Beispiel #1
   static void buildFilenameListFrom(UVector<UString>& vec, const UString& arg)
      U_TRACE(5, "Application::buildFilenameListFrom(%p,%.*S)", &vec, U_STRING_TO_TRACE(arg))

      uint32_t pos;
      UTokenizer t(arg);
      UString dir, filename, filter;

      while (, ','))
         if (filename.find_first_of("?*", 0, 2) == U_NOT_FOUND) vec.push(filename);
            pos = filename.find_last_of('/');

            U_INTERNAL_DUMP("pos = %u", pos)

            if (pos == U_NOT_FOUND)
               UDirWalk dirwalk(0, U_STRING_TO_PARAM(filename));

               (void) dirwalk.walk(vec);
               dir    = filename.substr(0U, pos);
               filter = filename.substr(pos + 1);

               UDirWalk dirwalk(dir, U_STRING_TO_PARAM(filter));

               (void) dirwalk.walk(vec);
Beispiel #2
bool UTwilioClient::sendRequest(int method, const char* path, uint32_t path_len, const UString& data)
   U_TRACE(0, "UTwilioClient::sendRequest(%d,%.*S,%u,%V)", method, path_len, path, path_len, data.rep)


   uri.snprintf(U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM(TWILIO_API_URL "/" TWILIO_API_VERSION "/Accounts/%.*s/%.*s"), U_STRING_TO_TRACE(client->user), path_len, path);

   if (method == 4) // DELETE
      // send DELETE(4) request to server and get response

      if (client->sendRequest(4, U_NULLPTR, 0, U_NULLPTR, 0, U_STRING_TO_PARAM(uri))) U_RETURN(true);
   else if (method == 3) // PUT
      UFile file(data);

      // upload file to server and get response

      if (client->upload(uri, file, U_NULLPTR, 0, 3)) U_RETURN(true);
      UVector<UString> name_value;

      if (name_value.split(data))
         if (method == 0) // GET
            Url url(uri);

            if (url.setQuery(name_value))
               UString x = url.get();

               // send GET(0) request to server and get response

               if (client->sendRequest(0, U_NULLPTR, 0, U_NULLPTR, 0, U_STRING_TO_PARAM(x))) U_RETURN(true);
         else if (method == 2) // POST
            UString body = Url::getQueryBody(name_value);

            // send POST(2) request to server and get response

            if (client->sendRequest(2, U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("application/x-www-form-urlencoded"), U_STRING_TO_PARAM(body), U_STRING_TO_PARAM(uri))) U_RETURN(true);

Beispiel #3
X509_REQ* UPKCS10::readPKCS10(const UString& x, const char* format)
   U_TRACE(1, "UPKCS10::readPKCS10(%.*S,%S)", U_STRING_TO_TRACE(x), format)

   BIO* in;
   UString tmp        = x;
   X509_REQ* _request = 0;

   if (format == 0) format = (x.isBinary() ? "DER" : "PEM");

   if (U_STREQ(format, "PEM") &&
      unsigned length = x.size();

      UString buffer(length);

      if (UBase64::decode(, length, buffer) == false) goto next;

      tmp    = buffer;
      format = "DER";

   in = (BIO*) U_SYSCALL(BIO_new_mem_buf, "%p,%d", U_STRING_TO_PARAM(tmp));

   _request = (X509_REQ*) (U_STREQ(format, "PEM") ? U_SYSCALL(PEM_read_bio_X509_REQ, "%p,%p,%p,%p", in, 0, 0, 0)
                                                  : U_SYSCALL(d2i_X509_REQ_bio,      "%p,%p",       in, 0));

   (void) U_SYSCALL(BIO_free, "%p", in);

   U_RETURN_POINTER(_request, X509_REQ);
Beispiel #4
UXML2Document::UXML2Document(const UString& _data) : data(_data)
   U_TRACE_REGISTER_OBJECT(0, UXML2Document, "%V", _data.rep)

   if (binit == false) init();

// impl_ = (xmlDocPtr) U_SYSCALL(xmlParseMemory, "%p,%d", U_STRING_TO_PARAM(_data));

   Enum xmlParserOption {
      XML_PARSE_RECOVER = 1 : recover on errors
      XML_PARSE_NOENT = 2 : substitute entities
      XML_PARSE_DTDLOAD = 4 : load the external subset
      XML_PARSE_DTDATTR = 8 : default DTD attributes
      XML_PARSE_DTDVALID = 16 : validate with the DTD
      XML_PARSE_NOERROR = 32 : suppress error reports
      XML_PARSE_NOWARNING = 64 : suppress warning reports
      XML_PARSE_PEDANTIC = 128 : pedantic error reporting
      XML_PARSE_NOBLANKS = 256 : remove blank nodes
      XML_PARSE_SAX1 = 512 : use the SAX1 interface internally
      XML_PARSE_XINCLUDE = 1024 : Implement XInclude substitition
      XML_PARSE_NONET = 2048 : Forbid network access
      XML_PARSE_NODICT = 4096 : Do not reuse the context dictionnary
      XML_PARSE_NSCLEAN = 8192 : remove redundant namespaces declarations
      XML_PARSE_NOCDATA = 16384 : merge CDATA as text nodes
      XML_PARSE_NOXINCNODE = 32768 : do not generate XINCLUDE START/END nodes
      XML_PARSE_COMPACT = 65536 : compact small text nodes; no modification of the tree allowed afterwards (will possibly crash if you try to modify tree)
      XML_PARSE_OLD10 = 131072 : parse using XML-1.0 before update 5
      XML_PARSE_NOBASEFIX = 262144 : do not fixup XINCLUDE xml:base uris
      XML_PARSE_HUGE = 524288 : relax any hardcoded limit from the parser
      XML_PARSE_OLDSAX = 1048576 : parse using SAX2 interface from before 2.7.0

   impl_ = (xmlDocPtr) U_SYSCALL(xmlReadMemory, "%p,%d,%S,%S,%d", U_STRING_TO_PARAM(_data), 0, 0, XML_PARSE_COMPACT);

   if (impl_ == NULL)
      U_ERROR("unable to parse xml document");

    * Check the document is of the right kind

   if (getRootNode() == NULL) U_ERROR("empty xml document");
Beispiel #5
UMimePKCS7::UMimePKCS7(const UString& _data)
   U_TRACE_REGISTER_OBJECT(0, UMimePKCS7, "%V", _data.rep)

   // OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms(); // called in ULib::init()

   BIO* indata; // indata is the signed data if the content is not present in pkcs7 (that is it is detached)

   BIO* in = (BIO*) BIO_new_mem_buf(U_STRING_TO_PARAM(_data));

   // SMIME reader: handle multipart/signed and opaque signing. In multipart case the content is placed
   // in a memory BIO pointed to by "indata". In opaque this is set to NULL

   PKCS7* p7 = (PKCS7*) SMIME_read_PKCS7(in, &indata);

   (void) BIO_free(in);

   pkcs7.set(p7, indata);

   content = pkcs7.getContent(&valid_content);
Beispiel #6
U_EXPORT ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const UXMLElement& e)
   U_TRACE(0+256, "UXMLElement::operator<<(%p,%p)", &os, &e)

   // encode the element name


   if (e.namespaceName)
      os << e.namespaceName;


   os << e.accessorName;

   os.put(' ');

   // encode the element's attributes

   os << e.attributeContainer;

   // terminate the element declaration

   os.put(' ');

   if (e.value)
      (void) os.write(U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM(" VALUE = "));

      char buffer[4096];
      uint32_t len = u_escape_encode((const unsigned char*)U_STRING_TO_PARAM(e.value), buffer, sizeof(buffer), false);

      (void) os.write(buffer, len);

   return os;
Beispiel #7
void UEscape::encode(const UString& s, UString& buffer, char before, char after)
   U_TRACE(0, "UEscape::encode(%.*S,%.*S,%C,%C)", U_STRING_TO_TRACE(s), U_STRING_TO_TRACE(buffer), before, after)

   U_ASSERT(buffer.capacity() >= s.size())

   uint32_t sz = buffer.size();
   char* ptr   = buffer.c_pointer(sz);

   if (before)

      *ptr++ = before;

   uint32_t pos = u_escape_encode((const unsigned char*)U_STRING_TO_PARAM(s), ptr,, true);

   ptr[pos] = after;

   buffer.size_adjust(sz + 1 + pos);
Beispiel #8
X509* UCertificate::readX509(const UString& x, const char* format)
   U_TRACE(1, "UCertificate::readX509(%V,%S)", x.rep, format)

   BIO* in;
   X509* _x509 = 0;
   UString tmp = x;

   if (format == 0) format = (x.isBinary() ? "DER" : "PEM");

   if (strncmp(format, U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("PEM")) == 0 &&
       strncmp(, U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----")) != 0)
      unsigned length = x.size();

      UString buffer(length);

      UBase64::decode(, length, buffer);

      if (buffer &&
          u_base64_errors == 0)
         tmp    = buffer;
         format = "DER";

   in = (BIO*) U_SYSCALL(BIO_new_mem_buf, "%p,%d", U_STRING_TO_PARAM(tmp));

   _x509 = (X509*) (strncmp(format, U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("PEM")) == 0 ? U_SYSCALL(PEM_read_bio_X509, "%p,%p,%p,%p", in, 0, 0, 0)
                                                                     : U_SYSCALL(d2i_X509_bio,      "%p,%p",       in, 0));

   (void) U_SYSCALL(BIO_free, "%p", in);

   U_RETURN_POINTER(_x509, X509);
Beispiel #9
   void run(int argc, char* argv[], char* env[])
      U_TRACE(5, "Application::run(%d,%p,%p)", argc, argv, env)

      UApplication::run(argc, argv, env);

      U_SYSCALL_VOID_NO_PARAM(xmlInitParser); // init libxml


      // manage options

      num_args = (argc - optind);

      U_INTERNAL_DUMP("optind = %d num_args = %d", optind, num_args)

      if (UApplication::isOptions()) cfg_str = opt['c'];

      // manage file configuration

      if (cfg_str.empty()) cfg_str = U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("XAdES.ini");

      // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      // XAdES - configuration parameters
      // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      // DigestAlgorithm   md2 | md5 | sha | sha1 | sha224 | sha256 | sha384 | sha512 | mdc2 | ripmed160
      // SigningTime this property contains the time at which the signer claims to have performed the signing process (yes/no)
      // ClaimedRole this property contains claimed or certified roles assumed by the signer in creating the signature
      // this property contains the indication of the purported place where the signer claims to have produced the signature
      // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      // ProductionPlaceCity
      // ProductionPlaceStateOrProvince
      // ProductionPlacePostalCode
      // ProductionPlaceCountryName
      // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      // DataObjectFormatMimeType   this property identifies the format of a signed data object (when electronic signatures
      //                            are not exchanged in a restricted context) to enable the presentation to the verifier or
      //                            use by the verifier (text, sound or video) in exactly the same way as intended by the signer
      // CAStore
      // ArchiveTimeStamp           the time-stamp token within this property covers the archive validation data
      // SignatureTimeStamp         the time-stamp token within this property covers the digital signature value element
      // Schema                     the pathname XML Schema of XAdES
      // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


      UString x(U_CAPACITY);

      UServices::readEOF(STDIN_FILENO, x);

      if (x.empty()) U_ERROR("cannot read data from <stdin>...");

      (void) content.reserve(x.size());

      if (UBase64::decode(x, content) == false) U_ERROR("decoding data read failed...");

      // manage arguments...

      schema = ( U_SCHEMA == 0 ||
                *U_SCHEMA == '\0'
                  ? cfg[U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("XAdES-L.Schema")]
                  : UString(U_SCHEMA));

      if (schema.empty()) U_ERROR("error on XAdES schema: empty");

      UString str_CApath       = cfg[U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("XAdES-C.CAStore")],
              digest_algorithm = cfg[U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("XAdES-C.DigestAlgorithm")];

      if (str_CApath.empty() ||
          UServices::setupOpenSSLStore(0, str_CApath.c_str()) == false)
         U_ERROR("error on setting CA Store: %S",;

      UXML2Schema XAdES_schema(UFile::contentOf(schema));

      // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      // check for OOffice or MS-Word document...
      // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      if (utility.checkDocument(content, "XAdES", false)) content = utility.getSigned();
      // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      UApplication::exit_value = 1;

      UXML2Document document(content);

      if (XAdES_schema.validate(document) == false)
         UString content1;

         if (document.getElement(content1, 0, U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM(U_TAG_SIGNED_INFO)) &&
             content1.empty() == false)
            UXML2Document document1(content1);

            if (XAdES_schema.validate(document1) == false)
               U_ERROR("fail to validate data input based on XAdES schema");

      UDSIGContext dsigCtx;
      UString data, signature;
      const char* digest_algorithm;

      if (dsigCtx.verify(document, digest_algorithm, data, signature))
         UString element = document.getElementData(128, U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM(U_TAG_X509_CERTIFICATE));

         if (element.empty() == false)
            UString certificate(element.size());

            if (UBase64::decode(element, certificate))
               alg = u_dgst_get_algoritm(digest_algorithm);

               if (alg == -1) U_ERROR("I can't find the digest algorithm for: %s", digest_algorithm);

               X509* x509 = UCertificate::readX509(certificate, "DER");

               u_pkey = UCertificate::getSubjectPublicKey(x509);

               U_SYSCALL_VOID(X509_free, "%p", x509);

               if (UServices::verifySignature(alg, data, signature, UString::getStringNull(), 0))
                  UApplication::exit_value = 0;

#              ifdef __MINGW32__
                  (void) setmode(1, O_BINARY);
#              endif

               // std::cout.write(U_STRING_TO_PARAM(certificate));

               U_SYSCALL_VOID(EVP_PKEY_free, "%p", u_pkey);
                                                   u_pkey = 0;

Beispiel #10
   void run(int argc, char* argv[], char* env[])
      U_TRACE(5, "Application::run(%d,%p,%p)", argc, argv, env)

      UApplication::run(argc, argv, env);

      U_SYSCALL_VOID_NO_PARAM(xmlInitParser); // init libxml


      // manage options

      num_args = (argc - optind);

      U_INTERNAL_DUMP("optind = %d num_args = %d", optind, num_args)

      if (UApplication::isOptions()) cfg_str = opt['c'];

      // manage file configuration

      if (cfg_str.empty()) cfg_str = U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("XAdES.ini");

      // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      // XAdES signature - configuration parameters
      // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      // DigestAlgorithm   md2 | md5 | sha | sha1 | sha224 | sha256 | sha384 | sha512 | mdc2 | ripmed160
      // SigningTime this property contains the time at which the signer claims to have performed the signing process (yes/no)
      // ClaimedRole this property contains claimed or certified roles assumed by the signer in creating the signature
      // this property contains the indication of the purported place where the signer claims to have produced the signature
      // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      // ProductionPlaceCity
      // ProductionPlaceStateOrProvince
      // ProductionPlacePostalCode
      // ProductionPlaceCountryName
      // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      // DataObjectFormatMimeType   this property identifies the format of a signed data object (when electronic signatures
      //                            are not exchanged in a restricted context) to enable the presentation to the verifier or
      //                            use by the verifier (text, sound or video) in exactly the same way as intended by the signer
      // CAStore
      // ArchiveTimeStamp           the time-stamp token within this property covers the archive validation data
      // SignatureTimeStamp         the time-stamp token within this property covers the digital signature value element
      // Schema                     the pathname XML Schema of XAdES
      // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


      UString x(U_CAPACITY);

      UServices::readEOF(STDIN_FILENO, x);

      if (x.empty()) U_ERROR("cannot read data from <stdin>");


      UBase64::decode(x, content);

      if (content.empty()) U_ERROR("decoding data read failed");

      // manage arguments...

      archive_timestamp = ( U_ARCHIVE_TIMESTAMP == 0 ||
                           *U_ARCHIVE_TIMESTAMP == '\0'
                              ? cfg[U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("XAdES-L.ArchiveTimeStamp")]
                              : UString(U_ARCHIVE_TIMESTAMP));

      if (archive_timestamp.empty()) U_ERROR("error on archive timestamp: empty");

      schema = ( U_SCHEMA == 0 ||
                *U_SCHEMA == '\0'
                  ? cfg[U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("XAdES-L.Schema")]
                  : UString(U_SCHEMA));

      if (schema.empty()) U_ERROR("error on XAdES schema: empty");

      UXML2Schema XAdES_schema(UFile::contentOf(schema));

      // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      // check for OOffice or MS-Word document...
      // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      if (utility.checkDocument(content, "XAdES-C", false)) content = utility.getSigned();
      // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      UXML2Document document(content);

      if (XAdES_schema.validate(document) == false) U_ERROR("error on input data: not XAdES");

      // manage arguments...

      The input to the computation of the digest value MUST be built as follows:

      1) Initialize the final octet stream as an empty octet stream.

      2) Take all the ds:Reference elements in their order of appearance within ds:SignedInfo referencing
         whatever the signer wants to sign including the SignedProperties element. Process each one as indicated below:

         - Process the retrieved ds:Reference element according to the reference processing model of XMLDSIG.

         - If the result is a XML node set, canonicalize it. If ds:Canonicalization is present, the algorithm
           indicated by this element is used. If not, the standard canonicalization method specified by XMLDSIG
           is used.

         - Concatenate the resulting octets to the final octet stream.

      uint32_t i, n = document.getElement(vec, U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("ds:Reference"));

      for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
         x = vec[i];

         to_digest += UXML2Document::xmlC14N(x);


      3) Take the following XMLDSIG elements in the order they are listed below, canonicalize each one and
         concatenate each resulting octet stream to the final octet stream:

         - The ds:SignedInfo element.
         - The ds:SignatureValue element.
         - The ds:KeyInfo element, if present.

      if (document.getElement(vec, U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("ds:SignedInfo")))
         x = vec[0];

         to_digest += UXML2Document::xmlC14N(x);


      if (document.getElement(vec, U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("ds:SignatureValue")))
         x = vec[0];

         to_digest += UXML2Document::xmlC14N(x);


      if (document.getElement(vec, U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("ds:KeyInfo")))
         x = vec[0];

         to_digest += UXML2Document::xmlC14N(x);


      4) Take the unsigned signature properties that appear before the current xadesv141:ArchiveTimeStamp
         in the order they appear within the xades:UnsignedSignatureProperties, canonicalize each one and
         concatenate each resulting octet stream to the final octet stream. While concatenating the following
         rules apply:

         - The xades:CertificateValues property MUST be added if it is not already present and the
           ds:KeyInfo element does not contain the full set of certificates used to validate the electronic signature.

         - The xades:RevocationValues property MUST be added if it is not already present and the
           ds:KeyInfo element does not contain the revocation information that has to be shipped with the electronic signature.

         - The xades:AttrAuthoritiesCertValues property MUST be added if not already present and the following
           conditions are true: there exist an attribute certificate in the signature AND a number of certificates
           that have been used in its validation do not appear in CertificateValues. Its content will satisfy with
           the rules specified in clause 7.6.3.

         - The xades:AttributeRevocationValues property MUST be added if not already present and there the following
           conditions are true: there exist an attribute certificate AND some revocation data that have been used in
           its validation do not appear in RevocationValues. Its content will satisfy with the rules specified in clause 7.6.4.

      if (document.getElement(vec, U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("xades:CompleteCertificateRefs")))
         x = vec[0];

         to_digest += UXML2Document::xmlC14N(x);


      if (document.getElement(vec, U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("xades:CertificateValues")))
         x = vec[0];

         to_digest += UXML2Document::xmlC14N(x);


      if (document.getElement(vec, U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("xades:CompleteRevocationRefs")))
         x = vec[0];

         to_digest += UXML2Document::xmlC14N(x);


      if (document.getElement(vec, U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("xades:RevocationValues")))
         x = vec[0];

         to_digest += UXML2Document::xmlC14N(x);


      if (document.getElement(vec, U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("xades:SignatureTimeStamp")))
         x = vec[0];

         to_digest += UXML2Document::xmlC14N(x);


      5) Take all the ds:Object elements except the one containing xades:QualifyingProperties element. Canonicalize each one
         and concatenate each resulting octet stream to the final octet stream. If ds:Canonicalization is present, the algorithm
         indicated by this element is used. If not, the standard canonicalization method specified by XMLDSIG is used.

      n = document.getElement(vec, U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("ds:Object"));

      for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
         x = vec[i];

         if (x.find("xades:QualifyingProperties") == U_NOT_FOUND) to_digest += UXML2Document::xmlC14N(x);

      u_base64_max_columns  = U_OPENSSL_BASE64_MAX_COLUMN;
      U_line_terminator_len = 2;

      UString archiveTimeStamp(U_CAPACITY), token = getTimeStampToken(to_digest, archive_timestamp);

      archiveTimeStamp.snprintf(U_XADES_ARCHIVE_TIMESTAMP_TEMPLATE, U_STRING_TO_TRACE(token));

      UString _output = UStringExt::substitute(content,
                             U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("        </xades:UnsignedSignatureProperties>"),

      // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      // check for OOffice or MS-Word document...
      // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Beispiel #11
void USOAPParser::startElement(const XML_Char* name, const XML_Char** attrs)
   U_TRACE(0, "USOAPParser::startElement(%S,%p)", name, attrs)


   UXMLAttribute* attribute;
   UString str((void*)name), namespaceName, accessorName, value;

   UXMLElement::splitNamespaceAndName(str, namespaceName, accessorName);

   if (flag_state == 0)

      flag_state = 1;

   U_DUMP("flag_state = %d ptree = %p ptree->parent() = %p ptree->numChild() = %u ptree->depth() = %u",
           flag_state, ptree, ptree->parent(), ptree->numChild(), ptree->depth())

   current = U_NEW(UXMLElement(str, accessorName, namespaceName));
   ptree   = ptree->push(current);

   if (flag_state <= 2)
      if (flag_state == 1 &&
          u_rmatch(U_STRING_TO_PARAM(str), U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM(":Header")))
         header     = ptree;
         flag_state = 2;
      else if (u_rmatch(U_STRING_TO_PARAM(str), U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM(":Body")))
         body       = ptree;
         flag_state = 3;

   U_INTERNAL_DUMP("flag_state = %d", flag_state)

   while (*attrs)

      UXMLElement::splitNamespaceAndName(str, namespaceName, accessorName);

      attribute = U_NEW(UXMLAttribute(str, accessorName, namespaceName, value));


      // check if anybody has mustUnderstand set to true

      if (flag_state == 2 &&
         envelope.mustUnderstand = value.equal(U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("true"));

         U_INTERNAL_DUMP("envelope.mustUnderstand = %b", envelope.mustUnderstand)

      // set the name of namespace qualified element information (gSOAP)

      if (flag_state == 1                                   &&
          namespaceName.equal(U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("xmlns")) &&
           accessorName == *UString::str_ns)
         envelope.nsName = value;

         U_INTERNAL_DUMP("envelope.nsName = %V", envelope.nsName.rep)
Beispiel #12
   void run(int argc, char* argv[], char* env[])
      U_TRACE(5, "Application::run(%d,%p,%p)", argc, argv, env)

      UApplication::run(argc, argv, env);

      const char* p = argv[optind++]; 

      UString path_of_db_file(p, strlen(p)); 

      if (path_of_db_file.empty()) U_ERROR("missing <path_of_db_file> argument");

      URDB x(path_of_db_file, false);

      if (x.UFile::getSuffix().equal(U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("jnl")))
         U_ERROR("you must avoid the jnl suffix, exiting");

      const char* method = argv[optind++];

      if (method == 0) U_ERROR("<number_of_command> argument is missing");

      if (u__isdigit(*method) == false) U_ERROR("<number_of_command> argument is not numeric");

      int op = method[0] - '0';

      if ( * 1024 * 1024, false, op == 6, true)) // bool open(uint32_t log_size, bool btruncate, bool cdb_brdonly, bool breference)
         if (method[1] == 's') x.setShared(0,0); // POSIX shared memory object (interprocess - can be used by unrelated processes)
         else                  x.resetReference();

         switch (op)
            case 1: // get
               UString key(argv[optind]), value = x[key]; 

               (void) UFile::writeToTmp(U_STRING_TO_PARAM(value), O_RDWR | O_TRUNC, U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM(U_FILE_OUTPUT), 0);

            case 2: // del
#           if defined(U_STDCPP_ENABLE) && !defined(HAVE_OLD_IOSTREAM)
               string input = "";

               cout << "Are you sure to want <DELETE> ?\n>";
               getline(cin, input);
               cout << "You entered: " << input << endl << endl;

               UString key(argv[optind]); 

               UApplication::exit_value = x.remove(key);
#           endif

            case 3: // store
               UString key(argv[optind]);

               p = argv[optind++]; 

               UString value(p, strlen(p));

               if (value.equal(U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM(U_DIR_OUTPUT U_FILE_OUTPUT)))
                  p = U_DIR_OUTPUT U_FILE_OUTPUT;

                  value = UStringExt::trim(UFile::contentOf(UString(p, strlen(p))));

               UApplication::exit_value =, value, RDB_REPLACE);

            case 4: // size, capacity
               char buffer[64];
               uint32_t sz = x.getCapacity(),
                        n  = u__snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("%u record(s) - capacity: %.2fM (%u bytes)\n"),
                                         x.size(), (double)sz / (1024.0 * 1024.0), sz);

               (void) write(1, buffer, n);

            case 5: // dump
               UString value = x.print();

               if (value.empty()) (void) UFile::_unlink(U_DIR_OUTPUT U_FILE_OUTPUT);
               else               (void) UFile::writeToTmp(U_STRING_TO_PARAM(value), O_RDWR | O_TRUNC, U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM(U_FILE_OUTPUT), 0);

            case 6: // compact
#           if defined(U_STDCPP_ENABLE) && !defined(HAVE_OLD_IOSTREAM)
               string input = "";

               cout << "Are you sure to want <JOURNAL COMPACTION> ?\n>";
               getline(cin, input);
               cout << "You entered: " << input << endl << endl;

               UApplication::exit_value = (x.compactionJournal() == false);
#           endif

            case 7: // reorganize
#           if defined(U_STDCPP_ENABLE) && !defined(HAVE_OLD_IOSTREAM)
               string input = "";

               cout << "Are you sure to want <REORGANIZE> ?\n>";
               getline(cin, input);
               cout << "You entered: " << input << endl << endl;

               UApplication::exit_value = (x.closeReorganize() == false);
#           endif


               U_ERROR("<number_of_command> argument is not valid");

Beispiel #13
   void run(int argc, char* argv[], char* env[])
      U_TRACE(5, "Application::run(%d,%p,%p)", argc, argv, env)

      UApplication::run(argc, argv, env);

      UString riga;
      const char* p = argv[optind++];
      UString content1 = UFile::contentOf(UString(p, strlen(p))),
              content2 = UFile::contentOf(UString(argv[optind]));

      UVector<UString> vec_entry(10),
                       vec_ap_name(content1), // '\n'),
                       vec_events_log(content2, '\n');


      riga = vec_ap_name.join('\n');

      (void) write(1, U_STRING_TO_PARAM(riga));


      // ........
      // 2013/09/15 03:49:58 op: MAC_AUTH_all, uid: 60:fa:cd:7d:14:06,
      //                     ap: [email protected]:5280/wimoMichelangelo-r29587_rspro,
      //                     ip:, mac: 60:fa:cd:7d:14:06, timeout: 93, traffic: 295, policy: DAILY
      // ........

      UString ap_entry, ap_name, ap_address1, ap_address2;

      for (uint32_t i = 0, n = vec_events_log.size(); i < n; ++i)
         (void) vec_entry.split(vec_events_log[i], ',');

         ap_entry = vec_entry[2];

         uint32_t pos1 = ap_entry.find_first_of('@'),
                  pos2 = ap_entry.find_first_of('/', pos1),
                  pos3 = pos1+1,
                  len3 = pos2-pos1-6;

         ap_name = ap_entry.substr(pos2+1);

         ap_address1 = ap_entry.substr(pos3, len3);

         uint32_t pos = vec_ap_name.findSorted(ap_name, false, true);

         if (pos == U_NOT_FOUND)
            char buffer[4096];

            (void) write(2, buffer,
                u__snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer),
                            U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("NOT FOUND: %.*s %.*s %.*s\n"),
            ap_address2 = vec_ap_name[pos+1];

            if (ap_address1 != ap_address2)
               char buffer[4096];

               (void) write(2, buffer,
                   u__snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer),
                            U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("ERROR: %.*s %.*s %.*s\n"),

            vec_entry.replace(2, ap_entry.replace(pos3, len3, ap_address2));

         riga = vec_entry.join(',');

         (void) write(1, U_STRING_TO_PARAM(riga));
         (void) write(1, U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("\n"));

Beispiel #14
OtpAuthToken::OtpAuthToken(CryptEngine* eng_, const UString& buf)
   U_TRACE_REGISTER_OBJECT(5, OtpAuthToken, "%p,%.*S", eng_,  U_STRING_TO_TRACE(buf))

   eng = eng_;

   U_STR_RESERVE(buffer, 1000);

   long pos;
   unsigned char ptr[1000];

   Base64engine eng1;
   pos = eng1.decode((unsigned char*), (long)buf.size(), ptr);
   pos = eng->decrypt(ptr, pos, (unsigned char*);
   pos = u_base64_decode(U_STRING_TO_PARAM(buf), ptr);
#  ifdef USE_LIBSSL
   pos = u_des3_decode(ptr, pos, (unsigned char*);
#  endif

   U_STR_SIZE_ADJUST_FORCE(buffer, pos);

   migrate   = false;
   valid     = (memcmp(, U_CONSTANT_TO_PARAM("TID=")) == 0);
   timestamp = 0;

   if (valid)
      unsigned n = U_VEC_SPLIT(vec, buffer, "=; \r\n"), i = 10;

      if (n < i)
         valid = false;


      tid = vec[1];
      uid = vec[3];
      sid = vec[5];
      ts = vec[7];
      cf = vec[9];

      while (i < n)
         if (vec[i] == U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("MIGRATE"))
            migrate = true;



            if (i >= n)
               valid = false;




#  ifdef U_STD_STRING
      char* _ptr = (char*) ts.c_str();
#  else
      char* _ptr =;
#  endif

      static struct tm tm;

      (void) strptime(_ptr, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S", &tm);

      timestamp = mktime(&tm);
Beispiel #15
#include <ulib/container/vector.h>
#include <ulib/container/hash_map.h>

bool   UHashMap<void*>::stop_call_for_all_entry;
uPFpcu UHashMap<void*>::gperf;

void UHashMap<void*>::lookup(UStringRep* keyr)
   U_TRACE(0, "UHashMap<void*>::lookup(%.*S)", U_STRING_TO_TRACE(*keyr))



   if (gperf) index = gperf(U_STRING_TO_PARAM(*keyr));
      hash  = keyr->hash(ignore_case);
      index = hash % _capacity;

   U_INTERNAL_DUMP("index = %u", index)


   for (node = table[index]; node; node = node->next)
      if (node->key->equal(keyr, ignore_case)) break;
Beispiel #16
   void run(int argc, char* argv[], char* env[])
      U_TRACE(5, "Application::run(%d,%p,%p)", argc, argv, env)

      UApplication::run(argc, argv, env);

      // manage options

      time_t queue_time = 0;
      UString outpath, result;
      bool include = false, bstdin = false;

      if (UApplication::isOptions())
         cfg_str    =  opt['c'];
         upload     =  opt['u'];
         bstdin     = (opt['s'] == U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("1"));
         include    = (opt['i'] == U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("1"));
         outpath    =  opt['o'];
         queue_time =  opt['q'].strtol();

      // manage arg operation

      UString url(argv[optind++]);

      // manage file configuration

      if (cfg_str.empty()) cfg_str = U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT(U_SYSCONFDIR "/uclient.cfg");


      // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      // uclient - configuration parameters
      // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      // ENABLE_IPV6  flag to indicate use of ipv6
      // SERVER       host name or ip address for server
      // PORT         port number for the server
      // PID_FILE     write pid on file indicated
      // RES_TIMEOUT  timeout for response from server
      // LOG_FILE     locations   for file log
      // CERT_FILE    certificate of client
      // KEY_FILE     private key of client
      // PASSWORD     password for private key of client
      // CA_FILE      locations of trusted CA certificates used in the verification
      // CA_PATH      locations of trusted CA certificates used in the verification
      // CIPHER_SUITE cipher suite model (Intermediate=0, Modern=1, Old=2)
      // FOLLOW_REDIRECTS if yes manage to automatically follow redirects from server
      // USER             if     manage to follow redirects, in response to a HTTP_UNAUTHORISED response from the HTTP server: user
      // PASSWORD_AUTH    if     manage to follow redirects, in response to a HTTP_UNAUTHORISED response from the HTTP server: password
      // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      client = new UHttpClient<USSLSocket>(&cfg);

      user             = cfg[*UString::str_USER];
      password         = cfg[U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("PASSWORD_AUTH")];
      follow_redirects = cfg.readBoolean(U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("FOLLOW_REDIRECTS"));

      client->setRequestPasswordAuthentication(user, password);

      UApplication::exit_value = 1;

loop: if (upload)
         UFile file(upload);

         if (client->upload(url, file)) UApplication::exit_value = 0;
      else if (client->connectServer(url))
         bool ok;

         if (bstdin == false) ok = client->sendRequest();
            UString req(U_CAPACITY);

            UServices::readEOF(STDIN_FILENO, req);

            if (req.empty()) U_ERROR("cannot read data from <stdin>");

            ok = client->sendRequest(req);

         if (ok) UApplication::exit_value = 0;

      result = (include ? client->getResponse()
                        : client->getContent());

      if (result)
#     ifdef USE_LIBZ
         if (UStringExt::isGzip(result)) result = UStringExt::gunzip(result);
#     endif

         if (outpath) UFile::writeTo(outpath, result);
         else         (void) write(1, U_STRING_TO_PARAM(result));

      if (queue_time)
         UTimeVal to_sleep(queue_time / 10L);

         U_INTERNAL_ASSERT_EQUALS(UClient_Base::queue_dir, 0)

         if (result.empty() &&
             UApplication::exit_value == 1)

            goto loop;

         UFile file;
         char mask[100U];
         uint32_t i, n, pos;
         UVector<UString> vec(64);
         UString req, name, location(U_CAPACITY);

         uint32_t mask_len = u__snprintf(mask, sizeof(mask), "%.*s.*", U_STRING_TO_TRACE(client->UClient_Base::host_port));

         to_sleep.setSecond(to_sleep.getSecond() * 10L);

         U_MESSAGE("monitoring directory %.*S every %u sec - file mask: %.*S",
                        U_STRING_TO_TRACE(*UString::str_CLIENT_QUEUE_DIR), to_sleep.getSecond(), mask_len, mask);

#     ifdef USE_LIBSSL
#     endif

         UServer_Base::timeoutMS = client->UClient_Base::timeoutMS;

         UDirWalk dirwalk(*UString::str_CLIENT_QUEUE_DIR, mask, mask_len);

         while (true)
            for (i = 0, n = dirwalk.walk(vec, U_ALPHABETIC_SORT); i < n; ++i) // NB: vec is sorted by string compare...

               // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
               // NB: sometime there is a strange behaviour on openWRT (overlayfs) after unlink
               // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
               // -> (overlay-whiteout)
               // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

               req = file.getContent();

               if (req)
                  name = file.getName();
                  pos  = name.find_last_of('.');


                  location.snprintf("http://%.*s", pos,;

                  (void) location.shrink();

                  if (client->connectServer(location) == false ||
                      client->sendRequest(req)        == false)

               (void) file._unlink();


            if (client->isOpen()) client->close();


Beispiel #17
    void run(int argc, char* argv[], char* env[])
        U_TRACE(5, "Application::run(%d,%p,%p)", argc, argv, env)

        UApplication::run(argc, argv, env);

        // manage options

        bool include = false;

        if (UApplication::isOptions())
            cfg_str =  opt['c'];
            upload  =  opt['u'];
            include = (opt['i'] == U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("1"));

        // manage arg operation

        UString url(argv[optind++]);

        // manage file configuration

        if (cfg_str.empty()) cfg_str = U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT(U_SYSCONFDIR "/uclient.cfg");

        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // uclient - configuration parameters
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // ENABLE_IPV6  flag to indicate use of ipv6
        // SERVER       host name or ip address for server
        // PORT         port number for the server
        // RES_TIMEOUT  timeout for response from server
        // LOG_FILE     locations   for file log
        // LOG_FILE_SZ  memory size for file log
        // CERT_FILE    certificate of client
        // KEY_FILE     private key of client
        // PASSWORD     password for private key of client
        // CA_FILE      locations of trusted CA certificates used in the verification
        // CA_PATH      locations of trusted CA certificates used in the verification
        // VERIFY_MODE  mode of verification (SSL_VERIFY_NONE=0, SSL_VERIFY_PEER=1,
        //                                    SSL_VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT=2,
        //                                    SSL_VERIFY_CLIENT_ONCE=4)
        // FOLLOW_REDIRECTS     if yes manage to automatically follow redirects from server
        // USER                 if     manage to follow redirects, in response to a HTTP_UNAUTHORISED response from the HTTP server: user
        // PASSWORD_AUTH        if     manage to follow redirects, in response to a HTTP_UNAUTHORISED response from the HTTP server: password
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


        client = new UHttpClient<USSLSocket>(&cfg);

        user             = cfg[*UServer_Base::str_USER];
        password         = cfg[U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("PASSWORD_AUTH")];
        follow_redirects = cfg.readBoolean(U_STRING_FROM_CONSTANT("FOLLOW_REDIRECTS"));

        client->setRequestPasswordAuthentication(user, password);


        UApplication::exit_value = 1;

        if (upload.empty() == false)
            UFile file(upload);

            if (client->upload(url, file)) UApplication::exit_value = 0;
        else if (client->connectServer(url) &&
            UApplication::exit_value = 0;

        result = (include ? client->getResponse()
                  : client->getContent());

        if (result.empty() == false) std::cout.write(U_STRING_TO_PARAM(result));
Beispiel #18

   if (country_code) U_RETURN(true);


bool UGeoIPPlugIn::checkCountryForbidden()
   U_TRACE_NO_PARAM(0, "UGeoIPPlugIn::checkCountryForbidden()")

   if (UServices::dosMatchWithOR(country_code, 2, U_STRING_TO_PARAM(*country_forbidden_mask), 0))
      U_SRV_LOG("COUNTRY_FORBIDDEN: request from %s denied by access list", country_name);



