//! This function is used to send chars to Bulk Out Pipe
//! \param *pcData is pointer to data
//! \param Size is number of bytes
//! \return None.
void USBHCDCSendString(unsigned char *pucData)
    int Size = 0, Page = 0;

    while(pucData[Size] != 0)
        Size ++;
        if(Size % 64)
            // Send out full pipe
            USBHCDPipeWrite(g_USBHCDCDevice.ui32BulkOutPipe,&pucData[Page], Size);

            // Increment Page

    // If anything left, send out
    	USBHCDCWrite(0, pucData, Size);

    	//USBHCDPipeWrite(g_USBHCDCDevice.ulBulkOutPipe,&pucData[Page], Size);
int ANDROID_write(t_AndroidInstance handle, const void * const buff/*in*/, int len)
    t_USBHANDROIDInstance *pANDROIDDevice;
    t_u32 ulBytes;

    // Get a pointer to the device instance data from the handle.
    pANDROIDDevice = (t_USBHANDROIDInstance *)handle;
    if(pANDROIDDevice != NULL)
        ulBytes = USBHCDPipeWrite(pANDROIDDevice->ulBulkOutPipe, (unsigned char*)buff, len);
        /* Error invalid handle */
        ulBytes = 0;

    return ulBytes;
//! This function sends out data to connected CDC device.
//! \param ulInstance is the device instance
//! \param pucData is the pointer to data buffer to be sent out
//! \param ulSize is the size of data to be sent out in bytes
//! \return This function will return number of data in bytes scheduled to
//! 		sent out.
USBHCDCWrite(tUSBHCDCInstance *psCDCInstance, unsigned char *pucData, int32_t ulSize)
	//System_printf("USBHCDCWrite: Start\n");

    // If there is no device present then return an error.
    if(psCDCInstance->psDevice == 0)

    // Send data through OUT pipe  (MAY NEED TO LOOK AT psCDCInstance)
    return (USBHCDPipeWrite(psCDCInstance->ui32BulkOutPipe, pucData, ulSize));
    //return (USBHCDPipeWrite(2, pucData, ulSize));

//! This function is used to send chars to Bulk Out Pipe
//! \param *pcData is pointer to data
//! \param Size is number of bytes
//! \return None.
void USBHCDCSendChars(unsigned char *pucData, uint32_t ulSize)
    USBHCDPipeWrite(g_USBHCDCDevice.ui32BulkOutPipe, pucData, ulSize);
Beispiel #5
//! This function is used to issue SCSI commands via USB.
//! \param ulInPipe is the USB IN pipe to use for this command.
//! \param ulOutPipe is the USB OUT pipe to use for this command.
//! \param pSCSICmd is the SCSI command structure to send.
//! \param pucData is pointer to the command data to be sent.
//! \param pulSize is the number of bytes is the number of bytes expected or
//! sent by the command.
//! This internal function is used to handle SCSI commands sent by other
//! functions.  It serves as a layer between the SCSI command and the USB
//! interface being used to send the command.  The \e pSCSI parameter contains
//! the SCSI command to send.  For commands that expect data back, the
//! \e pucData is the buffer to store the data into and \e pulSize is used to
//! store the amount of data to request as well as used to indicate how many
//! bytes were filled into the \e pucData buffer on return.  For commands that
//! are sending data, \e pucData is the data to be sent and \e pulSize is the
//! number of bytes to send.
//! \return This function returns the SCSI status from the command.  The value
//! will be either \b SCSI_CMD_STATUS_PASS or \b SCSI_CMD_STATUS_FAIL.
static unsigned long
USBHSCSISendCommand(unsigned long ulInPipe, unsigned long ulOutPipe,
                    tMSCCBW *pSCSICmd, unsigned char *pucData,
                    unsigned long *pulSize)
    tMSCCSW CmdStatus;
    unsigned long ulBytes;

    // Initialize the command status.
    CmdStatus.dCSWSignature = 0;
    CmdStatus.dCSWTag = 0;
    CmdStatus.bCSWStatus = SCSI_CMD_STATUS_FAIL;

    // Set the CBW signature and tag.
    pSCSICmd->dCBWSignature = CBW_SIGNATURE;

    // Set the size of the data to be returned by the device.
    pSCSICmd->dCBWDataTransferLength = *pulSize;

    // Send the command.
    ulBytes = USBHCDPipeWrite(ulOutPipe,
                              (unsigned char*)pSCSICmd, sizeof(tMSCCBW));

    // If no bytes went out then the command failed.
    if(ulBytes == 0)

    // Only request data if there is data to request.
    if(pSCSICmd->dCBWDataTransferLength != 0)
        // See if this is a read or a write.
        if(pSCSICmd->bmCBWFlags & CBWFLAGS_DIR_IN)
            // Read the data back.
            *pulSize = USBHCDPipeRead(ulInPipe, pucData, *pulSize);
            // Write the data out.
            *pulSize = USBHCDPipeWrite(ulOutPipe, pucData, *pulSize);

    // Get the status of the command.
    ulBytes = USBHCDPipeRead(ulInPipe, (unsigned char *)&CmdStatus,

    // If the status was invalid or did not have the correct signature then
    // indicate a failure.
    if((ulBytes == 0) || (CmdStatus.dCSWSignature != CSW_SIGNATURE) ||
       (CmdStatus.dCSWTag != CBW_TAG_VALUE))

    // Return the status.
    return((unsigned long)CmdStatus.bCSWStatus);
//! This function is used to issue SCSI commands via USB.
//! \param ui32InPipe is the USB IN pipe to use for this command.
//! \param ui32OutPipe is the USB OUT pipe to use for this command.
//! \param psSCSICmd is the SCSI command structure to send.
//! \param pui8Data is pointer to the command data to be sent.
//! \param pui32Size is the number of bytes is the number of bytes expected or
//! sent by the command.
//! This internal function is used to handle SCSI commands sent by other
//! functions.  It serves as a layer between the SCSI command and the USB
//! interface being used to send the command.  The \e pSCSI parameter contains
//! the SCSI command to send.  For commands that expect data back, the
//! \e pui8Data is the buffer to store the data into and \e pui32Size is used
//! to store the amount of data to request as well as used to indicate how many
//! bytes were filled into the \e pui8Data buffer on return.  For commands that
//! are sending data, \e pui8Data is the data to be sent and \e pui32Size is
//! the number of bytes to send.
//! \return This function returns the SCSI status from the command.  The value
//! will be either \b SCSI_CMD_STATUS_PASS or \b SCSI_CMD_STATUS_FAIL.
static uint32_t
USBHSCSISendCommand(uint32_t ui32InPipe, uint32_t ui32OutPipe,
                    tMSCCBW *psSCSICmd, uint8_t *pui8Data, uint32_t *pui32Size)
    tMSCCSW sCmdStatus;
    uint32_t ui32Bytes;

    // Initialize the command status.
    writeusb32_t(&(sCmdStatus.dCSWSignature), 0);
    writeusb32_t(&(sCmdStatus.dCSWTag), 0);
    sCmdStatus.bCSWStatus = SCSI_CMD_STATUS_FAIL;

    // Set the CBW signature and tag.
    writeusb32_t(&(psSCSICmd->dCBWSignature), CBW_SIGNATURE);
    writeusb32_t(&(psSCSICmd->dCBWTag), CBW_TAG_VALUE);

    // Set the size of the data to be returned by the device.
    writeusb32_t(&(psSCSICmd->dCBWDataTransferLength), *pui32Size);

    // Send the command.
    ui32Bytes = USBHCDPipeWrite(ui32OutPipe, (uint8_t*)psSCSICmd,

    // If no bytes went out then the command failed.
    if(ui32Bytes == 0)

    // Only request data if there is data to request.
    if(readusb32_t(&(psSCSICmd->dCBWDataTransferLength)) != 0)
        // See if this is a read or a write.
        if(psSCSICmd->bmCBWFlags & CBWFLAGS_DIR_IN)
            // Read the data back.
            *pui32Size = USBHCDPipeRead(ui32InPipe, pui8Data, *pui32Size);
            // Write the data out.
            *pui32Size = USBHCDPipeWrite(ui32OutPipe, pui8Data, *pui32Size);

    // Get the status of the command.
    ui32Bytes = USBHCDPipeRead(ui32InPipe, (uint8_t *)&sCmdStatus,

    // If the status was invalid or did not have the correct signature then
    // indicate a failure.
    if((ui32Bytes == 0) || (readusb32_t(&(sCmdStatus.dCSWSignature)) != CSW_SIGNATURE) ||
       (readusb32_t(&(sCmdStatus.dCSWTag)) != CBW_TAG_VALUE))

    // Return the status.