Beispiel #1
void SBVAR::SetupSBVAR(void)
  TData_predetermined *data=(TData_predetermined*)pData();
  log_likelihood_constant=-lambda_T*n_vars*0.918938533204673;      // 0.918938533204673 = 0.5*ln(2*pi)
  delete data;

  Check for collisions between the current and next state.
  If there is a collision the next state is set to the state at the moment of impact.
bool idPhysics_RigidBody::CheckForCollisions( const float deltaTime, rigidBodyPState_t &next, trace_t &collision ) {
	idMat3 axis;
	idRotation rotation;
	bool collided = false;
	bool startsolid;
	if( gameLocal.clip.Contents( current.i.position, clipModel, current.i.orientation, clipMask, self ) ) {
		startsolid = true;
	TransposeMultiply( current.i.orientation, next.i.orientation, axis );
	rotation = axis.ToRotation();
	rotation.SetOrigin( current.i.position );
	// if there was a collision
	if( gameLocal.clip.Motion( collision, current.i.position, next.i.position, rotation, clipModel, current.i.orientation, clipMask, self ) ) {
		// set the next state to the state at the moment of impact
		next.i.position = collision.endpos;
		next.i.orientation = collision.endAxis;
		next.i.linearMomentum = current.i.linearMomentum;
		next.i.angularMomentum = current.i.angularMomentum;
		collided = true;
	if( gameLocal.clip.Contents( next.i.position, clipModel, next.i.orientation, clipMask, self ) ) {
		if( !startsolid ) {
			int bah = 1;
	return collided;
Beispiel #3
bool CAR_DKW_o::SetParameters_InitializeABOmega()
	if (!CAR_DKW::SetParameters_InitializeABOmega())
		return false; 

	TDenseMatrix lambda1 = SIGMA_inverse * SIGMAlambda1;
        TDenseVector KAPPAtheta = KAPPA * theta;
        TDenseVector theta_Q;

        bI_Q.Zeros(dataP->MATgrid_options.Dimension(), Nfac);
        for (int i=0; i<dataP->MATgrid_options.Dimension(); i++)
                double MAT = dataP->MATgrid_options(i);
                TDenseVector temp_ay;
                TDenseMatrix temp_by;
                if (!YieldFacLoad(temp_ay, temp_by, KAPPA_rn, Inv_KAPPA_rn, Inv_Kron_KAPPA_rn, SIGMA, KAPPAtheta, rho0, rho1, lambda0,TDenseVector(1,MAT)))
                        return false;
                TDenseVector temp_by_vector = temp_by.RowVector(0); // -MAT * temp_by.RowVector(0);

                theta_Q = Multiply(Inv_KAPPA_rn, KAPPAtheta-SIGMA*lambda0+MultiplyTranspose(SIGMA,SIGMA)*temp_by_vector);

                double rho0_Q = rho0_pi - InnerProduct(lambda0, sigq)+InnerProduct(sigq, TransposeMultiply(SIGMA,temp_by_vector));
                TDenseVector rho1_Q = rho1_pi - TransposeMultiply(lambda1, sigq);

                double temp_aI_Q;
                TDenseVector temp_bI_Q;
                InfExpFacLoad(temp_aI_Q, temp_bI_Q, KAPPA_rn, Inv_KAPPA_rn, Inv_Kron_KAPPA_rn, SIGMA, theta_Q, sigq, sigqx, rho0_Q, rho1_Q, MAT);

                aI_Q(i) = temp_aI_Q;
                bI_Q.InsertRowMatrix(i, 0, temp_bI_Q);
	return true; 
Beispiel #4
   See Waggoner and Zha, "A Gibbs sampler for structural vector autoregressions", 
   JEDC 2003, for discription of notations.  We take the square root of a 
   symmetric and positive definite X to be any matrix Y such that Y*Y'=X.  Note 
   that this is not the usual definition because we do not require Y to be 
   symmetric and positive definite.
void SBVAR_symmetric_linear::SetPriorSimulationInfo(void)
  if (flat_prior)
    throw dw_exception("flat prior not allowed if simulating from prior");

  TDenseMatrix X;
  for (int i=n_vars-1; i >= 0; i--)
      TDenseMatrix S(dim_b[i]+dim_g[i],dim_b[i]+dim_g[i]);

Beispiel #5
TDenseMatrix ConditionalVariance(const TDenseMatrix &A0)
      return Inverse(TransposeMultiply(A0,A0));
  catch (dw_exception &e)
      throw dw_exception("Reduced Form(): A0 is singular");
Beispiel #6
void SBVAR_symmetric::SetupSBVAR_symmetric(void)

  if (flat_prior)
      TDenseMatrix S(n_vars+n_predetermined,n_vars+n_predetermined);
      log_prior_constant=n_vars*(-0.918938533204673*(n_vars+n_predetermined) + 0.5*LogAbsDeterminant(S));  // 0.918938533204673 = 0.5*ln(2*pi)

Beispiel #7
// Assumes that there is either no exogenous variables or there is a single
// exogenous variable that is constant and equal to one.  The unconditional
// mean is obtained from the reduced form companion matrix.
TDenseMatrix UnconditionalVariance(const TDenseMatrix &A0, const TDenseMatrix &Aplus, bool IsConstant)
  int n_lags=NumberLags(A0,Aplus,IsConstant), n_vars=A0.cols;
  TDenseMatrix B=ReducedForm(A0,Aplus);
  if (n_lags == 0) return ConditionalVariance(A0);
  TDenseMatrix C=CompanionMatrix(B,n_lags), V=BlockDiagonalMatrix(A0,n_lags),
    X=V*(Identity(n_vars*n_lags) - C);
      return SubMatrix(Inverse(TransposeMultiply(X,X)),0,n_vars-1,0,n_vars-1);
  catch (dw_exception &e)
      throw dw_exception("UnconditionalMean(): Unconditional mean does not exist");
Beispiel #8
void CMeleeWeapon::CheckAttack( idVec3 OldOrigin, idMat3 OldAxis )
	trace_t tr;
	idMat3 axis;
	idClipModel *pClip;
	int ClipMask;

	if( m_WeapClip )
		pClip = m_WeapClip;
		pClip = GetPhysics()->GetClipModel();

	idVec3 NewOrigin = GetPhysics()->GetOrigin() + m_ClipOffset;
	idMat3 NewAxis = GetPhysics()->GetAxis() * m_ClipRotation;
	TransposeMultiply( OldAxis, NewAxis, axis );

	idRotation rotation = axis.ToRotation();
	rotation.SetOrigin( OldOrigin );

	// before collision test, check for AI in range whose head CMs we should modify
	// for best accuracy, we should run this every frame here in CheckAttack
	// this accounts for enemy and AI closing at high velocities
	// If this causes slowdown, we can comment it out and lose the accuracy
	if( m_bModAICMs )

	if( m_bWorldCollide )
		ClipMask = CONTENTS_MELEE_ACTCOLLIDE; // parries and AI
	// TODO: Is CONTENTS_BODY going to hit the outer collision box and cause problems?

	// Hack: We really want to ignore more than one entity, but we can't do that,
	// so temporarily set our CONTENTS so that we don't hit ourself
	int contentsEnt = GetPhysics()->GetContents();
	GetPhysics()->SetContents( CONTENTS_FLASHLIGHT_TRIGGER );
	// Also ignore the owner for this trace
	int contentsOwner = m_Owner.GetEntity()->GetPhysics()->GetContents();
	m_Owner.GetEntity()->GetPhysics()->SetContents( CONTENTS_FLASHLIGHT_TRIGGER );

// Uncomment for debugging
			"Check Attack called, old origin %s, new origin %s, old axis %s, new axis %s\r", 
			OldOrigin.ToString(), NewOrigin.ToString(), OldAxis.ToString(), NewAxis.ToString()

	if( cv_melee_debug.GetBool() )
		collisionModelManager->DrawModel( pClip->Handle(), NewOrigin, NewAxis, gameLocal.GetLocalPlayer()->GetEyePosition(), idMath::INFINITY );

		tr, OldOrigin, NewOrigin, 
		rotation, pClip, OldAxis, 
		ClipMask, m_Owner.GetEntity()
	GetPhysics()->SetContents( contentsEnt );
	m_Owner.GetEntity()->GetPhysics()->SetContents( contentsOwner );
	// ishtvan: new approach calling separate function HandleValidCollision:
	if( tr.fraction < 1.0f )
		// hit something
		// Calculate the instantaneous velocity _direction_ of the point that hit
		// For now, we just need direction of velocity, not magnitude, don't need delta_t
		idVec3 vLinearTrans = (NewOrigin - OldOrigin);

		// Calc. translation due to angular velocity
		// velocity of point = r x w
		// Keep in mind that rotation was defined as a rotation about origin,
		// not about the center of mass
		idVec3 r = tr.c.point - OldOrigin;
		idVec3 vSpinTrans = r.Cross((rotation.ToAngularVelocity()));

		idVec3 PointVelDir = vLinearTrans + vSpinTrans;
		// TODO: Divide by delta_t if we want to store velocity magnitude later

		HandleValidCollision( tr, OldOrigin, PointVelDir );

	// ishtvan: Old approach, moved this into another function
	// leave the commented code around for a while until we're sure we didn't break something
	// hit something 
	if( tr.fraction < 1.0f )
		idEntity *other = gameLocal.entities[ tr.c.entityNum ];
		DM_LOG(LC_WEAPON,LT_DEBUG)LOGSTRING("MeleeWeapon: Hit entity %s\r", other->name.c_str());
		// Show the initial trace collision point
		if( cv_melee_debug.GetBool() )
			gameRenderWorld->DebugArrow( colorBlue,OldOrigin, tr.c.point, 3, 1000 );

		// Calculate the instantaneous velocity _direction_ of the point that hit
		// For now, we just need direction of velocity, not magnitude, don't need delta_t
		idVec3 vLinearTrans = (NewOrigin - OldOrigin);

		// Calc. translation due to angular velocity
		// velocity of point = r x w
		// Keep in mind that rotation was defined as a rotation about origin,
		// not about the center of mass
		idVec3 r = tr.c.point - OldOrigin;
		idVec3 vSpinTrans = r.Cross((rotation.ToAngularVelocity()));

		idVec3 PointVelDir = vLinearTrans + vSpinTrans;
		// TODO: Divide by delta_t if we want to store velocity magnitude later

		// Secondary trace for when we hit the AF structure of an AI and want
		// to see where we would hit on the actual model
		if(	(tr.c.contents & CONTENTS_CORPSE)
			&& other->IsType(idAFEntity_Base::Type) )
			idAFEntity_Base *otherAF = static_cast<idAFEntity_Base *>(other);
			trace_t tr2;

			// NOTE: Just extrapolating along the velocity can fail when the AF
			// extends outside of the rendermodel
			// Just using the AF face normal can fail when hit at a corner
			// So take an equal average of both
			idVec3 trDir = ( PointVelDir - tr.c.normal ) / 2.0f;

			idVec3 start = tr.c.point - 8.0f * trDir;
			contentsEnt = GetPhysics()->GetContents();
			GetPhysics()->SetContents( CONTENTS_FLASHLIGHT_TRIGGER );
					tr2, start, tr.c.point + 8.0f * trDir, 
					CONTENTS_RENDERMODEL, m_Owner.GetEntity() 
			GetPhysics()->SetContents( contentsEnt );

			// Ishtvan: Ignore secondary trace if we hit a swapped-in head model on the first pass
			// we want to register a hit on that swapped in head body for gameplay reasons
			bool bHitSwappedHead = false;
			if( otherAF->IsType(idAI::Type) )
				idAI *otherAI = static_cast<idAI *>(otherAF);
				if( otherAI->m_bHeadCMSwapped && ( == otherAI->m_HeadBodyID) )
					bHitSwappedHead = true;

			if( tr2.fraction < 1.0f && !bHitSwappedHead )
				tr = tr2;
				other = gameLocal.entities[ tr.c.entityNum ];
				DM_LOG(LC_WEAPON,LT_DEBUG)LOGSTRING("MeleeWeapon: CONTENTS_CORPSE secondary trace hit entity %s\r", other->name.c_str());

				// Draw the new collision point
				if( cv_melee_debug.GetBool() )
					gameRenderWorld->DebugArrow( colorRed, start, tr2.c.point, 3, 1000 );

				other = gameLocal.entities[tr2.c.entityNum];
				// update location
				// failed to connect with the rendermodel.  
				// Last ditch effort to find the correct AF body
				location = otherAF->JointForBody(;

				// If we failed to find anything, draw the attempted trace in green
				if( cv_melee_debug.GetBool() )
					gameRenderWorld->DebugArrow( colorGreen, start, tr.c.point + 8.0f * PointVelDir, 3, 1000 );

			// Uncomment for translational and angular velocity debugging
			if( cv_melee_debug.GetBool() )
				idVec3 vLinDir = vLinearTrans;
				idVec3 vSpinDir = vSpinTrans;

						colorCyan, (tr.c.point - 8.0f * vLinDir), 
						(tr.c.point + 8.0f * vLinDir), 3, 1000
				// Uncomment for translational and angular velocity debugging
						colorPurple, (tr.c.point - 8.0f * vSpinDir), 
						(tr.c.point + 8.0f * vSpinDir), 3, 1000


		// Direction of the velocity of point that hit (renamed it for brevity)
		idVec3 dir = PointVelDir;

		idActor *AttachOwner(NULL);
		idEntity *OthBindMaster(NULL);
		if( other->IsType(idAFAttachment::Type) )
			idEntity *othBody = static_cast<idAFAttachment *>(other)->GetBody();
			if( othBody->IsType(idActor::Type) )
				AttachOwner = static_cast<idActor *>(othBody);
		// Also check for any object bound to an actor (helmets, etc)
		else if( (OthBindMaster = other->GetBindMaster()) != NULL
					&& OthBindMaster->IsType(idActor::Type) )
			AttachOwner = static_cast<idActor *>(OthBindMaster);

		CMeleeStatus *pStatus = &m_Owner.GetEntity()->m_MeleeStatus;

		// Check if we hit a melee parry or held object 
		// (for some reason tr.c.contents erroneously returns CONTENTS_MELEEWEAP for everything except the world)
		// if( (tr.c.contents & CONTENTS_MELEEWEAP) != 0 )
		// this doesn't always work either, it misses linked clipmodels on melee weapons
		// if( other->GetPhysics() && ( other->GetPhysics()->GetContents( & CONTENTS_MELEEWEAP) )
		// have to do this to catch all cases:
				(other->GetPhysics() && ( other->GetPhysics()->GetContents( & CONTENTS_MELEEWEAP))
				|| ( other->IsType(CMeleeWeapon::Type) && static_cast<CMeleeWeapon *>(other)->GetOwner() )
			// hit a parry (make sure we don't hit our own other melee weapons)
			if( other->IsType(CMeleeWeapon::Type)
				&& static_cast<CMeleeWeapon *>(other)->GetOwner()
				&& static_cast<CMeleeWeapon *>(other)->GetOwner() != m_Owner.GetEntity() )
					("MeleeWeapon: Hit a melee parry put up by %s\r", 
					  static_cast<CMeleeWeapon *>(other)->GetOwner()->name.c_str() );
				// Test our attack against their parry
				TestParry( static_cast<CMeleeWeapon *>(other), dir, &tr );
			// hit a held object
			else if( other == gameLocal.m_Grabber->GetSelected() )
				DM_LOG(LC_WEAPON,LT_DEBUG)LOGSTRING("MeleeWeapon: Hit an object held by the player\r");
				MeleeCollision( other, dir, &tr, location );

				// TODO: Message the grabber that the grabbed object has been hit
				// So that it can fly out of player's hands if desired
				// update AI status (consider this a miss)
				pStatus->m_ActionResult = MELEERESULT_AT_MISSED;
				pStatus->m_ActionPhase = MELEEPHASE_RECOVERING;

				// TODO: Message the attacking AI to play a bounce off animation if appropriate

				DM_LOG(LC_WEAPON,LT_DEBUG)LOGSTRING("MeleeWeapon: Hit something with CONTENTS_MELEEWEAP that's not an active parry or a held object (this shouldn't normally happen).\r");
				MeleeCollision( other, dir, &tr, location );

				// update AI status (consider this a miss)
				pStatus->m_ActionResult = MELEERESULT_AT_MISSED;
				pStatus->m_ActionPhase = MELEEPHASE_RECOVERING;

		// Hit an actor, or an AF attachment that is part of an actor
		else if( other->IsType(idActor::Type) || AttachOwner != NULL )
			DM_LOG(LC_WEAPON,LT_DEBUG)LOGSTRING("MeleeWeapon: Hit actor or part of actor %s\r", other->name.c_str());
			idActor *owner = m_Owner.GetEntity();
			idActor *otherAct;

			if( AttachOwner )
				otherAct = AttachOwner;
				otherAct = static_cast<idActor *>(other);

			// Don't do anything if we hit our own AF attachment
			// AI also don't do damage to friendlies/neutral
			if( AttachOwner != owner 
				&& !(owner->IsType(idAI::Type) && !(static_cast<idAI *>(owner)->IsEnemy(otherAct))) )
				DM_LOG(LC_WEAPON,LT_DEBUG)LOGSTRING("MeleeWeapon: Hit AI other than ourselves.\r");
				// TODO: Scale damage with instantaneous velocity of the blade?
				MeleeCollision( other, dir, &tr, location );

				// update actor's melee status
				pStatus->m_ActionResult = MELEERESULT_AT_HIT;
				pStatus->m_ActionPhase = MELEEPHASE_RECOVERING;

				DM_LOG(LC_WEAPON,LT_DEBUG)LOGSTRING("MeleeWeapon: Hit yourself.  Stop hitting yourself!\r");
		// Hit something else in the world (only happens to the player)
			DM_LOG(LC_WEAPON,LT_DEBUG)LOGSTRING("MeleeWeapon: Hit a non-AI object: %s\r", other->name.c_str());
			MeleeCollision( other, dir, &tr, location );
			// TODO: Message the attacking actor to play a bounce off animation if appropriate

			// keep the attack going if the object hit is a moveable below a certain mass
			// TODO: Handle moveables bound to other things and use the total mass of the system?
			if( !( other->IsType(idMoveable::Type) && other->GetPhysics()->GetMass() < m_StopMass ) )
				// message the AI, consider this a miss
				pStatus->m_ActionResult = MELEERESULT_AT_MISSED;
				pStatus->m_ActionPhase = MELEEPHASE_RECOVERING;

Beispiel #9
void sdScriptedEntityHelper_Aimer::SetTarget( const idVec3& _target ) {

	const idMat3& bindAxes		= _owner->GetRenderEntity()->axis;
	const idVec3& bindOrg		= _owner->GetRenderEntity()->origin;

	idMat3 yawJointAxis;
	idVec3 yawJointOrg;

		idMat3 currentAxes;
		idVec3 currentOrigin;
		_owner->GetAnimator()->GetJointTransform( gunJoints[ AIMER_JOINT_SHOULDER ], gameLocal.time, currentOrigin, currentAxes );

		idMat3 transform;
		TransposeMultiply( baseAxes[ AIMER_JOINT_SHOULDER ], currentAxes, transform );

		idMat3 shoulderAxis = bindAxes;
		idVec3 shoulderOrg	= bindOrg + ( currentOrigin * shoulderAxis );

		yawJointAxis	= transform * shoulderAxis;
		yawJointOrg		= shoulderOrg + ( yawJointAxis * ikPaths[ AIMER_IK_BASE ] );
	} else {
		yawJointAxis	= bindAxes;
		yawJointOrg		= bindOrg + ( yawJointAxis * ikPaths[ AIMER_IK_BASE ] );

		idVec3 target = _target;
		target -= yawJointOrg;
		target *= yawJointAxis.Transpose();
		target.z = 0.f;

		yawInfo.ideal = RAD2DEG( atan2( target.y, target.x ) );

		float angle;
		if ( CalcAngle( target.Length(), yawInfo.arcLength, yawInfo.offsetAngle, angle ) ) {
			yawInfo.ideal += angle - yawInfo.initialAngle;

	if ( yawInfo.clamp.flags.enabled ) {
		yawInfo.ideal = idMath::ClampFloat( yawInfo.clamp.extents[ 0 ], yawInfo.clamp.extents[ 1 ], yawInfo.ideal );

	idMat3 yawAxes;
	idAngles::YawToMat3( yawInfo.ideal, yawAxes );

	idMat3 pitchJointAxis	= yawAxes * yawJointAxis;
	idVec3 pitchJointOrg	= yawJointOrg + ( pitchJointAxis * ikPaths[ AIMER_IK_YAW ] );

		idVec3 target = _target;
		target -= pitchJointOrg;
		target *= pitchJointAxis.Transpose();
		target.y = 0.f;

		pitchInfo.ideal = RAD2DEG( atan2( target.z, target.x ) );

		float angle;
		if ( CalcAngle( target.Length(), pitchInfo.arcLength, pitchInfo.offsetAngle, angle ) ) {
			pitchInfo.ideal += angle - pitchInfo.initialAngle;
		pitchInfo.ideal = -pitchInfo.ideal; // pitch is inverted for some reason...

	if ( pitchInfo.clamp.flags.enabled ) {
		pitchInfo.ideal = idMath::ClampFloat( pitchInfo.clamp.extents[ 0 ], pitchInfo.clamp.extents[ 1 ], pitchInfo.ideal );
Beispiel #10
void sdVehicleIKArms::Update( void ) {
	idEntity* vehicleEnt = vehicle;
	if ( !vehicleEnt ) {

	idVec3 shoulderPos;
	idMat3 temp;

	idAnimator* animator = vehicleEnt->GetAnimator();
	animator->GetJointTransform( ikJoints[ ARM_JOINT_INDEX_SHOULDER ], gameLocal.time, shoulderPos, temp );

	idVec3 shoulderToElbow	= baseJointPositions[ ARM_JOINT_INDEX_ELBOW ] - baseJointPositions[ ARM_JOINT_INDEX_SHOULDER ];
	idVec3 elbowToWrist		= baseJointPositions[ ARM_JOINT_INDEX_WRIST ] - baseJointPositions[ ARM_JOINT_INDEX_ELBOW ];
	idVec3 wristToMuzzle	= baseJointPositions[ ARM_JOINT_INDEX_MUZZLE ] - baseJointPositions[ ARM_JOINT_INDEX_WRIST ];
	idVec3 elbowToMuzzle	= baseJointPositions[ ARM_JOINT_INDEX_MUZZLE ] - baseJointPositions[ ARM_JOINT_INDEX_ELBOW ];

	idMat3 shoulderAxis;
	TransposeMultiply( baseJointAxes[ ARM_JOINT_INDEX_SHOULDER ], temp, shoulderAxis );
	idMat3 transposedShoulderAxis = shoulderAxis.Transpose();

	idPlayer* player = GetPlayer();
	if ( player && requireTophat ) {
		if ( !gameLocal.usercmds[ player->entityNumber ].buttons.btn.tophat ) {
			player = NULL;

	bool changed = false;

	changed |= !oldParentAxis.Compare( temp, 0.005f );

	idAngles newAngles;

	renderView_t* view = player ? player->GetRenderView() : NULL;
	renderEntity_t* renderEnt = vehicleEnt->GetRenderEntity();

	trace_t trace;
	idVec3 modelTarget;
	if( view ) {
		idVec3 end = view->vieworg + ( 8192 * view->viewaxis[ 0 ] );
		gameLocal.clip.TracePoint( CLIP_DEBUG_PARMS trace, view->vieworg, end, CONTENTS_SOLID | CONTENTS_OPAQUE, player );

		modelTarget = trace.endpos;

		modelTarget -= renderEnt->origin;
		modelTarget *= renderEnt->axis.Transpose();

		modelTarget -= shoulderPos;
		modelTarget *= transposedShoulderAxis;

		modelTarget -= shoulderToElbow;

	if ( view ) {
		idVec3 target = modelTarget;

		const idVec3& dir = baseJointAxes[ ARM_JOINT_INDEX_MUZZLE ][ 0 ];
		target -= elbowToMuzzle - ( ( dir * elbowToMuzzle ) * dir );
		target *= baseJointAxes[ ARM_JOINT_INDEX_MUZZLE ].Transpose();

		newAngles.yaw = RAD2DEG( atan2( target[ 1 ], target[ 0 ] ) );
	} else {
		newAngles.yaw = 0;

	bool yawChanged = !sdVehiclePosition::ClampAngle( newAngles, jointAngles, clampYaw, 1, 0.1f );
	if ( yawSound != NULL ) {
		yawSound->Update( yawChanged );
	changed |= yawChanged;

	idMat3 yawMat;
	idAngles::YawToMat3( newAngles.yaw, yawMat );

	if ( view ) {
		idVec3 target = modelTarget;

		idVec3 newElbowToWrist	= elbowToWrist * yawMat;
		idVec3 newWristToMuzzle	= wristToMuzzle * yawMat;

		idMat3 muzzleAxis = baseJointAxes[ ARM_JOINT_INDEX_MUZZLE ] * yawMat;

		target -= newElbowToWrist;
		target -= newWristToMuzzle - ( ( muzzleAxis[ 0 ] * newWristToMuzzle ) * muzzleAxis[ 0 ] );
		target *= muzzleAxis.Transpose();

		newAngles.pitch = -RAD2DEG( atan2( target[ 2 ], target[ 0 ] ) );
	} else {
		newAngles.pitch = 0;

	bool pitchChanged = !sdVehiclePosition::ClampAngle( newAngles, jointAngles, clampPitch,	0, 0.1f );
	if ( pitchSound != NULL ) {
		pitchSound->Update( pitchChanged );
	changed |= pitchChanged;

	// configurable pitching axis - to support vertically oriented arms (eg badger, bumblebee)
	// as well as horizontally oriented arms (eg goliath)
	int truePitchAxis = pitchAxis;
	if ( truePitchAxis < 0 ) {
		newAngles.pitch = -newAngles.pitch;
		truePitchAxis = -truePitchAxis;

	idAngles pitchAngles( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
	if ( truePitchAxis == 1 ) {					// x-axis
		pitchAngles.roll = newAngles.pitch;
	} else if ( truePitchAxis == 3 ) {			// z-axis
		pitchAngles.yaw = newAngles.pitch;
	} else {									// y-axis
		pitchAngles.pitch = newAngles.pitch;

	idMat3 pitchMat = pitchAngles.ToMat3();

	if( changed ) {
		oldParentAxis = temp;
		jointAngles = newAngles;

		animator->SetJointAxis( ikJoints[ ARM_JOINT_INDEX_ELBOW ], JOINTMOD_WORLD_OVERRIDE, baseJointAxes[ ARM_JOINT_INDEX_ELBOW ] * yawMat * shoulderAxis );
		animator->SetJointAxis( ikJoints[ ARM_JOINT_INDEX_WRIST ], JOINTMOD_WORLD_OVERRIDE, pitchMat * baseJointAxes[ ARM_JOINT_INDEX_WRIST ] * yawMat * shoulderAxis );