Beispiel #1
 * Gets the average distance between current team members, and set the
 *  position of the team to the average position.
 * Stack: *none*.
 * @param script The script engine to operate on.
 * @return The average distance.
uint16 Script_Team_GetAverageDistance(ScriptEngine *script)
	uint16 averageX = 0;
	uint16 averageY = 0;
	uint16 count = 0;
	uint16 distance = 0;
	Team *t;
	PoolFindStruct find;


	t = g_scriptCurrentTeam;

	find.houseID = t->houseID;
	find.index   = 0xFFFF;
	find.type    = 0xFFFF;

	while (true) {
		Unit *u;

		u = Unit_Find(&find);
		if (u == NULL) break;
		if (t->index != u->team - 1) continue;
		averageX += (u->o.position.x >> 8) & 0x3f;
		averageY += (u->o.position.y >> 8) & 0x3f;

	if (count == 0) return 0;
	averageX /= count;
	averageY /= count;

	t->position = Tile_MakeXY(averageX, averageY);

	find.houseID = t->houseID;
	find.index   = 0xFFFF;
	find.type    = 0xFFFF;

	while (true) {
		Unit *u;

		u = Unit_Find(&find);
		if (u == NULL) break;
		if (t->index != u->team - 1) continue;
		distance += Tile_GetDistanceRoundedUp(u->o.position, t->position);

	distance /= count;

	if (t->target == 0 || t->targetTile == 0) return distance;

	if (Tile_GetDistancePacked(Tile_PackXY(averageX, averageY), Tools_Index_GetPackedTile(t->target)) <= 10) t->targetTile = 2;

	return distance;
Beispiel #2
 * Gets the best target for the current team.
 * Stack: *none*.
 * @param script The script engine to operate on.
 * @return The encoded index of the best target or 0 if none found.
uint16 Script_Team_FindBestTarget(ScriptEngine *script)
	Team *t;
	PoolFindStruct find;


	t = g_scriptCurrentTeam;

	find.houseID = t->houseID;
	find.index   = 0xFFFF;
	find.type    = 0xFFFF;

	while (true) {
		Unit *u;
		uint16 target;

		u = Unit_Find(&find);
		if (u == NULL) break;
		if (u->team - 1 != t->index) continue;
		target = Unit_FindBestTargetEncoded(u, t->action == TEAM_ACTION_KAMIKAZE ? 4 : 0);
		if (target == 0) continue;
		if (t->target == target) return target;

		t->target = target;
		t->targetTile = Tile_GetTileInDirectionOf(Tile_PackTile(u->o.position), Tools_Index_GetPackedTile(target));
		return target;

	return 0;
Beispiel #3
 * Unknown function 0788.
 * Stack: *none*.
 * @param script The script engine to operate on.
 * @return The value 0. Always.
uint16 Script_Team_Unknown0788(ScriptEngine *script)
	Team *t;
	tile32 tile;
	PoolFindStruct find;


	t = g_scriptCurrentTeam;
	if (t->target == 0) return 0;

	tile = Tools_Index_GetTile(t->target);

	find.houseID = t->houseID;
	find.index   = 0xFFFF;
	find.type    = 0xFFFF;

	while (true) {
		Unit *u;
		uint16 distance;
		uint16 packed;
		int16 orientation;

		u = Unit_Find(&find);
		if (u == NULL) break;
		if (u->team - 1 != t->index) continue;
		if (t->target == 0) {
			Unit_SetAction(u, ACTION_GUARD);

		distance = g_table_unitInfo[u->o.type].fireDistance << 8;
		if (u->actionID == ACTION_ATTACK && u->targetAttack == t->target) {
			if (u->targetMove != 0) continue;
			if (Tile_GetDistance(u->o.position, tile) >= distance) continue;

		if (u->actionID != ACTION_ATTACK) Unit_SetAction(u, ACTION_ATTACK);

		orientation = (Tile_GetDirection(tile, u->o.position) & 0xC0) + Tools_RandomLCG_Range(0, 127);
		if (orientation < 0) orientation += 256;

		packed = Tile_PackTile(Tile_MoveByDirection(tile, orientation, distance));

		if (Object_GetByPackedTile(packed) == NULL) {
			Unit_SetDestination(u, Tools_Index_Encode(packed, IT_TILE));
		} else {
			Unit_SetDestination(u, Tools_Index_Encode(Tile_PackTile(tile), IT_TILE));

		Unit_SetTarget(u, t->target);

	return 0;
Beispiel #4
 * Tries to add the closest unit to the current team.
 * Stack: *none*.
 * @param script The script engine to operate on.
 * @return The amount of space left in current team.
uint16 Script_Team_AddClosestUnit(ScriptEngine *script)
	Team *t;
	Unit *closest = NULL;
	Unit *closest2 = NULL;
	uint16 minDistance = 0;
	uint16 minDistance2 = 0;
	PoolFindStruct find;


	t = g_scriptCurrentTeam;

	if (t->members >= t->maxMembers) return 0;

	find.houseID = t->houseID;
	find.index   = 0xFFFF;
	find.type    = 0xFFFF;

	while (true) {
		Unit *u;
		Team *t2;
		uint16 distance;

		u = Unit_Find(&find);
		if (u == NULL) break;
		if (!u->o.flags.s.byScenario) continue;
		if (u->o.type == UNIT_SABOTEUR) continue;
		if (g_table_unitInfo[u->o.type].movementType != t->movementType) continue;
		if (u->team == 0) {
			distance = Tile_GetDistance(t->position, u->o.position);
			if (distance >= minDistance && minDistance != 0) continue;
			minDistance = distance;
			closest = u;

		t2 = Team_Get_ByIndex(u->team - 1);
		if (t2->members > t2->minMembers) continue;

		distance = Tile_GetDistance(t->position, u->o.position);
		if (distance >= minDistance2 && minDistance2 != 0) continue;
		minDistance2 = distance;
		closest2 = u;

	if (closest == NULL) closest = closest2;
	if (closest == NULL) return 0;

	return Unit_AddToTeam(closest, t);
Beispiel #5
 * Unknown function 0543.
 * Stack: 1 - A distance.
 * @param script The script engine to operate on.
 * @return The number of moving units.
uint16 Script_Team_Unknown0543(ScriptEngine *script)
	Team *t;
	uint16 count = 0;
	uint16 distance;
	PoolFindStruct find;

	t = g_scriptCurrentTeam;
	distance = STACK_PEEK(1);

	find.houseID = t->houseID;
	find.index   = 0xFFFF;
	find.type    = 0xFFFF;

	while (true) {
		Unit *u;
		tile32 tile;
		uint16 distanceUnitDest;
		uint16 distanceUnitTeam;
		uint16 distanceTeamDest;

		u = Unit_Find(&find);
		if (u == NULL) break;
		if (t->index != u->team - 1) continue;

		tile = Tools_Index_GetTile(u->targetMove);
		distanceUnitTeam = Tile_GetDistanceRoundedUp(u->o.position, t->position);

		if (u->targetMove != 0) {
			distanceUnitDest = Tile_GetDistanceRoundedUp(u->o.position, tile);
			distanceTeamDest = Tile_GetDistanceRoundedUp(t->position, tile);
		} else {
			distanceUnitDest = 64;
			distanceTeamDest = 64;

		if ((distanceUnitDest < distanceTeamDest && (distance + 2) < distanceUnitTeam) || (distanceUnitDest >= distanceTeamDest && distanceUnitTeam > distance)) {
			Unit_SetAction(u, ACTION_MOVE);

			tile = Tile_MoveByRandom(t->position, distance << 4, true);

			Unit_SetDestination(u, Tools_Index_Encode(Tile_PackTile(tile), IT_TILE));

		Unit_SetAction(u, ACTION_GUARD);

	return count;
Beispiel #6
 * Gives a harvester to the given house if it has a refinery and no harvesters.
 * @param houseID The index of the house to give a harvester to.
void House_EnsureHarvesterAvailable(uint8 houseID)
	PoolFindStruct find;
	Structure *s;

	find.houseID = houseID;
	find.type    = 0xFFFF;
	find.index   = 0xFFFF;

	while (true) {
		s = Structure_Find(&find);
		if (s == NULL) break;
		/* ENHANCEMENT -- Dune2 checked the wrong type to skip. LinkedID is a structure for a Construction Yard */
		if (!g_dune2_enhanced && s->o.type == STRUCTURE_HEAVY_VEHICLE) continue;
		if (g_dune2_enhanced && s->o.type == STRUCTURE_CONSTRUCTION_YARD) continue;
		if (s->o.linkedID == UNIT_INVALID) continue;
		if (Unit_Get_ByIndex(s->o.linkedID)->o.type == UNIT_HARVESTER) return;

	find.houseID = houseID;
	find.type    = UNIT_CARRYALL;
	find.index   = 0xFFFF;

	while (true) {
		Unit *u;

		u = Unit_Find(&find);
		if (u == NULL) break;
		if (u->o.linkedID == UNIT_INVALID) continue;
		if (Unit_Get_ByIndex(u->o.linkedID)->o.type == UNIT_HARVESTER) return;

	if (Unit_IsTypeOnMap(houseID, UNIT_HARVESTER)) return;

	find.houseID = houseID;
	find.type    = STRUCTURE_REFINERY;
	find.index   = 0xFFFF;

	s = Structure_Find(&find);
	if (s == NULL) return;

	if (Unit_CreateWrapper(houseID, UNIT_HARVESTER, Tools_Index_Encode(s->o.index, IT_STRUCTURE)) == NULL) return;

	if (houseID != g_playerHouseID) return;

Beispiel #7
 * Find a Unit which is within range and not an ally.
 * Stack: 1 - Range to find a target in (amount of tiles multiplied with 256).
 * @param script The script engine to operate on.
 * @return The Unit Index of the closest unit within range and not friendly,
 *   or 0 if none exists.
uint16 Script_Structure_FindTargetUnit(ScriptEngine *script)
	PoolFindStruct find;
	Structure *s;
	Unit *u;
	uint32 distanceCurrent;
	uint32 targetRange;

	s = g_scriptCurrentStructure;
	targetRange = STACK_PEEK(1);
	distanceCurrent = 32000;
	u = NULL;

	find.houseID = HOUSE_INVALID;
	find.index   = 0xFFFF;
	find.type    = 0xFFFF;

	while (true) {
		uint16 distance;
		Unit *uf;

		uf = Unit_Find(&find);
		if (uf == NULL) break;

		if (House_AreAllied(s->o.houseID, uf->o.houseID)) continue;

		if (uf->o.type != UNIT_ORNITHOPTER) {
			if ((uf->o.seenByHouses & (1 << s->o.houseID)) == 0) continue;

		distance = Tile_GetDistance(uf->o.position, s->o.position);
		if (distance >= distanceCurrent) continue;

		if (uf->o.type == UNIT_ORNITHOPTER) {
			if (distance >= targetRange * 3) continue;
		} else {
			if (distance >= targetRange) continue;

		/* ENHANCEMENT -- The original code swapped the assignment, making it do nothing, Now it finds the closest unit to shoot at, what seems to be the intention */
		if (g_dune2_enhanced) distanceCurrent = distance;
		u = uf;

	if (u == NULL) return IT_NONE;
	return Tools_Index_Encode(u->o.index, IT_UNIT);
Beispiel #8
 * Prepare the map (after loading scenario or savegame). Does some basic
 *  sanity-check and corrects stuff all over the place.
void Game_Prepare(void)
	PoolFindStruct find;
	uint16 oldSelectionType;
	Tile *t;
	int i;


	oldSelectionType = g_selectionType;
	g_selectionType = SELECTIONTYPE_MENTAT;


	t = &g_map[0];
	for (i = 0; i < 64 * 64; i++, t++) {
		Structure *s;
		Unit *u;

		u = Unit_Get_ByPackedTile(i);
		s = Structure_Get_ByPackedTile(i);

		if (u == NULL || !u->o.flags.s.used) t->hasUnit = false;
		if (s == NULL || !s->o.flags.s.used) t->hasStructure = false;
		if (t->isUnveiled) Map_UnveilTile(i, g_playerHouseID);

	find.houseID = HOUSE_INVALID;
	find.index   = 0xFFFF;
	find.type    = 0xFFFF;

	while (true) {
		Unit *u;

		u = Unit_Find(&find);
		if (u == NULL) break;

		if (u->o.flags.s.isNotOnMap) continue;

		Unit_UpdateMap(1, u);

	find.houseID = HOUSE_INVALID;
	find.index   = 0xFFFF;
	find.type    = 0xFFFF;

	while (true) {
		Structure *s;

		s = Structure_Find(&find);
		if (s == NULL) break;
		if (s->o.type == STRUCTURE_SLAB_1x1 || s->o.type == STRUCTURE_SLAB_2x2 || s->o.type == STRUCTURE_WALL) continue;

		if (s->o.flags.s.isNotOnMap) continue;


		if (s->o.type == STRUCTURE_STARPORT && s->o.linkedID != 0xFF) {
			Unit *u = Unit_Get_ByIndex(s->o.linkedID);

			if (!u->o.flags.s.used || !u->o.flags.s.isNotOnMap) {
				s->o.linkedID = 0xFF;
				s->countDown = 0;
			} else {
				Structure_SetState(s, STRUCTURE_STATE_READY);

		Script_Load(&s->o.script, s->o.type);

		if (s->o.type == STRUCTURE_PALACE) {
			House_Get_ByIndex(s->o.houseID)->palacePosition = s->o.position;

		if ((House_Get_ByIndex(s->o.houseID)->palacePosition.x != 0) || (House_Get_ByIndex(s->o.houseID)->palacePosition.y != 0)) continue;
		House_Get_ByIndex(s->o.houseID)->palacePosition = s->o.position;

	find.houseID = HOUSE_INVALID;
	find.index   = 0xFFFF;
	find.type    = 0xFFFF;

	while (true) {
		House *h;

		h = House_Find(&find);
		if (h == NULL) break;

		h->structuresBuilt = Structure_GetStructuresBuilt(h);



	if (g_structureActiveType != 0xFFFF) {
	} else {
		Structure *s = Structure_Get_ByPackedTile(g_selectionPosition);

		if (s != NULL) Map_SetSelectionSize(g_table_structureInfo[s->o.type].layout);


	g_tickHousePowerMaintenance = max(g_timerGame + 70, g_tickHousePowerMaintenance);
	g_viewport_forceRedraw = true;
	g_playerCredits = 0xFFFF;

	g_selectionType = oldSelectionType;
Beispiel #9
 * Redraw parts of the viewport that require redrawing.
 * @param forceRedraw If true, dirty flags are ignored, and everything is drawn.
 * @param arg08 ??
 * @param drawToMainScreen True if and only if we are drawing to the main screen and not some buffer screen.
void GUI_Widget_Viewport_Draw(bool forceRedraw, bool arg08, bool drawToMainScreen)
	static const uint16 values_32A4[8][2] = {
		{0, 0}, {1, 0}, {2, 0}, {3, 0},
		{4, 0}, {3, 1}, {2, 1}, {1, 1}

	uint16 x;
	uint16 y;
	uint16 i;
	uint16 curPos;
	bool updateDisplay;
	Screen oldScreenID;
	uint16 oldValue_07AE_0000;
	int16 minX[10];
	int16 maxX[10];

	PoolFindStruct find;

	updateDisplay = forceRedraw;

	memset(minX, 0xF, sizeof(minX));
	memset(maxX, 0,   sizeof(minX));

	oldScreenID = GFX_Screen_SetActive(SCREEN_1);

	oldValue_07AE_0000 = Widget_SetCurrentWidget(2);

	if (g_dirtyViewportCount != 0 || forceRedraw) {
		for (y = 0; y < 10; y++) {
			uint16 top = (y << 4) + 0x28;
			for (x = 0; x < (drawToMainScreen ? 15 : 16); x++) {
				Tile *t;
				uint16 left;

				curPos = g_viewportPosition + Tile_PackXY(x, y);

				if (x < 15 && !forceRedraw && BitArray_Test(g_dirtyViewport, curPos)) {
					if (maxX[y] < x) maxX[y] = x;
					if (minX[y] > x) minX[y] = x;
					updateDisplay = true;

				if (!BitArray_Test(g_dirtyMinimap, curPos) && !forceRedraw) continue;

				BitArray_Set(g_dirtyViewport, curPos);

				if (x < 15) {
					updateDisplay = true;
					if (maxX[y] < x) maxX[y] = x;
					if (minX[y] > x) minX[y] = x;

				t = &g_map[curPos];
				left = x << 4;

				if (!g_debugScenario && g_veiledSpriteID == t->overlaySpriteID) {
					GUI_DrawFilledRectangle(left, top, left + 15, top + 15, 12);

				GFX_DrawSprite(t->groundSpriteID, left, top, t->houseID);

				if (t->overlaySpriteID == 0 || g_debugScenario) continue;

				GFX_DrawSprite(t->overlaySpriteID, left, top, t->houseID);
		g_dirtyViewportCount = 0;

	find.type    = UNIT_SANDWORM;
	find.index   = 0xFFFF;
	find.houseID = HOUSE_INVALID;

	while (true) {
		Unit *u;
		uint8 *sprite;

		u = Unit_Find(&find);

		if (u == NULL) break;

		if (!u->o.flags.s.isDirty && !forceRedraw) continue;
		u->o.flags.s.isDirty = false;

		if (!g_map[Tile_PackTile(u->o.position)].isUnveiled && !g_debugScenario) continue;

		sprite = GUI_Widget_Viewport_Draw_GetSprite(g_table_unitInfo[u->o.type].groundSpriteID, Unit_GetHouseID(u));

		s_spriteFlags = 0x200;

		if (Map_IsPositionInViewport(u->o.position, &x, &y)) GUI_DrawSprite(g_screenActiveID, sprite, x, y, 2, s_spriteFlags | 0xC000);

		if (Map_IsPositionInViewport(u->targetLast, &x, &y)) GUI_DrawSprite(g_screenActiveID, sprite, x, y, 2, s_spriteFlags | 0xC000);

		if (Map_IsPositionInViewport(u->targetPreLast, &x, &y)) GUI_DrawSprite(g_screenActiveID, sprite, x, y, 2, s_spriteFlags | 0xC000);

		if (u != g_unitSelected) continue;

		if (!Map_IsPositionInViewport(u->o.position, &x, &y)) continue;

		GUI_DrawSprite(g_screenActiveID, g_sprites[6], x, y, 2, 0xC000);

	if (g_unitSelected == NULL && (g_var_3A08 != 0 || arg08) && (Structure_Get_ByPackedTile(g_selectionRectanglePosition) != NULL || g_selectionType == SELECTIONTYPE_PLACE || g_debugScenario)) {
		uint16 x1 = (Tile_GetPackedX(g_selectionRectanglePosition) - Tile_GetPackedX(g_minimapPosition)) << 4;
		uint16 y1 = ((Tile_GetPackedY(g_selectionRectanglePosition) - Tile_GetPackedY(g_minimapPosition)) << 4) + 0x28;
		uint16 x2 = x1 + (g_selectionWidth << 4) - 1;
		uint16 y2 = y1 + (g_selectionHeight << 4) - 1;

		GUI_SetClippingArea(0, 40, 239, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 1);
		GUI_DrawWiredRectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, 0xFF);

		if (g_selectionState == 0 && g_selectionType == SELECTIONTYPE_PLACE) {
			GUI_DrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, 0xFF);
			GUI_DrawLine(x2, y1, x1, y2, 0xFF);

		GUI_SetClippingArea(0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH - 1, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 1);

		g_var_3A08 = 0;

	if (g_dirtyUnitCount != 0 || forceRedraw || updateDisplay) {
		find.type    = 0xFFFF;
		find.index   = 0xFFFF;
		find.houseID = HOUSE_INVALID;

		while (true) {
			Unit *u;
			UnitInfo *ui;
			uint16 packed;
			uint8 orientation;
			uint16 index;

			u = Unit_Find(&find);

			if (u == NULL) break;

			if (u->o.index < 20 || u->o.index > 101) continue;

			packed = Tile_PackTile(u->o.position);

			if ((!u->o.flags.s.isDirty || u->o.flags.s.isNotOnMap) && !forceRedraw && !BitArray_Test(g_dirtyViewport, packed)) continue;
			u->o.flags.s.isDirty = false;

			if (!g_map[packed].isUnveiled && !g_debugScenario) continue;

			ui = &g_table_unitInfo[u->o.type];

			if (!Map_IsPositionInViewport(u->o.position, &x, &y)) continue;

			x += g_table_tilediff[0][u->wobbleIndex].x;
			y += g_table_tilediff[0][u->wobbleIndex].y;

			orientation = Orientation_Orientation256ToOrientation8(u->orientation[0].current);

			if (u->spriteOffset >= 0 || ui->destroyedSpriteID == 0) {
				static const uint16 values_32C4[8][2] = {
					{0, 0}, {1, 0}, {1, 0}, {1, 0},
					{2, 0}, {1, 1}, {1, 1}, {1, 1}

				index = ui->groundSpriteID;

				switch (ui->displayMode) {
						if (ui->movementType == MOVEMENT_SLITHER) break;
						index += values_32A4[orientation][0];
						s_spriteFlags = values_32A4[orientation][1];

						static const uint16 values_334A[4] = {0, 1, 0, 2};

						index += values_32C4[orientation][0] * 3;
						index += values_334A[u->spriteOffset & 3];
						s_spriteFlags = values_32C4[orientation][1];
					} break;

						index += values_32C4[orientation][0] * 4;
						index += u->spriteOffset & 3;
						s_spriteFlags = values_32C4[orientation][1];

						s_spriteFlags = 0;
			} else {
				index = ui->destroyedSpriteID - u->spriteOffset - 1;
				s_spriteFlags = 0;

			if (u->o.type != UNIT_SANDWORM && u->o.flags.s.isHighlighted) s_spriteFlags |= 0x100;
			if (ui->o.flags.blurTile) s_spriteFlags |= 0x200;

			GUI_DrawSprite(g_screenActiveID, GUI_Widget_Viewport_Draw_GetSprite(index, (u->deviated != 0) ? u->deviatedHouse : Unit_GetHouseID(u)), x, y, 2, s_spriteFlags | 0xE000, s_paletteHouse, g_paletteMapping2, 1);

			if (u->o.type == UNIT_HARVESTER && u->actionID == ACTION_HARVEST && u->spriteOffset >= 0 && (u->actionID == ACTION_HARVEST || u->actionID == ACTION_MOVE)) {
				uint16 type = Map_GetLandscapeType(packed);
				if (type == LST_SPICE || type == LST_THICK_SPICE) {
					static const int16 values_334E[8][2] = {
						{0, 7},  {-7,  6}, {-14, 1}, {-9, -6},
						{0, -9}, { 9, -6}, { 14, 1}, { 7,  6}

					GUI_DrawSprite(g_screenActiveID, GUI_Widget_Viewport_Draw_GetSprite((u->spriteOffset % 3) + 0xDF + (values_32A4[orientation][0] * 3), Unit_GetHouseID(u)), x + values_334E[orientation][0], y + values_334E[orientation][1], 2, values_32A4[orientation][1] | 0xC000);

			if (u->spriteOffset >= 0 && ui->turretSpriteID != 0xFFFF) {
				int16 offsetX = 0;
				int16 offsetY = 0;
				uint16 spriteID = ui->turretSpriteID;

				orientation = Orientation_Orientation256ToOrientation8(u->orientation[ui->o.flags.hasTurret ? 1 : 0].current);

				switch (ui->turretSpriteID) {
					case 0x8D: /* sonic tank */
						offsetY = -2;

					case 0x92: /* rocket launcher */
						offsetY = -3;

					case 0x7E: { /* siege tank */
						static const int16 values_336E[8][2] = {
							{ 0, -5}, { 0, -5}, { 2, -3}, { 2, -1},
							{-1, -3}, {-2, -1}, {-2, -3}, {-1, -5}

						offsetX = values_336E[orientation][0];
						offsetY = values_336E[orientation][1];
					} break;

					case 0x88: { /* devastator */
						static const int16 values_338E[8][2] = {
							{ 0, -4}, {-1, -3}, { 2, -4}, {0, -3},
							{-1, -3}, { 0, -3}, {-2, -4}, {1, -3}

						offsetX = values_338E[orientation][0];
						offsetY = values_338E[orientation][1];
					} break;


				s_spriteFlags = values_32A4[orientation][1];
				spriteID += values_32A4[orientation][0];

				GUI_DrawSprite(g_screenActiveID, GUI_Widget_Viewport_Draw_GetSprite(spriteID, Unit_GetHouseID(u)), x + offsetX, y + offsetY, 2, s_spriteFlags | 0xE000, s_paletteHouse);

			if (u->o.flags.s.isSmoking) {
				uint16 spriteID = 180 + (u->spriteOffset & 3);
				if (spriteID == 183) spriteID = 181;

				GUI_DrawSprite(g_screenActiveID, g_sprites[spriteID], x, y - 14, 2, 0xC000);

			if (u != g_unitSelected) continue;

			GUI_DrawSprite(g_screenActiveID, g_sprites[6], x, y, 2, 0xC000);

		g_dirtyUnitCount = 0;

	for (i = 0; i < EXPLOSION_MAX; i++) {
		Explosion *e = Explosion_Get_ByIndex(i);

		curPos = Tile_PackTile(e->position);

		if (BitArray_Test(g_dirtyViewport, curPos)) e->isDirty = true;

		if (e->commands == NULL) continue;
		if (!e->isDirty && !forceRedraw) continue;
		if (e->spriteID == 0) continue;

		e->isDirty = false;

		if (!g_map[curPos].isUnveiled && !g_debugScenario) continue;
		if (!Map_IsPositionInViewport(e->position, &x, &y)) continue;

		s_spriteFlags = 0xC000;

		GUI_DrawSprite(g_screenActiveID, GUI_Widget_Viewport_Draw_GetSprite(e->spriteID, e->houseID), x, y, 2, s_spriteFlags, s_paletteHouse);

	if (g_dirtyAirUnitCount != 0 || forceRedraw || updateDisplay) {
		find.type    = 0xFFFF;
		find.index   = 0xFFFF;
		find.houseID = HOUSE_INVALID;

		while (true) {
			static const uint16 values_32E4[8][2] = {
				{0, 0}, {1, 0}, {2, 0}, {1, 2},
				{0, 2}, {1, 3}, {2, 1}, {1, 1}

			Unit *u;
			UnitInfo *ui;
			uint8 orientation;
			uint8 *sprite;
			uint16 index;

			u = Unit_Find(&find);

			if (u == NULL) break;

			if (u->o.index > 15) continue;

			curPos = Tile_PackTile(u->o.position);

			if ((!u->o.flags.s.isDirty || u->o.flags.s.isNotOnMap) && !forceRedraw && !BitArray_Test(g_dirtyViewport, curPos)) continue;
			u->o.flags.s.isDirty = false;

			if (!g_map[curPos].isUnveiled && !g_debugScenario) continue;

			ui = &g_table_unitInfo[u->o.type];

			if (!Map_IsPositionInViewport(u->o.position, &x, &y)) continue;

			index = ui->groundSpriteID;
			orientation = u->orientation[0].current;
			s_spriteFlags = 0xC000;

			switch (ui->displayMode) {
					if (u->o.flags.s.bulletIsBig) index++;

					orientation = Orientation_Orientation256ToOrientation8(orientation);

					index += values_32E4[orientation][0];
					s_spriteFlags |= values_32E4[orientation][1];

					static const uint16 values_3304[16][2] = {
						{0, 0}, {1, 0}, {2, 0}, {3, 0},
						{4, 0}, {3, 2}, {2, 2}, {1, 2},
						{0, 2}, {3, 3}, {2, 3}, {3, 3},
						{4, 1}, {3, 1}, {2, 1}, {1, 1}

					orientation = Orientation_Orientation256ToOrientation16(orientation);

					index += values_3304[orientation][0];
					s_spriteFlags |= values_3304[orientation][1];
				} break;

					static const uint16 values_33AE[4] = {2, 1, 0, 1};

					orientation = Orientation_Orientation256ToOrientation8(orientation);

					index += (values_32E4[orientation][0] * 3) + values_33AE[u->spriteOffset & 3];
					s_spriteFlags |= values_32E4[orientation][1];
				} break;

					s_spriteFlags = 0x0;

			if (ui->flags.hasAnimationSet && u->o.flags.s.animationFlip) index += 5;
			if (u->o.type == UNIT_CARRYALL && u->o.flags.s.inTransport) index += 3;

			sprite = GUI_Widget_Viewport_Draw_GetSprite(index, Unit_GetHouseID(u));

			if (ui->o.flags.hasShadow) GUI_DrawSprite(g_screenActiveID, sprite, x + 1, y + 3, 2, (s_spriteFlags & 0xDFFF) | 0x300, g_paletteMapping1, 1);

			if (ui->o.flags.blurTile) s_spriteFlags |= 0x200;

			GUI_DrawSprite(g_screenActiveID, sprite, x, y, 2, s_spriteFlags | 0x2000, s_paletteHouse);

		g_dirtyAirUnitCount = 0;

	if (updateDisplay) {
		memset(g_dirtyMinimap,  0, sizeof(g_dirtyMinimap));
		memset(g_dirtyViewport, 0, sizeof(g_dirtyViewport));

	if (g_changedTilesCount != 0) {
		bool init = false;
		bool update = false;
		Screen oldScreenID2 = SCREEN_1;

		for (i = 0; i < g_changedTilesCount; i++) {
			curPos = g_changedTiles[i];
			BitArray_Clear(g_changedTilesMap, curPos);

			if (!init) {
				init = true;

				oldScreenID2 = GFX_Screen_SetActive(SCREEN_1);



			if (!update && BitArray_Test(g_displayedMinimap, curPos)) update = true;

		if (update) Map_UpdateMinimapPosition(g_minimapPosition, true);

		if (init) {
			GUI_Screen_Copy(32, 136, 32, 136, 8, 64, g_screenActiveID, SCREEN_0);



		if (g_changedTilesCount == lengthof(g_changedTiles)) {
			g_changedTilesCount = 0;

			for (i = 0; i < 4096; i++) {
				if (!BitArray_Test(g_changedTilesMap, i)) continue;
				g_changedTiles[g_changedTilesCount++] = i;
				if (g_changedTilesCount == lengthof(g_changedTiles)) break;
		} else {
			g_changedTilesCount = 0;

	if ((g_viewportMessageCounter & 1) != 0 && g_viewportMessageText != NULL && (minX[6] <= 14 || maxX[6] >= 0 || arg08 || forceRedraw)) {
		GUI_DrawText_Wrapper(g_viewportMessageText, 112, 139, 15, 0, 0x132);
		minX[6] = -1;
		maxX[6] = 14;

	if (updateDisplay && !drawToMainScreen) {
		if (g_viewport_fadein) {

			/* ENHANCEMENT -- When fading in the game on start, you don't see the fade as it is against the already drawn screen. */
			if (g_dune2_enhanced) {
				Screen oldScreenID2 = g_screenActiveID;

				GUI_DrawFilledRectangle(g_curWidgetXBase << 3, g_curWidgetYBase, (g_curWidgetXBase + g_curWidgetWidth) << 3, g_curWidgetYBase + g_curWidgetHeight, 0);

			GUI_Screen_FadeIn(g_curWidgetXBase, g_curWidgetYBase, g_curWidgetXBase, g_curWidgetYBase, g_curWidgetWidth, g_curWidgetHeight, g_screenActiveID, SCREEN_0);

			g_viewport_fadein = false;
		} else {
			bool init = false;

			for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
				uint16 width;
				uint16 height;

				if (arg08) {
					minX[i] = 0;
					maxX[i] = 14;

				if (maxX[i] < minX[i]) continue;

				x = minX[i] * 2;
				y = (i << 4) + 0x28;
				width  = (maxX[i] - minX[i] + 1) * 2;
				height = 16;

				if (!init) {

					init = true;

				GUI_Screen_Copy(x, y, x, y, width, height, g_screenActiveID, SCREEN_0);

			if (init) GUI_Mouse_Show_InWidget();


Beispiel #10
 * Save the game to a filename
 * @param fp The filename of the savegame.
 * @param description The description of the savegame.
 * @return True if and only if all bytes were written successful.
bool SaveFile(char *filename, char *description)
	FILE *fp;
	char filenameComplete[1024];
	bool res;

	/* In debug-scenario mode, the whole map is uncovered. Cover it now in
	 *  the savegame based on the current position of the units and
	 *  structures. */
	if (g_debugScenario) {
		PoolFindStruct find;
		uint16 i;

		/* Add fog of war for all tiles on the map */
		for (i = 0; i < 0x1000; i++) {
			Tile *tile = &g_map[i];
			tile->isUnveiled = false;
			tile->overlaySpriteID = g_veiledSpriteID;

		find.houseID = HOUSE_INVALID;
		find.type    = 0xFFFF;
		find.index   = 0xFFFF;

		/* Remove the fog of war for all units */
		while (true) {
			Unit *u;

			u = Unit_Find(&find);
			if (u == NULL) break;


		find.houseID = HOUSE_INVALID;
		find.type    = 0xFFFF;
		find.index   = 0xFFFF;

		/* Remove the fog of war for all structures */
		while (true) {
			Structure *s;

			s = Structure_Find(&find);
			if (s == NULL) break;


	snprintf(filenameComplete, sizeof(filenameComplete), "data/%s", filename);
	fp = fopen(filenameComplete, "wb");
	if (fp == NULL) {
		Error("Failed to open file '%s' for writing.\n", filenameComplete);
		return false;

	res = Save_Main(fp, description);


	if (!res) {
		/* TODO -- Also remove the savegame now */

		Error("Error while writing savegame.\n");
		return false;

	return true;