main( void )
    /* Initialize BSL */
    int j=0;
    SYS_EXBUSSEL = 0x6100;
    USBSTK5515_init( );

    coeff = &coefs[0]; 	//coefs is coefficient of impulse response defined in fdacoefs_int.h
    inPtr = &input;		//inPtr is a globally declared pointer to a Int16
    outPtr = &output;


        while((Rcv & I2S0_IR) == 0);
        input = I2S0_W0_MSW_R;    // 16 bit left channel receive audio data
        input = I2S0_W1_MSW_R;    // 16 bit right channel receive audio data

        linearbuff();		// this function implements the linear buffer

        while((Xmit & I2S0_IR) == 0);
        I2S0_W0_MSW_W = output;  // 16 bit left channel transmit audio data
        I2S0_W1_MSW_W = output; // 16 bit right channel transmit audio data
        j = ((j + 1) % 100);

    /* Disble I2S */
    I2S0_CR = 0x00;
    return 0;
Beispiel #2
main( void )
	/* Initialize BSL */
	int j=0;
    SYS_EXBUSSEL = 0x6100;
    USBSTK5515_init( );
    coeff = &coefs[0]; 	//coefs is coefficient of impulse response defined in fdacoefs_int.h
    inPtr = &input;		//inPtr is a globally declared pointer to a Int16 
    outPtr = &output;
    	circbuff();		// this function implements the linear buffer
      	j = ((j + 1) % 100);
    /* Disble I2S */
    I2S0_CR = 0x00;
    return 0;
Beispiel #3
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
 *                                                                          *
 *  main( )                                                                 *
 *                                                                          *
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
void main( void )
    /* Initialize BSL */
    USBSTK5515_init( );

    printf("EXBUSSEL = %02x\n", SYS_EXBUSSEL);
    TEST_execute( sd_test, "SD card", 1 );

    printf( "\n***ALL Tests Passed***\n" );
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
 *                                                                          *
 *  main( )                                                                 *
 *                                                                          *
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
main( void )
	/* Initialize BSL */
    SYS_EXBUSSEL = 0x6100;
    USBSTK5515_init( );
    	circbuffconfig();		// this function implements the linear buffer
    return 0;
Beispiel #5
	USBSTK5515_init( );
	for(int i=4000;i<4100;i++)

*****Your conversion code goes here***** 

	// Your code should return, in y, the values in x, expressed such that
	// they occupy fully the available 16 bit range provided by the datatype
	// Int16.

	return 0;
Beispiel #6
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
 *                                                                          *
 *  main( )                                                                 *
 *                                                                          *
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
 main( void )
    /* Initialize BSL */
    SYS_EXBUSSEL = 0x6100;
    USBSTK5515_init( );
	    while((Rcv & I2S0_IR) == 0);  // Wait for interrupt pending flag
	    LEFT_DATA = I2S0_W0_MSW_R;  // 16 bit left channel received audio data
	    RIGHT_DATA = I2S0_W1_MSW_R;  // 16 bit right channel received audio data
	    while((Xmit & I2S0_IR) == 0);
	    I2S0_W0_MSW_W = LEFT_DATA;  // 16 bit left channel transmit audio data
	    I2S0_W1_MSW_W = RIGHT_DATA; // 16 bit right channel transmit audio data
    /* Disble I2S */
    I2S0_CR = 0x00;
    return 0;
Beispiel #7
void AIC3204_Init(void)
	/* Define sampling rate parameters */
	unsigned char pll_dh, pll_dl, madc, mdac, nadc, ndac;

	/* Initialize BSL */
	/* Configure Serial Bus */
    SYS_EXBUSSEL |= 0x0100;  // Configure Serial bus 0 for I2S0
	/* Set Sampling Rate */
	if(fs == AIC3204_FS_44_1KHZ)
		// PLL D = 560
		pll_dh = 0x02;
		pll_dl = 0x30;

		// MDAC & MACC = 3
		madc = 0x03;
		mdac = 0x03;

		// NDAC & NADC = 5
		nadc = 0x05;
		ndac = 0x05;
	else // 8, 16, 24, 32, 48, 96 KHz
		// PLL D = 1680
		pll_dh = 0x06;
		pll_dl = 0x90;

		switch(fs) {
			case AIC3204_FS_8KHZ:
				madc = 0x0C;
				mdac = 0x0C;
			case AIC3204_FS_16KHZ:
				madc = 0x06;
				mdac = 0x06;
			case AIC3204_FS_24KHZ:
				madc = 0x04;
				mdac = 0x04;
			case AIC3204_FS_32KHZ:
				madc = 0x03;
				mdac = 0x03;
			case AIC3204_FS_48KHZ:
				madc = 0x02;
				mdac = 0x02;
			case AIC3204_FS_96KHZ:
				madc = 0x01;
				mdac = 0x01;

		// NDAC & NADC = 7
		nadc = 0x07;
		ndac = 0x07;
    /* Configure AIC3204 */
    AIC3204_rset( 0, 0 );      // Select page 1
    AIC3204_rset( 1, 1 );      // Reset codec
    AIC3204_rset( 0, 1 );      // Point to page 1
    AIC3204_rset( 1, 8 );      // Disable crude AVDD generation from DVDD
    AIC3204_rset( 2, 1 );      // Enable Analog Blocks, use LDO power
    AIC3204_rset( 0, 0 );

    /* PLL and Clocks config and Power Up  */
    AIC3204_rset(27, 0x0D);			// BCLK and WCLK is set as o/p to AIC3204(Master)
    AIC3204_rset(28, 0x00);			// Data ofset = 0
    AIC3204_rset(4, 3);				// PLL setting: PLLCLK <- MCLK, CODEC_CLKIN <-PLL CLK
    AIC3204_rset(6, 0x07);			// Set PLL J
    AIC3204_rset(7, pll_dh);		// PLL setting: D HI_BYTE(5:0)
    AIC3204_rset(8, pll_dl);		// PLL setting: D LO_BYTE(7:0)
    AIC3204_rset(30, 0x88);			// For 32 bit clocks per frame in Master mode ONLY
									// BCLK=DAC_CLK/N =(12288000/8) = 1.536MHz = 32*fs
    AIC3204_rset(5, 0x91);			//PLL setting: Power up PLL, P=1 and R=1
    AIC3204_rset(13, 0x00);			// DOSR Hi_Byte(1:0) = 0
    AIC3204_rset(14, 0x80);			// DOSR Lo_Byte(7:0) = 128
    AIC3204_rset(20, 0x80);			// AOSR (7:0) = 128
    AIC3204_rset(11, 0x80 | ndac);  // Power up NDAC and set NDAC value
    AIC3204_rset(12, 0x80 | mdac);  // Power up MDAC and set MDAC value
    AIC3204_rset(18, 0x80 | nadc);  // Power up NADC and set NADC value
    AIC3204_rset(19, 0x80 | madc);  // Power up MADC and set MADC value
	/* DAC ROUTING and Power Up */
    AIC3204_rset( 0, 1 );      // Select page 1
    AIC3204_rset( 0x0c, 8 );   // LDAC AFIR routed to HPL
    AIC3204_rset( 0x0d, 8 );   // RDAC AFIR routed to HPR
    AIC3204_rset( 0, 0 );      // Select page 0
    AIC3204_rset( 64, 2 );     // Left vol=right vol
    AIC3204_rset( 65, 0 );     // Left DAC gain to 0dB VOL; Right tracks Left
    AIC3204_rset( 63, 0xd4 );  // Power up left,right data paths and set channel
    AIC3204_rset( 0, 1 );      // Select page 1
    AIC3204_rset( 0x10, 0 );   // Unmute HPL , 0dB gain
    AIC3204_rset( 0x11, 0 );   // Unmute HPR , 0dB gain
    AIC3204_rset( 9, 0x30 );   // Power up HPL,HPR
    AIC3204_rset( 0, 0 );      // Select page 0
    USBSTK5515_wait( 100 );    // wait
    /* ADC ROUTING and Power Up */
    AIC3204_rset( 0, 1 );      // Select page 1
    AIC3204_rset( 0x33, 0x00 );// Disable MICBIAS
    AIC3204_rset( 0x34, 0x10 );// STEREO 1 Jack
		                       // IN2_L to LADC_P through 10 kohm
    AIC3204_rset( 0x37, 0x10 );// IN2_R to RADC_P through 10 kohm
    AIC3204_rset( 0x36, 0x40 );// CM_1 (common mode) to LADC_M through 10 kohm
    AIC3204_rset( 0x39, 0x40 );// CM_1 (common mode) to RADC_M through 10 kohm
    AIC3204_rset( 0x3b, 0 );   // MIC_PGA_L unmute
    AIC3204_rset( 0x3c, 0 );   // MIC_PGA_R unmute
    AIC3204_rset( 0, 0 );      // Select page 0
    AIC3204_rset( 0x51, 0xc0 );// Powerup Left and Right ADC
    AIC3204_rset( 0x52, 0 );   // Unmute Left and Right ADC
    AIC3204_rset( 0, 0 );    
    USBSTK5515_wait( 100 );  // Wait