static void SetScene (int pos)
	char filename[32];
	Timeline* timeline;
	maxpal = 0;

	if (background)
		TLN_DeleteBitmap (background);
	sprintf (filename, "%s.PNG", scenes[pos].bitmap);
	background = TLN_LoadBitmap (filename);
	TLN_SetBGBitmap (background);
	TLN_SetBGPalette (palette);

	if (sp)
		TLN_DeleteSequencePack (sp);
	sprintf (filename, "%s.SQX", scenes[pos].sequence);
	sp = TLN_LoadSequencePack (filename);

	maxpal = 0;
	timeline = scenes[pos].timeline;
	while (timeline->palette)
		TLN_Palette palette;

		if (palettes[maxpal].palette)
			TLN_DeletePalette (palettes[maxpal].palette);
		sprintf(filename, "%s.ACT", timeline->palette);
		palettes[maxpal].palette = TLN_LoadPalette (filename);
		palettes[maxpal].sequence = TLN_FindSequence (sp, timeline->palette);
		palettes[maxpal].time = timeline->seconds*MAX_TIME/86400;

		/* remap: patch errors in original LBMs */
		palette = palettes[maxpal].palette;
		if (pos == 12)
			TLN_SetPaletteColor (palette, 0, 0,0,0);
		else if (pos == 13 || pos == 14)
			TLN_SetPaletteColor (palette, 252, 11,11,11);
		else if (pos == 15 || pos == 16 || pos == 17)
			TLN_SetPaletteColor (palette, 0, 11,11,11);
			TLN_SetPaletteColor (palette, 254, 0,0,0);


	frame = 18000*MAX_TIME/86400;;
	pal = 0;
	TLN_DisableAnimation (0);
Beispiel #2
 * \brief
 * Loads a tileset from a Tiled .tsx file
 * \param filename
 * TSX file to load
 * \returns
 * Reference to the newly loaded tileset or NULL if error
 * \remarks
 * An associated palette is also created, it can be obtained calling TLN_GetTilesetPalette()
TLN_Tileset TLN_LoadTileset (char *filename)
    SimpleXmlParser parser;
    size_t size;
    BYTE *data;
    TLN_Tileset tileset;
    TLN_Bitmap bitmap;
    int htiles, vtiles;
    int x,y,dx,dy;
    int id;
    int pitch;

    /* load file */
    data = LoadFile (filename, &size);
    if (!data)
        return NULL;

    /* parse */
    memset (&loader, 0, sizeof(loader));
    parser = simpleXmlCreateParser (data, (long)size);
    if (parser != NULL)
        if (simpleXmlParse(parser, handler) != 0)
            printf("parse error on line %li:\n%s\n",
                   simpleXmlGetLineNumber(parser), simpleXmlGetErrorDescription(parser));
            free (data);
            return NULL;
    free (data);

    /* check filename */
    if (!loader.source[0])
        return NULL;

    /* load picture */
    bitmap = TLN_LoadBitmap (loader.source);
    if (!bitmap)
        return NULL;

    /* create tileset */
    dx = loader.tilewidth + loader.spacing;
    dy = loader.tileheight + loader.spacing;
    htiles = (TLN_GetBitmapWidth(bitmap) - loader.margin*2 + loader.spacing) / dx;
    vtiles = (TLN_GetBitmapHeight(bitmap) - loader.margin*2 + loader.spacing) / dy;
    tileset = TLN_CreateTileset (htiles*vtiles, loader.tilewidth, loader.tileheight, TLN_ClonePalette(TLN_GetBitmapPalette(bitmap)));
    pitch = TLN_GetBitmapPitch (bitmap);

    /* load tiles */
    for (id=1, y=0; y<vtiles; y++)
        for (x=0; x<htiles; x++, id++)
            BYTE *srcptr = TLN_GetBitmapPtr (bitmap, loader.margin + x*dx, loader.margin + y*dy);
            TLN_SetTilesetPixels (tileset, id, srcptr, pitch);

    TLN_DeleteBitmap (bitmap);

    return tileset;
 * \brief
 * Loads a spriteset from a png/txt file pair
 * \param name
 * Base name of the files containing the spriteset
 * \returns
 * Reference to the newly loaded spriteset or NULL if error
 * \remarks
 * The spriteset comes in a pair of files called name.png and name.txt. The png file contains
 * the spriteset, whereas the txt contains the coordinates of the rectangles that define individual sprites.
 * These files can be created wit the spritesheet packer tool (
 * \remarks
 * An associated palette is also created, it can be obtained calling TLN_GetSpritesetPalette()
TLN_Spriteset TLN_LoadSpriteset (const char* name)
	FILE *pf;
	char filename[64];
	char line[64];
	int entries = 0;
	TLN_Bitmap bitmap;
	TLN_Spriteset spriteset;
	TLN_Rect *rects, *rect;
	int c;

	/* load png file */
	sprintf (filename, "%s.png", name);
	bitmap = TLN_LoadBitmap (filename);
	if (!bitmap)
		return NULL;

	/* load txt file */
	sprintf (filename, "%s.txt", name);
	pf = FileOpen (filename);
	if (!pf)
		TLN_DeleteBitmap (bitmap);
		return NULL;

	/* count lines */
	while (fgets (line, 64, pf))

	rects = malloc (sizeof(TLN_Rect)*entries);
	if (!rects)
		TLN_DeleteBitmap (bitmap);
		fclose (pf);
		return NULL;

	/* read entries */
	fseek (pf, 0, SEEK_SET);
	for (c=0; c<entries; c++)
		char* equals;
		char imagename[64];

		/* lee linea */
		fgets (line, 64, pf);
		rect = &rects[c];

		/* formato SpriteSheetPacker: name = x y w h */
		equals = strchr (line, '=');
		if (equals != NULL)
			sscanf (line, "%s = %d %d %d %d", imagename, &rect->x, &rect->y, &rect->w, &rect->h);

		/* formato Leshy SpriteSheet Tool csv: name,x,y,w,h */
		equals = strchr (line, ',');
		if (equals != NULL)
			char* del = line;
			while (*del)
				if (*del == ',')
					*del = ' ';
			sscanf (line, "%s %d %d %d %d", imagename, &rect->x, &rect->y, &rect->w, &rect->h);
	fclose (pf);

	/* create */
	spriteset = TLN_CreateSpriteset (
		TLN_GetBitmapPtr (bitmap, 0,0), 
		TLN_GetBitmapWidth (bitmap),
		TLN_GetBitmapHeight (bitmap), 
		TLN_GetBitmapPitch (bitmap), 
	/* free resources */
	free (rects);
	TLN_DeleteBitmap (bitmap);
	if (spriteset)
		TLN_SetLastError (TLN_ERR_OK);
	return spriteset;