static void rfb_exittask(RFBDISPLAY *mod) { TAPTR TExecBase = TGetExecBase(mod); struct TNode *imsg, *node, *next; /* free pooled input messages: */ while ((imsg = TRemHead(&mod->rfb_IMsgPool))) TFree(imsg); /* close all fonts */ node = mod->rfb_FontManager.openfonts.tlh_Head; for (; (next = node->tln_Succ); node = next) rfb_hostclosefont(mod, (TAPTR) node); if (mod->rfb_BufferOwner) TFree(mod->rfb_BufPtr); TDestroy(mod->rfb_RndIMsgPort); TFree(mod->rfb_RndRequest); TCloseModule(mod->rfb_RndDevice); TDestroy((struct THandle *) mod->rfb_RndRPort); TDestroy((struct THandle *) mod->rfb_InstanceLock); if (mod->rfb_DirtyRegion) region_destroy(&mod->rfb_RectPool, mod->rfb_DirtyRegion); region_destroypool(&mod->rfb_RectPool); }
LOCAL void dfb_closevisual(DFBDISPLAY *mod, struct TVRequest *req) { struct DFBPen *pen; TAPTR exec = TGetExecBase(mod); DFBWINDOW *v = req->tvr_Op.CloseWindow.Window; if (v == TNULL) return; TDBPRINTF(TDB_INFO,("Visual close\n")); TRemove(&v->node); if (mod->dfb_Focused == (TAPTR) v) { /* pass focus on to the next window */ DFBWINDOW *vt = (DFBWINDOW *)TFIRSTNODE(&mod->dfb_vlist); if (vt) genimsg(mod, TNULL, vt, TITYPE_FOCUS); mod->dfb_Focused = (TAPTR) vt; } if (mod->dfb_Active == (TAPTR) v) mod->dfb_Active = TNULL; while ((pen = (struct DFBPen *) TRemHead(&v->penlist))) { /* free pens */ TRemove(&pen->node); TExecFree(mod->dfb_ExecBase, pen); } v->winsurface->Release(v->winsurface); v->window->Release(v->window); mod->dfb_fm.defref--; TExecFree(exec, v); }
LOCAL TBOOL fb_getimsg(WINDISPLAY *mod, WINWINDOW *win, TIMSG **msgptr, TUINT type) { struct TExecBase *TExecBase = TGetExecBase(mod); TIMSG *msg; TBOOL res = TFALSE; TLock(mod->fbd_Lock); msg = (TIMSG *) TRemHead(&mod->fbd_IMsgPool); if (msg == TNULL) msg = TAllocMsg0(sizeof(TIMSG)); if (msg) { msg->timsg_Instance = win; msg->timsg_UserData = win->fbv_UserData; msg->timsg_Type = type; msg->timsg_Qualifier = win->fbv_KeyQual; msg->timsg_MouseX = win->fbv_MouseX; msg->timsg_MouseY = win->fbv_MouseY; TGetSystemTime(&msg->timsg_TimeStamp); *msgptr = msg; res = TTRUE; } else *msgptr = TNULL; TUnlock(mod->fbd_Lock); return res; }
static void fb_closeall(WINDISPLAY *mod, WINWINDOW *win, TBOOL unref_font) { struct TExecBase *TExecBase = TGetExecBase(mod); struct FBPen *pen; if (win->fbv_HDC) ReleaseDC(win->fbv_HWnd, win->fbv_HDC); if (mod->fbd_WindowFocussedApp == win->fbv_HWnd) mod->fbd_WindowFocussedApp = NULL; if (mod->fbd_WindowUnderCursor == win->fbv_HWnd) mod->fbd_WindowUnderCursor = NULL; if (mod->fbd_WindowActivePopup == win->fbv_HWnd) mod->fbd_WindowActivePopup = NULL; if (win->fbv_HWnd) DestroyWindow(win->fbv_HWnd); while ((pen = (struct FBPen *) TRemHead(&win->penlist))) TFree(pen); if (unref_font) mod->fbd_FontManager.defref--; if (win->fbv_InputMask & TITYPE_INTERVAL) --mod->fbd_NumInterval; TFree(win); }
LOCAL TBOOL rfb_getimsg(RFBDISPLAY *mod, RFBWINDOW *v, TIMSG **msgptr, TUINT type) { TAPTR TExecBase = TGetExecBase(mod); TIMSG *msg; TLock(mod->rfb_InstanceLock); msg = (TIMSG *) TRemHead(&mod->rfb_IMsgPool); TUnlock(mod->rfb_InstanceLock); if (msg == TNULL) msg = TAllocMsg(sizeof(TIMSG)); *msgptr = msg; if (msg) { memset(msg, 0, sizeof(TIMSG)); msg->timsg_Instance = v; msg->timsg_UserData = v->userdata; msg->timsg_Type = type; msg->timsg_Qualifier = mod->rfb_KeyQual; msg->timsg_MouseX = mod->rfb_MouseX; msg->timsg_MouseY = mod->rfb_MouseY; TGetSystemTime(&msg->timsg_TimeStamp); return TTRUE; } return TFALSE; }
static void rfb_exittask(struct rfb_Display *mod) { TAPTR TExecBase = TGetExecBase(mod); struct TNode *imsg, *node, *next; #if defined(ENABLE_LINUXFB) rfb_linux_exit(mod); #endif TFree(mod->; if (mod->rfb_Flags & RFBFL_PTR_ALLOCATED) TFree(mod->rfb_PtrImage.tpb_Data); /* free pooled input messages: */ while ((imsg = TRemHead(&mod->rfb_IMsgPool))) TFree(imsg); /* close all fonts */ node = mod->rfb_FontManager.openfonts.tlh_Head.tln_Succ; for (; (next = node->tln_Succ); node = next) rfb_hostclosefont(mod, (TAPTR) node); if (mod->rfb_Flags & RFBFL_BUFFER_OWNER) TFree(mod->rfb_PixBuf.tpb_Data); TDestroy(mod->rfb_RndIMsgPort); TFree(mod->rfb_RndRequest); TCloseModule(mod->rfb_RndDevice); TDestroy((struct THandle *) mod->rfb_RndRPort); TDestroy((struct THandle *) mod->rfb_InstanceLock); region_free(&mod->rfb_RectPool, &mod->rfb_DirtyRegion); region_destroypool(&mod->rfb_RectPool); }
static TBOOL x11_getimsg(struct X11Display *mod, struct X11Window *v, TIMSG ** msgptr, TUINT type) { TAPTR TExecBase = TGetExecBase(mod); TIMSG *msg = (TIMSG *) TRemHead(&mod->x11_imsgpool); if (msg == TNULL) msg = TAllocMsg0(sizeof(TIMSG)); if (msg) { msg->timsg_Instance = v; msg->timsg_UserData = v->userdata; msg->timsg_Type = type; msg->timsg_Qualifier = mod->x11_KeyQual; msg->timsg_ScreenMouseX = mod->x11_ScreenMouseX; msg->timsg_ScreenMouseY = mod->x11_ScreenMouseY; msg->timsg_MouseX = v->mousex; msg->timsg_MouseY = v->mousey; TGetSystemTime(&msg->timsg_TimeStamp); *msgptr = msg; return TTRUE; } *msgptr = TNULL; return TFALSE; }
static void fb_exitinstance(WINDISPLAY *mod) { struct TExecBase *TExecBase = TGetExecBase(mod); struct TNode *imsg, *node, *next; /* free pooled input messages: */ while ((imsg = TRemHead(&mod->fbd_IMsgPool))) TFree(imsg); /* free queued input messages in all open visuals: */ node = mod->fbd_VisualList.tlh_Head; for (; (next = node->tln_Succ); node = next) { WINWINDOW *v = (WINWINDOW *) node; /* unset active font in all open visuals */ v->fbv_CurrentFont = TNULL; while ((imsg = TRemHead(&v->fbv_IMsgQueue))) TFree(imsg); } /* force closing of default font */ mod->fbd_FontManager.defref = 0; /* close all fonts */ node = mod->fbd_FontManager.openfonts.tlh_Head; for (; (next = node->tln_Succ); node = next) fb_hostclosefont(mod, (TAPTR) node); if (mod->fbd_DeviceHWnd) DestroyWindow(mod->fbd_DeviceHWnd); if (mod->fbd_ClassAtom) UnregisterClass(FB_DISPLAY_CLASSNAME, mod->fbd_HInst); if (mod->fbd_ClassAtomPopup) UnregisterClass(FB_DISPLAY_CLASSNAME_POPUP, mod->fbd_HInst); }
static void vis_modclose(struct TVisualBase *inst) { struct TVisualBase *mod = (struct TVisualBase *) inst->vis_Module.tmd_ModSuper; struct TExecBase *TExecBase = TGetExecBase(mod); if (inst != mod) { struct TNode *node; TAPTR imsg; if (inst->vis_Flags & TVISFL_IMSGPORT_OWNER) { TINT n = 0; while ((imsg = TGetMsg(inst->vis_IMsgPort))) { TAckMsg(imsg); n++; } if (n > 0) TDBPRINTF(TDB_WARN,("freed &d pending input message\n", n)); } while ((node = TRemHead(&inst->vis_ReqPool))) TFree(node); while ((node = TRemHead(&inst->vis_WaitList))) { TWaitIO((struct TIORequest *) node); TFree(node); } vis_destroyports(inst); TFreeInstance(&inst->vis_Module); } TLock(mod->vis_Lock); if (--mod->vis_RefCount == 0) vis_exit(mod); TUnlock(mod->vis_Lock); }
LOCAL void fb_sendimessages(WINDISPLAY *mod, TBOOL do_interval) { struct TExecBase *TExecBase = TGetExecBase(mod); struct TNode *next, *node = mod->fbd_VisualList.tlh_Head; for (; (next = node->tln_Succ); node = next) { WINWINDOW *v = (WINWINDOW *) node; TIMSG *imsg; if (do_interval && (v->fbv_InputMask & TITYPE_INTERVAL) && fb_getimsg(mod, v, &imsg, TITYPE_INTERVAL)) TPutMsg(v->fbv_IMsgPort, TNULL, imsg); while ((imsg = (TIMSG *) TRemHead(&v->fbv_IMsgQueue))) TPutMsg(v->fbv_IMsgPort, TNULL, imsg); } }
LOCAL void x11_sendimessages(struct X11Display *mod) { TAPTR TExecBase = TGetExecBase(mod); struct TNode *next, *node = mod->x11_vlist.tlh_Head.tln_Succ; for (; (next = node->tln_Succ); node = next) { struct X11Window *v = (struct X11Window *) node; TIMSG *imsg; while ((imsg = (TIMSG *) TRemHead(&v->imsgqueue))) { /* only certain input message types are sent two-way */ struct TMsgPort *rport = imsg->timsg_Type == TITYPE_REQSELECTION ? mod->x11_IReplyPort : TNULL; TPutMsg(v->imsgport, rport, imsg); } } }
static void fb_closeall(WINDISPLAY *mod, WINWINDOW *win, TBOOL unref_font) { struct TExecBase *TExecBase = TGetExecBase(mod); struct FBPen *pen; if (win->fbv_HDC) ReleaseDC(win->fbv_HWnd, win->fbv_HDC); if (win->fbv_HWnd) DestroyWindow(win->fbv_HWnd); while ((pen = (struct FBPen *) TRemHead(&win->penlist))) TFree(pen); if (unref_font) { TLock(mod->fbd_Lock); mod->fbd_FontManager.defref--; TUnlock(mod->fbd_Lock); } TFree(win); }
LOCAL TBOOL fbp_copyarea_int(struct rfb_Display *mod, struct rfb_Window *v, TINT dx, TINT dy, TINT *dr) { struct RectPool *pool = &mod->rfb_RectPool; struct Region R; if (!rfb_getlayermask(mod, &R, dr, v, 0, 0)) return TFALSE; if (R.rg_Rects.rl_NumNodes == 0) { region_free(pool, &R); return TFALSE; } TINT yinc = dy < 0 ? -1 : 1; TINT y, i, h; TINT dy0 = dr[1]; TINT dy1 = dr[3]; h = dy1 - dy0 + 1; if (yinc > 0) { TINT t = dy0; dy0 = dy1; dy1 = t; } TINT bpp = TVPIXFMT_BYTES_PER_PIXEL(v->rfbw_PixBuf.tpb_Format); if (R.rg_Rects.rl_NumNodes == 1) { /* optimization for a single rectangle */ struct RectNode *rn = (struct RectNode *) TFIRSTNODE(&R.rg_Rects.rl_List); TINT x0 = rn->rn_Rect[0]; TINT y0 = rn->rn_Rect[1]; TINT x1 = rn->rn_Rect[2]; TINT y1 = rn->rn_Rect[3]; h = y1 - y0 + 1; dy0 = y0; dy1 = y1; if (yinc > 0) { TINT t = dy0; dy0 = dy1; dy1 = t; } #if defined(ENABLE_VNCSERVER) if (mod->rfb_VNCTask && !(v->rfbw_Flags & RFBWFL_BACKBUFFER)) rfb_vnc_copyrect(mod, v, dx, dy, x0, y0, x1, y1, yinc); else #endif { /* update own buffer */ for (i = 0, y = dy0; i < h; ++i, y -= yinc) CopyLineOver(v, x0 - dx, y - dy, x0, y, (x1 - x0 + 1) * bpp); } /* update sub device */ TINT d[4]; d[0] = rn->rn_Rect[0]; d[1] = rn->rn_Rect[1]; d[2] = rn->rn_Rect[2]; d[3] = rn->rn_Rect[3]; if (v->rfbw_Flags & RFBWFL_BACKBUFFER) rfb_markdirty(mod, v, d); else rfb_copyrect_sub(mod, d, dx, dy); } else { struct TNode *n; struct TList r, t; TInitList(&r); TInitList(&t); while ((n = TRemHead(&R.rg_Rects.rl_List))) TAddTail(&r, n); for (i = 0, y = dy0; i < h; ++i, y -= yinc) { struct TNode *rnext, *rnode = r.tlh_Head.tln_Succ; for (; (rnext = rnode->tln_Succ); rnode = rnext) { struct RectNode *rn = (struct RectNode *) rnode; if (y >= rn->rn_Rect[1] && y <= rn->rn_Rect[3]) { struct TNode *prednode = TNULL; struct TNode *tnext, *tnode = t.tlh_Head.tln_Succ; for (; (tnext = tnode->tln_Succ); tnode = tnext) { struct RectNode *tn = (struct RectNode *) tnode; if (rn->rn_Rect[2] < tn->rn_Rect[0]) break; prednode = tnode; } TRemove(rnode); TInsert(&t, rnode, prednode); /* insert after prednode */ } } while (!TISLISTEMPTY(&t)) { TINT x0, x1; if (dx < 0) { struct RectNode *E = (struct RectNode *) TRemHead(&t); x0 = E->rn_Rect[0]; x1 = E->rn_Rect[2]; TAddTail(&r, &E->rn_Node); while (!TISLISTEMPTY(&t)) { struct RectNode *N = (struct RectNode *) TFIRSTNODE(&t); if (N->rn_Rect[0] == x1 + 1) { x1 = N->rn_Rect[2]; TAddTail(&r, TRemHead(&t)); continue; } break; } } else { struct RectNode *E = (struct RectNode *) TRemTail(&t); x0 = E->rn_Rect[0]; x1 = E->rn_Rect[2]; TAddTail(&r, &E->rn_Node); while (!TISLISTEMPTY(&t)) { struct RectNode *N = (struct RectNode *) TLASTNODE(&t); if (N->rn_Rect[2] == x0 - 1) { x0 = N->rn_Rect[0]; TAddTail(&r, TRemTail(&t)); continue; } break; } } CopyLineOver(v, x0 - dx, y - dy, x0, y, (x1 - x0 + 1) * bpp); } } while ((n = TRemHead(&r))) { struct RectNode *rn = (struct RectNode *) n; /* this would be incorrect, unfortunately: */ /* rfb_copyrect_sub(mod, rn->rn_Rect, dx, dy); */ rfb_markdirty(mod, v, rn->rn_Rect); TAddTail(&R.rg_Rects.rl_List, n); } } region_free(pool, &R); return TTRUE; /* do expose */ }