Beispiel #1
    SYMBOL func,                // - symbol for function
    TOKEN_LOCN *posn )          // - source position
    CGFILE_GEN *gen;            // - generation data
    DT_METHOD dtm;              // - destruction method for function
    CGFILE_INS reg;             // - position to zap for function registration

    codeCGFILE = CgioCreateFile( func );
    if( posn != NULL ) {
        codeCGFILE->defined = *posn;
    gen = getGenData();
    if( posn != NULL ) {
        emitSourcePosn( gen, posn );
    CgFrontCodePtr( IC_FUNCTION_OPEN, func );
    CgFrontCodePtr( IC_FUNCTION_ARGS, GetCurrScope() );
    dtm = CompInfo.dt_method_speced;
    if( ! SymIsDtor( func ) ) {
        switch( dtm ) {
          case DTM_DIRECT_SMALL :
            dtm = DTM_DIRECT;
          case DTM_TABLE_SMALL :
            dtm = DTM_TABLE;
    CompInfo.dt_method = dtm;
    CgFrontCodeUint( IC_FUNCTION_DTM, dtm );
    CgFrontCode( IC_NO_OP );    // - may be zapped to IC_FUNCTION_STAB
    reg = CgioLastWrite( codeCGFILE );
    gen->emit_line_no.src_file = NULL;
    if( posn != NULL ) {
        emitSourcePosn( gen, posn );
    return reg;
Beispiel #2
SYMBOL FormatMsg( VBUF *pbuf, char *fmt, va_list arg )
// this function assumes that pbuf is initialized
// all information is concatenated to the end of pbuf
    VBUF    prefix, suffix;
    char    cfmt;
    char    local_buf[ 1 + sizeof( int ) * 2 + 1 ];
    unsigned len;
    SYMBOL  retn_symbol;

    retn_symbol = NULL;
    cfmt = *fmt;
    while( cfmt ) {
        if( cfmt == '%' ) {
            cfmt = *fmt;
            switch( cfmt ) {
            case '1':   /* %01d */
            case '2':   /* %02d */
            case '3':   /* %03d */
            case '4':   /* %04d */
            case '5':   /* %05d */
            case '6':   /* %06d */
            case '7':   /* %07d */
            case '8':   /* %08d */
            case '9':   /* %09d */
                len = sticpy( local_buf, va_arg( arg, int ) ) - local_buf;
                leading( pbuf, '0', ( cfmt - '0' ) - len );
                VbufConcStr( pbuf, local_buf );
            case 'c':   /* %c */
                VbufConcChr( pbuf, va_arg( arg, int ) );
            case 's':   /* %s */
                VbufConcStr( pbuf, va_arg( arg, char * ) );
            case 'u':   /* %u */
                VbufConcDecimal( pbuf, va_arg( arg, unsigned int ) );
            case 'd':   /* %d */
                VbufConcInteger( pbuf, va_arg( arg, int ) );
            case 'L':   /* token location */
            {   TOKEN_LOCN *locn;
                locn = va_arg( arg, TOKEN_LOCN * );
                if( locn == NULL ) {
                    VbufConcStr( pbuf, "by compiler" );
                } else {
                    char *src_file = SrcFileName( locn->src_file );
                    if( src_file == NULL ) {
                        VbufConcStr( pbuf, "on the command line" );
                    } else {
                        if( ( CompFlags.ew_switch_used )
                          &&( locn->src_file == SrcFileTraceBackFile() ) ) {
                            VbufConcStr( pbuf, "at: " );
                        } else {
                            VbufConcStr( pbuf, "in: " );
                            VbufConcStr( pbuf, SrcFileName( locn->src_file ) );
                        VbufConcChr( pbuf, '(' );
                        VbufConcInteger( pbuf, locn->line );
                        if( locn->column ) {
                            if( CompFlags.ew_switch_used ) {
                                VbufConcChr( pbuf, ',' );
                                VbufConcInteger( pbuf, locn->column );
                            } else {
                                VbufConcStr( pbuf, ") (col " );
                                VbufConcInteger( pbuf, locn->column );
                        VbufConcChr( pbuf, ')' );
            }   break;
            case 'N':   /* name */
                FormatName( va_arg( arg, NAME ), &prefix );
                VbufConcVbuf( pbuf, &prefix );
                VbufFree( &prefix );
            case 'F':   /* symbol name (decorated) */
            {   SYMBOL      sym;
                sym = va_arg( arg, SYMBOL );
                FormatSym( sym, &prefix );
                VbufConcVbuf( pbuf, &prefix );
                VbufFree( &prefix );
            }   break;
            case 'S':   /* symbol name (abbreviated) */
            {   SYMBOL      sym;
                SYMBOL_NAME sn;
                NAME        name;
                sym = va_arg( arg, SYMBOL );
                if( sym == NULL ) {
                    VbufConcStr( pbuf, "module data" );
                } else {
                    if( formatClassForSym( sym, pbuf ) ) {
                        VbufConcStr( pbuf, "::" );
                    if( SymIsCtor( sym ) ) {
                        formatClassForSym( sym, pbuf );
                    } else if( SymIsDtor( sym ) ) {
                        VbufConcChr( pbuf, '~' );
                        formatClassForSym( sym, pbuf );
                    } else {
                        sn = sym->name;
#ifndef NDEBUG
                        if( sn == NULL ) {
                            CFatal( "FormatMsg -- %S symbol has NULL SYMBOL_NAME" );
                        name = sn->name;
#ifndef NDEBUG
                        if( name == NULL ) {
                            CFatal( "FormatMsg -- %S SYMBOL_NAME has NULL name" );
                        if( name == CppConversionName() ) {
                            VbufConcStr( pbuf, "operator " );
                            FormatType( SymFuncReturnType( sym )
                                      , &prefix
                                      , &suffix );
                            VbufFree( &suffix );
                        } else {
                            FormatName( name, &prefix );
                        VbufConcVbuf( pbuf, &prefix );
                        VbufFree( &prefix );
                    if( sym->flag2 & SF2_TOKEN_LOCN ) {
                        DbgVerify( retn_symbol == NULL, "too many symbols" );
                        retn_symbol = sym;
            }   break;
            case 'T':   /* type name */
            {   TYPE type = va_arg( arg, TYPE );
                TYPE refed = TypeReference( type );
                if( NULL != refed ) {
                    type = refed;
                FormatType( type, &prefix, &suffix );
                VbufConcVbuf( pbuf, &prefix );
                VbufConcVbuf( pbuf, &suffix );
                VbufFree( &prefix );
                VbufFree( &suffix );
                VbufTruncWhite( pbuf );
                if( NULL != refed ) {
                    VbufConcStr( pbuf, " (lvalue)" );
            }   break;
            case 'P':   /* PTREE list */
            {   const PTREE p = va_arg( arg, PTREE );

                FormatPTreeList( p, &prefix );
                VbufConcVbuf( pbuf, &prefix );
                VbufFree( &prefix );
            }   break;
            case 'I':   /* PTREE id */
            {   const PTREE p = va_arg( arg, PTREE );

                FormatPTreeId( p, &prefix );
                VbufConcVbuf( pbuf, &prefix );
                VbufFree( &prefix );
            }   break;
            case 'M':   /* template info */
            {   TEMPLATE_INFO * const tinfo = va_arg( arg, TEMPLATE_INFO * );
                const SYMBOL sym = tinfo->sym;

                FormatTemplateInfo( tinfo, &prefix );
                VbufConcVbuf( pbuf, &prefix );
                VbufFree( &prefix );
                if( sym->flag2 & SF2_TOKEN_LOCN ) {
                    DbgVerify( retn_symbol == NULL, "too many symbols" );
                    retn_symbol = sym;
            }   break;
            case 'C':   /* template specialisation */
            {   TEMPLATE_SPECIALIZATION * const tspec =
                    va_arg( arg, TEMPLATE_SPECIALIZATION * );

                FormatTemplateSpecialization( tspec, &prefix );
                VbufConcVbuf( pbuf, &prefix );
                VbufFree( &prefix );
            }   break;
                VbufConcChr( pbuf, cfmt );
        } else {
Beispiel #3
PTREE AnalyseCall(              // ANALYSIS FOR CALL
    PTREE expr,                 // - call expression
    CALL_DIAG *diagnostic )     // - diagnostics used for function problems
    PTREE *r_args;              // - reference( arguments )
    PTREE *r_func;              // - reference( function )
    PTREE *ptlist;              // - nodes for arguments
    PTREE left;                 // - left operand ( the function )
    PTREE right;                // - right operand ( the arguments )
    PTREE this_node;            // - node for "this" computation
    PTREE deref_args;           // - member pointer dereference args
    PTREE last_arg;             // - last argument
    PTREE static_fn_this;       // - "this" for a static member
    PTREE templ_args;           // - explicit template arguments
    SYMBOL sym;                 // - function symbol
    SYMBOL caller_sym;          // - function that is doing the call
    TYPE type;                  // - temporary type
    TYPE fn_type;               // - function type
    type_flag fn_mod;           // - function modifier flags
    unsigned count;             // - # args, caller
    arg_list *alist;            // - arg_list for caller
    intrinsic_mapping *intr_map;// - mapping for intrinsic function
    SEARCH_RESULT *result;      // - searching result
    boolean membptr_deref;      // - TRUE ==> member pointer dereference
    boolean has_ellipsis;       // - TRUE ==> ellipsis in argument list
    boolean virtual_call;       // - TRUE ==> virtual call
    TEMP_PT_LIST default_list;  // - default PTREE list
    TEMP_ARG_LIST default_args; // - default arg_list
    FNOV_DIAG fnov_diag;        // - diagnosis information;

    r_args = PTreeRefRight( expr );
    last_arg = *r_args;
    right = NodeReverseArgs( &count, last_arg );
    *r_args = right;
    r_func = PTreeRefLeft( expr );
    left = *r_func;
    membptr_deref = FALSE;
    this_node = NULL;
    intr_map = NULL;
    static_fn_this = NULL;
    virtual_call = FALSE;
    switch( left->cgop ) {
      case CO_DOT:
      case CO_ARROW:
        this_node = left->u.subtree[0];
        left->u.subtree[0] = NULL;
        left = NodePruneTop( left );
        *r_func = left;
        r_func = PTreeRefLeft( expr );
        left = *r_func;
        if( ( left->op == PT_ID ) && ( left->cgop == CO_NAME_DTOR ) ) {
            /* dtor of a non-class type */
            left = NodePruneTop( *r_func );
            /* NYI: verify dtor call has no arguments */
            expr->u.subtree[0] = NULL;
            NodeFreeDupedExpr( expr );
            expr = NodeConvert( GetBasicType( TYP_VOID ), this_node );
            expr = NodeComma( expr, left );
            return( expr );
      case CO_CALL_EXEC_IND:
        if( left->flags & PTF_CALLED_ONLY ) {
            /* member pointer dereference being called */
            deref_args = left->u.subtree[1];
            this_node = NodeDupExpr( &(deref_args->u.subtree[1]) );
            membptr_deref = TRUE;
    alist = ArgListTempAlloc( &default_args, count );
    ptlist = PtListAlloc( default_list, count );
    NodeBuildArgList( alist, ptlist, right, count );
    if( this_node == NULL ) {
        alist->qualifier = FunctionThisQualifier();
    } else {
        alist->qualifier = BaseTypeClassFlags( NodeType( this_node ) );

    if( NodeIsBinaryOp( left, CO_TEMPLATE ) ) {
        DbgAssert( left->u.subtree[0]->op == PT_SYMBOL );

        templ_args = left->u.subtree[1];

        left->u.subtree[1] = NULL;
        left = NodePruneTop( left );
        *r_func = left;
        r_func = PTreeRefLeft( expr );
        left = *r_func;
    } else {
        templ_args = NULL;

    if( left->op == PT_SYMBOL ) {
        FNOV_RESULT ovret;
        SYMBOL orig;        // - original symbol
        sym = left->u.symcg.symbol;
        orig = sym;
        if( left->cgop == CO_NAME_CONVERT ) {
            ovret = UdcOverloadedDiag( &sym
                                 , left->u.symcg.result
                                 , sym
                                 , SymFuncReturnType( sym )
                                 , alist->qualifier
                                 , &fnov_diag );
        } else {
            ovret = FuncOverloadedDiag( &sym
                                   , left->u.symcg.result
                                   , sym
                                   , alist
                                   , ptlist
                                   , templ_args
                                   , &fnov_diag );

        switch( ovret ) {
          case FNOV_AMBIGUOUS :
            CallDiagAmbiguous( expr, diagnostic->msg_ambiguous, &fnov_diag );
            NodeFreeDupedExpr( this_node );
            ArgListTempFree( alist, count );
            PtListFree( ptlist, count );
            return( expr );
          case FNOV_NO_MATCH :
            if( this_node == NULL ) {
                if( SymIsThisFuncMember( orig ) ) {
                    this_node = NodeThisCopyLocation( left );
            if( this_node != NULL ) {
                if( ( ! SymIsCtor( orig ) )
                  &&( ! SymIsDtor( orig ) )
                  &&( CNV_OK != AnalysePtrCV
                                ( this_node
                                , TypeThisSymbol( orig
                                                , this_node->flags & PTF_LVALUE )
                                , NodeType( this_node )
                                , CNV_FUNC_THIS ) ) ) {
                    PTreeErrorNode( expr );
                    InfSymbolDeclaration( orig );
                    NodeFreeDupedExpr( this_node );
                    ArgListTempFree( alist, count );
                    PtListFree( ptlist, count );
                    return( expr );
            CallDiagNoMatch( expr
                           , diagnostic->msg_no_match_one
                           , diagnostic->msg_no_match_many
                           , this_node
                           , orig
                           , &fnov_diag );
            NodeFreeDupedExpr( this_node );
            ArgListTempFree( alist, count );
            PtListFree( ptlist, count );
            return( expr );
        FnovFreeDiag( &fnov_diag );
        left->u.symcg.symbol = sym;
        result = left->u.symcg.result;
        if( this_node == NULL ) {
            if( SymIsThisFuncMember( sym ) ) {
                if( result->use_this ) {
                    this_node = NodeThisCopyLocation( left );
                    if( this_node == NULL ) {
                        PTreeErrorExpr( expr, ERR_INVALID_NONSTATIC_ACCESS );
                        InfSymbolDeclaration( sym );
                        ArgListTempFree( alist, count );
                        PtListFree( ptlist, count );
                        return( expr );
                } else {
                    PTreeErrorExpr( expr, ERR_BARE_FUNCTION_ACCESS );
                    InfSymbolDeclaration( sym );
                    ArgListTempFree( alist, count );
                    PtListFree( ptlist, count );
                    return( expr );
        if( ! AnalyseSymbolAccess( expr, left, this_node, &diagAccess ) ) {
            NodeFreeDupedExpr( this_node );
            ArgListTempFree( alist, count );
            PtListFree( ptlist, count );
            return( expr );
        type = sym->sym_type;
        fn_type = TypeGetActualFlags( type, &fn_mod );
        if( fn_type->flag & TF1_INTRINSIC ) {
            intr_map = intrinsicMapping( sym );
            if( intr_map == NULL ) {
                outputCallTriggeredWarning( expr, sym );
        if( fn_mod & TF1_FAR16 ) {
            /* we are calling a far16 function */
            caller_sym = ScopeFunctionInProgress();
            caller_sym->flag |= SF_FAR16_CALLER;
        left->type = type;
        if( this_node == NULL ) {
            if( SymIsThisFuncMember( sym ) ) {
                this_node = NodeThisCopyLocation( left );
        } else {
            if( SymIsStaticFuncMember( sym ) ) {
                #ifdef OLD_STATIC_MEMBER_ACCESS
                    NodeFreeDupedExpr( this_node );
                    static_fn_this = this_node;
                this_node = NULL;
        if( this_node != NULL ) {
            TYPE pted;
            pted = TypePointedAtModified( this_node->type );
            if( pted == NULL ) {
                pted = this_node->type;
            if( TypeTruncByMemModel( pted ) ) {
                if( SymIsCtor( sym ) ) {
                    PTreeErrorExpr( this_node, ERR_CTOR_OBJ_MEM_MODEL );
                } else if( SymIsDtor( sym ) ) {
                    PTreeErrorExpr( this_node, ERR_DTOR_OBJ_MEM_MODEL );
                } else {
                    PTreeErrorExpr( this_node, ERR_THIS_OBJ_MEM_MODEL );
                InfSymbolDeclaration( sym );
                PTreeErrorNode( expr );
                NodeFreeDupedExpr( this_node );
                ArgListTempFree( alist, count );
                PtListFree( ptlist, count );
                NodeFreeDupedExpr( static_fn_this );
                return( expr );
            if( adjustForVirtualCall( &this_node, r_func, result ) ) {
                virtual_call = TRUE;
                expr->cgop = CO_CALL_EXEC_IND;
                left = VfunSetupCall( expr->u.subtree[0] );
                left = VfnDecorateCall( left, sym );
            } else {
                expr->cgop = CO_CALL_EXEC;
                left = NodeUnaryCopy( CO_CALL_SETUP, expr->u.subtree[0] );
                SymMarkRefed( sym );
        } else {
            NodeFreeSearchResult( left );
            expr->cgop = CO_CALL_EXEC;
            left = NodeUnaryCopy( CO_CALL_SETUP, expr->u.subtree[0] );
            SymMarkRefed( sym );
    } else {
        if( ! membptr_deref ) {
            /* i.e, p->foo() where foo is a pointer to a function */
            NodeFreeDupedExpr( this_node );
            this_node = NULL;
        sym = NULL;
        left = expr->u.subtree[0];
        type = TypedefModifierRemove( left->type );
        if( type->id == TYP_POINTER ) {
            type = type->of;
        fn_type = TypeGetActualFlags( type, &fn_mod );
        if( fn_mod & TF1_FAR16 ) {
            /* we are calling a far16 function */
            caller_sym = ScopeFunctionInProgress();
            caller_sym->flag |= SF_FAR16_CALLER;
        if( ! TypeHasNumArgs( type, count ) ) {
            PTreeErrorExpr( expr, ERR_PARM_COUNT_MISMATCH_POINTER );
            CErr2p( INF_FUNCTION_TYPE, type );
            ArgListTempFree( alist, count );
            PtListFree( ptlist, count );
            NodeFreeDupedExpr( static_fn_this );
            return( expr );
        expr->cgop = CO_CALL_EXEC_IND;
        left = VfunSetupCall( left );
    expr->u.subtree[0] = left;
#if _CPU == _AXP
    if( intr_map != NULL && intr_map->cgop == CO_VASTART ) {
        expr = convertVaStart( expr, alist, type );
    } else {
        expr = NodeConvertCallArgList( expr, count, type, &expr->u.subtree[1] );
    expr = NodeConvertCallArgList( expr, count, type, &expr->u.subtree[1] );
    if( expr->op != PT_ERROR ) {
        TYPE ftype;             // - function type
        PTREE cdtor;            // - CDTOR node
        PTREE callnode;         // - call node
        PTREE retnnode;         // - return node (for struct return)
        callnode = expr;
        if( this_node == NULL ) {
            cdtor = NULL;
        } else {
            this_node = NodeArg( this_node );
            if( virtual_call ) {
                this_node->flags |= PTF_ARG_THIS_VFUN;
            if( sym != NULL && SymIsDtor( sym ) ) {
                cdtor = NodeArg( NodeCDtorArg( DTOR_NULL ) );
            } else {
                cdtor = NULL;
        ftype = type;
        type = TypedefModifierRemove( type );
        has_ellipsis = TypeHasEllipsisArg( type );
        type = type->of;
            TYPE tgt = TypeReference( type );
            if( tgt == NULL ) {
                expr->type = type;
            } else {
                expr->type = tgt;
                expr->flags |= PTF_LVALUE;
        if( sym != NULL ) {
            if( ! AddDefaultArgs( sym, expr ) ) {
                NodeFreeDupedExpr( cdtor );
                NodeFreeDupedExpr( this_node );
                ArgListTempFree( alist, count );
                PtListFree( ptlist, count );
                return expr;
        if( NULL != TypeReference( type ) ) {
            expr->flags |= PTF_LVALUE;
        if( OMR_CLASS_REF == ObjModelArgument( type ) ) {
            retnnode = NodeTemporary( type );
            retnnode = PTreeCopySrcLocation( retnnode, expr );
        } else {
            retnnode = NULL;
        expr = CallArgsArrange( ftype
                              , callnode
                              , callnode->u.subtree[1]
                              , this_node
                              , cdtor
                              , retnnode );
        if( retnnode != NULL ) {
            expr = NodeDtorExpr( expr, retnnode->u.symcg.symbol );
            if( SymRequiresDtoring( retnnode->u.symcg.symbol ) ) {
                expr = PtdCtoredExprType( expr, NULL, type );
        type = StructType( type );
        if( type != NULL && ! TypeDefined( type ) ) {
            PTreeErrorExpr( expr, ERR_RETURN_UNDEFD_TYPE );
        if( intr_map != NULL && expr->op != PT_ERROR ) {
#if _CPU == _AXP
            if( intr_map->cgop == CO_VASTART ) {
                expr = transformVaStart( expr );
            } else {
                expr = PTreeIntrinsicOperator( expr, intr_map->cgop );
            expr = PTreeIntrinsicOperator( expr, intr_map->cgop );
            expr->flags |= PTF_MEANINGFUL | PTF_SIDE_EFF;
    if( static_fn_this != NULL ) {
        expr = NodeCommaIfSideEffect( static_fn_this, expr );
    ArgListTempFree( alist, count );
    PtListFree( ptlist, count );
    return expr;