Beispiel #1
__fastcall TCFin1003A::TCFin1003A(TComponent* Owner)
	: TForm(Owner,1)
   this->BorderStyle = bsDialog;
   this->BorderIcons = TBorderIcons() << biSystemMenu;
   this->Caption = "Senha";
   this->Position = poDesktopCenter;
   this->ClientHeight = 68;
   this->ClientWidth = 185;
   pLabel = new TLabel(this);
   pLabel->Parent = this;
   pLabel->Caption = "&Senha:";
   pEdtPdw = new TEdit(this);
   pEdtPdw->Parent = this;
   pEdtPdw->PasswordChar = '*';
   pLabel->FocusControl = pEdtPdw;
   pBtOK = new TButton(this);
   pBtOK->Parent = this;
   pBtOK->Caption = "&OK";
   pBtOK->Default = true;
   //pBtOK->ModalResult = mrOk;
   pBtOK->OnClick = &BtOKClick;
   pBtCancel = new TButton(this);
   pBtCancel->Parent = this;
   pBtCancel->Caption = "&Cancelar";
   pBtCancel->Cancel = true;
   pBtCancel->ModalResult = mrCancel;
Beispiel #2
void __fastcall TFrm1010::ShowAppForms()
   SfgForm *AppForm;
   TForm *form = new TForm(Application);
   TStringAlignGrid *grdAppForms = new TStringAlignGrid(form);
   form->ClientHeight = 154;
   form->ClientWidth = 402;
   form->BorderStyle = bsDialog;
   form->BorderIcons = TBorderIcons() << biSystemMenu;
   form->Caption = "Escolher Programa";
   form->Position = poDesktopCenter;
   grdAppForms->Parent = form;
   grdAppForms->ColCount = 4;
   grdAppForms->DefaultRowHeight = 18;
   grdAppForms->AlignCol[1] = alCenter;
   grdAppForms->AlignCell[1][0] = alCenter;
   grdAppForms->AlignCell[2][0] = alCenter;
   grdAppForms->Cells[1][0] = "Programa";
   grdAppForms->Cells[2][0] = "Título";
   grdAppForms->Cells[3][0] = "Módulo";
   grdAppForms->ColWidths[0] = 14;
   grdAppForms->ColWidths[1] = 74;
   grdAppForms->ColWidths[2] = 190;
   grdAppForms->ColWidths[3] = 100;
   grdAppForms->Align = alClient;
   grdAppForms->OnDblClick = &grdAppFormsDblClick;
   grdAppForms->Options = grdAppForms->Options << goColSizing << goRowSelect;
   grdAppForms->RowCount = 2;

   for (int i=0; i<AppForms->Count;i++) {
      AppForm = (SfgForm*)AppForms->Items[i];
      if (i > 0)
      grdAppForms->Cells[1][i+1] = AppForm->FormClass;
      grdAppForms->Cells[2][i+1] = AppForm->FormTitle;
      switch(AppForm->FormModule) {
         case APP_MODULO_ESTOQUE:
            grdAppForms->Cells[3][i+1] = "Estoque";
         case APP_MODULO_COMPRAS:
            grdAppForms->Cells[3][i+1] = "Compras";
         case APP_MODULO_VENDAS:
            grdAppForms->Cells[3][i+1] = "Vendas";
         case APP_MODULO_FINANCAS:
            grdAppForms->Cells[3][i+1] = "Finanças";
            grdAppForms->Cells[3][i+1] = "Padrão";
   grdAppForms->Row = 1;
   delete form;
Beispiel #3
__fastcall TCFin1003B::TCFin1003B(TComponent* Owner, String sMsg)
	: TForm(Owner,1)
   this->BorderStyle = bsDialog;
   this->BorderIcons = TBorderIcons() << biSystemMenu;
   this->Caption = "Cliente em Atraso";
   this->Position = poDesktopCenter;

   Image = new TImage(this);
   Image->Name = "Image";
   Image->Parent = this;
   Image->Picture->Icon->Handle = LoadIcon(0, IDI_EXCLAMATION);
   Image->SetBounds(6, 6, 32, 32);
   ClienteMsg = new TLabel(this);
   ClienteMsg->Name = "ClienteMsg";
   ClienteMsg->Parent = this;
   ClienteMsg->WordWrap = false;
   ClienteMsg->AutoSize = true;
   ClienteMsg->SetBounds(44, 6, 100, 16);
   ClienteMsg->Font->Color = clRed;
   ClienteMsg->Font->Style = TFontStyles() << fsBold;
   ClienteMsg->Caption = sMsg;
   LiberaMsg = new TLabel(this);
   LiberaMsg->Name = "LiberaMsg";
   LiberaMsg->Parent = this;
   LiberaMsg->WordWrap = false;
   LiberaMsg->AutoSize = true;
   LiberaMsg->SetBounds(44, ClienteMsg->Top + ClienteMsg->Height + 6, 100, 16);
   LiberaMsg->Font->Color = clBlue;
   LiberaMsg->Font->Style = TFontStyles() << fsBold;
   LiberaMsg->Caption = "Novas vendas para o mesmo estão sujeitas a aprovação.";

   pBtLibera = new TButton(this);
   pBtLibera->Parent = this;
   pBtLibera->Caption = "&Liberar";
   pBtLibera->Default = true;
   pBtLibera->ModalResult = mrOk;

   pBtCancel = new TButton(this);
   pBtCancel->Parent = this;
   pBtCancel->Caption = "&Cancelar";
   pBtCancel->Cancel = true;
   pBtCancel->ModalResult = mrCancel;
   pBtCancel->SetBounds(44+((ClienteMsg->Width > LiberaMsg->Width)? ClienteMsg->Width - 96: LiberaMsg->Width - 96),45,100,23);

   this->ClientWidth = pBtCancel->Left + pBtCancel->Width + 6;
   this->ClientHeight = pBtCancel->Top + pBtCancel->Height + 6;
Beispiel #4
__fastcall TCFin1003C::TCFin1003C(TComponent* Owner, String sMsg)
	: TForm(Owner,1)
   this->BorderStyle = bsDialog;
   this->BorderIcons = TBorderIcons() << biSystemMenu;
   this->Caption = "Cliente Bloqueado";
   this->Position = poDesktopCenter;

   Image = new TImage(this);
   Image->Name = "Image";
   Image->Parent = this;
   Image->Picture->Icon->Handle = LoadIcon(0, IDI_ERROR);
   Image->SetBounds(6, 6, 32, 32);
   ClienteMsg = new TLabel(this);
   ClienteMsg->Name = "ClienteMsg";
   ClienteMsg->Parent = this;
   ClienteMsg->WordWrap = false;
   ClienteMsg->AutoSize = true;
   ClienteMsg->SetBounds(44, 6, 100, 16);
   ClienteMsg->Font->Color = clRed;
   ClienteMsg->Font->Style = TFontStyles() << fsBold;
   ClienteMsg->Caption = sMsg;
   LiberaMsg = new TLabel(this);
   LiberaMsg->Name = "LiberaMsg";
   LiberaMsg->Parent = this;
   LiberaMsg->WordWrap = false;
   LiberaMsg->AutoSize = true;
   LiberaMsg->SetBounds(44, ClienteMsg->Top + ClienteMsg->Height + 6, 100, 16);
   LiberaMsg->Font->Color = clBlue;
   LiberaMsg->Font->Style = TFontStyles() << fsBold;
   LiberaMsg->Caption = "Novas vendas para o mesmo somente com aprovação da gerência.";

   pBtOK = new TButton(this);
   pBtOK->Parent = this;
   pBtOK->Caption = "&OK";
   pBtOK->Default = true;
   pBtOK->ModalResult = mrOk;

   pBtOK->SetBounds(44+((ClienteMsg->Width > LiberaMsg->Width)? ClienteMsg->Width - 70: LiberaMsg->Width - 70),45,75,23);

   this->ClientWidth = pBtOK->Left + pBtOK->Width + 6;
   this->ClientHeight = pBtOK->Top + pBtOK->Height + 6;
Beispiel #5
bool __fastcall InputDialog(const UnicodeString ACaption,
  const UnicodeString APrompt, UnicodeString & Value, UnicodeString HelpKeyword,
  TStrings * History, bool PathInput, TInputDialogInitialize OnInitialize)
  bool Result = False;
  TInputDialogToken Token;
  TForm * Form = new TForm(GetFormOwner(), 0); // bypass the VCL streaming (for Salamander)
    // salam needs to override this in UseSystemSettings
    Form->Position = poOwnerFormCenter;

    // this is what TCustomForm.Loaded does
    // Note that this is not needed as due to use of an alternative constructor above
    // we are already set to default font
    // See TMessageForm::Create for contrary
    Form->ParentFont = true;

    Token.OnInitialize = OnInitialize;
    Token.PathInput = PathInput;

    TNotifyEvent OnShow;
    ((TMethod *)&OnShow)->Data = &Token;
    ((TMethod *)&OnShow)->Code = InputDialogShow;
    Form->OnShow = OnShow;

    Form->Canvas->Font = Form->Font;
    Form->BorderStyle = bsDialog;
    Form->Caption = ACaption;
    Form->ClientWidth = ScaleByTextHeightRunTime(Form, 275);
    Form->ClientHeight = ScaleByTextHeightRunTime(Form, 102);
    if (!HelpKeyword.IsEmpty())
      Form->HelpKeyword = HelpKeyword;

      Form->BorderIcons = TBorderIcons(Form->BorderIcons) << biHelp;

    TLabel * Prompt = new TLabel(Form);
    Prompt->Parent = Form;
    Prompt->AutoSize = True;
    Prompt->Left = ScaleByTextHeightRunTime(Form, 10);
    Prompt->Top = ScaleByTextHeightRunTime(Form, 13);
    Prompt->Caption = APrompt;

    TEdit * Edit;
    THistoryComboBox * HistoryCombo;
    if (History == NULL)
      Edit = new TEdit(Form);
      Edit->Parent = Form;
      Edit->Text = Value;
      Edit->MaxLength = 255;
      Token.Data.Edit = Edit;
      Token.EditControl = Edit;
      HistoryCombo = new THistoryComboBox(Form);
      HistoryCombo->Parent = Form;
      HistoryCombo->Text = Value;
      HistoryCombo->Items = History;
      HistoryCombo->MaxLength = 255;
      HistoryCombo->AutoComplete = false;
      Token.EditControl = HistoryCombo;
    Token.EditControl->Left = Prompt->Left;
    Token.EditControl->Top = ScaleByTextHeightRunTime(Form, 30);
    Token.EditControl->Width = ScaleByTextHeightRunTime(Form, 255);

    Prompt->FocusControl = Token.EditControl;

    int ButtonTop = ScaleByTextHeightRunTime(Form, 66);
    int ButtonSpace = ScaleByTextHeightRunTime(Form, 6);

    TButton * Button;
    Button = new TButton(Form);
    Button->Parent = Form;
    Button->Caption = Vcl_Consts_SMsgDlgOK;
    Button->ModalResult = mrOk;
    Button->Default = True;

    int ButtonHeight = ScaleByTextHeightRunTime(Button, Button->Height);
    int ButtonWidth = ScaleByTextHeightRunTime(Button, Button->Width);
    int ButtonsStart;
    if (HelpKeyword.IsEmpty())
      ButtonsStart = (Form->ClientWidth / 2) - ButtonWidth - (ButtonSpace / 2);
      ButtonsStart = (Form->ClientWidth / 2) - (3 * ButtonWidth / 2) - ButtonSpace;

    Button->SetBounds(ButtonsStart, ButtonTop, ButtonWidth, ButtonHeight);

    Button = new TButton(Form);
    Button->Parent = Form;
    Button->Caption = Vcl_Consts_SMsgDlgCancel;
    Button->ModalResult = mrCancel;
    Button->Cancel = True;
    Button->SetBounds(ButtonsStart + ButtonWidth + ButtonSpace, ButtonTop,
      ButtonWidth, ButtonHeight);

    if (!HelpKeyword.IsEmpty())
      Button = new TButton(Form);
      Button->Parent = Form;
      Button->Caption = Vcl_Consts_SMsgDlgHelp;
      Button->ModalResult = mrNone;
      Button->SetBounds(ButtonsStart + 2 * (ButtonWidth + ButtonSpace), ButtonTop,
        ButtonWidth, ButtonHeight);
      TNotifyEvent OnClick;
      ((TMethod*)&OnClick)->Code = InputDialogHelp;
      Button->OnClick = OnClick;


    if (Form->ShowModal() == DefaultResult(Form))
      if (History != NULL)
        Value = HistoryCombo->Text;
        Value = Edit->Text;
      Result = true;
    delete Form;
  return Result;