bool ProxySession::RunOne(FileDesc& epoll_fd, FileDesc& client_fd, std::error_code &ec) { epoll_event event; // TODO - process more than 1 event at a time? int num = epoll_wait(epoll_fd, &event, 1, -1); if(num < 0) { ec = std::error_code(errno, std::system_category()); return false; } if( & EPOLLIN) { if( == client_fd) { return Transfer(client_fd, m_server_fd, *m_c2sParser, ec); } else { // otherwise assume source is server id return Transfer(m_server_fd, client_fd, *m_s2cParser, ec); } } else { ec = Error::EPOLL_SOCKET_ERR; return false; } }
void Transfer(int remaining, std::array<std::stack<int>, 3>& pegs, int from, int to, int inbetween) { if(remaining > 0) { Transfer(remaining-1, pegs, from, inbetween, to); pegs[to].push(pegs[from].top()); pegs[from].pop(); std::cout << "Move " << pegs[to].top() << " from peg " << from << " to peg " << to << std::endl; Transfer(remaining-1, pegs, inbetween, to, from); } }
bool TraktorF1MK2::sendLedsAndDisplay() { if (m_TextDisplay.dirty() || true) { const auto displayData = m_TextDisplay.displayData(); for (size_t i = 0; i < m_TextDisplay.dataSize(); i++) { for (uint8_t j = 0; j < 8; j++) { size_t displayIndex = (m_TextDisplay.dataSize() - 1 - i); m_leds[(displayIndex * 8) + j] = (((1 << j) & displayData[i]) > 0) ? 0x7f : 0x00; } } m_isDirtyLeds = true; } if (m_isDirtyLeds) { if (!writeToDeviceHandle(Transfer({0x80}, &m_leds[0], kF1MK2_nLeds), kF1MK2_epOut)) { return false; } m_isDirtyLeds = false; } return true; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { initConnection(); char file_name[FILE_NAME_MAX_SIZE+1]; bzero(file_name, FILE_NAME_MAX_SIZE+1); if (argc>1){ strncpy(file_name,argv[1],strlen(argv[1])); } FILE *fp = NULL; if (ShakeHands(file_name, &fp)>0){ printf("Sending...\n"); fp = fopen(file_name, "rb"); if (NULL == fp){ printf("File:\t %s can not open to read.\n",file_name);exit(1); } struct timeval start,finish; gettimeofday(&start,NULL); Transfer(client_socket,server_addr, &fp); fclose(fp); gettimeofday(&finish,NULL); printf("Send File:\t %s To Server [%s] Finished.\n", file_name, IP); double duration = (double)((finish.tv_sec-start.tv_sec)*1000000.0+finish.tv_usec-start.tv_usec)/1000000.0; printf("Duration: %.3lf sec\n",duration); } return 0; }
bool CBPersistMgr::TransferValue(IWmeSubFrame** Value) { CBSubFrame* Temp; if(m_Saving) { Temp = (CBSubFrame*)*Value; Transfer("", &Temp); } else { Transfer("", &Temp); *Value = (IWmeSubFrame*)Temp; } return S_OK; }
void Neuron::Process() { input = 0; for (int i=0; i<nbconnexions; i++) input += connexions[i].neuron->output * connexions[i].weight ; output = Transfer(input); }
bool CBPersistMgr::TransferValue(IWmeObject** Value) { CBScriptable* Temp; if(m_Saving) { Temp = (CBScriptable*)*Value; Transfer("", &Temp); } else { Transfer("", &Temp); *Value = (IWmeObject*)Temp; } return S_OK; }
void CSendFileWidget::onTransferButtonClick() { QString hostName = host->text(); int portValue = port->value(); QString transferFileName = fileName->text(); emit Transfer( hostName, portValue, transferFileName ); }
// Returns true if all pieces were moved. bool RequestQueue::Transfer(RequestQueue &dstq) { bool result = true; while( rq_head ){ if( !Transfer(dstq, rq_head->slices->index) ) result = false; } rq_send = (SLICE *)0; return result; }
void MoveTowerHanoi (int n) { std::array<std::stack<int>, 3> pegs; for (int i = n; i > 0; --i) { pegs[0].push(i); } Transfer(n, pegs, 0, 1, 2); }
void TF_2Port::Evaluate (Path* path) { Transfer(); for (int i = 0; i < Outputs(); ++i) { if (ChangedOutput(i)) { StateVar* output = GetOutput(i); Connector* conn = GetBinding(output); conn->Transmit(path); } } }
/** * Decode the image from BuffObj * \param BuffObj: buffer object * \return true if is ok */ bool bufferImage::decodeBuffer(BuffObj *handledObj) { bufferImageJPG newima; if (newima.decodeBuffer(handledObj)) { Transfer(newima); return true; } if (newima.decodeBuffer(handledObj)) { Transfer(newima); return true; } else { return false; } strcpy(info.Error,"decodeBuffer: Error"); return false; }
int main () { GetWn (); while (scanf ("%s%s", A, B) != EOF) { int len; Prepare (A, B, a, b, len); Conv (a, b, len); Transfer (a, len); Print (a, len); } return 0; }
static void RealEnqueue(RF_CvscanHeader_t * hdr, RF_DiskQueueData_t * req) { RF_ASSERT(req->priority == RF_IO_NORMAL_PRIORITY || req->priority == RF_IO_LOW_PRIORITY); DO_CHECK_STATE(hdr); if (hdr->left_cnt == 0 && hdr->right_cnt == 0) { hdr->nxt_priority = req->priority; } if (req->priority > hdr->nxt_priority) { /* ** dump all other outstanding requests on the back burner */ Transfer(&hdr->burner, &hdr->left); Transfer(&hdr->burner, &hdr->right); hdr->left_cnt = 0; hdr->right_cnt = 0; hdr->nxt_priority = req->priority; } if (req->priority < hdr->nxt_priority) { /* ** yet another low priority task! */ PriorityInsert(&hdr->burner, req); } else { if (req->sectorOffset < hdr->cur_block) { /* this request is to the left of the current arms */ ReqInsert(&hdr->left, req, rf_cvscan_LEFT); hdr->left_cnt++; } else { /* this request is to the right of the current arms */ ReqInsert(&hdr->right, req, rf_cvscan_RIGHT); hdr->right_cnt++; } } DO_CHECK_STATE(hdr); }
/********************************* * 主函数 **********************************/ void main() { //uchar i; Init_IO(); //I/O口初始化, Init_MCU(); //主函数初始化,T0定时器工作在方式1初始化,显示"请稍等,初始化中",GATE=0, Init_RAM(); //位变量初始化 Init_Para(); //参数初始化,初始化参数,从IIC读取阈值等信息赋予给参量 Init_Buf(); //并口通讯数组初始化 // Select_Mast(); //判断主从机 Init_Time0(); //开启定时器0。定时器0初始化,工作在方式一,定时初值:H:0xDC,L:0x00;中断计数初始化?定时5ms,NumT0=0; Lcd_Clear(); //LCD清屏 Lcd_Start(); //显示"清华大学/n核能与新能源技术研究院" EX0=1; //只允许外部0中断,中断0为键盘 IT0=1; //外部中断0 while(1) { // BackUp_Display(); Select_Mast(); //判断主从机,写入主从机标志Flag_Mast=1(主机)0(从机) key_function(); //按键功能,在while循环中不断检测按键标志,按键标志由按键外部中断来更改 if(Flag_Tim0) //8253计数定时结束时,读取探头的计数,刚开始Flag_Tim0=0,仅当Flag8253Counting计数定时标识为1,且计数器中断次数大于设定的中断次数时,Flag_timo才会等于1 { //Flag_Tim0为计数器结束标志,初始为0,开机打开定时器中断后,定时器5ms中断一次,检查Flag_Tim0一次,为一表示计数器计时结束 Flag_Tim0 = 0; //定时标志清0 Flag_Warn = 0; //报警标志清0 GetAndDisdata(); //从8253的锁存器得到测量计数器结果,存入至buf数组 ShowData(); //显示测量数据 shortdelay(1000); // Transfer(); //并行传输数据 // bakeup_conv_data(); Init_8253(); //初始化8253 //定时结束时,立刻又开始初始化进行计数 } if(Flag_Tim0 == 0) //开启8253计数过程中,处理报警中断,报警有中断吗? { if(Flag_Warn_Flash == 1) //主机LED指示灯闪烁间隔定时,Flag_Warn_Flash为LED灯闪烁标志 { Flag_Warn_Flash = 0; Led_Flash(); } if((Flag_Warn_Led==1) && (PCOLSIG==0)) //屏幕上红灯闪烁间隔定时,程序中没有找到PCOLSIG=0的程序段 { Flag_Warn_Led = 0; RedLed_Flash(); //灯闪烁 } } } }
bool QuorumStep(docpos loBound, docpos hiBound, docpos &foundDoc, int &accum) { docpos currentDoc = 0; bool goodEnd = true; while (1) { docpos elementPos = Heap.Current(); docpos elementDoc = elementPos >> 16; if (elementDoc != currentDoc) { if (accum >= Quorum && elementDoc >= loBound) { if (currentDoc < loBound) { currentDoc = loBound; } break; } if (elementDoc > hiBound) { currentDoc = hiBound; goodEnd = false; break; } currentDoc = elementDoc; } accum += Transfer(elementPos); } for (size_t index = 0; index < Count; ++index) { if (Free[index]) { docpos elementDoc = Iterators[index]->Skip(currentDoc); if (elementDoc > currentDoc) { int delta = Modify(-Weights[index], index); accum += delta; Heap.Add((elementDoc << 16) + index); Free[index] = false; if (accum < Quorum && goodEnd) { foundDoc = currentDoc; return false; } } } } foundDoc = currentDoc; return true; }
/* transaction time: 1.1 to 2 ms typically */ int lgw_spi_r(void *spi_target, uint8_t spi_mux_mode, uint8_t spi_mux_target, uint8_t address, uint8_t *data) { struct mpsse_context *mpsse = spi_target; uint8_t out_buf[3]; uint8_t command_size; uint8_t *in_buf = NULL; int a, b; /* check input variables */ CHECK_NULL(spi_target); if ((address & 0x80) != 0) { DEBUG_MSG("WARNING: SPI address > 127\n"); } CHECK_NULL(data); /* prepare frame to be sent */ if (spi_mux_mode == LGW_SPI_MUX_MODE1) { out_buf[0] = spi_mux_target; out_buf[1] = READ_ACCESS | (address & 0x7F); out_buf[2] = 0x00; command_size = 3; } else { out_buf[0] = READ_ACCESS | (address & 0x7F); out_buf[1] = 0x00; command_size = 2; } /* MPSSE transaction */ a = Start(mpsse); in_buf = (uint8_t *)Transfer(mpsse, (char *)out_buf, command_size); b = Stop(mpsse); /* determine return code */ if ((in_buf == NULL) || (a != MPSSE_OK) || (b != MPSSE_OK)) { DEBUG_MSG("ERROR: SPI READ FAILURE\n"); if (in_buf != NULL) { free(in_buf); } return LGW_SPI_ERROR; } else { DEBUG_MSG("Note: SPI read success\n"); *data = in_buf[1]; free(in_buf); return LGW_SPI_SUCCESS; } }
void FGPropulsion::DoRefuel(double time_slice) { unsigned int i; double fillrate = 100 * time_slice; // 100 lbs/sec = 6000 lbs/min int TanksNotFull = 0; for (i=0; i<numTanks; i++) { if (Tanks[i]->GetPctFull() < 99.99) ++TanksNotFull; } if (TanksNotFull) { for (i=0; i<numTanks; i++) { if (Tanks[i]->GetPctFull() < 99.99) Transfer(-1, i, fillrate/TanksNotFull); } } }
void FGPropulsion::DumpFuel(double time_slice) { unsigned int i; int TanksDumping = 0; for (i=0; i<numTanks; i++) { if (Tanks[i]->GetContents() > Tanks[i]->GetStandpipe()) ++TanksDumping; } if (TanksDumping == 0) return; double dump_rate_per_tank = DumpRate / 60.0 * time_slice / TanksDumping; for (i=0; i<numTanks; i++) { if (Tanks[i]->GetContents() > Tanks[i]->GetStandpipe()) { Transfer(i, -1, dump_rate_per_tank); } } }
void FGPropulsion::DoRefuel(double time_slice) { unsigned int i; double fillrate = RefuelRate / 60.0 * time_slice; int TanksNotFull = 0; for (i=0; i<numTanks; i++) { if (Tanks[i]->GetPctFull() < 99.99) ++TanksNotFull; } // adds fuel equally to all tanks that are not full if (TanksNotFull) { for (i=0; i<numTanks; i++) { if (Tanks[i]->GetPctFull() < 99.99) Transfer(-1, i, fillrate/TanksNotFull); } } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { initConnection(); for(;;) { char message[BUFFER_SIZE]; FILE *fp = NULL; int req_num = 0; req_num = WaitShakeHands(message, &fp); // req_num 对应请求的dataID:1表示下载,2表示显示目录,3表示上传。若req_num<0,则无须后续传输。 if ( req_num==1 ) { Packet req; Recvfrom(server_socket, (char *)&req, sizeof(Packet),0, (struct sockaddr *)&client_addr, &clen); if ( req.dataID == 0 && req.flag ==-1) Transfer(server_socket, client_addr,&fp); } else if (req_num == 2) { Packet req; Recvfrom(server_socket, (char *)&req, sizeof(Packet),0, (struct sockaddr *)&client_addr, &clen); if ( req.dataID == 0 && req.flag ==-1) Show_dir(server_socket, client_addr); } else if (req_num == 3) { char file_name[BUFFER_SIZE],md5sum[33]={'\0'}; int filesize; sscanf(message,"%s\t%d\t%s",file_name,&filesize,md5sum); fp = fopen(file_name, "wb"); if (NULL == fp){ printf("File:\t %s can not open to write.\n",file_name);exit(1);} printf("Begin Recvfile.\n"); FileReceive(server_socket, client_addr,&fp); fclose(fp); } printf("Finished.\n"); } return 0; }
/** * Blends the alpha channel and the alpha palette with the pixels. The result is a 24 bit image. * The background color can be selected using SetTransColor(). */ void CxImage::AlphaStrip() { bool bAlphaPaletteIsValid = AlphaPaletteIsValid(); bool bAlphaIsValid = AlphaIsValid(); if (!(bAlphaIsValid || bAlphaPaletteIsValid)) return; RGBQUAD c; long a, a1; if (head.biBitCount==24){ for(long y=0; y<head.biHeight; y++){ for(long x=0; x<head.biWidth; x++){ c=GetPixelColor(x,y); if (bAlphaIsValid) a=(AlphaGet(x,y)*info.nAlphaMax)/255; else a=info.nAlphaMax; a1 = 255-a; c.rgbBlue = (BYTE)((c.rgbBlue * a + a1 * info.nBkgndColor.rgbBlue)/255); c.rgbGreen = (BYTE)((c.rgbGreen * a + a1 * info.nBkgndColor.rgbGreen)/255); c.rgbRed = (BYTE)((c.rgbRed * a + a1 * info.nBkgndColor.rgbRed)/255); SetPixelColor(x,y,c); } } AlphaDelete(); } else { CxImage tmp(head.biWidth,head.biHeight,24); if (!tmp.IsValid()) return; for(long y=0; y<head.biHeight; y++){ for(long x=0; x<head.biWidth; x++){ c=GetPixelColor(x,y); if (bAlphaIsValid) a=(AlphaGet(x,y)*info.nAlphaMax)/255; else a=info.nAlphaMax; if (bAlphaPaletteIsValid) a=(c.rgbReserved*a)/255; a1 = 255-a; c.rgbBlue = (BYTE)((c.rgbBlue * a + a1 * info.nBkgndColor.rgbBlue)/255); c.rgbGreen = (BYTE)((c.rgbGreen * a + a1 * info.nBkgndColor.rgbGreen)/255); c.rgbRed = (BYTE)((c.rgbRed * a + a1 * info.nBkgndColor.rgbRed)/255); tmp.SetPixelColor(x,y,c); } } Transfer(tmp); } return; }
// エントリーポイント int main(int ac, char **av) { int sts = -1; char szDevicePath[256]; HANDLE hDevice = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; BOOL doDisplay = FALSE; DWORD dwError; // 引数無しなら受信モード if (ac < 2) { doDisplay = TRUE; } // USB IR REMOCON のデバイスパスを得る dwError = GetDevicePath(szDevicePath, sizeof(szDevicePath)); if (dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to get device path: err=%u", dwError); goto DONE; } // データ送受信用にデバイスをオープン hDevice = CreateFile(szDevicePath, GENERIC_WRITE|GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); if (hDevice == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DWORD err = GetLastError(); fprintf(stderr, "CreateFile: err=%u\n", err); goto DONE; } if (doDisplay) { sts = Display(hDevice); // 受信モードへ } else { sts = Transfer(hDevice, ac, av); // 送信モードへ } DONE: if (hDevice != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(hDevice); } return sts; }
int CSIDevice_GBA::RunBuffer(u8* _pBuffer, int _iLength) { Transfer((char*)_pBuffer); return _iLength; }
uint8_t NEO_TransferPixels(void) { return Transfer((uint32_t)&transmitBuf[0], sizeof(transmitBuf)); }
bool CBPersistMgr::TransferValue(bool* Value) { return SUCCEEDED(Transfer("", Value)); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void MaschineMK1::setKeyLed(unsigned index_, const Color& color_) { setLedImpl(led(index_), color_); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void MaschineMK1::sendMidiMsg(tRawData midiMsg_) { uint8_t lengthH = (midiMsg_.size() >> 8) & 0xFF; uint8_t lengthL = midiMsg_.size() & 0xFF; writeToDeviceHandle( Transfer({0x07, lengthH, lengthL},, midiMsg_.size()), kMASMK1_epOut); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Canvas* MaschineMK1::graphicDisplay(size_t displayIndex_) { static NullCanvas s_dummyDisplay; if (displayIndex_ > 1) { return &s_dummyDisplay; } return &m_displays[displayIndex_]; }
bool CBPersistMgr::TransferValue(unsigned char* Value) { return SUCCEEDED(Transfer("", Value)); }
/** * Loads an image from CxFile object * \param hFile: file handle (CxMemFile or CxIOFile), with read access. * \param imagetype: file format, see ENUM_CXIMAGE_FORMATS * \return true if everything is ok * \sa ENUM_CXIMAGE_FORMATS */ bool CxImage::Decode(CxFile *hFile, uint32_t imagetype) { if (hFile == NULL){ strcpy(info.szLastError,CXIMAGE_ERR_NOFILE); return false; } uint32_t pos = hFile->Tell(); #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_BMP if (CXIMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN==imagetype || CXIMAGE_FORMAT_BMP==imagetype){ CxImageBMP *newima = new CxImageBMP; if (!newima) return false; newima->CopyInfo(*this); if (newima->Decode(hFile)) { Transfer(*newima); delete newima; return true; } else { strcpy(info.szLastError,newima->GetLastError()); hFile->Seek(pos,SEEK_SET); delete newima; if (CXIMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN!=imagetype) return false; } } #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_JPG if (CXIMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN==imagetype || CXIMAGE_FORMAT_JPG==imagetype){ CxImageJPG *newima = new CxImageJPG; if (!newima) return false; newima->CopyInfo(*this); if (newima->Decode(hFile)) { Transfer(*newima); delete newima; return true; } else { strcpy(info.szLastError,newima->GetLastError()); hFile->Seek(pos,SEEK_SET); delete newima; if (CXIMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN!=imagetype) return false; } } #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_ICO if (CXIMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN==imagetype || CXIMAGE_FORMAT_ICO==imagetype){ CxImageICO *newima = new CxImageICO; if (!newima) return false; newima->CopyInfo(*this); if (newima->Decode(hFile)) { Transfer(*newima); delete newima; return true; } else { info.nNumFrames = newima->info.nNumFrames; strcpy(info.szLastError,newima->GetLastError()); hFile->Seek(pos,SEEK_SET); delete newima; if (CXIMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN!=imagetype) return false; } } #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_GIF if (CXIMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN==imagetype || CXIMAGE_FORMAT_GIF==imagetype){ CxImageGIF *newima = new CxImageGIF; if (!newima) return false; newima->CopyInfo(*this); if (newima->Decode(hFile)) { Transfer(*newima); delete newima; return true; } else { info.nNumFrames = newima->info.nNumFrames; strcpy(info.szLastError,newima->GetLastError()); hFile->Seek(pos,SEEK_SET); delete newima; if (CXIMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN!=imagetype) return false; } } #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_PNG if (CXIMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN==imagetype || CXIMAGE_FORMAT_PNG==imagetype){ CxImagePNG *newima = new CxImagePNG; if (!newima) return false; newima->CopyInfo(*this); if (newima->Decode(hFile)) { Transfer(*newima); delete newima; return true; } else { strcpy(info.szLastError,newima->GetLastError()); hFile->Seek(pos,SEEK_SET); delete newima; if (CXIMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN!=imagetype) return false; } } #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_TIF if (CXIMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN==imagetype || CXIMAGE_FORMAT_TIF==imagetype){ CxImageTIF *newima = new CxImageTIF; if (!newima) return false; newima->CopyInfo(*this); if (newima->Decode(hFile)) { Transfer(*newima); delete newima; return true; } else { info.nNumFrames = newima->info.nNumFrames; strcpy(info.szLastError,newima->GetLastError()); hFile->Seek(pos,SEEK_SET); delete newima; if (CXIMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN!=imagetype) return false; } } #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_MNG if (CXIMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN==imagetype || CXIMAGE_FORMAT_MNG==imagetype){ CxImageMNG *newima = new CxImageMNG; if (!newima) return false; newima->CopyInfo(*this); if (newima->Decode(hFile)) { Transfer(*newima); delete newima; return true; } else { info.nNumFrames = newima->info.nNumFrames; strcpy(info.szLastError,newima->GetLastError()); hFile->Seek(pos,SEEK_SET); delete newima; if (CXIMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN!=imagetype) return false; } } #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_TGA if (CXIMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN==imagetype || CXIMAGE_FORMAT_TGA==imagetype){ CxImageTGA *newima = new CxImageTGA; if (!newima) return false; newima->CopyInfo(*this); if (newima->Decode(hFile)) { Transfer(*newima); delete newima; return true; } else { strcpy(info.szLastError,newima->GetLastError()); hFile->Seek(pos,SEEK_SET); delete newima; if (CXIMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN!=imagetype) return false; } } #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_PCX if (CXIMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN==imagetype || CXIMAGE_FORMAT_PCX==imagetype){ CxImagePCX *newima = new CxImagePCX; if (!newima) return false; newima->CopyInfo(*this); if (newima->Decode(hFile)) { Transfer(*newima); delete newima; return true; } else { strcpy(info.szLastError,newima->GetLastError()); hFile->Seek(pos,SEEK_SET); delete newima; if (CXIMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN!=imagetype) return false; } } #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_WBMP if (CXIMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN==imagetype || CXIMAGE_FORMAT_WBMP==imagetype){ CxImageWBMP *newima = new CxImageWBMP; if (!newima) return false; newima->CopyInfo(*this); if (newima->Decode(hFile)) { Transfer(*newima); delete newima; return true; } else { strcpy(info.szLastError,newima->GetLastError()); hFile->Seek(pos,SEEK_SET); delete newima; if (CXIMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN!=imagetype) return false; } } #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_WMF && CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_WINDOWS if (CXIMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN==imagetype || CXIMAGE_FORMAT_WMF==imagetype){ CxImageWMF *newima = new CxImageWMF; if (!newima) return false; newima->CopyInfo(*this); if (newima->Decode(hFile)) { Transfer(*newima); delete newima; return true; } else { strcpy(info.szLastError,newima->GetLastError()); hFile->Seek(pos,SEEK_SET); delete newima; if (CXIMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN!=imagetype) return false; } } #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_JBG if (CXIMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN==imagetype || CXIMAGE_FORMAT_JBG==imagetype){ CxImageJBG *newima = new CxImageJBG; if (!newima) return false; newima->CopyInfo(*this); if (newima->Decode(hFile)) { Transfer(*newima); delete newima; return true; } else { strcpy(info.szLastError,newima->GetLastError()); hFile->Seek(pos,SEEK_SET); delete newima; if (CXIMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN!=imagetype) return false; } } #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_JASPER if (CXIMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN==imagetype || #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_JP2 CXIMAGE_FORMAT_JP2==imagetype || #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_JPC CXIMAGE_FORMAT_JPC==imagetype || #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_PGX CXIMAGE_FORMAT_PGX==imagetype || #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_PNM CXIMAGE_FORMAT_PNM==imagetype || #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_RAS CXIMAGE_FORMAT_RAS==imagetype || #endif false ){ CxImageJAS *newima = new CxImageJAS; if (!newima) return false; newima->CopyInfo(*this); if (newima->Decode(hFile)) { Transfer(*newima); delete newima; return true; } else { strcpy(info.szLastError,newima->GetLastError()); hFile->Seek(pos,SEEK_SET); delete newima; if (CXIMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN!=imagetype) return false; } } #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_SKA if (CXIMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN==imagetype || CXIMAGE_FORMAT_SKA==imagetype){ CxImageSKA *newima = new CxImageSKA; if (!newima) return false; newima->CopyInfo(*this); if (newima->Decode(hFile)) { Transfer(*newima); delete newima; return true; } else { strcpy(info.szLastError,newima->GetLastError()); hFile->Seek(pos,SEEK_SET); delete newima; if (CXIMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN!=imagetype) return false; } } #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_RAW if (CXIMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN==imagetype || CXIMAGE_FORMAT_RAW==imagetype){ CxImageRAW *newima = new CxImageRAW; if (!newima) return false; newima->CopyInfo(*this); if (newima->Decode(hFile)) { Transfer(*newima); delete newima; return true; } else { strcpy(info.szLastError,newima->GetLastError()); hFile->Seek(pos,SEEK_SET); delete newima; if (CXIMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN!=imagetype) return false; } } #endif #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_PSD if (CXIMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN==imagetype || CXIMAGE_FORMAT_PSD==imagetype){ CxImagePSD *newima = new CxImagePSD; if (!newima) return false; newima->CopyInfo(*this); if (newima->Decode(hFile)) { Transfer(*newima); delete newima; return true; } else { strcpy(info.szLastError,newima->GetLastError()); hFile->Seek(pos,SEEK_SET); delete newima; if (CXIMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN!=imagetype) return false; } } #endif strcpy(info.szLastError,"Decode: Unknown or wrong format"); return false; }
bool CxImageICO::Decode(CxFile *hFile) { if (hFile==NULL) return false; DWORD off = hFile->Tell(); //<yuandi> int page=info.nFrame; //internal icon structure indexes // read the first part of the header ICONHEADER icon_header; hFile->Read(&icon_header,sizeof(ICONHEADER),1); icon_header.idType = my_ntohs(icon_header.idType); icon_header.idCount = my_ntohs(icon_header.idCount); // check if it's an icon or a cursor if ((icon_header.idReserved == 0) && ((icon_header.idType == 1)||(icon_header.idType == 2))) { info.nNumFrames = icon_header.idCount; // load the icon descriptions ICONDIRENTRY *icon_list = (ICONDIRENTRY *)malloc(icon_header.idCount * sizeof(ICONDIRENTRY)); int c; for (c = 0; c < icon_header.idCount; c++) { hFile->Read(icon_list + c, sizeof(ICONDIRENTRY), 1); icon_list[c].wPlanes = my_ntohs(icon_list[c].wPlanes); icon_list[c].wBitCount = my_ntohs(icon_list[c].wBitCount); icon_list[c].dwBytesInRes = my_ntohl(icon_list[c].dwBytesInRes); icon_list[c].dwImageOffset = my_ntohl(icon_list[c].dwImageOffset); } if ((page>=0)&&(page<icon_header.idCount)){ if (info.nEscape == -1) { // Return output dimensions only head.biWidth = icon_list[page].bWidth; head.biHeight = icon_list[page].bHeight; #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_PNG if (head.biWidth==0 && head.biHeight==0) { // Vista icon support hFile->Seek(off + icon_list[page].dwImageOffset, SEEK_SET); CxImage png; png.SetEscape(-1); if (png.Decode(hFile,CXIMAGE_FORMAT_PNG)){ Transfer(png); info.nNumFrames = icon_header.idCount; } } #endif //CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_PNG free(icon_list); info.dwType = CXIMAGE_FORMAT_ICO; return true; } // get the bit count for the colors in the icon <CoreyRLucier> BITMAPINFOHEADER bih; hFile->Seek(off + icon_list[page].dwImageOffset, SEEK_SET); if (icon_list[page].bWidth==0 && icon_list[page].bHeight==0) { // Vista icon support #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_PNG CxImage png; if (png.Decode(hFile,CXIMAGE_FORMAT_PNG)){ Transfer(png); info.nNumFrames = icon_header.idCount; } SetType(CXIMAGE_FORMAT_ICO); #endif //CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_PNG } else { // standard icon hFile->Read(&bih,sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER),1); bihtoh(&bih); c = bih.biBitCount; // allocate memory for one icon Create(icon_list[page].bWidth,icon_list[page].bHeight, c, CXIMAGE_FORMAT_ICO); //image creation // read the palette RGBQUAD pal[256]; if (bih.biClrUsed) hFile->Read(pal,bih.biClrUsed*sizeof(RGBQUAD), 1); else hFile->Read(pal,head.biClrUsed*sizeof(RGBQUAD), 1); SetPalette(pal,head.biClrUsed); //palette assign //read the icon if (c<=24){ hFile->Read(info.pImage, head.biSizeImage, 1); } else { // 32 bit icon BYTE* buf=(BYTE*)malloc(4*head.biHeight*head.biWidth); BYTE* src = buf; hFile->Read(buf, 4*head.biHeight*head.biWidth, 1); #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_ALPHA if (!AlphaIsValid()) AlphaCreate(); #endif //CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_ALPHA for (long y = 0; y < head.biHeight; y++) { BYTE* dst = GetBits(y); for(long x=0;x<head.biWidth;x++){ *dst++=src[0]; *dst++=src[1]; *dst++=src[2]; #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_ALPHA AlphaSet(x,y,src[3]); #endif //CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_ALPHA src+=4; } } free(buf); } // apply the AND and XOR masks int maskwdt = ((head.biWidth+31) / 32) * 4; //line width of AND mask (always 1 Bpp) int masksize = head.biHeight * maskwdt; //size of mask BYTE *mask = (BYTE *)malloc(masksize); if (hFile->Read(mask, masksize, 1)){ bool bGoodMask=false; for (int im=0;im<masksize;im++){ if (mask[im]!=255){ bGoodMask=true; break; } } if (bGoodMask && c != 32){ #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_ALPHA bool bNeedAlpha = false; if (!AlphaIsValid()){ AlphaCreate(); } else { bNeedAlpha=true; //32bit icon } int x,y; for (y = 0; y < head.biHeight; y++) { for (x = 0; x < head.biWidth; x++) { if (((mask[y*maskwdt+(x>>3)]>>(7-x%8))&0x01)){ AlphaSet(x,y,0); bNeedAlpha=true; } } } if (!bNeedAlpha) AlphaDelete(); #endif //CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_ALPHA //check if there is only one transparent color RGBQUAD cc,ct; long* pcc = (long*)&cc; long* pct = (long*)&ct; int nTransColors=0; int nTransIndex=0; for (y = 0; y < head.biHeight; y++){ for (x = 0; x < head.biWidth; x++){ if (((mask[y*maskwdt+(x>>3)] >> (7-x%8)) & 0x01)){ cc = GetPixelColor(x,y,false); if (nTransColors==0){ nTransIndex = GetPixelIndex(x,y); nTransColors++; ct = cc; } else { if (*pct!=*pcc){ nTransColors++; } } } } } if (nTransColors==1){ SetTransColor(ct); SetTransIndex(nTransIndex); #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_ALPHA AlphaDelete(); //because we have a unique transparent color in the image #endif //CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_ALPHA } // <vho> - Transparency support w/o Alpha support if (c <= 8){ // only for icons with less than 256 colors (XP icons need alpha). // find a color index, which is not used in the image // it is almost sure to find one, bcs. nobody uses all possible colors for an icon BYTE colorsUsed[256]; memset(colorsUsed, 0, sizeof(colorsUsed)); for (y = 0; y < head.biHeight; y++){ for (x = 0; x < head.biWidth; x++){ colorsUsed[BlindGetPixelIndex(x,y)] = 1; } } int iTransIdx = -1; for (x = (int)(head.biClrUsed-1); x>=0 ; x--){ if (colorsUsed[x] == 0){ iTransIdx = x; // this one is not in use. we may use it as transparent color break; } } // Go thru image and set unused color as transparent index if needed if (iTransIdx >= 0){ bool bNeedTrans = false; for (y = 0; y < head.biHeight; y++){ for (x = 0; x < head.biWidth; x++){ // AND mask (Each Byte represents 8 Pixels) if (((mask[y*maskwdt+(x>>3)] >> (7-x%8)) & 0x01)){ // AND mask is set (!=0). This is a transparent part SetPixelIndex(x, y, (BYTE)iTransIdx); bNeedTrans = true; } } } // set transparent index if needed if (bNeedTrans) SetTransIndex(iTransIdx); #if CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_ALPHA AlphaDelete(); //because we have a transparent color in the palette #endif //CXIMAGE_SUPPORT_ALPHA } } } else if(c != 32){