Beispiel #1
//! This function is used to retrieve a report from a HID device.
//! \param psHIDInstance is the value that was returned from the call to
//! USBHHIDOpen().
//! \param ui32Interface is the interface to retrieve the report from.
//! \param pui8Data is the memory buffer to use to store the report.
//! \param ui32Size is the size in bytes of the buffer pointed to by
//! \e pui8Buffer.
//! This function is used to retrieve a report from a USB pipe.  It is usually
//! called when the USB HID layer has detected a new data available in a USB
//! pipe.  The USB HID host device code will receive a
//! \b USB_EVENT_RX_AVAILABLE event when data is available, allowing the
//! callback function to retrieve the data.
//! \return Returns the number of bytes read from report.
USBHHIDGetReport(tHIDInstance *psHIDInstance, uint32_t ui32Interface,
                 uint8_t *pui8Data, uint32_t ui32Size)
    // Read the Data out.
    ui32Size = USBHCDPipeReadNonBlocking(psHIDInstance->ui32IntInPipe,
                                         pui8Data, ui32Size);

    // Return the number of bytes read from the interrupt in pipe.
static void USBHCDCInterruptCallback(uint32_t ulPipe, uint32_t ulEvent)
        uint32_t ulSize;
        // Handles a request to schedule a new request on the interrupt IN
        // pipe.
        if(ulEvent == USB_EVENT_SCHEDULER)
            USBHCDPipeSchedule(ulPipe, SchedulePipeInterruptBuffer, 100);

        // Called when new data is available on the interrupt IN pipe.
        if(ulEvent == USB_EVENT_RX_AVAILABLE)
              // If the callback exists then call it.
              if(g_USBHCDCDevice.pfnCallback != 0)
                  // Read the Data out.
                  ulSize = USBHCDPipeReadNonBlocking(ulPipe, SchedulePipeInterruptBuffer,
                  // Call

                  // Schedule another read
                  USBHCDPipeSchedule(ulPipe, SchedulePipeInterruptBuffer, 100);

Beispiel #3
//! This function is used to retrieve a report from a HID device.
//! \param ulInstance is the value that was returned from the call to
//! USBHHIDOpen().
//! \param ulInterface is the interface to retrieve the report from.
//! \param pucData is the memory buffer to use to store the report.
//! \param ulSize is the size in bytes of the buffer pointed to by
//! \e pucBuffer.
//! This function is used to retrieve a report from a USB pipe.  It is usually
//! called when the USB HID layer has detected a new data available in a USB
//! pipe.  The USB HID host device code will receive a
//! \b USB_EVENT_RX_AVAILABLE event when data is available, allowing the
//! callback function to retrieve the data.
//! \return Returns the number of bytes read from report.
unsigned long
USBHHIDGetReport(unsigned long ulInstance,
                 unsigned long ulInterface,
                 unsigned char *pucData,
                 unsigned long ulSize)
    tHIDInstance *pHIDInstance;

    // Cast the instance pointer to the correct type for ease of use.
    pHIDInstance = (tHIDInstance *)ulInstance;

    // Read the Data out.
    ulSize = USBHCDPipeReadNonBlocking(pHIDInstance->ulIntInPipe, pucData,

    // Return the number of bytes read from the interrupt in pipe.