Beispiel #1
static int
    MacButton *mbPtr)
    XColor *xcolor;
    TkButton *butPtr = (TkButton *) mbPtr;

     * Under Appearance we cannot change the background of the
     * button itself. However, the color we are setting is the color
     * of the containing userPane. This will be the color that peeks
     * around the rounded corners of the button.
     * We make this the highlightbackground rather than the background,
     * because if you color the background of a frame containing a
     * button, you usually also color the highlightbackground as well,
     * or you will get a thin grey ring around the button.

    if (butPtr->type == TYPE_BUTTON) {
	xcolor = Tk_3DBorderColor(butPtr->highlightBorder);
    } else {
	xcolor = Tk_3DBorderColor(butPtr->normalBorder);
    mbPtr->userPaneBackground = xcolor->pixel;

    return false;
Beispiel #2
static void
    TkMenu *menuPtr,		/* The menu we are drawing */
    TkMenuEntry *mePtr,		/* The entry we are drawing */
    Drawable d,			/* The drawable to draw into */
    Tk_3DBorder border,		/* The background color */
    XColor *indicatorColor,	/* The color to draw indicators with */
    XColor *disableColor,	/* The color use use when disabled */
    Tk_Font tkfont,		/* The font to draw with */
    const Tk_FontMetrics *fmPtr,/* The font metrics of the font */
    int x,			/* The left of the entry rect */
    int y,			/* The top of the entry rect */
    int width,			/* Width of menu entry */
    int height)			/* Height of menu entry */
     * Draw check-button indicator.

    if ((mePtr->type == CHECK_BUTTON_ENTRY) && mePtr->indicatorOn) {
	int top, left, activeBorderWidth;
	int disabled = (mePtr->state == ENTRY_DISABLED);
	XColor *bg;

	Tk_GetPixelsFromObj(NULL, menuPtr->tkwin,
		menuPtr->activeBorderWidthPtr, &activeBorderWidth);
	bg = Tk_3DBorderColor(border);
	top = y + height/2;
	left = x + activeBorderWidth + DECORATION_BORDER_WIDTH
		+ mePtr->indicatorSpace/2;

	TkpDrawCheckIndicator(menuPtr->tkwin, menuPtr->display, d, left, top,
		border, indicatorColor, bg, disableColor,
		(mePtr->entryFlags & ENTRY_SELECTED), disabled, CHECK_MENU);

     * Draw radio-button indicator.

    if ((mePtr->type == RADIO_BUTTON_ENTRY) && mePtr->indicatorOn) {
	int top, left, activeBorderWidth;
	int disabled = (mePtr->state == ENTRY_DISABLED);
	XColor *bg;

	Tk_GetPixelsFromObj(NULL, menuPtr->tkwin,
		menuPtr->activeBorderWidthPtr, &activeBorderWidth);
	bg = Tk_3DBorderColor(border);
	top = y + height/2;
	left = x + activeBorderWidth + DECORATION_BORDER_WIDTH
		+ mePtr->indicatorSpace/2;

	TkpDrawCheckIndicator(menuPtr->tkwin, menuPtr->display, d, left, top,
		border, indicatorColor, bg, disableColor,
		(mePtr->entryFlags & ENTRY_SELECTED), disabled, RADIO_MENU);
Beispiel #3
static int
imfsample_configure(Tcl_Interp *interp, Imfsample *imfsample,
		    int argc, char **argv, int flags)
    /* Interpret the configuration arguments according to the specs. */
    if (Tk_ConfigureWidget(interp, imfsample->tkwin, config_specs,
			   argc, argv, (char *) imfsample, flags) != TCL_OK)
      return TCL_ERROR;

    /* Set the background for the window and create a graphics context
       for use during redisplay.  */
    if ((imfsample->copygc == None) && 1/*imfsample->double_buffer*/) {
	XGCValues gcValues;

	gcValues.function = GXcopy;
	gcValues.graphics_exposures = False;
	imfsample->copygc = XCreateGC(imfsample->display,
    if (imfsample->gc == None) {
	imfsample->gc = XCreateGC(imfsample->display,
				  None, NULL);

    /* Register the desired geometry for the window, then arrange for
       the window to be redisplayed.  */
    Tk_GeometryRequest(imfsample->tkwin, imfsample->width, imfsample->height);
    Tk_SetInternalBorder(imfsample->tkwin, imfsample->border_width);
    /* Make sure the resized widget is redrawn. */
    imfsample->redraw = TRUE;
    if (!imfsample->update_pending) {
	Tcl_DoWhenIdle(imfsample_display, (ClientData) imfsample);
	imfsample->update_pending = 1;
    return TCL_OK;
Beispiel #4
static int
BLineToPostscript(Tcl_Interp *interp, Tk_Canvas canvas, 
                  Tk_Item *itemPtr, int prepass)
  register BLineItem *linePtr = (BLineItem *) itemPtr;
  char buffer[200];
  char *style;

   * Generate a path for the line's center-line (do this differently
   * for straight lines and smoothed lines).

  Tk_CanvasPsPath(interp, canvas, linePtr->coordPtr, linePtr->numPoints);

   * Set other line-drawing parameters and stroke out the line.

  sprintf(buffer, "%d setlinewidth\n", linePtr->width);
  Tcl_AppendResult(interp, buffer, (char *) NULL);
  style = "0 setlinecap\n";
  if (linePtr->capStyle == CapRound) 
    style = "1 setlinecap\n";
  else if (linePtr->capStyle == CapProjecting) 
    style = "2 setlinecap\n";
  Tcl_AppendResult(interp, style, (char *) NULL);
  style = "0 setlinejoin\n";
  if (linePtr->joinStyle == JoinRound) 
    style = "1 setlinejoin\n";
  else if (linePtr->joinStyle == JoinBevel) 
    style = "2 setlinejoin\n";
  Tcl_AppendResult(interp, style, (char *) NULL);
  if (Tk_CanvasPsColor(interp, canvas,
      Tk_3DBorderColor(linePtr->border)) != TCL_OK) 
    return TCL_ERROR;
  Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "stroke\n", (char *) NULL);

  return TCL_OK;
Beispiel #5
    ClientData clientData)	/* Information about widget. */
    register TkButton *butPtr = (TkButton *) clientData;
    GC gc;
    Tk_3DBorder border;
    Pixmap pixmap;
    int x = 0;			/* Initialization only needed to stop compiler
				 * warning. */
    int y, relief;
    Tk_Window tkwin = butPtr->tkwin;
    int width, height, fullWidth, fullHeight;
    int textXOffset, textYOffset;
    int haveImage = 0, haveText = 0;
    int offset;			/* 1 means this is a button widget, so we
				 * offset the text to make the button appear
				 * to move up and down as the relief
				 * changes. */
    int imageWidth, imageHeight;
    int imageXOffset = 0, imageYOffset = 0;
				/* image information that will be used to
				 * restrict disabled pixmap as well */

    butPtr->flags &= ~REDRAW_PENDING;
    if ((butPtr->tkwin == NULL) || !Tk_IsMapped(tkwin)) {

    border = butPtr->normalBorder;
    if ((butPtr->state == STATE_DISABLED) && (butPtr->disabledFg != NULL)) {
	gc = butPtr->disabledGC;
    } else if ((butPtr->state == STATE_ACTIVE)
	    && !Tk_StrictMotif(butPtr->tkwin)) {
	gc = butPtr->activeTextGC;
	border = butPtr->activeBorder;
    } else {
	gc = butPtr->normalTextGC;
    if ((butPtr->flags & SELECTED) && (butPtr->state != STATE_ACTIVE)
	    && (butPtr->selectBorder != NULL) && !butPtr->indicatorOn) {
	border = butPtr->selectBorder;

     * Override the relief specified for the button if this is a checkbutton
     * or radiobutton and there's no indicator. The new relief is as follows:
     *      If the button is select  --> "sunken"
     *      If relief==overrelief    --> relief
     *      Otherwise                --> overrelief
     * The effect we are trying to achieve is as follows:
     *      value    mouse-over?   -->   relief
     *     -------  ------------        --------
     *       off        no               flat
     *       off        yes              raised
     *       on         no               sunken
     *       on         yes              sunken
     * This is accomplished by configuring the checkbutton or radiobutton like
     * this:
     *     -indicatoron 0 -overrelief raised -offrelief flat
     * Bindings (see library/button.tcl) will copy the -overrelief into
     * -relief on mouseover. Hence, we can tell if we are in mouse-over by
     * comparing relief against overRelief. This is an aweful kludge, but it
     * gives use the desired behavior while keeping the code backwards
     * compatible.

    relief = butPtr->relief;
    if ((butPtr->type >= TYPE_CHECK_BUTTON) && !butPtr->indicatorOn) {
	if (butPtr->flags & SELECTED) {
	    relief = TK_RELIEF_SUNKEN;
	} else if (butPtr->overRelief != relief) {
	    relief = butPtr->offRelief;

    offset = (butPtr->type == TYPE_BUTTON) && !Tk_StrictMotif(butPtr->tkwin);

     * In order to avoid screen flashes, this function redraws the button in a
     * pixmap, then copies the pixmap to the screen in a single operation.
     * This means that there's no point in time where the on-screen image has
     * been cleared.

    pixmap = Tk_GetPixmap(butPtr->display, Tk_WindowId(tkwin),
	    Tk_Width(tkwin), Tk_Height(tkwin), Tk_Depth(tkwin));
    Tk_Fill3DRectangle(tkwin, pixmap, border, 0, 0, Tk_Width(tkwin),
	    Tk_Height(tkwin), 0, TK_RELIEF_FLAT);

     * Display image or bitmap or text for button.

    if (butPtr->image != NULL) {
	Tk_SizeOfImage(butPtr->image, &width, &height);
	haveImage = 1;
    } else if (butPtr->bitmap != None) {
	Tk_SizeOfBitmap(butPtr->display, butPtr->bitmap, &width, &height);
	haveImage = 1;
    imageWidth = width;
    imageHeight = height;

    haveText = (butPtr->textWidth != 0 && butPtr->textHeight != 0);

    if (butPtr->compound != COMPOUND_NONE && haveImage && haveText) {
	textXOffset = 0;
	textYOffset = 0;
	fullWidth = 0;
	fullHeight = 0;

	switch ((enum compound) butPtr->compound) {
	     * Image is above or below text.

	    if (butPtr->compound == COMPOUND_TOP) {
		textYOffset = height + butPtr->padY;
	    } else {
		imageYOffset = butPtr->textHeight + butPtr->padY;
	    fullHeight = height + butPtr->textHeight + butPtr->padY;
	    fullWidth = (width > butPtr->textWidth ? width :
	    textXOffset = (fullWidth - butPtr->textWidth)/2;
	    imageXOffset = (fullWidth - width)/2;
	     * Image is left or right of text.

	    if (butPtr->compound == COMPOUND_LEFT) {
		textXOffset = width + butPtr->padX;
	    } else {
		imageXOffset = butPtr->textWidth + butPtr->padX;
	    fullWidth = butPtr->textWidth + butPtr->padX + width;
	    fullHeight = (height > butPtr->textHeight ? height :
	    textYOffset = (fullHeight - butPtr->textHeight)/2;
	    imageYOffset = (fullHeight - height)/2;
	     * Image and text are superimposed.

	    fullWidth = (width > butPtr->textWidth ? width :
	    fullHeight = (height > butPtr->textHeight ? height :
	    textXOffset = (fullWidth - butPtr->textWidth)/2;
	    imageXOffset = (fullWidth - width)/2;
	    textYOffset = (fullHeight - butPtr->textHeight)/2;
	    imageYOffset = (fullHeight - height)/2;

	TkComputeAnchor(butPtr->anchor, tkwin, butPtr->padX, butPtr->padY,
		butPtr->indicatorSpace + fullWidth, fullHeight, &x, &y);

	x += butPtr->indicatorSpace;

	x += offset;
	y += offset;
	if (relief == TK_RELIEF_RAISED) {
	    x -= offset;
	    y -= offset;
	} else if (relief == TK_RELIEF_SUNKEN) {
	    x += offset;
	    y += offset;

	imageXOffset += x;
	imageYOffset += y;

	if (butPtr->image != NULL) {
	     * Do boundary clipping, so that Tk_RedrawImage is passed valid
	     * coordinates. [Bug 979239]

	    if (imageXOffset < 0) {
		imageXOffset = 0;
	    if (imageYOffset < 0) {
		imageYOffset = 0;
	    if (width > Tk_Width(tkwin)) {
		width = Tk_Width(tkwin);
	    if (height > Tk_Height(tkwin)) {
		height = Tk_Height(tkwin);
	    if ((width + imageXOffset) > Tk_Width(tkwin)) {
		imageXOffset = Tk_Width(tkwin) - width;
	    if ((height + imageYOffset) > Tk_Height(tkwin)) {
		imageYOffset = Tk_Height(tkwin) - height;

	    if ((butPtr->selectImage != NULL) && (butPtr->flags & SELECTED)) {
		Tk_RedrawImage(butPtr->selectImage, 0, 0,
			width, height, pixmap, imageXOffset, imageYOffset);
	    } else if ((butPtr->tristateImage != NULL) && (butPtr->flags & TRISTATED)) {
		Tk_RedrawImage(butPtr->tristateImage, 0, 0,
			width, height, pixmap, imageXOffset, imageYOffset);
	    } else {
		Tk_RedrawImage(butPtr->image, 0, 0, width,
			height, pixmap, imageXOffset, imageYOffset);
	} else {
	    XSetClipOrigin(butPtr->display, gc, imageXOffset, imageYOffset);
	    XCopyPlane(butPtr->display, butPtr->bitmap, pixmap, gc,
		    0, 0, (unsigned int) width, (unsigned int) height,
		    imageXOffset, imageYOffset, 1);
	    XSetClipOrigin(butPtr->display, gc, 0, 0);

	Tk_DrawTextLayout(butPtr->display, pixmap, gc,
		butPtr->textLayout, x + textXOffset, y + textYOffset, 0, -1);
	Tk_UnderlineTextLayout(butPtr->display, pixmap, gc,
		butPtr->textLayout, x + textXOffset, y + textYOffset,
	y += fullHeight/2;
    } else {
	if (haveImage) {
	    TkComputeAnchor(butPtr->anchor, tkwin, 0, 0,
		    butPtr->indicatorSpace + width, height, &x, &y);
	    x += butPtr->indicatorSpace;

	    x += offset;
	    y += offset;
	    if (relief == TK_RELIEF_RAISED) {
		x -= offset;
		y -= offset;
	    } else if (relief == TK_RELIEF_SUNKEN) {
		x += offset;
		y += offset;
	    imageXOffset += x;
	    imageYOffset += y;
	    if (butPtr->image != NULL) {
		 * Do boundary clipping, so that Tk_RedrawImage is passed
		 * valid coordinates. [Bug 979239]

		if (imageXOffset < 0) {
		    imageXOffset = 0;
		if (imageYOffset < 0) {
		    imageYOffset = 0;
		if (width > Tk_Width(tkwin)) {
		    width = Tk_Width(tkwin);
		if (height > Tk_Height(tkwin)) {
		    height = Tk_Height(tkwin);
		if ((width + imageXOffset) > Tk_Width(tkwin)) {
		    imageXOffset = Tk_Width(tkwin) - width;
		if ((height + imageYOffset) > Tk_Height(tkwin)) {
		    imageYOffset = Tk_Height(tkwin) - height;

		if ((butPtr->selectImage != NULL) &&
			(butPtr->flags & SELECTED)) {
		    Tk_RedrawImage(butPtr->selectImage, 0, 0, width,
			    height, pixmap, imageXOffset, imageYOffset);
		} else if ((butPtr->tristateImage != NULL) &&
			(butPtr->flags & TRISTATED)) {
		    Tk_RedrawImage(butPtr->tristateImage, 0, 0, width,
			    height, pixmap, imageXOffset, imageYOffset);
		} else {
		    Tk_RedrawImage(butPtr->image, 0, 0, width, height, pixmap,
			    imageXOffset, imageYOffset);
	    } else {
		XSetClipOrigin(butPtr->display, gc, x, y);
		XCopyPlane(butPtr->display, butPtr->bitmap, pixmap, gc, 0, 0,
			(unsigned int) width, (unsigned int) height, x, y, 1);
		XSetClipOrigin(butPtr->display, gc, 0, 0);
	    y += height/2;
	} else {
 	    TkComputeAnchor(butPtr->anchor, tkwin, butPtr->padX, butPtr->padY,
		    butPtr->indicatorSpace + butPtr->textWidth,
		    butPtr->textHeight, &x, &y);

	    x += butPtr->indicatorSpace;

	    x += offset;
	    y += offset;
	    if (relief == TK_RELIEF_RAISED) {
		x -= offset;
		y -= offset;
	    } else if (relief == TK_RELIEF_SUNKEN) {
		x += offset;
		y += offset;
	    Tk_DrawTextLayout(butPtr->display, pixmap, gc, butPtr->textLayout,
		    x, y, 0, -1);
	    Tk_UnderlineTextLayout(butPtr->display, pixmap, gc,
		    butPtr->textLayout, x, y, butPtr->underline);
	    y += butPtr->textHeight/2;

     * Draw the indicator for check buttons and radio buttons. At this point,
     * x and y refer to the top-left corner of the text or image or bitmap.

    if ((butPtr->type == TYPE_CHECK_BUTTON) && butPtr->indicatorOn) {
	if (butPtr->indicatorDiameter > 2*butPtr->borderWidth) {
	    TkBorder *selBorder = (TkBorder *) butPtr->selectBorder;
	    XColor *selColor = NULL;

	    if (selBorder != NULL) {
		selColor = selBorder->bgColorPtr;
	    x -= butPtr->indicatorSpace/2;
	    y = Tk_Height(tkwin)/2;
	    TkpDrawCheckIndicator(tkwin, butPtr->display, pixmap, x, y,
		    border, butPtr->normalFg, selColor, butPtr->disabledFg,
		    ((butPtr->flags & SELECTED) ? 1 :
			    (butPtr->flags & TRISTATED) ? 2 : 0),
		    (butPtr->state == STATE_DISABLED), CHECK_BUTTON);
    } else if ((butPtr->type == TYPE_RADIO_BUTTON) && butPtr->indicatorOn) {
	if (butPtr->indicatorDiameter > 2*butPtr->borderWidth) {
	    TkBorder *selBorder = (TkBorder *) butPtr->selectBorder;
	    XColor *selColor = NULL;

	    if (selBorder != NULL) {
		selColor = selBorder->bgColorPtr;
	    x -= butPtr->indicatorSpace/2;
	    y = Tk_Height(tkwin)/2;
	    TkpDrawCheckIndicator(tkwin, butPtr->display, pixmap, x, y,
		    border, butPtr->normalFg, selColor, butPtr->disabledFg,
		    ((butPtr->flags & SELECTED) ? 1 :
			    (butPtr->flags & TRISTATED) ? 2 : 0),
		    (butPtr->state == STATE_DISABLED), RADIO_BUTTON);

     * If the button is disabled with a stipple rather than a special
     * foreground color, generate the stippled effect. If the widget is
     * selected and we use a different background color when selected, must
     * temporarily modify the GC so the stippling is the right color.

    if ((butPtr->state == STATE_DISABLED)
	    && ((butPtr->disabledFg == NULL) || (butPtr->image != NULL))) {
	if ((butPtr->flags & SELECTED) && !butPtr->indicatorOn
		&& (butPtr->selectBorder != NULL)) {
	    XSetForeground(butPtr->display, butPtr->stippleGC,

	 * Stipple the whole button if no disabledFg was specified, otherwise
	 * restrict stippling only to displayed image

	if (butPtr->disabledFg == NULL) {
	    XFillRectangle(butPtr->display, pixmap, butPtr->stippleGC, 0, 0,
		    (unsigned) Tk_Width(tkwin), (unsigned) Tk_Height(tkwin));
	} else {
	    XFillRectangle(butPtr->display, pixmap, butPtr->stippleGC,
		    imageXOffset, imageYOffset,
		    (unsigned) imageWidth, (unsigned) imageHeight);
	if ((butPtr->flags & SELECTED) && !butPtr->indicatorOn
		&& (butPtr->selectBorder != NULL)) {
	    XSetForeground(butPtr->display, butPtr->stippleGC,

     * Draw the border and traversal highlight last. This way, if the button's
     * contents overflow they'll be covered up by the border. This code is
     * complicated by the possible combinations of focus highlight and default
     * rings. We draw the focus and highlight rings using the highlight border
     * and highlight foreground color.

    if (relief != TK_RELIEF_FLAT) {
	int inset = butPtr->highlightWidth;

	if (butPtr->defaultState == DEFAULT_ACTIVE) {
	     * Draw the default ring with 2 pixels of space between the
	     * default ring and the button and the default ring and the focus
	     * ring. Note that we need to explicitly draw the space in the
	     * highlightBorder color to ensure that we overwrite any overflow
	     * text and/or a different button background color.

	    Tk_Draw3DRectangle(tkwin, pixmap, butPtr->highlightBorder, inset,
		    inset, Tk_Width(tkwin) - 2*inset,
		    Tk_Height(tkwin) - 2*inset, 2, TK_RELIEF_FLAT);
	    inset += 2;
	    Tk_Draw3DRectangle(tkwin, pixmap, butPtr->highlightBorder, inset,
		    inset, Tk_Width(tkwin) - 2*inset,
		    Tk_Height(tkwin) - 2*inset, 1, TK_RELIEF_SUNKEN);
	    Tk_Draw3DRectangle(tkwin, pixmap, butPtr->highlightBorder, inset,
		    inset, Tk_Width(tkwin) - 2*inset,
		    Tk_Height(tkwin) - 2*inset, 2, TK_RELIEF_FLAT);

	    inset += 2;
	} else if (butPtr->defaultState == DEFAULT_NORMAL) {
	     * Leave room for the default ring and write over any text or
	     * background color.

	    Tk_Draw3DRectangle(tkwin, pixmap, butPtr->highlightBorder, 0,
		    0, Tk_Width(tkwin), Tk_Height(tkwin), 5, TK_RELIEF_FLAT);
	    inset += 5;

	 * Draw the button border.

	Tk_Draw3DRectangle(tkwin, pixmap, border, inset, inset,
		Tk_Width(tkwin) - 2*inset, Tk_Height(tkwin) - 2*inset,
		butPtr->borderWidth, relief);
    if (butPtr->highlightWidth > 0) {
	GC gc;

	if (butPtr->flags & GOT_FOCUS) {
	    gc = Tk_GCForColor(butPtr->highlightColorPtr, pixmap);
	} else {
	    gc = Tk_GCForColor(Tk_3DBorderColor(butPtr->highlightBorder),

	 * Make sure the focus ring shrink-wraps the actual button, not the
	 * padding space left for a default ring.

	if (butPtr->defaultState == DEFAULT_NORMAL) {
	    TkDrawInsetFocusHighlight(tkwin, gc, butPtr->highlightWidth,
		    pixmap, 5);
	} else {
	    Tk_DrawFocusHighlight(tkwin, gc, butPtr->highlightWidth, pixmap);

     * Copy the information from the off-screen pixmap onto the screen, then
     * delete the pixmap.

    XCopyArea(butPtr->display, pixmap, Tk_WindowId(tkwin),
	    butPtr->copyGC, 0, 0, (unsigned) Tk_Width(tkwin),
	    (unsigned) Tk_Height(tkwin), 0, 0);
    Tk_FreePixmap(butPtr->display, pixmap);
Beispiel #6
    ClientData clientData)	/* Widget record for scale. */
    TkScale *scalePtr = (TkScale *) clientData;
    Tk_Window tkwin = scalePtr->tkwin;
    Tcl_Interp *interp = scalePtr->interp;
    Pixmap pixmap;
    int result;
    char string[PRINT_CHARS];
    XRectangle drawnArea;
    Tcl_DString buf;

    scalePtr->flags &= ~REDRAW_PENDING;
    if ((scalePtr->tkwin == NULL) || !Tk_IsMapped(scalePtr->tkwin)) {
	goto done;

     * Invoke the scale's command if needed.

    if ((scalePtr->flags & INVOKE_COMMAND) && (scalePtr->command != NULL)) {
	sprintf(string, scalePtr->format, scalePtr->value);
	Tcl_DStringAppend(&buf, scalePtr->command, -1);
	Tcl_DStringAppend(&buf, " ", -1);
	Tcl_DStringAppend(&buf, string, -1);
	result = Tcl_EvalEx(interp, Tcl_DStringValue(&buf), -1, 0);
	if (result != TCL_OK) {
	    Tcl_AddErrorInfo(interp, "\n    (command executed by scale)");
	    Tcl_BackgroundException(interp, result);
    scalePtr->flags &= ~INVOKE_COMMAND;
    if (scalePtr->flags & SCALE_DELETED) {

     * In order to avoid screen flashes, this function redraws the scale in a
     * pixmap, then copies the pixmap to the screen in a single operation.
     * This means that there's no point in time where the on-sreen image has
     * been cleared.

    pixmap = Tk_GetPixmap(scalePtr->display, Tk_WindowId(tkwin),
	    Tk_Width(tkwin), Tk_Height(tkwin), Tk_Depth(tkwin));
    pixmap = Tk_WindowId(tkwin);
    drawnArea.x = 0;
    drawnArea.y = 0;
    drawnArea.width = Tk_Width(tkwin);
    drawnArea.height = Tk_Height(tkwin);

     * Much of the redisplay is done totally differently for horizontal and
     * vertical scales. Handle the part that's different.

    if (scalePtr->orient == ORIENT_VERTICAL) {
	DisplayVerticalScale(scalePtr, pixmap, &drawnArea);
    } else {
	DisplayHorizontalScale(scalePtr, pixmap, &drawnArea);

     * Now handle the part of redisplay that is the same for horizontal and
     * vertical scales: border and traversal highlight.

    if (scalePtr->flags & REDRAW_OTHER) {
	if (scalePtr->relief != TK_RELIEF_FLAT) {
	    Tk_Draw3DRectangle(tkwin, pixmap, scalePtr->bgBorder,
		    scalePtr->highlightWidth, scalePtr->highlightWidth,
		    Tk_Width(tkwin) - 2*scalePtr->highlightWidth,
		    Tk_Height(tkwin) - 2*scalePtr->highlightWidth,
		    scalePtr->borderWidth, scalePtr->relief);
	if (scalePtr->highlightWidth != 0) {
	    GC gc;

	    if (scalePtr->flags & GOT_FOCUS) {
		gc = Tk_GCForColor(scalePtr->highlightColorPtr, pixmap);
	    } else {
		gc = Tk_GCForColor(
                        Tk_3DBorderColor(scalePtr->highlightBorder), pixmap);
	    Tk_DrawFocusHighlight(tkwin, gc, scalePtr->highlightWidth, pixmap);

     * Copy the information from the off-screen pixmap onto the screen, then
     * delete the pixmap.

    XCopyArea(scalePtr->display, pixmap, Tk_WindowId(tkwin),
	    scalePtr->copyGC, drawnArea.x, drawnArea.y, drawnArea.width,
	    drawnArea.height, drawnArea.x, drawnArea.y);
    Tk_FreePixmap(scalePtr->display, pixmap);

    scalePtr->flags &= ~REDRAW_ALL;
Beispiel #7
static void IndicatorElementDraw(
    void *clientData, void *elementRecord, Tk_Window tkwin,
    Drawable d, Ttk_Box b, unsigned int state)
    IndicatorSpec *spec = clientData;
    IndicatorElement *indicator = elementRecord;
    Display *display = Tk_Display(tkwin);
    Tk_3DBorder bgBorder;
    Ttk_Padding padding;
    XColor *fgColor, *bgColor, *lightColor, *shadeColor, *selectColor;

    int index, ix, iy;
    XGCValues gcValues;
    GC copyGC;
    unsigned long imgColors[8];
    XImage *img;

    Ttk_GetPaddingFromObj(NULL, tkwin, indicator->marginObj, &padding);
    b = Ttk_PadBox(b, padding);

    if (   b.x < 0
	|| b.y < 0
	|| Tk_Width(tkwin) < b.x + spec->width
	|| Tk_Height(tkwin) < b.y + spec->height)
	/* Oops!  not enough room to display the image.
	 * Don't draw anything.

     * Fill in imgColors palette:
     * (SHOULD: take light and shade colors from the border object,
     * but Tk doesn't provide easy access to these in the public API.)
    fgColor = Tk_GetColorFromObj(tkwin, indicator->foregroundObj);
    bgBorder = Tk_Get3DBorderFromObj(tkwin, indicator->backgroundObj);
    bgColor = Tk_3DBorderColor(bgBorder);
    lightColor = Tk_GetColorFromObj(tkwin, indicator->lightColorObj);
    shadeColor = Tk_GetColorFromObj(tkwin, indicator->shadeColorObj);
    selectColor = Tk_GetColorFromObj(tkwin, indicator->colorObj);

    imgColors[0 /*A*/] = bgColor->pixel;
    imgColors[1 /*B*/] = bgColor->pixel;
    imgColors[2 /*C*/] = lightColor->pixel;
    imgColors[3 /*D*/] = selectColor->pixel;
    imgColors[4 /*E*/] = shadeColor->pixel;
    imgColors[5 /*F*/] = bgColor->pixel;
    imgColors[6 /*G*/] = fgColor->pixel;
    imgColors[7 /*H*/] = selectColor->pixel;

     * Create a scratch buffer to store the image:
    img = XGetImage(display,d, 0, 0,
	    (unsigned int)spec->width, (unsigned int)spec->height,
	    AllPlanes, ZPixmap);
    if (img == NULL)

     * Create the image, painting it into an XImage one pixel at a time.
    index = Ttk_StateTableLookup(spec->map, state);
    for (iy=0 ; iy<spec->height ; iy++) {
	for (ix=0 ; ix<spec->width ; ix++) {
	    XPutPixel(img, ix, iy,
		imgColors[spec->pixels[iy][index*spec->width+ix] - 'A'] );

     * Copy onto our target drawable surface.
    memset(&gcValues, 0, sizeof(gcValues));
    copyGC = Tk_GetGC(tkwin, 0, &gcValues);

    TkPutImage(NULL, 0, display, d, copyGC, img, 0, 0, b.x, b.y,
               spec->width, spec->height);

     * Tidy up.
    Tk_FreeGC(display, copyGC);
Beispiel #8
static int
    Tcl_Interp *interp,		/* Interpreter for error reporting. */
    Tk_Canvas canvas,		/* Canvas containing itemPtr. */
    Tk_Item *itemPtr,		/* Rectangle item to reconfigure. */
    int objc,			/* Number of elements in objv. */
    Tcl_Obj *const objv[],	/* Arguments describing things to configure. */
    int flags)			/* Flags to pass to Tk_ConfigureWidget. */
    TextItem *textPtr = (TextItem *) itemPtr;
    XGCValues gcValues;
    GC newGC, newSelGC;
    unsigned long mask;
    Tk_Window tkwin;
    Tk_CanvasTextInfo *textInfoPtr = textPtr->textInfoPtr;
    XColor *selBgColorPtr;
    XColor *color;
    Pixmap stipple;
    Tk_State state;

    tkwin = Tk_CanvasTkwin(canvas);
    if (TCL_OK != Tk_ConfigureWidget(interp, tkwin, configSpecs, objc,
	    (const char **) objv, (char *) textPtr, flags|TK_CONFIG_OBJS)) {
	return TCL_ERROR;

     * A few of the options require additional processing, such as graphics
     * contexts.

    state = itemPtr->state;

    if (textPtr->activeColor != NULL || textPtr->activeStipple != None) {
	itemPtr->redraw_flags |= TK_ITEM_STATE_DEPENDANT;
    } else {
	itemPtr->redraw_flags &= ~TK_ITEM_STATE_DEPENDANT;

    if (state == TK_STATE_NULL) {
	state = Canvas(canvas)->canvas_state;

    color = textPtr->color;
    stipple = textPtr->stipple;
    if (Canvas(canvas)->currentItemPtr == itemPtr) {
	if (textPtr->activeColor != NULL) {
	    color = textPtr->activeColor;
	if (textPtr->activeStipple != None) {
	    stipple = textPtr->activeStipple;
    } else if (state == TK_STATE_DISABLED) {
	if (textPtr->disabledColor != NULL) {
	    color = textPtr->disabledColor;
	if (textPtr->disabledStipple != None) {
	    stipple = textPtr->disabledStipple;

    newGC = newSelGC = NULL;
    if (textPtr->tkfont != NULL) {
	gcValues.font = Tk_FontId(textPtr->tkfont);
	mask = GCFont;
	if (color != NULL) {
	    gcValues.foreground = color->pixel;
	    mask |= GCForeground;
	    if (stipple != None) {
		gcValues.stipple = stipple;
		gcValues.fill_style = FillStippled;
		mask |= GCStipple|GCFillStyle;
	    newGC = Tk_GetGC(tkwin, mask, &gcValues);
	mask &= ~(GCTile|GCFillStyle|GCStipple);
	if (stipple != None) {
	    gcValues.stipple = stipple;
	    gcValues.fill_style = FillStippled;
	    mask |= GCStipple|GCFillStyle;
	if (textInfoPtr->selFgColorPtr != NULL) {
	    gcValues.foreground = textInfoPtr->selFgColorPtr->pixel;
	newSelGC = Tk_GetGC(tkwin, mask|GCForeground, &gcValues);
    if (textPtr->gc != NULL) {
	Tk_FreeGC(Tk_Display(tkwin), textPtr->gc);
    textPtr->gc = newGC;
    if (textPtr->selTextGC != NULL) {
	Tk_FreeGC(Tk_Display(tkwin), textPtr->selTextGC);
    textPtr->selTextGC = newSelGC;

    selBgColorPtr = Tk_3DBorderColor(textInfoPtr->selBorder);
    if (Tk_3DBorderColor(textInfoPtr->insertBorder)->pixel
	    == selBgColorPtr->pixel) {
	if (selBgColorPtr->pixel == BlackPixelOfScreen(Tk_Screen(tkwin))) {
	    gcValues.foreground = WhitePixelOfScreen(Tk_Screen(tkwin));
	} else {
	    gcValues.foreground = BlackPixelOfScreen(Tk_Screen(tkwin));
	newGC = Tk_GetGC(tkwin, GCForeground, &gcValues);
    } else {
	newGC = NULL;
    if (textPtr->cursorOffGC != NULL) {
	Tk_FreeGC(Tk_Display(tkwin), textPtr->cursorOffGC);
    textPtr->cursorOffGC = newGC;

     * If the text was changed, move the selection and insertion indices to
     * keep them inside the item.

    textPtr->numBytes = strlen(textPtr->text);
    textPtr->numChars = Tcl_NumUtfChars(textPtr->text, textPtr->numBytes);
    if (textInfoPtr->selItemPtr == itemPtr) {

	if (textInfoPtr->selectFirst >= textPtr->numChars) {
	    textInfoPtr->selItemPtr = NULL;
	} else {
	    if (textInfoPtr->selectLast >= textPtr->numChars) {
		textInfoPtr->selectLast = textPtr->numChars - 1;
	    if ((textInfoPtr->anchorItemPtr == itemPtr)
		    && (textInfoPtr->selectAnchor >= textPtr->numChars)) {
		textInfoPtr->selectAnchor = textPtr->numChars - 1;
    if (textPtr->insertPos >= textPtr->numChars) {
	textPtr->insertPos = textPtr->numChars;

     * Restrict so that 0.0 <= angle < 360.0, and then recompute the cached
     * sine and cosine of the angle. Note that fmod() can produce negative
     * results, and we try to avoid negative zero as well.

    textPtr->angle = fmod(textPtr->angle, 360.0);
    if (textPtr->angle < 0.0) {
	textPtr->angle += 360.0;
    if (textPtr->angle == 0.0) {
	textPtr->angle = 0.0;
    textPtr->sine = sin(textPtr->angle * PI/180.0);
    textPtr->cosine = cos(textPtr->angle * PI/180.0);

    ComputeTextBbox(canvas, textPtr);
    return TCL_OK;
Beispiel #9
    ClientData instanceData)	/* Information about widget. */
    XGCValues gcValues;
    GC gc;
    unsigned long mask;
    TkMenuButton *mbPtr = instanceData;

    gcValues.font = Tk_FontId(mbPtr->tkfont);
    gcValues.foreground = mbPtr->normalFg->pixel;
    gcValues.background = Tk_3DBorderColor(mbPtr->normalBorder)->pixel;

     * Note: GraphicsExpose events are disabled in GC's because they're used
     * to copy stuff from an off-screen pixmap onto the screen (we know that
     * there's no problem with obscured areas).

    gcValues.graphics_exposures = False;
    mask = GCForeground | GCBackground | GCFont | GCGraphicsExposures;
    gc = Tk_GetGC(mbPtr->tkwin, mask, &gcValues);
    if (mbPtr->normalTextGC != None) {
        Tk_FreeGC(mbPtr->display, mbPtr->normalTextGC);
    mbPtr->normalTextGC = gc;

    gcValues.foreground = mbPtr->activeFg->pixel;
    gcValues.background = Tk_3DBorderColor(mbPtr->activeBorder)->pixel;
    mask = GCForeground | GCBackground | GCFont;
    gc = Tk_GetGC(mbPtr->tkwin, mask, &gcValues);
    if (mbPtr->activeTextGC != None) {
        Tk_FreeGC(mbPtr->display, mbPtr->activeTextGC);
    mbPtr->activeTextGC = gc;

    gcValues.background = Tk_3DBorderColor(mbPtr->normalBorder)->pixel;

     * Create the GC that can be used for stippling

    if (mbPtr->stippleGC == None) {
        gcValues.foreground = gcValues.background;
        mask = GCForeground;
        if (mbPtr->gray == None) {
            mbPtr->gray = Tk_GetBitmap(NULL, mbPtr->tkwin, "gray50");
        if (mbPtr->gray != None) {
            gcValues.fill_style = FillStippled;
            gcValues.stipple = mbPtr->gray;
            mask |= GCFillStyle | GCStipple;
        mbPtr->stippleGC = Tk_GetGC(mbPtr->tkwin, mask, &gcValues);

     * Allocate the disabled graphics context, for drawing text in its
     * disabled state.

    mask = GCForeground | GCBackground | GCFont;
    if (mbPtr->disabledFg != NULL) {
        gcValues.foreground = mbPtr->disabledFg->pixel;
    } else {
        gcValues.foreground = gcValues.background;
    gc = Tk_GetGC(mbPtr->tkwin, mask, &gcValues);
    if (mbPtr->disabledGC != None) {
        Tk_FreeGC(mbPtr->display, mbPtr->disabledGC);
    mbPtr->disabledGC = gc;


     * Lastly, arrange for the button to be redisplayed.

    if (Tk_IsMapped(mbPtr->tkwin) && !(mbPtr->flags & REDRAW_PENDING)) {
        Tcl_DoWhenIdle(TkpDisplayMenuButton, mbPtr);
        mbPtr->flags |= REDRAW_PENDING;
 * DrawButtonImageAndText --
 *        Draws the image and text associated with a button or label.
 * Results:
 *        None.
 * Side effects:
 *        The image and text are drawn.
static void
    TkButton* butPtr)

    MacButton *mbPtr = (MacButton*)butPtr;
    Tk_Window  tkwin  = butPtr->tkwin;
    Pixmap     pixmap;
    int        haveImage = 0;
    int        haveText = 0;
    int        imageWidth = 0;
    int        imageHeight = 0;
    int        imageXOffset = 0;
    int        imageYOffset = 0;
    int        textXOffset = 0;
    int        textYOffset = 0;
    int        width = 0;
    int        height = 0;
    int        fullWidth = 0;
    int        fullHeight = 0;
    int        pressed = 0;

    if (tkwin == NULL || !Tk_IsMapped(tkwin)) {

    DrawParams* dpPtr = &mbPtr->drawParams;
    pixmap = (Pixmap)Tk_WindowId(tkwin);

    if (butPtr->image != None) {
        Tk_SizeOfImage(butPtr->image, &width, &height);
        haveImage = 1;
    } else if (butPtr->bitmap != None) {
        Tk_SizeOfBitmap(butPtr->display, butPtr->bitmap, &width, &height);
        haveImage = 1;

    imageWidth  = width;
    imageHeight = height;

    if (mbPtr->drawinfo.state == kThemeStatePressed) {
        /* Offset bitmaps by a bit when the button is pressed. */
        pressed = 1;

    haveText = (butPtr->textWidth != 0 && butPtr->textHeight != 0);
    if (haveImage && haveText) { /* Image and Text */
        int x;
        int y;
        textXOffset = 0;
        textYOffset = 0;
        fullWidth = 0;
        fullHeight = 0;

        switch ((enum compound) butPtr->compound) {
	  /* Image is above or below text */
	  if (butPtr->compound == COMPOUND_TOP) {
	    textYOffset = height + butPtr->padY;
	  } else {
	    imageYOffset = butPtr->textHeight + butPtr->padY;
	  fullHeight = height + butPtr->textHeight + butPtr->padY;
	  fullWidth = (width > butPtr->textWidth ? width :
	  textXOffset = (fullWidth - butPtr->textWidth)/2;
	  imageXOffset = (fullWidth - width)/2;
	   * Image is left or right of text
	  if (butPtr->compound == COMPOUND_LEFT) {
	    textXOffset = width + butPtr->padX;
	  } else {
	    imageXOffset = butPtr->textWidth + butPtr->padX;
	  fullWidth = butPtr->textWidth + butPtr->padX + width;
	  fullHeight = (height > butPtr->textHeight ? height :
	  textYOffset = (fullHeight - butPtr->textHeight)/2;
	  imageYOffset = (fullHeight - height)/2;
	   * Image and text are superimposed
	  fullWidth = (width > butPtr->textWidth ? width :
	  fullHeight = (height > butPtr->textHeight ? height :
	  textXOffset = (fullWidth - butPtr->textWidth)/2;
	  imageXOffset = (fullWidth - width)/2;
	  textYOffset = (fullHeight - butPtr->textHeight)/2;
	  imageYOffset = (fullHeight - height)/2;

        TkComputeAnchor(butPtr->anchor, tkwin,
                butPtr->padX + butPtr->borderWidth,
                butPtr->padY + butPtr->borderWidth,
                fullWidth + butPtr->indicatorSpace, fullHeight, &x, &y);
	x += butPtr->indicatorSpace;

        if (dpPtr->relief == TK_RELIEF_SUNKEN) {
            x += dpPtr->offset;
            y += dpPtr->offset;
        } else if (dpPtr->relief == TK_RELIEF_RAISED) {
            x -= dpPtr->offset;
            y -= dpPtr->offset;
        if (pressed) {
            x += dpPtr->offset;
            y += dpPtr->offset;
        imageXOffset += x;
        imageYOffset += y;
        textYOffset -= 1;

        if (butPtr->image != NULL) {
	  if ((butPtr->selectImage != NULL) &&
	      (butPtr->flags & SELECTED)) {
	    Tk_RedrawImage(butPtr->selectImage, 0, 0,
			   width, height, pixmap, imageXOffset, imageYOffset);
	  } else if ((butPtr->tristateImage != NULL) &&
		     (butPtr->flags & TRISTATED)) {
	    Tk_RedrawImage(butPtr->tristateImage, 0, 0,
			   width, height, pixmap, imageXOffset, imageYOffset);
	  } else {
	    Tk_RedrawImage(butPtr->image, 0, 0, width,
			   height, pixmap, imageXOffset, imageYOffset);
        } else {
	  XSetClipOrigin(butPtr->display, dpPtr->gc,
			 imageXOffset, imageYOffset);
	  XCopyPlane(butPtr->display, butPtr->bitmap, pixmap, dpPtr->gc,
		     0, 0, (unsigned int) width, (unsigned int) height,
		     imageXOffset, imageYOffset, 1);
	  XSetClipOrigin(butPtr->display, dpPtr->gc, 0, 0);
        Tk_DrawTextLayout(butPtr->display, pixmap,
                dpPtr->gc, butPtr->textLayout,
                x + textXOffset, y + textYOffset, 0, -1);
        Tk_UnderlineTextLayout(butPtr->display, pixmap, dpPtr->gc,
                x + textXOffset, y + textYOffset,
    } else if (haveImage) { /* Image only */
        int x = 0;
	int y;
	TkComputeAnchor(butPtr->anchor, tkwin,
			butPtr->padX + butPtr->borderWidth,
			butPtr->padY + butPtr->borderWidth,
			width + butPtr->indicatorSpace,
			height, &x, &y);
        x += butPtr->indicatorSpace;
	if (pressed) {
	  x += dpPtr->offset;
	  y += dpPtr->offset;
	imageXOffset += x;
	imageYOffset += y;

	if (butPtr->image != NULL) {
	  if ((butPtr->selectImage != NULL) &&
	      (butPtr->flags & SELECTED)) {
	    Tk_RedrawImage(butPtr->selectImage, 0, 0, width,
			   height, pixmap, imageXOffset, imageYOffset);
	  } else if ((butPtr->tristateImage != NULL) &&
		     (butPtr->flags & TRISTATED)) {
	    Tk_RedrawImage(butPtr->tristateImage, 0, 0, width,
			   height, pixmap, imageXOffset, imageYOffset);
	  } else {
	    Tk_RedrawImage(butPtr->image, 0, 0, width, height,
			   pixmap, imageXOffset, imageYOffset);
	} else {
	  XSetClipOrigin(butPtr->display, dpPtr->gc, x, y);
	  XCopyPlane(butPtr->display, butPtr->bitmap,
		     pixmap, dpPtr->gc,
		     0, 0, (unsigned int) width,
		     (unsigned int) height,
		     imageXOffset, imageYOffset, 1);
	  XSetClipOrigin(butPtr->display, dpPtr->gc, 0, 0);
    } else { /* Text only */
        int x, y;
	TkComputeAnchor(butPtr->anchor, tkwin, butPtr->padX, butPtr->padY,
			butPtr->textWidth + butPtr->indicatorSpace,
			  butPtr->textHeight, &x, &y);
	x += butPtr->indicatorSpace;
	Tk_DrawTextLayout(butPtr->display, pixmap, dpPtr->gc, butPtr->textLayout,
			  x, y, 0, -1);

     * If the button is disabled with a stipple rather than a special
     * foreground color, generate the stippled effect.  If the widget
     * is selected and we use a different background color when selected,
     * must temporarily modify the GC so the stippling is the right color.

    if (mbPtr->useTkText) {
        if ((butPtr->state == STATE_DISABLED)
                && ((butPtr->disabledFg == NULL) || (butPtr->image != NULL))) {
            if ((butPtr->flags & SELECTED) && !butPtr->indicatorOn
                    && (butPtr->selectBorder != NULL)) {
                XSetForeground(butPtr->display, butPtr->stippleGC,
             * Stipple the whole button if no disabledFg was specified,
             * otherwise restrict stippling only to displayed image
            if (butPtr->disabledFg == NULL) {
                XFillRectangle(butPtr->display, pixmap, butPtr->stippleGC,
                        0, 0, (unsigned) Tk_Width(tkwin),
                        (unsigned) Tk_Height(tkwin));
            } else {
                XFillRectangle(butPtr->display, pixmap, butPtr->stippleGC,
                        imageXOffset, imageYOffset,
                        (unsigned) imageWidth, (unsigned) imageHeight);
            if ((butPtr->flags & SELECTED) && !butPtr->indicatorOn
                && (butPtr->selectBorder != NULL)
            ) {
                XSetForeground(butPtr->display, butPtr->stippleGC,

         * Draw the border and traversal highlight last.  This way, if the
         * button's contents overflow they'll be covered up by the border.

        if (dpPtr->relief != TK_RELIEF_FLAT) {
            int inset = butPtr->highlightWidth;
            Tk_Draw3DRectangle(tkwin, pixmap, dpPtr->border, inset, inset,
                Tk_Width(tkwin) - 2*inset, Tk_Height(tkwin) - 2*inset,
                butPtr->borderWidth, dpPtr->relief);

Beispiel #11
    ClientData clientData)	/* Information about widget. */
    MacButton *macButtonPtr = (MacButton *) clientData;
    TkButton *butPtr = (TkButton *) clientData;
    Tk_Window tkwin = butPtr->tkwin;
    CGrafPtr destPort, savePort;
    Boolean portChanged;
    Pixmap pixmap;
    int width, height, fullWidth, fullHeight, textXOffset, textYOffset;
    int borderWidth, wasUsingControl;
    int haveImage = 0, haveText = 0, imageWidth = 0, imageHeight = 0;
    int imageXOffset = 0, imageYOffset = 0; /* image information that will
					     * be used to restrict disabled
					     * pixmap as well */
    DrawParams drawParams, *dpPtr = &drawParams;

    butPtr->flags &= ~REDRAW_PENDING;
    if ((butPtr->tkwin == NULL) || !Tk_IsMapped(tkwin)) {
    pixmap = (Pixmap) Tk_WindowId(tkwin);
    wasUsingControl = macButtonPtr->usingControl;

    if (TkMacOSXComputeDrawParams(butPtr, &drawParams) ) {
	macButtonPtr->usingControl = 1;
	if (butPtr->type == TYPE_BUTTON) {
	    macButtonPtr->useTkText = 0;
	} else {
	    macButtonPtr->useTkText = 1;
    } else {
	macButtonPtr->usingControl = 0;
	macButtonPtr->useTkText = 1;

     * See the comment in UpdateControlColors as to why we use the
     * highlightbackground for the border of Macintosh buttons.

    if (macButtonPtr->useTkText) {
	if (butPtr->type == TYPE_BUTTON) {
	    Tk_Fill3DRectangle(tkwin, pixmap, butPtr->highlightBorder, 0, 0,
		    Tk_Width(tkwin), Tk_Height(tkwin), 0, TK_RELIEF_FLAT);
	} else {
	    Tk_Fill3DRectangle(tkwin, pixmap, butPtr->normalBorder, 0, 0,
		    Tk_Width(tkwin), Tk_Height(tkwin), 0, TK_RELIEF_FLAT);

     * Set up clipping region. Make sure the we are using the port
     * for this button, or we will set the wrong window's clip.

    destPort = TkMacOSXGetDrawablePort(pixmap);
    portChanged = QDSwapPort(destPort, &savePort);

     * Draw the native portion of the buttons. Start by creating the control
     * if it doesn't already exist. Then configure the Macintosh control from
     * the Tk info. Finally, we call Draw1Control to draw to the screen.

    if (macButtonPtr->usingControl) {
	borderWidth = 0;
	TkMacOSXDrawControl(macButtonPtr, destPort, dpPtr->gc, pixmap);
    } else if (wasUsingControl && macButtonPtr->userPane) {
	macButtonPtr->userPane = NULL;
	macButtonPtr->control = NULL;
	macButtonPtr->flags = 0;

    if ((dpPtr->drawType == DRAW_CUSTOM) || (dpPtr->drawType == DRAW_LABEL)) {
	borderWidth = butPtr->borderWidth;

     * Display image or bitmap or text for button. This has
     * already been done under Appearance with the Bevel
     * button types.

    if (dpPtr->drawType == DRAW_BEVEL) {
	goto applyStipple;

    if (butPtr->image != None) {
	Tk_SizeOfImage(butPtr->image, &width, &height);
	haveImage = 1;
    } else if (butPtr->bitmap != None) {
	Tk_SizeOfBitmap(butPtr->display, butPtr->bitmap, &width, &height);
	haveImage = 1;
    imageWidth = width;
    imageHeight = height;

    haveText = (butPtr->textWidth != 0 && butPtr->textHeight != 0);
    if (butPtr->compound != COMPOUND_NONE && haveImage && haveText) {
	int x, y;

	textXOffset = 0;
	textYOffset = 0;
	fullWidth = 0;
	fullHeight = 0;

	switch ((enum compound) butPtr->compound) {
	    case COMPOUND_TOP:
		 * Image is above or below text.
		if (butPtr->compound == COMPOUND_TOP) {
		    textYOffset = height + butPtr->padY;
		} else {
		    imageYOffset = butPtr->textHeight + butPtr->padY;
		fullHeight = height + butPtr->textHeight + butPtr->padY;
		fullWidth = (width > butPtr->textWidth ? width :
		textXOffset = (fullWidth - butPtr->textWidth)/2;
		imageXOffset = (fullWidth - width)/2;

	    case COMPOUND_LEFT:
		 * Image is left or right of text.

		if (butPtr->compound == COMPOUND_LEFT) {
		    textXOffset = width + butPtr->padX;
		} else {
		    imageXOffset = butPtr->textWidth + butPtr->padX;
		fullWidth = butPtr->textWidth + butPtr->padX + width;
		fullHeight = (height > butPtr->textHeight ? height :
		textYOffset = (fullHeight - butPtr->textHeight)/2;
		imageYOffset = (fullHeight - height)/2;

		 * Image and text are superimposed.

		fullWidth = (width > butPtr->textWidth ? width :
		fullHeight = (height > butPtr->textHeight ? height :
		textXOffset = (fullWidth - butPtr->textWidth)/2;
		imageXOffset = (fullWidth - width)/2;
		textYOffset = (fullHeight - butPtr->textHeight)/2;
		imageYOffset = (fullHeight - height)/2;

	    case COMPOUND_NONE:

	TkComputeAnchor(butPtr->anchor, tkwin, butPtr->padX, butPtr->padY,
		butPtr->indicatorSpace + fullWidth, fullHeight, &x, &y);

	x += butPtr->indicatorSpace;

	x += dpPtr->offset;
	y += dpPtr->offset;
	if (dpPtr->relief == TK_RELIEF_RAISED) {
	    x -= dpPtr->offset;
	    y -= dpPtr->offset;
	} else if (dpPtr->relief == TK_RELIEF_SUNKEN) {
	    x += dpPtr->offset;
	    y += dpPtr->offset;
	imageXOffset += x;
	imageYOffset += y;
	if (butPtr->image != NULL) {
	    if ((butPtr->selectImage != NULL) && (butPtr->flags & SELECTED)) {
		Tk_RedrawImage(butPtr->selectImage, 0, 0, width, height,
			pixmap, imageXOffset, imageYOffset);
#if 0
	    } else if ((butPtr->tristateImage != NULL) &&
		    (butPtr->flags & TRISTATED)) {
		Tk_RedrawImage(butPtr->tristateImage, 0, 0, width, height,
			pixmap, imageXOffset, imageYOffset);
	    } else {
		Tk_RedrawImage(butPtr->image, 0, 0, width, height,
			pixmap, imageXOffset, imageYOffset);
	} else {
	    XSetClipOrigin(butPtr->display, dpPtr->gc, imageXOffset,
	    XCopyPlane(butPtr->display, butPtr->bitmap, pixmap, dpPtr->gc,
		    0, 0, width, height, imageXOffset, imageYOffset, 1);
	    XSetClipOrigin(butPtr->display, dpPtr->gc, 0, 0);

	if (macButtonPtr->useTkText) {
	    Tk_DrawTextLayout(butPtr->display, pixmap, dpPtr->gc,
		    butPtr->textLayout, x + textXOffset, y + textYOffset, 0,
	    Tk_UnderlineTextLayout(butPtr->display, pixmap, dpPtr->gc,
		    butPtr->textLayout, x + textXOffset, y + textYOffset,
	y += fullHeight/2;
    } else if (haveImage) {
	int x = 0, y;

	TkComputeAnchor(butPtr->anchor, tkwin, 0, 0,
		butPtr->indicatorSpace + width, height, &x, &y);
	x += butPtr->indicatorSpace;

	x += dpPtr->offset;
	y += dpPtr->offset;
	if (dpPtr->relief == TK_RELIEF_RAISED) {
	    x -= dpPtr->offset;
	    y -= dpPtr->offset;
	} else if (dpPtr->relief == TK_RELIEF_SUNKEN) {
	    x += dpPtr->offset;
	    y += dpPtr->offset;
	imageXOffset += x;
	imageYOffset += y;
	if (butPtr->image != NULL) {
	    if ((butPtr->selectImage != NULL) && (butPtr->flags & SELECTED)) {
		Tk_RedrawImage(butPtr->selectImage, 0, 0, width, height,
			pixmap, imageXOffset, imageYOffset);
#if 0
	    } else if ((butPtr->tristateImage != NULL) &&
		    (butPtr->flags & TRISTATED)) {
		Tk_RedrawImage(butPtr->tristateImage, 0, 0, width, height,
			pixmap, imageXOffset, imageYOffset);
	    } else {
		Tk_RedrawImage(butPtr->image, 0, 0, width, height,
			pixmap, imageXOffset, imageYOffset);
	} else {
	    XSetClipOrigin(butPtr->display, dpPtr->gc, x, y);
	    XCopyPlane(butPtr->display, butPtr->bitmap, pixmap, dpPtr->gc,
		    0, 0, width, height, x, y, 1);
	    XSetClipOrigin(butPtr->display, dpPtr->gc, 0, 0);
	y += height/2;
    } else if (macButtonPtr->useTkText) {
	int x = 0, y;

	TkComputeAnchor(butPtr->anchor, tkwin, butPtr->padX, butPtr->padY,
		butPtr->indicatorSpace + butPtr->textWidth,
		butPtr->textHeight, &x, &y);
	x += butPtr->indicatorSpace;
	Tk_DrawTextLayout(butPtr->display, pixmap, dpPtr->gc,
		butPtr->textLayout, x, y, 0, -1);

     * If the button is disabled with a stipple rather than a special
     * foreground color, generate the stippled effect. If the widget
     * is selected and we use a different background color when selected,
     * must temporarily modify the GC so the stippling is the right color.

    if (macButtonPtr->useTkText) {
	if ((butPtr->state == STATE_DISABLED)
		&& ((butPtr->disabledFg == NULL) || (butPtr->image != NULL))) {
	    if ((butPtr->flags & SELECTED) && !butPtr->indicatorOn
		    && (butPtr->selectBorder != NULL)) {
		XSetForeground(butPtr->display, butPtr->stippleGC,

	     * Stipple the whole button if no disabledFg was specified,
	     * otherwise restrict stippling only to displayed image

	    if (butPtr->disabledFg == NULL) {
		XFillRectangle(butPtr->display, pixmap, butPtr->stippleGC,
			0, 0, (unsigned) Tk_Width(tkwin),
			(unsigned) Tk_Height(tkwin));
	    } else {
		XFillRectangle(butPtr->display, pixmap, butPtr->stippleGC,
			imageXOffset, imageYOffset,
			(unsigned) imageWidth, (unsigned) imageHeight);
	    if ((butPtr->flags & SELECTED) && !butPtr->indicatorOn
		    && (butPtr->selectBorder != NULL)) {
		XSetForeground(butPtr->display, butPtr->stippleGC,

	 * Draw the border and traversal highlight last. This way, if the
	 * button's contents overflow they'll be covered up by the border.

	if (dpPtr->relief != TK_RELIEF_FLAT) {
	    int inset = butPtr->highlightWidth;

	    Tk_Draw3DRectangle(tkwin, pixmap, dpPtr->border, inset, inset,
		    Tk_Width(tkwin) - 2*inset, Tk_Height(tkwin) - 2*inset,
		    butPtr->borderWidth, dpPtr->relief);
    if (portChanged) {
	QDSwapPort(savePort, NULL);
Beispiel #12
static int
paxwidget_widget_cmd(ClientData data, Tcl_Interp * interp,
		     int argc, char** argv)
    PaxWidget * paxwidget = (PaxWidget*)data;
    int result = TCL_OK;
    size_t length;
    char c;

    if (argc < 2)
	Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "wrong # args: should be \"",
			 argv[0], " option ?arg arg ...?\"", (char *) NULL);
	return TCL_ERROR;
    Tk_Preserve((ClientData) paxwidget);
    c = argv[1][0];
    length = strlen(argv[1]);
    if (c == 'b' && strncmp(argv[1], "bgpixel", length) == 0)
	sprintf(Tcl_GetStringResult(interp), "%ld",
    else if ((c == 'c') && (strncmp(argv[1], "cget", length) == 0)
	     && (length >= 2))
	if (argc != 3)
	    Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "wrong # args: should be \"",
			     argv[0], " cget option\"",
			     (char *) NULL);
	    goto error;
	result = Tk_ConfigureValue(interp, paxwidget->tkwin, configSpecs,
				   (char *) paxwidget, argv[2], 0);
    else if ((c == 'c') && (strncmp(argv[1], "configure", length) == 0)
	     && (length >= 2))
	if (argc == 2)
	    result = Tk_ConfigureInfo(interp, paxwidget->tkwin, configSpecs,
				      (char *) paxwidget, (char *) NULL, 0);
	else if (argc == 3)
	    result = Tk_ConfigureInfo(interp, paxwidget->tkwin, configSpecs,
				      (char *) paxwidget, argv[2], 0);
	    result = PaxWidgetConfigure(interp, paxwidget, argc-2, argv+2,
    else if ((c == 'm') && (strncmp(argv[1], "motionhints", length) == 0))
	XSetWindowAttributes* attr;
	if (argc != 2)
	    Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "wrong # args: should be \"",
			     argv[0], " motionhints\"",
			     (char *) NULL);
	    goto error;

	attr = Tk_Attributes(paxwidget->tkwin);
		     attr->event_mask | PointerMotionHintMask);

    else if ((c == 'u') && (strncmp(argv[1], "update", length) == 0))
	if (argc != 2)
	    Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "wrong # args: should be \"",
			     argv[0], " update\"",
			     (char *) NULL);
	    goto error;
    else if ((c == 'x') && (strncmp(argv[1], "xview", length) == 0))
	int count, type;
	double fraction;

	type = Tk_GetScrollInfo(interp, argc, argv, &fraction, &count);

	switch (type)
	    goto error;
	    paxWidget_CallMethodArgs(paxwidget->obj, ScrollXMoveIdx,
				     Py_BuildValue("(d)", fraction));
	    paxWidget_CallMethodArgs(paxwidget->obj, ScrollXPagesIdx,
				     Py_BuildValue("(i)", count));
	    paxWidget_CallMethodArgs(paxwidget->obj, ScrollXUnitsIdx,
				     Py_BuildValue("(i)", count));
    else if ((c == 'y') && (strncmp(argv[1], "yview", length) == 0))
	int count, type;
	double fraction;

	type = Tk_GetScrollInfo(interp, argc, argv, &fraction, &count);

	switch (type)
	    goto error;
	    paxWidget_CallMethodArgs(paxwidget->obj, ScrollYMoveIdx,
				     Py_BuildValue("(d)", fraction));
	    paxWidget_CallMethodArgs(paxwidget->obj, ScrollYPagesIdx,
				     Py_BuildValue("(i)", count));
	    paxWidget_CallMethodArgs(paxwidget->obj, ScrollYUnitsIdx,
				     Py_BuildValue("(i)", count));

    Tk_Release((ClientData) paxwidget);
    return result;

    Tk_Release((ClientData) paxwidget);
    return TCL_ERROR;
Beispiel #13
static void
imfsample_display(ClientData cldata)
    char *str;
    int row, col, namex, namey, n, sx, sy, update = FALSE, done;
    Imfsample *imfsample = (Imfsample *) cldata;
    Display *dpy = imfsample->display;
    Tk_Window tkwin = imfsample->tkwin;
    GC gc;
    Pixmap pm = None;
    Drawable d;
    Tk_Font tkfont;
    int winwidth = Tk_Width(Tk_Parent(tkwin)); 
    int winheight = Tk_Height(Tk_Parent(tkwin));
    char tclbuf[100];
    int rslt;
    imfsample->update_pending = 0;
    if (!Tk_IsMapped(tkwin)) {
    /* Check if we need to redraw the entire imfsample. */
    if (imfsample->imfapp) {
	if (imfsample->oldfirst != imfsample->firstvisrow
	    || imfsample->redraw) {
		imfsample->oldfirst = imfsample->firstvisrow;
		update = TRUE;
    /* Create a pixmap for double-buffering if necessary. */
    if (imfsample->double_buffer) {
	update = TRUE;
	pm = Tk_GetPixmap(imfsample->display, Tk_WindowId(tkwin),
			  Tk_Width(tkwin), Tk_Height(tkwin),
	d = pm;
    } else {
	d = Tk_WindowId(tkwin);
    if (black_color == NULL) {
	black_color = Tk_GetColor(interp, tkwin, Tk_GetUid("black"));
    if (white_color == NULL) {
	white_color = Tk_GetColor(interp, tkwin, Tk_GetUid("white"));
    if (black_border == NULL) {
	black_border = Tk_Get3DBorder(interp, tkwin, "black");
    if (white_border == NULL) {
	white_border = Tk_Get3DBorder(interp, tkwin, "white");
    /* Collect GC and font for subsequent work. */
    gc = imfsample->gc;
    XSetClipMask(dpy, gc, None);
    if (imfsample->show_names) {
#ifdef WIN32
	tkfont = Tk_GetFont(interp, tkwin, "-family arial -size 8");
#elif defined (MAC)
	tkfont = Tk_GetFont(interp, tkwin, "-family helvetica -size 11");
	tkfont = Tk_GetFont(interp, tkwin, "-family helvetica -size 12");
	XSetFont(imfsample->display, gc, Tk_FontId(tkfont));

    /* Redraw the entire widget background/border, but not if we
       are just updating the selected image. */
    if (imfsample->selected == imfsample->previous
     	/* Always redraw if we have only one image (e.g. closeups). */
    	|| (imfsample->numimages == 1 && imfsample->selected == -1)
    	|| update) {
	    done = FALSE;
	    if (imfsample->with_terrain >= 0
	    	/* Terrain tiles are not supported on Windows yet. */
	    	&& use_clip_mask) {
		ImageFamily *timf = 
		Image *timg;
		TkImage *tkimg;

		timg = best_image(timf, 64, 64);
		if (timg) {
		    tkimg = (TkImage *) timg->hook;
		    if (tkimg && tkimg->colr) {
			XSetFillStyle(dpy, gc, FillTiled);
			XSetTile(dpy, gc, tkimg->colr);
			XFillRectangle(dpy, d, gc, 0, 0,
				       Tk_Width(tkwin), Tk_Height(tkwin));
			done = TRUE;
	    if (!done) {
		Tk_Fill3DRectangle(tkwin, d, imfsample->bg_border, 0, 0,
				   Tk_Width(tkwin), Tk_Height(tkwin),
				   imfsample->border_width, imfsample->relief);
#if 0
    for (i = 0; i < imfsample->numimages; i++) {
	if (imf_interp_hook)
	  imfsample->imf_list[i] =
	    (*imf_interp_hook)(imfsample->imf_list[i], NULL, TRUE);
    /* Tweak the default item width/height to something better. */
    if (imfsample->iheight == 0) {
	imfsample->iheight = 32;
	if (imfsample->numimages == 1)
	  imfsample->iheight = imfsample->height;
    if (imfsample->iwidth == 0) {
	imfsample->iwidth = 32;
	if (imfsample->numimages == 1)
	  imfsample->iwidth = imfsample->width;
    imfsample->eltw = imfsample->iwidth;
    if (imfsample->show_grid)
      imfsample->eltw += 2;
      imfsample->eltw += 2 * imfsample->pad;
    if (imfsample->show_names && !imfsample->show_grid)
      imfsample->eltw += 80;
    imfsample->elth = imfsample->iheight;
    if (imfsample->show_grid)
      imfsample->elth += 2;
      imfsample->elth += 2 * imfsample->pad;
    /* Fix a lower bound on the vertical spacing. */
    /* (should be determined by choice of app font) */
    if (imfsample->elth < 10 && !imfsample->show_grid)
      imfsample->elth = 10;
    /* Compute and save the number of columns to use. */
    imfsample->cols = winwidth / imfsample->eltw;
    if (imfsample->cols <= 0)
      imfsample->cols = 1;
    /* We can get a little wider spacing by recalculating the element
       width. */
    if (imfsample->show_names && !imfsample->show_grid)
      imfsample->eltw = (winwidth - 10) / imfsample->cols;
    imfsample->rows = imfsample->numimages / imfsample->cols;
    /* Account for a last partial row. */
    if (imfsample->rows * imfsample->cols < imfsample->numimages)
    /* Compute the number of visible rows.  It would be time-consuming
       to render all the images, so try to do only the visible ones. */
    imfsample->numvisrows = winheight / imfsample->elth;
    if (imfsample->numvisrows > imfsample->rows)
      imfsample->numvisrows = imfsample->rows;
    if (imfsample->numvisrows < 1)
      imfsample->numvisrows = min(1, imfsample->rows);
    if (imfsample->firstvisrow + imfsample->numvisrows > imfsample->rows)
      imfsample->firstvisrow = imfsample->rows - imfsample->numvisrows;
    /* Imfapp-specific code that adjusts the canvas content to fit a resized
    window and also sets the canvas scrollregion correctly. */
    if (imfsample->imfapp
    	&& imfsample->redraw) {  
	    imfsample->width = Tk_Width(Tk_Parent(tkwin));
	    imfsample->height = imfsample->rows * imfsample->elth + 7;
	    Tk_GeometryRequest(tkwin, imfsample->width, imfsample->height);
	    /* There must be a better way to do this ... */
		    ".images.canvas configure -scrollregion [ list 0 0 0 %d ]", 
	    rslt = Tcl_Eval(interp, tclbuf);
	    if (rslt == TCL_ERROR) {
	        fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", Tcl_GetStringResult(interp));
	    /* Force a redraw of the scrollbar if the window was resized. */
	    if (imfsample->numimages) {
		sprintf(tclbuf, ".images.canvas.content yview scroll 0 units");
	    } else {
		sprintf(tclbuf, ".images.scroll set 0 1");
	    rslt = Tcl_Eval(interp, tclbuf);
	    if (rslt == TCL_ERROR) {
	      fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", Tcl_GetStringResult(interp));
    /* Now iterate through all the images we want to draw. */
    for (row = imfsample->firstvisrow;
	 row <= (imfsample->firstvisrow + imfsample->numvisrows);
	 ++row) {
	if (row < 0)
	for (col = 0; col < imfsample->cols; ++col) {
	    n = row * imfsample->cols + col;
	    if (n >= imfsample->numimages)
	    sx = col * imfsample->eltw;
	    sy = (row - imfsample->firstvisrow) * imfsample->elth;
	    /* Erase the old selected imf if we picked a new one. */
	    if (n == imfsample->previous && n != imfsample->selected) {
		done = FALSE; 
		if (imfsample->with_terrain >= 0
		      /* Terrain tiles are not supported on Windows yet. */
		    && use_clip_mask) {
		    ImageFamily *timf = 
		    Image *timg;
		    TkImage *tkimg;

		    timg = best_image(timf, 64, 64);
		    if (timg) {
			tkimg = (TkImage *) timg->hook;
			if (tkimg && tkimg->colr) {
			    XSetFillStyle(dpy, gc, FillTiled);
			    XSetTile(dpy, gc, tkimg->colr);
			    if (imfsample->show_grid) {
				XFillRectangle(dpy, d, gc, sx, sy + 2,
			    } else {
				XFillRectangle(dpy, d, gc, sx, sy + 7,
			    done = TRUE;
		if (!done) {
		    if (imfsample->show_grid) {
			Tk_Fill3DRectangle(tkwin, d, imfsample->bg_border, 
					   sx, sy + 2,
					   imfsample->eltw, imfsample->elth,
		    } else {
			Tk_Fill3DRectangle(tkwin, d, imfsample->bg_border, 
					   sx, sy + 7,
					   imfsample->eltw, imfsample->elth,
	    /* Just draw the old erased image if we selected a new one, else
	       draw every image. */
	    if (imfsample->selected == imfsample->previous
            	|| n == imfsample->previous
           	|| update) {
		    if (imfsample->show_grid) {
			Tk_Fill3DRectangle(tkwin, d, imfsample->cu_border,
				sx + 2, sy + 2,
				imfsample->iwidth, imfsample->iheight,
				imfsample->border_width, imfsample->relief);
			draw_one_main_image(imfsample, d, gc, 
					    sx + 2, sy + 2,
		    } else {
			draw_one_main_image(imfsample, d, gc, 
					    sx + imfsample->pad, 
					    sy + imfsample->pad,
		    if (imfsample->show_names && !imfsample->show_grid) {
			namex = sx + 5;
			namey = sy + imfsample->elth + 3;
			XSetClipMask(dpy, gc, None);
			XSetFillStyle(dpy, gc, FillSolid);
			XSetForeground(dpy, gc, 
			str = imfsample->imf_list[n]->name;
			Tk_DrawChars(dpy, d, gc, tkfont, str, strlen(str),
				     namex, namey);
	    /* Box the selected imf. */
	    if (n == imfsample->selected) {
		XSetClipMask(dpy, gc, None);
		XSetFillStyle(dpy, gc, FillSolid);
		XSetForeground(dpy, gc, Tk_3DBorderColor(imfsample->fg_border)->pixel);
	  	if (imfsample->show_grid) {
		/* A rectangle on the Mac is 1 pixel smaller in both directions. */
#ifdef MAC
			XDrawRectangle(dpy, d, gc, sx + 2, sy + 2,
				       imfsample->eltw - 2, imfsample->elth - 2);
			XDrawRectangle(dpy, d, gc, sx + 2, sy + 2,
				       imfsample->eltw - 3, imfsample->elth - 3);
	  	} else {
#ifdef MAC
			XDrawRectangle(dpy, d, gc, sx, sy + 7,
				       imfsample->eltw, imfsample->elth);
			XDrawRectangle(dpy, d, gc, sx, sy + 7,
				       imfsample->eltw - 1, imfsample->elth - 1);
    /* Reset the old selected image to the new one if it exists. */
    if (imfsample->selected != -1) {
	imfsample->previous = imfsample->selected;
    /* Reset the redraw flag. */
    imfsample->redraw = FALSE;
    /* If double-buffered, copy to the screen and release the pixmap.  */
    if (imfsample->double_buffer) {
	XCopyArea(imfsample->display, pm, Tk_WindowId(tkwin),
		  0, 0, (unsigned) winwidth, (unsigned) winheight, 0, 0);
	Tk_FreePixmap(imfsample->display, pm);
    if (imfsample->show_names) {
    /* In theory this shouldn't be necessary, but in practice the
       interface widgets (esp. the progress bar fill color) are
       affected by the last value of the foreground left over from
       drawing, so set to a consistent value. */
    /* (Note that as of 2000-09-16, some color errors persist, so
       this might not really be necessary -sts) */
    XSetForeground(imfsample->display, imfsample->gc, black_color->pixel);
    XSetBackground(imfsample->display, imfsample->gc, white_color->pixel);
    XSetForeground(imfsample->display, imfsample->copygc, black_color->pixel);
    XSetBackground(imfsample->display, imfsample->copygc, white_color->pixel);