Beispiel #1
void CMomentumGameMovement::DoLateReflect(void)
    // Don't attempt to reflect after this.
    // Return below was causing recursion.
    m_flReflectNormal = 1.0f;

    if (mv->m_vecVelocity.Length() == 0.0f || player->GetGroundEntity() != NULL)

    Vector prevpos = mv->m_vecAbsOrigin;
    Vector prevvel = mv->m_vecVelocity;

    VectorAdd(mv->m_vecVelocity, player->GetBaseVelocity(), mv->m_vecVelocity);

    // Since we're doing two moves in one frame, only apply changes if we did the reflect and we gained speed.
    if (m_flReflectNormal == 1.0f || prevvel.Length2DSqr() > mv->m_vecVelocity.Length2DSqr())
        VectorCopy(prevpos, mv->m_vecAbsOrigin);
        VectorCopy(prevvel, mv->m_vecVelocity);
        VectorSubtract(mv->m_vecVelocity, player->GetBaseVelocity(), mv->m_vecVelocity);

        DevMsg("Successful late reflect! Normal: %.2f\n", m_flReflectNormal);
Beispiel #2
void CMomentumGameMovement::DoLateReflect(void)
    if (mv->m_vecVelocity.Length() == 0.0f || player->GetGroundEntity() != NULL)

    Vector prevpos = mv->m_vecAbsOrigin;
    Vector prevvel = mv->m_vecVelocity;
    flReflectNormal = 1.0f;

    VectorAdd(mv->m_vecVelocity, player->GetBaseVelocity(), mv->m_vecVelocity);

    // Since we're doing two moves in one frame, only apply changes if we did the reflect.
    TryPlayerMove(NULL, NULL);

    if (flReflectNormal == 1.0f)
        VectorCopy(prevpos, mv->m_vecAbsOrigin);
        VectorCopy(prevvel, mv->m_vecVelocity);

        //DevMsg("Late reflect failed!\n");
        VectorSubtract(mv->m_vecVelocity, player->GetBaseVelocity(), mv->m_vecVelocity);

        DevMsg("Successful late reflect! Normal: %.2f\n", flReflectNormal);
Beispiel #3
void CMomentumGameMovement::AirMove(void)
    int			i;
    Vector		wishvel;
    float		fmove, smove;
    Vector		wishdir;
    float		wishspeed;
    Vector forward, right, up;

    AngleVectors(mv->m_vecViewAngles, &forward, &right, &up);  // Determine movement angles

    // Copy movement amounts
    fmove = mv->m_flForwardMove;
    smove = mv->m_flSideMove;

    // Zero out z components of movement vectors
    forward[2] = 0;
    right[2] = 0;
    VectorNormalize(forward);  // Normalize remainder of vectors
    VectorNormalize(right);    // 

    for (i = 0; i<2; i++)       // Determine x and y parts of velocity
        wishvel[i] = forward[i] * fmove + right[i] * smove;
    wishvel[2] = 0;             // Zero out z part of velocity

    VectorCopy(wishvel, wishdir);   // Determine maginitude of speed of move
    wishspeed = VectorNormalize(wishdir);

    // clamp to server defined max speed
    if (wishspeed != 0 && (wishspeed > mv->m_flMaxSpeed))
        VectorScale(wishvel, mv->m_flMaxSpeed / wishspeed, wishvel);
        wishspeed = mv->m_flMaxSpeed;

    AirAccelerate(wishdir, wishspeed, sv_airaccelerate.GetFloat());

    // Add in any base velocity to the current velocity.
    VectorAdd(mv->m_vecVelocity, player->GetBaseVelocity(), mv->m_vecVelocity);

    flReflectNormal = NO_REFL_NORMAL_CHANGE;
    TryPlayerMove(NULL, NULL);

    // Now pull the base velocity back out.   Base velocity is set if you are on a moving object, like a conveyor (or maybe another monster?)
    VectorSubtract(mv->m_vecVelocity, player->GetBaseVelocity(), mv->m_vecVelocity);

    //return bDidReflect;
// Purpose:
void CTFGameMovementRecon::AirMove()
	m_bPerformingAirMove = true;

	// When in the air, recon travels ballistically
	if ( TFMove()->ReconData().m_nJumpCount )
		// Add in any base velocity to the current velocity.
		VectorAdd( mv->m_vecVelocity, player->GetBaseVelocity(), mv->m_vecVelocity );

		// But if we're falling (or coming up off ladders), treat it normally

	m_bPerformingAirMove = false;
// Purpose: 
// Input  : bOnLadder - 
void CHL2GameMovement::FullLadderMove()
#if !defined( CLIENT_DLL )
	CFuncLadder *ladder = GetLadder();
	Assert( ladder );
	if ( !ladder )


	// Was jump button pressed?  If so, don't do anything here
	if ( mv->m_nButtons & IN_JUMP )
		mv->m_nOldButtons &= ~IN_JUMP;

	player->SetGroundEntity( NULL );

	// Remember old positions in case we cancel this movement
	Vector oldVelocity	= mv->m_vecVelocity;
	Vector oldOrigin	= mv->GetAbsOrigin();

	Vector topPosition;
	Vector bottomPosition;

	ladder->GetTopPosition( topPosition );
	ladder->GetBottomPosition( bottomPosition );

	// Compute parametric distance along ladder vector...
	float oldt;
	CalcDistanceSqrToLine( mv->GetAbsOrigin(), topPosition, bottomPosition, &oldt );
	// Perform the move accounting for any base velocity.
	VectorAdd (mv->m_vecVelocity, player->GetBaseVelocity(), mv->m_vecVelocity);
	VectorSubtract (mv->m_vecVelocity, player->GetBaseVelocity(), mv->m_vecVelocity);

	// Pressed buttons are "changed(xor)" and'ed with the mask of currently held buttons
	int buttonsChanged	= ( mv->m_nOldButtons ^ mv->m_nButtons );	// These buttons have changed this frame
	int buttonsPressed = buttonsChanged & mv->m_nButtons;
	bool pressed_use = ( buttonsPressed & IN_USE ) ? true : false;
	bool pressing_forward_or_side = mv->m_flForwardMove != 0.0f || mv->m_flSideMove != 0.0f;

	Vector ladderVec = topPosition - bottomPosition;
	float LadderLength = VectorNormalize( ladderVec );
	// This test is not perfect by any means, but should help a bit
	bool moving_along_ladder = false;
	if ( pressing_forward_or_side )
		float fwdDot = m_vecForward.Dot( ladderVec );
		if ( fabs( fwdDot ) > 0.9f )
			moving_along_ladder = true;

	// Compute parametric distance along ladder vector...
	float newt;
	CalcDistanceSqrToLine( mv->GetAbsOrigin(), topPosition, bottomPosition, &newt );

	// Fudge of 2 units
	float tolerance = 1.0f / LadderLength;

	bool wouldleaveladder = false;
	// Moving pPast top or bottom?
	if ( newt < -tolerance )
		wouldleaveladder = newt < oldt;
	else if ( newt > ( 1.0f + tolerance ) )
		wouldleaveladder = newt > oldt;

	// See if we are near the top or bottom but not moving
	float dist1sqr, dist2sqr;

	dist1sqr = ( topPosition - mv->GetAbsOrigin() ).LengthSqr();
	dist2sqr = ( bottomPosition - mv->GetAbsOrigin() ).LengthSqr();

	float dist = MIN( dist1sqr, dist2sqr );
	bool neardismountnode = ( dist < 16.0f * 16.0f ) ? true : false;
	float ladderUnitsPerTick = ( MAX_CLIMB_SPEED * gpGlobals->interval_per_tick );
	bool neardismountnode2 = ( dist < ladderUnitsPerTick * ladderUnitsPerTick ) ? true : false;

	// Really close to node, cvar is set, and pressing a key, then simulate a +USE
	bool auto_dismount_use = ( neardismountnode2 && 
								sv_autoladderdismount.GetBool() && 
								pressing_forward_or_side && 
								!moving_along_ladder );

	bool fully_underwater = ( player->GetWaterLevel() == WL_Eyes ) ? true : false;

	// If the user manually pressed use or we're simulating it, then use_dismount will occur
	bool use_dismount = pressed_use || auto_dismount_use;

	if ( fully_underwater && !use_dismount )
		// If fully underwater, we require looking directly at a dismount node 
		///  to "float off" a ladder mid way...
		if ( ExitLadderViaDismountNode( ladder, true ) )
			// See if they +used a dismount point mid-span..

	// If the movement would leave the ladder and they're not automated or pressing use, disallow the movement
	if ( !use_dismount )
		if ( wouldleaveladder )
			// Don't let them leave the ladder if they were on it
			mv->m_vecVelocity = oldVelocity;
			mv->SetAbsOrigin( oldOrigin );

	// If the move would not leave the ladder and we're near close to the end, then just accept the move
	if ( !wouldleaveladder && !neardismountnode )
		// Otherwise, if the move would leave the ladder, disallow it.
		if ( pressed_use )
			if ( ExitLadderViaDismountNode( ladder, false, IsX360() ) )
				// See if they +used a dismount point mid-span..

			player->SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_WALK );
			player->SetMoveCollide( MOVECOLLIDE_DEFAULT );
			SetLadder( NULL );
			GetHL2Player()->m_bPlayUseDenySound = false;

			// Dismount with a bit of velocity in facing direction
			VectorScale( m_vecForward, USE_DISMOUNT_SPEED, mv->m_vecVelocity );
			mv->m_vecVelocity.z = 50;

	// Debounce the use key
	if ( pressed_use )

	// Try auto exit, if possible
	if ( ExitLadderViaDismountNode( ladder, false, pressed_use ) )

	if ( wouldleaveladder )
		// Otherwise, if the move would leave the ladder, disallow it.
		if ( pressed_use )
			player->SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_WALK );
			player->SetMoveCollide( MOVECOLLIDE_DEFAULT );
			SetLadder( NULL );

			// Dismount with a bit of velocity in facing direction
			VectorScale( m_vecForward, USE_DISMOUNT_SPEED, mv->m_vecVelocity );
			mv->m_vecVelocity.z = 50;
			mv->m_vecVelocity = oldVelocity;
			mv->SetAbsOrigin( oldOrigin );
Beispiel #6
void CMomentumGameMovement::FullWalkMove()
    if (!CheckWater())

    // If we are leaping out of the water, just update the counters.
    if (player->m_flWaterJumpTime)
        // See if we are still in water?

    // If we are swimming in the water, see if we are nudging against a place we can jump up out
    //  of, and, if so, start out jump.  Otherwise, if we are not moving up, then reset jump timer to 0
    if (player->GetWaterLevel() >= WL_Waist)
        if (player->GetWaterLevel() == WL_Waist)

        // If we are falling again, then we must not trying to jump out of water any more.
        if (mv->m_vecVelocity[2] < 0 &&
            player->m_flWaterJumpTime = 0;

        // Was jump button pressed?
        if (mv->m_nButtons & IN_JUMP)
            mv->m_nOldButtons &= ~IN_JUMP;

        // Perform regular water movement

        // Redetermine position vars

        // If we are on ground, no downward velocity.
        if (player->GetGroundEntity() != NULL)
            mv->m_vecVelocity[2] = 0;
        // Not fully underwater
        // Was jump button pressed?
        if (mv->m_nButtons & IN_JUMP)
            mv->m_nOldButtons &= ~IN_JUMP;

        // Fricion is handled before we add in any base velocity. That way, if we are on a conveyor, 
        //  we don't slow when standing still, relative to the conveyor.
        if (player->GetGroundEntity() != NULL)
            mv->m_vecVelocity[2] = 0.0;

        // Make sure velocity is valid.

        // By default assume we did the reflect for WalkMove()
        flReflectNormal = 1.0f;

        if (player->GetGroundEntity() != NULL)
            AirMove();  // Take into account movement when in air.

        // Set final flags.

        // Make sure velocity is valid.

        // Add any remaining gravitational component.
        if (!CheckWater())

        // If we are on ground, no downward velocity.
        if (player->GetGroundEntity() != NULL)
            mv->m_vecVelocity[2] = 0;

    if ((m_nOldWaterLevel == WL_NotInWater && player->GetWaterLevel() != WL_NotInWater) ||
        (m_nOldWaterLevel != WL_NotInWater && player->GetWaterLevel() == WL_NotInWater))
#if !defined( CLIENT_DLL )
void CBPGameMovement::FlyMove( void )
	int			i;
	Vector		wishvel;
	//float		fmove, smove;
	Vector		wishdir;
	float		wishspeed;
	Vector forward, right, up;
	AngleVectors (mv->m_vecViewAngles, &forward, &right, &up);  // Determine movement angles

	// Zero out z components of movement vectors
	//float flSpeed = 50;

	/*wishvel = forward * flSpeed*/;

	//bool bOnGround = player->GetGroundEntity() != NULL;

#if 1

		// Launch up
		m_flLFlapAmount -= (bp_mv_flapdecay.GetFloat() * gpGlobals->frametime);
		m_flLFlapAmount = max( 0, max ( m_flLFlapAmount, ( (mv->m_nButtons & IN_JUMP) ? 1 : m_flLTriggerDiff ) ) );

		// Grav
		float flGravity = RemapValClamped( m_flLTriggerAvg, 0, 1, bp_mv_gravity.GetFloat(), bp_mv_gravity_soar.GetFloat() );
		//flGravity *= RemapValClamped( flGravity, 0, 100, 0.1, 1 );
		// Smooth out the gravity, use the average over the last 2 sec.
		m_flLInterpGravity.AddToTail( float_time( flGravity, gpGlobals->curtime ) );	
		float flGravityAvg = 0;
		for ( int i = 0; i < m_flLInterpGravity.Count(); i++ )
			flGravityAvg += m_flLInterpGravity[i].m_flValue;
		flGravityAvg /= m_flLInterpGravity.Count();
		int iCount = m_flLInterpGravity.Count();
		for ( int i = iCount-1; i >= 0; i-- )
			if ( m_flLInterpGravity[i].m_flTime < gpGlobals->curtime-BIRD_GRAV_SAMPLETIME )
		// Combine the two
		m_flLUpForce = max( m_flLUpForce, m_flLFlapAmount * bp_mv_flapforce.GetFloat() );
		m_flLUpForce -= flGravityAvg;
		// Launch up
		m_flRFlapAmount -= (bp_mv_flapdecay.GetFloat() * gpGlobals->frametime);
		m_flRFlapAmount = max( 0, max ( m_flRFlapAmount, ( (mv->m_nButtons & IN_JUMP) ? 1 : m_flRTriggerDiff )  ) );

		// Grav
		float flGravity = RemapValClamped( m_flRTriggerAvg, 0, 1, bp_mv_gravity.GetFloat(), bp_mv_gravity_soar.GetFloat() );
		//flGravity *= RemapValClamped( flGravity, 0, 100, 0.1, 1 );
		// Smooth out the gravity, use the average over the last 2 sec.
		m_flRInterpGravity.AddToTail( float_time( flGravity, gpGlobals->curtime ) );	
		float flGravityAvg = 0;
		for ( int i = 0; i < m_flRInterpGravity.Count(); i++ )
			flGravityAvg += m_flRInterpGravity[i].m_flValue;
		flGravityAvg /= m_flRInterpGravity.Count();
		int iCount = m_flRInterpGravity.Count();
		for ( int i = iCount-1; i >= 0; i-- )
			if ( m_flRInterpGravity[i].m_flTime < gpGlobals->curtime-BIRD_GRAV_SAMPLETIME )
		// Combine the two
		m_flRUpForce = max( m_flRUpForce, m_flRFlapAmount * bp_mv_flapforce.GetFloat() );
		m_flRUpForce -= flGravityAvg;

	// Forward movement
	float flSoarAmt = ( m_flRTriggerAvg * 0.5 ) + ( m_flLTriggerAvg * 0.5 );
	flSoarAmt = Bias( flSoarAmt, 0.75 );

	m_flForwardForce -= RemapValClamped( flSoarAmt, 0, 1, bp_mv_flightdecay.GetFloat(), bp_mv_flightdecay_soar.GetFloat() ) * gpGlobals->frametime;
	m_flForwardForce = max( 0.25, max( m_flForwardForce, max( m_flLTriggerDiff, m_flRTriggerDiff ) ) );

	wishvel = forward * ( m_flForwardForce * bp_mv_flightspeed.GetFloat() ); 
	wishvel.z = (m_flRUpForce+m_flLUpForce)/2;

	// Calc turn rate from diff between wing avgs.
	/*GetBPPlayer()->m_flTurnRate = (
		RemapValClamped( m_flRUpForce, 0, bp_mv_flapforce.GetFloat(), 0, 1 ) - 
		RemapValClamped( m_flLUpForce, 0, bp_mv_flapforce.GetFloat(), 0, 1 )
	GetBPPlayer()->m_flTurnRate *= abs(GetBPPlayer()->m_flTurnRate);*/

	GetBPPlayer()->m_flTurnRate = bpmv->m_flRTrigger - bpmv->m_flLTrigger;
	GetBPPlayer()->m_flTurnRate *= abs(GetBPPlayer()->m_flTurnRate);
	GetBPPlayer()->m_flTurnRate *= abs(GetBPPlayer()->m_flTurnRate);

	GetBPPlayer()->m_flTurnRate *= bp_mv_turnrate.GetFloat();


	if ( mv->m_nButtons & IN_FORWARD )
		m_flLastForward = gpGlobals->curtime;

	float m_flTimeSinceFlap = gpGlobals->curtime - m_flLastForward;
	wishvel = forward * ( Bias( RemapValClamped( m_flTimeSinceFlap, 0, 5, 1, 0 ), 0.1 ) * bp_mv_flapforce.GetFloat() ); 



	VectorCopy (wishvel, wishdir);   // Determine maginitude of speed of move
	wishspeed = VectorNormalize(wishdir);

	//engine->Con_NPrintf( 2, "Flap Force:        %.2f %.2f", m_flLFlapAmount, m_flRFlapAmount );
	//engine->Con_NPrintf( 3, "Gravity:           %.2f %.2f", flGravity );
	//engine->Con_NPrintf( 4, "Vertical Force:    %.2f %.2f", m_flLUpForce, m_flRUpForce );
	//engine->Con_NPrintf( 5, "Forward Force:     %.2f", m_flForwardForce );

	// clamp to server defined max speed
	/*if ( wishspeed != 0 && (wishspeed > mv->m_flMaxSpeed))
		VectorScale (wishvel, mv->m_flMaxSpeed/wishspeed, wishvel);
		wishspeed = mv->m_flMaxSpeed;
	//engine->Con_NPrintf( 6, "Speed:    %.2f", wishspeed );

	//AirAccelerate( wishdir, wishspeed, sv_airaccelerate.GetFloat() );
	for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
		mv->m_vecVelocity[i] = wishspeed * wishdir[i];
		mv->m_outWishVel[i] = wishspeed * wishdir[i];

	// Add in any base velocity to the current velocity.
	VectorAdd(mv->m_vecVelocity, player->GetBaseVelocity(), mv->m_vecVelocity );


	// Now pull the base velocity back out.   Base velocity is set if you are on a moving object, like a conveyor (or maybe another monster?)
	VectorSubtract( mv->m_vecVelocity, player->GetBaseVelocity(), mv->m_vecVelocity );
// Purpose: 
void CPortalGameMovement::AirMove( void )
	int			i;
	Vector		wishvel;
	float		fmove, smove;
	Vector		wishdir;
	float		wishspeed;
	Vector forward, right, up;

	AngleVectors (mv->m_vecViewAngles, &forward, &right, &up);  // Determine movement angles

	// Copy movement amounts
	fmove = mv->m_flForwardMove;
	smove = mv->m_flSideMove;

	// Zero out z components of movement vectors
	forward[2] = 0;
	right[2]   = 0;
	VectorNormalize(forward);  // Normalize remainder of vectors
	VectorNormalize(right);    // 

	for (i=0 ; i<2 ; i++)       // Determine x and y parts of velocity
		wishvel[i] = forward[i]*fmove + right[i]*smove;
	wishvel[2] = 0;             // Zero out z part of velocity

	VectorCopy (wishvel, wishdir);   // Determine maginitude of speed of move

	// Don't let the player screw their fling because of adjusting into a floor portal
	if ( mv->m_vecVelocity[ 0 ] * mv->m_vecVelocity[ 0 ] + mv->m_vecVelocity[ 1 ] * mv->m_vecVelocity[ 1 ] > MIN_FLING_SPEED * MIN_FLING_SPEED )
		if ( mv->m_vecVelocity[ 0 ] > MIN_FLING_SPEED * 0.5f && wishdir[ 0 ] < 0.0f )
			wishdir[ 0 ] = 0.0f;
		else if ( mv->m_vecVelocity[ 0 ] < -MIN_FLING_SPEED * 0.5f && wishdir[ 0 ] > 0.0f )
			wishdir[ 0 ] = 0.0f;

		if ( mv->m_vecVelocity[ 1 ] > MIN_FLING_SPEED * 0.5f && wishdir[ 1 ] < 0.0f )
			wishdir[ 1 ] = 0.0f;
		else if ( mv->m_vecVelocity[ 1 ] < -MIN_FLING_SPEED * 0.5f && wishdir[ 1 ] > 0.0f )
			wishdir[ 1 ] = 0.0f;

	// Try to autocorrect the player to fall into the middle of the portal
	else if ( sv_player_funnel_into_portals.GetBool() )
		int iPortalCount = CProp_Portal_Shared::AllPortals.Count();
		if( iPortalCount != 0 )
			CProp_Portal **pPortals = CProp_Portal_Shared::AllPortals.Base();
			for( int i = 0; i != iPortalCount; ++i )
				CProp_Portal *pTempPortal = pPortals[i];
				if( pTempPortal->IsActivedAndLinked() )
					FunnelIntoPortal( pTempPortal, wishdir );

	wishspeed = VectorNormalize(wishdir);

	// clamp to server defined max speed
	if ( wishspeed != 0 && (wishspeed > mv->m_flMaxSpeed))
		VectorScale (wishvel, mv->m_flMaxSpeed/wishspeed, wishvel);
		wishspeed = mv->m_flMaxSpeed;

	AirAccelerate( wishdir, wishspeed, 15.0f );

	// Add in any base velocity to the current velocity.
	VectorAdd(mv->m_vecVelocity, player->GetBaseVelocity(), mv->m_vecVelocity );


	// Now pull the base velocity back out.   Base velocity is set if you are on a moving object, like a conveyor (or maybe another monster?)
	VectorSubtract( mv->m_vecVelocity, player->GetBaseVelocity(), mv->m_vecVelocity );
Beispiel #9
// Purpose: 
void CTFGameMovement::WaterMove( void )
	int i;
	float	wishspeed;
	Vector	wishdir;
	Vector	start, dest;
	Vector  temp;
	trace_t	pm;
	float speed, newspeed, addspeed, accelspeed;

	// Determine movement angles.
	Vector vecForward, vecRight, vecUp;
	AngleVectors( mv->m_vecViewAngles, &vecForward, &vecRight, &vecUp );

	// Calculate the desired direction and speed.
	Vector vecWishVelocity;
	int iAxis;
	for ( iAxis = 0 ; iAxis < 3; ++iAxis )
		vecWishVelocity[iAxis] = ( vecForward[iAxis] * mv->m_flForwardMove ) + ( vecRight[iAxis] * mv->m_flSideMove );

	// Check for upward velocity (JUMP).
	if ( mv->m_nButtons & IN_JUMP )
		if ( player->GetWaterLevel() == WL_Eyes )
			vecWishVelocity[2] += mv->m_flClientMaxSpeed;
	// Sinking if not moving.
	else if ( !mv->m_flForwardMove && !mv->m_flSideMove && !mv->m_flUpMove )
		vecWishVelocity[2] -= 60;
	// Move up based on view angle.
		vecWishVelocity[2] += mv->m_flUpMove;

	// Copy it over and determine speed
	VectorCopy( vecWishVelocity, wishdir );
	wishspeed = VectorNormalize( wishdir );

	// Cap speed.
	if (wishspeed > mv->m_flMaxSpeed)
		VectorScale( vecWishVelocity, mv->m_flMaxSpeed/wishspeed, vecWishVelocity );
		wishspeed = mv->m_flMaxSpeed;

	// Slow us down a bit.
	wishspeed *= 0.8;
	// Water friction
	VectorCopy( mv->m_vecVelocity, temp );
	speed = VectorNormalize( temp );
	if ( speed )
		newspeed = speed - gpGlobals->frametime * speed * sv_friction.GetFloat() * player->m_surfaceFriction;
		if ( newspeed < 0.1f )
			newspeed = 0;

		VectorScale (mv->m_vecVelocity, newspeed/speed, mv->m_vecVelocity);
		newspeed = 0;

	// water acceleration
	if (wishspeed >= 0.1f)  // old !
		addspeed = wishspeed - newspeed;
		if (addspeed > 0)
			accelspeed = sv_accelerate.GetFloat() * wishspeed * gpGlobals->frametime * player->m_surfaceFriction;
			if (accelspeed > addspeed)
				accelspeed = addspeed;

			for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
				float deltaSpeed = accelspeed * vecWishVelocity[i];
				mv->m_vecVelocity[i] += deltaSpeed;
				mv->m_outWishVel[i] += deltaSpeed;

	VectorAdd (mv->m_vecVelocity, player->GetBaseVelocity(), mv->m_vecVelocity);

	// Now move
	// assume it is a stair or a slope, so press down from stepheight above
	VectorMA (mv->GetAbsOrigin(), gpGlobals->frametime, mv->m_vecVelocity, dest);
	TracePlayerBBox( mv->GetAbsOrigin(), dest, PlayerSolidMask(), COLLISION_GROUP_PLAYER_MOVEMENT, pm );
	if ( pm.fraction == 1.0f )
		VectorCopy( dest, start );
		if ( player->m_Local.m_bAllowAutoMovement )
			start[2] += player->m_Local.m_flStepSize + 1;
		TracePlayerBBox( start, dest, PlayerSolidMask(), COLLISION_GROUP_PLAYER_MOVEMENT, pm );

		if (!pm.startsolid && !pm.allsolid)
#if 0
			float stepDist = pm.endpos.z - mv->GetAbsOrigin().z;
			mv->m_outStepHeight += stepDist;
			// walked up the step, so just keep result and exit

			Vector vecNewWaterPoint;
			VectorCopy( m_vecWaterPoint, vecNewWaterPoint );
			vecNewWaterPoint.z += ( dest.z - mv->GetAbsOrigin().z );
			bool bOutOfWater = !( enginetrace->GetPointContents( vecNewWaterPoint ) & MASK_WATER );
			if ( bOutOfWater && ( mv->m_vecVelocity.z > 0.0f ) && ( pm.fraction == 1.0f )  )
				// Check the waist level water positions.
				trace_t traceWater;
				UTIL_TraceLine( vecNewWaterPoint, m_vecWaterPoint, CONTENTS_WATER, player, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &traceWater );
				if( traceWater.fraction < 1.0f )
					float flFraction = 1.0f - traceWater.fraction;

//					Vector vecSegment;
//					VectorSubtract( mv->GetAbsOrigin(), dest, vecSegment );
//					VectorMA( mv->GetAbsOrigin(), flFraction, vecSegment, mv->GetAbsOrigin() );
					float flZDiff = dest.z - mv->GetAbsOrigin().z;
					float flSetZ = mv->GetAbsOrigin().z + ( flFraction * flZDiff );
					flSetZ -= 0.0325f;

					VectorCopy (pm.endpos, mv->GetAbsOrigin());
					mv->GetAbsOrigin().z = flSetZ;
					VectorSubtract( mv->m_vecVelocity, player->GetBaseVelocity(), mv->m_vecVelocity );
					mv->m_vecVelocity.z = 0.0f;

				VectorCopy (pm.endpos, mv->GetAbsOrigin());
				VectorSubtract( mv->m_vecVelocity, player->GetBaseVelocity(), mv->m_vecVelocity );

			float stepDist = pm.endpos.z - mv->GetAbsOrigin().z;
			mv->m_outStepHeight += stepDist;
			// walked up the step, so just keep result and exit
			mv->SetAbsOrigin( pm.endpos );
			VectorSubtract( mv->m_vecVelocity, player->GetBaseVelocity(), mv->m_vecVelocity );

		// Try moving straight along out normal path.
		if ( !player->GetGroundEntity() )
			VectorSubtract( mv->m_vecVelocity, player->GetBaseVelocity(), mv->m_vecVelocity );

		StepMove( dest, pm );
	VectorSubtract( mv->m_vecVelocity, player->GetBaseVelocity(), mv->m_vecVelocity );
Beispiel #10
// Purpose: Does the basic move attempting to climb up step heights.  It uses
//          the mv->GetAbsOrigin() and mv->m_vecVelocity.  It returns a new
//          new mv->GetAbsOrigin(), mv->m_vecVelocity, and mv->m_outStepHeight.
void CTFGameMovement::StepMove( Vector &vecDestination, trace_t &trace )
	trace_t saveTrace;
	saveTrace = trace;

	Vector vecEndPos;
	VectorCopy( vecDestination, vecEndPos );

	Vector vecPos, vecVel;
	VectorCopy( mv->GetAbsOrigin(), vecPos );
	VectorCopy( mv->m_vecVelocity, vecVel );

	bool bLowRoad = false;
	bool bUpRoad = true;

	// First try the "high road" where we move up and over obstacles
	if ( player->m_Local.m_bAllowAutoMovement )
		// Trace up by step height
		VectorCopy( mv->GetAbsOrigin(), vecEndPos );
		vecEndPos.z += player->m_Local.m_flStepSize + DIST_EPSILON;
		TracePlayerBBox( mv->GetAbsOrigin(), vecEndPos, PlayerSolidMask(), COLLISION_GROUP_PLAYER_MOVEMENT, trace );
		if ( !trace.startsolid && !trace.allsolid )
			mv->SetAbsOrigin( trace.endpos );

		// Trace over from there

		// Then trace back down by step height to get final position
		VectorCopy( mv->GetAbsOrigin(), vecEndPos );
		vecEndPos.z -= player->m_Local.m_flStepSize + DIST_EPSILON;
		TracePlayerBBox( mv->GetAbsOrigin(), vecEndPos, PlayerSolidMask(), COLLISION_GROUP_PLAYER_MOVEMENT, trace );
		// If the trace ended up in empty space, copy the end over to the origin.
		if ( !trace.startsolid && !trace.allsolid )
			mv->SetAbsOrigin( trace.endpos );

		// If we are not on the standable ground any more or going the "high road" didn't move us at all, then we'll also want to check the "low road"
		if ( ( trace.fraction != 1.0f && 
			trace.plane.normal[2] < 0.7 ) || VectorCompare( mv->GetAbsOrigin(), vecPos ) )
			bLowRoad = true;
			bUpRoad = false;
		bLowRoad = true;
		bUpRoad = false;

	if ( bLowRoad )
		// Save off upward results
		Vector vecUpPos, vecUpVel;
		if ( bUpRoad )
			VectorCopy( mv->GetAbsOrigin(), vecUpPos );
			VectorCopy( mv->m_vecVelocity, vecUpVel );

		// Take the "low" road
		mv->SetAbsOrigin( vecPos );
		VectorCopy( vecVel, mv->m_vecVelocity );
		VectorCopy( vecDestination, vecEndPos );
		TryPlayerMove( &vecEndPos, &saveTrace );

		// Down results.
		Vector vecDownPos, vecDownVel;
		VectorCopy( mv->GetAbsOrigin(), vecDownPos );
		VectorCopy( mv->m_vecVelocity, vecDownVel );

		if ( bUpRoad )
			float flUpDist = ( vecUpPos.x - vecPos.x ) * ( vecUpPos.x - vecPos.x ) + ( vecUpPos.y - vecPos.y ) * ( vecUpPos.y - vecPos.y );
			float flDownDist = ( vecDownPos.x - vecPos.x ) * ( vecDownPos.x - vecPos.x ) + ( vecDownPos.y - vecPos.y ) * ( vecDownPos.y - vecPos.y );
			// decide which one went farther
			if ( flUpDist >= flDownDist )
				mv->SetAbsOrigin( vecUpPos );
				VectorCopy( vecUpVel, mv->m_vecVelocity );

				// copy z value from the Low Road move
				mv->m_vecVelocity.z = vecDownVel.z;

	float flStepDist = mv->GetAbsOrigin().z - vecPos.z;
	if ( flStepDist > 0 )
		mv->m_outStepHeight += flStepDist;
Beispiel #11
// Purpose: 
void CTFGameMovement::FullWalkMove()
	if ( !InWater() ) 

	// If we are leaping out of the water, just update the counters.
	if ( player->m_flWaterJumpTime )
		// Try to jump out of the water (and check to see if we still are).

	// If we are swimming in the water, see if we are nudging against a place we can jump up out
	//  of, and, if so, start out jump.  Otherwise, if we are not moving up, then reset jump timer to 0
	if ( InWater() ) 

	if (mv->m_nButtons & IN_JUMP)
		mv->m_nOldButtons &= ~IN_JUMP;

	// Make sure velocity is valid.

	if (player->GetGroundEntity() != NULL)
		mv->m_vecVelocity[2] = 0.0;

	// Set final flags.

	// Add any remaining gravitational component if we are not in water.
	if ( !InWater() )

	// If we are on ground, no downward velocity.
	if ( player->GetGroundEntity() != NULL )
		mv->m_vecVelocity[2] = 0;

	// Handling falling.

	// Make sure velocity is valid.