Beispiel #1
void ABaseWeapon::fireTargetingRaycasts()

	const int32 RandomSeed = FMath::Rand();
	FRandomStream WeaponRandomStream(RandomSeed);
	const float CurrentSpread = 2.0f;
	const float SpreadCone = FMath::DegreesToRadians(CurrentSpread * 0.5f);

	FVector Up_StartTrace = (MyPawn->GetActorLocation() + (MyPawn->GetActorForwardVector() * 500)) + (MyPawn->GetActorUpVector() * 30);
	FVector Up_Dir = MyPawn->GetActorForwardVector();
	FVector Up_EndTrace = Up_StartTrace + Up_Dir * (WeaponConfig.WeaponRange);

	FVector Down_StartTrace = (MyPawn->GetActorLocation() + (MyPawn->GetActorForwardVector() * 500)) + (MyPawn->GetActorUpVector() * -30);
	FVector Down_Dir = MyPawn->GetActorForwardVector();
	FVector Down_EndTrace = Down_StartTrace + Down_Dir * (WeaponConfig.WeaponRange);

	FVector Left_StartTrace = (MyPawn->GetActorLocation() + (MyPawn->GetActorForwardVector() * 500)) + (MyPawn->GetActorRightVector() * -30);
	FVector Left_Dir = MyPawn->GetActorForwardVector();
	FVector Left_EndTrace = Left_StartTrace + Left_Dir * (WeaponConfig.WeaponRange);

	FVector Right_StartTrace = (MyPawn->GetActorLocation() + (MyPawn->GetActorForwardVector() * 500)) + (MyPawn->GetActorRightVector() * 30);
	FVector Right_Dir = MyPawn->GetActorForwardVector();
	FVector Right_EndTrace = Right_StartTrace + Right_Dir * (WeaponConfig.WeaponRange);

	FName TraceTag("TraceTag");

	FCollisionQueryParams TraceParams(TraceTag, true, this);

	TraceParams.bTraceAsyncScene = true;
	TraceParams.bReturnPhysicalMaterial = true;
	TraceParams.TraceTag = TraceTag;

	GetWorld()->LineTraceSingleByChannel(Up_hit, Up_StartTrace, Up_EndTrace, COLLISION_TARGET, TraceParams);
	//DrawDebugLine(GetWorld(), Up_StartTrace, Up_EndTrace, FColor::Cyan, false, -1.0f, 0, 2);

	GetWorld()->LineTraceSingleByChannel(Down_hit, Down_StartTrace, Down_EndTrace, COLLISION_TARGET, TraceParams);
	//DrawDebugLine(GetWorld(), Down_StartTrace, Down_EndTrace, FColor::Cyan, false, -1.0f, 0, 2);

	GetWorld()->LineTraceSingleByChannel(Left_hit, Left_StartTrace, Left_EndTrace, COLLISION_TARGET, TraceParams);
	//DrawDebugLine(GetWorld(), Left_StartTrace, Left_EndTrace, FColor::Cyan, false, -1.0f, 0, 2);

	GetWorld()->LineTraceSingleByChannel(Right_hit, Right_StartTrace, Right_EndTrace, COLLISION_TARGET, TraceParams);
	//DrawDebugLine(GetWorld(), Right_StartTrace, Right_EndTrace, FColor::Cyan, false, -1.0f, 0, 2);

    void NSFTraceLog::addTrace(const NSFString& type, const NSFString& tag1, const NSFString& data1, const NSFString& tag2, const NSFString& data2, const NSFString& tag3, const NSFString& data3)
        // If logging is not enabled, then return without action
        if (!enabled)

        NSFXMLElement* trace = NULL;

            // Lock to prevent events from being added to the queue with timestamps out of order
                // Create the new trace element
                trace = new NSFXMLElement(TraceTag());

                // Add the time
                trace->addChildElementBack(new NSFXMLElement(TimeTag(), toString(NSFTimerThread::getPrimaryTimerThread().getCurrentTime())));

                // Add a trace for the type
                NSFXMLElement* typeTrace = new NSFXMLElement(type);

                // Add the new data under the type element;
                typeTrace->addChildElementBack(new NSFXMLElement(tag1, data1));

                if (!tag2.empty()) typeTrace->addChildElementBack(new NSFXMLElement(tag2, data2));
                if (!tag3.empty()) typeTrace->addChildElementBack(new NSFXMLElement(tag3, data3));

                eventHandler.queueEvent(traceAddEvent.copy(true, trace));
            // If unable to add a trace, just do nothing, because calling the exception handler may result in an infinite loop
            delete trace;