Beispiel #1
void slowPoll( void )
	RANDOM_STATE randomState;
	MODULEENTRY moduleEntry;
	GLOBALENTRY globalEntry;
	TASKENTRY taskEntry;
	int count;

	initRandomData( randomState, buffer, RANDOM_BUFSIZE );

	/* Walk the global heap getting information on each entry in it.  This
	   retrieves the objects linear address, size, handle, lock count, owner,
	   object type, and segment type */
	count = 0;
	globalEntry.dwSize = sizeof( GLOBALENTRY );
	if( GlobalFirst( &globalEntry, GLOBAL_ALL ) )
			addRandomData( randomState, &globalEntry, sizeof( GLOBALENTRY ) );
		while( count < 70 && GlobalNext( &globalEntry, GLOBAL_ALL ) );

	/* Walk the module list getting information on each entry in it.  This
	   retrieves the module name, handle, reference count, executable path,
	   and next module */
	count = 0;
	moduleEntry.dwSize = sizeof( MODULEENTRY );
	if( ModuleFirst( &moduleEntry ) )
			addRandomData( randomState, &moduleEntry, sizeof( MODULEENTRY ) );
		while( count < 20 && ModuleNext( &moduleEntry ) );

	/* Walk the task list getting information on each entry in it.  This
	   retrieves the task handle, parent task handle, instance handle, stack
	   segment and offset, stack size, number of pending events, task queue,
	   and the name of module executing the task.  We also call TaskGetCSIP()
	   for the code segment and offset of each task if it's safe to do so
	   (note that this call can cause odd things to happen in debuggers and
	   runtime code checkers because of the way TaskGetCSIP() is implemented) */
	count = 0;
	taskEntry.dwSize = sizeof( TASKENTRY );
	if( TaskFirst( &taskEntry ) )
			addRandomData( randomState, &taskEntry, sizeof( TASKENTRY ) );
			if( taskEntry.hTask != GetCurrentTask() )
				addRandomValue( randomState,
								TaskGetCSIP( taskEntry.hTask ) );
		while( count < 100 && TaskNext( &taskEntry ) );

	/* Flush any remaining data through */
	endRandomData( randomState, 100 );
Beispiel #2
BOOL MyTaskNext( TASKENTRY *te )

    te->dwSize = sizeof( TASKENTRY );
    return( TaskNext( te ) );

} /* MyTaskNext */
Beispiel #3
* Function: DWORD FAR PASCAL UTProc(LPVOID, DWORD)                        *
*                                                                         *
* Purpose: Dispatch routine called by 32-bit UT DLL                       *
UTProc (LPVOID lpBuf, DWORD dwFunc)
   switch (dwFunc)
      case SYNCHSPAWN:
          UINT hInst;
          LPCSTR lpszCmdLine;
          UINT nCmdShow;

          /* Retrieve the command line arguments stored in buffer */
          lpszCmdLine = (LPSTR) ((LPDWORD)lpBuf)[0];
          nCmdShow = (UINT) ((LPDWORD)lpBuf)[1];

          /* Start the application with WinExec(). Note that there is a massive bug
           * with WIN32s in that the environment is not inherited by the command shell.
           * hence all work with win32s is done through a BAT file. To add to our wows
           * CreateProcess() in the win32 environment cannot determine when the spawned
             process has finished. Hence this 16-bit thunk. */

          hInst = WinExec (lpszCmdLine, nCmdShow);
          if( hInst < 32 )
             return 0;                  /* Error - cannot spawn process */
              TASKENTRY te;
              int found = 0;
              te.dwSize = sizeof (TASKENTRY);

              /* Iterate until the process has finished */
              while (found == 0)
                  found = 1;
                  /* Give processing resouce back to windows */
                  Yield ();

                  /* See if we can find the process. If not then we have finished */
                  if (TaskFirst (&te) == FALSE)
                      /* Found the task; back to the top */
                      if (te.hInst == hInst)
                          found = 0;
                  while (TaskNext (&te));
          return 1;                     /* OK status */
   } /* switch (dwFunc) */

   return( (DWORD)-1L ); /* We should never get here. */
} /* UTProc()  */
Beispiel #4
static HTASK GetTaskHdl( HANDLE instance ) {

    TASKENTRY           taskinfo;
    BOOL                ret;

    memset( &taskinfo, 0, sizeof( TASKENTRY ) );
    taskinfo.dwSize = sizeof( TASKENTRY );
    ret = TaskFirst( &taskinfo );
    while( ret ) {
        if( taskinfo.hInst == instance ) {
            return( taskinfo.hTask );
        ret = TaskNext( &taskinfo );
    return( NULL );
Beispiel #5
// pre-process input file, creating a tmp file
// In order to get the return code of the C pre-processor, I'm
// spawing a batch file that invokes CL, and creates a signal file
// if it is successful.
VOID NEAR DoPreProcess
    char szBuffer[255];

    HANDLE hInstCpp;
    TASKENTRY taskentry;
    FILE * hFile;
    CHAR * szTempBatch;
    CHAR * szTempSig;
    CHAR * szTempRoot;
    ERR err = ERR_CPP;		// assume error
    int cbTempFilenames;
    char * szComSpec;

    // figure out the names of the temp files
    // (note: uses OEM char set)
    szTempRoot = tempnam(".", "~mkt");		// get base name for temp files
    hFile = fopen(szTempRoot, "w");		// create the file now, to
    if (hFile == NULL)				// reserve this set of names

    cbTempFilenames = strlen(szTempRoot)+1+3+1;	// base name + ext + null
    szTempBatch = malloc(cbTempFilenames);	// for .BAT file
    strcpy(szTempBatch, szTempRoot);
    strcat(szTempBatch, ".bat");

    szTempSig = malloc(cbTempFilenames);	// for .SIG file
    strcpy(szTempSig, szTempRoot);
    strcat(szTempSig, ".sig");

    szTempFile = malloc(cbTempFilenames);	// for pre-processed oupput 
    strcpy(szTempFile, szTempRoot);
    strcat(szTempFile, ".inp");

    // CONSIDER: Check for existence of any of these files, if any exist, then
    // CONSIDER: try a different base name for the files.

    // open the temp .BAT file
    hFile = fopen(szTempBatch, "w");
    if (hFile == NULL)
	goto cleanup2;

    // all errors after this point should go to 'cleanup'

    if (fputs(szBatchStart, hFile) < 0)	// write the first part
	goto cleanup;

    sprintf(szBuffer, "%s %s%s %s>",
		   szCppExe, szCppOpts, szCppDefs, szInputFile);

    // convert this string to the OEM char set
    AnsiToOem(szBuffer, szBuffer);

    // append szTempFile
    strcat(szBuffer, szTempFile);
    strcat(szBuffer, "\n");
    if (fputs(szBuffer, hFile) < 0)		// write the CPP command
	goto cleanup;
    sprintf(szBuffer, szBatchEnd, szTempSig);
    if (fputs(szBuffer, hFile) < 0)	// write the error check code
	goto cleanup;

    hFile = NULL;		// file no longer open

    szComSpec = getenv("COMSPEC");
    if (szComSpec == NULL)
	szComSpec = "";

    sprintf(szBuffer, "%s /c %s", szComSpec, szTempBatch);
    hInstCpp = WinExec(szBuffer, SW_SHOWMINIMIZED);   // shell the pre-processor
    if (hInstCpp < 32)		// if error spawning pre-processor
	goto cleanup;

    Yield();			// give it a chance to start

    // find task associated with this instance.  In extreme cases it may have
    // finished even before we're executing this code.
    taskentry.dwSize = sizeof(TASKENTRY);
    if (TaskFirst(&taskentry) == 0) {
	goto taskdone;

    while (taskentry.hInst != hInstCpp) {
        if (TaskNext(&taskentry) == 0) {
	    goto taskdone;

    hTaskCpp = taskentry.hTask;

    while (IsTask(hTaskCpp))
	    SideAssert(TaskFindHandle(&taskentry, hTaskCpp) != 0);
	    if (taskentry.hInst != hInstCpp)
		    // different hInst associated with this htask,
		    // so the app must have terminated

	    Yield();		// wait until it's done



    // If signal file doesn't exist, then there was a problem pre-processing
    // the input file.  If it exists, then it worked.
    if (!MyRemove(szTempSig))
	err = ERR_NONE;		// it worked!

    if (hFile)					// close tmp batch file if
	fclose(hFile);				// error during write
    SideAssert(MyRemove(szTempBatch) == 0);	// delete tmp batch file

    SideAssert(MyRemove(szTempRoot) == 0);	// delete placeholder file

    if (err != ERR_NONE)			// report any error