static void TestFindPrimes() {
    // Time fully subscribed run.
    double t2 = TimeFindPrimes( tbb::task_scheduler_init::automatic );

    // Time parallel run that is very likely oversubscribed.
    double t128 = TimeFindPrimes(128);

    if( Verbose )
        std::printf("TestFindPrimes: t2==%g t128=%g\n", t2, t128 );

    // We allow the 128-thread run a little extra time to allow for thread overhead.
    // Theoretically, following test will fail on machine with >128 processors.
    // But that situation is not going to come up in the near future,
    // and the generalization to fix the issue is not worth the trouble.
    if( t128>1.10*t2 ) {
        std::printf("Warning: grow_by is pathetically slow: t2==%g t128=%g\n", t2, t128);
void TestFindPrimes() {
    // Time fully subscribed run.
    double t2 = TimeFindPrimes( tbb::task_scheduler_init::automatic );

    // Time parallel run that is very likely oversubscribed.  
#if _XBOX
    double t128 = TimeFindPrimes(32);  //XBOX360 can't handle too many threads
    double t128 = TimeFindPrimes(128);
    REMARK("TestFindPrimes: t2==%g t128=%g k=%g\n", t2, t128, t128/t2);

    // We allow the 128-thread run a little extra time to allow for thread overhead.
    // Theoretically, following test will fail on machine with >128 processors.
    // But that situation is not going to come up in the near future,
    // and the generalization to fix the issue is not worth the trouble.
    if( t128 > 1.3*t2 ) {
        REPORT("Warning: grow_by is pathetically slow: t2==%g t128=%g k=%g\n", t2, t128, t128/t2);