Beispiel #1
BSOCK_HANDLE BSckAttach(SYS_SOCKET SockFD, int iBufferSize)
    BuffSocketData *pBSD = (BuffSocketData *) SysAlloc(sizeof(BuffSocketData));

    if (pBSD == NULL)
        return INVALID_BSOCK_HANDLE;

    char *pszBuffer = (char *) SysAlloc(iBufferSize);

    if (pszBuffer == NULL) {
        return INVALID_BSOCK_HANDLE;

    pBSD->SockFD = SockFD;
    pBSD->iBufferSize = iBufferSize;
    pBSD->pszBuffer = pszBuffer;
    pBSD->iBytesInBuffer = 0;
    pBSD->iReadIndex = 0;
    pBSD->IOops.pPrivate.handle = SockFD;
    pBSD->IOops.pName = BSckSock_Name;
    pBSD->IOops.pFree = BSckSock_Free;
    pBSD->IOops.pRead = BSckSock_Read;
    pBSD->IOops.pWrite = BSckSock_Write;
    pBSD->IOops.pSendFile = BSckSock_SendFile;

    return (BSOCK_HANDLE) pBSD;
Beispiel #2
// Try to add at least npage pages of memory to the heap,
// returning whether it worked.
static bool
MHeap_Grow(MHeap *h, uintptr npage)
	uintptr ask;
	void *v;
	MSpan *s;

	// Ask for a big chunk, to reduce the number of mappings
	// the operating system needs to track; also amortizes
	// the overhead of an operating system mapping.
	// For Native Client, allocate a multiple of 64kB (16 pages).
	npage = (npage+15)&~15;
	ask = npage<<PageShift;
	if(ask < HeapAllocChunk)
		ask = HeapAllocChunk;

	v = SysAlloc(ask);
	if(v == nil) {
		if(ask > (npage<<PageShift)) {
			ask = npage<<PageShift;
			v = SysAlloc(ask);
		if(v == nil)
			return false;
	mstats.heap_sys += ask;

	if((byte*)v < h->min || h->min == nil)
		h->min = v;
	if((byte*)v+ask > h->max)
		h->max = (byte*)v+ask;

	// NOTE(rsc): In tcmalloc, if we've accumulated enough
	// system allocations, the heap map gets entirely allocated
	// in 32-bit mode.  (In 64-bit mode that's not practical.)
	if(!MHeapMap_Preallocate(&h->map, ((uintptr)v>>PageShift) - 1, (ask>>PageShift) + 2)) {
		SysFree(v, ask);
		return false;

	// Create a fake "in use" span and free it, so that the
	// right coalescing happens.
	s = FixAlloc_Alloc(&h->spanalloc);
	mstats.mspan_inuse = h->spanalloc.inuse;
	mstats.mspan_sys = h->spanalloc.sys;
	MSpan_Init(s, (uintptr)v>>PageShift, ask>>PageShift);
	MHeapMap_Set(&h->map, s->start, s);
	MHeapMap_Set(&h->map, s->start + s->npages - 1, s);
	s->state = MSpanInUse;
	MHeap_FreeLocked(h, s);
	return true;
Beispiel #3
// stackcacherefill/stackcacherelease implement a global cache of stack segments.
// The cache is required to prevent unlimited growth of per-thread caches.
static void
	StackCacheNode *n;
	int32 i, pos;

	n = stackcache;
		stackcache = n->next;
	if(n == nil) {
		n = (StackCacheNode*)runtime·SysAlloc(FixedStack*StackCacheBatch);
		if(n == nil)
			runtime·throw("out of memory (stackcacherefill)");
		runtime·xadd64(&mstats.stacks_sys, FixedStack*StackCacheBatch);
		for(i = 0; i < StackCacheBatch-1; i++)
			n->batch[i] = (byte*)n + (i+1)*FixedStack;
	pos = m->stackcachepos;
	for(i = 0; i < StackCacheBatch-1; i++) {
		m->stackcache[pos] = n->batch[i];
		pos = (pos + 1) % StackCacheSize;
	m->stackcache[pos] = n;
	pos = (pos + 1) % StackCacheSize;
	m->stackcachepos = pos;
	m->stackcachecnt += StackCacheBatch;
Beispiel #4
runtime·MHeap_SysAlloc ( MHeap *h , uintptr n ) 
byte *p; 
#line 353 "malloc.goc"
if ( n <= h->arena_end - h->arena_used ) { 
#line 355 "malloc.goc"
p = h->arena_used; 
runtime·SysMap ( p , n ) ; 
h->arena_used += n; 
runtime·MHeap_MapBits ( h ) ; 
return p; 
#line 363 "malloc.goc"
if ( sizeof ( void* ) == 8 ) 
return nil; 
#line 369 "malloc.goc"
p = runtime·SysAlloc ( n ) ; 
if ( p == nil ) 
return nil; 
#line 373 "malloc.goc"
if ( p < h->arena_start || p+n - h->arena_start >= MaxArena32 ) { 
runtime·printf ( "runtime: memory allocated by OS not in usable range\n" ) ; 
runtime·SysFree ( p , n ) ; 
return nil; 
#line 379 "malloc.goc"
if ( p+n > h->arena_used ) { 
h->arena_used = p+n; 
if ( h->arena_used > h->arena_end ) 
h->arena_end = h->arena_used; 
runtime·MHeap_MapBits ( h ) ; 
#line 386 "malloc.goc"
return p; 
Beispiel #5
static int HashGrow(Hash *pHash)
    unsigned long i, ulHIdx, ulHMask;
    SysListHead *pBkts, *pHead, *pPos;
    HashNode *pHNode;

    ulHMask = pHash->ulHMask + 1;
    if (ulHMask & HMASK_TOP_BIT)
        return 0;
    ulHMask = (ulHMask << 1) - 1;
    if ((pBkts = (SysListHead *)
         SysAlloc((ulHMask + 1) * sizeof(SysListHead))) == NULL)
        return ErrGetErrorCode();
    for (i = 0; i <= ulHMask; i++)
    for (i = 0; i <= pHash->ulHMask; i++) {
        pHead = &pHash->pBkts[i];
        while ((pPos = SYS_LIST_FIRST(pHead)) != NULL) {
            pHNode = SYS_LIST_ENTRY(pPos, HashNode, Lnk);
            ulHIdx = (*pHash->Ops.pGetHashVal)(pHash->Ops.pPrivate,
                               &pHNode->Key) & ulHMask;
            SYS_LIST_ADDT(&pHNode->Lnk, &pBkts[ulHIdx]);
    pHash->pBkts = pBkts;
    pHash->ulHMask = ulHMask;

    return 0;
Beispiel #6
static void
RecordSpan(void *vh, byte *p)
	MHeap *h;
	MSpan *s;
	MSpan **all;
	uint32 cap;

	h = vh;
	s = (MSpan*)p;
	if(h->nspan >= h->nspancap) {
		cap = 64*1024/sizeof(all[0]);
		if(cap < h->nspancap*3/2)
			cap = h->nspancap*3/2;
		all = (MSpan**)runtime·SysAlloc(cap*sizeof(all[0]), &mstats.other_sys);
		if(all == nil)
			runtime·throw("runtime: cannot allocate memory");
		if(h->allspans) {
			runtime·memmove(all, h->allspans, h->nspancap*sizeof(all[0]));
			// Don't free the old array if it's referenced by sweep.
			// See the comment in mgc0.c.
			if(h->allspans != runtime·mheap.sweepspans)
				runtime·SysFree(h->allspans, h->nspancap*sizeof(all[0]), &mstats.other_sys);
		h->allspans = all;
		h->nspancap = cap;
	h->allspans[h->nspan++] = s;
Beispiel #7
static void
RecordSpan(void *vh, byte *p)
	MHeap *h;
	MSpan *s;
	MSpan **all;
	uint32 cap;

	h = vh;
	s = (MSpan*)p;
	if(h->nspan >= h->nspancap) {
		cap = 64*1024/sizeof(all[0]);
		if(cap < h->nspancap*3/2)
			cap = h->nspancap*3/2;
		all = (MSpan**)runtime·SysAlloc(cap*sizeof(all[0]));
		if(all == nil)
			runtime·throw("runtime: cannot allocate memory");
		if(h->allspans) {
			runtime·memmove(all, h->allspans, h->nspancap*sizeof(all[0]));
			runtime·SysFree(h->allspans, h->nspancap*sizeof(all[0]));
		h->allspans = all;
		h->nspancap = cap;
	h->allspans[h->nspan++] = s;
Beispiel #8
int BSckBufferInit(BSockLineBuffer *pBLB, int iSize)
    if (iSize <= 0)
        iSize = BSOCK_STD_BUFFER_SIZE;

    if ((pBLB->pszBuffer = (char *) SysAlloc(iSize)) == NULL)
        return ErrGetErrorCode();
    pBLB->iSize = iSize;

    return 0;
Beispiel #9
HASH_HANDLE HashCreate(HashOps const *pOps, unsigned long ulSize)
    unsigned long i, ulHMask;
    Hash *pHash;

    if ((pHash = (Hash *) SysAlloc(sizeof(Hash))) == NULL)
        return INVALID_HASH_HANDLE;
    pHash->Ops = *pOps;
    for (ulHMask = 2; !(ulHMask & HMASK_TOP_BIT) && ulHMask <= ulSize; ulHMask <<= 1);
    pHash->ulHMask = ulHMask;
    if ((pHash->pBkts = (SysListHead *)
         SysAlloc((ulHMask + 1) * sizeof(SysListHead))) == NULL) {
        return INVALID_HASH_HANDLE;
    for (i = 0; i <= ulHMask; i++)

    return (HASH_HANDLE) pHash;
Beispiel #10
runtime·stackalloc(G *gp, uint32 n)
	uint32 pos;
	void *v;
	bool malloced;
	Stktop *top;

	// Stackalloc must be called on scheduler stack, so that we
	// never try to grow the stack during the code that stackalloc runs.
	// Doing so would cause a deadlock (issue 1547).
	if(g != m->g0)
		runtime·throw("stackalloc not on scheduler stack");
	if((n & (n-1)) != 0)
		runtime·throw("stack size not a power of 2");
	if(StackDebug >= 1)
		runtime·printf("stackalloc %d\n", n);

	gp->stacksize += n;
	if(runtime·debug.efence || StackFromSystem) {
		v = runtime·SysAlloc(ROUND(n, PageSize), &mstats.stacks_sys);
		if(v == nil)
			runtime·throw("out of memory (stackalloc)");
		return v;

	// Minimum-sized stacks are allocated with a fixed-size free-list allocator,
	// but if we need a stack of a bigger size, we fall back on malloc
	// (assuming that inside malloc all the stack frames are small,
	// so that we do not deadlock).
	malloced = true;
	if(n == FixedStack || m->mallocing) {
		if(n != FixedStack) {
			runtime·printf("stackalloc: in malloc, size=%d want %d\n", FixedStack, n);
		if(m->stackcachecnt == 0)
		pos = m->stackcachepos;
		pos = (pos - 1) % StackCacheSize;
		v = m->stackcache[pos];
		m->stackcachepos = pos;
		malloced = false;
	} else
		v = runtime·mallocgc(n, 0, FlagNoProfiling|FlagNoGC|FlagNoZero|FlagNoInvokeGC);

	top = (Stktop*)((byte*)v+n-sizeof(Stktop));
	runtime·memclr((byte*)top, sizeof(*top));
	top->malloced = malloced;
	return v;
Beispiel #11
runtime·MHeap_SysAlloc ( MHeap *h , uintptr n ) 
byte *p; 
#line 2418 "C:\Go\src\pkg\runtime\malloc.goc"
if ( n > h->arena_end - h->arena_used ) { 
#line 2421 "C:\Go\src\pkg\runtime\malloc.goc"
byte *new_end; 
uintptr needed; 
#line 2424 "C:\Go\src\pkg\runtime\malloc.goc"
needed = ( uintptr ) h->arena_used + n - ( uintptr ) h->arena_end; 
#line 2426 "C:\Go\src\pkg\runtime\malloc.goc"
needed = ( needed + ( 256<<20 ) - 1 ) & ~ ( ( 256<<20 ) -1 ) ; 
new_end = h->arena_end + needed; 
if ( new_end <= h->arena_start + MaxArena32 ) { 
p = runtime·SysReserve ( h->arena_end , new_end - h->arena_end ) ; 
if ( p == h->arena_end ) 
h->arena_end = new_end; 
if ( n <= h->arena_end - h->arena_used ) { 
#line 2436 "C:\Go\src\pkg\runtime\malloc.goc"
p = h->arena_used; 
runtime·SysMap ( p , n ) ; 
h->arena_used += n; 
runtime·MHeap_MapBits ( h ) ; 
return p; 
#line 2444 "C:\Go\src\pkg\runtime\malloc.goc"
if ( sizeof ( void* ) == 8 && ( uintptr ) h->bitmap >= 0xffffffffU ) 
return nil; 
#line 2450 "C:\Go\src\pkg\runtime\malloc.goc"
p = runtime·SysAlloc ( n ) ; 
if ( p == nil ) 
return nil; 
#line 2454 "C:\Go\src\pkg\runtime\malloc.goc"
if ( p < h->arena_start || p+n - h->arena_start >= MaxArena32 ) { 
runtime·printf ( "runtime: memory allocated by OS (%p) not in usable range [%p,%p)\n" , 
p , h->arena_start , h->arena_start+MaxArena32 ) ; 
runtime·SysFree ( p , n ) ; 
return nil; 
#line 2461 "C:\Go\src\pkg\runtime\malloc.goc"
if ( p+n > h->arena_used ) { 
h->arena_used = p+n; 
if ( h->arena_used > h->arena_end ) 
h->arena_end = h->arena_used; 
runtime·MHeap_MapBits ( h ) ; 
#line 2468 "C:\Go\src\pkg\runtime\malloc.goc"
return p; 
Beispiel #12
static int UPopFillMessageList(char const *pszBasePath, char const *pszSubPath,
                   SysListHead *pMsgList, int &iMsgCount, SYS_OFF_T &llMBSize)
    SYS_HANDLE hFind;
    char szScanPath[SYS_MAX_PATH], szFileName[SYS_MAX_PATH];

    if (pszSubPath == NULL)
        StrSNCpy(szScanPath, pszBasePath);
        SysSNPrintf(szScanPath, sizeof(szScanPath) - 1, "%s" SYS_SLASH_STR "%s",
                pszBasePath, pszSubPath);

    if ((hFind = SysFirstFile(szScanPath, szFileName,
                  sizeof(szFileName))) != SYS_INVALID_HANDLE) {
        do {
            POP3MsgData *pPOPMD;

            if (SysIsDirectory(hFind) ||
            if ((pPOPMD = (POP3MsgData *)
                 SysAlloc(sizeof(POP3MsgData))) == NULL) {
                return ErrorPop();
            if (pszSubPath == NULL)
                StrSNCpy(pPOPMD->szMsgName, szFileName);
                SysSNPrintf(pPOPMD->szMsgName, sizeof(pPOPMD->szMsgName) - 1,
                        "%s" SYS_SLASH_STR "%s", pszSubPath, szFileName);

            pPOPMD->llMsgSize = SysGetSize(hFind);
            pPOPMD->ulFlags = 0;

            /* Insert entry in message list */
            SYS_LIST_ADDT(&pPOPMD->LLnk, pMsgList);

            /* Update mailbox information */
            llMBSize += pPOPMD->llMsgSize;
        } while (SysNextFile(hFind, szFileName, sizeof(szFileName)));

    return 0;
Beispiel #13
PLISTLINK *ListGetPointers(HSLIST &hList, int &iListCount)
	iListCount = ListGetCount(hList);

	PLISTLINK *pPointers = (PLISTLINK *) SysAlloc((iListCount + 1) * sizeof(PLISTLINK));

	if (pPointers != NULL) {
		int i;
		PLISTLINK lpCurr = ListFirst(hList);

		for (i = 0; lpCurr != INVALID_SLIST_PTR; lpCurr = ListNext(hList, lpCurr), i++)
			pPointers[i] = lpCurr;
		pPointers[i] = INVALID_SLIST_PTR;

	return pPointers;
Beispiel #14
static int BSslAllocCtx(SslBindCtx **ppCtx, SYS_SOCKET SockFD, SSL_CTX *pSCtx, SSL *pSSL)
	SslBindCtx *pCtx;

	if ((pCtx = (SslBindCtx *) SysAlloc(sizeof(SslBindCtx))) == NULL)
		return ErrGetErrorCode();
	pCtx->IOOps.pPrivate = pCtx;
	pCtx->IOOps.pName = BSslCtx__Name;
	pCtx->IOOps.pFree = BSslCtx__Free;
	pCtx->IOOps.pRead = BSslCtx__Read;
	pCtx->IOOps.pWrite = BSslCtx__Write;
	pCtx->IOOps.pSendFile = BSslCtx__SendFile;
	pCtx->SockFD = SockFD;
	pCtx->pSCtx = pSCtx;
	pCtx->pSSL = pSSL;

	*ppCtx = pCtx;

	return 0;
Beispiel #15
int RLckInitLockers(void)
    /* Create resource locking mutex */
    if ((hRLMutex = SysCreateMutex()) == SYS_INVALID_MUTEX)
        return ErrGetErrorCode();

    /* Initialize wait gates */
    for (int i = 0; i < STD_WAIT_GATES; i++) {
        if ((RLGates[i].hSemaphore = SysCreateSemaphore(0,
                                SYS_DEFAULT_MAXCOUNT)) ==
            for (--i; i >= 0; i--) {
            return ErrorPop();

        RLGates[i].iWaitingProcesses = 0;
        RLGates[i].iHashSize = STD_RES_HASH_SIZE;

        if ((RLGates[i].pResList = (SysListHead *)
             SysAlloc(RLGates[i].iHashSize * sizeof(SysListHead))) == NULL) {
            for (--i; i >= 0; i--) {
            return ErrorPop();
        for (int j = 0; j < RLGates[i].iHashSize; j++)

    return 0;
Beispiel #16
int BSckSendString(BSOCK_HANDLE hBSock, char const *pszBuffer, int iTimeout)
    BuffSocketData *pBSD = (BuffSocketData *) hBSock;
    char *pszSendBuffer = (char *) SysAlloc(strlen(pszBuffer) + 3);

    if (pszSendBuffer == NULL)
        return ErrGetErrorCode();

    SysLogMessage(LOG_LEV_DEBUG, "socket write line: [%s]\n", pszBuffer);

    sprintf(pszSendBuffer, "%s\r\n", pszBuffer);

    int iSendLength = (int)strlen(pszSendBuffer);

    if (BSckWriteLL(pBSD, pszSendBuffer, iSendLength, iTimeout) != iSendLength) {
        return ErrGetErrorCode();

    return iSendLength;
static PollDesc* 
allocPollDesc ( void ) 
PollDesc *pd; 
uint32 i , n; 
#line 334 "/tmp/bindist907131767/go/src/pkg/runtime/netpoll.goc"
runtime·lock ( &pollcache ) ; 
if ( pollcache.first == nil ) { 
n = PageSize/sizeof ( *pd ) ; 
if ( n == 0 ) 
n = 1; 
#line 341 "/tmp/bindist907131767/go/src/pkg/runtime/netpoll.goc"
pd = runtime·SysAlloc ( n*sizeof ( *pd ) ) ; 
for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { 
pd[i].link = pollcache.first; 
pollcache.first = &pd[i]; 
pd = pollcache.first; 
pollcache.first = pd->link; 
runtime·unlock ( &pollcache ) ; 
return pd; 
Beispiel #18
int BSslInit(void)
	int i, iNumLocks = CRYPTO_num_locks();

	if ((pSslMtxs = (SYS_MUTEX *) SysAlloc(iNumLocks * sizeof(SYS_MUTEX))) == NULL)
		return ErrGetErrorCode();
	for (i = 0; i < iNumLocks; i++) {
		if ((pSslMtxs[i] = SysCreateMutex()) == SYS_INVALID_MUTEX) {
			for (i--; i >= 0; i--)
			return ErrorPop();
	SysAddThreadExitHook(BSslThreadExit, NULL);

	return 0;