int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int ret; unsigned char passhash[TPM_HASH_SIZE]; /* hash of parent key password */ unsigned char datahash[TPM_HASH_SIZE]; /* hash of data file */ unsigned char sig[4096]; /* resulting signature */ uint32_t siglen; /* signature length */ unsigned char *passptr; FILE *sigfile; TPM_setlog(0); /* turn off verbose output */ ParseArgs(argc, argv); if ((keyhandle == 0) || (message == NULL) || (sigfilename == NULL)) { printf("Missing parameter\n"); printUsage(); } /* ** use the SHA1 hash of the password string as the Key Authorization Data */ if (keypass != NULL) { TSS_sha1(keypass,strlen(keypass),passhash); passptr = passhash; } else passptr = NULL; /* ** hash the message */ TSS_sha1(message,strlen(message),datahash); ret = TPM_Sign(keyhandle, /* Key Handle */ passptr, /* key Password */ datahash,sizeof (datahash), /* data to be signed, length */ sig,&siglen); /* buffer to receive sig, int to receive sig length */ if (ret != 0) { printf("Error %s from TPM_Sign\n",TPM_GetErrMsg(ret)); exit(1); } sigfile = fopen(sigfilename, "wb"); if (sigfile == NULL) { printf("Unable to open output file '%s'\n", sigfilename); exit(4); } ret = fwrite(sig,1,siglen,sigfile); if (ret != (int)siglen) { printf("I/O Error while writing output file '%s'\n", sigfilename); exit(5); } fclose(sigfile); exit(0); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int ret; uint32_t parhandle; /* handle of parent key */ unsigned char passhash[TPM_HASH_SIZE]; /* hash of parent key password */ unsigned char datahash[TPM_HASH_SIZE]; /* hash of data file */ unsigned char sig[4096]; /* resulting signature */ uint32_t siglen; /* signature length */ unsigned char *passptr; char *indata; FILE *sigfile; int nxtarg; nxtarg = ParseArgs(argc, argv); if (argc < (nxtarg + 3) ) usage(); TPM_setlog(0); /* turn off verbose output */ /* ** convert parent key handle from hex */ ret = sscanf(argv[nxtarg+0],"%x",&parhandle); if (ret != 1) { printf("Invalid argument '%s'\n",argv[nxtarg+0]); exit(2); } /* ** use the SHA1 hash of the password string as the Key Authorization Data */ if (keypass != NULL) { TSS_sha1(keypass,strlen(keypass),passhash); passptr = passhash; } else passptr = NULL; /* ** read and hash the message */ indata = argv[nxtarg+1]; if (indata == NULL) { printf("Unable to get input data'\n"); exit(-2); } TSS_sha1(indata,strlen(indata),datahash); ret = TPM_Sign(parhandle, /* Key Handle */ passptr, /* key Password */ datahash,sizeof (datahash), /* data to be signed, length */ sig,&siglen); /* buffer to receive sig, int to receive sig length */ if (ret != 0) { printf("Error %s from TPM_Sign\n",TPM_GetErrMsg(ret)); exit(1); } sigfile = fopen(argv[nxtarg+2],"wb"); if (sigfile == NULL) { printf("Unable to open output file '%s'\n",argv[nxtarg+2]); exit(4); } ret = fwrite(sig,1,siglen,sigfile); if (ret != (int)siglen) { printf("I/O Error while writing output file '%s'\n",argv[nxtarg+2]); exit(5); } fclose(sigfile); exit(0); }
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { char * ownerpass = NULL; char * migpass = NULL; char * parpass = NULL; char * filename = NULL; char * migkeyfile = NULL; char * migkeypass = NULL; uint32_t parhandle = -1; /* handle of parent key */ unsigned char * passptr1 = NULL; unsigned char passhash1[20]; unsigned char hashpass1[20]; /* hash of new key password */ unsigned char hashpass3[20]; /* hash of parent key password */ unsigned char hashpass4[20]; /* hash of migration key pwd */ uint32_t ret = 0; int i = 0; keydata keyparms; keydata idkey; unsigned char *aptr1 = NULL; unsigned char *aptr3 = NULL; unsigned char *aptr4 = NULL; keydata migkey; uint16_t migscheme = TPM_MS_RESTRICT_MIGRATE; uint32_t sigTicketSize = 0; char * msa_list_filename = NULL; TPM_MSA_COMPOSITE msaList = {0, NULL}; char * keyfile = NULL; keydata q; uint32_t sigkeyhandle = -1; char * sigkeypass = NULL; unsigned char sigkeypasshash[TPM_HASH_SIZE]; unsigned char * sigkeypassptr = NULL; unsigned char sigTicket[TPM_HASH_SIZE]; TPM_CMK_AUTH restrictTicket; TPM_CMK_AUTH *restrictTicketParameter; /* parameter to command function call */ unsigned char resTicketHash[TPM_HASH_SIZE]; memset(&keyparms, 0x0, sizeof(keyparms)); memset(&idkey , 0x0, sizeof(idkey)); memset(&restrictTicket, 0x0, sizeof(restrictTicket)); i = 1; TPM_setlog(0); while (i < argc) { if (!strcmp("-hp",argv[i])) { i++; if (i < argc) { sscanf(argv[i],"%x",&parhandle); } else { printf("Missing parameter for -hp.\n"); usage(); exit(-1); } } else if (!strcmp("-pwdp",argv[i])) { i++; if (i < argc) { parpass = argv[i]; } else { printf("Missing parameter for -pwdp.\n"); usage(); exit(-1); } } else if (!strcmp("-ok",argv[i])) { i++; if (i < argc) { filename = argv[i]; } else { printf("Missing parameter for -ok.\n"); usage(); exit(-1); } } else if (!strcmp("-pwdo",argv[i])) { i++; if (i < argc) { ownerpass = argv[i]; } else { printf("Missing parameter for -pwdo.\n"); usage(); exit(-1); } } else if (!strcmp("-pwdm",argv[i])) { i++; if (i < argc) { migpass = argv[i]; } else { printf("Missing parameter for -pwdm.\n"); usage(); exit(-1); } } else if (!strcmp("-msa",argv[i])) { i++; if (i < argc) { msa_list_filename = argv[i]; } else { printf("Missing parameter for -msa.\n"); usage(); exit(-1); } } else if (!strcmp("-ik",argv[i])) { i++; if (i < argc) { keyfile = argv[i]; } else { printf("Missing parameter for -ik.\n"); usage(); exit(-1); } } else if (!strcmp("-im",argv[i])) { i++; if (i < argc) { migkeyfile = argv[i]; } else { printf("Missing parameter for -im.\n"); usage(); exit(-1); } } else if (!strcmp("-pwdk",argv[i])) { i++; if (i < argc) { migkeypass = argv[i]; } else { printf("Missing parameter for -pwdk.\n"); usage(); exit(-1); } } else if (!strcmp("-v",argv[i])) { TPM_setlog(1); } else if (!strcmp("-hs",argv[i])) { i++; if (i < argc) { sscanf(argv[i],"%x",&sigkeyhandle); } else { printf("Missing mandatory parameter for -hs.\n"); usage(); exit(-1); } } else if (!strcmp("-pwds",argv[i])) { i++; if (i < argc) { sigkeypass = argv[i]; } else { printf("Missing mandatory parameter for -pwds.\n"); usage(); exit(-1); } } else if (!strcmp("-double",argv[i])) { migscheme = TPM_MS_RESTRICT_APPROVE; } else { printf("Unknown option '%s'.",argv[i]); usage(); exit(-1); } i++; } if (NULL == keyfile || NULL == ownerpass || -1 == (int)parhandle || NULL == migkeyfile || NULL == msa_list_filename) { printf("Missing or wrong parameter.\n"); usage(); exit(-1); } if (TPM_MS_RESTRICT_APPROVE == migscheme) { if (-1 == (int)sigkeyhandle) { printf("Must provide signing key data when '-double' has been selected.\n"); exit(-1); } } if (NULL != ownerpass) { TSS_sha1(ownerpass,strlen(ownerpass),passhash1); passptr1 = passhash1; } else { passptr1 = NULL; } if (NULL !=sigkeypass) { TSS_sha1(sigkeypass, strlen(sigkeypass), sigkeypasshash); sigkeypassptr = sigkeypasshash; } else { sigkeypassptr = NULL; } /* ** use the SHA1 hash of the password string as the Parent Key Authorization Data */ if (parpass != NULL) { TSS_sha1(parpass,strlen(parpass),hashpass1); aptr1 = hashpass1; } /* ** use the SHA1 hash of the password string as the Key Migration Authorization Data */ if (migpass != NULL) { TSS_sha1(migpass,strlen(migpass),hashpass3); aptr3 = hashpass3; } /* ** use the SHA1 hash of the password string as the Key Migration Authorization Data */ if (migkeypass != NULL) { TSS_sha1(migkeypass,strlen(migkeypass),hashpass4); aptr4 = hashpass4; } /* * * - Create an RSA key pair. * - Call TPM_AuthorizeMigrationKey for the RSA public key authorization * - Call TPM_CreateMigrationBlob with the result from AuthorizeMigrationKey * and the encrypted TPM_STORE_ASYMKEY structure * */ /* * readthe msa list from the file. */ ret = TPM_ReadMSAFile(msa_list_filename, &msaList); if ( ( ret & ERR_MASK ) != 0) { printf("Error while reading msa list file.\n"); exit(-1); } /* ** create and wrap an asymmetric key and get back the ** resulting keydata structure with the public and encrypted ** private keys filled in by the TPM */ /* * q is the key that we want to migrate. Create one such key. * migkey is the (public) key part from another TPM that we want to use * to migrate q. Since I am not loading a public key from another TPM, * I create a migration key here as well. I must never refer to this * key via any handle or load it into the TPM */ printf("Loading the (public) key to use for migration...\n"); if (0 == ret) { printf("Migration key is: %s\n",migkeyfile); ret = TPM_ReadKeyfile(migkeyfile, &migkey); if ((ret & ERR_MASK)) { ret = TPM_ReadPubKeyfile(migkeyfile, &; if ((ret & ERR_MASK)) { printf("Could not read the keyfile %s as a " "key or a pubkey.\n", migkeyfile); exit(-1); } } ret = TPM_ReadKeyfile(keyfile, &q); if ((ret & ERR_MASK)) { printf("Could not read the keyfile %s.\n", keyfile); } } /* * Create a ticket if needed. */ if (migscheme == TPM_MS_RESTRICT_APPROVE) { keydata signingkey; unsigned char signatureValue[2048]; uint32_t signatureValueSize = sizeof(signatureValue); STACK_TPM_BUFFER(sigkey) /* * Get the public key part of the signing key. */ ret = TPM_GetPubKey(sigkeyhandle, sigkeypassptr, &; if ( 0 != ret ) { printf("Error %s while retrieving public signing key.\n", TPM_GetErrMsg(ret)); exit(-1); } /* * Build the restrictTicket!!! */ restrictTicketParameter = &restrictTicket; /* command needs restrictTicket */ ret = TPM_HashPubKey(&q, restrictTicket.sourceKeyDigest); if ( ( ret & ERR_MASK ) != 0) { printf("Could not calculate hash over the public key of the key to be migrated.\n"); exit(ret); } ret = TPM_HashPubKey(&migkey, restrictTicket.destinationKeyDigest); if ( ( ret & ERR_MASK ) != 0) { printf("Could not calculate hash over the public key of the migration key.\n"); exit(ret); } ret = TPM_HashCMKAuth(&restrictTicket, resTicketHash); ret = TPM_Sign(sigkeyhandle, sigkeypassptr, resTicketHash, sizeof(resTicketHash), signatureValue, &signatureValueSize); if ( 0 != ret) { printf("Error %s while sigining.\n", TPM_GetErrMsg(ret)); exit(ret); } ret = TPM_CMK_CreateTicket(&signingkey, resTicketHash, signatureValue, signatureValueSize, passptr1, sigTicket); sigTicketSize = TPM_DIGEST_SIZE; } else { /* TPM_MS_RESTRICT_MIGRATE */ restrictTicketParameter = NULL; /* command does not need restrictTicket */ } if (0 == ret) { if (0 == ret) { STACK_TPM_BUFFER( keyblob) STACK_TPM_BUFFER( migblob); keydata keyd; memset(&keyd, 0x0, sizeof(keyd)); ret = TPM_WriteKeyPub(&keyblob, &migkey); if ((ret & ERR_MASK) != 0) { printf("Could not serialize the keydata: %s\n", TPM_GetErrMsg(ret)); exit(-1); } ret = TPM_AuthorizeMigrationKey(passptr1, migscheme, // migration scheme &keyblob, // public key to be authorized &migblob); if (0 == ret) { unsigned char rndblob[1024]; uint32_t rndblen = sizeof(rndblob); unsigned char outblob[1024]; uint32_t outblen = sizeof(outblob); unsigned char sourceKeyDigest[TPM_DIGEST_SIZE]; unsigned char encblob[1024]; uint32_t encblen; memcpy(encblob, q.encData.buffer, q.encData.size); encblen = q.encData.size; if (0!= ret) { printf("Error occurred while creating encrypted blob.\n"); exit (-1); } TPM_HashPubKey(&q,sourceKeyDigest); printf("parhandle = %x\n",parhandle); /* * Now call the TPM_CreateMigrationBlob function. */ ret = TPM_CMK_CreateBlob(parhandle, // handle of a key that can decrypt the encblob below aptr1, // password for that parent key migscheme, &migblob, sourceKeyDigest, &msaList, restrictTicketParameter, /* either NULL or restrictTicket */ sigTicket, sigTicketSize, encblob, encblen, // encrypted private key that will show up re-encrypted in outblob rndblob, &rndblen, // output: used for xor encryption outblob, &outblen);// output: re-encrypted private key if (0 == ret) { if (NULL != filename) { STACK_TPM_BUFFER(keybuf) // serialize the key in 'q' ret = TPM_WriteKey(&keybuf,&q); if (ret > 0) { unsigned int keybuflen = ret; FILE * f = fopen(filename,"wb"); if (NULL != f) { struct tpm_buffer * filebuf = TSS_AllocTPMBuffer(10240); if (NULL != filebuf) { int l; l = TSS_buildbuff("@ @ @",filebuf, rndblen, rndblob, outblen, outblob, keybuflen, keybuf.buffer); fwrite(filebuf->buffer, l, 1, f); fclose(f); TSS_FreeTPMBuffer(filebuf); printf("Wrote migration blob and associated data to file.\n"); ret = 0; } else { printf("Error. Could not allocate memory.\n"); ret = -1; } } else { printf("Error. Could not write blob to file.\n"); ret = -1; } } else { printf("Error while serializing key!\n"); } } else { } } else { printf("CMK_CreateBlob returned '%s' (%d).\n", TPM_GetErrMsg(ret), ret); } } else { printf("AuthorizeMigrationKey returned '%s' (0x%x).\n", TPM_GetErrMsg(ret), ret); } } else { } } else { } return ret; }