchar szPageName[_MAX_PATH];
		if ( !Str_GetBare( szPageName, Str_TrimWhitespace(ppRequest[1]), sizeof(szPageName), "!\"#$%&()*,:;<=>?[]^{|}-+'`" ) )
			return false;

		g_Log.Event(LOGM_HTTP|LOGL_EVENT, "%x:HTTP Page Request '%s', alive=%d\n", GetSocketID(), static_cast<lpctstr>(szPageName), fKeepAlive);
		if ( CWebPageDef::ServPage(this, szPageName, &dateIfModifiedSince) )
			if ( fKeepAlive )
				return true;
			return false;

	return false;