Beispiel #1
static void menu_cb_addToDynamicMenu (EDITOR_ARGS) {
	EDITOR_IAM (ScriptEditor);
	EDITOR_FORM (U"Add to dynamic menu", U"Add to dynamic menu...")
		WORD (U"Class 1", U"Sound")
		INTEGER (U"Number 1", U"0")
		WORD (U"Class 2", U"")
		INTEGER (U"Number 2", U"0")
		WORD (U"Class 3", U"")
		INTEGER (U"Number 3", U"0")
		SENTENCE (U"Command", U"Do it...")
		SENTENCE (U"After command", U"")
		INTEGER (U"Depth", U"0")
		LABEL (U"", U"Script file:")
		TEXTFIELD (U"Script", U"")
		if (my name [0])
			SET_STRING (U"Script", my name)
			SET_STRING (U"Script", U"(please save your script first)")
		praat_addActionScript (GET_STRING (U"Class 1"), GET_INTEGER (U"Number 1"),
			GET_STRING (U"Class 2"), GET_INTEGER (U"Number 2"), GET_STRING (U"Class 3"),
			GET_INTEGER (U"Number 3"), GET_STRING (U"Command"), GET_STRING (U"After command"),
			GET_INTEGER (U"Depth"), GET_STRING (U"Script"));
		praat_show ();
Beispiel #2
static void menu_cb_print (EDITOR_ARGS) {
	EDITOR_IAM (HyperPage);
	EDITOR_FORM (L"Print", 0)
		SENTENCE (L"Left or inside header", L"")
		SENTENCE (L"Middle header", L"")
		LABEL (L"", L"Right or outside header:")
		TEXTFIELD (L"Right or outside header", L"")
		SENTENCE (L"Left or inside footer", L"")
		SENTENCE (L"Middle footer", L"")
		SENTENCE (L"Right or outside footer", L"")
		BOOLEAN (L"Mirror even/odd headers", TRUE)
		INTEGER (L"First page number", L"0 (= no page numbers)")
		my v_defaultHeaders (cmd);
		if (my d_printingPageNumber) SET_INTEGER (L"First page number", my d_printingPageNumber + 1)
		my insideHeader = GET_STRING (L"Left or inside header");
		my middleHeader = GET_STRING (L"Middle header");
		my outsideHeader = GET_STRING (L"Right or outside header");
		my insideFooter = GET_STRING (L"Left or inside footer");
		my middleFooter = GET_STRING (L"Middle footer");
		my outsideFooter = GET_STRING (L"Right or outside footer");
		my mirror = GET_INTEGER (L"Mirror even/odd headers");
		my d_printingPageNumber = GET_INTEGER (L"First page number");
		Printer_print (print, me);
Beispiel #3
static void menu_cb_searchForPage (EDITOR_ARGS) {
	EDITOR_IAM (HyperPage);
	EDITOR_FORM (L"Search for page", 0)
		TEXTFIELD (L"Page", L"a")
		HyperPage_goToPage (me, GET_STRING (L"Page"));   // BUG
Beispiel #4
int Printer_postScriptSettings (void) {
	static UiForm *dia;
	if (dia == NULL) {
		UiForm::UiField *radio;
		dia = new UiForm (theCurrentPraatApplication -> topShell, L"PostScript settings", DO_Printer_postScriptSettings, NULL, L"PostScript settings...", L"PostScript settings...");
		#if defined (_WIN32) || defined (macintosh)
			BOOLEAN (L"Allow direct PostScript", TRUE);
		RADIO_ENUM (L"Grey resolution", kGraphicsPostscript_spots, DEFAULT)
		#if defined (UNIX)
			RADIO_ENUM (L"Paper size", kGraphicsPostscript_paperSize, DEFAULT);
			RADIO_ENUM (L"Orientation", kGraphicsPostscript_orientation, DEFAULT);
			POSITIVE (L"Magnification", L"1.0");
			LABEL (L"label", L"Print command:");
			#if defined (linux)
				TEXTFIELD (L"printCommand", L"lpr %s");
				TEXTFIELD (L"printCommand", L"lp -c %s");
		RADIO_ENUM (L"Font choice strategy", kGraphicsPostscript_fontChoiceStrategy, DEFAULT);
		#if defined (macintosh)
			BOOLEAN (L"EPS files include preview", TRUE);
		dia->finish ();
	#if defined (_WIN32) || defined (macintosh)
		SET_INTEGER (L"Allow direct PostScript", thePrinter. allowDirectPostScript);
	SET_ENUM (L"Grey resolution", kGraphicsPostscript_spots, thePrinter. spots);
	#if defined (UNIX)
		SET_ENUM (L"Paper size", kGraphicsPostscript_paperSize, thePrinter. paperSize);
		SET_ENUM (L"Orientation", kGraphicsPostscript_orientation, thePrinter. orientation);
		SET_REAL (L"Magnification", thePrinter. magnification);
		SET_STRING (L"printCommand", Site_getPrintCommand ());
	SET_ENUM (L"Font choice strategy", kGraphicsPostscript_fontChoiceStrategy, thePrinter. fontChoiceStrategy);
	#if defined (macintosh)
		SET_INTEGER (L"EPS files include preview", thePrinter. epsFilesHavePreview);
	dia->do_ (false);
	return 1;
Beispiel #5
static void menu_cb_writeAllToHtmlDir (Manual me, EDITOR_ARGS_FORM) {
	EDITOR_FORM (U"Save all pages as HTML files", nullptr)
		LABEL (U"", U"Type a directory name:")
		TEXTFIELD (U"directory", U"")
		structMelderDir currentDirectory { { 0 } };
		Melder_getDefaultDir (& currentDirectory);
		SET_STRING (U"directory", Melder_dirToPath (& currentDirectory))
		char32 *directory = GET_STRING (U"directory");
		ManPages_writeAllToHtmlDir ((ManPages) my data, directory);
Beispiel #6
static void menu_cb_writeAllToHtmlDir (EDITOR_ARGS) {
	EDITOR_IAM (Manual);
	EDITOR_FORM (L"Save all pages as HTML files", 0)
		LABEL (L"", L"Type a directory name:")
		TEXTFIELD (L"directory", L"")
		structMelderDir currentDirectory = { { 0 } };
		Melder_getDefaultDir (& currentDirectory);
		SET_STRING (L"directory", Melder_dirToPath (& currentDirectory))
		wchar *directory = GET_STRING (L"directory");
		ManPages_writeAllToHtmlDir ((ManPages) my data, directory);
Beispiel #7
static void menu_cb_printRange (EDITOR_ARGS) {
	EDITOR_IAM (Manual);
	EDITOR_FORM (L"Print range", 0)
		SENTENCE (L"Left or inside header", L"")
		SENTENCE (L"Middle header", L"")
		SENTENCE (L"Right or outside header", L"Manual")
		SENTENCE (L"Left or inside footer", L"")
		SENTENCE (L"Middle footer", L"")
		SENTENCE (L"Right or outside footer", L"")
		BOOLEAN (L"Mirror even/odd headers", TRUE)
		LABEL (L"", L"Print all pages whose title starts with:")
		TEXTFIELD (L"Print pages starting with", L"Intro")
		INTEGER (L"First page number", L"1")
		BOOLEAN (L"Suppress \"Links to this page\"", FALSE)
		ManPages manPages = (ManPages) my data;
		time_t today = time (NULL);
		char dateA [50];
		#ifdef UNIX
			struct tm *tm = localtime (& today);
			strftime (dateA, 50, "%B %e, %Y", tm);
			strcpy (dateA, ctime (& today));
		wchar_t *date = Melder_peekUtf8ToWcs (dateA), *newline;
		newline = wcschr (date, '\n'); if (newline) *newline = '\0';
		SET_STRING (L"Left or inside header", date)
		SET_STRING (L"Right or outside header", my name)
		if (my d_printingPageNumber) SET_INTEGER (L"First page number", my d_printingPageNumber + 1)
		if (my path >= 1 && my path <= manPages -> pages -> size) {
			ManPage page = (ManPage) manPages -> pages -> item [my path];
			SET_STRING (L"Print pages starting with", page -> title);
		my insideHeader = GET_STRING (L"Left or inside header");
		my middleHeader = GET_STRING (L"Middle header");
		my outsideHeader = GET_STRING (L"Right or outside header");
		my insideFooter = GET_STRING (L"Left or inside footer");
		my middleFooter = GET_STRING (L"Middle footer");
		my outsideFooter = GET_STRING (L"Right or outside footer");
		my mirror = GET_INTEGER (L"Mirror even/odd headers");
		my printPagesStartingWith = GET_STRING (L"Print pages starting with");
		my d_printingPageNumber = GET_INTEGER (L"First page number");
		my suppressLinksHither = GET_INTEGER (L"Suppress \"Links to this page\"");
		Printer_print (print, me);
Beispiel #8
static void menu_cb_printRange (Manual me, EDITOR_ARGS_FORM) {
	EDITOR_FORM (U"Print range", 0)
		SENTENCE (U"Left or inside header", U"")
		SENTENCE (U"Middle header", U"")
		SENTENCE (U"Right or outside header", U"Manual")
		SENTENCE (U"Left or inside footer", U"")
		SENTENCE (U"Middle footer", U"")
		SENTENCE (U"Right or outside footer", U"")
		BOOLEAN (U"Mirror even/odd headers", true)
		LABEL (U"", U"Print all pages whose title starts with:")
		TEXTFIELD (U"Print pages starting with", U"Intro")
		INTEGER (U"First page number", U"1")
		BOOLEAN (U"Suppress \"Links to this page\"", false)
		ManPages manPages = (ManPages) my data;
		time_t today = time (nullptr);
		char dateA [50];
		#ifdef UNIX
			struct tm *tm = localtime (& today);
			strftime (dateA, 50, "%B %e, %Y", tm);
			strcpy (dateA, ctime (& today));
		char32 *date = Melder_peek8to32 (dateA), *newline;
		newline = str32chr (date, U'\n'); if (newline) *newline = U'\0';
		SET_STRING (U"Left or inside header", date)
		SET_STRING (U"Right or outside header", my name)
		if (my d_printingPageNumber) SET_INTEGER (U"First page number", my d_printingPageNumber + 1)
		if (my path >= 1 && my path <= manPages -> pages.size) {
			ManPage page = manPages -> [my path];
			SET_STRING (U"Print pages starting with", page -> title);
		my insideHeader = GET_STRING (U"Left or inside header");
		my middleHeader = GET_STRING (U"Middle header");
		my outsideHeader = GET_STRING (U"Right or outside header");
		my insideFooter = GET_STRING (U"Left or inside footer");
		my middleFooter = GET_STRING (U"Middle footer");
		my outsideFooter = GET_STRING (U"Right or outside footer");
		my mirror = GET_INTEGER (U"Mirror even/odd headers");
		my printPagesStartingWith = GET_STRING (U"Print pages starting with");
		my d_printingPageNumber = GET_INTEGER (U"First page number");
		my suppressLinksHither = GET_INTEGER (U"Suppress \"Links to this page\"");
		Printer_print (print, me);
Beispiel #9
void Script_SetEditFocus(itemDef_t *item, qboolean *bAbort, char **args)
	const char *name = NULL;

	if (String_Parse(args, &name))
		itemDef_t *editItem = Menu_FindItemByName(item->parent, name);

		if (editItem && TEXTFIELD(editItem->type))
			editFieldDef_t *editPtr = (editFieldDef_t *)editItem->typeData;

			editItem->window.flags |= WINDOW_HASFOCUS;
			if (editItem->onFocus)
				Item_RunScript(editItem, NULL, editItem->onFocus);

			if (DC->Assets.itemFocusSound)
				DC->startLocalSound(DC->Assets.itemFocusSound, CHAN_LOCAL_SOUND);

			// reset scroll offset so we can see what we're editing
			if (editPtr)
				editPtr->paintOffset = 0;

			editItem->cursorPos = 0;
			g_editingField      = qtrue;
			g_editItem          = editItem;

			// the stupidest idea ever, let's just override the console, every ui element, user choice, etc
			// nuking this
Beispiel #10
static void menu_cb_addToMenu (EDITOR_ARGS) {
	EDITOR_IAM (ScriptEditor);
	EDITOR_FORM (U"Add to menu", U"Add to fixed menu...")
		WORD (U"Window", U"?")
		SENTENCE (U"Menu", U"File")
		SENTENCE (U"Command", U"Do it...")
		SENTENCE (U"After command", U"")
		INTEGER (U"Depth", U"0")
		LABEL (U"", U"Script file:")
		TEXTFIELD (U"Script", U"")
		if (my editorClass) SET_STRING (U"Window", my editorClass -> className)
		if (my name [0])
			SET_STRING (U"Script", my name)
			SET_STRING (U"Script", U"(please save your script first)")
		praat_addMenuCommandScript (GET_STRING (U"Window"),
			GET_STRING (U"Menu"), GET_STRING (U"Command"), GET_STRING (U"After command"),
			GET_INTEGER (U"Depth"), GET_STRING (U"Script"));
		praat_show ();
Beispiel #11
void Item_ValidateTypeData(itemDef_t *item)
	if (item->typeData)

	if (item->type == ITEM_TYPE_LISTBOX)
		item->typeData = UI_Alloc(sizeof(listBoxDef_t));
		memset(item->typeData, 0, sizeof(listBoxDef_t));
	else if (TEXTFIELD(item->type) || item->type == ITEM_TYPE_YESNO || item->type == ITEM_TYPE_BIND || item->type == ITEM_TYPE_SLIDER || item->type == ITEM_TYPE_TEXT)
		item->typeData = UI_Alloc(sizeof(editFieldDef_t));
		memset(item->typeData, 0, sizeof(editFieldDef_t));
		if (item->type == ITEM_TYPE_EDITFIELD)
			if (!((editFieldDef_t *)item->typeData)->maxPaintChars)
				((editFieldDef_t *)item->typeData)->maxPaintChars = MAX_EDITFIELD;
	else if (item->type == ITEM_TYPE_MULTI || item->type == ITEM_TYPE_CHECKBOX || item->type == ITEM_TYPE_TRICHECKBOX || item->type == ITEM_TYPE_COMBO)
		item->typeData = UI_Alloc(sizeof(multiDef_t));
	else if (item->type == ITEM_TYPE_MODEL)
		item->typeData = UI_Alloc(sizeof(modelDef_t));
	else if (item->type == ITEM_TYPE_MENUMODEL)
		item->typeData = UI_Alloc(sizeof(modelDef_t));
Beispiel #12
static void menu_cb_addToFixedMenu (EDITOR_ARGS) {
	EDITOR_IAM (ScriptEditor);
	EDITOR_FORM (U"Add to fixed menu", U"Add to fixed menu...");
		RADIO (U"Window", 1)
			RADIOBUTTON (U"Objects")
			RADIOBUTTON (U"Picture")
		SENTENCE (U"Menu", U"New")
		SENTENCE (U"Command", U"Do it...")
		SENTENCE (U"After command", U"")
		INTEGER (U"Depth", U"0")
		LABEL (U"", U"Script file:")
		TEXTFIELD (U"Script", U"")
		if (my name [0])
			SET_STRING (U"Script", my name)
			SET_STRING (U"Script", U"(please save your script first)")
		praat_addMenuCommandScript (GET_STRING (U"Window"),
			GET_STRING (U"Menu"), GET_STRING (U"Command"), GET_STRING (U"After command"),
			GET_INTEGER (U"Depth"), GET_STRING (U"Script"));
		praat_show ();