static tdb_error store_info(const char *path, uint64_t num_trails, uint64_t num_events, uint64_t min_timestamp, uint64_t max_timestamp, uint64_t max_timedelta) { FILE *out = NULL; int ret = 0; /* NOTE - this file shouldn't grow to be more than 512 bytes, so it occupies a constant amount of space in a tar package. */ TDB_OPEN(out, path, "w"); TDB_FPRINTF(out, "%"PRIu64" %"PRIu64" %"PRIu64" %"PRIu64" %"PRIu64"\n", num_trails, num_events, min_timestamp, max_timestamp, max_timedelta); done: TDB_CLOSE_FINAL(out); return ret; }
static tdb_error store_version(tdb_cons *cons) { FILE *out = NULL; char path[TDB_MAX_PATH_SIZE]; int ret = 0; TDB_PATH(path, "%s/version", cons->root); TDB_OPEN(out, path, "w"); TDB_FPRINTF(out, "%llu", TDB_VERSION_LATEST); done: TDB_CLOSE_FINAL(out); return ret; }
static tdb_error store_codebook(const struct judy_128_map *codemap, const char *path) { FILE *out = NULL; uint32_t size; struct huff_codebook *book = huff_create_codebook(codemap, &size); int ret = 0; TDB_OPEN(out, path, "w"); TDB_WRITE(out, book, size); done: TDB_CLOSE_FINAL(out); free(book); return ret; }
static tdb_error lexicon_store(const struct judy_str_map *lexicon, const char *path) { /* Lexicon format: [ number of values N ] 4 or 8 bytes [ value offsets ... ] N * (4 or 8 bytes) [ last value offset ] 4 or 8 bytes [ values ... ] X bytes */ struct jm_fold_state state; uint64_t count = jsm_num_keys(lexicon); uint64_t size = (count + 2) * 4 + jsm_values_size(lexicon); int ret = 0; state.offset = (count + 2) * 4; state.width = 4; if (size > UINT32_MAX){ size = (count + 2) * 8 + jsm_values_size(lexicon); state.offset = (count + 2) * 8; state.width = 8; } if (size > TDB_MAX_LEXICON_SIZE) return TDB_ERR_LEXICON_TOO_LARGE; state.out = NULL; state.ret = 0; TDB_OPEN(state.out, path, "w"); TDB_TRUNCATE(state.out, (off_t)size); TDB_WRITE(state.out, &count, state.width); jsm_fold(lexicon, lexicon_store_fun, &state); if ((ret = state.ret)) goto done; TDB_SEEK(state.out, (count + 1) * state.width); TDB_WRITE(state.out, &state.offset, state.width); done: TDB_CLOSE_FINAL(state.out); return ret; }
static tdb_error store_lexicons(tdb_cons *cons) { tdb_field i; FILE *out = NULL; char path[TDB_MAX_PATH_SIZE]; int ret = 0; TDB_PATH(path, "%s/fields", cons->root); TDB_OPEN(out, path, "w"); for (i = 0; i < cons->num_ofields; i++){ TDB_PATH(path, "%s/lexicon.%s", cons->root, cons->ofield_names[i]); if ((ret = lexicon_store(&cons->lexicons[i], path))) goto done; TDB_FPRINTF(out, "%s\n", cons->ofield_names[i]); } TDB_FPRINTF(out, "\n"); done: TDB_CLOSE_FINAL(out); return ret; }
static tdb_error store_uuids(tdb_cons *cons) { char path[TDB_MAX_PATH_SIZE]; struct jm_fold_state state = {.ret = 0}; uint64_t num_trails = j128m_num_keys(&cons->trails); int ret = 0; /* this is why num_trails < TDB_MAX)NUM_TRAILS < 2^59: (2^59 - 1) * 16 < LONG_MAX (off_t) */ if (num_trails > TDB_MAX_NUM_TRAILS) return TDB_ERR_TOO_MANY_TRAILS; TDB_PATH(path, "%s/uuids", cons->root); TDB_OPEN(state.out, path, "w"); TDB_TRUNCATE(state.out, ((off_t)(num_trails * 16))); j128m_fold(&cons->trails, store_uuids_fun, &state); ret = state.ret; done: TDB_CLOSE_FINAL(state.out); return ret; } int is_fieldname_invalid(const char* field) { uint64_t i; if (!strcmp(field, "time")) return 1; for (i = 0; i < TDB_MAX_FIELDNAME_LENGTH && field[i]; i++) if (!index(TDB_FIELDNAME_CHARS, field[i])) return 1; if (i == 0 || i == TDB_MAX_FIELDNAME_LENGTH) return 1; return 0; }
tdb_error tdb_encode(tdb_cons *cons, const tdb_item *items) { char path[TDB_MAX_PATH_SIZE]; char grouped_path[TDB_MAX_PATH_SIZE]; char toc_path[TDB_MAX_PATH_SIZE]; char *root = cons->root; char *read_buf = NULL; struct field_stats *fstats = NULL; uint64_t num_trails = 0; uint64_t num_events = cons->; uint64_t num_fields = cons->num_ofields + 1; uint64_t max_timestamp = 0; uint64_t max_timedelta = 0; uint64_t *field_cardinalities = NULL; uint64_t i; Pvoid_t unigram_freqs = NULL; struct judy_128_map gram_freqs; struct judy_128_map codemap; Word_t tmp; FILE *grouped_w = NULL; FILE *grouped_r = NULL; int fd, ret = 0; TDB_TIMER_DEF j128m_init(&gram_freqs); j128m_init(&codemap); if (!(field_cardinalities = calloc(cons->num_ofields, 8))){ ret = TDB_ERR_NOMEM; goto done; } for (i = 0; i < cons->num_ofields; i++) field_cardinalities[i] = jsm_num_keys(&cons->lexicons[i]); /* 1. group events by trail, sort events of each trail by time, and delta-encode timestamps */ TDB_TIMER_START TDB_PATH(grouped_path, "%s/tmp.grouped.XXXXXX", root); if ((fd = mkstemp(grouped_path)) == -1){ ret = TDB_ERR_IO_OPEN; goto done; } if (!(grouped_w = fdopen(fd, "w"))){ ret = TDB_ERR_IO_OPEN; goto done; } if (cons-> if ((ret = groupby_uuid(grouped_w, (struct tdb_cons_event*)cons->, cons, &num_trails, &max_timestamp, &max_timedelta))) goto done; /* not the most clean separation of ownership here, but these objects can be huge so keeping them around unecessarily is expensive */ free(cons->; cons-> = NULL; j128m_free(&cons->trails); TDB_CLOSE(grouped_w); grouped_w = NULL; TDB_OPEN(grouped_r, grouped_path, "r"); if (!(read_buf = malloc(READ_BUFFER_SIZE))){ ret = TDB_ERR_NOMEM; goto done; } setvbuf(grouped_r, read_buf, _IOFBF, READ_BUFFER_SIZE); TDB_TIMER_END("trail/groupby_uuid"); /* 2. store metatadata */ TDB_TIMER_START TDB_PATH(path, "%s/info", root); if ((ret = store_info(path, num_trails, num_events, cons->min_timestamp, max_timestamp, max_timedelta))) goto done; TDB_TIMER_END("trail/info"); /* 3. collect value (unigram) freqs, including delta-encoded timestamps */ TDB_TIMER_START unigram_freqs = collect_unigrams(grouped_r, num_events, items, num_fields); if (num_events > 0 && !unigram_freqs){ ret = TDB_ERR_NOMEM; goto done; } TDB_TIMER_END("trail/collect_unigrams"); /* 4. construct uni/bi-grams */ tdb_opt_value dont_build_bigrams; tdb_cons_get_opt(cons, TDB_OPT_CONS_NO_BIGRAMS, &dont_build_bigrams); TDB_TIMER_START if ((ret = make_grams(grouped_r, num_events, items, num_fields, unigram_freqs, &gram_freqs, dont_build_bigrams.value))) goto done; TDB_TIMER_END("trail/gram_freqs"); /* 5. build a huffman codebook and stats struct for encoding grams */ TDB_TIMER_START if ((ret = huff_create_codemap(&gram_freqs, &codemap))) goto done; if (!(fstats = huff_field_stats(field_cardinalities, num_fields, max_timedelta))){ ret = TDB_ERR_NOMEM; goto done; } TDB_TIMER_END("trail/huff_create_codemap"); /* 6. encode and write trails to disk */ TDB_TIMER_START TDB_PATH(path, "%s/", root); TDB_PATH(toc_path, "%s/trails.toc", root); if ((ret = encode_trails(items, grouped_r, num_events, num_trails, num_fields, &codemap, &gram_freqs, fstats, path, toc_path))) goto done; TDB_TIMER_END("trail/encode_trails"); /* 7. write huffman codebook to disk */ TDB_TIMER_START tdb_path(path, "%s/trails.codebook", root); if ((ret = store_codebook(&codemap, path))) goto done; TDB_TIMER_END("trail/store_codebook"); done: TDB_CLOSE_FINAL(grouped_w); TDB_CLOSE_FINAL(grouped_r); j128m_free(&gram_freqs); j128m_free(&codemap); #pragma GCC diagnostic push #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wsign-compare" JLFA(tmp, unigram_freqs); #pragma GCC diagnostic pop unlink(grouped_path); free(field_cardinalities); free(read_buf); free(fstats); return ret; out_of_memory: return TDB_ERR_NOMEM; }
static tdb_error encode_trails(const tdb_item *items, FILE *grouped, uint64_t num_events, uint64_t num_trails, uint64_t num_fields, const struct judy_128_map *codemap, const struct judy_128_map *gram_freqs, const struct field_stats *fstats, const char *path, const char *toc_path) { __uint128_t *grams = NULL; tdb_item *prev_items = NULL; uint64_t *encoded = NULL; uint64_t encoded_size = 0; uint64_t buf_size = INITIAL_ENCODING_BUF_BITS; uint64_t i = 1; char *buf = NULL; FILE *out = NULL; uint64_t file_offs = 0; uint64_t *toc = NULL; struct gram_bufs gbufs; struct tdb_grouped_event ev; int ret = 0; char *write_buf = NULL; if ((ret = init_gram_bufs(&gbufs, num_fields))) goto done; if (!(write_buf = malloc(WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE))){ ret = TDB_ERR_NOMEM; goto done; } TDB_OPEN(out, path, "w"); setvbuf(out, write_buf, _IOFBF, WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE); if (!(buf = calloc(1, buf_size / 8 + 8))){ ret = TDB_ERR_NOMEM; goto done; } if (!(prev_items = malloc(num_fields * sizeof(tdb_item)))){ ret = TDB_ERR_NOMEM; goto done; } if (!(grams = malloc(num_fields * 16))){ ret = TDB_ERR_NOMEM; goto done; } if (!(toc = malloc((num_trails + 1) * 8))){ ret = TDB_ERR_NOMEM; goto done; } rewind(grouped); if (num_events) TDB_READ(grouped, &ev, sizeof(struct tdb_grouped_event)); while (i <= num_events){ /* encode trail for one UUID (multiple events) */ /* reserve 3 bits in the head of the trail for a length residual: Length of a trail is measured in bytes but the last byte may be short. The residual indicates how many bits in the end we should ignore. */ uint64_t offs = 3; uint64_t trail_id = ev.trail_id; uint64_t n, m, trail_size; toc[trail_id] = file_offs; memset(prev_items, 0, num_fields * sizeof(tdb_item)); while (ev.trail_id == trail_id){ /* 1) produce an edge-encoded set of items for this event */ if ((ret = edge_encode_items(items, &encoded, &n, &encoded_size, prev_items, &ev))) goto done; /* 2) cover the encoded set with a set of unigrams and bigrams */ if ((ret = choose_grams_one_event(encoded, n, gram_freqs, &gbufs, grams, &m, &ev))) goto done; uint64_t bits_needed = offs + huff_encoded_max_bits(m) + 64; if (bits_needed > buf_size){ char *new_buf; buf_size = bits_needed * 2; if (!(new_buf = calloc(1, buf_size / 8 + 8))){ ret = TDB_ERR_NOMEM; goto done; } memcpy(new_buf, buf, offs / 8 + 1); free(buf); buf = new_buf; } /* 3) huffman-encode grams */ huff_encode_grams(codemap, grams, m, buf, &offs, fstats); if (i++ < num_events){ TDB_READ(grouped, &ev, sizeof(struct tdb_grouped_event)); }else break; } /* write the length residual */ if (offs & 7){ trail_size = offs / 8 + 1; write_bits(buf, 0, 8 - (uint32_t)(offs & 7LLU)); }else{ trail_size = offs / 8; } /* append trail to the end of file */ TDB_WRITE(out, buf, trail_size); file_offs += trail_size; memset(buf, 0, trail_size); } /* keep the redundant last offset in the TOC, so we can determine trail length with toc[i + 1] - toc[i]. */ toc[num_trails] = file_offs; /* write an extra 8 null bytes: huffman may require up to 7 when reading */ uint64_t zero = 0; TDB_WRITE(out, &zero, 8); file_offs += 8; TDB_CLOSE(out); TDB_OPEN(out, toc_path, "w"); size_t offs_size = file_offs < UINT32_MAX ? 4 : 8; for (i = 0; i < num_trails + 1; i++) TDB_WRITE(out, &toc[i], offs_size); done: TDB_CLOSE_FINAL(out); free(write_buf); free_gram_bufs(&gbufs); free(grams); free(encoded); free(prev_items); free(buf); free(toc); return ret; }