Beispiel #1
bool CAR::LoadPhysics(
	const PTree & cfg,
	const std::string & carpath,
	const MATHVECTOR <float, 3> & initial_position,
	const QUATERNION <float> & initial_orientation,
	const bool defaultabs,
	const bool defaulttcs,
	const bool damage,
	ContentManager & content,
	DynamicsWorld & world,
	std::ostream & error_output)
	std::string carmodel;
	std::tr1::shared_ptr<MODEL> modelptr;
	if (!cfg.get("body.mesh", carmodel, error_output)) return false;
	if (!content.load(carpath, carmodel, modelptr)) return false;

	btVector3 size = ToBulletVector(modelptr->GetSize());
	btVector3 center = ToBulletVector(modelptr->GetCenter());
	btVector3 position = ToBulletVector(initial_position);
	btQuaternion rotation = ToBulletQuaternion(initial_orientation);

	if (!dynamics.Load(cfg, size, center, position, rotation, damage, world, error_output)) return false;

	mz_nominalmax = (GetTireMaxMz(FRONT_LEFT) + GetTireMaxMz(FRONT_RIGHT)) * 0.5;

	return true;
Beispiel #2
	void BoxPhysicsComponent::InitializeBulletComponent(BulletComponentImplementation * component)
		component->shape = new btBoxShape(ToBulletVector(m_HalfExtentVector));

		btDefaultMotionState * motionState = new btDefaultMotionState(btTransform(btQuaternion(0, 0, 0, 1), ToBulletVector(GetWorldPosition())));

		F32 mass = 1.0f;

		btVector3 inertia;
		component->shape->calculateLocalInertia(mass, inertia);

		btRigidBody::btRigidBodyConstructionInfo ci(mass, motionState, component->shape, inertia);

		component->rigidBody = new btRigidBody(ci);

float AI_Car_Experimental::RayCastDistance( MATHVECTOR <float, 3> direction, float max_length){
	btVector3 pos = car->GetCarDynamics().GetPosition();
	btVector3 dir = car->GetCarDynamics().LocalToWorld(ToBulletVector(direction));
	dir -= pos;
	float depth = contact.GetDepth();
	float dist = std::min(max_length, depth);
	MATHVECTOR<float, 3> pos_start(ToMathVector<float>(pos));
	MATHVECTOR<float, 3> pos_end = pos_start + (ToMathVector<float>(dir) * dist);
	AddLinePoint(raycastshape, pos_start);
	AddLinePoint(raycastshape, pos_end);
	return dist;
Beispiel #4
void CAR::SetPosition(const MATHVECTOR <float, 3> & new_position)
	btVector3 newpos = ToBulletVector(new_position);
Beispiel #5
//  Ray
	const MATHVECTOR <float, 3> & origin,
	const MATHVECTOR <float, 3> & direction,
	const float length,
	const btCollisionObject * caster,
	int* pOnRoad) const
	btVector3 from = ToBulletVector(origin);
	btVector3 to = ToBulletVector(origin + direction * length);
	MyRayResultCallback rayCallback(from, to, caster);
	MATHVECTOR <float, 3> p, n;  float d;
	const BEZIER * b = NULL;
	btCollisionObject * c = NULL;
	// track geometry collision
	world->rayTest(from, to, rayCallback);
	bool geometryHit = rayCallback.hasHit();
	if (geometryHit)
		p = ToMathVector<float>(rayCallback.m_hitPointWorld);
		n = ToMathVector<float>(rayCallback.m_hitNormalWorld);
		d = rayCallback.m_closestHitFraction * length;
		c = rayCallback.m_collisionObject;
		if (c->isStaticObject() /*&& (c->getCollisionFlags() & btCollisionObject::CF_NO_CONTACT_RESPONSE == 0)*/)
			void * ptr = c->getCollisionShape()->getUserPointer();
			if (ptr == (void*)7777)  // road
				s = trackSurface[0];
				*pOnRoad = 1;
			if (ptr == (void*)7788)  // pipe
				s = trackSurface[0];
				*pOnRoad = 2;
			else if (ptr == 0)
				*pOnRoad = 0;
				void * ptr = c->getUserPointer();
				if (ptr != NULL)
					const TRACK_OBJECT * const obj = reinterpret_cast <const TRACK_OBJECT * const> (ptr);
					s = obj->GetSurface();
				else //track geometry
					int shapeId = rayCallback.m_shapeId;
					//assert(shapeId >= 0 && shapeId < trackSurface.size());
					if (shapeId >= trackSurface.size() || shapeId < 0)  shapeId = 0;  //crash hf-
					//if (trackSurface.size() > 0)
						s = trackSurface[shapeId];
		// track bezierpatch collision
		if (track != NULL)
			MATHVECTOR <float, 3> bezierspace_raystart(origin[1], origin[2], origin[0]);
			MATHVECTOR <float, 3> bezierspace_dir(direction[1], direction[2], direction[0]);
			MATHVECTOR <float, 3> colpoint, colnormal;
			const BEZIER * colpatch = NULL;
			bool bezierHit = track->CastRay(bezierspace_raystart, bezierspace_dir, length, colpoint, colpatch, colnormal);
			if (bezierHit)
				p = MATHVECTOR <float, 3> (colpoint[2], colpoint[0], colpoint[1]);
				n = MATHVECTOR <float, 3> (colnormal[2], colnormal[0], colnormal[1]);
				d = (colpoint - bezierspace_raystart).Magnitude();
				s = track->GetRoadSurface();
				b = colpatch;
				c = NULL;
				*pOnRoad = 1;

		contact.Set(p, n, d, s, b, c);
		return true;
	// should only happen on vehicle rollover
	contact.Set(origin + direction * length, -direction, length, s, b, c);
	return false;
Beispiel #6
bool DynamicsWorld::castRay(
	const btVector3 & origin,
	const btVector3 & direction,
	const btScalar length,
	const btCollisionObject * caster,
	CollisionContact & contact) const
	btVector3 p = origin + direction * length;
	btVector3 n = -direction;
	btScalar d = length;
	int patch_id = -1;
	const Bezier * b = 0;
	const TrackSurface * s = TrackSurface::None();
	const btCollisionObject * c = 0;

	MyRayResultCallback ray(origin, p, caster);
	rayTest(origin, p, ray);

	// track geometry collision
	if (ray.hasHit())
		p = ray.m_hitPointWorld;
		n = ray.m_hitNormalWorld;
		d = ray.m_closestHitFraction * length;
		c = ray.m_collisionObject;
		if (c->isStaticObject())
			TrackSurface * ts = static_cast<TrackSurface*>(c->getUserPointer());
			if (c->getCollisionShape()->isCompound())
				ts = static_cast<TrackSurface*>(ray.m_shape->getUserPointer());

			// verify surface pointer
			if (track)
				const std::vector<TrackSurface> & surfaces = track->GetSurfaces();
				if (ts < &surfaces[0] || ts > &surfaces[surfaces.size() - 1])
					ts = NULL;

			if (ts)
				s = ts;

		// track bezierpatch collision
		if (track)
			Vec3 org = ToMathVector<float>(origin);
			Vec3 dir = ToMathVector<float>(direction);
			Vec3 colpoint;
			Vec3 colnormal;
			patch_id = contact.GetPatchId();
			if (track->CastRay(org, dir, length, patch_id, colpoint, b, colnormal))
				p = ToBulletVector(colpoint);
				n = ToBulletVector(colnormal);
				d = (colpoint - org).Magnitude();

		contact = CollisionContact(p, n, d, patch_id, b, s, c);
		return true;

	// should only happen on vehicle rollover
	contact = CollisionContact(p, n, d, patch_id, b, s, c);
	return false;
Beispiel #7
void CARDYNAMICS::SetPosition(const MATHVECTOR<Dbl,3> & position)
	if (chassis)
		chassis->translate(ToBulletVector(position) - chassis->getCenterOfMassPosition());
Beispiel #8
bool DynamicsWorld::castRay(
	const btVector3 & origin,
	const btVector3 & direction,
	const btScalar length,
	const btCollisionObject * caster,
	COLLISION_CONTACT & contact) const
	btVector3 p = origin + direction * length;
	btVector3 n = -direction;
	btScalar d = length;
	int patch_id = -1;
	const BEZIER * b = 0;
	btCollisionObject * c = 0;

	MyRayResultCallback ray(origin, p, caster);
	rayTest(origin, p, ray);

	// track geometry collision
	bool geometryHit = ray.hasHit();
	if (geometryHit)
		p = ray.m_hitPointWorld;
		n = ray.m_hitNormalWorld;
		d = ray.m_closestHitFraction * length;
		c = ray.m_collisionObject;
		if (c->isStaticObject())
			TRACKSURFACE* tsc = static_cast<TRACKSURFACE*>(c->getUserPointer());
			const std::vector<TRACKSURFACE> & surfaces = track->GetSurfaces();
			if (tsc >= &surfaces[0] && tsc <= &surfaces[surfaces.size()-1])
				s = tsc;
			else if (c->getCollisionShape()->isCompound())
				TRACKSURFACE* tss = static_cast<TRACKSURFACE*>(ray.m_shape->getUserPointer());
				if (tss >= &surfaces[0] && tss <= &surfaces[surfaces.size()-1])
					s = tss;
			//std::cerr << "static object without surface" << std::endl;

		// track bezierpatch collision
		if (track)
			MATHVECTOR<float, 3> org(ToMathVector<float>(origin));
			MATHVECTOR<float, 3> dir(ToMathVector<float>(direction));
			MATHVECTOR<float, 3> colpoint;
			MATHVECTOR<float, 3> colnormal;
			patch_id = contact.GetPatchId();
			if (track->CastRay(org, dir, length, patch_id, colpoint, b, colnormal))
				p = ToBulletVector(colpoint);
				n = ToBulletVector(colnormal);
				d = (colpoint - org).Magnitude();

		contact = COLLISION_CONTACT(p, n, d, patch_id, b, s, c);
		return true;

	// should only happen on vehicle rollover
	contact = COLLISION_CONTACT(p, n, d, patch_id, b, s, c);
	return false;
//  Ray
	const MATHVECTOR<float,3> & origin,
	const MATHVECTOR<float,3> & direction, const float length,
	const btCollisionObject * caster,
	COLLISION_CONTACT & contact,  //out
	CARDYNAMICS* cd, int w, //out pCarDyn, nWheel
	bool ignoreCars, bool camTilt, bool camDist) const
	btVector3 from = ToBulletVector(origin);
	btVector3 to = ToBulletVector(origin + direction * length);
	MyRayResultCallback res(from, to, caster, ignoreCars, camTilt, camDist);
	//  data to set
	MATHVECTOR<float,3> pos, norm;  float dist;
	const TRACKSURFACE * surf = TRACKSURFACE::None();
	btCollisionObject * col = NULL;  const BEZIER * bzr = NULL;
	world->rayTest(from, to, res);

	bool geometryHit = res.hasHit();
	if (geometryHit)
		pos = ToMathVector<float>(res.m_hitPointWorld);
		norm = ToMathVector<float>(res.m_hitNormalWorld);
		dist = res.m_closestHitFraction * length;
		col = res.m_collisionObject;
		const TerData& td = pApp->scn->sc->td;

		if (col->isStaticObject() /*&& (c->getCollisionFlags() & btCollisionObject::CF_NO_CONTACT_RESPONSE == 0)*/)
			long long ptrU = (long long)col->getCollisionShape()->getUserPointer(),
				su = ptrU & 0xFF00, mtr = ptrU & 0xFF;  //void*

			///  set surface, basing on shape type  -----------------

			if (ptrU)
			switch (su)
				case SU_Road:  // road
					int id = td.layerRoad.surfId;  // Road[mtr].
					surf = &pApp->pGame->surfaces[id];

					if (cd)
					{	cd->iWhOnRoad[w] = 1;   cd->whRoadMtr[w] = mtr;  cd->whTerMtr[w] = 0;  }
				}	break;

				case SU_Pipe:  // pipe
					int id = td.layerRoad.surfId;
					surf = &pApp->pGame->surfaces[id];

					if (cd)
					{	cd->iWhOnRoad[w] = 2;   cd->whRoadMtr[w] = mtr+30;  cd->whTerMtr[w] = 0;  }
				}	break;

				case SU_Terrain:  // Terrain  get surface from blendmap mtr
					int t = pApp->blendMapSize;
					float tws = td.fTerWorldSize;

					int mx = (pos[0] + 0.5*tws)/tws*t;  mx = std::max(0,std::min(t-1, mx));
					int my = (pos[1] + 0.5*tws)/tws*t;  my = std::max(0,std::min(t-1, t-1-my));

					int mtr = pApp->blendMtr[my*t + mx];

					int id = td.layersAll[td.layers[mtr]].surfId;
					surf = &pApp->pGame->surfaces[id];

					if (cd)                                              // mtr 0 = not on terrain
					{	cd->iWhOnRoad[w] = 0;   cd->whRoadMtr[w] = 60;  cd->whTerMtr[w] = mtr + 1;  }
				}	break;
				//case SU_RoadWall: //case SU_RoadColumn:
				//case SU_Vegetation: case SU_Border:
				//case SU_ObjectStatic: //case SU_ObjectDynamic:
					int id = td.layerRoad.surfId;
					surf = &pApp->pGame->surfaces[id];

					if (cd)
					{	cd->iWhOnRoad[w] = 0;   cd->whRoadMtr[w] = 80;  cd->whTerMtr[w] = 0;  }
				}	break;
			else  //if (ptrU == 0)
				int id = td.layersAll[0].surfId;  //0 only 1st
				surf = &pApp->pGame->surfaces[id];

				if (cd)
				{	cd->iWhOnRoad[w] = 0;   cd->whRoadMtr[w] = 0;  cd->whTerMtr[w] = 1;  }

				/*void * ptr = col->getUserPointer();
				if (ptr != NULL)
					const TRACK_OBJECT * const obj = reinterpret_cast <const TRACK_OBJECT * const> (ptr);
					surf = obj->GetSurface();
				else  // track geometry
					int shapeId = res.m_shapeId;
					//assert(shapeId >= 0 && shapeId < trackSurface.size());
					if (shapeId >= trackSurface.size() || shapeId < 0)  shapeId = 0;  //crash hf-
					if (trackSurface.size() > 0)
						surf = 0;//trackSurface[shapeId];
		//  track bezierpatch collision
		if (track != NULL)
			MATHVECTOR<float,3> bs_pos(origin[1], origin[2], origin[0]);  //bezierspace
			MATHVECTOR<float,3> bs_dir(direction[1], direction[2], direction[0]);
			MATHVECTOR<float,3> colpos, colnorm;
			const BEZIER * colpatch = NULL;
			bool bezierHit = track->CastRay(bs_pos, bs_dir, length, colpos, colpatch, colnorm);
			if (bezierHit)
				pos = MATHVECTOR<float,3> (colpos[2], colpos[0], colpos[1]);
				norm = MATHVECTOR<float,3> (colnorm[2], colnorm[0], colnorm[1]);
				dist = (colpos - bs_pos).Magnitude();
				//surf = 0;//track->GetRoadSurface();
				bzr = colpatch;  col = NULL;

				int id = td.layerRoad.surfId;
				surf = &pApp->pGame->surfaces[id];

				if (cd)
				{	cd->iWhOnRoad[w] = 1;   cd->whRoadMtr[w] = 0;  cd->whTerMtr[w] = 0;  }

		contact.Set(pos, norm, dist, surf, bzr, col);
		return true;
	//  should only happen on vehicle rollover
	contact.Set(origin + direction * length, -direction, length, surf, bzr, col);
	return false;
Beispiel #10
void AiCarStandard::UpdateSteer()

	const Bezier *curr_patch_ptr = GetCurrentPatch(car);

	//if car has no contact with track, just let it roll
	if (!curr_patch_ptr)
		if (!last_patch) return;
		//if car is off track, steer the car towards the last patch it was on
		//this should get the car back on track
		else curr_patch_ptr = last_patch;

	last_patch = curr_patch_ptr; //store the last patch car was on

	Bezier curr_patch = RevisePatch(curr_patch_ptr, use_racingline);


	// if there is no next patch (probably a non-closed track), let it roll
	if (!curr_patch.GetNextPatch()) return;

	Bezier next_patch = RevisePatch(curr_patch.GetNextPatch(), use_racingline);

	// find the point to steer towards
	float lookahead = 1.0;
	float length = 0.0;
	Vec3 dest_point = GetPatchFrontCenter(next_patch);

	while (length < lookahead)

		length += GetPatchDirection(next_patch).Magnitude()*2.0;
		dest_point = GetPatchFrontCenter(next_patch);

		// if there is no next patch for whatever reason, stop lookahead
		if (!next_patch.GetNextPatch())
			length = lookahead;

		next_patch = RevisePatch(next_patch.GetNextPatch(), use_racingline);

		// if next patch is a very sharp corner, stop lookahead
		if (GetPatchRadius(next_patch) < LOOKAHEAD_MIN_RADIUS)
			length = lookahead;

	btVector3 car_position = car->GetCenterOfMass();
	btVector3 car_orientation = quatRotate(car->GetOrientation(), Direction::forward);
	btVector3 desire_orientation = ToBulletVector(dest_point) - car_position;

	//car's direction on the horizontal plane
	car_orientation[2] = 0;
	//desired direction on the horizontal plane
	desire_orientation[2] = 0;


	//the angle between car's direction and unit y vector (forward direction)
	double alpha = Angle(car_orientation[0], car_orientation[1]);

	//the angle between desired direction and unit y vector (forward direction)
	double beta = Angle(desire_orientation[0], desire_orientation[1]);

	//calculate steering angle and direction
	double angle = beta - alpha;

	//angle += steerAwayFromOthers(c, dt, othercars, angle); //sum in traffic avoidance bias

	if (angle > -360.0 && angle <= -180.0)
		angle = -(360.0 + angle);
	else if (angle > -180.0 && angle <= 0.0)
		angle = - angle;
	else if (angle > 0.0 && angle <= 180.0)
		angle = - angle;
	else if (angle > 180.0 && angle <= 360.0)
		angle = 360.0 - angle;

	float optimum_range = car->GetTire(FRONT_LEFT).getIdealSlipAngle() * SIMD_DEGS_PER_RAD;
	angle = clamp(angle, -optimum_range, optimum_range);

	float steer_value = angle / car->GetMaxSteeringAngle();
	if (steer_value > 1.0) steer_value = 1.0;
	else if (steer_value < -1.0) steer_value = -1.0;

	inputs[CarInput::STEER_RIGHT] = steer_value;