Beispiel #1
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
static void mat_livedb_draw_hierarchy(SpaceLDB *slivedb, ListBase *lb, int startx, int *starty)
    LiveDbTreeElement *te;
    int y1, y2;

    if (lb->first == NULL) return;

    y1 = y2 = *starty; /* for vertical lines between objects */
    if(startx == 14) y1 -= UI_UNIT_Y / 2;
    for (te = lb->first; te; te = te->next) {
        y2 = *starty;

        /* horizontal line */
        if (TE_GET_TYPE(te->item->type) == MAT_LDB_TREE_ITEM_TYPE_CATEGORY)
            glRecti(startx, *starty, startx + UI_UNIT_X / 3, *starty - 1);
            glRecti(startx, *starty, startx + UI_UNIT_X / 3, *starty - 1);

        if(TE_GET_TYPE(te->item->type) == MAT_LDB_TREE_ITEM_TYPE_CATEGORY)
            *starty -= UI_UNIT_Y;
            *starty -= MAT_LIVEDB_UI_UNIT_Y;

        if (MAT_LIVEDB_ELEM_OPEN(te, slivedb))
            mat_livedb_draw_hierarchy(slivedb, &te->subtree, startx + UI_UNIT_X, starty);

    /* vertical line */
    te = lb->last;
    if (te->parent || lb->first != lb->last)
        glRecti(startx, y1 + UI_UNIT_Y / 2, startx + 1, y2);
} /* mat_livedb_draw_hierarchy() */
Beispiel #2
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
static void mat_livedb_namebutton_cb(bContext *C, void *itemp, char *oldname)
    Main        *mainvar    = CTX_data_main(C);
    SpaceLDB    *slivedb    = CTX_wm_space_mat_livedb(C);
    LiveDbItem  *item       = itemp;

    if (item) {
        if (TE_GET_TYPE(item->type) == MAT_LDB_TREE_ITEM_TYPE_CATEGORY) {
            /* TODO: implement for categories */
        else {
            LiveDbItem  *cur_item;
            size_t      store_len = MEM_allocN_len(slivedb->treestore);
            int         size_diff = strlen(new_name) - strlen(oldname);

            LiveDbItem *new_items = MEM_mallocN(store_len + size_diff, "ldb tree");
            LiveDbItem *new_item  = new_items;

            for(cur_item = (LiveDbItem*)slivedb->treestore; (((char*)cur_item + cur_item->size) - slivedb->treestore) <= store_len; cur_item = (LiveDbItem*)((char*)cur_item + cur_item->size)) {
                if(TE_GET_TYPE(cur_item->type) == MAT_LDB_TREE_ITEM_TYPE_CATEGORY) {
                    memcpy(new_item, cur_item, cur_item->size);
                else {
                    if(cur_item == item) {
                        char *cur_name, *cur_new_name;

                        new_item->size          = cur_item->size + size_diff;
                        new_item->type          = cur_item->type;
                        new_item->   = cur_item->;

                        strcpy(new_item->, new_name);
                        cur_name        = cur_item-> + strlen(cur_item-> + 1;
                        cur_new_name    = new_item-> + strlen(new_name) + 1;
                        strcpy(cur_new_name, cur_name);
                        cur_new_name    = cur_new_name + strlen(cur_name) + 1;
                        cur_name        = cur_name + strlen(cur_name) + 1;
                        strcpy(cur_new_name, cur_name);
                    else memcpy(new_item, cur_item, cur_item->size);
                new_item = (LiveDbItem*)((char*)new_item + new_item->size);
            new_name[0] = 0;
            slivedb->treestore = (char*)new_items;

            mat_livedb_build_tree(mainvar, slivedb, 0);
} /* mat_livedb_namebutton_cb() */
Beispiel #3
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
static void mat_draw_rename_buttons(const bContext *C, uiBlock *block, ARegion *ar, SpaceLDB *slivedb, ListBase *lb)
    LiveDbTreeElement *te;
    int spx, dx, CUR_UNIT_Y;

    for (te = lb->first; te; te = te->next) {
        if(TE_GET_TYPE(te->item->type) == MAT_LDB_TREE_ITEM_TYPE_CATEGORY)
            CUR_UNIT_Y = UI_UNIT_Y;
        if (te->ys + 2 * CUR_UNIT_Y >= ar->v2d.cur.ymin && te->ys <= ar->v2d.cur.ymax) {
            if (*te->flag & TE_TEXTBUT) {
                uiBut *bt;
                if(new_name[0] == 0) strcpy(new_name, te->name);

                dx = (int)UI_fontstyle_string_width(UI_FSTYLE_WIDGET, te->name);
                if (dx < 5 * UI_UNIT_X) dx = 5 * UI_UNIT_X;
                spx = te->xs + 1.8f * UI_UNIT_X;
                if (spx + dx + 0.5f * UI_UNIT_X > ar->v2d.cur.xmax) dx = ar->v2d.cur.xmax - spx - 0.5f * UI_UNIT_X;

                bt = uiDefBut(block, UI_BTYPE_TEXT, LDB_NAMEBUTTON, "", spx, (int)te->ys + UI_UNIT_Y * 3, dx + UI_UNIT_X, UI_UNIT_Y - 1, (void *)new_name, 1.0, 255.0f, 0, 0, "");
                UI_but_func_rename_set(bt, mat_livedb_namebutton_cb, te->item);

                /* returns false if button got removed */
                if (!UI_but_active_only(C, ar, block, bt)) {
                    *te->flag &= ~TE_TEXTBUT;
                    new_name[0] = 0;
        if (MAT_LIVEDB_ELEM_OPEN(te, slivedb)) mat_draw_rename_buttons(C, block, ar, slivedb, &te->subtree);
} /* mat_draw_rename_buttons() */
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
static int do_mat_livedb_item_openclose(bContext *C, SpaceLDB *slivedb, LiveDbTreeElement *te, int all, const float mval[2])
    int CUR_UNIT_Y;
    if(TE_GET_TYPE(te->item->type) == MAT_LDB_TREE_ITEM_TYPE_CATEGORY)
        CUR_UNIT_Y = UI_UNIT_Y;

    if (mval[1] > te->ys && mval[1] < te->ys + CUR_UNIT_Y) {
        /* all below close/open? */
        if (all) {
            *te->flag &= ~TE_CLOSED;
            mat_livedb_set_flag(slivedb, &te->subtree, TE_CLOSED, !mat_livedb_has_one_flag(slivedb, &te->subtree, TE_CLOSED, 1));
        else {
            if (*te->flag & TE_CLOSED) *te->flag &= ~TE_CLOSED;
            else *te->flag |= TE_CLOSED;
        return 1;
    for (te = te->subtree.first; te; te = te->next) {
        if (do_mat_livedb_item_openclose(C, slivedb, te, all, mval)) 
            return 1;
    return 0;
} /* do_mat_livedb_item_openclose() */
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
static int do_mat_livedb_item_rename(bContext *C, ARegion *ar, SpaceLDB *slivedb, LiveDbTreeElement *te, const float mval[2])
    ReportList  *reports;
    int         CUR_UNIT_Y;

    if(TE_GET_TYPE(te->item->type) == MAT_LDB_TREE_ITEM_TYPE_CATEGORY)
        CUR_UNIT_Y = UI_UNIT_Y;

    reports = CTX_wm_reports(C);
    if (mval[1] > te->ys && mval[1] < te->ys + CUR_UNIT_Y) {
        /* click on name */
        if (mval[0] > te->xs + UI_UNIT_X * 2 && mval[0] < te->xend) {
            do_item_rename(ar, te, reports);
            return 1;
        return 0;
    for (te = te->subtree.first; te; te = te->next) {
        if (do_mat_livedb_item_rename(C, ar, slivedb, te, mval)) return 1;
    return 0;
} /* do_mat_livedb_item_rename() */
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
static void do_item_rename(ARegion *ar, LiveDbTreeElement *te, ReportList *reports)
    if (TE_GET_TYPE(te->item->type) != MAT_LDB_TREE_ITEM_TYPE_MATERIAL)
        BKE_report(reports, RPT_WARNING, "Can edit only the material names.");
    else {
        *te->flag |= TE_TEXTBUT;
} /* do_item_rename() */
Beispiel #7
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
static void mat_livedb_draw_content_count_icons(ListBase *lb, int xmax, int *offsx, int ys)
    int cat_cnt = 0, mat_cnt = 0, string_width;
    LiveDbTreeElement   *te;
    char                cnt_str[16];
    float               ufac = UI_UNIT_X / 20.0f;

    if ((*offsx) - UI_UNIT_X > xmax) return;

    for (te = lb->first; te; te = te->next) {
        if (TE_GET_TYPE(te->item->type) == MAT_LDB_TREE_ITEM_TYPE_CATEGORY) ++cat_cnt;
        else ++mat_cnt;
    if (cat_cnt > 0) {
        snprintf(cnt_str, 16, "%d", cat_cnt);
        string_width = UI_fontstyle_string_width(UI_FSTYLE_WIDGET, cnt_str);

        glColor4ub(220, 220, 255, 100);
        UI_draw_roundbox((float) *offsx - 4.0f * ufac,
                   (float)ys + 1.0f * ufac,
                   (float)*offsx + UI_UNIT_X + string_width,
                   (float)ys + UI_UNIT_Y - ufac,
                   (float)UI_UNIT_Y / 2.0f - ufac);
        glEnable(GL_BLEND); /* roundbox disables */

        UI_icon_draw((float)*offsx, (float)ys + 2 * ufac, ICON_FILE_FOLDER);

        (*offsx) += UI_UNIT_X;
        UI_fontstyle_draw_simple(UI_FSTYLE_WIDGET, (float)*offsx - 2 * ufac, (float)ys + 5 * ufac, cnt_str);

        offsx += (int)(UI_UNIT_X + string_width);
    if (mat_cnt > 0) {
        snprintf(cnt_str, 16, "%d", mat_cnt);
        string_width = UI_fontstyle_string_width(UI_FSTYLE_WIDGET, cnt_str);

        glColor4ub(220, 220, 255, 100);
        UI_draw_roundbox((float) *offsx - 4.0f * ufac,
                   (float)ys + 1.0f * ufac,
                   (float)*offsx + UI_UNIT_X + string_width,
                   (float)ys + UI_UNIT_Y - ufac,
                   (float)UI_UNIT_Y / 2.0f - ufac);
        glEnable(GL_BLEND); /* roundbox disables */

        UI_icon_draw((float)*offsx, (float)ys + 2 * ufac, ICON_MATERIAL);

        (*offsx) += UI_UNIT_X;
        UI_fontstyle_draw_simple(UI_FSTYLE_WIDGET, (float)*offsx - 2 * ufac, (float)ys + 5 * ufac, cnt_str);

        offsx += (int)(UI_UNIT_X + string_width);
} /* mat_livedb_draw_content_count_icons() */
Beispiel #8
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
static void mat_livedb_elem_draw_icon(float x, float y, LiveDbTreeElement *te)
    switch (TE_GET_TYPE(te->item->type)) {
            UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_FILE_FOLDER); break;
            UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_MATERIAL_DATA); break;
            UI_icon_draw(x, y, ICON_DOT); break;
} /* mat_livedb_elem_draw_icon() */
Beispiel #9
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
static void mat_livedb_height(SpaceLDB *slivedb, ListBase *lb, int *h)
    LiveDbTreeElement *te = lb->first;
    while (te) {
        if (MAT_LIVEDB_ELEM_OPEN(te, slivedb))
            mat_livedb_height(slivedb, &te->subtree, h);
        if(TE_GET_TYPE(te->item->type) == MAT_LDB_TREE_ITEM_TYPE_CATEGORY)
            *h += UI_UNIT_Y;
            *h += MAT_LIVEDB_UI_UNIT_Y;
        te = te->next;
} /* mat_livedb_height() */
Beispiel #10
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
static void mat_livedb_draw_mat_preview(uiBlock *block, Scene *scene, ARegion *ar, SpaceLDB *slivedb, ListBase *lb)
    LiveDbTreeElement   *te;
    char                *file_path = (char*)BKE_appdir_folder_id_create(BLENDER_USER_DATAFILES, 0);

    strcat(file_path, "/livedb/");
    strcat(file_path, slivedb->server_address);
    strcat(file_path, "/previews/");

    for (te = lb->first; te; te = te->next) {
        if (TE_GET_TYPE(te->item->type) == MAT_LDB_TREE_ITEM_TYPE_MATERIAL && te->ys + 2 * MAT_LIVEDB_UI_UNIT_Y >= ar->v2d.cur.ymin && te->ys <= ar->v2d.cur.ymax) {
            unsigned int width, height;
            char* buf = mat_livedb_get_mat_preview(slivedb->server_address, te->item->, &width, &height, file_path);

            if(buf) {
                if(width && height) {
                    glColor4f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

                    if (width != UI_UNIT_X || height != (MAT_LIVEDB_UI_UNIT_Y - 2)) {
                        float facx = (float)(MAT_LIVEDB_UI_UNIT_Y - 2) / (float)width;
                        float facy =  (float)(MAT_LIVEDB_UI_UNIT_Y - 2) / (float)height;
                        glPixelZoom(facx, facy);
                    glaDrawPixelsAuto((float)(ar->v2d.cur.xmax - MAT_LIVEDB_UI_UNIT_Y - 1),
                                      (float)te->ys + 1, width, height, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_NEAREST, buf);

                    glPixelZoom(1.0f, 1.0f);
        else if (MAT_LIVEDB_ELEM_OPEN(te, slivedb)) mat_livedb_draw_mat_preview(block, scene, ar, slivedb, &te->subtree);
} /* mat_livedb_draw_mat_preview() */
Beispiel #11
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
static void mat_livedb_draw_tree_element(bContext *C, uiBlock *block, ARegion *ar, SpaceLDB *slivedb, LiveDbTreeElement *te, int startx, int *starty, int *row_num)
    LiveDbTreeElement   *ten;
    float               ufac = UI_UNIT_X / 20.0f;
    int                 offsx = 0, active = 0;
    int                 CUR_UNIT_Y;

    if(TE_GET_TYPE(te->item->type) == MAT_LDB_TREE_ITEM_TYPE_CATEGORY)
        CUR_UNIT_Y = UI_UNIT_Y;

    *starty -= CUR_UNIT_Y;
    ++ *row_num;

    if (*starty + 2 * CUR_UNIT_Y >= ar->v2d.cur.ymin && *starty <= ar->v2d.cur.ymax) {
        int xmax = ar->v2d.cur.xmax;
        unsigned char alpha = 128;

        /* icons can be ui buts, we don't want it to overlap with material previews */
        if(TE_GET_TYPE(te->item->type) == MAT_LDB_TREE_ITEM_TYPE_MATERIAL)
            xmax -= MAT_LIVEDB_UI_UNIT_Y;


        if(*row_num % 2) {
            UI_ThemeColorShade(TH_BACK, 6);
            glRecti(0, *starty + 1, ar->v2d.cur.xmax, *starty + CUR_UNIT_Y - 1);

        if (*te->flag & TE_SELECTED) {
            float           col[4];
            unsigned char   col_circle[4];

            UI_GetThemeColor3fv(TH_SELECT_HIGHLIGHT, col);
            glRecti(0, *starty + 1, (int)ar->v2d.cur.xmax, *starty + CUR_UNIT_Y - 1);

            /* active circle */
            UI_GetThemeColorType4ubv(TH_ACTIVE, SPACE_VIEW3D, col_circle);
            col_circle[3] = alpha;
            glColor4ubv((GLubyte *)col_circle);

            UI_draw_roundbox((float)startx + UI_UNIT_X - ufac,
                       (float)*starty + (TE_GET_TYPE(te->item->type) == MAT_LDB_TREE_ITEM_TYPE_CATEGORY ? 1.0f : UI_UNIT_Y * 3),
                       (float)startx + 2.0f * UI_UNIT_X - 2.0f * ufac,
                       (float)*starty + CUR_UNIT_Y - 1.0f * ufac,
                       UI_UNIT_Y / 2.0f - 1.0f * ufac);
            glEnable(GL_BLEND); /* roundbox disables it */

        /* start by highlighting search matches */
        if (SEARCHING_MAT_LIVEDB(slivedb) && (*te->flag & TE_SEARCHMATCH))
            char col[4];
            UI_GetThemeColorType4ubv(TH_MATCH, SPACE_MAT_LIVEDB, col);
            col[3] = alpha;
            glColor4ubv((GLubyte *)col);
            glRecti(startx, *starty + 1, ar->v2d.cur.xmax, *starty + CUR_UNIT_Y - 1);

        /* open/close icon, only when sublevels */
        if (te->subtree.first || (*te->flag & TE_LAZY_CLOSED)) {
            int icon_x;
            if (TE_GET_TYPE(te->item->type) == MAT_LDB_TREE_ITEM_TYPE_CATEGORY)
                icon_x = startx;
                icon_x = startx + 5 * ufac;

            if (MAT_LIVEDB_ELEM_OPEN(te, slivedb))
                UI_icon_draw((float)icon_x, (float)*starty + 2 * ufac, ICON_DISCLOSURE_TRI_DOWN);
                UI_icon_draw((float)icon_x, (float)*starty + 2 * ufac, ICON_DISCLOSURE_TRI_RIGHT);
        offsx += UI_UNIT_X;

        /* Element type icon */
        if(TE_GET_TYPE(te->item->type) == MAT_LDB_TREE_ITEM_TYPE_CATEGORY)
            mat_livedb_elem_draw_icon((float)startx + offsx, (float)*starty, te);
            mat_livedb_elem_draw_icon((float)startx + offsx, (float)*starty + UI_UNIT_X * 3, te);

        offsx += UI_UNIT_X;


        /* name */
        if (active == 1) UI_ThemeColor(TH_TEXT_HI);
        else UI_ThemeColor(TH_TEXT);

        if(TE_GET_TYPE(te->item->type) == MAT_LDB_TREE_ITEM_TYPE_CATEGORY)
            UI_fontstyle_draw_simple(UI_FSTYLE_WIDGET, startx + offsx, *starty + 5 * ufac, te->name);
        else {
            uiBut *bt;

            UI_fontstyle_draw_simple(UI_FSTYLE_WIDGET, startx + offsx, *starty + UI_UNIT_X * 3 + 5 * ufac, te->name);
            UI_fontstyle_draw_simple(UI_FSTYLE_WIDGET, startx + offsx, *starty + UI_UNIT_X * 2 + 5 * ufac, te->nick_name);
            UI_fontstyle_draw_simple(UI_FSTYLE_WIDGET, startx + offsx, *starty + UI_UNIT_X + 5 * ufac, te->copyright);

            bt = uiDefIconBut(block, UI_BTYPE_ICON_TOGGLE, 0, ICON_WORLD,
                                xmax - UI_UNIT_X - 3, *starty + 1 * ufac, UI_UNIT_X, UI_UNIT_Y,
                                NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.5f, "Get item");
            UI_but_func_set(bt, get_material_cb, (void*)slivedb->server_address, (void*)te->item->;
            UI_but_flag_enable(bt, UI_BUT_DRAG_LOCK);

        offsx += (int)(UI_UNIT_X + UI_fontstyle_string_width(UI_FSTYLE_WIDGET, te->name));

        /* Closed item, we draw the category-info icons */
        if (TE_GET_TYPE(te->item->type) == MAT_LDB_TREE_ITEM_TYPE_CATEGORY && !MAT_LIVEDB_ELEM_OPEN(te, slivedb)) {
            if (te->subtree.first) {
                int tempx = startx + offsx;

                /* divider */
                UI_ThemeColorShade(TH_BACK, -40);
                glRecti(tempx   - 10.0f * ufac,
                        *starty +  4.0f * ufac,
                        tempx   -  8.0f * ufac,
                        *starty + CUR_UNIT_Y - 4.0f * ufac);

                glPixelTransferf(GL_ALPHA_SCALE, 0.5);

                mat_livedb_draw_content_count_icons(&te->subtree, xmax, &tempx, *starty);

                glPixelTransferf(GL_ALPHA_SCALE, 1.0);
    /* store coord and continue, we need coordinates for elements outside view too */
    te->xs   = (float)startx;
    te->ys   = (float)*starty;
    te->xend = startx + offsx;

    if (MAT_LIVEDB_ELEM_OPEN(te, slivedb)) {
        for (ten = te->subtree.first; ten; ten = ten->next)
            mat_livedb_draw_tree_element(C, block, ar, slivedb, ten, startx + UI_UNIT_X, starty, row_num);
    else {
        for (ten = te->subtree.first; ten; ten = ten->next)
            mat_livedb_set_coord_tree_element(slivedb, te, startx, starty);
} /* mat_livedb_draw_tree_element() */