Beispiel #1
/* If the si is negative, set the homeworld to our best shot at a system path
    pointing to a valid system, close to passed co-ordinates.

   Otherwise trust the caller, and just set the system path for the co-ordinates.

   Used by the Lua interface, to support autogenerated factions.
void Faction::SetBestFitHomeworld(Sint32 x, Sint32 y, Sint32 z, Sint32 si, Uint32 bi, Sint32 axisChange)
	// search for a home system until we either find one sutiable, hit one of the axes,
	// or hit the edge of inhabited space
	Uint32 i = 0;
	RefCountedPtr<StarSystem> sys;
	while (si < 0 && (abs(x) != 90 && abs(y) != 90 && abs(z) != 90)
		          && (    x  != 0  &&     y  !=  0 &&     z  != 0 )) {

		// search for a suitable homeworld in the current sector
		Sector sec(x,y,z);
		Uint32 candidateSi = 0;
		while (candidateSi < sec.m_systems.size()) {
			sys = StarSystem::GetCached(SystemPath(x,y,z,candidateSi));
			if (sys->m_spaceStations.size() > 0) { 
				si = Sint32(candidateSi); 

		// set the co-ordinates of the next sector to examine, cycling through x, y and z
		if      (si < 0 && i%3==0) { if (x >= 0) { x = x + axisChange; } else { x = x - axisChange; }; }
		else if (si < 0 && i%3==1) { if (y >= 0) { y = y + axisChange; } else { y = y - axisChange; }; }
		else if (si < 0 && i%3==2) { if (z >= 0) { z = z + axisChange; } else { z = z - axisChange; }; }
	homeworld = SystemPath(x, y, z, si);
Beispiel #2
void SystemInfoView::UpdateIconSelections()
	m_selectedBodyPath = SystemPath();

	for (auto& bodyIcon : m_bodyIcons) {


		RefCountedPtr<StarSystem> currentSys = Pi::game->GetSpace()->GetStarSystem();
		if (currentSys && currentSys->GetPath() == m_system->GetPath()) {
			//navtarget can be only set in current system
			if (Body* navtarget = Pi::player->GetNavTarget()) {
				const SystemPath& navpath = navtarget->GetSystemBody()->GetPath();
				if (bodyIcon.first == navpath.bodyIndex) {
					bodyIcon.second->SetSelectColor(Color(0, 255, 0, 255));
					m_selectedBodyPath = navpath;
		} else {
			SystemPath selected = Pi::sectorView->GetSelected();
			if (selected.IsSameSystem(m_system->GetPath()) && !selected.IsSystemPath()) {
				if (bodyIcon.first == selected.bodyIndex) {
					bodyIcon.second->SetSelectColor(Color(64, 96, 255, 255));
					m_selectedBodyPath = selected;
Beispiel #3
bool CheckSystemBitmaps() {
  TCHAR srcdir[MAX_PATH];
  TCHAR srcfile[MAX_PATH];
  SystemPath(srcdir, _T(LKD_BITMAPS));
  _stprintf(srcfile,TEXT("%s%s_BITMAPSH"),srcdir, _T(DIRSEP));
  return lk::filesystem::exist(srcfile);
Beispiel #4
bool CheckSystemDefaultMenu() {
  TCHAR srcdir[MAX_PATH];
  TCHAR srcfile[MAX_PATH];
  SystemPath(srcdir, _T(LKD_SYSTEM));
  _stprintf(srcfile,TEXT("%s%sDEFAULT_MENU.TXT"),srcdir, _T(DIRSEP));
  return lk::filesystem::exist(srcfile);
Beispiel #5
// This is used by LoadFromXML function only
void LocalPathS(TCHAR *buffer, const TCHAR* file) {

  SystemPath(buffer, TEXT(LKD_DIALOGS));
  TCHAR* ptr = buffer + _tcslen(buffer) -1;
  if(*ptr != _T('\\')) {
      _tcscat(buffer, _T(DIRSEP));

  switch(AircraftCategory) {
	case umGlider:
	case umParaglider:
	case umCar:
	case umGAaircraft:

  const TCHAR* ptr2 = file;
  while( (*ptr2) == _T('\\') && (*ptr2) ) {

Beispiel #6
void GetSysPolitStarSystem(const StarSystem *s, const fixed human_infestedness, SysPolit &outSysPolit)
	SystemPath path = s->GetPath();
	const Uint32 _init[5] = { Uint32(path.sectorX), Uint32(path.sectorY), Uint32(path.sectorZ), path.systemIndex, POLIT_SEED };
	Random rand(_init, 5);

	const Sector* sec = Sector::cache.GetCached(path);

	GovType a = GOV_INVALID;

	/* from custom system definition */
	if (sec->m_systems[path.systemIndex].customSys) {
		Polit::GovType t = sec->m_systems[path.systemIndex].customSys->govType;
		a = t;
	if (a == GOV_INVALID) {
		if (path == SystemPath(0,0,0,0)) {
			a = Polit::GOV_EARTHDEMOC;
		} else if (human_infestedness > 0) {
			// attempt to get the government type from the faction
			a = s->GetFaction()->PickGovType(rand);

			// if that fails, either no faction or a faction with no gov types, then pick something at random
			if (a == GOV_INVALID) {
				a = static_cast<GovType>(rand.Int32(GOV_RAND_MIN, GOV_RAND_MAX));
		} else {
			a = GOV_NONE;

	outSysPolit.govType = a;
	outSysPolit.lawlessness = s_govDesc[a].baseLawlessness * rand.Fixed();
Beispiel #7
bool CheckDataDir() {
  TCHAR srcdir[MAX_PATH];
  TCHAR srcfile[MAX_PATH];
  _stprintf(srcfile,TEXT("%s%s_SYSTEM"),srcdir, _T(DIRSEP));
  return lk::filesystem::exist(srcfile);
Beispiel #8
SystemPath SystemPath::Parse(const char * const str)

	// syspath = '('? [+-]? [0-9]+ [, +-] [0-9]+ [, +-] [0-9]+ ')'?
	// with whitespace allowed between tokens

	const char *s = str;

	int x, y, z;

	while (isspace(*s)) { ++s; }
	if (*s == '(') { ++s; }

	x = ParseInt(s); // note: ParseInt (actually, strtol) skips leading whitespace itself

	while (isspace(*s)) { ++s; }
	if (*s == ',' || *s == '.') { ++s; }

	y = ParseInt(s);

	while (isspace(*s)) { ++s; }
	if (*s == ',' || *s == '.') { ++s; }

	z = ParseInt(s);

	while (isspace(*s)) { ++s; }
	if (*s == ')') { ++s; }
	while (isspace(*s)) { ++s; }

	if (*s) // extra unexpected text after the system path
		throw SystemPath::ParseFailure();
		return SystemPath(x, y, z);
Beispiel #9
void Game::CreatePlayer()
	// XXX this should probably be in lua somewhere
	// XXX no really, it should. per system hacks? oh my.

	SystemPath startPath = m_space->GetStarSystem()->GetPath();

	if (startPath.IsSameSystem(SystemPath(-2,1,90,0))) {
		// Lave
		m_player.Reset(new Player("cobra3"));
		m_player->m_equipment.Set(Equip::SLOT_ENGINE, 0, Equip::DRIVE_CLASS3);
		m_player->m_equipment.Set(Equip::SLOT_LASER, 0, Equip::PULSECANNON_1MW);
		m_player->m_equipment.Add(Equip::HYDROGEN, 2);

	else {
		m_player.Reset(new Player("eagle_lrf"));
		m_player->m_equipment.Set(Equip::SLOT_ENGINE, 0, Equip::DRIVE_CLASS1);
		m_player->m_equipment.Set(Equip::SLOT_LASER, 0, Equip::PULSECANNON_1MW);
		m_player->m_equipment.Add(Equip::HYDROGEN, 1);

Beispiel #10
void GetSysPolitStarSystem(const StarSystem *s, const fixed human_infestedness, SysPolit &outSysPolit)
	SystemPath path = s->GetPath();
	const unsigned long _init[5] = { Uint32(path.sectorX), Uint32(path.sectorY), Uint32(path.sectorZ), path.systemIndex, POLIT_SEED };
	MTRand rand(_init, 5);

	Sector sec(path.sectorX, path.sectorY, path.sectorZ);

	GovType a = GOV_INVALID;

	/* from custom system definition */
	if (sec.m_systems[path.systemIndex].customSys) {
		Polit::GovType t = sec.m_systems[path.systemIndex].customSys->govType;
		a = t;
	if (a == GOV_INVALID) {
		if (path == SystemPath(0,0,0,0)) {
			a = Polit::GOV_EARTHDEMOC;
		} else if (human_infestedness > 0) {
			a = static_cast<GovType>(rand.Int32(GOV_RAND_MIN, GOV_RAND_MAX));
		} else {
			a = GOV_NONE;

	outSysPolit.govType = a;
	outSysPolit.lawlessness = s_govDesc[a].baseLawlessness * rand.Fixed();
Beispiel #11
void SectorPersistenceGenerator::SetExplored(Sector::System* sys, StarSystem::ExplorationState e, double time)
	Sint32 date;
	if (e != StarSystem::eUNEXPLORED) {
		int year, month, day;
		Time::DateTime dt = Time::DateTime(3200,1,1,0,0,0) + Time::TimeDelta(time, Time::Second);
		dt.GetDateParts(&year, &month, &day);
		date = day | month << 5 | year << 9;
	m_exploredSystems.Set(SystemPath(sys->sx, sys->sy, sys->sz, sys->idx), (e == StarSystem::eUNEXPLORED) ? -1 : date);
Beispiel #12
const SystemPath CustomSystem::GetPathForCustomSystem(const CustomSystem* cs)
	const std::list<const CustomSystem*> cslist = GetCustomSystemsForSector(cs->sectorX, cs->sectorY, cs->sectorZ);
	int idx = 0;
	for (std::list<const CustomSystem*>::const_iterator i = cslist.begin(); i != cslist.end(); ++i) {
		if (!(*i)->>name)) break;
	assert(idx < static_cast<int>(cslist.size()));
	return SystemPath(cs->sectorX, cs->sectorY, cs->sectorZ, idx);
Beispiel #13
void Galaxy::Dump(FILE* file, Sint32 centerX, Sint32 centerY, Sint32 centerZ, Sint32 radius)
    for (Sint32 sx = centerX - radius; sx <= centerX + radius; ++sx) {
        for (Sint32 sy = centerY - radius; sy <= centerY + radius; ++sy) {
            for (Sint32 sz = centerZ - radius; sz <= centerZ + radius; ++sz) {
                RefCountedPtr<const Sector> sector = Pi::GetGalaxy()->GetSector(SystemPath(sx, sy, sz));
Beispiel #14
bool CheckFilesystemWritable() {
  TCHAR srcdir[MAX_PATH];
  TCHAR srcfile[MAX_PATH];
  SystemPath(srcdir, _T(LKD_SYSTEM));
  _stprintf(srcfile,TEXT("%s%sEmptyTest.txt"),srcdir, _T(DIRSEP));

  FILE *stream;
  if (stream==NULL) return false;
  bool success = fprintf(stream,"FILESYSTEM WRITE CHECK, THIS FILE CAN BE REMOVED ANY TIME\n") >= 0;
  success &= fclose(stream) == 0;
Beispiel #15
// return true if loaded file, false if not loaded
bool LoadChecklist(short checklistmode) {
  TCHAR filename[MAX_PATH];

  switch(checklistmode) {
	// notepad
	case 0:
		LocalPath(filename, TEXT(LKD_CONF));
		_stprintf(NoteModeTitle,_T("%s"),gettext(_T("_@M878_")));  // notepad
		#ifdef __linux__
   		return LoadUtfChecklist(filename);
                return LoadAsciiChecklist(filename);
	// logbook TXT
	case 1:
		LocalPath(filename, TEXT(LKD_LOGS));
		_stprintf(NoteModeTitle,_T("%s"),gettext(_T("_@M1748_")));  // logbook
   		 return LoadUtfChecklist(filename);
	// logbook LST
	case 2:
		LocalPath(filename, TEXT(LKD_LOGS));
		_stprintf(NoteModeTitle,_T("%s"),gettext(_T("_@M1748_")));  // logbook
		return LoadUtfChecklist(filename);
	case 3:
		SystemPath(filename, TEXT(LKD_SYSTEM));
		#ifdef __linux__
   		return LoadUtfChecklist(filename);
                return LoadAsciiChecklist(filename);
    StartupStore(_T("... Invalid checklist mode (%d)%s"),checklistmode,NEWLINE);
    return false;
Beispiel #16
bool SectorPersistenceGenerator::Apply(Random& rng, RefCountedPtr<Galaxy> galaxy, RefCountedPtr<Sector> sector, GalaxyGenerator::SectorConfig* config)
	if (galaxy->IsInitialized()) {
		for (Sector::System& secsys : sector->m_systems) {
			Sint32 exploredTime = m_exploredSystems.Get(SystemPath(,,, secsys.idx), -1);
			if (exploredTime == 0) {
				secsys.m_explored = StarSystem::eEXPLORED_AT_START;
				secsys.m_exploredTime = 0.0;
			} else if (exploredTime > 0) {
				int year = exploredTime >> 9;
				int month = (exploredTime >> 5) & 0xf;
				int day = exploredTime & 0x1f;
				Time::DateTime dt(year, month, day);
				secsys.m_explored = StarSystem::eEXPLORED_BY_PLAYER;
				secsys.m_exploredTime = dt.ToGameTime();
Beispiel #17
SystemPath Entity::getSystemPath() const
    System* aSystem( getSuperSystem() );

    if ( !aSystem )
        THROW_EXCEPTION( IllegalOperation, "no system is associated" );

    if ( aSystem == this )
        return SystemPath();

    SystemPath aSystemPath( aSystem->getSystemPath() );
    aSystemPath.push_back( aSystem->getID() );
    return aSystemPath;
Beispiel #18
// return true if loaded file, false if not loaded
bool LoadChecklist(short checklistmode) {
  TCHAR filename[MAX_PATH];

  switch(checklistmode) {
	// notepad
	case 0:
		LocalPath(filename, TEXT(LKD_CONF));
		_stprintf(NoteModeTitle,_T("%s"),MsgToken(878));  // notepad

		if (LoadUtfChecklist(filename,false)) return true;
                // if no user file, look for demo file
		LocalPath(filename, TEXT(LKD_CONF));
		return LoadUtfChecklist(filename,true);
	// logbook TXT
	case 1:
		LocalPath(filename, TEXT(LKD_LOGS));
		_stprintf(NoteModeTitle,_T("%s"),MsgToken(1748));  // logbook
		 return LoadUtfChecklist(filename,true);
	// logbook LST
	case 2:
		LocalPath(filename, TEXT(LKD_LOGS));
		_stprintf(NoteModeTitle,_T("%s"),MsgToken(1748));  // logbook
		return LoadUtfChecklist(filename,true);
	case 3:
		SystemPath(filename, TEXT(LKD_SYSTEM));
		return LoadUtfChecklist(filename,true);
    StartupStore(_T("... Invalid checklist mode (%d)%s"),checklistmode,NEWLINE);
    return false;
Beispiel #19
void FullID::parse( String const& fullidstring )
    // empty FullID string is invalid
    if( fullidstring == "" )
        THROW_EXCEPTION( BadID, "empty FullID string" );

    String aString( fullidstring );
    eraseWhiteSpaces( aString );

    // ignore leading white spaces
    String::size_type aFieldStart( 0 );
    String::size_type aFieldEnd( aString.find_first_of( DELIMITER, aFieldStart ) );
    if( aFieldEnd == String::npos )
                         "no ':' in the FullID string [" + aString + "]" );

    String aTypeString( aString.substr( aFieldStart, aFieldEnd - aFieldStart ) );
    theEntityType = EntityType( aTypeString );
    aFieldStart = aFieldEnd + 1;
    aFieldEnd = aString.find_first_of( DELIMITER, aFieldStart );
    if( aFieldEnd == String::npos )
        THROW_EXCEPTION( BadID, "only one ':' in the FullID string [" 
                                + aString + "]" );

    theSystemPath = SystemPath( aString.substr( aFieldStart, 
                                aFieldEnd - aFieldStart ) );
    aFieldStart = aFieldEnd + 1;

    // drop trailing string after extra ':'(if this is    FullPN),
    // or go to the end
    aFieldEnd = aString.find_first_of( DELIMITER, aFieldStart );

    theID = aString.substr( aFieldStart, aFieldEnd - aFieldStart );
Beispiel #20
static int l_csys_add_to_sector(lua_State *L)
	CustomSystem **csptr = l_csys_check_ptr(L, 1);

	int x = luaL_checkinteger(L, 2);
	int y = luaL_checkinteger(L, 3);
	int z = luaL_checkinteger(L, 4);
	const vector3d *v = LuaVector::CheckFromLua(L, 5);

	(*csptr)->sectorX = x;
	(*csptr)->sectorY = y;
	(*csptr)->sectorZ = z;
	(*csptr)->pos = vector3f(*v);

	//printf("l_csys_add_to_sector: %s added to %d, %d, %d\n", (*csptr)->name.c_str(), x, y, z);

	s_sectorMap[SystemPath(x, y, z)].push_back(*csptr);
	*csptr = 0;
	return 0;
Beispiel #21
static int l_csys_add_to_sector(lua_State *L)
	CustomSystem **csptr = l_csys_check_ptr(L, 1);

	int x = luaL_checkinteger(L, 2);
	int y = luaL_checkinteger(L, 3);
	int z = luaL_checkinteger(L, 4);
	const vector3d *v = LuaVector::CheckFromLua(L, 5);

	(*csptr)->sectorX = x;
	(*csptr)->sectorY = y;
	(*csptr)->sectorZ = z;
	(*csptr)->pos = vector3f(*v);

	//Output("l_csys_add_to_sector: %s added to %d, %d, %d\n", (*csptr)->name.c_str(), x, y, z);

	s_activeCustomSystemsDatabase->AddCustomSystem(SystemPath(x, y, z), *csptr);
	*csptr = 0;
	return 0;
Beispiel #22
SoundGlobalInit::SoundGlobalInit() {
    // Consider using BogoMips to decide the buffer chunk size, shortest is fastest
    if( Mix_OpenAudio( 22050, MIX_DEFAULT_FORMAT, 1, 1024 ) != -1 ) {
        bSoundInit = true;
    } else {
        StartupStore(_T("ERROR Failed to initialize Audio Mixer <%s>%s"),Mix_GetError(),NEWLINE);
        StartupStore(_T("------ LK8000 SOUNDS NOT WORKING!%s"),NEWLINE);

    if(bSoundInit) {
        TCHAR srcfile[MAX_PATH];
        _stprintf(srcfile,TEXT("%s%s_SOUNDS"), szSoundPath, _T(DIRSEP));
        if ( lk::filesystem::exist(srcfile) ) {
            bSoundFile = true;
        } else {
            StartupStore(_T("ERROR NO SOUNDS DIRECTORY CHECKFILE <%s>%s"),srcfile,NEWLINE);
            StartupStore(_T("------ LK8000 SOUNDS NOT WORKING!%s"),NEWLINE);
Beispiel #23
const std::string SectorRandomSystemsGenerator::GenName(RefCountedPtr<Galaxy> galaxy, const Sector& sec, Sector::System &sys, int si, Random &rng)
	std::string name;
	const int sx =;
	const int sy =;
	const int sz =;
	const int dist = std::max(std::max(abs(sx),abs(sy)),abs(sz));

	int chance = 100;
	switch (sys.m_starType[0]) {
		case SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_O:
		case SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_B: break;
		case SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_A: chance += dist; break;
		case SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_F: chance += 2*dist; break;
		case SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_G: chance += 4*dist; break;
		case SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_K: chance += 8*dist; break;
		case SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_O_GIANT:
		case SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_B_GIANT: chance = 50; break;
		case SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_A_GIANT: chance = int(0.2*dist); break;
		case SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_F_GIANT: chance = int(0.4*dist); break;
		case SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_G_GIANT: chance = int(0.5*dist); break;
		case SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_K_GIANT:
		case SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_M_GIANT: chance = dist; break;
		case SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_O_SUPER_GIANT:
		case SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_B_SUPER_GIANT: chance = 10; break;
		case SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_A_SUPER_GIANT:
		case SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_F_SUPER_GIANT:
		case SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_G_SUPER_GIANT:
		case SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_K_SUPER_GIANT: chance = 15; break;
		case SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_M_SUPER_GIANT: chance = 20; break;
		case SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_O_HYPER_GIANT:
		case SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_B_HYPER_GIANT:
		case SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_A_HYPER_GIANT:
		case SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_F_HYPER_GIANT:
		case SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_G_HYPER_GIANT:
		case SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_K_HYPER_GIANT:
		case SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_M_HYPER_GIANT: chance = 1; break;  //Should give a nice name almost all the time
		default: chance += 16*dist; break;

	Uint32 weight = rng.Int32(chance);
	if (weight < 500 || galaxy->GetFactions()->IsHomeSystem(SystemPath(sx, sy, sz, si))) {
		/* well done. you get a real name  */
		int len = rng.Int32(2,3);
		for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
			name += sys_names[rng.Int32(0,SYS_NAME_FRAGS-1)];
		name[0] = toupper(name[0]);
		return name;
	} else if (weight < 800) {
		char buf[128];
		snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "MJBN %d%+d%+d", rng.Int32(10,999),sx,sy); // MJBN -> Morton Jordan Bennett Norris
		return buf;
	} else if (weight < 1200) {
		char buf[128];
		snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "SC %d%+d%+d", rng.Int32(1000,9999),sx,sy);
		return buf;
	} else {
		char buf[128];
		snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "DSC %d%+d%+d", rng.Int32(1000,9999),sx,sy);
		return buf;
Beispiel #24
bool SectorCustomSystemsGenerator::Apply(Random& rng, RefCountedPtr<Galaxy> galaxy, RefCountedPtr<Sector> sector, GalaxyGenerator::SectorConfig* config)
	const int sx = sector->sx;
	const int sy = sector->sy;
	const int sz = sector->sz;
	const Sint64 dist = (1 + sx*sx + sy*sy + sz*sz);

	if ((sx >= -m_customOnlyRadius) && (sx <= m_customOnlyRadius-1) &&
		(sy >= -m_customOnlyRadius) && (sy <= m_customOnlyRadius-1) &&
		(sz >= -m_customOnlyRadius) && (sz <= m_customOnlyRadius-1))
		config->isCustomOnly = true;

	const std::vector<const CustomSystem*> &systems = galaxy->GetCustomSystems()->GetCustomSystemsForSector(sx, sy, sz);
	if (systems.size() == 0) return true;

	Uint32 sysIdx = 0;
	for (std::vector<const CustomSystem*>::const_iterator it = systems.begin(); it != systems.end(); ++it, ++sysIdx) {
		const CustomSystem *cs = *it;
		Sector::System s(sector.Get(), sx, sy, sz, sysIdx);
		s.m_pos = Sector::SIZE*cs->pos;
		s.m_name = cs->name;
		s.m_other_names = cs->other_names;
		for (s.m_numStars=0; s.m_numStars<cs->numStars; s.m_numStars++) {
			if (cs->primaryType[s.m_numStars] == 0) break;
			s.m_starType[s.m_numStars] = cs->primaryType[s.m_numStars];
		s.m_customSys = cs;
		s.m_seed = cs->seed;
		if (cs->want_rand_explored) {
			 * 0 - ~500ly from sol: explored
			 * ~500ly - ~700ly (65-90 sectors): gradual
			 * ~700ly+: unexplored
			if (((dist <= Square(90)) && ( dist <= Square(65) || rng.Int32(dist) <= Square(40))) || galaxy->GetFactions()->IsHomeSystem(SystemPath(sx, sy, sz, sysIdx)))
				s.m_explored = StarSystem::eEXPLORED_AT_START;
				s.m_explored = StarSystem::eUNEXPLORED;
		} else {
			if (cs->explored)
				s.m_explored = StarSystem::eEXPLORED_AT_START;
				s.m_explored = StarSystem::eUNEXPLORED;
	return true;
Beispiel #25
bool SectorRandomSystemsGenerator::Apply(Random& rng, RefCountedPtr<Galaxy> galaxy, RefCountedPtr<Sector> sector, GalaxyGenerator::SectorConfig* config)
	/* Always place random systems outside the core custom-only region */
	if (config->isCustomOnly)
		return true;

	const int sx = sector->sx;
	const int sy = sector->sy;
	const int sz = sector->sz;
	const int customCount = static_cast<Uint32>(sector->m_systems.size());
	const Sint64 dist = (1 + sx*sx + sy*sy + sz*sz);
	const Sint64 freq = (1 + sx * sx + sy * sy);

	const int numSystems = (rng.Int32(4,20) * galaxy->GetSectorDensity(sx, sy, sz)) >> 8;

	for (int i=0; i<numSystems; i++) {
		Sector::System s(sector.Get(), sx, sy, sz, customCount + i);

		switch (rng.Int32(15)) {
			case 0:
				s.m_numStars = 4; break;
			case 1: case 2:
				s.m_numStars = 3; break;
			case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6:
				s.m_numStars = 2; break;
				s.m_numStars = 1; break;

		s.m_pos.x = rng.Double(Sector::SIZE);
		s.m_pos.y = rng.Double(Sector::SIZE);
		s.m_pos.z = rng.Double(Sector::SIZE);

		 * 0 - ~500ly from sol: explored
		 * ~500ly - ~700ly (65-90 sectors): gradual
		 * ~700ly+: unexplored
		if (((dist <= Square(90)) && ( dist <= Square(65) || rng.Int32(dist) <= Square(40))) || galaxy->GetFactions()->IsHomeSystem(SystemPath(sx, sy, sz, customCount + i)))
			s.m_explored = StarSystem::eEXPLORED_AT_START;
			s.m_explored = StarSystem::eUNEXPLORED;

		// Frequencies are low enough that we probably don't need this anymore.
		if (freq > Square(10))
			const Uint32 weight = rng.Int32(1000000);
			if (weight < 1) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_IM_BH;  // These frequencies are made up
			} else if (weight < 3) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_S_BH;
			} else if (weight < 5) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_O_WF;
			} else if (weight < 8) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_B_WF;
			} else if (weight < 12) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_M_WF;
			} else if (weight < 15) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_K_HYPER_GIANT;
			} else if (weight < 18) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_G_HYPER_GIANT;
			} else if (weight < 23) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_O_HYPER_GIANT;
			} else if (weight < 28) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_A_HYPER_GIANT;
			} else if (weight < 33) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_F_HYPER_GIANT;
			} else if (weight < 41) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_B_HYPER_GIANT;
			} else if (weight < 48) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_M_HYPER_GIANT;
			} else if (weight < 58) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_K_SUPER_GIANT;
			} else if (weight < 68) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_G_SUPER_GIANT;
			} else if (weight < 78) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_O_SUPER_GIANT;
			} else if (weight < 88) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_A_SUPER_GIANT;
			} else if (weight < 98) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_F_SUPER_GIANT;
			} else if (weight < 108) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_B_SUPER_GIANT;
			} else if (weight < 158) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_M_SUPER_GIANT;
			} else if (weight < 208) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_K_GIANT;
			} else if (weight < 250) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_G_GIANT;
			} else if (weight < 300) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_O_GIANT;
			} else if (weight < 350) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_A_GIANT;
			} else if (weight < 400) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_F_GIANT;
			} else if (weight < 500) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_B_GIANT;
			} else if (weight < 700) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_M_GIANT;
			} else if (weight < 800) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_O;  // should be 1 but that is boring
			} else if (weight < 2000) { // weight < 1300 / 20500
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_B;
			} else if (weight < 8000) { // weight < 7300
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_A;
			} else if (weight < 37300) { // weight < 37300
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_F;
			} else if (weight < 113300) { // weight < 113300
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_G;
			} else if (weight < 234300) { // weight < 234300
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_K;
			} else if (weight < 250000) { // weight < 250000
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_WHITE_DWARF;
			} else if (weight < 900000) {  //weight < 900000
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_M;
			} else {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_BROWN_DWARF;
		} else {
			const Uint32 weight = rng.Int32(1000000);
			if (weight < 100) { // should be 1 but that is boring
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_O;
			} else if (weight < 1300) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_B;
			} else if (weight < 7300) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_A;
			} else if (weight < 37300) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_F;
			} else if (weight < 113300) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_G;
			} else if (weight < 234300) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_K;
			} else if (weight < 250000) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_WHITE_DWARF;
			} else if (weight < 900000) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_M;
			} else {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_BROWN_DWARF;
		//Output("%d: %d%\n", sx, sy);

		if (s.m_numStars > 1) {
			s.m_starType[1] = SystemBody::BodyType(rng.Int32(SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_MIN, s.m_starType[0]));
			if (s.m_numStars > 2) {
				s.m_starType[2] = SystemBody::BodyType(rng.Int32(SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_MIN, s.m_starType[0]));
				s.m_starType[3] = SystemBody::BodyType(rng.Int32(SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_MIN, s.m_starType[2]));

		if ((s.m_starType[0] <= SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_A) && (rng.Int32(10)==0)) {
			// make primary a giant. never more than one giant in a system
			if (freq > Square(10))
				const Uint32 weight = rng.Int32(1000);
				if (weight >= 999) {
					s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_B_HYPER_GIANT;
				} else if (weight >= 998) {
					s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_O_HYPER_GIANT;
				} else if (weight >= 997) {
					s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_K_HYPER_GIANT;
				} else if (weight >= 995) {
					s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_B_SUPER_GIANT;
				} else if (weight >= 993) {
					s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_O_SUPER_GIANT;
				} else if (weight >= 990) {
					s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_K_SUPER_GIANT;
				} else if (weight >= 985) {
					s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_B_GIANT;
				} else if (weight >= 980) {
					s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_O_GIANT;
				} else if (weight >= 975) {
					s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_K_GIANT;
				} else if (weight >= 950) {
					s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_M_HYPER_GIANT;
				} else if (weight >= 875) {
					s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_M_SUPER_GIANT;
				} else {
					s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_M_GIANT;
			} else if (freq > Square(5)) s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_M_GIANT;
			else s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_M;

			//Output("%d: %d%\n", sx, sy);

		s.m_name = GenName(galaxy, *sector, s, customCount + i,  rng);
		//Output("%s: \n", s.m_name.c_str());

	return true;
Beispiel #26
 * Method: GetNearbySystems
 * Get a list of nearby <StarSystems> that match some criteria
 * > systems = system:GetNearbySystems(range, filter)
 * Parameters:
 *   range - distance from this system to search, in light years
 *   filter - an optional function. If specified the function will be called
 *            once for each candidate system with the <StarSystem> object
 *            passed as the only parameter. If the filter function returns
 *            true then the system will be included in the array returned by
 *            <GetNearbySystems>, otherwise it will be omitted. If no filter
 *            function is specified then all systems in range are returned.
 * Return:
 *  systems - an array of systems in range that matched the filter
 * Availability:
 *   alpha 10
 * Status:
 *   experimental
static int l_starsystem_get_nearby_systems(lua_State *l)

	const StarSystem *s = LuaObject<StarSystem>::CheckFromLua(1);
	const double dist_ly = luaL_checknumber(l, 2);

	bool filter = false;
	if (lua_gettop(l) >= 3) {
		luaL_checktype(l, 3, LUA_TFUNCTION); // any type of function
		filter = true;


	const SystemPath &here = s->GetPath();

	const int here_x = here.sectorX;
	const int here_y = here.sectorY;
	const int here_z = here.sectorZ;
	const Uint32 here_idx = here.systemIndex;
	RefCountedPtr<const Sector> here_sec = Pi::GetGalaxy()->GetSector(here);

	const int diff_sec = int(ceil(dist_ly/Sector::SIZE));

	for (int x = here_x-diff_sec; x <= here_x+diff_sec; x++) {
		for (int y = here_y-diff_sec; y <= here_y+diff_sec; y++) {
			for (int z = here_z-diff_sec; z <= here_z+diff_sec; z++) {
				RefCountedPtr<const Sector> sec = Pi::GetGalaxy()->GetSector(SystemPath(x, y, z));

				for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < sec->m_systems.size(); idx++) {
					if (x == here_x && y == here_y && z == here_z && idx == here_idx)

					if (Sector::DistanceBetween(here_sec, here_idx, sec, idx) > dist_ly)

					RefCountedPtr<StarSystem> sys = Pi::GetGalaxy()->GetStarSystem(SystemPath(x, y, z, idx));
					if (filter) {
						lua_pushvalue(l, 3);
						lua_call(l, 1, 1);
						if (!lua_toboolean(l, -1)) {
							lua_pop(l, 1);
						lua_pop(l, 1);

					lua_pushinteger(l, lua_rawlen(l, -1)+1);
					lua_rawset(l, -3);


	return 1;
Beispiel #27
void SystemInfoView::SystemChanged(const SystemPath &path)
	m_tabs = 0;

	if (!path.HasValidSystem())

	m_system = StarSystemCache::GetCached(path);

	m_sbodyInfoTab = new Gui::Fixed(float(Gui::Screen::GetWidth()), float(Gui::Screen::GetHeight()-100));

	if (m_system->GetUnexplored()) {
		Add(m_sbodyInfoTab, 0, 0);

		std::string _info =

		Gui::Label *l = (new Gui::Label(_info))->Color(255,255,0);
		m_sbodyInfoTab->Add(l, 35, 300);
		m_selectedBodyPath = SystemPath();


	m_econInfoTab = new Gui::Fixed(float(Gui::Screen::GetWidth()), float(Gui::Screen::GetHeight()-100));
	Gui::Fixed *demographicsTab = new Gui::Fixed();

	m_tabs = new Gui::Tabbed();
	m_tabs->AddPage(new Gui::Label(Lang::PLANETARY_INFO), m_sbodyInfoTab);
	m_tabs->AddPage(new Gui::Label(Lang::ECONOMIC_INFO), m_econInfoTab);
	m_tabs->AddPage(new Gui::Label(Lang::DEMOGRAPHICS), demographicsTab);
	Add(m_tabs, 0, 0);

	m_sbodyInfoTab->onMouseButtonEvent.connect(sigc::mem_fun(this, &SystemInfoView::OnClickBackground));

	int majorBodies, starports, onSurface;
		float pos[2] = { 0, 0 };
		float psize = -1;
		majorBodies = starports = onSurface = 0;
		PutBodies(m_system->GetRootBody().Get(), m_econInfoTab, 1, pos, majorBodies, starports, onSurface, psize);

		majorBodies = starports = onSurface = 0;
		pos[0] = pos[1] = 0;
		psize = -1;
		PutBodies(m_system->GetRootBody().Get(), m_sbodyInfoTab, 1, pos, majorBodies, starports, onSurface, psize);

		majorBodies = starports = onSurface = 0;
		pos[0] = pos[1] = 0;
		psize = -1;
		PutBodies(m_system->GetRootBody().Get(), demographicsTab, 1, pos, majorBodies, starports, onSurface, psize);

	std::string _info = stringf(
		formatarg("bodycount", majorBodies),
		formatarg("body(s)", std::string(majorBodies == 1 ? Lang::BODY : Lang::BODIES)),
		formatarg("portcount", starports),
		formatarg("starport(s)", std::string(starports == 1 ? Lang::STARPORT : Lang::COUNT_STARPORTS)));
	if (starports > 0)
		_info += stringf(Lang::COUNT_ON_SURFACE, formatarg("surfacecount", onSurface));
	_info += ".\n\n";
	_info += m_system->GetLongDescription();

		// astronomical body info tab
		m_infoBox = new Gui::VBox();

		Gui::HBox *scrollBox = new Gui::HBox();
		m_sbodyInfoTab->Add(scrollBox, 35, 250);

		Gui::VScrollBar *scroll = new Gui::VScrollBar();
		Gui::VScrollPortal *portal = new Gui::VScrollPortal(730);

		Gui::Label *l = (new Gui::Label(_info))->Color(255,255,0);

		// economy tab
		Gui::HBox *scrollBox2 = new Gui::HBox();
		m_econInfoTab->Add(scrollBox2, 35, 300);
		Gui::VScrollBar *scroll2 = new Gui::VScrollBar();
		Gui::VScrollPortal *portal2 = new Gui::VScrollPortal(730);

		m_econInfo = new Gui::Label("");
		m_econInfoTab->Add(m_econInfo, 35, 250);

		Gui::Fixed *f = new Gui::Fixed();
		m_econMajImport = new Gui::Label("");
		m_econMinImport = new Gui::Label("");
		m_econMajExport = new Gui::Label("");
		m_econMinExport = new Gui::Label("");
		m_econIllegal = new Gui::Label("");
		f->Add(m_econMajImport, 0, 0);
		f->Add(m_econMinImport, 150, 0);
		f->Add(m_econMajExport, 300, 0);
		f->Add(m_econMinExport, 450, 0);
		f->Add(m_econIllegal, 600, 0);


		Gui::Fixed *col1 = new Gui::Fixed();
		demographicsTab->Add(col1, 200, 300);
		Gui::Fixed *col2 = new Gui::Fixed();
		demographicsTab->Add(col2, 400, 300);

		const float YSEP = Gui::Screen::GetFontHeight() * 1.2f;

		col1->Add((new Gui::Label(Lang::SYSTEM_TYPE))->Color(255,255,0), 0, 0);
		col2->Add(new Gui::Label(m_system->GetShortDescription()), 0, 0);

		col1->Add((new Gui::Label(Lang::GOVERNMENT_TYPE))->Color(255,255,0), 0, 2*YSEP);
		col2->Add(new Gui::Label(m_system->GetSysPolit().GetGovernmentDesc()), 0, 2*YSEP);

		col1->Add((new Gui::Label(Lang::ECONOMY_TYPE))->Color(255,255,0), 0, 3*YSEP);
		col2->Add(new Gui::Label(m_system->GetSysPolit().GetEconomicDesc()), 0, 3*YSEP);

		col1->Add((new Gui::Label(Lang::ALLEGIANCE))->Color(255,255,0), 0, 4*YSEP);
		col2->Add(new Gui::Label(m_system->GetFaction()->name.c_str()), 0, 4*YSEP);
		col1->Add((new Gui::Label(Lang::POPULATION))->Color(255,255,0), 0, 5*YSEP);
		std::string popmsg;
		fixed pop = m_system->GetTotalPop();
		if (pop >= fixed(1,1)) { popmsg = stringf(Lang::OVER_N_BILLION, formatarg("population", pop.ToInt32())); }
		else if (pop >= fixed(1,1000)) { popmsg = stringf(Lang::OVER_N_MILLION, formatarg("population", (pop*1000).ToInt32())); }
		else if (pop != fixed(0)) { popmsg = Lang::A_FEW_THOUSAND; }
		else { popmsg = Lang::NO_REGISTERED_INHABITANTS; }
		col2->Add(new Gui::Label(popmsg), 0, 5*YSEP);

		col1->Add((new Gui::Label(Lang::SECTOR_COORDINATES))->Color(255,255,0), 0, 6*YSEP);
		col2->Add(new Gui::Label(stringf("%0{d}, %1{d}, %2{d}", path.sectorX, path.sectorY, path.sectorZ)), 0, 6*YSEP);

		col1->Add((new Gui::Label(Lang::SYSTEM_NUMBER))->Color(255,255,0), 0, 7*YSEP);
		col2->Add(new Gui::Label(stringf("%0", path.systemIndex)), 0, 7*YSEP);


Beispiel #28
// This will NOT be called from PC versions
short InstallSystem() {

  TCHAR srcdir[MAX_PATH];
  TCHAR srcfile[MAX_PATH];

#ifdef WIN32
  TCHAR dstdir[MAX_PATH];
  TCHAR maindir[MAX_PATH];
  TCHAR dstfile[MAX_PATH];
  TCHAR tbuf[MAX_PATH*3];



  bool failure=false;

  StartupStore(_T(". Welcome to InstallSystem v1.2%s"),NEWLINE);

  // We now test for a single file existing inside the directory, called _DIRECTORYNAME
  // because GetFileAttributes can be very slow or hang if checking a directory. In any case testing a file is 
  // much more faster.
  _stprintf(srcfile,TEXT("%s%s_SYSTEM"),srcdir, _T(DIRSEP));
  if ( !lk::filesystem::exist(srcfile) ) {
	StartupStore(_T("------ InstallSystem ERROR could not find valid system directory <%s>%s"),srcdir,NEWLINE); // 091104
	StartupStore(_T("------ Missing checkfile <%s>%s"),srcfile,NEWLINE);
  } else {
	StartupStore(_T(". InstallSystem source directory <%s> is available%s"),srcdir,NEWLINE);

  if (  failure ) {
	StartupStore(_T("------ WARNING: NO font will be installed on device (and thus wrong text size displayed)%s"),NEWLINE);
	return 5; // 091109
  } else {

#if defined(PNA) && defined(UNDER_CE)
	if (GlobalModelType == MODELTYPE_PNA_HP31X) { // 091109

		StartupStore(_T(". InstallSystem checking desktop links for HP31X%s"),NEWLINE);

		if ( !lk::filesystem::isDirectory(dstdir) ) { // FIX
			StartupStore(_T("------ Desktop directory <%s> NOT found! Is this REALLY an HP31X?%s"),dstdir,NEWLINE);
		} else {
			if ( lk::filesystem::exist(dstfile) ) {
				StartupStore(_T(". Link to LK8000 already found on the desktop, ok.%s"),NEWLINE);
			} else {
				StartupStore(_T(". Installing <%s>%s"),srcfile,NEWLINE);
				if (!lk::filesystem::copyFile(srcfile,dstfile,true))  {
					StartupStore(_T("------ Could not install in <%s>. Strange.%s"),dstfile,NEWLINE);
					StartupStore(_T("------ Error code was: %ld%s"),GetLastError(),NEWLINE);
				} else
					StartupStore(_T(". Installed <%s> link.%s"),dstfile,NEWLINE);
			#if 0
			if ( lk::filesystem::exist(dstfile) ) {
				StartupStore(_T(". Link to SIM LK8000 already found on the desktop, ok.%s"),NEWLINE);
			} else {
				StartupStore(_T(". Installing <%s>%s"),srcfile,NEWLINE);
				if (!lk::filesystem::copyFile(srcfile,dstfile,true))  {
					StartupStore(_T("------ Could not install in <%s>. Strange.%s"),dstfile,NEWLINE);
					StartupStore(_T("------ Error code was: %ld%s"),GetLastError(),NEWLINE);
				} else
					StartupStore(_T(". Installed <%s> link.%s"),dstfile,NEWLINE);
			if ( lk::filesystem::exist(dstfile) ) {
				StartupStore(_T(". Link to BlueTooth already found on the desktop, ok.%s"),NEWLINE);
			} else {
				StartupStore(_T(". Installing <%s>%s"),srcfile,NEWLINE);
				if (!lk::filesystem::copyFile(srcfile,dstfile,true))  {
					StartupStore(_T("------ Could not install in <%s>. Strange.%s"),dstfile,NEWLINE);
					StartupStore(_T("------ Error code was: %ld%s"),GetLastError(),NEWLINE);
				} else
					StartupStore(_T(". Installed <%s> link.%s"),dstfile,NEWLINE);
			if ( lk::filesystem::exist(dstfile) ) {
				StartupStore(_T(". Link to Car Navigator already found on the desktop, ok.%s"),NEWLINE);
			} else {
				StartupStore(_T(". Installing <%s>%s"),srcfile,NEWLINE);
				if (!lk::filesystem::copyFile(srcfile,dstfile,true))  {
					StartupStore(_T("------ Could not install in <%s>. Strange.%s"),dstfile,NEWLINE);
					StartupStore(_T("------ Error code was: %ld%s"),GetLastError(),NEWLINE);
				} else
					StartupStore(_T(". Installed <%s> link.%s"),dstfile,NEWLINE);
			if ( lk::filesystem::exist(dstfile) ) {
				StartupStore(_T(". Link to TouchLock already found on the desktop, ok.%s"),NEWLINE);
			} else {
				StartupStore(_T(". Installing <%s>%s"),srcfile,NEWLINE);
				if (!lk::filesystem::copyFile(srcfile,dstfile,true))  {
					StartupStore(_T("------ Could not install in <%s>. Strange.%s"),dstfile,NEWLINE);
					StartupStore(_T("------ Error code was: %ld%s"),GetLastError(),NEWLINE);
				} else
					StartupStore(_T(". Installed <%s> link.%s"),dstfile,NEWLINE);


#ifdef WIN32
  // search for the main system directory on the real device
  // Remember that SHGetSpecialFolder works differently on CE platforms, and you cannot check for result.
  // We need to verify if directory does really exist.

//  SHGetSpecialFolderPath(MainWindow, dstdir, CSIDL_WINDOWS, false);
  if ( _tcslen(dstdir) <6) {
	_stprintf(tbuf,_T("------ InstallSystem PROBLEM: cannot locate the Windows folder, got string:<%s>%s"),dstdir,NEWLINE);
	StartupStore(_T("------ InstallSystem attempting to use default \"\\Windows\" but no warranty!%s"),NEWLINE);
	_stprintf(dstdir,TEXT("\\Windows")); // 091118
  } else {
	StartupStore(_T(". InstallSystem: Windows path reported from device is: <%s>%s"),dstdir,NEWLINE);

  // we are shure that \Windows does exist already.
  TCHAR fontdir[MAX_PATH];
  fontdir[0] = _T('\0');
  dstdir[0] = _T('\0');
  #ifdef PNA
  if ( GetFontPath(fontdir) == FALSE ) {
	StartupStore(_T(". Special RegKey for fonts not found on this PNA, using standard folder.%s"), NEWLINE);
//	SHGetSpecialFolderPath(MainWindow, dstdir, CSIDL_FONTS, false);
	if ( _tcslen(dstdir) <5 ) {
		_stprintf(tbuf,_T("------ PROBLEM: cannot locate the Fonts folder, got string:<%s>%s"),dstdir,NEWLINE);
		_stprintf(tbuf,_T("------ Attempting to use directory <%s> as a fallback%s"),maindir,NEWLINE);
  } else {
	StartupStore(_T(". RegKey Font directory is <%s>%s"),fontdir,NEWLINE);
  // this is not working correctly on PNA, it is reporting Windows Fonts even with another value in regkey
  SHGetSpecialFolderPath(MainWindow.Handle(), dstdir, CSIDL_FONTS, false);
  if ( _tcslen(dstdir) <5 ) {
	_stprintf(tbuf,_T("------ PROBLEM: cannot locate the Fonts folder, got string:<%s>%s"),dstdir,NEWLINE);
	_stprintf(tbuf,_T("------ Attempting to use directory <%s> as a fallback%s"),maindir,NEWLINE);

  _stprintf(tbuf,_T(". InstallSystem: Copy/Check Fonts from <%s> to <%s>%s"), srcdir, dstdir,NEWLINE);
  // on PNAs sometimes FolderPath is reported correctly, but the directory is not existing!
  // this is not needed really on PNA, but doesnt hurt
  lk::filesystem::createDirectory(dstdir); // 100820

  // we cannot check directory existance without the risk of hanging for many seconds
  // we can only rely on singe real file existance, not on directories

  StartupStore(_T(". Checking TAHOMA font%s"),NEWLINE);
  if ( lk::filesystem::exist(dstfile) ) {
	StartupStore(_T(". Font TAHOMA.TTF is already installed%s"),NEWLINE);
  } else {
	if ( !lk::filesystem::copyFile(srcfile,dstfile,false) )  {
		StartupStore(_T("------ Could not copy TAHOMA.TTF on device, not good.%s"),NEWLINE);
		StartupStore(_T("------ Error code was: %ld%s"),GetLastError(),NEWLINE);
	} else
		StartupStore(_T("... Font TAHOMA.TTF installed on device%s"),NEWLINE);

  // not needed, cannot overwrite tahoma while in use! Tahoma bold not used for some reason in this case.
  // Problem solved, look at FontPath !!

  StartupStore(_T(". Checking TAHOMABD font%s"),NEWLINE);
  if ( lk::filesystem::exist(dstfile) ) {
	StartupStore(_T(". Font TAHOMABD.TTF is already installed%s"),NEWLINE);
  } else {
	if ( !lk::filesystem::copyFile(srcfile,dstfile,false))  {
		StartupStore(_T("------ Could not copy TAHOMABD.TTF on device, not good.%s"),NEWLINE);
		StartupStore(_T("------ Error code was: %ld%s"),GetLastError(),NEWLINE);
	} else
		StartupStore(_T("... Font TAHOMABD.TTF installed on device%s"),NEWLINE);
  StartupStore(_T(". InstallSystem completed OK%s"),NEWLINE);

  return 0;

Beispiel #29
	if (m_cache)
		m_cache->RemoveFromAttic(SystemPath(sx, sy, sz));
Beispiel #30
SystemPath System::getSystemPath() const
    return isRootSystem() ? SystemPath(): Entity::getSystemPath();