int DexApparatus::CheckCorrectStartPosition(  int target_id, float tolX, float tolY, float tolZ, int max_bad_positions, 
											const char *msg, const char *picture ) {
	const char *fmt;
	bool  error = false;

	int		bad_positions = 0, movements = 0;
	int		first, last;
	int		i, index;

	Vector3 delta;

	// First we should look for the start and end of the actual movement based on 
	// events such as when the subject reaches the first target. 
	FindAnalysisFrameRange( first, last );

	// Step through each marked movement trigger and verify that the velocity is 
	// close to zero when the trigger was sent.
	FindAnalysisEventRange( first, last );
	for ( i = first; i < last; i++ ) {
		if ( eventList[i].event == TRIGGER_MOVEMENT ) {
			index = TimeToFrame( eventList[i].time );
			SubtractVectors( delta, acquiredManipulandumState[index].position, targetPosition[target_id] );
			if ( fabs( delta[X] ) > tolX 
				 || fabs( delta[Y] ) > tolY 
				 || fabs( delta[Z] ) > tolZ ) bad_positions++;
	// Check if the computed number of incorrect starting positions is in the desired range.
	error = ( bad_positions > max_bad_positions );

	// If not, signal the error to the subject.
	// Here I take the approach of calling a method to signal the error.
	// We agree instead that the routine should either return a null pointer
	// if there is no error, or return the error message as a static string.
	if ( error ) {
		// If the user provided a message to signal a visibilty error, use it.
		// If not, generate a generic message.
		if ( !msg ) msg = "Starting position not respected.";
		// The message could be different depending on whether the maniplulandum
		// was not moved enough, or if it just could not be seen.
		fmt = "%s\n  Total Movements: %d\n  Erroneous Positions: %d\nMaximum Allowed: %d";
		int response = fSignalError( MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE, picture, fmt, msg, movements, bad_positions, max_bad_positions );
		if ( response == IDABORT ) return( ABORT_EXIT );
		if ( response == IDRETRY ) return( RETRY_EXIT );
		if ( response == IDIGNORE ) return( IGNORE_EXIT );
	// This is my means of signalling the event.
	monitor->SendEvent( fmt, "Start positions OK.", movements, bad_positions, max_bad_positions );
	return( NORMAL_EXIT );
    \fn         isKeyFrameByTime
    \brief      Return true if frame with PTS==seektime is a keyframe
bool        ADM_EditorSegment::isKeyFrameByTime(uint32_t refVideo,uint64_t seekTime)
        uint32_t frame;
        uint32_t flags;
        _VIDEOS *v=getRefVideo(refVideo);
        if(false==TimeToFrame(v,seekTime,&frame,&flags)) return false;
        if(flags & AVI_KEY_FRAME) return true;
        return false;
    \fn dtsFromPts
    \brief guestimate DTS from PTS. For the wanted frame, we go back until we find a valid DTS
                then the wanted DTS=~ valid DTS + timeIncrement * number of frames in between
 bool        ADM_EditorSegment::dtsFromPts(uint32_t refVideo,uint64_t pts,uint64_t *dts)
    uint32_t frame,flags;
    _VIDEOS *vid=getRefVideo(refVideo);
    vidHeader *demuxer=vid->_aviheader;
            ADM_warning("Cannot get frame with pts=%"PRIu64" ms\n",pts/1000);
            return false;
    // Now get DTS..
    uint64_t p,d;
    if(!frame) // The very first frame
            ADM_warning("No DTS available for first frame, putting pts, probably incorrect\n");
        return true;
    int32_t deltaFrame=frame;

            if(d!=ADM_NO_PTS) break;
        ADM_warning("Cannot find a valid DTS for pts=%"PRIu64"ms\n",pts/1000);
        return false;
    return true;
    \fn intraTimeToFrame
    \brief Return the frame whosePTS==seektime, assert if does not exist
uint32_t    ADM_EditorSegment::intraTimeToFrame(uint32_t refVideo,uint64_t seekTime)
        uint32_t frame;
        uint32_t flags;
        _VIDEOS *v=getRefVideo(refVideo);
            ADM_error("Cannot find frame with time %"PRIu64"ms\n",seekTime/1000);
        uint32_t next;
        if(!((next | flags) & AVI_KEY_FRAME)) // The 2nd field might be keyframe
                ADM_warning("Seeking to a non keyframe (time=%s), flags=%x, flagsNext=%x\n",ADM_us2plain(seekTime),flags,next);
                ADM_warning("This is not normal unless you start frame is not a keyframe\n");
        return frame;
TSharedRef<SWidget> FSequencerTimeSliderController::OpenSetPlaybackRangeMenu(float MouseTime)
	const bool bShouldCloseWindowAfterMenuSelection = true;
	FMenuBuilder MenuBuilder(bShouldCloseWindowAfterMenuSelection, nullptr);

	FText NumericText;
	if (SequencerSnapValues::IsTimeSnapIntervalFrameRate(TimeSliderArgs.Settings->GetTimeSnapInterval()) && TimeSliderArgs.Settings->GetShowFrameNumbers())
		NumericText = FText::Format(LOCTEXT("FrameTextFormat", "Playback Range (at frame {0}):"), FText::AsNumber(TimeToFrame(MouseTime)));
		NumericText = FText::Format(LOCTEXT("TimeTextFormat", "Playback Range (at {0}s):"), FText::AsNumber(MouseTime));

	TRange<float> PlaybackRange = TimeSliderArgs.PlaybackRange.Get();

	MenuBuilder.BeginSection("SequencerPlaybackRangeMenu", NumericText);
			FText::Format(LOCTEXT("SetPlaybackStart", "Set Start Time"), NumericText),
				FExecuteAction::CreateLambda([=]{ return SetPlaybackRangeStart(MouseTime); }),
				FCanExecuteAction::CreateLambda([=]{ return MouseTime <= PlaybackRange.GetUpperBoundValue(); })

			FText::Format(LOCTEXT("SetPlaybackEnd", "Set End Time"), NumericText),
				FExecuteAction::CreateLambda([=]{ return SetPlaybackRangeEnd(MouseTime); }),
				FCanExecuteAction::CreateLambda([=]{ return MouseTime >= PlaybackRange.GetLowerBoundValue(); })
	MenuBuilder.EndSection(); // SequencerPlaybackRangeMenu

	return MenuBuilder.MakeWidget();
int32 FSequencerTimeSliderController::OnPaintTimeSlider( bool bMirrorLabels, const FGeometry& AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect& MyClippingRect, FSlateWindowElementList& OutDrawElements, int32 LayerId, const FWidgetStyle& InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled ) const
	const bool bEnabled = bParentEnabled;
	const ESlateDrawEffect::Type DrawEffects = bEnabled ? ESlateDrawEffect::None : ESlateDrawEffect::DisabledEffect;

	TRange<float> LocalViewRange = TimeSliderArgs.ViewRange.Get();
	const float LocalViewRangeMin = LocalViewRange.GetLowerBoundValue();
	const float LocalViewRangeMax = LocalViewRange.GetUpperBoundValue();
	const float LocalSequenceLength = LocalViewRangeMax-LocalViewRangeMin;
	FVector2D Scale = FVector2D(1.0f,1.0f);
	if ( LocalSequenceLength > 0)
		FScrubRangeToScreen RangeToScreen( LocalViewRange, AllottedGeometry.Size );
		const float MajorTickHeight = 9.0f;
		FDrawTickArgs Args;
		Args.AllottedGeometry = AllottedGeometry;
		Args.bMirrorLabels = bMirrorLabels;
		Args.bOnlyDrawMajorTicks = false;
		Args.TickColor = FLinearColor::White;
		Args.ClippingRect = MyClippingRect;
		Args.DrawEffects = DrawEffects;
		Args.StartLayer = LayerId;
		Args.TickOffset = bMirrorLabels ? 0.0f : FMath::Abs( AllottedGeometry.Size.Y - MajorTickHeight );
		Args.MajorTickHeight = MajorTickHeight;

		DrawTicks( OutDrawElements, RangeToScreen, Args );

		FPaintPlaybackRangeArgs PlaybackRangeArgs(
			bMirrorLabels ? FEditorStyle::GetBrush("Sequencer.Timeline.PlayRange_Bottom_L") : FEditorStyle::GetBrush("Sequencer.Timeline.PlayRange_Top_L"),
			bMirrorLabels ? FEditorStyle::GetBrush("Sequencer.Timeline.PlayRange_Bottom_R") : FEditorStyle::GetBrush("Sequencer.Timeline.PlayRange_Top_R"),
		LayerId = DrawPlaybackRange(AllottedGeometry, MyClippingRect, OutDrawElements, LayerId, RangeToScreen, PlaybackRangeArgs);

		float HalfSize = FMath::CeilToFloat(ScrubHandleSize/2.0f);

		// Draw the scrub handle
		float XPos = RangeToScreen.InputToLocalX( TimeSliderArgs.ScrubPosition.Get() );

		// Should draw above the text
		const int32 ArrowLayer = LayerId + 2;
		FPaintGeometry MyGeometry =	AllottedGeometry.ToPaintGeometry( FVector2D( XPos-HalfSize, 0 ), FVector2D( ScrubHandleSize, AllottedGeometry.Size.Y ) );
		FLinearColor ScrubColor = InWidgetStyle.GetColorAndOpacityTint();

		// @todo Sequencer this color should be specified in the style
		ScrubColor.A = ScrubColor.A*0.75f;
		ScrubColor.B *= 0.1f;
		ScrubColor.G *= 0.2f;
			bMirrorLabels ? ScrubHandleUp : ScrubHandleDown,

		// Draw the current time next to the scrub handle
		float Time = TimeSliderArgs.ScrubPosition.Get();

		FString FrameString;
		if (SequencerSnapValues::IsTimeSnapIntervalFrameRate(TimeSliderArgs.Settings->GetTimeSnapInterval()) && TimeSliderArgs.Settings->GetShowFrameNumbers())
			float FrameRate = 1.0f/TimeSliderArgs.Settings->GetTimeSnapInterval();
			float FrameTime = Time * FrameRate;
			int32 Frame = SequencerHelpers::TimeToFrame(Time, FrameRate);
			const float FrameTolerance = 0.001f;
			if (FMath::IsNearlyEqual(FrameTime, (float)Frame, FrameTolerance))
				FrameString = FString::Printf( TEXT("%d"), TimeToFrame(Time));
				FrameString = FString::Printf( TEXT("%.3f"), FrameTime);
			FrameString = FString::Printf( TEXT("%.2f"), Time );

		FSlateFontInfo SmallLayoutFont( FPaths::EngineContentDir() / TEXT("Slate/Fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf"), 10 );

		const TSharedRef< FSlateFontMeasure > FontMeasureService = FSlateApplication::Get().GetRenderer()->GetFontMeasureService();
		FVector2D TextSize = FontMeasureService->Measure(FrameString, SmallLayoutFont);

		// Flip the text position if getting near the end of the view range
		if ((AllottedGeometry.Size.X - XPos) < (TextSize.X + 14.f))
			XPos = XPos - TextSize.X - 12.f;
			XPos = XPos + 10.f;

		FVector2D TextOffset( XPos,  Args.bMirrorLabels ? TextSize.Y-6.f : Args.AllottedGeometry.Size.Y - (Args.MajorTickHeight+TextSize.Y) );

			Args.AllottedGeometry.ToPaintGeometry( TextOffset, TextSize ), 
		if (MouseDragType == DRAG_SETTING_RANGE)
			float MouseStartPosX = RangeToScreen.InputToLocalX(MouseDownRange[0]);
			float MouseEndPosX = RangeToScreen.InputToLocalX(MouseDownRange[1]);

			float RangePosX = MouseStartPosX < MouseEndPosX ? MouseStartPosX : MouseEndPosX;
			float RangeSizeX = FMath::Abs(MouseStartPosX - MouseEndPosX);

				AllottedGeometry.ToPaintGeometry( FVector2D(RangePosX, 0.f), FVector2D(RangeSizeX, AllottedGeometry.Size.Y) ),
				bMirrorLabels ? ScrubHandleDown : ScrubHandleUp,
				MouseStartPosX < MouseEndPosX ? FLinearColor(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f) : FLinearColor(0.25f, 0.3f, 0.3f)

		return ArrowLayer;

	return LayerId;
void FSequencerTimeSliderController::DrawTicks( FSlateWindowElementList& OutDrawElements, const struct FScrubRangeToScreen& RangeToScreen, FDrawTickArgs& InArgs ) const
	float MinDisplayTickSpacing = ScrubConstants::MinDisplayTickSpacing;
	if (SequencerSnapValues::IsTimeSnapIntervalFrameRate(TimeSliderArgs.Settings->GetTimeSnapInterval()) && TimeSliderArgs.Settings->GetShowFrameNumbers())
		MinDisplayTickSpacing = TimeSliderArgs.Settings->GetTimeSnapInterval();

	const float Spacing = DetermineOptimalSpacing( RangeToScreen.PixelsPerInput, ScrubConstants::MinPixelsPerDisplayTick, MinDisplayTickSpacing );

	// Sub divisions
	// @todo Sequencer may need more robust calculation
	const int32 Divider = 10;
	// For slightly larger halfway tick mark
	const int32 HalfDivider = Divider / 2;
	// Find out where to start from
	int32 OffsetNum = FMath::FloorToInt(RangeToScreen.ViewInput.GetLowerBoundValue() / Spacing);
	FSlateFontInfo SmallLayoutFont( FPaths::EngineContentDir() / TEXT("Slate/Fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf"), 8 );

	TArray<FVector2D> LinePoints;

	float Seconds = 0;
	while( (Seconds = OffsetNum*Spacing) < RangeToScreen.ViewInput.GetUpperBoundValue() )
		// X position local to start of the widget area
		float XPos = RangeToScreen.InputToLocalX( Seconds );
		uint32 AbsOffsetNum = FMath::Abs(OffsetNum);

		if ( AbsOffsetNum % Divider == 0 )
			FVector2D Offset( XPos, InArgs.TickOffset );
			FVector2D TickSize( 0.0f, InArgs.MajorTickHeight );

			LinePoints[0] = FVector2D( 0.0f,1.0f);
			LinePoints[1] = TickSize;

			// lines should not need anti-aliasing
			const bool bAntiAliasLines = false;

			// Draw each tick mark
				InArgs.AllottedGeometry.ToPaintGeometry( Offset, TickSize ),

			if( !InArgs.bOnlyDrawMajorTicks )
				FString FrameString;
				if (SequencerSnapValues::IsTimeSnapIntervalFrameRate(TimeSliderArgs.Settings->GetTimeSnapInterval()) && TimeSliderArgs.Settings->GetShowFrameNumbers())
					FrameString = FString::Printf( TEXT("%d"), TimeToFrame(Seconds));
					FrameString = Spacing == ScrubConstants::MinDisplayTickSpacing ? FString::Printf( TEXT("%.3f"), Seconds ) : FString::Printf( TEXT("%.2f"), Seconds );

				// Space the text between the tick mark but slightly above
				const TSharedRef< FSlateFontMeasure > FontMeasureService = FSlateApplication::Get().GetRenderer()->GetFontMeasureService();
				FVector2D TextSize = FontMeasureService->Measure(FrameString, SmallLayoutFont);
				FVector2D TextOffset( XPos + 5.f, InArgs.bMirrorLabels ? 3.f : FMath::Abs( InArgs.AllottedGeometry.Size.Y - (InArgs.MajorTickHeight+3.f) ) );
					InArgs.AllottedGeometry.ToPaintGeometry( TextOffset, TextSize ), 
		else if( !InArgs.bOnlyDrawMajorTicks )
			// Compute the size of each tick mark.  If we are half way between to visible values display a slightly larger tick mark
			const float MinorTickHeight = AbsOffsetNum % HalfDivider == 0 ? 6.0f : 2.0f;

			FVector2D Offset(XPos, InArgs.bMirrorLabels ? 0.0f : FMath::Abs( InArgs.AllottedGeometry.Size.Y - MinorTickHeight ) );
			FVector2D TickSize(0.0f, MinorTickHeight);

			LinePoints[0] = FVector2D(0.0f,1.0f);
			LinePoints[1] = TickSize;

			const bool bAntiAlias = false;
			// Draw each sub mark
				InArgs.AllottedGeometry.ToPaintGeometry( Offset, TickSize ),
		// Advance to next tick mark
int DexApparatus::CheckMovementDirection(  int max_false_directions, float dirX, float dirY, float dirZ, float threshold, 
											const char *msg, const char *picture ) {
	const char *fmt;
	bool  error = false;

	int		bad_movements = 0, movements = 0, starts = 0;
	int		first, last;
	int		i, index;

	Vector3 dir;
	dir[X] = dirX;
	dir[Y] = dirY;
	dir[Z] = dirZ;
	float displacement;

	Vector3 start_position, delta;

	// First we should look for the start and end of the actual movement based on 
	// events such as when the subject reaches the first target. 
	FindAnalysisFrameRange( first, last );

	// Step through each marked upward movement trigger and count if 
	// the initial movement was in the right direction.
	FindAnalysisEventRange( first, last );
	for ( i = first; i < last; i++ ) {
		if ( eventList[i].event == TRIGGER_MOVE_UP ) {
			index = TimeToFrame( eventList[i].time );
			CopyVector( start_position, acquiredManipulandumState[index].position );
			while ( index < nAcqFrames ) {
				SubtractVectors( delta, acquiredManipulandumState[index].position, start_position );
				displacement = DotProduct( dir, delta );
				// 'UP' here means in the same direction and the specified vector.
				// If we move past the threshold in that direction before moving past the
				// same threshold distance in the other direction, then this movement is good.
				if ( displacement > threshold ) {
				// If we go the threshold distance in the opposite direction first,
				// then consider this to have been an erroneous start.
				if ( displacement < - threshold ) {
		else if ( eventList[i].event == TRIGGER_MOVE_DOWN ) {
			// Now do the same thing for downward movements.
			index = TimeToFrame( eventList[i].time );
			CopyVector( start_position, acquiredManipulandumState[index].position );
			while ( index < nAcqFrames ) {
				SubtractVectors( delta, acquiredManipulandumState[index].position, start_position );
				displacement = DotProduct( dir, delta );
				// Here, a negative movement is good ...
				if ( displacement < - threshold ) {
				// ... and a positive movement is bad.
				if ( displacement > threshold ) {
	// Check if the computed number of incorrect starting positions is in the desired range.
	error = ( bad_movements > max_false_directions );

	// This format string is used to add debugging information to the event notification.
	// It is used whether there is an error or not.
	fmt = "%s\n  Total Movements: %d\n  Actual Starts: %d\n  Errors Detected: %d\n  Maximum Allowed: %d";

	// If not, signal the error to the subject.
	// Here I take the approach of calling a method to signal the error.
	// We agree instead that the routine should either return a null pointer
	// if there is no error, or return the error message as a static string.
	if ( error ) {
		// If the user provided a message to signal a visibilty error, use it.
		// If not, generate a generic message.
		if ( !msg ) msg = "To many starts in wrong direction.";
		int response = fSignalError( MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE, picture, fmt, msg, movements, starts, bad_movements, max_false_directions );
		if ( response == IDABORT ) return( ABORT_EXIT );
		if ( response == IDRETRY ) return( RETRY_EXIT );
		if ( response == IDIGNORE ) return( IGNORE_EXIT );
	// This is my means of signalling the event to ground.
	monitor->SendEvent( fmt, "Start directions OK.", movements, starts, bad_movements, max_false_directions );
	return( NORMAL_EXIT );
int DexApparatus::CheckEarlyStarts(  int max_early_starts, float hold_time, float threshold, float filter_constant, 
									 const char *msg, const char *picture ) {
	const char *fmt;
	bool  error = false;

	int		early_starts = 0;
	int		first, last;
	int		i, j, index, frm;
	int		hold_frames = (int) floor( hold_time / tracker->samplePeriod );

	int N = 0;
	double tangential_velocity[DEX_MAX_MARKER_FRAMES];
	Vector3 delta;

	// First we should look for the start and end of the actual movement based on 
	// events such as when the subject reaches the first target. 
	FindAnalysisFrameRange( first, last );

	// Compute the instantaneous tangential velocity. 
	for ( i = first + 1; i < last; i++ ) {
		if ( acquiredManipulandumState[i].visibility && acquiredManipulandumState[i-1].visibility) {
			SubtractVectors( delta, acquiredManipulandumState[i].position, acquiredManipulandumState[i-1].position );
			ScaleVector( delta, delta, 1.0 / tracker->GetSamplePeriod() );
			tangential_velocity[i] = VectorNorm( delta );
		else {
			tangential_velocity[i] = tangential_velocity[i-1];
	// If there is no valid position data, signal an error.
	if ( N <= 0.0 ) {
		monitor->SendEvent( "No valid data." );
		error = true;
	else {

		// Smooth the tangential velocity using a recursive filter.
		for ( frm = 1; frm < nAcqFrames; frm++ ) {
			tangential_velocity[frm] = ( filter_constant * tangential_velocity[frm-1] + tangential_velocity[frm] ) / ( 1.0 + filter_constant );
		// Run the filter backwards to eliminate the phase lag.
		for ( frm = nAcqFrames - 2; frm >= 0; frm-- ) {
			tangential_velocity[frm] = ( filter_constant * tangential_velocity[frm+1] + tangential_velocity[frm] ) / ( 1.0 + filter_constant );

		// Step through each marked movement trigger and verify that the velocity is 
		// close to zero when the trigger was sent.
		FindAnalysisEventRange( first, last );
		for ( i = first; i < last; i++ ) {
			if ( eventList[i].event == TRIGGER_MOVEMENT ) {
				index = TimeToFrame( eventList[i].time );
				for ( j = index; j > index - hold_frames && j > first; j-- ) {
					if ( tangential_velocity[i] > threshold ) {
		// Check if the computed number of cycles is in the desired range.
		error = ( early_starts > max_early_starts );


	// If not, signal the error to the subject.
	// Here I take the approach of calling a method to signal the error.
	// We agree instead that the routine should either return a null pointer
	// if there is no error, or return the error message as a static string.
	if ( error ) {
		// If the user provided a message to signal a visibilty error, use it.
		// If not, generate a generic message.
		if ( !msg ) msg = "To many false starts.";
		// The message could be different depending on whether the maniplulandum
		// was not moved enough, or if it just could not be seen.
		if ( N <= 0.0 ) fmt = "%s\n Manipulandum not visible.";
		else fmt = "%s\n False Starts Detected: %d\nMaximum Allowed: %d";
		int response = fSignalError( MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE, picture, fmt, msg, early_starts, max_early_starts );
		if ( response == IDABORT ) return( ABORT_EXIT );
		if ( response == IDRETRY ) return( RETRY_EXIT );
		if ( response == IDIGNORE ) return( IGNORE_EXIT );
	// This is my means of signalling the event.
	monitor->SendEvent( "Early Starts OK.\n Measured: %d\n Maximum Allowed: %d", early_starts, max_early_starts );
	return( NORMAL_EXIT );