Beispiel #1
int main()
	TT_Initialize(); //setup TT cameras
	printf("Opening Calibration: %s\n", 
		TT_LoadCalibration("CalibrationResult 2010-11-02") == NPRESULT_SUCCESS ?
		"PASS" : "ERROR");
	int cameraCount = TT_CameraCount();
	CameraData_t cameras[MAX_NUM_CAMERAS];
	pthread_t threads[MAX_NUM_CAMERAS]; 
	assert(MAX_NUM_CAMERAS == cameraCount);

	TT_SetCameraSettings(0, NPVIDEOTYPE_PRECISION,300, 150, 15);
	TT_SetCameraSettings(1, NPVIDEOTYPE_PRECISION,300, 150, 15);
	TT_SetCameraSettings(2, NPVIDEOTYPE_PRECISION,300, 150, 15);
	/* 1. Change camera settings ^
	   2. Allocate space for the displays 
	for(int i = 0; i < cameraCount; i++){
		cameras[i].i = i;
		cameras[i].displayImage = cvCreateImage(cvSize(W,H), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);

	/* call the threads for display of camera data */
	pthread_mutex_init(&keyMutex, NULL);

	for(int i = 0; i < cameraCount; i++){
		if(pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, showCameraWindow, (void*)&cameras[i])){
			printf("\aThread couldn't be created!");
	printf("Press any Key to Exit!\n"); 
		int result = TT_Update();
		if(result != NPRESULT_SUCCESS)
			Sleep(70UL); //wait for updated frame 1/sleeptime[ms] = frame-rate

	for(int i = 0; i < cameraCount; i++)
		pthread_join(threads[i], NULL);
	return 0;
Beispiel #2
// Main application
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
    printf("== NaturalPoint Tracking Tools API Marker Sample =======---\n");
    printf("== (C) NaturalPoint, Inc.\n\n");

    printf("Initializing NaturalPoint Devices\n");

    // Do an update to pick up any recently-arrived cameras.

    // Load a project file from the executable directory.
    printf( "Loading Project: project.ttp\n\n" );
    CheckResult( TT_LoadProject("project.ttp") );

    // List all detected cameras.
    printf( "Cameras:\n" );
    for( int i = 0; i < TT_CameraCount(); i++)
        printf( "\t%s\n", TT_CameraName(i) );

    // List all defined rigid bodies.
    printf("Rigid Bodies:\n");
    for( int i = 0; i < TT_TrackableCount(); i++)
        printf("\t%s\n", TT_TrackableName(i));

    int frameCounter = 0;

    // Poll API data until the user hits a keyboard key.
    while( !_kbhit() )
        if( TT_Update() == NPRESULT_SUCCESS )

            // Update tracking information every 100 frames (for example purposes).
            if( (frameCounter%100) == 0 )
                float   yaw,pitch,roll;
                float   x,y,z;
                float   qx,qy,qz,qw;
                bool    tracked;

                printf( "Frame #%d: (Markers: %d)\n", frameCounter, TT_FrameMarkerCount() );

                for( int i = 0; i < TT_TrackableCount(); i++ )
                    TT_TrackableLocation( i, &x,&y,&z, &qx,&qy,&qz,&qw, &yaw,&pitch,&roll );

                    if( TT_IsTrackableTracked( i ) )
                        printf( "\t%s: Pos (%.3f, %.3f, %.3f) Orient (%.1f, %.1f, %.1f)\n", TT_TrackableName( i ),
                            x, y, z, yaw, pitch, roll );

                        TransformMatrix xRot( TransformMatrix::RotateX( -roll * kRadToDeg ) );
                        TransformMatrix yRot( TransformMatrix::RotateY( -yaw * kRadToDeg ) );
                        TransformMatrix zRot( TransformMatrix::RotateZ( -pitch * kRadToDeg ) );

                        // Compose the local-to-world rotation matrix in XZY (roll, pitch, yaw) order.
                        TransformMatrix worldTransform = xRot * zRot * yRot;

                        // Inject world-space coordinates of the origin.
                        worldTransform.SetTranslation( x, y, z );

                        // Invert the transform matrix to convert from a local-to-world to a world-to-local.

                        float   mx, my, mz;
                        int     markerCount = TT_TrackableMarkerCount( i );
                        for( int j = 0; j < markerCount; ++j )
                            // Get the world-space coordinates of each rigid body marker.
                            TT_TrackablePointCloudMarker( i, j, tracked, mx, my, mz );

                            // Transform the rigid body point from world coordinates to local rigid body coordinates.
                            // Any world-space point can be substituted here to transform it into the local space of
                            // the rigid body.
                            Point4  worldPnt( mx, my, mz, 1.0f );
                            Point4  localPnt = worldTransform * worldPnt;

                            printf( "\t\t%d: World (%.3f, %.3f, %.3f) Local (%.3f, %.3f, %.3f)\n", j + 1, 
                                mx, my, mz, localPnt[0], localPnt[1], localPnt[2] );
                        printf( "\t%s: Not Tracked\n", TT_TrackableName( i ) );

    printf( "Shutting down NaturalPoint Tracking Tools\n" );
    CheckResult( TT_Shutdown() );

    printf( "Complete\n" );
    while( !_kbhit() )


	return 0;
// SetCameraParams
bool mitk::OptitrackTrackingDevice::SetCameraParams(int exposure, int threshold , int intensity, int videoType )
  MITK_DEBUG << "SetCameraParams";

    int num_cams = 0;
    int resultUpdate;
    bool resultSetCameraSettings;

    for( int i=OPTITRACK_ATTEMPTS; i>0; i--)
      resultUpdate = TT_Update(); // Get Update for the Optitrack API
      if(resultUpdate == NPRESULT_SUCCESS)
        MITK_DEBUG << "Update Succeed";
        num_cams = TT_CameraCount();
        i = 0;
        MITK_DEBUG << mitk::OptitrackErrorMessages::GetOptitrackErrorMessage(resultUpdate);
        MITK_DEBUG << "Trying again...";

    // If no cameras are connected
    if(num_cams == 0)
      MITK_DEBUG << "No cameras are connected to the device";
      return false;
      mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTException) << "No cameras are connected to the device";

    for(int cam = 0; cam < num_cams; cam++) // for all connected cameras
      for( int i=OPTITRACK_ATTEMPTS; i>0; i--)
        resultUpdate = TT_Update(); // Get Update for the Optitrack API

    if(resultUpdate == NPRESULT_SUCCESS)
          MITK_DEBUG << "Update Succeed for camera number " << cam;
          resultSetCameraSettings = TT_SetCameraSettings(cam,videoType,exposure,threshold,intensity);

            MITK_INFO << "Camera # "<<cam<< " params are set";
            i = 0; // End attempts for camera #cam
            MITK_DEBUG << mitk::OptitrackErrorMessages::GetOptitrackErrorMessage(resultSetCameraSettings);
            if(i == 1)
            mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTException) << "Camera number " << cam << " failed during setting the params. Error: " << mitk::OptitrackErrorMessages::GetOptitrackErrorMessage(resultSetCameraSettings);
          MITK_DEBUG << mitk::OptitrackErrorMessages::GetOptitrackErrorMessage(resultUpdate);
          MITK_DEBUG << "Update: Trying again...";
    MITK_INFO << "System is not Initialized -> System is not ready to perform the Camera Parameters Setting";
    mitkThrowException(mitk::IGTException) << "System is not Initialized -> System is not ready to perform the Camera Parameters Setting";
    return false;
  return true;