Beispiel #1
static  void    StructIOItem( sym_id fd ) {

// Perform i/o of structure field.

    RTCODE      rtn;

    if( fd->fd.dim_ext == NULL ) {
        XPush( TmpVal( TmpStructPtr, TY_POINTER ) );
        if( fd->fd.typ == FT_CHAR ) {
            XPush( CGInteger( fd->fd.xt.size, TY_INTEGER ) );
        IORtnTable[ ParmType( fd->fd.typ, fd->fd.xt.size ) ]();
        CGTrash( CGAssign( TmpPtr( TmpStructPtr, TY_POINTER ),
                           CGBinary( O_PLUS,
                                     TmpVal( TmpStructPtr, TY_POINTER ),
                                     CGInteger( fd->fd.xt.size, TY_UINT_4 ),
                                     TY_POINTER ),
                           TY_POINTER ) );
    } else {
        if( IORtnTable == &OutRtn ) {
            rtn = RT_PRT_ARRAY;
        } else {
            rtn = RT_INP_ARRAY;
        if( fd->fd.typ == FT_CHAR ) {
            ChrArrayIO( rtn + 1, TmpVal( TmpStructPtr, TY_POINTER ),
                        CGInteger( fd->fd.dim_ext->num_elts, TY_INT_4 ),
                        CGInteger( fd->fd.xt.size, TY_INTEGER ) );
        } else {
            NumArrayIO( rtn, TmpVal( TmpStructPtr, TY_POINTER ),
                        CGInteger( fd->fd.dim_ext->num_elts, TY_INT_4 ),
                        ParmType( fd->fd.typ, fd->fd.xt.size ) );
        CGTrash( CGAssign( TmpPtr( TmpStructPtr, TY_POINTER ),
                           CGBinary( O_PLUS,
                                     TmpVal( TmpStructPtr, TY_POINTER ),
                                     CGInteger( fd->fd.xt.size *
                                                TY_UINT_4 ),
                                     TY_POINTER ),
                           TY_POINTER ) );
	 * Compare two object property maps
	 * @param OrigName		The name of the original object being compared against
	 * @param OrigMap		The property map for the object
	 * @param CmpName		The name of the object to compare
	 * @param CmpMap		The property map for the object to compare
	static bool ComparePropertyMaps(FName OrigName, TMap<FString, FString>& OrigMap, FName CmpName, FPropertiesMap& CmpMap, FCompilerResultsLog& Results)
		if (OrigMap.Num() != CmpMap.Num())
			Results.Error( *FString::Printf(TEXT("Objects have a different number of properties (%d vs %d)"), OrigMap.Num(), CmpMap.Num()) );
			return false;

		bool bMatch = true;
		for (auto PropIt = OrigMap.CreateIterator(); PropIt; ++PropIt)
			FString Key = PropIt.Key();
			FString Val = PropIt.Value();

			const FString* CmpValue = CmpMap.Find(Key);

			// Value is missing
			if (CmpValue == NULL)
				bMatch = false;
				Results.Error( *FString::Printf(TEXT("Property is missing in object being compared: (%s %s)"), *Key, *Val) );
			else if (Val != *CmpValue)
				// string out object names and retest
				FString TmpCmp(*CmpValue);
				TmpCmp.ReplaceInline(*CmpName.ToString(), TEXT(""));
				FString TmpVal(Val);
				TmpVal.ReplaceInline(*OrigName.ToString(), TEXT(""));

				if (TmpCmp != TmpVal)
					bMatch = false;
					Results.Error( *FString::Printf(TEXT("Object properties do not match: %s (%s vs %s)"), *Key, *Val, *(*CmpValue)) );
		return bMatch;
Beispiel #3
static  void    DoStructArrayIO( tmp_handle num_elts, struct field *fieldz ) {

// Perform structure array i/o.

    label_handle        label;

    label = BENewLabel();
    CGControl( O_LABEL, NULL, label );
    StructIO( fieldz );
    CGControl( O_IF_TRUE,
               CGCompare( O_NE,
                          CGAssign( TmpPtr( num_elts, TY_INT_4 ),
                                    CGBinary( O_MINUS,
                                              TmpVal( num_elts, TY_INT_4 ),
                                              CGInteger( 1, TY_INTEGER ),
                                              TY_INT_4 ),
                                    TY_INT_4 ),
                          CGInteger( 0, TY_INTEGER ), TY_INT_4 ),
               label );
    BEFiniLabel( label );
Beispiel #4
void    FCSFCall( void ) {

// Call a statement function.

    sym_id      sf;
    sym_id      sf_arg;
    sym_id      tmp;
    cg_type     sf_type;
    cg_name     arg_list;
    cg_name     value;
    cg_cmplx    z;
    obj_ptr     curr_obj;

    sf = GetPtr();
    arg_list = NULL;
    value = NULL;
    sf_type = 0;
    for(;;) {
        sf_arg = GetPtr();
        if( sf_arg == NULL ) break;
        if( sf_arg->u.ns.u1.s.typ == FT_CHAR ) {
            value = Concat( 1, CGFEName( sf_arg, TY_CHAR ) );
        } else {
            sf_type = F772CGType( sf_arg );
            if( TypeCmplx( sf_arg->u.ns.u1.s.typ ) ) {
                XPopCmplx( &z, sf_type );
                sf_type = CmplxBaseType( sf_type );
                value = ImagPtr( SymAddr( sf_arg ), sf_type );
                CGTrash( CGAssign( value, z.imagpart, sf_type ) );
                value = CGFEName( sf_arg, sf_type );
                value = CGAssign( value, z.realpart, sf_type );
            } else {
                value = CGFEName( sf_arg, sf_type );
                value = CGAssign( value, XPopValue( sf_type ), sf_type );
        if( arg_list == NULL ) {
            arg_list = value;
        } else {
            arg_list = CGBinary( O_COMMA, arg_list, value, TY_DEFAULT );
    if( sf->u.ns.u1.s.typ == FT_CHAR ) {
        tmp = GetPtr();
        value = CGUnary( O_POINTS, CGFEName( tmp, TY_CHAR ), TY_CHAR );
        value = CGAssign( CGFEName( sf, TY_CHAR ), value, TY_CHAR );
        if( arg_list == NULL ) {
            arg_list = value;
        } else {
            arg_list = CGBinary( O_COMMA, arg_list, value, TY_DEFAULT );
        value = CGFEName( tmp, TY_CHAR );
    } else {
        sf_type = F772CGType( sf );
        if( !(OZOpts & OZOPT_O_INLINE) ) {
            value = CGUnary( O_POINTS, CGFEName( sf, sf_type ), sf_type );
    if( OZOpts & OZOPT_O_INLINE ) {
        if( arg_list != NULL ) {
            CGTrash( arg_list );
        curr_obj = FCodeSeek( sf-> );
        FCodeSeek( curr_obj );
        if( sf->u.ns.u1.s.typ == FT_CHAR ) {
            CGTrash( XPop() );
            XPush( value );
        } else if( TypeCmplx( sf->u.ns.u1.s.typ ) ) {
            XPopCmplx( &z, sf_type );
            sf_type = CmplxBaseType( sf_type );
            XPush( TmpVal( MkTmp( z.imagpart, sf_type ), sf_type ) );
            XPush( TmpVal( MkTmp( z.realpart, sf_type ), sf_type ) );
        } else {
            XPush( TmpVal( MkTmp( XPopValue( sf_type ), sf_type ), sf_type ) );
    } else {
        value = CGWarp( arg_list, GetLabel( sf-> ), value );
        // consider: y = f( a, f( b, c, d ), e )
        // make sure that inner reference to f gets evaluated before we assign
        // arguments for outer reference
        value = CGEval( value );
        if( TypeCmplx( sf->u.ns.u1.s.typ ) ) {
            SplitCmplx( TmpPtr( MkTmp( value, sf_type ), sf_type ), sf_type );
        } else {
            XPush( value );
        RefStmtFunc( sf );