bool CASW_Spawn_Manager::FindHordePosition()
	// need to find a suitable place from which to spawn a horde
	// this place should:
	//   - be far enough away from the marines so the whole horde can spawn before the marines get there
	//   - should have a clear path to the marines

	// decide if the horde is going to come from behind or in front
	bool bNorth = RandomFloat() < 0.7f;
	if ( m_northCandidateNodes.Count() <= 0 )
		bNorth = false;
	else if ( m_southCandidateNodes.Count() <= 0 )
		bNorth = true;

	CUtlVector<int> &candidateNodes = bNorth ? m_northCandidateNodes : m_southCandidateNodes;

	if ( candidateNodes.Count() <= 0 )
		if ( asw_director_debug.GetBool() )
			Msg( "  Failed to find horde pos as there are no candidate nodes\n" );
		return false;

	int iMaxTries = 3;
	for ( int i=0 ; i<iMaxTries ; i++ )
		int iChosen = RandomInt( 0, candidateNodes.Count() - 1);
		CAI_Node *pNode = GetNetwork()->GetNode( candidateNodes[iChosen] );
		if ( !pNode )

		float flDistance = 0;
		CASW_Marine *pMarine = dynamic_cast<CASW_Marine*>(UTIL_ASW_NearestMarine( pNode->GetPosition( CANDIDATE_ALIEN_HULL ), flDistance ));
		if ( !pMarine )
			if ( asw_director_debug.GetBool() )
				Msg( "  Failed to find horde pos as there is no nearest marine\n" );
			return false;

		// check if there's a route from this node to the marine(s)
		AI_Waypoint_t *pRoute = ASWPathUtils()->BuildRoute( pNode->GetPosition( CANDIDATE_ALIEN_HULL ), pMarine->GetAbsOrigin(), NULL, 100 );
		if ( !pRoute )
			if ( asw_director_debug.GetInt() >= 2 )
				Msg( "  Discarding horde node %d as there's no route.\n", iChosen );

		if ( bNorth && UTIL_ASW_DoorBlockingRoute( pRoute, true ) )
			if ( asw_director_debug.GetInt() >= 2 )
				Msg( "  Discarding horde node %d as there's a door in the way.\n", iChosen );
			DeleteRoute( pRoute );

		// riflemod: preventing hordes from spawning behind closed airlocks
			if (asw_director_debug.GetInt() >= 2)
				Msg("  Discarding horde node %d as there's a brush in the way.\n", iChosen);
		m_vecHordePosition = pNode->GetPosition( CANDIDATE_ALIEN_HULL ) + Vector( 0, 0, 32 );

		// spawn facing the nearest marine
		Vector vecDir = pMarine->GetAbsOrigin() - m_vecHordePosition;
		vecDir.z = 0;
		VectorAngles( vecDir, m_angHordeAngle );

		if ( asw_director_debug.GetInt() >= 2 )
			Msg( "  Accepting horde node %d.\n", iChosen );
		DeleteRoute( pRoute );
		return true;

	if ( asw_director_debug.GetBool() )
		Msg( "  Failed to find horde pos as we tried 3 times to build routes to possible locations, but failed\n" );

	return false;
bool CASW_Weapon_Blink::SetBlinkDestination()
	CASW_Player *pPlayer = GetCommander();
	if ( !pPlayer )
		return false;

	CASW_Marine *pMarine = GetMarine();
	if ( !pMarine )
		return false;

	Vector vecStart = pPlayer->GetCrosshairTracePos() + Vector( 0, 0, 30 );
	Vector vecEnd = pPlayer->GetCrosshairTracePos() - Vector( 0, 0, 30 );
	trace_t tr;
	UTIL_TraceHull( vecStart, vecEnd, pMarine->WorldAlignMins(), pMarine->WorldAlignMaxs(), MASK_PLAYERSOLID_BRUSHONLY, pMarine, COLLISION_GROUP_PLAYER_MOVEMENT, &tr );
	if ( tr.startsolid || tr.allsolid )
		m_vecInvalidDestination = vecStart;
		return false;

	if ( pMarine->GetAbsOrigin().DistTo( tr.endpos ) > asw_blink_range.GetFloat() )
		m_vecInvalidDestination = tr.endpos;
		return false;

	Vector vecDest = tr.endpos;

	// now see if we can build an AI path from the marine to this spot
	bool bValidRoute = false;

	if ( !pMarine->GetPathfinder() )
		m_vecInvalidDestination = vecDest;
		return false;

	AI_Waypoint_t *pRoute = pMarine->GetPathfinder()->BuildRoute( pMarine->GetAbsOrigin(), vecDest, NULL, 30, NAV_GROUND, bits_BUILD_GROUND | bits_BUILD_IGNORE_NPCS );
	if ( pRoute && !UTIL_ASW_DoorBlockingRoute( pRoute, true ) )
			// if end node of the route is too Z different, then abort, to stop people jumping on top of walls
			AI_Waypoint_t *pLast = pRoute->GetLast();
			if ( pLast )
				AI_Waypoint_t *pNode = pLast->GetPrev();
				if ( !pNode || fabs( pNode->GetPos().z - pLast->GetPos().z ) < 80.0f )
					bValidRoute = true;
	if ( !bValidRoute )
		// find the closest node to the dest and try to path there instead
		CAI_Network *pNetwork = pMarine->GetNavigator() ? pMarine->GetNavigator()->GetNetwork() : NULL;
		if ( pNetwork )
			int nNode = pNetwork->NearestNodeToPoint( vecDest, false );
			if ( nNode != NO_NODE )
				CAI_Node *pNode = pNetwork->GetNode( nNode );
				if ( pNode && pNode->GetType() == NODE_GROUND )
					vecDest = pNode->GetOrigin();
					if ( pRoute )
						ASWPathUtils()->DeleteRoute( pRoute );
						pRoute = NULL;
					pRoute = pMarine->GetPathfinder()->BuildRoute( pMarine->GetAbsOrigin(), vecDest, NULL, 30, NAV_GROUND, bits_BUILD_GROUND | bits_BUILD_IGNORE_NPCS );
					if ( pRoute && !UTIL_ASW_DoorBlockingRoute( pRoute, true ) )
							bValidRoute = true;
					if ( !bValidRoute )
						m_vecInvalidDestination = vecDest;

	if ( !bValidRoute )
		if ( pRoute )
			ASWPathUtils()->DeleteRoute( pRoute );
			pRoute = NULL;
		return false;

	if ( asw_blink_debug.GetBool() )
		ASWPathUtils()->DebugDrawRoute( pMarine->GetAbsOrigin(), pRoute );

	m_vecAbilityDestination = vecDest;

	if ( pRoute )
		ASWPathUtils()->DeleteRoute( pRoute );
		pRoute = NULL;

	return true;
bool CASW_Spawn_Manager::SpawnAlientAtRandomNode()

	// decide if the alien is going to come from behind or in front
	bool bNorth = RandomFloat() < 0.7f;
	if ( m_northCandidateNodes.Count() <= 0 )
		bNorth = false;
	else if ( m_southCandidateNodes.Count() <= 0 )
		bNorth = true;

	CUtlVector<int> &candidateNodes = bNorth ? m_northCandidateNodes : m_southCandidateNodes;

	if ( candidateNodes.Count() <= 0 )
		return false;

	const char *szAlienClass = "asw_drone";
	Vector vecMins, vecMaxs;
	GetAlienBounds( szAlienClass, vecMins, vecMaxs );

	int iMaxTries = 1;
	for ( int i=0 ; i<iMaxTries ; i++ )
		int iChosen = RandomInt( 0, candidateNodes.Count() - 1);
		CAI_Node *pNode = GetNetwork()->GetNode( candidateNodes[iChosen] );
		if ( !pNode )

		float flDistance = 0;
		CASW_Marine *pMarine = dynamic_cast<CASW_Marine*>(UTIL_ASW_NearestMarine( pNode->GetPosition( CANDIDATE_ALIEN_HULL ), flDistance ));
		if ( !pMarine )
			return false;

		// check if there's a route from this node to the marine(s)
		AI_Waypoint_t *pRoute = ASWPathUtils()->BuildRoute( pNode->GetPosition( CANDIDATE_ALIEN_HULL ), pMarine->GetAbsOrigin(), NULL, 100 );
		if ( !pRoute )
			if ( asw_director_debug.GetBool() )
				NDebugOverlay::Cross3D( pNode->GetOrigin(), 10.0f, 255, 128, 0, true, 20.0f );

		if ( bNorth && UTIL_ASW_DoorBlockingRoute( pRoute, true ) )
			DeleteRoute( pRoute );

		// riflemod: preventing wanderers from spawning behind closed airlocks
		Vector vecSpawnPos = pNode->GetPosition( CANDIDATE_ALIEN_HULL ) + Vector( 0, 0, 32 );
		if ( ValidSpawnPoint( vecSpawnPos, vecMins, vecMaxs, true, MARINE_NEAR_DISTANCE ) )
			if ( SpawnAlienAt( szAlienClass, vecSpawnPos, vec3_angle ) )
				if ( asw_director_debug.GetBool() )
					NDebugOverlay::Cross3D( vecSpawnPos, 25.0f, 255, 255, 255, true, 20.0f );
					float flDist;
					CASW_Marine *pMarine = UTIL_ASW_NearestMarine( vecSpawnPos, flDist );
					if ( pMarine )
						NDebugOverlay::Line( pMarine->GetAbsOrigin(), vecSpawnPos, 64, 64, 64, true, 60.0f );
				DeleteRoute( pRoute );
				return true;
			if ( asw_director_debug.GetBool() )
				NDebugOverlay::Cross3D( vecSpawnPos, 25.0f, 255, 0, 0, true, 20.0f );
		DeleteRoute( pRoute );
	return false;