void TXslTransform::Transform(TInputStream* src, TOutputStream* dest, const TXslParams& p) { TBufferOutput srcbuf; TransferData(src, &srcbuf); TBuffer result; Transform(TDataRegion(~srcbuf.Buffer(), +srcbuf.Buffer()), result, p); dest->Write(~result, +result); }
static inline void Append(TOutputStream& w, const Stroka& fname, const Stroka& rname) { TMappedFileInput in(fname); if (!Quiet) Cerr << "--> " << rname << Endl; TransferData((TInputStream*)&in, &w); }
static inline TBlob ConstructFromStream(TInputStream& in) { TBuffer buf; { TBufferOutput out(buf); TransferData(&in, &out); } return ConstructFromBuffer<TCounter>(buf); }
void TCostTypeDialog::SetupWindow() { TDialog::SetupWindow(); // INSERT>> Your code here. EnableTransfer(); TransferData(tdSetData); //SetInputsState(); //SetLiteralsState(); //SetTermsState(); }
static void UnpackArchive(const Stroka& archive) { TBlob blob = TBlob::FromFileContentSingleThreaded(~archive); TArchiveReader reader(blob); const size_t count = reader.Count(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) { const Stroka key = reader.KeyByIndex(i); const Stroka fileName = cutFirstSlash(key); if (!Quiet) Cerr << archive << " --> " << fileName << Endl; TAutoPtr<TInputStream> in = reader.ObjectByKey(key); TBufferedFileOutput out("./" + fileName); TransferData(in.Get(), &out); out.Finish(); } }
inline void Add(const Stroka& key, TInputStream* src) { if (Dict_.find(key) != Dict_.end()) { ythrow yexception() << "key " << ~key << " already stored"; } TLengthCalc out(Out_); TZLibCompress compress(&out); TransferData(src, &compress); compress.Finish(); TArchiveRecordDescriptorRef descr(new TArchiveRecordDescriptor(Off_, out.Length(), key)); Dict_[key] = descr; Off_ += out.Length(); }
xmlNodePtr ConcatTaskToNode(const TXmlConcatTask& task) { const xmlChar* nodeName = reinterpret_cast<const xmlChar*>(task.Element.empty() ? "node" : ~task.Element); TxmlNodeHolder taskNode(xmlNewNode(NULL, nodeName)); for (const TSharedPtr<TInputStream>& stream : task.Streams) { TBufferOutput out; TransferData(stream.Get(), &out); TxmlDocHolder document(xmlParseMemory(out.Buffer().Data(), out.Buffer().Size())); xmlNodePtr docRoot = xmlDocGetRootElement(document.Get()); // nobody owns docRoot xmlUnlinkNode(docRoot); // taskNode owns docRoot xmlAddChild(taskNode.Get(), docRoot); } for (const TXmlConcatTask& childTask : task.Children) { xmlNodePtr child = ConcatTaskToNode(childTask); xmlAddChild(taskNode.Get(), child); } return taskNode.Release(); }
void main(int argc, char* argv[]) { char data[256]; int lRet=0; char *vbIDEClassName = "ThunderFormDC" ; char *vbEXEClassName = "ThunderRT6FormDC" ; char *vbWindowCaption = "VB - C InterProcess Communications Using WM_COPYDATA" ; if(argc < 2){ printf("Usage: wmcopy message\n\n"); return; } //hServer = (HWND)atoi(argv[1]); strcpy(data,argv[1]); hServer = FindWindowA( vbIDEClassName, vbWindowCaption ); if(hServer==0){ hServer = FindWindowA( vbEXEClassName, vbWindowCaption ); } if( IsWindow(hServer) == 0){ printf("Could not find Window HServer= %x\n",hServer); printf("Press any key to continue"); getch(); return; } lRet = TransferData( data , strlen(data) ); printf("Found VB Server Window HWND: %d\n",hServer); printf("Message Sent Result: %d\n", lRet); printf("Press any key to continue"); getch(); return ; }
bool RingBuffer::Resize(int newsize) { assert(newsize > 0); int oldsize = TotalBufferLen(); int transfer; if (m_bUseOutsideBuf) return false; if (newsize == oldsize) return true; else if (newsize < oldsize) { if (ReadableBufferLen() > newsize) return false; } this->SaveIndexState(); try { RingBuffer temp(newsize); int u = ReadableBufferLen(); transfer = TransferData(&temp, u); if (transfer == u) { operator=(std::move(temp)); return true; } else { this->RestoreIndexState(); return false; } } catch (...) { this->RestoreIndexState(); } return false; }
unsigned int ShmemClientNode(void) { volatile unsigned int *remoteMapAddr1; volatile unsigned int *remoteMapAddr2; printf("here?\n"); /* Create a segmentId */ remoteSegmentId1 = 1;//(remoteNodeId1 << 16) | localNodeId1; /* Connect to remote segment */ printf("Connect to remote segment .... \n"); printf("segid = %d node %d \n",remoteSegmentId1, remoteNodeId1 ); do { SCIConnectSegment(sdOne, &remoteSegmentOne, remoteNodeId1, remoteSegmentId1, localAdapterNo, NO_CALLBACK, NULL, SCI_INFINITE_TIMEOUT, NO_FLAGS, &error); } while (error != SCI_ERR_OK); printf("connected\n"); // remoteSegmentId2 = (remoteNodeId2 << 16) | localNodeId2; // printf("segid = %d\n",remoteSegmentId2 ); printf("segid = %d node %d \n",remoteSegmentId1, remoteNodeId1 ); do { SCIConnectSegment(sdTwo, &remoteSegmentTwo, remoteNodeId2, remoteSegmentId1, standbyAdapterNo, NO_CALLBACK, NULL, SCI_INFINITE_TIMEOUT, NO_FLAGS, &error); } while (error != SCI_ERR_OK); printf("connected 3\n"); printf("Remote segment (id=0x%x) is connected.\n", remoteSegmentId2); /* Map remote segment to user space */ remoteMapAddr1 = (unsigned int*)SCIMapRemoteSegment(remoteSegmentOne,&remoteMapOne,offset,segmentSize,NULL,NO_FLAGS,&error); if (error == SCI_ERR_OK) { printf("Remote segment (id=0x%x) is mapped to user space @ 0x%x. \n", remoteSegmentId1, remoteMapAddr1); } else { fprintf(stderr,"SCIMapRemoteSegment failed - Error code 0x%x\n",error); return 0; } remoteMapAddr2 = (unsigned int *)SCIMapRemoteSegment(remoteSegmentTwo,&remoteMapTwo,offset,segmentSize,NULL,NO_FLAGS,&error); if (error == SCI_ERR_OK) { printf("Remote segment (id=0x%x) is mapped to user space @ 0x%x. \n", remoteSegmentId2, remoteMapAddr2); } else { fprintf(stderr,"SCIMapRemoteSegment failed - Error code 0x%x\n",error); return 0; } /* Start data transfer and error checking */ error = (sci_error_t)TransferData(remoteMapOne,remoteMapAddr1, remoteMapAddr2,segmentSize); if (error == SCI_ERR_OK) { printf("Data transfer done!\n\n"); } else { fprintf(stderr,"Data transfer failed - Error code 0x%x\n\n",error); return 0; } /* Send an interrupt to remote node telling that the data transfer is ready */ error = SendInterrupt(sdOne,localAdapterNo,localNodeId1,remoteNodeId1, DATA_TRANSFER_READY); if (error == SCI_ERR_OK) { printf("\nInterrupt message sent to remote node\n"); } else { printf("\nInterrupt synchronization failed\n"); return 0; } PrintClientData(); /* Unmap remote segment */ SCIUnmapSegment(remoteMapOne,NO_FLAGS,&error); if (error == SCI_ERR_OK) { printf("The remote segment is unmapped\n"); } else { fprintf(stderr,"SCIUnmapSegment failed - Error code 0x%x\n",error); return 0; } SCIUnmapSegment(remoteMapTwo,NO_FLAGS,&error); if (error == SCI_ERR_OK) { printf("The remote segment is unmapped\n"); } else { fprintf(stderr,"SCIUnmapSegment failed - Error code 0x%x\n",error); return 0; } /* Disconnect segment */ SCIDisconnectSegment(remoteSegmentOne,NO_FLAGS,&error); if (error == SCI_ERR_OK) { printf("The segment is disconnected\n"); } else { fprintf(stderr,"SCIDisconnectSegment failed - Error code 0x%x\n",error); return 0; } SCIDisconnectSegment(remoteSegmentTwo,NO_FLAGS,&error); if (error == SCI_ERR_OK) { printf("The segment is disconnected\n"); } else { fprintf(stderr,"SCIDisconnectSegment failed - Error code 0x%x\n",error); return 0; } return 1; }
unsigned SendFax(char *name) { int first; char mbuf[4]; unsigned count; B3_PROTO_FAXG3 B3conf; FILE *f; first = 1; reason = reason_b3 = 0; if (!strcmp(name, "-")) f = stdin; else f = fopen(name, "rb"); if (!f) { perror(name); exit(errno); } fread(mbuf, 4, 1, f); InitQueue(); SetupB3Config(&B3conf, (strncmp(mbuf, "Sfff", 4)) ? FAX_ASCII_FORMAT:FAX_SFF_FORMAT); if (Slot != INVALID_CONNECTION_ID) { fprintf(stderr, "Connection is already in use\n"); fclose(f); return 0xFFFF; } Connect(&Slot, CalledPartyNumber, CallingPartyNumber, SPEECH, B1PROTOCOL, B2PROTOCOL, B3PROTOCOL, (unsigned char *)&B3conf); do { Handle_CAPI_Msg(); if (Slot == INVALID_CONNECTION_ID) { fclose(f); return 2; } } while (GetState(Slot) != Connected); FileTransfer = TRUE; while (!feof(f)) { if (Queue.Fill < 7) { /* max. 7 outstanding blocks supported by CAPI */ if (first) { memcpy(&(Queue.Element[Queue.Head].DATA[0]), mbuf, 4); count = fread(&(Queue.Element[Queue.Head].DATA[4]), 1, SendBlockSize - 4, f); } else count = fread(&(Queue.Element[Queue.Head].DATA[0]), 1, SendBlockSize, f); if (count > 0) { if (first) count += 4; Queue.Element[Queue.Head].DATA_LENGTH = (unsigned short)count; if (++Queue.Head >= QueueSize) Queue.Head = 0; Queue.Fill++; } first = 0; } if (GetState(Slot) != Connected) break; TransferData(); Handle_CAPI_Msg(); } Disconnect_h(Slot); while ((Slot != INVALID_CONNECTION_ID) && (GetState(Slot) != Disconnected)) Handle_CAPI_Msg(); FileTransfer = FALSE; fclose(f); switch (reason) { case 0x3490: /* Normal call clearing */ case 0x349f: /* Normal, unspecified */ return reason_b3; default: return reason; } return 0; }
void TSetupDialog::CloseWindow() { TransferData(); TDialog::CloseWindow(); }
inline void FlushImpl() { if (Out_.Avail()) { TransferData(CheckedCast<IZeroCopyInput*>(&Out_), Slave_); Out_.Reset(0, 0); } }
ServerPanel::ServerPanel(QObject* cParent) : QObject(cParent), mOk(true) { // Load the configuration this->mConfig = new QSettings(":/ServerPanel.ini", QSettings::IniFormat); // Setup the databae this->mDbc = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE"); // Set the database this->mDbc.setDatabaseName("/Users/trbrown/Documents/ServerPanel/ServerPanelClient/ServerPanelClient.sp"); // Try to open the database if (!this->mDbc.open()) { // Dispatch a message this->DispatchMessageBox(this->mDbc.lastError().text(), Error); } // Create the client this->mClient = new QTcpSocket(this); // Setup the connectors this->connect(this->mClient, SIGNAL(connected()), this, SLOT(TransferData())); this->connect(this->mClient, SIGNAL(disconnected()), this, SLOT(ProcessResponse())); this->connect(this->mClient, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(ReadResponse())); this->connect(this->mClient, SIGNAL(error(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)), this, SLOT(SocketError(QAbstractSocket::SocketError))); }