Beispiel #1
void DynamicBody::TimeStepUpdate(const float timeStep)
	if (m_enabled) {
		m_force += m_externalForce;

		m_oldOrient = m_orient;
		m_vel += double(timeStep) * m_force * (1.0 / m_mass);
		m_angVel += double(timeStep) * m_torque * (1.0 / m_angInertia);
		// angvel is always relative to non-rotating frame, so need to counter frame angvel
		vector3d consideredAngVel = m_angVel - GetFrame()->GetAngVelocity();

		vector3d pos = GetPosition();
		// applying angular velocity :-/
			double len = consideredAngVel.Length();
			if (len > 1e-16) {
				vector3d rotAxis = consideredAngVel * (1.0 / len);
				matrix4x4d rotMatrix = matrix4x4d::RotateMatrix(len * timeStep,
						rotAxis.x, rotAxis.y, rotAxis.z);
				m_orient = rotMatrix * m_orient;
		m_oldAngDisplacement = consideredAngVel * timeStep;

		pos += m_vel * double(timeStep);
		m_orient[12] = pos.x;
		m_orient[13] = pos.y;
		m_orient[14] = pos.z;

//if (this->IsType(Object::PLAYER))
//printf("pos = %.1f,%.1f,%.1f, vel = %.1f,%.1f,%.1f, force = %.1f,%.1f,%.1f, external = %.1f,%.1f,%.1f\n",
//	pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, m_vel.x, m_vel.y, m_vel.z, m_force.x, m_force.y, m_force.z,
//	m_externalForce.x, m_externalForce.y, m_externalForce.z);

		m_lastForce = m_force;
		m_lastTorque = m_torque;
		m_force = vector3d(0.0);
		m_torque = vector3d(0.0);
		CalcExternalForce();			// regenerate for new pos/vel
	} else {
		m_oldOrient = m_orient;
		m_oldAngDisplacement = vector3d(0.0);
Beispiel #2
void DynamicBody::UndoTimestep()
	m_orient = m_oldOrient;