bool Frustum::TestSweptSphere( const SVector3& pos, float radius, const SVector3& sweepDir ) const
	//  algorithm -- get all 12 intersection points of the swept sphere with the view frustum
	//  for all points >0, displace sphere along the sweep direction.  if the displaced sphere
	//  is inside the frustum, return true.  else, return false
	float displacements[12];
	int cnt = 0;
	float a, b;
	bool inFrustum = false;

	for (int i=0; i<6; i++)
		if (SweptSpherePlaneIntersect(a, b, camPlanes[i], pos, radius, sweepDir))
			if (a>=0.f)
				displacements[cnt++] = a;
			if (b>=0.f)
				displacements[cnt++] = b;

	for (int i=0; i<cnt; i++)
		SVector3 displPos = pos + sweepDir * displacements[i];
		float displRadius = radius * 1.1f;
		inFrustum |= TestSphere( displPos, displRadius );
	return inFrustum;
plCullNode::plCullStatus plCullNode::ITestSphereRecur(const hsPoint3& center, float rad) const
    plCullNode::plCullStatus retVal = TestSphere(center, rad);

    // No Children, what we say goes.
    if( (fOuterChild < 0) && (fInnerChild < 0) )
        return retVal;

    // No innerchild. If we cull, it's culled, else we
    // hope our outerchild culls it.
    if( fInnerChild < 0 )
        if( retVal == kCulled )
            return kCulled;

        return IGetNode(fOuterChild)->ITestSphereRecur(center, rad);

    // No outerchild. If we say it's clear, it's clear (or split), but if
    // it's culled, we have to pass it to innerchild, who may pronounce it clear
    if( fOuterChild < 0 )
        if( retVal == kClear )
            return kClear;
        if( retVal == kSplit )
            return kSplit;
        return IGetNode(fInnerChild)->ITestSphereRecur(center, rad);

    // We've got both children to feed.
    // We pass the clear ones to the inner child, culled to outer, 
    // and split to both. Remember, a both children have to agree to cull a split.
    if( retVal == kClear )
        return IGetNode(fOuterChild)->ITestSphereRecur(center, rad);

    if( retVal == kCulled )
        return IGetNode(fInnerChild)->ITestSphereRecur(center, rad);

    // Here's the split, to be culled, both children have to
    // say its culled.
    if( kCulled != IGetNode(fOuterChild)->ITestSphereRecur(center, rad) )
        return kSplit;

    if( kCulled != IGetNode(fInnerChild)->ITestSphereRecur(center, rad) )
        return kSplit;

    return kCulled;