float ofxFontStash2::drawFormattedColumn(const string& text, float x, float y, float targetWidth, bool debug){
	if (targetWidth < 0) return 0;
	TS_START_NIF("parse text");
	vector<StyledText> blocks = ofxFontStashParser::parseText(text, styleIDs);
	TS_STOP_NIF("parse text");
	return drawAndLayout(blocks, x, y, targetWidth, debug);
void ofApp::update(){

	TS_START("simple measurement");
	TS_STOP("simple measurement");

	TS_START("nested measurement1");
		TS_START("nested measurement11");
			TS_START("nested measurement111");
			TS_STOP("nested measurement111");
		TS_STOP("nested measurement11");
		TS_START("nested measurement12");
		TS_STOP("nested measurement12");
	TS_STOP("nested measurement1");

	if (ofGetFrameNum()%60 == 1){
		TS_START_NIF("sample across frames");

	if (ofGetFrameNum()%60 == 3){
		TS_STOP_NIF("sample across frames");

	if (ofGetFrameNum()%600 == 30 || ofGetFrameNum() == 1){
		TS_START("some uncommon method")
		TS_STOP("some uncommon method");

	//test accumulation time sampling
	for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
		TS_START_ACC("accum test");
		TS_STOP_ACC("accum test");
			TS_SCOPE_ACC("scope measurement acc");

	for(int i = myThreads.size() - 1; i >= 0 ; i--){
		if (!myThreads[i]->isThreadRunning()){
			delete myThreads[i];
			myThreads.erase(myThreads.begin() + i);

		TS_SCOPE("scope measurement");
const vector<StyledLine> ofxFontStash2::layoutLines(const vector<StyledText> &blocks, float targetWidth, bool debug ){
	float x = 0;
	float y = 0;
	if (targetWidth < 0) return vector<StyledLine>();
	float xx = x;
	float yy = y;
	TS_START_NIF("split words");
	vector<SplitTextBlock> words = splitWords(blocks);
	TS_STOP_NIF("split words");
	if (words.size() == 0) return vector<StyledLine>();
	vector<StyledLine> lines;
	// here we create the first line. a few things to note:
	// - in general, like in a texteditor, the line exists first, then content is added to it.
	// - 'line' here refers to the visual representation. even a line with no newline (\n) can span multiple lines
	ofxFontStashStyle currentStyle;
	currentStyle.fontSize = -1; // this makes sure the first style is actually applied, even if it's the default style
	float lineWidth = 0;
	int wordsThisLine = 0;
	vector<float> lineHeigts;
	float currentLineH = 0;
	float bounds[4];
	float dx;
	LineElement le;
	TS_START("walk words");
	for(int i = 0; i < words.size(); i++){
		StyledLine &currentLine = lines.back();
		//TS_START_ACC("word style");
		if(words[i].styledText.style.valid && currentStyle != words[i].styledText.style ){
			//cout << "   new style!" << endl;
			currentStyle = words[i].styledText.style;
				fonsVertMetrics(fs, NULL, NULL, &currentLineH);
				ofLogError() << "no style font defined!";
		//TS_STOP_ACC("word style");
		bool stayOnCurrentLine = true;
		if( words[i].type == SEPARATOR_INVISIBLE && words[i].styledText.text == "\n" ){
			stayOnCurrentLine = false;
			dx = 0;
			// add a zero-width enter mark. this is used to keep track
			// of the vertical spacing of empty lines.
			le = LineElement(words[i], ofRectangle(xx,yy,0,currentLineH));
			le.baseLineY = yy;
			le.x = xx;
			le.lineHeight = currentLineH;
			float lineH = calcLineHeight(currentLine);
			currentLine.lineH = lineH;
			currentLine.lineW = xx - x + dx;
			// no!
			//i--; //re-calc dimensions of this word on a new line!
			yy += lineH;
			lineWidth = 0;
			wordsThisLine = 0;
			xx = x;
			// applyStyle() already upscaled the font size for the display resolution.
			// Here we do the same for x/y.
			// The result gets the inverse treatment.
			dx = fonsTextBounds(	fs,
			//hansi: using dx instead of bounds[2]-bounds[0]
			//dx is the right size for spacing out text. bounds give exact area of the char, which isn't so useful here.
			ofRectangle where = ofRectangle(bounds[0], bounds[1] , dx, bounds[3] - bounds[1]);
			le = LineElement(words[i], where);
			le.baseLineY = yy;
			le.x = xx;
			le.lineHeight = currentLineH;
			float nextWidth = lineWidth + dx;
			//if not wider than targetW
			// ||
			//this is the 1st word in this line but even that doesnt fit
			stayOnCurrentLine = nextWidth < targetWidth || (wordsThisLine == 0 && (nextWidth >= targetWidth));
		if (stayOnCurrentLine){
			//TS_START_ACC("stay on line");
			lineWidth += dx;
			xx += dx;
			//TS_STOP_ACC("stay on line");
		} else if( words[i].type == SEPARATOR_INVISIBLE && words[i].styledText.text == " " ){
			// ignore spaces when moving into the next line!
		} else{ //too long, start a new line
			//TS_START_ACC("new line");
			//calc height for this line - taking in account all words in the line
			float lineH = lineHeightMultiplier * calcLineHeight(currentLine);
			currentLine.lineH = lineH;
			currentLine.lineW = xx - x;
			i--; //re-calc dimensions of this word on a new line!
			yy += lineH;
			lineWidth = 0;
			wordsThisLine = 0;
			xx = x;
			//TS_STOP_ACC("new line");

	//TS_START_ACC("last line");
	// update dimensions of the last line
	StyledLine &currentLine = lines.back();
	if( currentLine.elements.size() == 0 ){
		// but at least one spacing character, so we have a line height.
		le = LineElement(SplitTextBlock(SEPARATOR_INVISIBLE,"",currentStyle), ofRectangle(xx,yy,0,currentLineH));
		le.baseLineY = yy;
		le.x = xx;
		le.lineHeight = currentLineH;
	float lineH = calcLineHeight(currentLine);
	currentLine.lineH = lineH;
	currentLine.lineW = xx - x + dx;
	//TS_STOP_ACC("last line");

	TS_STOP("walk words");
	return lines; 