void DumpAchievementCounters( const CCommand &args )
		int iPlayerIndex = 1;

		if ( args.ArgC() >= 2 )
			iPlayerIndex = atoi( args[1] );

		CBaseMultiplayerPlayer *pPlayer = ToBaseMultiplayerPlayer( UTIL_PlayerByIndex( iPlayerIndex ) );
		if ( pPlayer && pPlayer->GetPerLifeCounterKeys() )
			CUtlBuffer buf( 0, 0, CUtlBuffer::TEXT_BUFFER );
			pPlayer->GetPerLifeCounterKeys()->RecursiveSaveToFile( buf, 0 );

			char szBuf[1024];

			// probably not the best way to print out a CUtlBuffer
			int pos = 0;
			while ( buf.PeekStringLength() )
				szBuf[pos] = buf.GetChar();
			szBuf[pos] = '\0';

			Msg( "%s\n", szBuf );
// Purpose: 
void CTriggerAreaCapture::GetNumCappingPlayers( int team, int &numcappers, int *cappingplayers )
	numcappers = 0;

	for ( int i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; i++ )
		CBaseEntity *ent = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i );
		if ( ent )
			CBaseMultiplayerPlayer *player = ToBaseMultiplayerPlayer(ent);

			if ( IsTouching( player ) && ( player->GetTeamNumber() == team ) ) // need to make sure disguised spies aren't included in the list of capping players
				if ( numcappers < MAX_AREA_CAPPERS-1 )
					cappingplayers[numcappers] = i;

	if ( numcappers < MAX_AREA_CAPPERS )
		cappingplayers[numcappers] = 0;	//null terminate :)
// Purpose: 
void CTriggerAreaCapture::BreakCapture( bool bNotEnoughPlayers )
	if( m_bCapturing )
		// Remap team to get first game team = 1
		switch ( m_nCapturingTeam - FIRST_GAME_TEAM+1 )
		case 1: 
			m_OnBreakTeam1.FireOutput( this, this );
		case 2: 
			m_OnBreakTeam2.FireOutput( this, this );


		m_bCapturing = false;
		m_nCapturingTeam = TEAM_UNASSIGNED;

		UpdateCappingTeam( TEAM_UNASSIGNED );

		if ( bNotEnoughPlayers )

		SetCapTimeRemaining( 0 );

		if( m_hPoint )

		m_OnNumCappersChanged.Set( 0, this, this );

		// tell all touching players to stop racking up capture points
		CTeam *pTeam = GetGlobalTeam( m_nCapturingTeam );
		if ( pTeam )
			for ( int i=0;i<pTeam->GetNumPlayers();i++ )
				CBaseMultiplayerPlayer *pPlayer = ToBaseMultiplayerPlayer( pTeam->GetPlayer(i) );
				if ( pPlayer && IsTouching( pPlayer ) )
Beispiel #4
	void CMultiplayRules::HaveAllPlayersSpeakConceptIfAllowed( int iConcept )
		CBaseMultiplayerPlayer *pPlayer;
		for ( int i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; i++ )
			pPlayer = ToBaseMultiplayerPlayer( UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i ) );

			if ( !pPlayer )

			pPlayer->SpeakConceptIfAllowed( iConcept );
// Purpose: 
void CTriggerAreaCapture::AreaTouch( CBaseEntity *pOther )
	if ( !IsActive() )
	if ( !PassesTriggerFilters(pOther) )

	// Don't cap areas unless the round is running
	if ( !TeamplayGameRules()->PointsMayBeCaptured() )

	Assert( m_iAreaIndex != -1 );

	// dont touch for non-alive or non-players
	if( !pOther->IsPlayer() || !pOther->IsAlive() )

	// make sure this point is in the round being played (if we're playing one)
	CTeamControlPointMaster *pMaster = g_hControlPointMasters.Count() ? g_hControlPointMasters[0] : NULL;
	if ( pMaster && m_hPoint )
		if ( !pMaster->IsInRound( m_hPoint ) )

	if ( m_hPoint )
		m_nOwningTeam = m_hPoint->GetOwner();

	CBaseMultiplayerPlayer *pPlayer = ToBaseMultiplayerPlayer(pOther);
	Assert( pPlayer );

	if ( pPlayer->GetTeamNumber() != m_nOwningTeam )
		if ( m_TeamData[ pPlayer->GetTeamNumber() ].bCanCap )
			DisplayCapHintTo( pPlayer );
// Purpose: 
void CTriggerAreaCapture::StartTouch(CBaseEntity *pOther)
	BaseClass::StartTouch( pOther );

	if ( PassesTriggerFilters(pOther) && m_hPoint )
		m_nOwningTeam = m_hPoint->GetOwner();

		IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "controlpoint_starttouch" );
		if ( event )
			event->SetInt( "player", pOther->entindex() );
			event->SetInt( "area", m_hPoint->GetPointIndex() );
			gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event );

		// Call capture think immediately to make it update our area's player counts.
		// If we don't do this, the player can receive the above event telling him he's
		// in a zone, but the objective resource still thinks he's not.
		m_bStartTouch = true;
		m_bStartTouch = false;

		if ( m_bCapturing )
			CTeamControlPointMaster *pMaster = g_hControlPointMasters.Count() ? g_hControlPointMasters[0] : NULL;
			if ( pMaster )
				float flRate = pMaster->GetPartialCapturePointRate();

				if ( flRate > 0.0f )
					CBaseMultiplayerPlayer *pPlayer = ToBaseMultiplayerPlayer(pOther);
					if ( pPlayer && pPlayer->GetTeamNumber() == m_nCapturingTeam )
						pPlayer->StartScoringEscortPoints( flRate );
// Purpose: 
void CTriggerAreaCapture::EndTouch(CBaseEntity *pOther)
	if ( PassesTriggerFilters(pOther) && m_hPoint )
		IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "controlpoint_endtouch" );
		if ( event )
			event->SetInt( "player", pOther->entindex() );
			event->SetInt( "area", m_hPoint->GetPointIndex() );
			gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event );

		// incase we leave but the area keeps capturing
		CBaseMultiplayerPlayer *pPlayer = ToBaseMultiplayerPlayer(pOther);
		if ( pPlayer )

	BaseClass::EndTouch( pOther );
// Purpose: 
void CTriggerAreaCapture::BreakCapture( bool bNotEnoughPlayers )
	if( m_bCapturing )
		// Remap team to get first game team = 1
		switch ( m_nCapturingTeam - FIRST_GAME_TEAM+1 )
		case 1: 
			m_OnBreakTeam1.FireOutput( this, this );
		case 2: 
			m_OnBreakTeam2.FireOutput( this, this );


		m_bCapturing = false;
		m_nCapturingTeam = TEAM_UNASSIGNED;

		UpdateCappingTeam( TEAM_UNASSIGNED );

		if ( bNotEnoughPlayers )

		SetCapTimeRemaining( 0 );

		if( m_hPoint )

			// The point reverted to it's previous owner.
			IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "teamplay_capture_broken" );
			if ( event )
				event->SetInt( "cp", m_hPoint->GetPointIndex() );
				event->SetString( "cpname", m_hPoint->GetName() );
				event->SetFloat( "time_remaining", m_fTimeRemaining );
				gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event );

		SetNumCappers( 0 );

		// tell all touching players to stop racking up capture points
		CTeam *pTeam = GetGlobalTeam( m_nCapturingTeam );
		if ( pTeam )
			for ( int i=0;i<pTeam->GetNumPlayers();i++ )
				CBaseMultiplayerPlayer *pPlayer = ToBaseMultiplayerPlayer( pTeam->GetPlayer(i) );
				if ( pPlayer && IsTouching( pPlayer ) )
// Purpose: 
void CTriggerAreaCapture::EndCapture( int team )

	// Remap team to get first game team = 1
	switch ( team - FIRST_GAME_TEAM+1 )
	case 1: 
		m_OnCapTeam1.FireOutput( this, this );
	case 2: 
		m_OnCapTeam2.FireOutput( this, this );


	int numcappers = 0;
	int cappingplayers[MAX_AREA_CAPPERS];

	GetNumCappingPlayers( team, numcappers, cappingplayers );

	// Handle this before we assign the new team as the owner of this area
	HandleRespawnTimeAdjustments( m_nOwningTeam, team );
	m_nOwningTeam = team;
	m_bCapturing = false;
	m_nCapturingTeam = TEAM_UNASSIGNED;
	SetCapTimeRemaining( 0 );

	//there may have been more than one capper, but only report this one.
	//he hasn't gotten points yet, and his name will go in the cap string if its needed
	//first capper gets name sent and points given by flag.
	//other cappers get points manually above, no name in message

	//send the player in the cap string
	if( m_hPoint )
		OnEndCapture( m_nOwningTeam );

		m_hPoint->SetOwner( m_nOwningTeam, true, numcappers, cappingplayers );

	SetNumCappers( 0 );

	// tell all touching players to stop racking up capture points
	CTeam *pTeam = GetGlobalTeam( m_nCapturingTeam );
	if ( pTeam )
		for ( int i=0;i<pTeam->GetNumPlayers();i++ )
			CBaseMultiplayerPlayer *pPlayer = ToBaseMultiplayerPlayer( pTeam->GetPlayer(i) );
			if ( pPlayer && IsTouching( pPlayer ) )

	// play any special cap sounds
	if ( TeamplayRoundBasedRules() )
		TeamplayRoundBasedRules()->PlaySpecialCapSounds( m_nOwningTeam );
// Purpose: 
void CTriggerAreaCapture::StartCapture( int team, int capmode )
	// Remap team to get first game team = 1
	switch ( team - FIRST_GAME_TEAM+1 )
	case 1: 
		m_OnStartTeam1.FireOutput( this, this );
	case 2: 
		m_OnStartTeam2.FireOutput( this, this );

	m_nCapturingTeam = team;


	if ( CaptureModeScalesWithPlayers() )
		SetCapTimeRemaining( ((m_flCapTime * 2) * m_TeamData[team].iNumRequiredToCap) );
		SetCapTimeRemaining( m_flCapTime );
	m_bCapturing = true;
	m_bBlocked = false;
	m_iCapMode = capmode;

	m_flLastReductionTime = gpGlobals->curtime;

	UpdateCappingTeam( m_nCapturingTeam );

	if( m_hPoint )
		int numcappers = 0;
		int cappingplayers[MAX_AREA_CAPPERS];

		GetNumCappingPlayers( m_nCapturingTeam, numcappers, cappingplayers );
		m_hPoint->CaptureStart( m_nCapturingTeam, numcappers, cappingplayers );

	// tell all touching players to start racking up capture points
	CTeamControlPointMaster *pMaster = g_hControlPointMasters.Count() ? g_hControlPointMasters[0] : NULL;
	if ( pMaster )
		float flRate = pMaster->GetPartialCapturePointRate();

		if ( flRate > 0.0f )
			// for each player touch
			CTeam *pTeam = GetGlobalTeam( m_nCapturingTeam );
			if ( pTeam )
				for ( int i=0;i<pTeam->GetNumPlayers();i++ )
					CBaseMultiplayerPlayer *pPlayer = ToBaseMultiplayerPlayer( pTeam->GetPlayer(i) );
					if ( pPlayer && IsTouching( pPlayer ) )
						pPlayer->StartScoringEscortPoints( flRate );
// Purpose: 
void CTriggerAreaCapture::CaptureThink( void )
	SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + AREA_THINK_TIME );

	// make sure this point is in the round being played (if we're playing one)
	CTeamControlPointMaster *pMaster = g_hControlPointMasters.Count() ? g_hControlPointMasters[0] : NULL;
	if ( pMaster && m_hPoint )
		if ( !pMaster->IsInRound( m_hPoint ) )

	if ( !TeamplayGameRules()->PointsMayBeCaptured() )
		// Points aren't allowed to be captured. If we were 
		// being captured, we need to clean up and reset.
		if ( m_bCapturing )
			BreakCapture( false );

	// go through our list of players
	Assert( GetNumberOfTeams() <= MAX_CAPTURE_TEAMS );
	int iNumPlayers[MAX_CAPTURE_TEAMS];
	int iNumBlockablePlayers[MAX_CAPTURE_TEAMS]; // Players in the zone who can't cap, but can block / pause caps
	CBaseMultiplayerPlayer *pFirstPlayerTouching[MAX_CAPTURE_TEAMS];
	for ( int i = FIRST_GAME_TEAM; i < GetNumberOfTeams(); i++ )
		iNumPlayers[i] = 0;
		iNumBlockablePlayers[i] = 0;
		pFirstPlayerTouching[i] = NULL;

	if ( m_hPoint )
		// Loop through the entities we're touching, and find players
		for ( int i = 0; i < m_hTouchingEntities.Count(); i++ )
			CBaseEntity *ent = m_hTouchingEntities[i];
			if ( ent && ent->IsPlayer() )
				CBaseMultiplayerPlayer *pPlayer = ToBaseMultiplayerPlayer(ent);
				if ( pPlayer->IsAlive() )
					int iTeam = pPlayer->GetTeamNumber();

					// If a team's not allowed to cap a point, don't count players in it at all
					if ( !TeamplayGameRules()->TeamMayCapturePoint( iTeam, m_hPoint->GetPointIndex() ) )

					if ( !TeamplayGameRules()->PlayerMayCapturePoint( pPlayer, m_hPoint->GetPointIndex() ) )
						if ( TeamplayGameRules()->PlayerMayBlockPoint( pPlayer, m_hPoint->GetPointIndex() ) )
							if ( iNumPlayers[iTeam] == 0 && iNumBlockablePlayers[iTeam] == 0 )
								pFirstPlayerTouching[iTeam] = pPlayer;

							iNumBlockablePlayers[iTeam] += TeamplayGameRules()->GetCaptureValueForPlayer( pPlayer );

					if ( iTeam >= FIRST_GAME_TEAM )
						if ( iNumPlayers[iTeam] == 0 && iNumBlockablePlayers[iTeam] == 0 )
							pFirstPlayerTouching[iTeam] = pPlayer;

						iNumPlayers[iTeam] += TeamplayGameRules()->GetCaptureValueForPlayer( pPlayer );

	int iTeamsInZone = 0;
	bool bUpdatePlayers = false;
	for ( int i = FIRST_GAME_TEAM; i < GetNumberOfTeams(); i++ )
		iNumPlayers[i] *= mp_simulatemultiplecappers.GetInt();

		if ( m_TeamData[i].iNumTouching != iNumPlayers[i] )
			m_TeamData[i].iNumTouching = iNumPlayers[i];
			bUpdatePlayers = true;
		m_TeamData[i].iBlockedTouching = m_TeamData[i].iNumTouching;

		if ( m_TeamData[i].iNumTouching )

			m_nTeamInZone = i;

	if ( iTeamsInZone > 1 )
		m_nTeamInZone = TEAM_UNASSIGNED;
		// If we've got non-cappable, yet blockable players here for the team that's defending, they 
		// need to block the cap. This catches cases like the TF invulnerability, which needs to block
		// caps, but isn't allowed to contribute to a cap.
		for ( int i = FIRST_GAME_TEAM; i < GetNumberOfTeams(); i++ )
			if ( !iNumBlockablePlayers[i] || m_nTeamInZone == i )



	bool bBlocked = false;

	// If the cap is being blocked, reset the number of players so the client
	// knows to stop the capture as well.
	if ( mp_blockstyle.GetInt() == 1 )
		if ( m_bCapturing && iTeamsInZone > 1 )
			bBlocked = true;

			for ( int i = FIRST_GAME_TEAM; i < GetNumberOfTeams(); i++ )
				iNumPlayers[i] = 0;
				if ( m_TeamData[i].iNumTouching != iNumPlayers[i] )
					m_TeamData[i].iNumTouching = iNumPlayers[i];
					bUpdatePlayers = true;

	if ( bUpdatePlayers )
		UpdateNumPlayers( bBlocked );

	// When a player blocks, tell them the cap index and attempt number
	// only give successive blocks to them if the attempt number is different
	if ( m_bCapturing )
		if ( m_hPoint )
			m_hPoint->SetLastContestedAt( gpGlobals->curtime );

		// Calculate the amount of modification to the cap time
		float flTimeDelta = gpGlobals->curtime - m_flLastReductionTime;

		float flReduction = flTimeDelta;
		if ( CaptureModeScalesWithPlayers() )
			// Diminishing returns for successive players.
			for ( int i = 1; i < m_TeamData[m_nTeamInZone].iNumTouching; i++ )
				flReduction += (flTimeDelta / (float)(i+1));
		m_flLastReductionTime = gpGlobals->curtime;

		//if more than one team is in the zone
		if( iTeamsInZone > 1 )
			if ( !m_bBlocked )
				m_bBlocked = true;

			// See if anyone gets credit for the block
			float flPercentToGo = m_fTimeRemaining / m_flCapTime;
			if ( CaptureModeScalesWithPlayers() )
				flPercentToGo = m_fTimeRemaining / ((m_flCapTime * 2) * m_TeamData[m_nCapturingTeam].iNumRequiredToCap);

			if ( ( flPercentToGo <= 0.5 || TeamplayGameRules()->PointsMayAlwaysBeBlocked() ) && m_hPoint )
				// find the first player that is not on the capturing team
				// they have just broken a cap and should be rewarded		
				// tell the player the capture attempt number, for checking later
				CBaseMultiplayerPlayer *pBlockingPlayer = NULL;
				for ( int i = FIRST_GAME_TEAM; i < GetNumberOfTeams(); i++ )
					if ( m_nCapturingTeam == i )

					if ( pFirstPlayerTouching[i] )
						pBlockingPlayer = pFirstPlayerTouching[i];
				Assert( pBlockingPlayer );

				if ( pBlockingPlayer )
					bool bRepeatBlocker = false;
					for ( int i = m_Blockers.Count()-1; i >= 0; i-- )
						if ( m_Blockers[i].hPlayer != pBlockingPlayer )

						// If this guy's was a blocker, but not valid now, remove him from the list
						if ( m_Blockers[i].iCapAttemptNumber != m_iCapAttemptNumber || !IsTouching(m_Blockers[i].hPlayer) ||
							 ( TeamplayGameRules()->PointsMayAlwaysBeBlocked() && m_Blockers[i].flNextBlockTime < gpGlobals->curtime && m_bStartTouch ) )

						bRepeatBlocker = true;

					if ( !bRepeatBlocker )
                        m_hPoint->CaptureBlocked( pBlockingPlayer );

						// Add this guy to our blocker list
						int iNew = m_Blockers.AddToTail();
						m_Blockers[iNew].hPlayer = pBlockingPlayer;
						m_Blockers[iNew].iCapAttemptNumber = m_iCapAttemptNumber;
						m_Blockers[iNew].flNextBlockTime = gpGlobals->curtime + 10.0f;

			if ( mp_blockstyle.GetInt() == 0 )
				BreakCapture( false );

		if ( m_bBlocked )
			m_bBlocked = false;

		float flTotalTimeToCap = m_flCapTime;
		if ( CaptureModeScalesWithPlayers() )
			flTotalTimeToCap = ((m_flCapTime * 2) * m_TeamData[m_nCapturingTeam].iNumRequiredToCap);

		// Now remove the reduction amount after we've determined there's only 1 team in the area
		if ( m_nCapturingTeam == m_nTeamInZone )
			SetCapTimeRemaining( m_fTimeRemaining - flReduction );
		else if ( m_nOwningTeam == TEAM_UNASSIGNED && m_nTeamInZone != TEAM_UNASSIGNED )
			SetCapTimeRemaining( m_fTimeRemaining + flReduction );
			// Caps deteriorate over time
			if ( TeamplayRoundBasedRules() && m_hPoint && TeamplayRoundBasedRules()->TeamMayCapturePoint(m_nCapturingTeam,m_hPoint->GetPointIndex()) )
				float flDecreaseScale = CaptureModeScalesWithPlayers() ? mp_capdeteriorate_time.GetFloat() : flTotalTimeToCap;
				float flDecrease = (flTotalTimeToCap / flDecreaseScale) * flTimeDelta;
				if ( TeamplayRoundBasedRules() && TeamplayRoundBasedRules()->InOvertime() )
					flDecrease *= 6;
				SetCapTimeRemaining( m_fTimeRemaining + flDecrease );
				SetCapTimeRemaining( flTotalTimeToCap );

		//if no-one is in the area
		if( iTeamsInZone == 0 )
			BreakCapture( true );
		//if they've lost the number of players needed to cap
		int iTeamMembersHere = m_TeamData[m_nCapturingTeam].iNumTouching + iNumBlockablePlayers[m_nCapturingTeam];
		if ( (iTeamMembersHere == 0 ) || (mp_capstyle.GetInt() == 0 && iTeamMembersHere < m_TeamData[m_nCapturingTeam].iNumRequiredToCap) )
			BreakCapture( true );

		// if the cap is done
		if ( m_fTimeRemaining <= 0 )
			EndCapture( m_nCapturingTeam );
			return;		//we're done
			// We may get several simultaneous CaptureThink calls from StartTouch if there are several players on the trigger 
			// when it is enabled (like in Raid mode). We haven't started reducing m_fTimeRemaining yet but the second call to CaptureThink
			// from StartTouch has m_bCapturing set to true and we hit this condition and call BreakCapture right away.
			// We put this check here to prevent calling BreakCapture from the StartTouch call to CaptureThink. If the capture should
			// really be broken it will happen the next time the trigger thinks on its own.
			if ( !m_bStartTouch )
				if ( m_fTimeRemaining >= flTotalTimeToCap )
					BreakCapture( false );
		// If there are any teams in the zone that aren't the owner, try to start capping
		if ( iTeamsInZone > 0 )
			for ( int i = FIRST_GAME_TEAM; i < GetNumberOfTeams(); i++ )
				if ( !m_TeamData[i].bCanCap || m_nOwningTeam == i )

				if ( m_TeamData[i].iNumTouching == 0 )

				if ( m_TeamData[i].iNumTouching < m_TeamData[i].iNumRequiredToStartCap )

				if ( !CaptureModeScalesWithPlayers() && m_TeamData[i].iNumTouching < m_TeamData[i].iNumRequiredToCap )

				StartCapture( i, CAPTURE_NORMAL );
Beispiel #12
// String comes in as
// say blah blah blah
// or as
// blah blah blah
void Host_Say( edict_t *pEdict, const CCommand &args, bool teamonly )
	CBasePlayer *client;
	int		j;
	char	*p;
	char	text[256];
	char    szTemp[256];
	const char *cpSay = "say";
	const char *cpSayTeam = "say_team";
	const char *pcmd = args[0];
	bool bSenderDead = false;

	// We can get a raw string now, without the "say " prepended
	if ( args.ArgC() == 0 )

	if ( !stricmp( pcmd, cpSay) || !stricmp( pcmd, cpSayTeam ) )
		if ( args.ArgC() >= 2 )
			p = (char *)args.ArgS();
			// say with a blank message, nothing to do
	else  // Raw text, need to prepend argv[0]
		if ( args.ArgC() >= 2 )
			Q_snprintf( szTemp,sizeof(szTemp), "%s %s", ( char * )pcmd, (char *)args.ArgS() );
			// Just a one word command, use the first word...sigh
			Q_snprintf( szTemp,sizeof(szTemp), "%s", ( char * )pcmd );
		p = szTemp;

	CBasePlayer *pPlayer = NULL;
	if ( pEdict )
		pPlayer = ((CBasePlayer *)CBaseEntity::Instance( pEdict ));
		Assert( pPlayer );

		// make sure the text has valid content
		p = CheckChatText( pPlayer, p );

	if ( !p )

	if ( pEdict )
		if ( !pPlayer->CanSpeak() )

		// See if the player wants to modify of check the text
		pPlayer->CheckChatText( p, 127 );	// though the buffer szTemp that p points to is 256, 
											// chat text is capped to 127 in CheckChatText above

		Assert( strlen( pPlayer->GetPlayerName() ) > 0 );

		bSenderDead = ( pPlayer->m_lifeState != LIFE_ALIVE );
		bSenderDead = false;

	const char *pszFormat = NULL;
	const char *pszPrefix = NULL;
	const char *pszLocation = NULL;
	if ( g_pGameRules )
		pszFormat = g_pGameRules->GetChatFormat( teamonly, pPlayer );
		pszPrefix = g_pGameRules->GetChatPrefix( teamonly, pPlayer );	
		pszLocation = g_pGameRules->GetChatLocation( teamonly, pPlayer );

	const char *pszPlayerName = pPlayer ? pPlayer->GetPlayerName():"Console";

	if ( pszPrefix && strlen( pszPrefix ) > 0 )
		if ( pszLocation && strlen( pszLocation ) )
			Q_snprintf( text, sizeof(text), "%s %s @ %s: ", pszPrefix, pszPlayerName, pszLocation );
			Q_snprintf( text, sizeof(text), "%s %s: ", pszPrefix, pszPlayerName );
		Q_snprintf( text, sizeof(text), "%s: ", pszPlayerName );

	j = sizeof(text) - 2 - strlen(text);  // -2 for /n and null terminator
	if ( (int)strlen(p) > j )
		p[j] = 0;

	Q_strncat( text, p, sizeof( text ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );
	Q_strncat( text, "\n", sizeof( text ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );
	// loop through all players
	// Start with the first player.
	// This may return the world in single player if the client types something between levels or during spawn
	// so check it, or it will infinite loop

	client = NULL;
	for ( int i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; i++ )
		client = ToBaseMultiplayerPlayer( UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i ) );
		if ( !client || !client->edict() )
		if ( client->edict() == pEdict )

		if ( !(client->IsNetClient()) )	// Not a client ? (should never be true)

		if ( teamonly && g_pGameRules->PlayerCanHearChat( client, pPlayer ) != GR_TEAMMATE )

		if ( pPlayer && !client->CanHearAndReadChatFrom( pPlayer ) )

		if ( pPlayer && GetVoiceGameMgr() && GetVoiceGameMgr()->IsPlayerIgnoringPlayer( pPlayer->entindex(), i ) )

		CSingleUserRecipientFilter user( client );

		if ( pszFormat )
			UTIL_SayText2Filter( user, pPlayer, true, pszFormat, pszPlayerName, p, pszLocation );
			UTIL_SayTextFilter( user, text, pPlayer, true );

	if ( pPlayer )
		// print to the sending client
		CSingleUserRecipientFilter user( pPlayer );

		if ( pszFormat )
			UTIL_SayText2Filter( user, pPlayer, true, pszFormat, pszPlayerName, p, pszLocation );
			UTIL_SayTextFilter( user, text, pPlayer, true );

	// echo to server console
	// Adrian: Only do this if we're running a dedicated server since we already print to console on the client.
	if ( engine->IsDedicatedServer() )
		 Msg( "%s", text );

	Assert( p );

	int userid = 0;
	const char *networkID = "Console";
	const char *playerName = "Console";
	const char *playerTeam = "Console";
	if ( pPlayer )
		userid = pPlayer->GetUserID();
		networkID = pPlayer->GetNetworkIDString();
		playerName = pPlayer->GetPlayerName();
		CTeam *team = pPlayer->GetTeam();
		if ( team )
			playerTeam = team->GetName();
	if ( teamonly )
		UTIL_LogPrintf( "\"%s<%i><%s><%s>\" say_team \"%s\"\n", playerName, userid, networkID, playerTeam, p );
		UTIL_LogPrintf( "\"%s<%i><%s><%s>\" say \"%s\"\n", playerName, userid, networkID, playerTeam, p );

	IGameEvent * event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "player_say" );

	if ( event )	// will be null if there are no listeners!
		event->SetInt("userid", userid );
		event->SetString("text", p );
		event->SetInt("priority", 1 );	// HLTV event priority, not transmitted
		gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event );
// Purpose: Sets the new owner of the point, plays the appropriate sound and shows the right model
void CTeamControlPoint::InternalSetOwner( int iCapTeam, bool bMakeSound, int iNumCappers, int *pCappingPlayers )
	Assert( iCapTeam >= 0 && iCapTeam < GetNumberOfTeams() );

	int iOldTeam = m_iTeam;

	m_iTeam = iCapTeam;
	ChangeTeam( iCapTeam );

	if ( bMakeSound )
		CBroadcastRecipientFilter filter;
		EmitSound( filter, entindex(), STRING( m_TeamData[m_iTeam].iszCapSound ) );

	// Update visuals
	SetModel( STRING(m_TeamData[m_iTeam].iszModel) );
	SetBodygroup( 0, m_iTeam );
	m_nSkin = ( m_iTeam == TEAM_UNASSIGNED ) ? 2 : (m_iTeam - 2);
	ResetSequence( LookupSequence("idle") );

	// We add 1 to the index because we consider the default "no points capped" as 0.
	TeamplayGameRules()->SetLastCapPointChanged( m_iPointIndex+1 );

	// Determine the pose parameters for each team
	for ( int i = 0; i < m_TeamData.Count(); i++ )
		// Skip spectator
		if ( i == TEAM_SPECTATOR )

		if ( GetModelPtr() && GetModelPtr()->SequencesAvailable() )
			m_TeamData[i].iTeamPoseParam = LookupPoseParameter( UTIL_VarArgs( "cappoint_%d_percentage", i ) );
			m_TeamData[i].iTeamPoseParam = -1;

	if ( m_iTeam == TEAM_UNASSIGNED )
		m_OnCapReset.FireOutput( this, this );
		// Remap team to get first game team = 1
		switch ( m_iTeam - FIRST_GAME_TEAM+1 )
		case 1: 
			m_OnCapTeam1.FireOutput( this, this );
		case 2: 
			m_OnCapTeam2.FireOutput( this, this );

	// If we're playing a sound, this is a true cap by players.
	if ( bMakeSound )	
		if ( iOldTeam > LAST_SHARED_TEAM && iOldTeam != m_iTeam )
			// Make the members of our old team say something
			for ( int i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; i++ )
				CBaseMultiplayerPlayer *pPlayer = ToBaseMultiplayerPlayer( UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i ) );
				if ( !pPlayer )
				if ( pPlayer->GetTeamNumber() == iOldTeam )
					pPlayer->SpeakConceptIfAllowed( MP_CONCEPT_LOST_CONTROL_POINT );

		for( int i = 0; i < iNumCappers; i++ )
			int playerIndex = pCappingPlayers[i];

			Assert( playerIndex > 0 && playerIndex <= gpGlobals->maxClients );

			PlayerCapped( ToBaseMultiplayerPlayer(UTIL_PlayerByIndex( playerIndex )) );

		// Remap team to get first game team = 1
		switch ( m_iTeam - FIRST_GAME_TEAM+1 )
		case 1: 
			m_OnOwnerChangedToTeam1.FireOutput( this, this );
		case 2: 
			m_OnOwnerChangedToTeam2.FireOutput( this, this );

		if ( m_iTeam != TEAM_UNASSIGNED && iNumCappers )
			SendCapString( m_iTeam, iNumCappers, pCappingPlayers );

	// Have control point master check the win conditions now!
	CBaseEntity *pEnt =	gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( NULL, GetControlPointMasterName() );

	while( pEnt )
		CTeamControlPointMaster *pMaster = dynamic_cast<CTeamControlPointMaster *>( pEnt );

		if ( pMaster->IsActive() )

		pEnt = gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( pEnt, GetControlPointMasterName() );
void CTeamTrainWatcher::WatcherThink( void )
	if ( m_bWaitingToRecede )
		if ( m_flRecedeTime < gpGlobals->curtime )
			m_bWaitingToRecede = false;

			// don't actually recede in overtime
			if ( TeamplayRoundBasedRules() && !TeamplayRoundBasedRules()->InOvertime() )
				// fire recede output
				m_OnTrainStartRecede.FireOutput( this, this );
				HandleTrainMovement( true );

	bool bDisableAlarm = (TeamplayRoundBasedRules() && TeamplayRoundBasedRules()->State_Get() != GR_STATE_RND_RUNNING);
	if ( bDisableAlarm )

	// given its next node, we can walk the nodes and find the linear
	// distance to the next cp node, or to the goal node

	CFuncTrackTrain *pTrain = m_hTrain;
	if ( pTrain )
		int iOldTrainSpeedLevel = m_iTrainSpeedLevel;

		// how fast is the train moving?
		float flSpeed = pTrain->GetDesiredSpeed();

		// divide speed into regions
		// anything negative is -1

		if ( flSpeed < 0 )
			m_iTrainSpeedLevel = -1;

			// even though our desired speed might be negative,
			// our actual speed might be zero if we're at a dead end...
			// this will turn off the < image when the train is done moving backwards
			if ( pTrain->GetCurrentSpeed() == 0 )
				m_iTrainSpeedLevel = 0;
		else if ( flSpeed > m_flSpeedLevels[2] )
			m_iTrainSpeedLevel = 3;
		else if ( flSpeed > m_flSpeedLevels[1] )
			m_iTrainSpeedLevel = 2;
		else if ( flSpeed > m_flSpeedLevels[0] )
			m_iTrainSpeedLevel = 1;
			m_iTrainSpeedLevel = 0;

		if ( m_iTrainSpeedLevel != iOldTrainSpeedLevel )
			// make sure the sparks are off if we're not moving backwards anymore
			if ( m_bHandleTrainMovement )
				if ( m_iTrainSpeedLevel == 0 && iOldTrainSpeedLevel != 0 )
					HandleSparks( false );

			// play any concepts that we might need to play		
			if ( TeamplayRoundBasedRules() )
				if ( m_iTrainSpeedLevel == 0 && iOldTrainSpeedLevel != 0 )
					TeamplayRoundBasedRules()->HaveAllPlayersSpeakConceptIfAllowed( MP_CONCEPT_CART_STOP );
					m_flNextSpeakForwardConceptTime = 0;
				else if ( m_iTrainSpeedLevel < 0 && iOldTrainSpeedLevel == 0 )
					TeamplayRoundBasedRules()->HaveAllPlayersSpeakConceptIfAllowed( MP_CONCEPT_CART_MOVING_BACKWARD );
					m_flNextSpeakForwardConceptTime = 0;

		if ( m_iTrainSpeedLevel > 0 && m_flNextSpeakForwardConceptTime < gpGlobals->curtime )
			if ( m_hAreaCap.Get() )
				for ( int i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; i++ )
					CBaseMultiplayerPlayer *pPlayer = ToBaseMultiplayerPlayer( UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i ) );
					if ( pPlayer )
						if ( m_hAreaCap->IsTouching( pPlayer ) )
							pPlayer->SpeakConceptIfAllowed( MP_CONCEPT_CART_MOVING_FORWARD );

			m_flNextSpeakForwardConceptTime = gpGlobals->curtime + 3.0;

		// what percent progress are we at?
		CPathTrack *pNode = ( pTrain->m_ppath ) ? pTrain->m_ppath->GetNext() : NULL;

		// if we're moving backwards, GetNext is going to be wrong
		if ( flSpeed < 0 )
			pNode = pTrain->m_ppath;

		if ( pNode )
			float flDistanceToGoal = 0;

			// distance to next node
			Vector vecDir = pNode->GetLocalOrigin() - pTrain->GetLocalOrigin();
			flDistanceToGoal = vecDir.Length();

			// distance of next node to goal node
			if ( pNode && pNode != m_hGoalNode )
				// walk this until we get to goal node, or a dead end
				CPathTrack *pPrev = pNode;
				pNode = pNode->GetNext();
				while ( pNode )
					vecDir = pNode->GetLocalOrigin() - pPrev->GetLocalOrigin();
					flDistanceToGoal += vecDir.Length();

					if ( pNode == m_hGoalNode )

					pPrev = pNode;
					pNode = pNode->GetNext();

			if ( m_flTotalPathDistance <= 0 )
				Assert( !"No path distance in team_train_watcher\n" );
				m_flTotalPathDistance = 1;

			m_flTotalProgress = clamp( 1.0 - ( flDistanceToGoal / m_flTotalPathDistance ), 0.0, 1.0 );

			m_flTrainDistanceFromStart = m_flTotalPathDistance - flDistanceToGoal;

			// play alert sounds if necessary
			for ( int iCount = 0 ; iCount < m_iNumCPLinks ; iCount++ )
				if ( m_flTrainDistanceFromStart < m_CPLinks[iCount].flDistanceFromStart - TEAM_TRAIN_ALERT_DISTANCE )
					// back up twice the alert distance before resetting our flag to play the warning again
					if ( ( m_flTrainDistanceFromStart < m_CPLinks[iCount].flDistanceFromStart - ( TEAM_TRAIN_ALERT_DISTANCE * 2 ) ) || // has receded back twice the alert distance or...
						 ( !m_bTrainCanRecede ) ) // used to catch the case where the train doesn't normally recede but has rolled back down a hill away from the CP
						// reset our alert flag
						m_CPLinks[iCount].bAlertPlayed = false;
					if ( m_flTrainDistanceFromStart < m_CPLinks[iCount].flDistanceFromStart && !m_CPLinks[iCount].bAlertPlayed )
						m_CPLinks[iCount].bAlertPlayed = true;
						bool bFinalPointInMap = false;

						CTeamControlPoint *pCurrentPoint = m_CPLinks[iCount].hCP.Get();
						CTeamControlPointMaster *pMaster = g_hControlPointMasters.Count() ? g_hControlPointMasters[0] : NULL;
						if ( pMaster )
							// if we're not playing mini-rounds 
							if ( !pMaster->PlayingMiniRounds() )  
								for ( int i = FIRST_GAME_TEAM ; i < MAX_CONTROL_POINT_TEAMS ; i++ )
									if ( ObjectiveResource() && ObjectiveResource()->TeamCanCapPoint( pCurrentPoint->GetPointIndex(), i ) )
										if ( pMaster->WouldNewCPOwnerWinGame( pCurrentPoint, i ) )
											bFinalPointInMap = true;
								// or this is the last round
								if ( pMaster->NumPlayableControlPointRounds() == 1 )
									CTeamControlPointRound *pRound = pMaster->GetCurrentRound();
									if ( pRound )
										for ( int i = FIRST_GAME_TEAM ; i < MAX_CONTROL_POINT_TEAMS ; i++ )
											if ( ObjectiveResource() && ObjectiveResource()->TeamCanCapPoint( pCurrentPoint->GetPointIndex(), i ) )
												if ( pRound->WouldNewCPOwnerWinGame( pCurrentPoint, i ) )
													bFinalPointInMap = true;

						PlayCaptureAlert( pCurrentPoint, bFinalPointInMap );

			// check to see if we need to start or stop the alarm
			if ( flDistanceToGoal <= TEAM_TRAIN_ALARM_DISTANCE )
				if ( ObjectiveResource() )
					ObjectiveResource()->SetTrackAlarm( GetTeamNumber(), true );

				if ( !bDisableAlarm )
					if ( !m_pAlarm )
						if ( m_iNumCPLinks > 0 && !m_bAlarmPlayed )
							// start the alarm at the final point
							StartCaptureAlarm( m_CPLinks[m_iNumCPLinks-1].hCP.Get() );
							m_bAlarmPlayed = true; // used to prevent the alarm from starting again on maps where the train doesn't recede (alarm loops for short time then only plays singles)
						if ( !m_bTrainCanRecede ) // if the train won't recede, we only want to play the alarm for a short time
							if ( m_flAlarmEndTime > 0 && m_flAlarmEndTime < gpGlobals->curtime )
								SetContextThink( &CTeamTrainWatcher::WatcherAlarmThink, gpGlobals->curtime + TW_ALARM_THINK_INTERVAL, TW_ALARM_THINK );
				if ( ObjectiveResource() )
					ObjectiveResource()->SetTrackAlarm( GetTeamNumber(), false );

				m_bAlarmPlayed = false;

		if ( tf_show_train_path.GetBool() )
			CPathTrack *nextNode = NULL;
			CPathTrack *node = m_hStartNode;

			while( node )
				nextNode = node->GetNext();

				if ( !nextNode || nextNode->HasBeenVisited() )

				NDebugOverlay::Line( node->GetAbsOrigin(), nextNode->GetAbsOrigin(), 255, 255, 0, true, NDEBUG_PERSIST_TILL_NEXT_SERVER );

				node = nextNode;

			// show segment of path train is actually on
			node = pTrain->m_ppath;
			if ( node && node->GetNext() )
				NDebugOverlay::HorzArrow( node->GetAbsOrigin(), node->GetNext()->GetAbsOrigin(), 5.0f, 255, 0, 0, 255, true, NDEBUG_PERSIST_TILL_NEXT_SERVER );

	SetContextThink( &CTeamTrainWatcher::WatcherThink, gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1, TW_THINK );