Beispiel #1
//! Unregisters an interrupt handler for a UART interrupt
//! \param ui32Base is the base address of the UART port.
//! This function does the actual unregistering of the interrupt handler.  It
//! clears the handler to be called when a UART interrupt occurs.  This
//! function also masks off the interrupt in the interrupt controller so that
//! the interrupt handler no longer is called.
//! \sa IntRegister() for important information about registering interrupt
//! handlers.
//! \return None
UARTIntUnregister(uint32_t ui32Base)
    uint32_t ui32Int;

    // Check the arguments.

    // Determine the interrupt number based on the UART port.
    ui32Int = ((ui32Base == UART0_BASE) ? INT_UART0 : INT_UART1);

    // Disable the interrupt.

    // Unregister the interrupt handler.
Beispiel #2
//! Unregisters an interrupt handler for a UART interrupt.
//! \param ulBase is the base address of the UART port.
//! This function does the actual unregistering of the interrupt handler.  It
//! clears the handler to be called when a UART interrupt occurs.  This
//! function also masks off the interrupt in the interrupt controller so that
//! the interrupt handler no longer is called.
//! \sa IntRegister() for important information about registering interrupt
//! handlers.
//! \return None.
UARTIntUnregister(unsigned long ulBase)
    unsigned long ulInt;

    // Check the arguments.

    // Determine the interrupt number based on the UART port.
    ulInt = UARTIntNumberGet(ulBase);

    // Disable the interrupt.

    // Unregister the interrupt handler.
Beispiel #3
//! Disables transmitting and receiving
//! \param ui32Base is the base address of the UART port.
//! This function clears the UARTEN, TXE, and RXE bits, waits for the end of
//! transmission of the current character, and flushes the transmit FIFO.
//! \return None
UARTDisable(uint32_t ui32Base)
    // Check the arguments.

    // Wait for end of TX.
    while(HWREG(ui32Base + UART_O_FR) & UART_FR_BUSY)

    // Disable the FIFO.
    HWREG(ui32Base + UART_O_LCRH) &= ~(UART_LCRH_FEN);

    // Disable the UART.
Beispiel #4
//! Registers an interrupt handler for a UART interrupt.
//! \param ulBase is the base address of the UART port.
//! \param pfnHandler is a pointer to the function to be called when the
//! UART interrupt occurs.
//! This function does the actual registering of the interrupt handler.  This
//! will enable the global interrupt in the interrupt controller; specific UART
//! interrupts must be enabled via UARTIntEnable().  It is the interrupt
//! handler's responsibility to clear the interrupt source.
//! \sa IntRegister() for important information about registering interrupt
//! handlers.
//! \return None.
UARTIntRegister(unsigned long ulBase, void (*pfnHandler)(void))
    unsigned long ulInt;

    // Check the arguments.

    // Determine the interrupt number based on the UART port.
    ulInt = ((ulBase == UART0_BASE) ? INT_UART0 :
             ((ulBase == UART1_BASE) ? INT_UART1 : INT_UART2));

    // Register the interrupt handler.
    IntRegister(ulInt, pfnHandler);

    // Enable the UART interrupt.
Beispiel #5
//! Registers an interrupt handler for a UART interrupt
//! \param ui32Base is the base address of the UART port.
//! \param pfnHandler is a pointer to the function to be called when the
//! UART interrupt occurs.
//! This function does the actual registering of the interrupt handler.  This
//! function enables the global interrupt in the interrupt controller; specific
//! UART interrupts must be enabled via UARTIntEnable().  It is the interrupt
//! handler's responsibility to clear the interrupt source.
//! \sa IntRegister() for important information about registering interrupt
//! handlers.
//! \return None
UARTIntRegister(uint32_t ui32Base, void (*pfnHandler)(void))
    uint32_t ui32Int;

    // Check the arguments.

    // Determine the interrupt number based on the UART port.
    ui32Int = ((ui32Base == UART0_BASE) ? INT_UART0 : INT_UART1);

    // Register the interrupt handler.
    IntRegister(ui32Int, pfnHandler);

    // Enable the UART interrupt.
Beispiel #6
//! Receives a character from the specified port
//! \param ui32Base is the base address of the UART port.
//! This function gets a character from the receive FIFO for the specified
//! port.
//! \return Returns the character read from the specified port, cast as a
//! \e int32_t.  A \b -1 is returned if there are no characters present in the
//! receive FIFO.  The UARTCharsAvail() function should be called before
//! attempting to call this function.
UARTCharGetNonBlocking(uint32_t ui32Base)
    // Check the arguments.

    // See if there are any characters in the receive FIFO.
    if(!(HWREG(ui32Base + UART_O_FR) & UART_FR_RXFE))
        // Read and return the next character.
        return(HWREG(ui32Base + UART_O_DR));
        // There are no characters, so return a failure.
Beispiel #7
//! Gets the current configuration of a UART.
//! \param ulBase is the base address of the UART port.
//! \param ulUARTClk is the rate of the clock supplied to the UART module.
//! \param pulBaud is a pointer to storage for the baud rate.
//! \param pulConfig is a pointer to storage for the data format.
//! The baud rate and data format for the UART is determined, given an
//! explicitly provided peripheral clock (hence the ExpClk suffix).  The
//! returned baud rate is the actual baud rate; it may not be the exact baud
//! rate requested or an ``official'' baud rate.  The data format returned in
//! \e pulConfig is enumerated the same as the \e ulConfig parameter of
//! UARTConfigSetExpClk().
//! The peripheral clock will be the same as the processor clock.  This will be
//! the value returned by SysCtlClockGet(), or it can be explicitly hard coded
//! if it is constant and known (to save the code/execution overhead of a call
//! to SysCtlClockGet()).
//! This function replaces the original UARTConfigGet() API and performs the
//! same actions.  A macro is provided in <tt>uart.h</tt> to map the original
//! API to this API.
//! \return None.
UARTConfigGetExpClk(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulUARTClk,
                    unsigned long *pulBaud, unsigned long *pulConfig)
    unsigned long ulInt, ulFrac;

    // Check the arguments.

    // Compute the baud rate.
    ulInt = HWREG(ulBase + UART_O_IBRD);
    ulFrac = HWREG(ulBase + UART_O_FBRD);
    *pulBaud = (ulUARTClk * 4) / ((64 * ulInt) + ulFrac);

    // Get the parity, data length, and number of stop bits.
    *pulConfig = (HWREG(ulBase + UART_O_LCRH) &
                  (UART_LCRH_SPS | UART_LCRH_WLEN_M | UART_LCRH_STP2 |
                   UART_LCRH_EPS | UART_LCRH_PEN));
Beispiel #8
//! Unregisters an interrupt handler for a UART interrupt.
//! \param ulBase is the base address of the UART port.
//! This function does the actual unregistering of the interrupt handler.  It
//! will clear the handler to be called when a UART interrupt occurs.  This
//! will also mask off the interrupt in the interrupt controller so that the
//! interrupt handler no longer is called.
//! \sa IntRegister() for important information about registering interrupt
//! handlers.
//! \return None.
UARTIntUnregister(unsigned long ulBase)
    unsigned long ulInt;

    // Check the arguments.

    // Determine the interrupt number based on the UART port.
    ulInt = ((ulBase == UART0_BASE) ? INT_UART0 :
             ((ulBase == UART1_BASE) ? INT_UART1 : INT_UART2));

    // Disable the interrupt.

    // Unregister the interrupt handler.
Beispiel #9
//! Sends a character to the specified port
//! \param ui32Base is the base address of the UART port.
//! \param ui8Data is the character to be transmitted.
//! This function writes the character \e ui8Data to the transmit FIFO for the
//! specified port.  This function does not block, so if there is no space
//! available, then a \b false is returned, and the application must retry the
//! function later.
//! \return Returns \b true if the character was successfully placed in the
//! transmit FIFO or \b false if there was no space available in the transmit
//! FIFO.
UARTCharPutNonBlocking(uint32_t ui32Base, uint8_t ui8Data)
    // Check the arguments.

    // See if there is space in the transmit FIFO.
    if(!(HWREG(ui32Base + UART_O_FR) & UART_FR_TXFF))
        // Write this character to the transmit FIFO.
        HWREG(ui32Base + UART_O_DR) = ui8Data;

        // Success.
        // There is no space in the transmit FIFO, so return a failure.
Beispiel #10
//! Returns the UART hardware flow control mode currently in use.
//! \param ulBase is the base address of the UART port.
//! This function returns the current hardware flow control mode.
//! \note The availability of hardware flow control varies with the
//! part and UART in use.  Please consult the datasheet for the part you are
//! using to determine whether this support is available.
//! \return Returns the current flow control mode in use.  This is a
//! logical OR combination of values \b UART_FLOWCONTROL_TX if transmit
//! (CTS) flow control is enabled and \b UART_FLOWCONTROL_RX if receive (RTS)
//! flow control is in use.  If hardware flow control is disabled,
//! \b UART_FLOWCONTROL_NONE is returned.
unsigned long
UARTFlowControlGet(unsigned long ulBase)
    // Check the arguments.


    return(HWREG(ulBase + UART_O_CTL) & (UART_FLOWCONTROL_TX |
Beispiel #11
//! Determines if there are any characters in the receive FIFO
//! \param ui32Base is the base address of the UART port.
//! This function returns a flag indicating whether or not there is data
//! available in the receive FIFO.
//! \return Returns \b true if there is data in the receive FIFO or \b false
//! if there is no data in the receive FIFO.
UARTCharsAvail(uint32_t ui32Base)
    // Check the arguments.

    // Return the availability of characters.
    return((HWREG(ui32Base + UART_O_FR) & UART_FR_RXFE) ? false : true);
Beispiel #12
//! Determines if there is any space in the transmit FIFO
//! \param ui32Base is the base address of the UART port.
//! This function returns a flag indicating whether or not there is space
//! available in the transmit FIFO.
//! \return Returns \b true if there is space available in the transmit FIFO
//! or \b false if there is no space available in the transmit FIFO.
UARTSpaceAvail(uint32_t ui32Base)
    // Check the arguments.

    // Return the availability of space.
    return((HWREG(ui32Base + UART_O_FR) & UART_FR_TXFF) ? false : true);
Beispiel #13
//! Disables SIR (IrDA) mode on the specified UART
//! \param ui32Base is the base address of the UART port.
//! This function clears the SIREN (IrDA) and SIRLP (Low Power) bits.
//! \return None
UARTDisableSIR(uint32_t ui32Base)
    // Check the arguments.

    // Disable SIR and SIRLP (if appropriate).
Beispiel #14
//! Determines if there is any space in the transmit FIFO.
//! \param ulBase is the base address of the UART port.
//! This function returns a flag indicating whether or not there is space
//! available in the transmit FIFO.
//! \return Returns \b true if there is space available in the transmit FIFO,
//! and \b false if there is no space available in the transmit FIFO.
UARTSpaceAvail(unsigned long ulBase)
    // Check the arguments.

    // Return the availability of space.
    return((HWREG(ulBase + UART_O_FR) & UART_FR_TXFF) ? false : true);
Beispiel #15
//! Enables the transmit and receive FIFOs
//! \param ui32Base is the base address of the UART port.
//! This functions enables the transmit and receive FIFOs in the UART.
//! \return None
UARTFIFOEnable(uint32_t ui32Base)
    // Check the arguments.

    // Enable the FIFO.
Beispiel #16
//! Disables the transmit and receive FIFOs
//! \param ui32Base is the base address of the UART port.
//! This functions disables the transmit and receive FIFOs in the UART.
//! \return None
UARTFIFODisable(uint32_t ui32Base)
    // Check the arguments.

    // Disable the FIFO.
    HWREG(ui32Base + UART_O_LCRH) &= ~(UART_LCRH_FEN);
Beispiel #17
//! Disables 9-bit mode on the specified UART
//! \param ui32Base is the base address of the UART port.
//! This function disables the 9-bit operational mode of the UART.
//! \return None
UART9BitDisable(uint32_t ui32Base)
    // Check the arguments.

    // Disable 9-bit mode.
Beispiel #18
//! Clears UART interrupt sources.
//! \param ulBase is the base address of the UART port.
//! \param ulIntFlags is a bit mask of the interrupt sources to be cleared.
//! The specified UART interrupt sources are cleared, so that they no longer
//! assert.  This must be done in the interrupt handler to keep it from being
//! called again immediately upon exit.
//! The \e ulIntFlags parameter has the same definition as the \e ulIntFlags
//! parameter to UARTIntEnable().
//! \note Since there is a write buffer in the Cortex-M3 processor, it may take
//! several clock cycles before the interrupt source is actually cleared.
//! Therefore, it is recommended that the interrupt source be cleared early in
//! the interrupt handler (as opposed to the very last action) to avoid
//! returning from the interrupt handler before the interrupt source is
//! actually cleared.  Failure to do so may result in the interrupt handler
//! being immediately reentered (since NVIC still sees the interrupt source
//! asserted).
//! \return None.
UARTIntClear(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulIntFlags)
    // Check the arguments.

    // Clear the requested interrupt sources.
    HWREG(ulBase + UART_O_ICR) = ulIntFlags;
Beispiel #19
//! Disables the transmit and receive FIFOs.
//! \param ulBase is the base address of the UART port.
//! This functions disables the transmit and receive FIFOs in the UART.
//! \return None.
UARTFIFODisable(unsigned long ulBase)
    // Check the arguments.

    // Disable the FIFO.
    HWREG(ulBase + UART_O_LCRH) &= ~(UART_LCRH_FEN);
Beispiel #20
//! Disable UART DMA operation.
//! \param ulBase is the base address of the UART port.
//! \param ulDMAFlags is a bit mask of the DMA features to disable.
//! This function is used to disable UART DMA features that were enabled
//! by UARTDMAEnable().  The specified UART DMA features are disabled.  The
//! \e ulDMAFlags parameter is the logical OR of any of the following values:
//! - UART_DMA_RX - disable DMA for receive
//! - UART_DMA_TX - disable DMA for transmit
//! - UART_DMA_ERR_RXSTOP - do not disable DMA receive on UART error
//! \return None.
UARTDMADisable(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulDMAFlags)
    // Check the arguments.

    // Clear the requested bits in the UART DMA control register.
    HWREG(ulBase + UART_O_DMACTL) &= ~ulDMAFlags;
Beispiel #21
//! Determines whether the UART transmitter is busy or not
//! \param ui32Base is the base address of the UART port.
//! Allows the caller to determine whether all transmitted bytes have cleared
//! the transmitter hardware.  If \b false is returned, the transmit FIFO is
//! empty and all bits of the last transmitted character, including all stop
//! bits, have left the hardware shift register.
//! \return Returns \b true if the UART is transmitting or \b false if all
//! transmissions are complete.
UARTBusy(uint32_t ui32Base)
    // Check the argument.

    // Determine if the UART is busy.
    return((HWREG(ui32Base + UART_O_FR) & UART_FR_BUSY) ? true : false);
Beispiel #22
//! Clears UART interrupt sources
//! \param ui32Base is the base address of the UART port.
//! \param ui32IntFlags is a bit mask of the interrupt sources to be cleared.
//! The specified UART interrupt sources are cleared, so that they no longer
//! assert.  This function must be called in the interrupt handler to keep the
//! interrupt from being recognized again immediately upon exit.
//! The \e ui32IntFlags parameter has the same definition as the \e ui32IntFlags
//! parameter to UARTIntEnable().
//! \note Because there is a write buffer in the Cortex-M3 processor, it may
//! take several clock cycles before the interrupt source is actually cleared.
//! Therefore, it is recommended that the interrupt source be cleared early in
//! the interrupt handler (as opposed to the very last action) to avoid
//! returning from the interrupt handler before the interrupt source is
//! actually cleared.  Failure to do so may result in the interrupt handler
//! being immediately reentered (because the interrupt controller still sees
//! the interrupt source asserted).
//! \return None
UARTIntClear(uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32IntFlags)
    // Check the arguments.

    // Clear the requested interrupt sources.
    HWREG(ui32Base + UART_O_ICR) = ui32IntFlags;
Beispiel #23
//! Disables individual UART interrupt sources
//! \param ui32Base is the base address of the UART port.
//! \param ui32IntFlags is the bit mask of the interrupt sources to be disabled.
//! This function disables the indicated UART interrupt sources.  Only the
//! sources that are enabled can be reflected to the processor interrupt;
//! disabled sources have no effect on the processor.
//! The \e ui32IntFlags parameter has the same definition as the \e ui32IntFlags
//! parameter to UARTIntEnable().
//! \return None
UARTIntDisable(uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32IntFlags)
    // Check the arguments.

    // Disable the specified interrupts.
    HWREG(ui32Base + UART_O_IM) &= ~(ui32IntFlags);
Beispiel #24
//! Determines if there are any characters in the receive FIFO.
//! \param ulBase is the base address of the UART port.
//! This function returns a flag indicating whether or not there is data
//! available in the receive FIFO.
//! \return Returns \b true if there is data in the receive FIFO, and \b false
//! if there is no data in the receive FIFO.
UARTCharsAvail(unsigned long ulBase)
    // Check the arguments.

    // Return the availability of characters.
    return((HWREG(ulBase + UART_O_FR) & UART_FR_RXFE) ? false : true);
Beispiel #25
//! Determines whether the UART transmitter is busy or not.
//! \param ulBase is the base address of the UART port.
//! Allows the caller to determine whether all transmitted bytes have cleared
//! the transmitter hardware.  If \b false is returned, the transmit FIFO is
//! empty and all bits of the last transmitted character, including all stop
//! bits, have left the hardware shift register.
//! \return Returns \b true if the UART is transmitting or \b false if all
//! transmissions are complete.
UARTBusy(unsigned long ulBase)
    // Check the argument.

    // Determine if the UART is busy.
    return((HWREG(ulBase + UART_O_FR) & UART_FR_BUSY) ? true : false);
Beispiel #26
//! Disable UART DMA operation
//! \param ui32Base is the base address of the UART port.
//! \param ui32DMAFlags is a bit mask of the DMA features to disable.
//! This function is used to disable UART DMA features that were enabled
//! by UARTDMAEnable().  The specified UART DMA features are disabled.  The
//! \e ui32DMAFlags parameter is the logical OR of any of the following values:
//! - UART_DMA_RX - disable DMA for receive
//! - UART_DMA_TX - disable DMA for transmit
//! - UART_DMA_ERR_RXSTOP - do not disable DMA receive on UART error
//! \return None
UARTDMADisable(uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32DMAFlags)
    // Check the arguments.

    // Clear the requested bits in the UART DMA control register.
    HWREG(ui32Base + UART_O_DMACTL) &= ~ui32DMAFlags;
Beispiel #27
//! Disables individual UART interrupt sources.
//! \param ulBase is the base address of the UART port.
//! \param ulIntFlags is the bit mask of the interrupt sources to be disabled.
//! Disables the indicated UART interrupt sources.  Only the sources that are
//! enabled can be reflected to the processor interrupt; disabled sources have
//! no effect on the processor.
//! The \e ulIntFlags parameter has the same definition as the \e ulIntFlags
//! parameter to UARTIntEnable().
//! \return None.
UARTIntDisable(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulIntFlags)
    // Check the arguments.

    // Disable the specified interrupts.
    HWREG(ulBase + UART_O_IM) &= ~(ulIntFlags);
Beispiel #28
//! Gets current receiver errors
//! \param ui32Base is the base address of the UART port.
//! This function returns the current state of each of the 4 receiver error
//! sources.  The returned errors are equivalent to the four error bits
//! returned via the previous call to UARTCharGet() or UARTCharGetNonBlocking()
//! with the exception that the overrun error is set immediately the overrun
//! occurs rather than when a character is next read.
//! \return Returns a logical OR combination of the receiver error flags,
UARTRxErrorGet(uint32_t ui32Base)
    // Check the arguments.

    // Return the current value of the receive status register.
    return(HWREG(ui32Base + UART_O_RSR) & 0x0000000F);
Beispiel #29
//! Gets the baud clock source for the specified UART
//! \param ui32Base is the base address of the UART port.
//! This function returns the baud clock source for the specified UART.  The
//! possible baud clock source are the system clock (\b UART_CLOCK_SYSTEM) or
//! the precision internal oscillator (\b UART_CLOCK_PIOSC).
//! \return None
UARTClockSourceGet(uint32_t ui32Base)
    // Check the arguments.

    // Return the UART clock source.
    return(HWREG(ui32Base + UART_O_CC));
Beispiel #30
//! Returns the current operating mode for the UART transmit interrupt
//! \param ui32Base is the base address of the UART port.
//! This function returns the current operating mode for the UART transmit
//! interrupt.  The return value is \b UART_TXINT_MODE_EOT if the transmit
//! interrupt is currently set to be asserted once the transmitter is
//! completely idle - the transmit FIFO is empty and all bits, including any
//! stop bits, have cleared the transmitter.  The return value is
//! \b UART_TXINT_MODE_FIFO if the interrupt is set to be asserted based upon
//! the level of the transmit FIFO.
//! \return Returns \b UART_TXINT_MODE_FIFO or \b UART_TXINT_MODE_EOT.
UARTTxIntModeGet(uint32_t ui32Base)
    // Check the arguments.

    // Return the current transmit interrupt mode.
    return(HWREG(ui32Base + UART_O_CTL) & (UART_TXINT_MODE_EOT |