// This is called periodically by the media server.
static bool audioProcessing(void *clientdata, short int *audioInputOutput, int numberOfSamples, int samplerate) {
    SuperpoweredShortIntToFloat(audioInputOutput, inputBufferFloat, numberOfSamples); // Converting the 16-bit integer samples to 32-bit floating point.
    frequencyDomain->addInput(inputBufferFloat, numberOfSamples); // Input goes to the frequency domain.

    // In the frequency domain we are working with 1024 magnitudes and phases for every channel (left, right), if the fft size is 2048.
    while (frequencyDomain->timeDomainToFrequencyDomain(magnitudeLeft, magnitudeRight, phaseLeft, phaseRight)) {
        // You can work with frequency domain data from this point.

        // This is just a quick example: we remove the magnitude of the first 20 bins, meaning total bass cut between 0-430 Hz.
        memset(magnitudeLeft, 0, 80);
        memset(magnitudeRight, 0, 80);

        // We are done working with frequency domain data. Let's go back to the time domain.

        // Check if we have enough room in the fifo buffer for the output. If not, move the existing audio data back to the buffer's beginning.
        if (fifoOutputLastSample + stepSize >= fifoCapacity) { // This will be true for every 100th iteration only, so we save precious memory bandwidth.
            int samplesInFifo = fifoOutputLastSample - fifoOutputFirstSample;
            if (samplesInFifo > 0) memmove(fifoOutput, fifoOutput + fifoOutputFirstSample * 2, samplesInFifo * sizeof(float) * 2);
            fifoOutputFirstSample = 0;
            fifoOutputLastSample = samplesInFifo;

        // Transforming back to the time domain.
        frequencyDomain->frequencyDomainToTimeDomain(magnitudeLeft, magnitudeRight, phaseLeft, phaseRight, fifoOutput + fifoOutputLastSample * 2);
        fifoOutputLastSample += stepSize;

    // If we have enough samples in the fifo output buffer, pass them to the audio output.
    if (fifoOutputLastSample - fifoOutputFirstSample >= numberOfSamples) {
        SuperpoweredFloatToShortInt(fifoOutput + fifoOutputFirstSample * 2, audioInputOutput, numberOfSamples);
        fifoOutputFirstSample += numberOfSamples;
        return true;
    } else return false;
Beispiel #2
extern "C" JNIEXPORT jdouble Java_com_juztoss_rhythmo_audio_BpmDetector_detect(JNIEnv *env,
                                                                              jobject instance,
                                                                              jstring source
                                                                              ) {

    const char *path = env->GetStringUTFChars(source, JNI_FALSE);
    SuperpoweredDecoder *decoder = new SuperpoweredDecoder();
    const char *openError = decoder->open(path, false, 0, 0);

    if (openError) {
        __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, __func__, " Decoder error, path %s, error: %s", path, openError);
        delete decoder;
        env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(source, path);
        return -1;
    env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(source, path);

    const int samplesToDetect = 2097152; //The pow of 2 in case the fourier transform inside of the detector need it
    int64_t duration = decoder->durationSamples;
    int64_t start = duration / 2 - samplesToDetect / 2;
    int64_t end = start + samplesToDetect;

    if(start <= 0)
        start = 0;
        end = decoder->durationSamples;

    decoder->seek(start, false);
    SuperpoweredOfflineAnalyzer * analyzer = new SuperpoweredOfflineAnalyzer(decoder->samplerate, 0, decoder->durationSeconds);

    // Create a buffer for the 16-bit integer samples coming from the decoder.
    short int *intBuffer = (short int *)malloc(decoder->samplesPerFrame * 2 * sizeof(short int) + 16384);
    // Create a buffer for the 32-bit floating point samples required by the effect.
    float *floatBuffer = (float *)malloc(decoder->samplesPerFrame * 2 * sizeof(float) + 1024);

    // Processing.
    while (decoder->samplePosition <= end) {
        // Decode one frame. samplesDecoded will be overwritten with the actual decoded number of samples.
        unsigned int samplesDecoded = decoder->samplesPerFrame;
        if (decoder->decode(intBuffer, &samplesDecoded) == SUPERPOWEREDDECODER_ERROR) break;
        if (samplesDecoded < 1) break;

        // Convert the decoded PCM samples from 16-bit integer to 32-bit floating point.
        SuperpoweredShortIntToFloat(intBuffer, floatBuffer, samplesDecoded);

        // Submit samples to the analyzer.
        analyzer->process(floatBuffer, samplesDecoded);

    // Get the result.
    float bpm;
    analyzer->getresults(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &bpm,  NULL, NULL);

    // Cleanup.
    delete decoder;
    delete analyzer;

    return bpm;