//! The USB device interrupt handler.
//! This the main USB interrupt handler entry point for use in USB device
//! applications.  This top-level handler will branch the interrupt off to the
//! appropriate application or stack handlers depending on the current status
//! of the USB controller.
//! Applications which operate purely as USB devices (rather than dual mode
//! applications which can operate in either device or host mode at different
//! times) must ensure that a pointer to this function is installed in the
//! interrupt vector table entry for the USB0 interrupt.  For dual mode
//! operation, the vector should be set to point to \e USB0DualModeIntHandler()
//! instead.
//! \return None.
    unsigned long ulStatus;

    // Get the controller interrupt status.
    ulStatus = MAP_USBIntStatusControl(USB0_BASE);

    // Call the internal handler.
    USBDeviceIntHandlerInternal(0, ulStatus);
Beispiel #2
//! The USB device interrupt handler.
//! This the main USB interrupt handler entry point for use in USB device
//! applications.  This top-level handler will branch the interrupt off to the
//! appropriate application or stack handlers depending on the current status
//! of the USB controller.
//! Applications which operate purely as USB devices (rather than dual mode
//! applications which can operate in either device or host mode at different
//! times) must ensure that a pointer to this function is installed in the
//! interrupt vector table entry for the USB0 interrupt.  For dual mode
//! operation, the vector should be set to point to \e USB0DualModeIntHandler()
//! instead.
//! \return None.
    uint32_t ui32Status;

    // Get the controller interrupt status.
    ui32Status = MAP_USBIntStatusControl(USB0_BASE);

    // Call the internal handler.
    USBDeviceIntHandlerInternal(0, ui32Status);
void USB_0_ISR(void)
    extern tUSBInstanceObject g_USBInstance[];
    unsigned int epStatus = 0;
    unsigned int ulStatus = 0;
    // Get the controller interrupt status.
    ulStatus = HWREG(g_USBInstance[0].uiSubBaseAddr + USB_0_IRQ_STATUS_1);
    // Get the EP interrupt status.
    epStatus = HWREG(g_USBInstance[0].uiSubBaseAddr + USB_0_IRQ_STATUS_0);
    // Clear the controller interrupt status.
    HWREG(g_USBInstance[0].uiSubBaseAddr + USB_0_IRQ_STATUS_1) = ulStatus;
    // Clear the EP interrupt status.
    HWREG(g_USBInstance[0].uiSubBaseAddr + USB_0_IRQ_STATUS_0) = epStatus;

#ifdef DMA_MODE
    //Call the Interrupt Handler.
    USBDeviceIntHandlerInternal(0, ulStatus, &epStatus);
    //End of Interrupts.
    HWREG(g_USBInstance[0].uiSubBaseAddr + USB_0_IRQ_EOI) = 0;

#ifdef DMA_MODE

Beispiel #4
//! Handles OTG mode changes and also steers other USB interrupts from
//! the controller to the correct handler in the USB stack.
//! This interrupt handler is used in applications which require to operate
//! in both host and device mode using OTG.  When in host or device mode, it
//! steers the USB hardware interrupt to the correct handler in the USB stack
//! depending upon the current operating mode.  It also handles other OTG
//! related interrupt events.
//! For successful OTG mode operation, an application must register
//! USB0OTGModeIntHandler() in the CPU vector table as the interrupt handler
//! for the USB0 interrupt.
//! \note This interrupt handler should only be used on controllers that
//! support OTG functionality.
//! \return None.
    uint32_t ui32Status;
    tEventInfo sEvent;

    // Read the USB interrupt status.
    ui32Status = USBIntStatusControl(USB0_BASE);

    // Check if this was an mode detect interrupt and under manual power
    // control.
    if((ui32Status & USB_INTCTRL_MODE_DETECT) &&
            (USBHCDPowerAutomatic(0) == 0))
        uint32_t ui32Mode;

        ui32Mode = USBModeGet(USB0_BASE);

        // Device is on the A side of the cable and power needs to be
        // applied.
            // Since power is not automatically enabled, call the
            // registered event handler to allow the application to turn
            // on power.
            sEvent.ui32Event = USB_EVENT_POWER_ENABLE;
            sEvent.ui32Instance = 0;
            InternalUSBHCDSendEvent(0, &sEvent, USBHCD_EVFLAG_PWREN);


        // Device is on the B side of the cable and powered.
        case USB_OTG_MODE_BSIDE_DEV:
            // Now in device mode on the B side of the cable and will wait
            // for a connect before becoming a device.
            g_eOTGModeState = eUSBOTGModeBWaitCon;


        // Any other mode detect indicates eUSBModeNone.
            // Just inform the application that the mode was not device
            // or host.


    // If there was a VBUS error then the power should be shut off and the
    // system is reset to waiting for detection again.
    if(ui32Status & USB_INTCTRL_VBUS_ERR)
        // Just inform the application that the mode was not device
        // or host.

        // Return to idle mode.
        g_eOTGModeState = eUSBOTGModeWait;

    // If there is a disconnect interrupt and the controller was on the B side
    // cable as a device then go back to the IDLE state.
    if((ui32Status & USB_INTCTRL_DISCONNECT) &&
            (g_eOTGModeState == eUSBOTGModeBDevice))
        // No longer a device so switch to unconfigured mode.

        // Return to idle mode.
        g_eOTGModeState = eUSBOTGModeWait;


    // Handle receiving a reset.
    if((ui32Status & USB_INTCTRL_RESET)&&
            (g_eOTGModeState != eUSBOTGModeBDevice))
        // Getting a reset interrupt when not already a b side device indicates
        // that a host is resetting the device and the controller should
        // move to device mode.
        g_eOTGModeState = eUSBOTGModeBDevice;

        // Save the new mode.

    // If there is a connect interrupt while the library is waiting for
    // one then move to full host mode state.
    if(ui32Status & USB_INTCTRL_CONNECT)
        // Move to A side host state.
        g_eOTGModeState = eUSBOTGModeAHost;

        // Inform the application that controller is in host mode.

    // Call the correct device or host interrupt handler based on the current
    // mode of operation.
    case eUSBOTGModeAHost:
        // Call the host interrupt handler if there is anything still to
        // process.
        USBHostIntHandlerInternal(0, ui32Status);


    // Operating in pure device mode.
    case eUSBOTGModeBDevice:
        // Call the device interrupt handler.
        USBDeviceIntHandlerInternal(0, ui32Status);

Beispiel #5
//! Steers USB interrupts from controller to the correct handler in the USB
//! stack.
//! This interrupt handler is used in applications which require to operate
//! in both host and device mode.  It steers the USB hardware interrupt to the
//! correct handler in the USB stack depending upon the current operating mode
//! of the application, USB device or host.
//! For successful dual mode operation, an application must register
//! USB0DualModeIntHandler() in the CPU vector table as the interrupt handler
//! for the USB0 interrupt.  This handler is responsible for steering
//! interrupts to the device or host stack depending upon the chosen mode.
//! \note Devices which do not require dual mode capability should register
//! either USB0DeviceIntHandler() or USB0HostIntHandler() instead.  Registering
//! USB0DualModeIntHandler() for a single mode application will result in an
//! application binary larger than required since library functions for both
//! USB operating modes will be included even though only one mode is actually
//! required.
//! \return None.
    uint32_t ui32Status;

    // Read the USB interrupt status.
    ui32Status = USBIntStatusControl(USB0_BASE);

    // Pass through the subset of interrupts that we always want
    // the host stack to see regardless of whether or not we
    // are actually in host mode at this point.
    if(ui32Status & USB_HOST_INTS)
        // Call the host's interrupt handler.
        USBHostIntHandlerInternal(0, ui32Status & USB_HOST_INTS);

        // We have already processed these interrupts so clear them
        // from the status.
        ui32Status &= ~USB_HOST_INTS;

    // Steer the interrupt to the appropriate handler within the stack
    // depending upon our current operating mode.  Note that we need to pass
    // the ui32Status parameter since the USB interrupt register is
    // clear-on-read.
    case eUSBModeNone:
        // No mode is set yet so we have no idea what to do.  Just ignore
        // the interrupt.

    // Operating in pure host mode.
    case eUSBModeHost:
        // Call the host interrupt handler if there is anything still to
        // process.
        USBHostIntHandlerInternal(0, ui32Status);


    // Operating in pure device mode.
    case eUSBModeDevice:
        // Call the device interrupt handler.
        USBDeviceIntHandlerInternal(0, ui32Status);


//! The USB device interrupt handler.
//! This the main USB interrupt handler entry point for use in USB device
//! applications.  This top-level handler will branch the interrupt off to the
//! appropriate application or stack handlers depending on the current status
//! of the USB controller.
//! Applications which operate purely as USB devices (rather than dual mode
//! applications which can operate in either device or host mode at different
//! times) must ensure that a pointer to this function is installed in the
//! interrupt vector table entry for the USB0 interrupt.  For dual mode
//! operation, the vector should be set to point to \e USB0DualModeIntHandler()
//! instead.
//! \return None.
    unsigned int ulStatus = 0;

#if defined(am335x) || defined (am335x_15x15) || defined(c6a811x) || defined(am386x) || \

    unsigned int epStatus = 0;

    // Get the controller interrupt status.
    ulStatus = HWREG(g_USBInstance[0].uiSubBaseAddr + USB_0_IRQ_STATUS_1);
    // Get the EP interrupt status.
    epStatus = HWREG(g_USBInstance[0].uiSubBaseAddr + USB_0_IRQ_STATUS_0);
    // Clear the controller interrupt status.
    HWREG(g_USBInstance[0].uiSubBaseAddr + USB_0_IRQ_STATUS_1) = ulStatus;
    // Clear the EP interrupt status.
    HWREG(g_USBInstance[0].uiSubBaseAddr + USB_0_IRQ_STATUS_0) = epStatus;

#ifdef DMA_MODE    
    //Call the Interrupt Handler.
    USBDeviceIntHandlerInternal(0, ulStatus, &epStatus);
    //End of Interrupts.
    HWREG(g_USBInstance[0].uiSubBaseAddr + USB_0_IRQ_EOI) = 0;

#ifdef DMA_MODE

    // Get the controller interrupt status.
    ulStatus = HWREG(g_USBInstance[0].uiSubBaseAddr + USB_0_INTR_SRC);
    // Clear the Interrupts
    HWREG(g_USBInstance[0].uiSubBaseAddr + USB_0_INTR_SRC_CLEAR) = ulStatus;
#ifdef _TMS320C6X

    // Call the internal handler.
    USBDeviceIntHandlerInternal(0, ulStatus, NULL);

    // End of Interrupts
    HWREG(g_USBInstance[0].uiSubBaseAddr + USB_0_END_OF_INTR) = 0;
