static void ShowAllKeys(int index, int change) { int x1, x2, y1, y2; x1 = CenterX((TextCharWidth('a') * 10)) / 2; x2 = x1 * 3; y1 = (SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2) - (TextHeight() * 10); y2 = (SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2) - (TextHeight() * 2); DisplayKeys(x1, x2, y1, "Player One", &gPlayer1Data, index, change); DisplayKeys(x1, x2, y2, "Player Two", &gPlayer2Data, index - 6, change - 6); y2 += TextHeight() * 8; TextStringAt(x1, y2, "Map"); if (change == 12) DisplayMenuItem(x2, y2, SELECTKEY, index == 12); else DisplayMenuItem(x2, y2, SDL_GetKeyName(gOptions.mapKey), index == 12); #define DONE "Done" y2 += TextHeight () * 2; DisplayMenuItem(CenterX(TextWidth(DONE)), y2, DONE, index == 13); }
static int MainMenu(int x, int index, int cmd) { int i; int y; static int selection[2] = { MODE_DONE, MODE_DONE }; if (cmd & (CMD_BUTTON1 | CMD_BUTTON2)) { PlaySound(SND_BANG, 0, 255); return selection[index]; } else if (cmd & (CMD_LEFT | CMD_UP)) { if (selection[index] > MODE_SELECTNAME) { selection[index]--; PlaySound(SND_SWITCH, 0, 255); } else if (selection[index] == MODE_SELECTNAME) { selection[index] = MODE_DONE; PlaySound(SND_SWITCH, 0, 255); } } else if (cmd & (CMD_RIGHT | CMD_DOWN)) { if (selection[index] < MODE_DONE) { selection[index]++; PlaySound(SND_SWITCH, 0, 255); } else if (selection[index] == MODE_DONE) { selection[index] = MODE_SELECTNAME; PlaySound(SND_SWITCH, 0, 255); } } y = CenterY((TextHeight() * MENU_COUNT)); for (i = 1; i < MENU_COUNT; i++) DisplayMenuItem(x, y + i * TextHeight(), mainMenu[i], selection[index] == i); return MODE_MAIN; }
void PlayerStatus(int placement, struct PlayerData *data, TActor * p) { char s[50]; int flags = TEXT_TOP; if (placement == PLACE_LEFT) flags |= TEXT_LEFT; if (placement == PLACE_RIGHT) flags |= TEXT_RIGHT; //TextStringAt(x, 5, data->name); TextStringSpecial(data->name, flags, 5, 5); if (!gCampaign.dogFight) sprintf(s, "Score: %d", data->score); else s[0] = 0; if (p) { TextStringSpecial(s, flags, 5, 5 + 2 + 2 * TextHeight()); //TextStringAt(x, 5 + 2 + 2 * TextHeight(), s); TextStringSpecial(gunDesc[p->gun].gunName, flags, 5, 5 + 1 + TextHeight()); //TextStringAt(x, 5 + 1 + TextHeight(), gunDesc[p->gun].gunName); sprintf(s, "%d hp", p->health); TextStringSpecial(s, flags, 5, 5 + 3 + 3 * TextHeight()); //TextStringAt(x, 5 + 3 + 3 * TextHeight(), s); } else TextStringSpecial(s, flags, 5, 5 + 1 * TextHeight()); //TextStringAt(x, 5 + 1 + TextHeight(), s); }
static int TemplateSelection(int loadFlag, int x, int index, struct PlayerData *data, int cmd) { int i; int y; static int selection[2] = { 0, 0 }; if (cmd & CMD_BUTTON1) { if (loadFlag) UseTemplate(index, data, &templates[selection[index]]); else SaveTemplate(data, &templates[selection[index]]); PlaySound(rand() % SND_COUNT, 0, 255); return 0; } else if (cmd & CMD_BUTTON2) { PlaySound(rand() % SND_COUNT, 0, 255); return 0; } else if (cmd & (CMD_LEFT | CMD_UP)) { if (selection[index] > 0) { selection[index]--; PlaySound(SND_SWITCH, 0, 255); } else if (selection[index] == 0) { selection[index] = MAX_TEMPLATE - 1; PlaySound(SND_SWITCH, 0, 255); } } else if (cmd & (CMD_RIGHT | CMD_DOWN)) { if (selection[index] < MAX_TEMPLATE - 1) { selection[index]++; PlaySound(SND_SWITCH, 0, 255); } else if (selection[index] == MAX_TEMPLATE - 1) { selection[index] = 0; PlaySound(SND_SWITCH, 0, 255); } } y = CenterY((TextHeight() * MAX_TEMPLATE)); if (!loadFlag) { TextStringAt(x, y - 4 - TextHeight(), "Save "); TextString(data->name); TextString("..."); } for (i = 0; i < MAX_TEMPLATE; i++) DisplayMenuItem(x, y + i * TextHeight(), templates[i].name, i == selection[index]); return 1; }
void AllShowingTextView::FrameResized(float width, float height) { float minHeight = TextHeight(0, CountLines() - 1); SetExplicitMinSize(BSize(B_SIZE_UNSET, minHeight)); BTextView::FrameResized(width, minHeight); }
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PegRadioButton::PegRadioButton(SIGNED iLeft, SIGNED iTop, const PEGCHAR *Text, WORD wId, WORD wStyle) : PegButton(wId, wStyle), PegTextThing(Text, wStyle & TT_COPY, PEG_RBUTTON_FONT) { Type(TYPE_RADIOBUTTON); SetSignals(SIGMASK(PSF_DOT_ON)); mReal.wLeft = iLeft; mReal.wTop = iTop; SIGNED iHeight = TextHeight(lsTEST, mpFont); if (gbRadioOnBitmap.wHeight > iHeight) { iHeight = gbRadioOnBitmap.wHeight; } iHeight += 4; if (Text) { mReal.wRight = mReal.wLeft + TextWidth(Text, mpFont) + 2; mReal.wRight += gbRadioOnBitmap.wWidth + RBUTTON_SPACING; mReal.wBottom = mReal.wTop + iHeight; } else { mReal.wRight = mReal.wLeft + 3; mReal.wBottom = mReal.wTop + iHeight; } mClient = mReal; }
void Style::FreezeDefaultStyles() { const Default *d; for(d = &(Defaults[0]); d->h.v; d++) { CnfFreezeColor(Color(d->h), CnfColor(d->cnfPrefix)); CnfFreezeFloat((float)Width(d->h), CnfWidth(d->cnfPrefix)); CnfFreezeFloat((float)TextHeight(d->h), CnfTextHeight(d->cnfPrefix)); } }
static int AppearanceSelection(const char **menu, int menuCount, int x, int index, struct PlayerData *data, int *property, int cmd, int *selection) { int y; int i; debug(D_NORMAL, "\n"); if (cmd & (CMD_BUTTON1 | CMD_BUTTON2)) { PlaySound(SND_MACHINEGUN, 0, 255); return 0; } else if (cmd & (CMD_LEFT | CMD_UP)) { if (selection[index] > 0) { selection[index]--; *property = selection[index]; PlaySound(SND_SWITCH, 0, 255); } else if (selection[index] == 0) { selection[index] = menuCount - 1; *property = selection[index]; PlaySound(SND_SWITCH, 0, 255); } } else if (cmd & (CMD_RIGHT | CMD_DOWN)) { if (selection[index] < menuCount - 1) { selection[index]++; *property = selection[index]; PlaySound(SND_SWITCH, 0, 255); } else if (selection[index] == menuCount - 1) { selection[index] = 0; *property = selection[index]; PlaySound(SND_SWITCH, 0, 255); } } SetPlayer(index, data); y = CenterY((menuCount * TextHeight())); for (i = 0; i < menuCount; i++) DisplayMenuItem(x, y + i * TextHeight(), menu[i], i == selection[index]); return 1; }
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void PegChart::RecalcLayout(BOOL bRedraw /*=TRUE*/) { mChartRegion = mClient; if(mwExStyle & CS_DRAWXTICS) { mChartRegion.wBottom -= mwMajorTicSize; } if(mwExStyle & CS_DRAWYTICS) { mChartRegion.wLeft += mwMajorTicSize; if(mwExStyle & CS_DUALYTICS) { mChartRegion.wRight -= mwMajorTicSize; } } if (mwExStyle & CS_DRAWYLABELS) { SIGNED iSkipHeight = TextHeight(lsTEST, mpFont); iSkipHeight++; iSkipHeight >>= 1; mChartRegion.wTop += iSkipHeight; if(!(mwExStyle & CS_DRAWXLABELS)) { mChartRegion.wBottom -= iSkipHeight; } if(mwYLabelWidth == 0) { PEGCHAR cBuffer[20]; _ltoa(mlMinY, cBuffer, 10); SIGNED iMinWidth = TextWidth(cBuffer, mpFont); //_ltoa(mlMinY,cBuffer,10); _ltoa(mlMaxY, cBuffer, 10); SIGNED iMaxWidth = TextWidth(cBuffer, mpFont); /*_ltoa(mlMinY,cBuffer,10);*/ /*_ltoa(mlMaxY,cBuffer,10);*/ mChartRegion.wLeft += iMinWidth > iMaxWidth ? iMinWidth : iMaxWidth; mChartRegion.wLeft += 2; if(mwExStyle & CS_DUALYLABELS) { mChartRegion.wRight -= iMinWidth > iMaxWidth ? iMinWidth : iMaxWidth; mChartRegion.wRight -= 2; } } else { mChartRegion.wLeft += mwYLabelWidth; } }
void Legend::Draw() { INFO0; if (!legend_.GetListOfPrimitives() || legend_.GetListOfPrimitives()->GetSize() == 0) return; legend_.SetCornerRadius(TextHeight() / Rectangle().Width() / 6); legend_.SetBorderSize(0); legend_.SetLineWidth(0); legend_.Draw("arc"); }
int MiniStyledTextCtrl::GetLineFromPosition(const wxPoint &pt) { int line = GetFirstVisibleLine(); int lh = TextHeight(line); if (lh>0) line += pt.y/lh; return line; }
void AllShowingTextView::GetHeightForWidth(float width, float* min, float* max, float* preferred) { BTextView::GetHeightForWidth(width, min, max, preferred); float minHeight = TextHeight(0, CountLines() - 1); if (min) *min = minHeight; }
void DisplayMenuAt(int x, int y, const char **table, int count, int index) { int i; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { DisplayMenuItem(x, y + i * TextHeight(), table[i], i == index); } return; }
static void Save(int asCode) { char filename[128]; // char drive[_MAX_DRIVE]; char dir[96]; char name[32]; // char ext[_MAX_EXT]; char c; int i; strcpy(filename, lastFile); while (1) { memset(GetDstScreen(), 58, 64000); TextStringAt(125, 50, "Save as:"); TextGoto(125, 50 + TextHeight()); TextChar('\020'); TextString(filename); TextChar('\021'); vsync(); CopyToScreen(); c = GetKey(); switch (c) { case ENTER: if (!filename[0]) break; if (asCode) { SaveCampaignAsC(filename, name, &campaign); } else { SaveCampaign(filename, &campaign); } fileChanged = 0; return; case ESCAPE: return; case BACKSPACE: if (filename[0]) filename[strlen(filename) - 1] = 0; break; default: if (strlen(filename) == sizeof(filename) - 1) break; c = toupper(c); if ((c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || c == '-' || c == '_' || c == '\\') { i = strlen(filename); filename[i + 1] = 0; filename[i] = c; } } } }
void message(const char *text, ...) { char tmp[256]; va_list vl; va_start(vl, text); vsprintf(tmp, text, vl); va_end(vl); tmp[strlen(tmp)] = 0; int th = TextHeight(fontstruct); int char_width = TextWidth(fontstruct, " "); int win_width = (strlen(tmp) * char_width) + (WLISTPADDING * 2); int win_height = th; int win_x, win_y; switch(WLISTPOS) { case 0: win_x = PADDING_WEST; win_y = PADDING_NORTH; break; case 1: win_x = SCREEN_WIDTH - PADDING_EAST - win_width - (BORDER * 2); win_y = PADDING_NORTH; break; case 2: win_x = 0 + SCREEN_WIDTH - PADDING_EAST - win_width; win_y = 0 + SCREEN_HEIGHT - PADDING_SOUTH - win_height; break; case 3: win_x = PADDING_WEST; win_y = 0 + SCREEN_HEIGHT - PADDING_SOUTH - win_height; break; case 4: win_x = (SCREEN_WIDTH / 2) - (win_width / 2); win_y = (SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2) - (win_height / 2); break; default: win_x = PADDING_WEST; win_y = PADDING_NORTH; break; } Window message_window = XCreateSimpleWindow(display, root, win_x, win_y, win_width, win_height, BORDER, name2color(FGCOLOR), name2color(BGCOLOR)); XSetWindowBorderWidth(display, message_window, BORDER); XSetWindowBorder(display, message_window, name2color(SELBGCOLOR)); XMapRaised(display, message_window); XDrawString(display, message_window, BARE_GC, WLISTPADDING, 0 + th - fontstruct->max_bounds.descent, tmp, strlen(tmp)); XFlush(display); sleep(TIMEOUT); XFlush(display); if(message_window) { XDestroyWindow(display, message_window); } }
int MissionDescription(int y, const char *description, int hilite) { int w_ws, w_word, x, lines; const char *ws, *word, *p, *s; TextGoto(20 - TextCharWidth('\020'), y); if (hilite) TextCharWithTable('\020', tableFlamed); else TextChar('\020'); x = 20; lines = 1; TextGoto(x, y); s = ws = word = description; while (*s) { // Find word ws = s; while (*s == ' ' || *s == '\n') s++; word = s; while (*s != 0 && *s != ' ' && *s != '\n') s++; for (w_ws = 0, p = ws; p < word; p++) w_ws += TextCharWidth(*p); for (w_word = 0; p < s; p++) w_word += TextCharWidth(*p); if (x + w_ws + w_word > 300 && w_ws + w_word < 280) { y += TextHeight(); x = 20; lines++; ws = word; w_ws = 0; } x += w_ws; TextGoto(x, y); for (p = word; p < s; p++) TextChar(*p); x += w_word; } if (hilite) TextCharWithTable('\021', tableFlamed); else TextChar('\021'); return lines; }
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PegGroup::PegGroup(PegRect &Rect, const PEGCHAR *Text, WORD wFlags) : PegThing(Rect, 0, wFlags), PegTextThing(Text, wFlags & TT_COPY, PEG_GROUP_FONT) { Type(TYPE_GROUP); AddStatus(PSF_TAB_STOP); mClient = mReal; mClient -= 2; mClient.wTop += TextHeight(lsTEST, mpFont) / 2; muColors[PCI_NTEXT] = PCLR_NORMAL_TEXT; }
static void DisplaySummary() { int i, y, x, x2; char sScore[20]; unsigned char *scr = GetDstScreen(); unsigned char color; y = SCREEN_HEIGHT - 5 - TextHeight(); // 10 pixels from bottom for (i = 0; i < gMission.missionData->objectiveCount; i++) { if (gMission.objectives[i].required > 0 || gMission.objectives[i].done > 0) { // Objective color dot color = gMission.objectives[i].color; x = 5; Draw_Rect(x, (y + 3), 2, 2, color); x += 5; x2 = x + TextWidth(gMission.missionData->objectives[i].description) + 5; sprintf(sScore, "(%d)", gMission.objectives[i].done); if (gMission.objectives[i].required <= 0) { TextStringWithTableAt(x, y, gMission.missionData->objectives[i].description, &tablePurple); TextStringWithTableAt(x2, y, sScore, &tablePurple); } else if (gMission.objectives[i].done >= gMission.objectives[i].required) { TextStringWithTableAt(x, y, gMission.missionData->objectives[i].description, &tableFlamed); TextStringWithTableAt(x2, y, sScore, &tableFlamed); } else { TextStringAt(x, y, gMission.missionData->objectives[i].description); TextStringAt(x2, y, sScore); } y -= (TextHeight() + 1); } } }
static int BodyPartSelection(int x, int index, struct PlayerData *data, int cmd, int *property, int *selection) { int i; int y; if (cmd & (CMD_BUTTON1 | CMD_BUTTON2)) { PlaySound(SND_POWERGUN, 0, 255); return 0; } else if (cmd & (CMD_LEFT | CMD_UP)) { if (*selection > 0) { (*selection)--; *property = IndexToShade(*selection); PlaySound(SND_SWITCH, 0, 255); } else if (*selection == 0) { (*selection) = PLAYER_BODY_COUNT - 1; *property = IndexToShade(*selection); PlaySound(SND_SWITCH, 0, 255); } } else if (cmd & (CMD_RIGHT | CMD_DOWN)) { if (*selection < PLAYER_BODY_COUNT - 1) { (*selection)++; *property = IndexToShade(*selection); PlaySound(SND_SWITCH, 0, 255); } else if (*selection == PLAYER_BODY_COUNT - 1) { (*selection) = 0; *property = IndexToShade(*selection); PlaySound(SND_SWITCH, 0, 255); } } y = CenterY((PLAYER_BODY_COUNT * TextHeight())); SetPlayer(index, data); for (i = 0; i < PLAYER_BODY_COUNT; i++) DisplayMenuItem(x, y + i * TextHeight(), shadeNames[i], i == *selection); return 1; }
static void MissionStatus(void) { //unsigned char *scr = GetDstScreen(); unsigned char color; int i, left; char s[4]; int allDone = 1; static int completed = 0; int x, y; if (gCampaign.dogFight) return; x = 5; y = SCREEN_HEIGHT - 5 - TextHeight(); for (i = 0; i < gMission.missionData->objectiveCount; i++) { if (gMission.missionData->objectives[i].type == OBJECTIVE_INVESTIGATE) gMission.objectives[i].done = ExploredPercentage(); if (gMission.missionData->objectives[i].required > 0) { // Objective color dot color = gMission.objectives[i].color; y += 3; Draw_Rect(x, y, 2, 2, color); y -= 3; left = gMission.objectives[i].required - gMission.objectives[i].done; if (left > 0) { if ((gMission.missionData->objectives[i].flags & OBJECTIVE_UNKNOWNCOUNT) == 0) { sprintf(s, "%d", left); } else { strcpy(s, "?"); } TextStringAt(x + 5, y, s); allDone = 0; } else { TextStringAt(x + 5, y, "Done"); } x += 30; } } if (allDone && !completed) { completed = 1; MarkExit(); } else if (!allDone) { completed = 0; } }
static void ShowSelection(int x, struct PlayerData *data, int character) { int i; DisplayPlayer(x, data, character, 0); if (data->weaponCount == 0) { TextStringAt(x + 40, (SCREEN_HEIGHT / 10) + 20, "None selected..."); } else { for (i = 0; i < data->weaponCount; i++) TextStringAt(x + 40, (SCREEN_HEIGHT / 10) + 20 + i * TextHeight(), gunDesc[data->weapons[i]].gunName); } }
double Legend::Width(std::vector<std::string> const& entries) const { INFO(entries.size()); TLatex longest(0, 0, boost::range::max_element(entries, [](std::string const & entry_1, std::string const & entry_2) { TLatex latex_1(0, 0, entry_1.c_str()); SetText(latex_1); TLatex latex_2(0, 0, entry_2.c_str()); SetText(latex_2); return latex_1.GetXsize() < latex_2.GetXsize(); })->c_str()); auto extra_width = 0.5 * TextHeight(); auto width = longest.GetXsize() + RepresentationWidth() + extra_width; return width * columns_; // TODO must be more sofisticated }
void OnHotSpotClick(wxScintillaEvent &event) { AutoCompCancel(); CallTipCancel(); wxPoint clientPos = PointFromPosition(event.GetPosition()); wxPoint screenPos = ClientToScreen(clientPos); int lineHeight = TextHeight(LineFromPosition(event.GetPosition())); CloseWatch(); m_watch = new OneVariableWatchView( this, event.GetText(), wxPoint(screenPos.x - 50, screenPos.y + lineHeight), wxSize(100, 400)); m_watch->Show(); }
void WrappingTextView::ResetTextRect() { BRect bounds = Bounds(); BRect textRect = bounds; textRect.left = 4.0; = m_vertical_offset + 4.0f; if (m_fixed_width) textRect.right = 8.0f + StringWidth( "0") * float(m_fixed_width); else textRect.right -= 4.0f; textRect.bottom -= 4.0f; SetTextRect(textRect); // we have to readjust the scrollbar-proportion, since // the BTextView doesn't do it correctly when we have // fooled in a vertical_offset: float small, big; BScrollBar* bar = ScrollBar( B_VERTICAL); if (!bar) return; bar->GetSteps( &small, &big); float height = TextHeight( 0, TextLength()); if (height+m_vertical_offset) bar->SetProportion( MIN( 1.0f, big/(height+m_vertical_offset))); else bar->SetProportion( 1.0f); if (BeamOnDano) { // circumvent a special feature/bug in Zeta with respect to // the scrollbar not always calling ValueChanged() on a click. // Seemingly, changing the value twice hides the bug: bar->SetValue(1); bar->SetValue(0); } bar = ScrollBar( B_HORIZONTAL); if (!bar) return; float width = bounds.Width(); float maxWidth = MAX( width, textRect.right); int numChildren = IsEditable() ? 0 : CountChildren(); for( int i=0; i<numChildren; ++i) { float w = ChildAt( i)->Frame().Width(); if (w > maxWidth) maxWidth = w; } bar->SetSteps( width/10, width); bar->SetRange( 0, MAX(0, maxWidth-width)); bar->SetProportion( MIN( 1.0f, width/maxWidth)); }
static void ShowCredits(void) { static int creditIndex = 0; static int lastTick = 0; int t; TextStringWithTableAt(16, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 50, "Credits:", &tableDarker); TextStringWithTableAt(20, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 40, credits[creditIndex].name, &tablePurple); TextStringWithTableAt(20, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 40 + TextHeight(), credits[creditIndex].message, &tableDarker); t = clock() / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; if (t > lastTick + CREDIT_PERIOD) { creditIndex++; if (creditIndex >= sizeof(credits) / sizeof(credits[0])) creditIndex = 0; lastTick = t; } }
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void PegTextBox::SetFont(PegFont *Font) { PegTextThing::SetFont(Font); miLineHeight = TextHeight(lsTEST, mpFont); UpdateLineStarts(); if (muScrollMode & WSM_AUTOSCROLL) { if (CheckAutoScroll()) { UpdateLineStarts(); } } if (StatusIs(PSF_VISIBLE)) { Invalidate(); } }
static int DisplayPage(const char *title, int index, struct Entry *e, int hilite1, int hilite2) { int x = 80; int y = 5; TextStringAt(5, 5, title); while (index < MAX_ENTRY && e[index].score > 0 && x < 300) { y += DisplayEntry(x, y, index, &e[index], index == hilite1 || index == hilite2); if (y > 198 - TextHeight()) { y = 20; x += 100; } index++; } CopyToScreen(); return index; }
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PegTextButton::PegTextButton(SIGNED iLeft, SIGNED iTop, SIGNED iWidth, const PEGCHAR *Text, WORD wId, WORD wStyle) : PegButton(wId, wStyle), PegTextThing(Text, wStyle & TT_COPY, PEG_TBUTTON_FONT) { Type(TYPE_TEXTBUTTON); mReal.wLeft = iLeft; mReal.wTop = iTop; mReal.wRight = mReal.wLeft + iWidth - 1; if (Text) { mReal.wBottom = mReal.wTop + TextHeight(Text, mpFont) + TBUTTON_PADDING; } else { mReal.wBottom = mReal.wTop + TBUTTON_PADDING; } mClient = mReal; }
static void DisplayKeys(int x, int x2, int y, char *title, struct PlayerData *data, int index, int change) { int i; TextStringAt(x, y, title); TextStringAt(x, y + TextHeight(), "Left"); TextStringAt(x, y + 2 * TextHeight(), "Right"); TextStringAt(x, y + 3 * TextHeight(), "Up"); TextStringAt(x, y + 4 * TextHeight(), "Down"); TextStringAt(x, y + 5 * TextHeight(), "Fire"); TextStringAt(x, y + 6 * TextHeight(), "Switch/slide"); for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) if (change == i) DisplayMenuItem(x2, y + (i + 1) * TextHeight(), SELECTKEY, index == i); else DisplayMenuItem(x2, y + (i + 1) * TextHeight(), SDL_GetKeyName(data->keys[i]), index == i); }
void TextStringSpecial(const char *s, unsigned int opts, unsigned int xpad, unsigned int ypad) { int scrw = SCREEN_WIDTH; int scrh = SCREEN_HEIGHT; int x, y, w, h; x = y = w = h = 0; w = TextWidth(s); h = TextHeight(); if (FLAG_SET(opts, TEXT_XCENTER)) { x = (scrw - w) / 2; } if (FLAG_SET(opts, TEXT_YCENTER)) { y = (scrh - h) / 2; } if (FLAG_SET(opts, TEXT_LEFT)) { x = 0 + xpad; } if (FLAG_SET(opts, TEXT_RIGHT)) { x = scrw - w - xpad; } if (FLAG_SET(opts, TEXT_TOP)) { y = 0 + ypad; } if (FLAG_SET(opts, TEXT_BOTTOM)) { y = scrh - h - ypad; } if (FLAG_SET(opts, TEXT_FLAMED)) { TextStringWithTableAt(x, y, s, &tableFlamed); } else if (FLAG_SET(opts, TEXT_PURPLE)) { TextStringWithTableAt(x, y, s, &tablePurple); } else { TextStringAt(x, y, s); } }