Beispiel #1
	SOCKET * TCPOpen(const LLADP * pLLAdp, const SOCKETPOOL * pSocketPool, void * pIPvXDest, uint16_t portRemote, uint16_t portLocal, IPSTATUS * pStatus)

        Opens a Socket for both Client and Server. If portRemote == 0
        The socket is opened for listening.



	pLLAdp -        The adaptor to use
        hPMGR -         A handle to the page manager to create the socket stream.
        pIPvXDest -     The Dest IP to connect to if a client, ignored for a server open and may be NULL
        portRemote -    The remote port to connect to if Client, MUST be 0 if this is a server open for listen
        portLocal -     Local port to use, one will be assigned if zero
        pStatus -       A pointer to a status variable to recieve the status of the open, This may be NULL

        The Socket if opened, NULL on failure
HSOCKET TCPOpen(const LLADP * pLLAdp, HPMGR hPMGR, const void * pIPvXDest, uint16_t portRemote, uint16_t portLocal, IPSTATUS * pStatus)
    TCPSOCKET * pSocket = IPSGetSocketFromSocketHeap();

    return(TCPOpenWithSocket(pLLAdp, pSocket, hPMGR, pIPvXDest, portRemote, portLocal, pStatus));

void TCPServer::periodicTask(void)
    FFLL *      pffllServer = NULL;

    // look at all of the server objects
    while((pffllServer = (FFLL *) FFNext(&_ffptPeriodTask, pffllServer)) != NULL)
        FFLL *      pffllSocket = NULL;
        TCPServer&  tcpServer = *((TCPServer *) (pffllServer->_this));      // for syntax sake

        if(ILIsIPSetup(tcpServer._pDEIPcK->_pLLAdp, NULL))
            while((pffllSocket = (FFLL *) FFNext(&tcpServer._ffptSockets, pffllSocket)) != NULL)
                TCPSocket& tcpSocket = *((TCPSocket *) (pffllSocket->_this));   // for syntax sake

                // start listening on available sockets
                if(tcpSocket._classState == ipsNotInitialized && tcpSocket._socket.tcpState < tcpInvalid)
                    // get this listening
                    if(TCPOpenWithSocket(tcpSocket._pDEIPcK->_pLLAdp, &tcpSocket._socket, tcpSocket._hPMGR, &IPListen, portListen, tcpServer._listeningPort, NULL) == &tcpSocket._socket)
                        if(tcpSocket._socket.tcpState == tcpListen)
                            tcpSocket._classState = ipsListening;